24th Silent Mentor Workshop 23-28/10/2018
Muhammad Azri Bin Mohamad (MEM140063) I came across this program after being introduced by previous seniors where I will get a hands-on opportunity
to do various kind of procedures on a real patient where sometime we could not have a chance to do. Therefore I am not hesitating in joining this program at all. After gone through this program, I realize how important
it is to be compassionate to our patient. The program has built a good relationship between the participants with the Silent Mentor’s family. This made us to be more caring and more understand about our Silent Mentor therefore we will be very careful
when handling the Silent Mentor as if they are like our own family members. Throughout the program, it taught us to be respectful despite what background the Silent Nentor has gone through. This value is really important for a medical student like us because
if we don’t treat a patient as respectful as how we would treat our family that means we are not compassionate enough to our patient. For our Silent Mentor, I may not know you, as we have never met each other
while you were still alive, but I will never forget the sacrifice and contribution that you have done for us. Your selflessness and passion has taught us about gratitude and humanity. Thank you Mr. Lim for spreading goodness and nobility before, during and
after life. It was priceless. May God grace continue to shine upon your soul. You will always be my special teacher forever. I hope that all my friends had an experience as such because this is really important, as
it was not being taught in the classroom or even from bedside teaching. I feel that it is a privilege for medical students of University Malaya to get an opportunity like this and everyone should participate whenever if they got chance to do so.
Law Xing Yu 刘汛愉 (MEM140046) 春蚕一生没说过自负的话,那吐出的银丝是丈量生命价值的尺。无语良师不曾言语,可那从未开口的爱,是生命价值的升华。在生命的有限期间,您我不曾相遇,此刻的您,安祥沉睡,可您的爱跨越时空,刻在我心灵,不朽。您以生命的终点,成全我学习的起点,那是一场无需言语的心灵结合。那一瞬的千刀万刀,那一生的无怨无悔,医学的殿堂,祭奠着您逝去的青春。每日的晨洗,那一分钟的宁静,那一分钟的沉思,是一生的心灵洗涤。没有什么华丽的言语,没有什么豪言话语,您的无私奉献,使善永存,在我心中留下一道永恒的记忆。感恩有您,无语良师。
~生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美~ Nur Haziera Binti Abdul Ghani (MEM140084) I knew about Silent Mentor Program since I was in second year as a medical student but during that time, I am not really
interested to join it as I heard how busy it would be with the packed schedule throughout the one week. I have to really give my full commitment during the programme. I hesitated a lot to join it. However, I also heard that those who joined before get to learn
a lot of things. As I am already a fifth year medical student, I thought when would I be able to have the chance to join Silent Mentor Program if not now. So, that is how I enrolled myself into this program. Honestly
at first, I joined this with the thoughts that I want to practice the procedures that we have been taught as a student. That was all in my mind. I never expected myself to actually know about the patient. We actually went for a home visit to see the relatives
and knew about our Silent Mentor’s lives. Where’s he from? What he worked as before? How’s his personality? What condition he had until the very last moment of his life. Although there’s a language barrier between me and the relatives,
I could still able to understand as my teammates diligently translated those stories to me. Throughout the workshop, I kept wondering how and why someone would sacrifice their bodies for us; the medical students and
other medical practitioners. I still remembered one sentence beautifully said by one of the Silent Mentors; ‘I don’t care if they did 100 incisions on my body as long as they do not cut their future patients wrongly’. I don’t remember
the exact sentence but somehow that is how it sounds. Truthfully, I myself do not really believe in me, whether I would be a good doctor or not. But these Silent Mentors; a complete stranger to me, believed and sacrificed themselves so that I would not do
harm to my future patients. I really respect them a lot and am really grateful for their sacrifices. From this program, I am not only able to practice my medical knowledge but also revisit my true intention of why
I want to be a doctor. A doctor is not just treating the disease, but the most important thing is treating the patient. If other people can believe in me why can’t I? Muhammad Naqiuddin Bin Tawang (MEM140066)
Silent Mentor is really a life changing experience for all medical students. This program gave me a bigger of what life really meant. Initially, I thought this is just a medium for us to practice our skills, but after 7 meaningful
days, I learnt to be more caring towards everyone especially our mentor, Mr Lim Thian Sang. I learnt to give full commitments and never give up on helping people. Every stitches and cut made were full of respect. I believe this is a stepping stone to shape
me becoming a passionate doctor in the future. Thank you my Silent Mentor. My memory of you shall never fade. May you rest in peace. Beh Keng Hau (MEM140017) It was a privilege to be
able to practice procedures on relatively fresh cadavers. I inserted chest tube, endotracheal tube, central venous line, pins, etc on human bodies. This experience was beneficial because it allowed me to learn essential procedural skills in a comfortable manners
while most of the healthcare practitioners actually do their very first time on a real patient thus subject to higher stress level and risk of potential complications. Besides, the cadavers were treated with dignity.
They were addressed as Silent Mentors. Home visit and interviewing family members were done in order to understand the background of Silent Mentors and perceive them as persons and teachers. I was taught to handle my Silent Mentor gently, cleaned his body
every morning and made sure all incisions were sutured at the end of the day. Humanity was stressed throughout the program. Family members gave feedbacks to participants. I observed the whole process of Silent Mentor from being frozen, thawed and preserved,
till coffined and sent off to memorial park. I observed how the families react when seeing their loves ones for the last time. Their tears and sacrifices were so real and touching. Medicine is not merely a science.
It is an art of humanity and relationship with patients and his family. Professional knowledge is supposed to be used for goodness rather than profit gain. Thank you, my dearest teacher, who taught me skills in silence and demonstrated how selfless and courageous
a person can be. Wan Nur Amani Binti Wan Hussin (MEM140114) Before the event, I expected this program is a good platform for the students to do the hands-on
activities and to apply the theoretical knowledge. The program is well-organised especially when it comes about timing. After the program, I realised to be a good doctor is not only about your knowledge and the skills you have. The silent mentors has taught
us about selflessness, sacrifice, empathy and respect towards the patients. Before this, I only knew definition of empathy, but now I know how to feel it. To know and to feel are two different things. Thank you to all the silent mentors for the lesson they
have taught us in their silence. Fairuza Nur Syahira Binti Md Idris (MEM140029) Silent Mentor Program is a program where you learn not only about academic stuffs but humanity as well.
Our Silent Mentor who’s willing to pledge to be used for medical teaching and research purposes is something that not everyone will do it. Their selflessness, love and compassion towards medical teaching and researches would be the things that I valued
for the rest of my life. My expectation for this program before I joined was just to learn about medical stuffs such as suturing but what I got after this program was definitely more than that. Besides the medical stuffs that I learned during that program
such as appendisectomy, laparotomy and a few orthopedic surgical procedures, at the same time I also learned about team work. The experience in this program has been an eye-opener to me. I find it as challenging as it is rewarding. It has indeed been a very
fruitful experience. Jesse Perrin Jenarun (MEM140041) In medicine, your best teachers are not your books, lectures or discussions. Your best teachers are your patients. Your patients
provide you with experience and the means to be more confident in performing many clinical procedures and making diagnoses. For a patient to become a Silent Mentor is such a selfless, kind and brave sacrifice that is truly admirable. Therefore, I cannot express
enough how grateful I am towards the sacrifice of my Silent Mentor in giving me this golden opportunity to learn the ropes through the Silent Mentor Program. In the span of just a few days, I have learned so much from my Silent Mentor. I was able to perfect
my skills in multiple procedures which otherwise I would be too scared to learn in the real hospital setting. I was thought to be more sympathetic in interacting with my patients and was reminded of how precious life is and how critical of a role doctors play
in comforting the patients. And I learned that death is inevitable, time is limited, and so we must always spread joy and kindness to others every day in the way we live as that is what makes life worth living. At the end of everything, hold on to anything.
Cheong Jun Leong 张俊良 (MEM140019) 无语良师工作坊过去了,可是这几天的回忆还不断地在我脑海里徘徊。我很感恩能够参与在其中,因为能够亲自的在真人身上动刀,真的让我获益良多。 记得有个无语良师在生前说了:尽量在我的身上动千千万万的刀,不用害怕犯错,因为我不会痛,也不会痒;但是却不要在病人身上动错一刀。
我很感动,因为他们的奉献,让平时没机会实习的我们有了个实践的机会。我们也向他们保证将来一定要做个有医德的好医生。 感恩!永远的大体老师! Nurul Husna Bt Azizan (MEM140092) I had
been introduced to Silent Mentor since my first year of medical school. As recommended by my senior and my fellow colleagues, I joined the Silent Mentor workshop. The 1 week duration of Silent Mentor opened my eyes on Silent Mentor Program. Apart from practicing
my skills on chest tube insertion, intubation, suturing skills and surgery skills, I also learned the definition of humanity. A good doctor needs skills, respects and humbleness. Throughout the sessions, we were required to clean the body, silent praying and
treat the body with respect. It instilled a sense of love and respect in me. To my dearest mentor, Miss Fung Yim Har, you are truly a hero. Your silence speaks louder than words. Thank you for everything and may you rest in peace, teacher.
Tung Yu Zhen (MEM140111) Being chosen for this Silent Mentor Program was one privilege given to me that I treasure the most. What I knew from my friends who had gone through the programme was that participants
would be able to hone their surgical skills. I am not someone who loves Surgery in particular, but I do have interest in learning those skills for future use. Well, I am glad that I gained more than these after the program. Cleansing my mentor’s body
every morning allowed me to look at her more clearly every day, realizing that she had given her trust for us medical students to practise our medical skills, not knowing whom will she be sent to. Questions sprang into my mind whenever a procedure was done
on her, asking myself if I would be a better person in dealing with live patients next time when I have already seen what was done on her. Her silence too, made me questioned if I have led a meaningful life, and that I should treasure the little things that
are worth to be grateful for in this impermanent world. This program is definitely an exposure beyond Medicine, it teaches you how to be human. Chien Kah Kah 陈佳佳 (MEM140129)
您冰冷的身躯充斥着满腔热血, 您无限的信任和包容激励着我, 您无声的爱深深的刻印在我心里, 您无私的奉献使我坚定人生目标, 您最后的嘱咐在我脑海里挥之不去, 一遍又一遍的在提醒着我将来要做一名良医。
死亡,是无法避免的,但生命戛然而止的那一刻真的就是永别了吗? 感谢您,让我从您的无私大爱中认识了“生命”的另一种意义。 虽然您离开了,但您的生命依旧延续,您将永远地活在我们心里。 但愿将来我们能不负所托,尽力的服务于大众,奉献于社会。
Abdul Kadir Shah (MEM140003) Silent Mentor Program had bring a lots of emotion into me, Not only the training workshop but the whole ceremony. I
really appreciate how generous is the people out there. They are truly the heroes of our nation - because of them, we are able to produce better doctors. I really learn a lot of new skills and procedures. I would say
Silent Mentor has change my way of thinking towards people. Even they are no more living, but I was taught to treat them as a human. Turn a loss into a gift. Ummi Syahiirah Binti Damanhuri (MEM140112) 1 week had passed and the Silent Mentor Program had officially ended. I'm glad that I decided to join this program. This program had brought to me new insight, knowledge and friends. Thank you, Silent Mentor Madam Soo for your act of selflessness
that make this program and my learning possible. Every day when I met you, I am grateful to you. You might be silent but you communicate and convey many messages with your body. Thank you for your noble act before and after your passing. May God bless you,
my mentor. Nurhanida Azera Binti Shahidan (MEM140090) Before starting the program, I expect to learn a lot in term of surgical skills. My expectation was just to improve my knowledge
and skills. However, when the program started, I feel like this workshop not only help us improving our education and skills, but teach us empathy and humanity as well. What impressed me the most was the way we were taught to respect our Silent Mentor. We
visited her family, asked about her life story. We clean her every day, learn from her body and clean her again. We took a good care of our mentor, respect her family, managed her until the coffining session. Something that I’ve never experienced before.
It was really an eye-opener for me. To see how the family members really love our mentor, and accepted her decision to donate her body for learning purpose. I really feel grateful this workshop taught me about humanity. I really treasure my mentor message,
to be a good doctor, not a famous doctor. Her words: ‘it is better for her body to experience 100 cuts rather than to have a living patient being wrongfully cut’ was really amazing. I am proud to have her as my mentor. I learned a lot from her.
I cherish this experience and hopefully I could use this experience later in future and keep this empathy feeling and become more understanding in managing patients. Nur Aisyah Zainal (MEM140080) Silent Mentor is a very good platform for you to learn not only about medical knowledge, but you also learn about empathy, selflessness and also team work. It is not easy to give a full commitment for this workshop despite our busy schedule. Having
in mind about my mentor's sacrifice and selflessness, I was able to give my all for this workshop. The schedule for the home visit and the workshop was planned to make it easy for us, UM student and other universities to attend this workshop. I'll never forget
the experience and memories from this program. Thank you Madam Soo for giving me this opportunity. May your soul rest in peace. Kuan Szee Ling 关诗鈴 (MEM140045)
在墓园,从阳光普照,转而倾盆大雨,再雨过天晴。这短短五分钟里,天气的转变,难道是连上天都被这无私的大爱给感动了?这一星期的课程,就在大雨的洗礼后正式告一段落,但这宝贵的体验将永远伴随着我们。 生老病死是每个人必经之路。去世后遗爱人间,又有多少个人能做得到? 无私的大爱是不求回报,不分种族,不分你我地在为有需要的人付出。大体老师的捨身大爱将永远烙印在我们内心的深处。
您,让我们领悟到视病入亲,将心比心的理念。您,让我们学会用耐心,慈悲心,同理心去对待每一位病人。“沉默是最好的良师”。您,无言身教,庄严神圣的奉献,是我们最好的老师。 感谢您,无语良师们。 Noor Nadia Binti Sarbini (MEM140078)
Million thanks for Silent mentors for letting us learned precious knowledge from you. Even though you remain silent throughout the sessions, your body and soul speaks the loudest. Your willingness to let us cut you thousand
times and not letting us to cut wrongfully on a live patient will forever engrave in my heart. Thanks to the Silent Mentor community for giving me chance to be a part of this wonderful journey and thank you for your
hard work. Words cannot describe how grateful I am to be able to say “been there, done that” to the upcoming participants. Farah Alia Binti Abdul Rahman (MEM140030) “Sometimes,
you do not have to be a doctor to save life, you just need one big heart”. All our Silent Mentors may have left the world months ago but these people have pledged their bodies for the advancement of the medical sciences. Their gracious efforts and
tremendous inspirations will never be forgotten. They truly possess wisdom and know how to create blessings for our society. These body donors show us what true wisdom is and have given their own lives everlasting meaning and value. They are
our eternal teachers and the real heroes. They are amazingly great mentors and they will be greatly missed. Afiq Amani Bin Saat (MEM140007) First and foremost, I am thankful beyond words
for the opportunity to express my utmost gratitude for the privilege of learning from all my dear Silent Mentors. I recognize that each mentor represents a loss; the loss of a husband, a wife, a brother, a sister, a friend but each of these mentors represents
more than a loss. For me as a medical student, they are all representing a beginning. I spent hours learning from all my mentors to overcome my hesitation and anxiousness in making the cuts. I can tell you that I am getting better each time I learn from them.
This experience with them had served me the very first steps in the long path towards my dream of helping others. But most importantly, they taught me the value of education, and that the human spirit and generosity knows no bounds. They’ve taught me
about selflessness and altruism. Believing in me to learn all that I can from them. Faith that they can instill in me the key components of being a good doctor; empathy, respect, and compassion. I couldn’t learn these traits by reading the textbooks,
or sitting through lectures. They are only taught to me through the silent words of all my dear mentors. Last but not least, to all my dear mentors, your selfless act has given me the opportunity to learn more than I ever could from a textbook. Though
I will never be able to say “thank you” in person, I hope you know how truly grateful I am for this gift. You are my greatest hero and eternal teacher. May you rest in peace. Nur Faizah Binti Mohamad Rahim (MEM140083)
Initially, I was quite nervous and anxiety about what to expect and what should I gain from this program. To be frank, I am a person who has a low confidence when doing any procedures to the patients as I am scared that I will
cause pain to them and subsequently refused any further evaluation and treatment. However, after underwent this hectic week, it just not that I was able to improve my clinical skills but indirectly, abled to be a much more empathic person even though towards
a ‘silent’ patients. As we shared the mentors among group members who consist of medical students and/or graduated doctors from various medical schools, I was able to develop my social skills in dealing and communicate with other individuals with
different views and attitudes. I could see that actually I am able to manage my time properly despite how busy I was. I am very grateful to have this opportunity. Dear Ms. Chan Li Lan, our great mentor, thousand thanks
for your contributions, sacrifices and endless love for being our teacher. We hope we can fulfill your wish to see us to be a good doctor, who always provides the best for the patients. May your kindness will be absorbed to all of us. Thank you to family members
for trusting us in managing your loved ones. Ms. Chan and family, you will always have special place in my heart. THANK YOU! Ahmad Asyraf Bin Azman (MEM140008) Dear Ms. Chan, thank you
for your contribution to be our Silent Mentor for this wonderful program. This program is one of the most memorable things throughout my medical school. It is indeed an eye opening experience for us especially as we had an opportunity to see so much hands-on
procedures or surgical techniques performed by our medical doctors and surgeons. This is essential for us as most of this experience and lessons that we can’t get from our classroom. On top of this, I’m very blessed as we had a great and really
supportive teammate. Lastly, I would like to thank the organizing committee for continuing this great event. Having a chance to participate in this program really taught me a lot of things, the knowledge, soft skills, empathy, caring, kindness which are important
to be equipped in all of us in order to make sure that we can be a good and passionate doctors in future. Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart, thank you my Silent Mentor Ms. Chan, you will always own a special space in my heart, may your soul rest
in peace. Lisa Kennedy Nik (MEM140051) If being silent is an art, Mr. Liew will be the Picasso of it. He is the best; the best there is, the best there was
and possibly the best teacher I ever had in my entire life. Thank you Mr. Liew for your selfless contribution and dedication in this program. You’re not only giving us the opportunity to experience and improve our surgical skill but you taught us one
important lesson that we will never learn from anywhere else, but only you-humanity and empathy. You may leave the world but your silence leave the legacy behind. “Death is the last chapter in time, but the first
chapter in eternity.” I would like to sincerely thank late Mr. Liew’s family for their support and time. They are the unsung hero throughout this journey. It wouldn’t be a goodbye without tears and it wouldn’t be a beautiful journey
without family. I thank God for sending me guardian angels in the form of late Mr. Liew’s family. 24th Silent Mentor Program may be ended but the memories (happiness, tiredness and sadness) will be
staying in my heart forever. Few years from now, I will definitely reminiscing all the good memories and experiences I had with my fellow colleague, new friends from other university and of course, with all the Silent Mentors. In the clouds, I’ll meet
you again. Thank you and may your soul rest in peace, Mr. Liew.
Siti Sarah Johan (MEM140103) I think the Silent Mentor Program is a wonderful program and definitely a memorable one too. There were plenty of opportunities to practise and learn. Tutors and lecturers
were also very kind and great. I do wish that there could be more procedures perhaps. Agnes Ng Yew Chien (MEM140125) 至圣先师孔子曾说:“未知生,焉知死?”。只有了解生命,将生命看得够透彻了,才能领悟到死亡。但有这么一群人,反而从“死”看清了“生”,在接纳死亡后,更懂得“生”的意义。
感恩刘老师无私的奉献自己成就了我们这群医学生,化无用为大用。 谢谢您让我在您身上学到许多课本上学不到的知识, 在您身上的 每一针,每一线, 每一刀都是老师的教诲。 谢谢您让我看见您的生命故事,让我看见了无私,让我理解无语。 虽然我们从未交谈过,也不曾言语,但您的无私,您的大爱,我将铭记于心。 感恩在我的人生里能够遇见你,是您让我相信这世间还有一种爱叫无语良师无私的大爱。 无语良师们,衷心感谢您。 Mohamad Jabbar Bin Abdul Rahman (MEM130090)
I had participated in 24th Silent Mentor Workshop which has given me priceless knowledge, lessons, values and precious experience about medical knowledge, love, respect, sacrifice and the best is humanity. To be honest, it actually taught me about selfless sacrifice (empathy and humanity) more than medical knowledge. Being able to know these selfless Silent Mentors personally made me reflect on myself regarding the extent of kindness that a human being
can possibly offer to the world. Emotionally, I couldn’t stop myself from remembering my late father throughout the workshop. I actually put myself in the family members’ shoes by recalling the memories of losing
my late father due to MVA. Psychologically, to be honest I did dream about the Silent Mentors for a few nights because I felt their sacrifice is too selfless and sacred for a human being. However, it didn’t cause
me any harm albeit emotionally or psychologically. Melvin Isaac A/L Sasuraja (MEM140053) It has been a great and memorable experience to be a part of the Silent Mentor Program. This
program has taught me that a person's worth does not stop with death. My Silent Mentor has showed that even after the passing of someone, our body can be used for the benefit of the public. I learned the value of life and I thank my mentor for this opportunity.
He will be always remembered. Ong Xin Kai (MEM140094) No amount of words is enough to show our gratitude towards my Silent Mentor. His selflessness and willingness to allow medical students
to practice their surgical skills on are truly beyond what the current society can accept. It is my greatest privilege to learn from you and I will impart the skills I learn to the best I can as my form of respect to you. Thank you. Chiew Shun Hong (IMU_24491) The Silent Mentor Program has given me a chance to reconnect with my motivation and drive to read medicine. I am reminded yet again that I chose this path
not for my own gain nor glory, but to be there to lend a helping hand. To offer a shoulder to cry on. To give some form of comfort to those who are at their most vulnerable point in life. Yes, that is what I strive for and strive to be! A compassionate, empathetic
and competent doctor who will be able to treat the patient as a whole and not just the illness. The most memorable part of the program for me would be the gratitude ceremony. Just like many others, I was moved to tears
particularly during the Silent Mentor’s last message. Even though she was assuring the students to not worry about her as we practice on her offered body. I could hear her voice crack and waver as she still tried to reassure us and convey the importance
of not hesitating when learning from her. It really struck a chord with me. Would I ever dare to be that selfless? Can I be that brave? I believe that I will take my first steps in the direction of greatly improving my work ethic after the program. And I owe
it all to the Silent Mentors and the organizers! So sincerely, thank you all once again. Joel John Chai Chang Hao (IMU_19212) As a medical student, what we have always wanted
to achieve was to be good doctors and save lives in the future. Joining this workshop has truly been an amazing eye opener for me. From working at odd hours of the day to being able to perform medical procedures to our mentor, I must say that I have truly
learned a great deal throughout this workshop. Teamwork, patience and dedication are all the qualities that I realise I have to one day hone after joining this workshop. I am very thankful to have been able to join
and I would like to thank the mentors, the volunteers, the doctors, and everyone else for making this workshop happen. I look forward to more opportunities as such. Chong Zi Ching Sharon 張芷晴 (IMU_10614)
我和您非亲非故,不曾认识不曾交谈 可隔着天地之间,存着一段师徒之情 您给予极高权利,让我在您宝贵身躯 任意我千刀万剁,感激的心无从说起 诺您定竭尽所能,回馈社会成为良医 谢谢您, 让我有认识您的机会 与您家人交谈的时光, 拥有拥抱他们的时刻, 为您哀悼流泪的瞬间, 安心送你最后一程的勇气。 Ong Yee Chiing 王玉瑾 (IMU-ME0213033131) 一转眼,长达七天的无语良师工作坊已到达了尾声。在这短短的七天里,我获益良多。我不止学到了很多关于医学的知识与实践机会,还收获了在课本里永远都学不到的付出,贡献与大爱精神。不仅如此,我还找回了当初那份为我的病人服务的初衷与使命,也收获了在我进入医院工作前的那份信心。
至敬爱的无语老师们: 感谢您,愿意信任我们,把最珍贵的大体奉献给我们学习。 感谢您,用无声的教诲,让我们学会了最珍贵的无私付出与大爱精神。 千言万语尽在不言中,感恩感谢老师们的教诲。您们的教诲,我会铭记于心。“勿忘初衷,方得始终”。“不要当一名名师,要当一名良师”
Mohammed Ezra Nilam Buckman (IMU_24561) Joining the Silent Mentor Program was an easy decision for me when I read up about it. Walking into the program, I was nervous at first and expected
to learn a lot. However, after the program was done, I felt like I learnt way more than what I first thought I would. It helped me understand and cement what I want to do in the future. On a purely emotional view of the program, seeing my Silent Mentor with
sutures all over her body made me really understand the immense sacrifice that not only the silent mentor, but the family also go through to see their loved ones being cut up by a bunch of strangers. To understand this and still volunteer to donate astounds
me. Lim Loo Hong (IMU_ME0213033092) 2018 年9月8 日,我到您家拜访,从您的家人口中得知您生前留下的点点滴滴。 2018年10月21日,你我初次相遇。虽然遇见的只有您的空壳大体,我对您的了解不过是人言口中对您的认识,但心中还是对您捐赠大体的志愿感激不尽。
直到亲眼目睹影视中的您对我们医学生的遗言,我方才真正的感受到您对于医学生的寄望那么的深厚。自您认知《无语良师》计划,您便二话不说、立马当下决定捐赠大体。您曾说过:“不怕在我身上开错百刀,就怕在病人身上开错一刀”。您伟大的奉献精神,不但让我们医学系生可以更好的探索人体,磨练更好的医学技术;您的意愿更是让我崇敬。 感谢您无私的奉献,苏金梅老师、冯艳霞老师、刘汉强老师、林天送老师以及曾丽兰老师。即使您的灵魂虽已离世了但您的精神、您的意愿将永于我心。同时我也感谢热心的高级医生耐心地传授医学知识与指导着我们;亦感谢《无语良师》计划的志愿者所提供的辅助。《无语良师》计划使我受益良多,言语无法表达我对您的谢意,就让我以行动作为表态,我必定竭尽所能更好地服务大众。
Phyllis Yong Meng Yee (IMU_ME0213032928) I have always wondered what inspired people or anyone to be a Silent Mentor, well before I was even involved in this program. This is nonetheless
a huge decision for our Silent Mentors. What had motivated them to come to such a decision? After spending a short but fulfilling time with my Silent Mentor, Madam Soo Kim Mooi, I have a glimpse and only a glimpse
of her selfless love. This is only then I understand her decision, not only Madam Soo, but all Silent Mentors’ decisions. It is their unrelenting and undying love for the world that has allowed them to donate their bodies after death. They wanted to
contribute to the society, especially the medical field, even after they have breathed their last breath. Their altruism has left me ponder and reflect on myself. I shamefully must admit that my emotions towards death
are somehow not as strong as I have started my medical journey 5 years ago. I kept myself checked so that I will never get too emotional or too involved with my patients. This was mainly because I wanted to protect myself. How
shameful am I as compared to my Silent mentor? I have felt their utmost love and faith towards us. We are not related in any ways but they willingly entrust their bodies to us. Looking at each Silent Mentors’ life stories and expectations, I have realized
that each of them are not just only a Silent Mentor. They are someone with stories. They have undeniably given me a precious lesson. Living is not just about ourselves, we should think of others as well. I think through
this program, I picked up my somehow-lost-along-the-journey emotions and empathy. The most valuable lesson for me to remember is how to treat everybody equally and that we should make effort to understand them more. Madam
Soo is not the only person who have inspired me. Her supportive family members are definitely a major factor of why this program is a success. They respected Madam Soo’s decisions and supported her. The families broke through the norm. They have suffered
long periods of grief, while waiting patiently for the funeral since my mentor’s death. Last but not the least, here’s a quote for my mentor: “A truly great mentor is hard to find, difficult to part
with and impossible to forget.” You will always be remembered, Madam Soo Kim Mooi. May you rest in peace. Edwin Sam Keat Song (IMU_ME0213033251) It
is the greatest privilege given to me throughout my years as a medical student to be able to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. It is a program in which the lessons taught will never be found in any form of textbook, lectures, etc. The agendas in the
program itself are unique and original where one can only experience it through the program. I am impressed by the level of professionalism the organizers have for being able to carry out this program while maintaining the Silent Mentors’ dignity. Prior
to commencement of the program, the Silent Mentors were treated with the utmost respect with ceremonies, and moments of silence and prayers given to them prior to every single teaching session. This constantly reminds me that although the Silent Mentors are
silent, I am still obliged to still treat them as a real living patient. As I undergo the program, my heart was deeply touched and at the same time inspired by these Silent Mentors and the feeling exponentiated towards
the end. I was almost overwhelmed with tears of gratitude at the closing ceremony. My Silent Mentor taught me not only about the fundamentals of medicine, but also humanity. She allowed us to practice all the techniques on her until perfection, so that it
would benefit patients in the future. Dear Ms. Chan, I am deeply grateful to you and your family, and not a single word in the vocabulary will be able to express how grateful I am. Your teachings will be forever in
my mind. I will promise to be a doctor as selfless as you were and as your final wish, a caring doctor. You reminded me of the saying, “to treat often, to cure sometimes, and to comfort always.” Deepak
Chopra once said that “Silence is the greatest teacher…” You are indeed my greatest mentor. Thank you, Ms. Chan. Annabelle Yam Zhao Qing (IMU_ME0813033532) The
Silent Mentor Program is most likely a once in a life time experience, and indeed second to none. It definitely differed from what I’ve been taught in the ward throughout clinical years, as this involved a literal sacrifice of not only the Silent Mentor’s
body, but also the family’s need for closure for the passing of their loved one. This period of grieving for them has been extended willingly yet painfully for us. Ms. Chan, thank you for allowing us for showing
a part of yourself that only a selected few get to see – in your must vulnerable and silent state. I’ll remember you for a long time. Samuel Wong Tian Ci (IMU_ME0813033693) “You
can perform 1000 mistakes on my body, but don’t make 1 mistake on a living patient.” These words were echoed on the first day of the Silent Mentor Program, little did I know it will carry on echoing throughout
the week long program and probably now my whole medical career. I admit initially that I looked forward to this program because of the prospects of being able to perform “practical” procedures and work
on a cadaver, but little did I expect was how much it also focused on the humanity side of medicine. But like Jesus in the bible who said that greatest love is this when one lays down their lives for one’s friends, this was emulated by Ms. Chan Li Lan
who graciously gave up her body for literally strangers in the name of medicine and research. The workshops were conducted with professionalism by the respectful doctors, morning cleansing and closing rituals were
done with much care and learning alongside like-minded colleagues with passion made the Silent Mentor week a milestone in my journey of being a medical practitioner. I believe this was a special experience that I was blessed with and will not be able to come
across again. Thus may I not waste the efforts of the organizing team, the doctors and also my Silent Mentor herself. And may I strive diligently to fulfill the wishes of my Silent Mentor which is to not be a popular
or prosperous doctor but one that is good and caring especially to my patients. Aravinthan Kadravello (IMU_10037) A truly great mentor is hard to find, difficult
to part with and impossible to forget. During the one week of the 24th Silent Mentor Workshop, I managed to learn various surgical techniques that tremendously improved my understanding of basic surgical procedures and human anatomy. By practicing my basic
suturing skills on our Silent Mentors, I was also able to understand the challenges faced when suturing on human skin which is very different from synthetic skin pads. I will definitely remember the procedures and techniques I have learned during this workshop
throughout my medical career. Learning surgical skills wasn’t just the only reason I joined this workshop. I wanted to learn how to be more humane and I can gladly say I have at least learned to be more appreciative
towards my patients and their families thanks to this program. Every day when I clean my Silent Mentor, I notice more incisions and sutures on his body. I feel really bad for him but I had to remind myself it is for a noble cause and he wants us to learn from
his body. Every time I did a procedure on him, my first thought was do not cause further harm than necessary. This is the same mindset that I will be applying to my patients in the future. On the final day of the workshop was perhaps the most emotional of
all for me. It was not easy to see the families having to part ways from our Silent Mentors and what’s worse is that they couldn’t see the Silent Mentors’ faces before the cremation. It has taught me to be more appreciative towards my own
family and the people around me. Lastly, I have gained quite a number of friends through this program which I will definitely come across in the future. I would like to thank the Silent Mentor team, my colleagues,
our tutors and lastly my Silent Mentor volunteering to give his body for our learning. May his soul rest in peace. Teoh Jiexi 张絜晰 (Monash_28400755) 視覺:您出現在我們面前。合著的雙眼,交叉的雙手,挺直的雙腿,無一不述說著無聲的威嚴。
觸覺:扶著您稀虛的頭驅,慢慢削過緻幼的髮絲。我很榮幸,這一刻可以為您做一點什麼,即使看起來那麼微不足道,可每一個悉心的觸碰,無疑透露了我內心的澎湃。 嗅覺:當身體與生命一分為二,軀體漸漸腐蝕,濃濃的味道侵入鼻腔,提醒著我,那位已經踏上人生另一段旅程的您,正充滿希望地看著我們,傳達您對我們最後的叮屬。 聽覺:家屬悲痛的泣聲,伴著深深的不捨,及我們默默的哀悼。別離,是有點難捨,但不是悵然;是有點遺憾,但不悲觀。
味覺:有什麼東西,滑過我的臉頰,透過唇瓣,進入口腔。鹹的。我嚐著舌尖消縱即逝的液體,卻不敢,也不想它停止。感覺每一個圓鼓鼓的晶瑩,是那麼真誠地在向您致敬。 哺育學子慈祥心,師恩難忘刻骨銘。感恩有您,讓我重新認識自己,憶初心。 Teh Nian Xin (Monash_28218345)
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward Thank you, all of my Silent
Mentors, for inspiring me, for your selfless sacrifice, I couldn’t imagine, how hard it is to make the final decision, to put your family members through months of grief and bereavement, to let others cut and fracture your body, and finally register
yourselves for it, if not for you, I wouldn’t become what I am today. Frankly speaking, the week in silent mentor drained every ounce of energy left in me, going through restless sleeps as I have to study for
my upcoming finals, but, believe me, all of it was WORTH it, doing procedures that even houseman wouldn’t have the chance to try, grasping the true meaning of humanity, I didn’t regret the slightest. Thank you
to the team who organized the Silent Mentor Program, you have my thumbs up for making it such a meaningful one. Yii Jia Jia 余圣佳 (Monash_27998444) 第24届无语良师工作坊告一段落了。我们敬爱的大体老师们也终于可以安息了。回过头来看,从认识您,向您学习,到最后帮你入殓总觉得时间过得好快。老师,您真的离开我们了。这个心情是复杂的,即欣慰又不舍,即感恩又愧疚。欣慰老师您安息了,不舍老师您走了。感恩老师您的教导,愧疚对老师您我们做的还不够。但是,后知后觉的我发现,我早已在不知不觉中成为了老师您的家人。 老师,谢谢您教会了我们那些透过书本及模型无法传达的知识。
老师,谢谢您教会了我们什么是生命。 老师,谢谢您将我内心那个快要沉睡了的初衷唤醒。我会将您的嘱咐及期望化作提醒,点醒那个偶尔会对学习感到麻木的我。 透过每一位老师及家属们,我深深地明白“医生“这两个字。它不仅仅是一份职业,它是病人及家属们的一线曙光。它之所以沉重是因为这两个字也承载着每个病人及家属的希望,但是却也是敲醒我们使命感和责任感的警钟。
老师,谢谢您对我们的信任,让我们在您身上划下千刀万刀您也毫无怨言。苏老师,您说:不怕我们在您身上划下千刀万刀,就怕我们在病人身上划错一刀。您的精神让所有医学生甚至是专科医生都为之敬佩。一个人到底需要有多少的大爱及无私才能打从心底说出这一句话呢? 苏老师,您也说了,不要我们做一位名医,要做一名良医。这些嘱咐,我铭记于心。谢谢您老师!言语无法表达我对您的感谢,但愿在天上的您可以感受到我这份小小的感谢。
愿您一路好走,您永远是我的恩师。无语良师,您从来不说话,但我们却获益良多。 Lim Choon Hong 林俊宏 (Monash_28295390) 人必有一死,或重於泰山,或輕于鴻毛。
敬佩您的勇氣,捐出了您的身軀,千刀萬剮仍無怨無悔; 感謝您的無私,您與我素昧平生,卻願與我分享您的所有。 蓋棺那天,您帶走的是親友的自豪、學生的敬仰; 留下的,是學生們腦海中的知識和對社會最後的大愛。 您身上的每一道傷疤,都是為醫學界奉獻的勳章。 教澤永懷、永念師恩, 感謝您,我們的無語良師! Ahmad Anwaar B Muhammad Saifullah (USIM_1140001) Upon finishing the 24th Silent Mentor Workshop, I felt as if I’ve been given a new insight on life. Charity and contribution can be done by everyone, either the living or those who have passed away. My Silent Mentor has taught me many things
that the living never could, and I shall carry this knowledge with me, as well as the memory of my Silent Mentor, throughout my life. Nour Hanan Daniah Binti Mohd Bakhit (USIM_1142034)
This is a wonderful program which combines love, medical knowledge, humanity and respect, all of which are essential at creating and shaping future doctors. From this, I am really grateful to be able to learn so much more about
culture and religion differences. I know it’s not easy for the family members to donate the bodies for educational purpose but this sacrifice shall not be in vain and I will fully cherish and make full use of this. May they be blessed for their sacrifice
in creating skillful and empathetic doctors for the future. Amir Safwat Mohd Sapihie (Perdana_12925042) Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much
for accepting me to participate in this very heart and mind opening program. I will definitely not going to forget this very meaningful event in my life. And dear my beloved mentors, you have really turned a loss to a real gift. Thank you. Nurul Faizah Binti Mohd Suhaimi (UniKL_59214114061) I do learn a lot in Silent Mentor Program especially about empathy and the respect towards our mentor and their families. Without
their contributions, this program will not be held. Instead of just learning through the bodies, we respect and care them, as they are still alive. Silent Mentor is an eye – opening program that taught me to respect, be selfless and learn to be a good
doctor. As my Silent Mentor said ‘instead of being a famous doctor, we should learn to be a caring doctor’. Besides, the clinical skills that we learnt are very useful as the doctors observed us and corrected our mistakes. Thank you for this priceless
opportunity. Thank you my Silent Mentor, Ms. Chan Li Lan.
23rd Silent Mentor Workshop 31/07-05/08/2018
Muhammad Nasuha Salim Bin Fuad Salim (MEM140067) One week of Silent Mentor program was very beneficial for me. We had several sessions with different
tutors, to carry out different procedures. Even though some of the procedures I have seen in the ward, I don’ really know the exact steps and how the procedures were being done. Through this program, I have better overview as well as understand as we
had both, theory and practical session with respective lecturers. The most interesting procedure for me is intubation. In real life, medical students are not allowed to carry out the procedure as it was quite complicated and requires experienced doctors to
perform it. In this programs, all students had the opportunity to perform the procedure and surprisingly, most of my group mate done it perfectly. Last but not least, I would like to thank my Silent Mentor, Madam Lim Puay Suan, for being a great educator
for all of us. Words cannot express all that I wish to say. I hope the knowledge that we gained through this Silent Mentor program able to prepare us to become a good doctor in the future. Nursyafiqah Ahmaddin (MEM140136) To Mdm. Lim Poay Suan and Silent Mentor Administration Thank you very much for making my wish come true through this Silent
Mentor Program. Thank you very much for allowing me to appreciate every moment with my Silent Mentor. I believe that every student gained a lot through this program. I am confident that this program has equipped us with skills that we never learn. However, as we live in the presence of passion, I always keep in mind that it is important to remember our Silent Mentor sacrifice. Her passion in teaching has molded us into who we are today. Thank you Mdm. Lim Poay Suan. Mohd Safarali Bin Othman (MEM130096) To Madam Lim, Thank you for your contribution to be our mentor in this program.
Your selflessness and passion to teach even at the end of your life had taught us lessons that we can’t get from class. The knowledge and experience that we gained from this program surely will be very useful for us in the future. For some people, volunteering
is about giving, but for the likes of you, it’s a way of living. Alif Arifin Bin Asrar (MEM140014) Silent
Mentor Program merupakan salah satu program yang telah memberikan impak yang sangat besar kepada saya. Banyak perkara yang telah saya pelajari melalui program ini. Bukan sahaja saya mempelajari perkara berkaitan dengan klinikal, malah saya juga dapat mengetahui
lebih mendalam mengenai erti kehidupan. Saya mempelajari erti pengorbanan seorang insan iaitu Silent Mentor saya, untuk memberikan segala kemampuan yang dia ada demi kebaikan pembelajaran kami. Pada waktu yang sama, ianya
juga mengajar saya tentang erti penghargaan. Dalam program ini, banyak jasa yang telah Silent Mentor saya korbankan untuk saya walaupun jasa tersebut tidak diberikan secara langsung, saya amat menghargai pengorbanan yang dia berikan. Bagi saya, tiada apa yang
dapat membalas pengorbanan tersebut kerana ianya sangat besar bagi saya. Ianya juga mengajar saya untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih cekal dan berani pada masa akan datang. Pada mulanya, saya memerlukan masa untuk membiasakan
diri untuk berhadapan dengan seorang yang tidak bernyawa tetapi setelah beberapa pertemuan dengan mayat tersebut, saya manjadi seorang yang lebih berani dan cekal. Jika dari segi klinikal pula, program ini amat membantu
saya untuk mempelajari pelbagai prosidur dengan lebih praktikal dan hands-on. Doktor-doktor yang mengajar saya ketika sesi klinikal amat membantu dan sangat baik. Mereka mengajar perlahan-lahan sehingga kami semua faham. Ianya amat membantu saya untuk lebih
faham tentang teknik sesuatu prosidur. Akhir sekali, saya berharap, program ini dapat diteruskan pada masa akan datang. Banyak input yang boleh dipelajari melalui program ini. Tidak rugi sama sekali untuk mereka yang diluar
sana untuk menyertai program ini. Terima kasih kepada penganjur kerana telah berjaya menganjurkan program yang bermakna ini. Terima kasih juga kepada Silent Mentor saya atas jasa yang anda berikan. Yee Jia Cin (MEM140117) “For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.” – Khalil Gibran For the past 1 week, I had the
privilege of joining Silent Mentor program and being taught by our Silent Mentor, Madam Lim Poay Shuan. This program had taught me many lessons, lessons that would not be found in our daily routines and, more importantly, lessons that would serve as a valuable
reminder for the rest of my life. Lesson 1: Living a life of mission I had learned from our Silent Mentor that we need to live with
a mission in life. For her, it was “to serve”. Throughout her life as a teacher, she was always finding ways to serve others, especially helping those who were struggling in their studies. She even pledged her body for this program, realizing her
final wish to continue to be a teacher even after her departure from this world. As a result, she had impacted many throughout her life and death. Only with a mission in life, we could then make a meaning out of it. Lesson 2: Professionalism Throughout the program, I had learned a lot on professionalism. We were expected to be at our best behaviour at all time, as if we were in the actual
operating theatre. The doctors involved taught us with patience and dedication. We were also expected to treat our Silent Mentor as a real patient. For example, we were told not to expose unnecessarily and always be delicate when learning from her. Permission
was also taken from doctors before we attempted any procedures. This showed that as a future healthcare practitioner, we are expected to be professional at all time. Lesson
3: Respect to everyone I had learned that we should always respect everyone around us. In this program, there were many ceremonies conducted for everyone to pay a final respect to our dear Silent Mentor. We were required
to participate and facilitate the ceremony. We also had the opportunity to interact with the family members of our Silent Mentor. Here, we learned how to be respectful when talking to family members of the Silent Mentor. The committee for this program also
respected all those who were involved by making sure everything runs smoothly, beautifully and conveniently. They also respected our time by not interfering in our daily schedules, accommodating us and by making sure everyone could make it for a wholesome
learning experience. Last but not least, we also learned from our Silent Mentor that patient’s decision should be respected by physician attending her. In her final moments of her life, she told the doctor not to do anything to her body so that her student
could get the best mentor for them. The doctor respected her decision and did not proceed to do any invasive interventions. These are some of the valuable lessons, apart from medical procedures, knowledge and skills that
my Silent Mentor taught me throughout this program. Thank you Silent Mentor Mdm. Lim. We will always strive to be the best and make you proud. Chew Poh Yan 周宝延 (MEM140128) 林老师就这么静静地躺着,好像当初我们接收她的遗体一般,安祥平和。和当时不同的是,经过了为期四天的工作坊,此时的老师身上多了许多被密密缝合的伤疤。在合上棺盖的那瞬间,我竟有点不舍,好想再多看老师几眼,就算只是一眼也好。我们从未交谈过,甚至从我们相遇以来老师就不曾言语,但这几天的工作坊却让一股亲密之情自心底油然而生。学海无涯,林老师就像我们漫漫学海中的一阵清风,助我们抵达从未涉足的新领域,教会我们许多课本学不到的知识。
Chia Zhi Jien (MEM140021) Being a final year medical student, I did not have a lot of opportunity to carry out certain procedures,
such as chest tube, central venous line, endotracheal intubation, etc. due to worry of harming the patient due to inexperience. However, once we are working in the future, we are all expected to carry out all of these procedures. Thus, Silent Mentor Program
has provided a great opportunity for the students to sharpen our skills and build up confidence before doing it on real patients. I would like to convey my gratitude to our Silent Mentors who were willing to sacrifice their body to contribute to the medical
education. During the workshops, the lecturers also guided us hand in hand to carry out the procedures, and made sure we all had the opportunity to learn. This was very good, as the workshop was carry out in a small group
of 5. Doctors also explained and taught us very patiently whenever we ask questions. After 1 week of Silent Mentor workshop, I am certain that this workshop has brought impact not only in terms of medical knowledge, but
also in spirit and in character. Through this workshop, I realized that communication between doctors and patient’s family are also extremely important. My paradigm was shifted, and I learned to see things from different perspectives. The family needs
supports when one passes away, and as a doctor, we are there to listen and accompany them, these are the more important things to be a good doctor. Meryl Tong Hui Xin (MEM140054)
曾听闻各种描述爱的话语,但却不比此时更动人了。无语良师无私的大爱,让我们有幸参与这项意义非凡的活动。每个活动细节在我心里留下深深的感激与感悟。做家访时,家属娓娓道来老师的人生,双眼闪烁微笑的说着他的骄傲,哽咽的说着他的辛酸,完毕,说这是老师的心愿。老师心愿圆满的那一天,家属有的强忍着悲痛的泪水,有的悄然泪下,有的哗然哭成泪人。 这世上的爱那么珍贵,我们总害怕它何时会消逝。此时我发现告别后,爱仍以思念的形式存在。老师的无私奉献,无声教诲,远比任何课堂更刻骨铭心;家属忍痛割爱,只为他的一句话。 老师,您们教我们如何勿忘初心,成为悬壶济世的好医生。这份伟大的精神,我无以回报。您的教诲,我们铭记于心,这份难能可贵的体验,将伴随着我的人生烙印在我心底。
如果真有极乐世界,我由衷希望您在那个没病痛等俗事,只有幸福与快乐的地方永远开心。感恩您,无语良师们。 Ng Ee Xsien (MEM140073) “A truly great mentor is hard to find, difficult to part with and impossible to forget.” The past one month has been a whirlwind of emotion. From getting to know our Silent Mentor to finally reaching
the week of workshop, words cannot describe my gratitude towards my Silent Mentor and the family. It was a tremendous act of selflessness, for the sake of our learning. Thank you, my Silent Mentor, from the bottom of my
heart. May your soul rest in peace. Nur Aqilah Binti Abd Rahim (MEM140081) I remembered that day when my friend shared his experience
joining Silent Mentor Program. I was jealous to know skills that he learnt and regret for not registering myself to that program. In my subconscious memory, I was very sure that I did not register myself. But then, I was shocked to know my Silent Mentor team
leader added me in a Whatsapp group. I had mixed feelings as far as I knew, my friend and I did not register ourselves to the program. Then I felt quandary to her as she herself did not register. Long story short, at first,
I was not expecting much on the program. I had few concerns as whether or not, I will use the knowledge I might gained from the program in my future career. Only then I realized not just I gained new skills, I also nurture my empathy towards the Silent Mentors’
family. I still remembered me crying during the sending off ceremony. I never thought I would have this hard feeling as I was quite afraid at first during the first session. I still had the memory that the procedures I did was on a dead body and somehow it
scared me. But few days later, that feelings gone and when the program was about to end, I felt so sad both to the mentors and their families. I was blessed to the opportunities I had, and I am so thankful to the mentor who was the person that I did the procedures
on to such as chest tube insertion and CVL insertion. I would definitely persuade my juniors to join the program so that they will not miss out the knowledge I gained. Nurul
Madihah Binti Md Jamaludin (MEM130131) It started by seeing his family members with shed of tears and listening to their crumbled voice at Silent Mentor Centre. It started there where I myself felt the sadness
when our loved one leaves us forever. It started there that I knew nothing will last forever. It started there when I realised that one day when the time comes, we will hopeless and helpless as we no longer alive. It started there when I knew you never own
and live in your own body forever. It started there when I knew if you have will to make things right or better, you must do and give it. To our Silent Mentor, Mr Cheong, with greatest gratitude from deep of my heart, I
expressed millions of appreciations to your kindness towards us. I learnt not just for my medical knowledge and skills, but I learnt about true meaning of life from you. You’re no longer be here, but your presence will always be felt by all of us. Every
cut and stich, every touch and feel, every wet and clean, that’s every single thing, I feel blessed with the chance given. Thank you, Lao Shi. Yasmin Afifah Binti
Aminnuddin (MEM130174) Being chosen for Silent Mentor program after so long waiting for my turn was a great news to me after heard amazing stories from previous group that experienced Silent Mentor program. I was
really looking forward for this program and this program really exceeded my expectations. I really learned a lot especially on hands-on skills that I had never done before. I was so grateful by being in this program, I learned
all of that. Nevertheless, my deepest gratitude to my teacher, Mr. Cheong that taught us a lot and may you rest in peace, Lao Shi (Mandarin). A really meaningful Mandarin song that we
dedicated to you, ~nin she zui te bie de lao shi (You are special teacher) wu yan wu yu (Without a word) chuan shou sheng ming de ao mi (Teaching us
the secret of life) da she da yong (With bravery and sacrifice) jin qing ran shao ren jian da ai de guang hui (Shining the light of love to mankind)~ Xiexie,
Lao Shi. Lim Kai Bin (MEM140047) I consider myself lucky to have found passion in medicine, despite having yet to actually practice
it. In less than a year I will hopefully bear the title ‘Dr.’ in front of my surname, yet from time to time, I still ponder upon what does it take to be a good doctor. Having the privilege to join the Silent Mentor program had provided me the reassurance
that I am walking on the right path. From the first time we received the body of our mentor, to have him cleansed before being kept frozen, till few months later when we thawed his frozen body for our workshops, till the
very last time when we had a final look at him before his coffining, the entire experience had been immensely humbling, and in some sense, spiritually reassuring. In a world where war, violence and other
negativities have become so endemic thus causing us to have pathetically become emotionally numbed, we were once again reminded, that every life is precious. At every incision or suture that we made on our Silent Mentor, we did not forget that the cold body
that we were touching was someone else’s husband, father. Despite silent, we knew this body that was silently guiding us, was once an amazing man who had lived a beautiful and inspiring life. Medicine has been generally
regarded as a noble profession probably due to the nature of a doctor’s job, one with a brutal training process and long working hours. Without the right motivation, one can easily be emotionally drained and eventually collapse. It was our Silent Mentor
who taught us how noble one can be, to an extend in which I could not have possibly imagined before this. It was the silent him who had taught me what it means to be truly selfless, and to make meaningful sacrifices. Thank
you, dear Mr. Nadarajah, for you had guided me through chest tube and central line insertion, and beyond that, thank you for playing a short yet impactful part of my medical school life, teaching me to stay kind and humble.
Azra Balqis Binti Basaruddin (MEM140016) When I first joined the Silent Mentor Workshop, I thought it would be a very good opportunity for a medical student as we can learn
first-hand a few basic procedures. But throughout the workshop, I gained a lot more than just the technical skills and knowledge. Unlike our anatomy lessons in the pre-clinical years, we know the identity of the mentor.
We know his name. He was someone’s husband and father. We got to know his family and their life stories. My perception changed from merely appreciating this program to understanding the humanity and dignity this workshop
creates for the Silent Mentors. I hope we have fulfilled our mentors’ wishes for us to learn. We can never repay the sacrifices our mentors have done. All in all, this workshop is an experience every medical student
should try to grab if the opportunity arises. Nur Syuhaida Binti Mohd Noorazam (MEM140089) Silent Mentor is one of the best
way to learn about medical procedures as well as life. I got to do procedures that I only observed before. I am truly blessed to be given this opportunity as an undergraduate. Besides that, I got to know incredible people who dedicate their whole life to help
people, not only from the Silent Mentors, but the organising committee as well. I was able to see the passion in volunteerism with my own eyes instead of just reading them. Silent Mentor program also cultivate sense of empathy from the beginning of the program
right until the end. Overall, I am very impressed with this program and hopefully it will continue to grow so that the others can experience what we have experienced and help us to become a great doctor in the future.
Tan Say Ying (MEM140107) Dear mentor, Thank you for bearing our company in the last moments of your time in this world, even when what
remained was your body and not your soul. Thank you for letting us err and learn from your body, and showing us what did it mean to be brave, strong and selfless, even when the end of life was nearing. Thank you for having faith in us, strangers that you never had the chance to be acquainted with; that from your sacrifices, we will make good beings and doctors. Thank you for spreading goodness and nobility -
before, during and after death. Dear mentor, for you I promise, stronger and better, always will I be. Ng Soh Chen (MEM140075)
任我千刀万剐,任您千疮百孔,却无怨无悔。 你我非亲非故,不曾萍水相逢,却甘之如饴。 俯首甘为孺子牛,感恩您,老师。
生的伟大,死的光荣。 Thesenrao A/L Samudra Raja (MEM140108) Silent
mentor program was a big eye opener for me. Initially I only got to know about the program from my friends. But when I have registered and went for the home visit, I knew I would forever remember the sacrifice my mentor made. I have learned a lot through my
mentor. The past 1 week was tiring but each blade and suture I made on my mentor only made me feels more attached and responsible for him. Thank you dear mentor, for being a part of my journey in becoming a better doctor. Words can’t thank you enough,
but my memory of you shall never fade. Thank you Silent Mentor. Lim Wen Tzien 林雯倩 (MEM140050)
Throwing back to the first time I heard about Silent Mentor Workshop, it is from seniors as they sincerely invited us to the gratitude ceremony when I was still a first year medical student, still fresh in University Malaya
and don’t quite know what is going on. After attending the gratitude ceremony, I get to know a little bit here and there what it was about. Something about human anatomy, practicing medical procedures were all in my mind. Until sometime in October 2017
where the application was open for us, I signed up as one of the participants. Words simply cannot express the utmost gratitude and appreciation I would like to show towards Silent Mentor Program. When I received the message
from Mr. Sia, it was the first night I’m meeting my Silent Mentor, Mr. Low You Wai. With minimum information about my Silent Mentor, we cleaned and washed his body for the first time until our first home visit. Not like what I always heard from others
about their Silent Mentor, filial son/daughter, good family background, high educational level, professionals, loyal husband/wife, blessed with successful children. Mr. Low only received his education until standard 5, a loner, was a drug user, a drug dealer
and even been into prison. To be honest, I was quite shocked when I get to know all these from his family. However, his turning point of his life when he was diagnosed with cancer truly touched my heart. His will to change over a new leaf, his courage to admit
all his wrong doings in the past, his decision in signing up as our Silent Mentor as if the last thing he would do in his life. All these are more than enough for me to pay him the highest respect. Silent Mentor Program
is not just about the cadaver. It is a body, with a story. Every story behinds touches millions of hearts. Their selflessness in signing up as a Silent Mentor, the grief that their family members need to bear with due to the workshop schedule; all these sacrifices
have taught me more than just medical knowledge in textbooks. It is about life messages. Mr. Low, even with your silence, you have inspired me more than what other teachers do. You are not merely just any other person. To
me, you are a hero. Thank you, Mr. Low. You will always be in my heart. May you rest in peace. Haidhar Haziq Bin Jamaluddin (MEM140032) It was not only about practicing medical procedures. Silent Mentor program gave me a bigger picture of what life really means. The willingness of my teacher to sacrifice his body in making sure that I can gain knowledge from it was beyond
of all kindness. I learnt to appreciate. I learnt to be a passionate caregiver. I learnt what ‘sacrificial’ really means. This definitely changes my attitude toward my journey in becoming a good doctor to the people. Thank you for the opportunity
given. It was priceless. See you in heaven, my teacher. Muhammad Aiman Bin Lod (MEM140058) The recent Silent Mentor program
has been an eye opener for me. Frankly speaking, this was not my first time handling a dead person. I’ve learnt many things when I was in the program. Things that you cannot learn through textbooks. I’ve learnt
that people has their own way of letting themselves go. Some would want to continue teaching students, and some would want to do good. Fortunately, my mentor was a person who chose to do good for others. He had shown me the extent of a person willingness to
change for the better. I’ve learnt that you should never judge a person from what he or she has done in the past but judge them by their current action. I believe that this value is very important, not just as a future
doctor, but as an individual. Thank you, Silent Mentor Centre for giving me a wonderful opportunity to learn about humanity during my years of a medical student. Medicine in my opinion is never a science subject, but more of an art. If we lose the “art”
part of medicine, then we can’t really treat a human. Nur Syafiah Husna Binti Elmi Azham Shah (MEM140086) I had a great
learning experience during one whole week of Silent Mentor Program. It was a new experience and an eye opener to me on how this program is conducted. I was a bit worried in the beginning as some of the previous participants told me about how tired they were
during this program. Maybe because of I am currently in community posting, it was easier for me to give full commitment and I was not extremely tired by the end of the week. Aside from that, I have learnt a lot of new procedures such as suturing, chest tube
insertion, central venous line insertion, intubation etc. I am very grateful for this golden opportunity to learn from Mr. Low, my Silent Mentor. I will definitely recommend this program to others as I have gain a lot of benefits from it. Lim Wei Chun 林玮浚 (MEM140132) Time flies, 7 days of Silent Mentor Program came to a wonderful ending eventually. I have
to say this is an eye-opening, life-changing experience indeed. With the honorable contribution of my Silent Mentor, Mr. Low You Wai, we harvested so much meaningful lesson not merely on clinical skills but meticulous soft skill, empathy, caring and kindness
which are indispensable in producing a responsible, competent yet a doctor with a golden heart. Thanks for the support and endless love of his family, for sure we would miss out such a great opportunity in gaining pearl of wisdom. Every stitch and cut from
us are full of respect and enthusiasm indeed. This is such a meaningful program, I am therefore galvanizing public out there to shed away the superstitious thought and made a final noble act to the society which is so crucial in forging a good doctor.
Nisa Sahira binti Yahya (MEM140076) Silent Mentor Program was an eye-opening experience for me. Being able to know about the Silent
Mentors' life before their deaths had touched me. Through this, the important values to have as a doctor such as empathy and humility was instilled. I was also given the opportunity to perform some procedures which I would probably never be able
to do so as a medical student. I am really grateful for being able to be a part of this program which did not only train us medical student on procedural skills but also humanity. Natasha Sara Ann Concisom (Monash_28239261) Signing up for the Silent Mentor program, I was not aware of the impact the program would have on me. It was not merely a medical course which gave us,
medical students the opportunity to carry out procedures but it left us with lessons that will make us better doctors in the future. My Silent Mentor taught me selflessness, he did not know any of us but willingly allowed us to learn from him. Through
the home visit, I got to know my mentor on a more personal level, the friend, father and grandfather he was. I will never have the right words to thank Mr. Cheong, my Silent Mentor for his contribution, but I hope we make him proud by selflessly helping others
as doctors in the future. Quah Hui Jing (Monash_28146719) When the coffin of my Silent Mentor rolled pass
me in the hallway one final time before leaving the University of Malaya medical faculty for good, I found it hard to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. It hit me all of a sudden - I had spent the last week cleaning and caring for my
Silent Mentor’s body as if he was a patient. I found myself hoping I had accomplished at least a fraction of what he had hoped for. It was impossible to ever repay his selfless act of kindness in whole. The act of
donating one’s body for the teaching of medical science was too great and too vast a sacrifice to comprehend. I hoped I had helped his family members, however briefly, find their closure too after the long and painful period of grief they had to go through
as they waited for the program to commence. Through the Silent Mentor program, I understood the value and importance of human connection. In everything we did, we were reminded of empathy, compassion and kindness.
Our Silent Mentors too were people like any other, with their hopes, dreams and regrets. It was necessary to treat our Silent Mentors with dignity and respect, and to make each nick, cut and suture with intention. After all, the art and practice of medicine
went beyond its science and was - at the heart of it - about the people. The value of human connection continued to surface throughout my time interacting with the family members and when I worked in a team alongside other
medical school students. These connections allowed me to meet and learn from these people who came from all walks of life, finding common ground in our Silent Mentors. Besides that, the entire program has been nothing short
of educational, especially the eye-opening undergraduate workshops. As a year two medical student, the procedures I witnessed were once things I could only read of in books and had dreamt about doing. To have them demonstrated to me live and also perform them
under the experienced, guiding hand of the specialists has been an amazing experience. It is also one that would stick with me forever. Finally, I am deeply grateful to be given the opportunity to be a participant
of the 23rd Silent Mentor Program. In the face of the stark reality of death and the inevitable role it plays in life, it has taught me to appreciate and treasure humanity better and has further inspired me to keep aiming to become a better person and future
doctor. Tan Ying Yue (Monash_28543726) Medical textbooks, atlases and university curriculum have continuously amazed me
of how glorious our entire tangible body system is. Despite our body had been comprehensively studied, there is little available explanation that could answer a more abstract question- what is humanity all about? Through this Silent Mentor program, I gained
a little more insight through the selfless act of our Silent Mentors. The moment when the enclosing plastic was removed, I was stirred once again by the nakedness of Silent Mentor right in front of me. I pondered how much
courage was needed to overcome the psychological barrier- loss of dignity- at the very first place of this sacrificial decision; I re-learnt the meaning of respect and its depth. I was reminded that all of us in human family share similar human traits and
for that, everyone should be treated equally, with respect, regardless of gender, age and race. In addition, the daily morning and evening clean-up allowed me to practise paying respect and empathizing. Also, the religious ritual conducted during initiation
ceremony testified that with respect, peace ensues. The long-anticipated dissection and procedural workshops were indeed exciting and rewarding. It was a surreal and sensuous experience to touch the delicate lung, string-like
vas deferens and to explore within the abdomen while standing its distinctive odour. From the textbooks and virtual models, I usually registered the description of anatomical parts in my brain and visualise the real structure in my mind’s eyes; in contrast,
on the Silent Mentors, I could better appreciate the topographical anatomy- the colour contrast, size, shape, texture and relationships of different structures and organs. Furthermore, procedural workstations and suturing opportunities trained my dexterity
with a whole new set of interesting tools, ranging from scalpel, laryngoscope, artery clamps to needle holder. I also learnt from my mistake of inserting endotracheal tube into the oesophagus instead of the airway, it was ridiculous yet embarrassing. I got
to admit that it was challenging to coordinate everything to do it right. While preparing for coffining ceremony, I could hardly take my eyes off the general appearance of my Silent Mentor- the contour changes due to thawing
and fluid loss; the pools of oozing blood and patches of stained blood here and there; the countless discernible and hidden sutures and staples. It dawned on me that the body had been utilised markedly from head to toes, the pain suffered would be intolerable
for a living person while the present appearance is horrid to glance at. Maybe, that was out of imagination for Silent Mentors prior to their black and white pen-off; nevertheless, these are the manifestation of how great their love is for the society.
To sum up, not only did this program nurture me medically, above all, it sowed invaluable spirit and attitude in me. I wish I could impart what I learnt in my daily life to synergistically change the world into a more humane
place to inhabit. Last but not least, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the selfless Silent Mentors and their families, the organising teams as well as the volunteering teams for making this meaningful program a success. Chuo Chung Ren 朱崇仁 (Monash_28787893) 无语良师工作坊在眨眼之间就已经告一段落了,我们敬爱的无语良师们也完成了第一、也是最后一份职务,平静地离开了我们……
回忆起家访的那一天,我依然记得家属与我们分享一切有关无语良师的事情:童年,初中,高中,恋爱,工作,婚姻和家庭。望着那沉甸甸的相簿,一页页地翻阅那些早已发黄的老照片,倾听着家属们的叙述,仿佛无语良师就在我们的身旁,一一地告诉我们他的故事…… 一个月后,无语良师工作坊正式启用大体老师。每一针,都是无语良师的教诲;每一线,尽是无语良师的慈爱;每一刀,竟让我们明白无私和奉献!敬爱的老师,您透过您的大体,提醒了我们:莫忘学医的初心,更要以爱与卑微,成为良医,造就后辈,造福人群! 天上的繁星点点,总有消逝其光芒的时候;美丽的花儿,也有凋零的一天……人的生命也不过如此!
感谢无语良师!就算星星的光芒已逝去,可它那曾经的辉煌灿烂,已永远刻画在银河里;花儿虽然凋零,可它那曾经绽放的美好,早已深深烙印在大地母亲的怀里!无语良师的无私和大爱,就好比星星与花儿,永恒地在我们大家的心里划上了一道美丽的彩虹,永远遗爱人间…… 无言无语的老师,您的教诲、您的意志、您的无私、您的大爱,我们将继承,并传承下去……谢谢您。
Brian Yeoh Li Qian 杨礼谦 (Monash_28407059) 亲爱的无语良师们 是您,让我们感受到了什么是一片无语中的无私及大爱。 是您,让我们感受到您那份为医学而牺牲自己的高尚及伟大。 是您,让我们享有了最难能可贵的学习机会。 在您身躯上划下的每一刀,缝过的每一针线,必定深深地烙印在我们的脑海里,刻画在我们的心头上,并时时刻刻提醒着我们莫忘学医的初心——那就是成为一名仁医。老师们今日在我们心中播撒下名为无私的爱的种子,我们会精心照料它,把爱的种子播撒在未来每一位病患的心里,把您无私的大爱继续传承下去。
您是我们最刻骨铭心,也是最为特别的老师。我们此生将铭记您为医学的奉献。感恩学医的道路上有您陪伴我们走过。您此生给予我们的恩惠,我们定将以对社会无私的付出来回馈您的恩典。愿您安详。 参与无语良师工作坊的每一幕都一直在脑海里徘徊。最让我难以忘却的是,在我们开始无语良师的课程之前,让家属瞻仰无语良师们遗容的环节。家属对他们最爱的亲人那最后轻声细语的道别,一行行在家属脸颊上滑下的泪水及他们心灵上所要承受的巨大疼痛,在我心中泛起了很深的涟漪,久久不能平息。愿每一位家属平安吉祥,身体安康。
Cindy Chong Chia Li (Monash_28463528) The Sunday 5th of August, 2018 marks a beautiful ending
to a meaningful week of the 23rd Silent Mentor workshop. I feel really blessed to be a participant in this workshop, to interact with my mentor’s family, to work in tandem with my wonderful team mates from different varsities and to learn
from surgeons in various fields of expertise. My initial perception of this event was that I could hone my medical skills and gain experience to be a better doctor in the future; but my perspective took a 180 degree turn
after getting to know my mentor’s family from the home visit and throughout the preparation for the sending off ceremony. My mentor was a filial son, a loving husband and an amazing dad. He conveyed love through his actions and enlightened me without
uttering a word. His life story taught me that to be a good physician is to never forgo humanity and always put myself in the shoes of my patients. Our beloved mentors were born into the world with nothing, and yet in their
departure, they left all of us with such valuable teachings on compassion and humility. The selfless acts of the mentors and the blessings from their families will remain forever engraved in my heart, to stoke my flames of passion in the face of adversities;
reminding me to not only be a doctor that cures, but to serve as my patients’ strongest advocate, giving them hope and strength in their darkest moments. Thank you / நன்றி (Nandri) / 谢谢
fellow mentors! Although you no longer walk amongst us, but your spirit and love will live on in our hearts. Gone but never forgotten~ Rebekah Rhema Gobinathan (Monash_28243161) The experience I had throughout the Silent Mentor program is something I will hold dear to me for the rest of my life. My first experience coming face to face with
a cadaver was somewhat surreal. I understood what I was getting myself into but I wasn’t prepared to make such an emotional bond with my mentor. With every cut and suture we made on his cold body, I was constantly
reminded that this once was a person, someone who had loved and was loved. I was constantly reminded of what it was to be a good doctor, to be kind, compassionate and have empathy. I learned many things from the procedures we did on Mr. Nadarajah’s body
but more than that, I learned from the person he had been. I learned the impact that a father’s love has on his family, that actions speak louder than words, that loving our family means always giving them our best. From
washing his hair and cleaning his body in the early hours of the morning to dressing him for the last time and placing him in the coffin to singing one of his favourite songs for our gratitude performance, every part of this program touched me in ways I couldn’t
have imagined. I count myself extremely fortunate and blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from my mentor. I will always be in awe of his selfless sacrifice and I truly hope to one day become a doctor who will make
him proud. Ong Juwei (Monash_28841727) The Silent Mentor Program has come to an end. It is hard to believe how time flies.
Thousands of words cannot express my gratitude towards our beloved mentor, Mr. Nadarajah. He has planted the seeds of knowledge and enthusiasm in me which inspire me to pursue my studies and become a good doctor in the future.
I can never forget the moment when I first cut on his chest with my shaky hands and get a touch on his lung with my finger after passing through the layers of skin, tissue and muscles. Although we always have to travel from Monash University to UM after classes
during the week, the workshop never fails to brighten me up with all the eye-opening procedures. The Silent Mentor Program is more than gaining medical knowledge. I am impressed by the selfless decision made by all of the
Silent Mentors to donate their bodies for us to practice our skills. On the other hand, the courage of the family members in giving support to the program and helping us to recall the stories of the mentor’s previous life despite the grief always reminds
me to value and respect the sacrifice. In addition, it is great to have mentors from three different religions in the program this time, showing us altruism beyond boundaries. I appreciate to become one of the participants
in this program, meeting the colleagues from different institution who are very helpful in guiding us throughout the workshop. Lastly, thank you very much, mentors, for the enriching lessons about science and humanity. Rest in peace. Jovy Wong Zheng Dao (Monash_28037111) My seniors were often talking about their unforgettable experiences with their Silent Mentor program. Finally, I
had a chance to participate in 23rd Silent Mentor program. During the program, I was given the chance to practice suturing and some surgical procedures such as chest tube insertion and tracheal intubation. I truly appreciate the difference between
working on real human body and practicing on mannequin and anatomy models in school. However, there was something I learnt far more important than the hands-on experience. Our beloved Silent Mentor, Madam Lim taught me the
precious humanistic value. I was immensely touched when we were told that Madam Lim requested the doctor in the emergency department not to cut her body as she wanted to preserve the best for us. Her love for students is selfless and unconditional, even she
did not know us personally, she contributed her lifelong body majestically to her students. She showed us what wisdom is and had given her own live everlasting meaning and value. I will always remind myself of Madam Lim’s life mission, “To Serve”.
Another important lesson I learnt is attitude, the way we treat others. Every morning before the workshop started, we would clean our mentor’s body and observe a minute of silence and prayer, and after the workshop ended
at night, we would suture all the incision wounds. The way we cared for Madam Lim’s body showed our last respect to her. Respect and empathy are qualities that are lacking in many doctors nowadays especially after pursuing medicine for years. Lastly, I would like to thank Madam Lim’s family members for their support. They had lost their loved one and suffered pains but granted Madam Lim’s last wish as a teacher. There is no more selfless act of worship than
to help someone who can never repay you. I can never repay Madam Lim for what she had sacrificed but remember what she had taught me. I promise to serve others selflessly and treat them like our family members, with love and compassion. Thank you, Madam Lim, our Silent Mentor. Rest in peace. Li Zhi Yung 李智荣 (Monash_28381882)
29.07.18 从冰柜领出您的那一刻,忐忑。 01.08.18 解冻后触碰到您的那一瞬,紧张。 02.08.18
净身时见到您慈祥的脸,肃然起敬。 03.08.18 看到您身上划过的每一刀,痛心。 04.08.18 为您换上寿衣封棺时,泪痕满面。 05.08.18 陪您走完人生最后一程,衷心感恩。 ‘無语良师’无私奉献大体,默默承受着千刀万剐,培育医学璞玉,遗爱人间。在塑造仁医的同时,‘無语良师’也让医学生及其他医疗专才在其身上摸索,尽可能减少医疗失误。念了两年医学系,现场解剖的确让我大开眼界,瞬间连贯了零零散散的医学知识。虽然一些程序还未曾接触,但专科医生在旁指导下,我掌握了插管,输液,缝合伤口等技巧。無语良师工作坊让我获益匪浅,增长了不少智慧,也有幸与各大学的学长学姐们,慈济志工交流。
千言万语尽在不言中,感谢所有大体老师,您的教诲,我们一定铭记于心。 Goh Wern Sze (Monash_28297849) I remember that moment when we first received Madam Lim at the Silent Mentor Centre. I remember that moment when I prayed hard with my closed eyes and fists. I realized then
that I will learn as much as possible from our Silent Mentor. “Learn as much as you can,” Mr Wong advised us before the workshop started. I believe that that message was conveyed on behalf of his late mother.
Even days after the brief introduction session of our Silent Mentors, I couldn’t help but recall the moment when our hands shook, as he thanked the group for the presentation which had moved his heart. I realized then that it was not just a story telling
during the home visit, but a flashback when Madam Lim’s children time-travelled back to bring us into the life of their beloved mother. I knew then that death is not easy; leaving memories to heal loved ones who were left behind to bravely accept death
with support, strength and unconditional love. Each time I took a glance at our Silent Mentor, I was reminded of her life mission “To Serve,” which coincidentally was also my school motto I have strived to uphold
since. Selfless and loving, Madam Lim silently taught me the little things we can do to serve, impact and contribute not only to our family members, but also to the people whom we may not have had a chance to meet; our paths crossed, but I wish I have met
her in life earlier. Not to mention, originating from the same island. Through this workshop, I must admit that though tears did not wet my cheeks, I was extremely touched by her noble act of giving and serving. I learnt to respect our Silent Mentor. I felt
the motivation to learn in every session. Emotions ran wild in me. To empathize and to be there for others after understanding the hardships they encounter. That was the significant difference from learning with plastic models and diagrams in books. Our Silent Mentor gave me the courage to ask and the confidence to perform. At that moment, I did not want to let her down. I will do my best now and in the future to be like you. Thank you teacher, Silent Mentor Madam Lim Poay
Suan. My first Silent Mentor, my first sight and touch of internal organs and various medical procedures. You will forever be engraved in my heart. I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the family members
of Madam Lim for their support in realizing Madam Lim’s final wish. It is them who made the whole program a successful one. Lee Jo Ie (Monash_27032493)
Science, or medical studies in particular, is so intriguing that scientists spent their whole lifetime to study it while medical students spend almost half a million to understand it. However, when breath becomes just air eventually,
we are mere mortals. Is it worth spending a lifetime just to study something that is not eternal? The difference lies in humanity. Being medical students in the journey to be doctors is not just digesting medical knowledge
and applying them in cases posed by lecturers in active sessions and definitely not just to get a “bright and prosperous” career. The true meaning lies beyond that, to leave a mark in somebody’s life and make a difference for the betterment
of someone’s quality of life. We learn to be empathetic, compassionate and caring in the process of building up our professionalism and skills. This is something no textbooks or lecturers can teach us. Only through experience, such as the Silent Mentor
Program, can we learn this unforgettable lesson. The Silent Mentor Program has reminded me of why I started this career in the midst of busy schedules in medical school, loads of information for every system and high expectations
from family and friends. Although it seems tired and exhausting, I keep telling myself that it is all worth it, as long as I have changed someone’s life for the better. Besides, the Silent Mentor Program helped me
realize my potentials that I never knew I could reach. Dealing with cadavers was never my thing and I was afraid that I might develop reactions after that. However, I was calm and steady when I dealt with my Silent Mentor. In fact, the experience sparked my
interest in the field of human anatomy as learning from real human has a huge difference from learning through atlases and models. Moreover, emotionally fragile, I learnt to be strong especially with patient’s family members. If a doctor reacts emotionally
to the patient’s condition, the family members might lose confidence towards him/her. Therefore, this experience helped me to suppress my emotions appropriately and not further affect the family members negatively. Furthermore,
I really admire and respect the contributions of the Silent Mentors. Silently, they allow us to learn from their bodies through anatomy and procedures. Although they physically left this world with cuts and sutures on their bodies, I believe they are satisfied
and contented spiritually. We were mere strangers yet they become one of the most influential people of our lives in pursuing the medical career. It is my honor to be their student and I cannot do anything to thank them but to honor my pledge to be a good
doctor in the future. Tioh Wei Jie (Newcastle_160002979) Being a 3rd year medical student, I came across this program through
few of my seniors who have participated in the previous batches of Silent Mentor program, and positive feedbacks were being brought up. To me, this is definitely an eye-opening experience, whereby we had the opportunity
to see procedures which we might yet to learn in medical school, and those were demonstrated by enthusiastic and passionate surgeons. We even had hands-on experience to try and carry out the procedures. For your information, my campus is located at Johor Bahru.
I do think that this workshop is worth the journey from Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur to attend this workshop. This program also serves its purpose to cultivate the sense of gratification. We should be grateful to all Silent Mentors for their contribution in
donating their body for medical education purposes, as well as to the family members in supporting his/her decision into become a Silent Mentor. This sense of appreciation should also be incorporated into our daily lives for those who have helped us into becoming
better healthcare providers in the future. Last but not least, I would like to thank the organising committee for coming up with such a great event. ‘From my perspective, there haven’t been any regrets upon signing
up for this Silent Mentor program.’ For those who are interested, do come and grab this ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity. Once again, thank you. I wish all of you all the best. Ioanna Sim Ting Yung 沈婷蓉 (IMU_ME0213033039) Sherwin B. Nuland has stated that 'death with dignity is our, the society's,
attempt to deal with reality of what is too frequently a series of destructive events that evolve by the very nature of the disintegration of the dying person's humanity’. Death with dignity is what humans has often wished for in order to lessen our
own fear. Fear of death. Fear of being left alone. I have been wondering if there is such thing as death with dignity? I believe, in chronic illness where we try to prolong life, we are peeling away our patient's dignity
to the core of their vulnerability. Where is the patient's dignity when they are no longer independent? My question has been answered by my Silent Mentor, Mr. Low You Wai. He has shown to me through his silence what is a
dignified death. It is not the process of dying. It doesn't matter if he has shown to the world his weaknesses. It is his selfless love that defines him. His altruism has reminded me to have more faith in humanity. I thought
I would have fear in this program. I would have fear towards death, towards cadaver. What I have experienced is not what I have expected. I have all sorts of emotions except fear. Fear has never touched me. This program has left me with utmost respect and
gratitude. This program is not merely about practicing skills on cadavers. It is about knowing and understanding each Silent Mentors personally. Home visit let me understand my mentor who he was. Taking care of our mentor
daily throughout the short few days is no longer just a duty. I wanted to do my best for my mentor as he has done for me. My respect for Mr. Low multiples each day, whenever I look at his ever increasing new wounds. Thank
you, Mr. Low. What you have taught me will always stay with me. You will always be my special teacher. Yong Zhi Lin 容梓林
(IMU_ME0213032848) I am very grateful and thankful for having the opportunity to participate in this Silent Mentor program during the waiting period for my houseman-ship training. This is definitely a very valuable
and memorable experience for each and every one of us. I have gained more than I expected from this program. I believed that all students have learned and gained a lot of medical knowledge as well as performed procedural
skills in this workshop. Although it is mandatory for all doctors to have good medical knowledge and practical skills however I believed being a good doctor must always be respectful towards all patients regardless of their races, religion and family background.
Patient centred care is the most important aspect in healthcare profession. Furthermore, I would like to thank all Silent Mentors whom made the great decision and sacrifices for us to have this learning opportunity. They had taught us to be a
kind-hearted, loving and caring doctors in the future. A doctor with good moral values will definitely warmed patients’ heart and this brings great influence to all patients both physically and mentally. Home visit had been the most important
session for this program as we were able to have better understanding about our Silent Mentors by listening to their story from family members. I am very touched when we knew about their reasons of joining this program in their last moment of life. All Silent
Mentors had inspired us in different ways. Thank you so much Mr. Low for being my Silent Mentor.
22nd Silent Mentor Workshop 17-22/04/2018
Steven Toh (IMU_22025) Silent Mentor Program provides a golden opportunity for medical students to enhance their surgical skills by working with real human bodies. It allowed me to experience the
spirit of total selflessness by our beloved Silent Mentors, which I would strive to embody in my career as a doctor in the future. I would recommend every aspiring medical student or practitioner to grab this opportunity and participate fully in the program.
William Lim Jia Hao (IMU_22179) Words simply cannot express the gratitude for being given the opportunity to participate in the Silent Mentor program. This program truly shed light to the
life of patients and allow medical students to understand the human side which is imperative to cultivate the sense of empathy and humility to doctor. This program have had enlightened me and broaden the horizon of my view on medicine. I was given the chance
to watch and learn from doctor performing surgical procedure and to do suturing with guidance from the training doctors. I am grateful to the Silent Mentor and their sacrifice could never be repaid. Thank you very much Mr. Teh and family for imparting the
greatest lesson of all which to treat other how you wanted to be treated which is with respect and dignity. Fathimath Zaha Ikram (Monash_28610652) I first heard about the Silent Mentor
Program from one of my seniors. When she described the program, it felt like an amazing opportunity to learn. Little did I know that the connection that we would have with our Silent Mentors would be so strong. Getting to know our mentors through their family
allowed us to be more empathetic, respectful and appreciate them through every procedure performed. During the first day of the workshop, it was hard to fathom the fact that my mentor had ever so selflessly donated his body to help us learn and visualize more
than what we can from our books. Throughout the whole program, there were so many emotions that could not be expressed through words. We will never forget our mentors and feel truly grateful for our mentors and their families for giving us this incredible
opportunity to practice our medical skills and teaching us to be empathetic and compassionate. Nor Hazira Binti Hishamuddin (IMU_20360) Silent Mentor program was one of the programs
that I still get attached too emotionally even though the program was already over. It was an amazing memory for me. Get to know about my Silent Mentor, his family and making new friends from other universities. This program is entirely different from the
traditional education whereby the students regain surgical skills by facing the cold anonymous cadaveric models with unmindful and un-empathetic manner or only through mannequins thus limit our experience with real life situation in the future as doctors.
Through this program, I was not only acquired surgical skills but also included the caring and compassionate approach to the Silent Mentor by closing all the wounds carefully, dressing them with undivided dignity, paying my last respect to them and interact
with the family members. If I am given an opportunity to join this program again, I’ll definitely up for it. I realise from this program, other than broaden my knowledge in medical and surgical skills, I definitely improved on my empathetic skills and
this program did open my eyes to new events that I have never experience before. Ravitha A/P Ravi (MEM130140) The Silent Mentor Program has definitely taught me many new things that
cannot be found in books. Throughout these 7 days of workshop, I learnt the value of selflessness, patience, empathy and most importantly love. Our Silent Mentors have never met us. Yet, they chose to donate their body for us to learn from them. The sacrifices
they made somehow had influenced me to treat patient like my own family members and also contribute to the community in the future, just like our Silent Mentors did. Thank you my dearest Silent Mentors. May you find peace in the after-life. You will be always
remembered. Chua Chia Ean (MEM140026) From the day when I first received our Silent Mentor’s body, I thought that Silent Mentor Workshop would just be like another anatomy dissection
or autopsy class that I had gone through previously. Soon after that, we had the home visit session which we got to know our mentor’s life from the very beginning to the end. Then we had a one week workshop with our mentor. Every morning, we had to bath
our mentor. We also had the opportunity to learn knowledge that we can never easily get in the textbook and practice some skills that we can rarely perform in the real patients. Among all, the most important lesson learned is the selfless love which is demonstrated
by the mentor. It takes a lot of sacrifices for a Silent Mentor to donate his/her body after passing away for the medical students and doctors to learn and become more competent. Thank you our Silent Mentors for inspiring
us to become a better doctor in the future and also for being the greatest teachers in our life! Muhammad Fauzan Bin Redzuan (MEM140064) A teacher is a person who can give hope, ignites
imagination, and instil love on knowledge. But Mr. Teh is a mentor who instils passion in giving and helping others which is more crucial as a doctor. Apart from learning medical based knowledge, Mr. Teh silently giving a strong message for us to be more selfless
and willingly to sacrifice for the benefit of others. I am truly touched on how he dedicated his life to help person who is in need without hoping for reward. This Silent Mentor program should be expand to nationwide to give opportunity to other medical students
to gain and to feel the un-describable experience that I have gone through for the past one week. It was truly amazing! Lastly, I would like to thank to my Silent Mentor Mr. Teh and may you rest in peace. Lim Wan Ting (MEM140049)
“有缘千里来相会”,虽然我与大体老师—郑金春老师之前并不相识,但缘分还是让我们相遇。虽然我无缘可以与他面对面交流,但从他的生平事迹中,我学到了不少正确的人生观和处事待人的道理。身为医者,他一直都是秉持着医者父母心,着重的落实医德。他一直都在为大众服务,提供义诊和赠医施药。他以身作则,用行动来教育我们这些医学生,期望我们可以成为有高尚医德,负责任的医生。 “捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”,表达了郑老师无私奉献的高尚精神。也因如此,我才可以学到许多课堂上学不到的知识和技能,让我受益不浅。他从不在乎我们的失误,而是默默地承受我们割的每一刀,缝的每一线。每当我看到他身上的伤痕,我都替他难过,并在心里想,他需要多大的勇气和无私奉献的精神才能将自己的身体捐献出来。 此外,我也很感恩他的家人一直非常支持这项计划。 当我看到他的家人在伤心地流泪时,我的心也在流泪。我感受到了他们的不舍,但他们还是愿意完成郑老师的遗愿,把他的身体捐献出来给我们学习。这也需要相当大的勇气和决心。
在《无语良师》计划,我也学到了团队精神的重要性。我们大家来自不一样的国家,不一样的大学和学年,但是大家还是可以互相帮助,互相包容,互相学习。虽然我们在一起的时间很短暂,但我相信这段友情将会非常难忘。 於此,我想向老师以及其家属致最高的敬意和谢意,并借此诗句赠于老师:
热心公益妙安排, 生前出力也施财, 往者之后捐大体, 人人称讚是如来。 我也希望老师一路走好。他的家人可以更勇敢及积极乐观的态度地面对接下来的日子,也希望他们可以幸福美满。感恩! Aina Salihah Binti Shahruniza (MEM140012) At
first I had my doubts before joining this program. I was only exposed to it once during my first year when a lecturer mentioned it. I eventually sign up after my senior said this is an opportunity I cannot miss. So
I had my preconceptions. I wondered why we must do the home visits and the slides and all. Why do we have to do it? In the end, when the program ends, only did I understood. This program is designed as such that even though I have never met my mentor, I feel
as if I had known him forever. I can remember his hobbies and his virtues and his life journey. When I finally send him off to his final journey, it feels as if I am sending off my own kin. All surgical experiences
aside, the more valuable experience that I had gain is new found friendship. With the friends that I have made during this program with the family members. Even though I don't speak a single mandarin word and the family members don't really speak English,
we can still communicate through the common language of love for Mr. Teh. I learn about the burial customs of different beliefs and how all of us face our final destination in the same yet different ways. I think the
most important thing that I learn during this program is that life is temporary. When I die, what do I want to leave behind? I hope it's something great, just like our Silent Mentors. Adrian Lee Yen Xian (MEM140124)
The Silent Mentor Programme was one in which participants learn and practice surgical skills on donors, who had donated their bodies upon passing for this exact purpose. It was with this I participated in the workshop, believing
that I would be able to learn such skills. However, what I took away from the workshop was not just surgical skills, but a whole dimension and perspective to the life. It was understood, and in fact, stressed upon
that the “patients” upon which we learn our skills are not merely “bodies” to cut up, but “people”. The mentors were not to be treated as a mannequin, but as though they were still alive. Initially, I had my doubts, but
as the program progresses, starting with the home visit, I have gained an insight into the lives of the mentors. I learned their stories, not just of their medical conditions, but also of their lives. Their occupations, hobbies, personalities, even their outlook
on life especially their approach to death. In the span of one hour, the mentor whom had arrived at the Silent Mentor Centre became more than a body. It had become an entire person. It was not just the lives of the
mentors themselves into which I gained an insight, but also the family members. I have seen the pain in the eyes of the family members, at their loss, and especially when they have to bear the pain of the memories upon our questioning. They were unable to
lay not just their loved ones at rest, but also the memories of their lives. Their remarkable strength and willingness to bear the pain for the benefit of medical research and learning touched me, and gave me a new found perspective into the concept of sacrifice.
So in honour of the love demonstrated by the mentors in their willingness to donate their bodies, and in honour of the strength of spirit of the family members who endured much pain in the face of this sacrifice, I thank the
Silent Mentors and especially their family members, for the sacrifice of their bodies, for the sacrifice of their pain. Chong Kai Ning 张凯宁 (MEM140022) 有一份大爱,深沉、细腻、无语。
有一份无私,伟大、高尚、深远。 早闻无语良师计划的意义深远,更深知若没有老师们的伟大牺牲,无我舍身,我们也不会有机会参与这项神圣的活动。参与了整项活动之后,只能说活动的每一个细节都在我的心里留下深深的感动和感激,心中的涟漪一直都在越扩越大,余波荡漾。 无语良师给予我们的,远比学识上的渊博来得更刻苦铭心。他们教育我们,除了要努力从书本以及病人身上扩大学识之外,更为重要的,是时时刻刻不忘记保持一颗关怀怜爱的心,方能成为一位仁心仁术的好医生。
一片静谧中,您们教会了我们如何成为悬壶济世的医生;一片无语中,您们让我们享有了最难能可贵的学习机会。千言万语都无法述尽我们对您们的感激,只能将这一份感动,连同对您们的记忆,小心翼翼地收进心底,反复回味。 迄今,我由衷相信,在另一个世界里,您们正快乐地当着最美丽的天使,没有病痛折磨,没有俗事烦扰,只有真挚的平安喜乐,一切弥漫着原本就属于您们的银铃笑声。
谢谢您们,我们亲爱的无语良师们。愿您们安息。 Hamizah Binti Hashim (MEM140033) Generosity is the practical expression of love. Our beloved Silent Mentors have shown us their
greatest love by giving us the opportunity to learn from them. Although we never meet them, they are very special because they can be our teachers without even speaking to us. I am touched by their generosity and sacrifice which I will never forget. Thank
you Silent Mentors for your contribution to the learning process of future doctors. I hope there are more people like you so that our country can make not just skilful doctors, but also doctors with good and kind heart. Hamsia
Binti Mappiase (MEM140034) When people asked me about Silent Mentor program, I paused and think how should I put it into words. To be honest, I don’t know what I should say. This program was beyond what words
can describe. I was hesitant at first before enrolling to the program because of the hectic clinical schedule. It took a lot of thinking and deciding whether to join or not. However, after the program ended, I am the
most grateful person on earth for my decision to be part of this program. Throughout this 1 week journey, I gained abundant knowledge about medical sciences and surgical skills. Not only that, the mentors had taught
us on how to be a future doctor with empathy and patience toward the patients. My dear Teacher Mr Tee, even in your difficult time battling the disease that you had suffered from, you were still capable on making such
a brave decision to be our teacher. I know, this gratitude won’t be enough to express how blissful I am to have you as our teacher but I promise to you that one day, I will try my very best to become a good doctor, who understand my patients and
treat them with compassion and love just as what you want us to be. And now, you may rest in peace. Mohamad Ridwan Bin Abdul Manap (MEM130091) "A
teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart". In every phase in my life, I always wanted something that make my soul breathing, challenges that make me grow up, or even people that can inspire me.
Participated in Silent Mentor program, I got all of it, together. Our teachers (Silent Mentors) not only touch my heart, they teach me how to be a good person in future. They sacrifice themself without expecting, just only hope
that we can be a doctor that treating patients with full of heart. Dear my beloved Silent Mentors, thank you for your part in my life journey. Muhammad Iznul Haziq Bin Md Daud (MEM140065)
Selfless is defined by concerned more with the need of others than one's own. This definition entail definitely to this program as its main focus through the act of the mentors. Though they are silent, the things I learned from
them were more than words can be put on paper alone. They taught me about selflessness, humility and courage. A man once said, "I have a theory that selflessness and bravery are not all that different". After the program, I truly understood the meaning behind
these words. To one of the bravest man I did not have the chance to meet but is fortunate enough to learn from, I give you my deepest gratitude. Saw Yean Ting 苏嫄婷 (Newcastle_140671955)
You are a human first, before you’re a doctor. I think that is the essence of this program - it is alright to form a healthy relationship and empathise with your patients (or in this case, our mentors and their family
members); and that it is okay to feel bad when it’s really not okay. With our Silent Mentors, they provided us not just their bodies for us to practise our skills but also taught us what’s important in
life. They might not have led the best life but they have chosen to contribute their bodies for greater use after their passing. Often, we meet people who describe their doctors as cold and aloof. Maybe it’s
a defence or a coping mechanism by the doctors? It would have been difficult if they feel too attached to their patients. However, I do believe that we should learn to balance some emotional detachment with compassion, for we are only human. Family members of our mentors have enlightened us the power of love. As much as they might not agree with our mentors’ wishes to donate their bodies in the name of science, they eventually agreed to grant their loved ones’ last wish,
because of the great love they have for their child or spouse. The pain of losing someone is never easy, what more agreeing to the idea of sending their bodies to be studied. Thank you, mentors, for reminding us to
be compassionate, and to be human - to feel, to laugh, to cry, just like everybody else. I am grateful to have met your wonderful family, it is no wonder you have so much love to share with us and the rest of the world. All of you have a special place in our
hearts and I will never forget the tiny tug at the heart when I first met you. Alexis Wong Ching 黄清 (IMU_ME0213033018) Words cannot express my utmost
gratitude and honour to be able to join the Silent Mentor Program. Our Silent Mentor, Mr Tee Ten Chang’s selfless act not only imparted medical knowledge and skills to us, but most importantly taught us about love and humanity. The very essence of this
program is the spirit of love and volunteerism. Home visit was a very useful way of getting to know our mentors and their families. It really gave us an insight about who these mentors were and how they were like. The learning process was profound throughout
the program. I felt that it gave a very humanistic touch when we finally cleaned and clothed our mentors in fresh clothes for coffining. Emotions were stirred during the gratitude ceremony, as we heard touching speeches from a representative from the mentor’s
family. I believe that friendships have been fostered, with new friends made and perhaps some came out of this program even stronger. Truly, I am very grateful to everyone involved. Everyone played a major role to make the one-week successful and smooth. I
can only hope that the last wishes of the Silent Mentors have been fulfilled. Wong Wei Xin 黄炜心 (IMU_17004) I first heard of this program in 2010 when
I was given a chance to join a two-weeks youth camp organized by the Tzu Chi University in Hualien, Taiwan. At that time, the program was not introduced in Malaysia but the program fascinated me deeply. I was elated and overjoyed to learn that the program
was introduced in University Malaya in 2012 and hope that I would one day be able to join the program. When I got the phone call saying I got into the workshop, it was indeed a dream came true. I joined the workshop
in hopes that I could gain more medical knowledge and sharpen my skills, it was my Silent Mentor’s selflessness act of humanity that moved me and inspired me the most to become an ethical doctor in the future. This
workshop has changed and inspired me in many ways. Through home visits and meetings with the family, we got the chance to know him more as a person. I got to understand how hard it was for the family to have gone through all this, grieving while trying to
fulfil my Silent Mentor’s last wish. We were very involved in the entire process, and eventually I got quite emotionally attached to my mentor. I learnt a lot of new skills throughout the medical workshop, and it was definitely a once in a lifetime experience
for me. I will be forever grateful to be given the privilege to join this workshop, and to have met my Silent Mentor who had selflessly contributed his body for medical purposes after his passing. May you rest in eternal peace now, my dearest Silent Mentor. Khoo Kay Jin 邱继仁 (MEM140044) Something about our heart-felt conversations with
the family members, something about getting to know who our mentors were, really drove home the point that what we were dealing with was more than just another cadaver in the anatomy lab. This cadaver had a life story, a loving family behind him, and a big
heart. He was a filial son, a patient husband, and a loving father, whose life was cut short at such a young age when he was just bearing the fruits of his past efforts. The message he left behind was as sad and heart-breaking as it was inspiring. He had hoped
that even though he has an incurable disease, he played a part in contributing to the advancement of medical sciences, so that the day would come when his disease cease to make another suffer as he did. They say the mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher
explains, but the great teacher inspires. And silent as he was, he has inspired us like no other teacher has ever did. To the world you may be just another person, but to us you are a hero. Thank you, my mentor. And thank you Silent Mentor Program for opening
our eyes to a world outside of textbooks and lectures. Students might forget what the books taught them, but they will never forget what their teachers said. Chong Yueng Kent 张荣庆 (MEM140024)
我相信每个人在世上的存在都有任务得完成,而人们得以生存也是因为他人的任务有你。大体老师们在世时跨越极限造福人群,完成了神圣任务。因为心中有爱,他们将在世的终极任务交到了我们手里,然后往生极乐世界。 这一次,我为往生或死亡加了一个定义--原来往生也可以充满着爱;从家访到工作室的最后一天,‘无私’这俩字频频出现在我们耳边。能真正做到无私,就是不求回报地让他人渡过难关,或过得更美好;人类本性自私,人不为己谁为己?灵魂走了,留下了肉体;虽然说是无用之物,但有多少人能够舍弃一堆的迷信,把自己的身体交给别人呢?但他们做到了,大体老师的这次奉献,为医学界的工作者增添了技术价值,更助医药界未来的发展登上更高一层楼。
我为所得到的知识感到无比感激,但更感动的是老师们的无私奉献。爱,是世间最高尚的情感,老师的大爱毋庸置疑会影响即将成为医生的我们,巩固了我们医德的基础,让我们变得更加‘人类’。家属的忍痛割爱,及老师的伟大精神深深感化了我们,我们能回报的就是继续用老师教会我们的事,为社会带来改变,继续传承大爱。 愿老师安详;愿家属们平安吉祥。合十
Tan Hzu Shing (IMU_22849) I am grateful to my Silent Mentor, Ms Phoon
for her unconditional giving of herself. I am gratified to be able to witness the support system her family had, the way she coped with her disease and the way she lived her life. It saddened me that I had not known Ms Phoon before she passed on, who I later
discovered to be beautiful on the inside and outside as well. Silent Mentor solidified my focus and perception about doctors that competency is one thing, empathizing is another. I was attracted to this program for the way they cared for the bodies of the
mentors, because being able to handle death is a matter of importance to me, not to become immune to death, but to find appreciation for the living. The surgical and procedural workshops are a bonus to me, and I am thankful for the exposure and learning.
Asma' Binti Mohd Hussin (MEM140015) Silent Mentor is a journey albeit a brief one. Cruise it is not, I am ragged with emotions. For once as a youngster and a junior member of the medical fraternity, I saw the glimpse of a patient's life from her childhood, apprehended her rooted values
through the visit to her family's house and handled her lifeless body upon her death, all the way until her burial service. Perhaps, what our Silent Mentors intended us to learn is beyond medical sciences and surgical skills. In their silence, they are teaching
us the sense of humanity, the act of selflessness and their affectionate touch to the world. Throughout the program, I met with many people including the trainers, other participants and the volunteers. The hands-on
training on many basic but life-saving bed-side procedures equipped me with the confidence for future practice. I am also glad that we had a workshop on surgical procedures in which we only had the chance to observe from a distance in the operational theatre.
The entire workshop itself ran smoothly, efficiently and successfully. I admire the dedication and hard-work the organiser and the volunteers maintained. To notice that this program stands on public funding alone, I am further impressed by the amount of generosity
this world is capable to give. Humbled by the experience, I am very grateful for the golden opportunity to be part of this esteemed program. Wong Xiang Qing 王湘晴
(Monash_28289617) 无语良师短短几天的课程结束了,但脑海里还一直环绕着其中一位家属的嘱咐:学医不忘初心。 无语良师课程其实只有短短三天,但令我心灵受益更多的是前后准备的过程。做家访时,我看见了悲恸的家属强忍着泪光,一点一滴地娓娓道来老师生前的美好。每提起老师,家属的嘴角都不禁微微往上扬,仿佛忆起某个天朗气清的午后老师温暖的笑靥。家属的点头让老师更能安然地闭上双眼去完成他们的心愿。然而从老师离世到课程开始的这期间,家人都要承受着无比巨大的痛,耐心等待老师心愿圆满的那天到来。那天家属抱着医生哭成泪人的那一幕,我听见了一颗无处安放的心慢慢地碎裂。也只有亲眼看了这些我才明白,医生能给家属们的慰藉是非常具有温度的。在黑暗中最脆弱最无助时刻的病人,手中唯一能抓到的救命稻草就只有医生的手。医生一个微不足道的关心,对于病人就是最强大的心灵后盾。
我看见了无私。那是生命陨落以后,即使会落得遍体鳞伤依然愿意奉献身躯。我理解了无语。那是无声胜有声,用一泓清澈的泉水浇醒沉睡的人们。 每一道割在她身上的刀痕,每一滴家属留下的眼泪,都会在我们心里埋下一根种子,待日后长出茂密枝叶,希望也能为他人遮荫。 今天就在日记本里记下:勿忘初心。
Wan Muhammad Afnan B Wan Airol Anuar
(MEM140113) Silent Mentor Program has taught me a lot, not just improved my very minimal medical knowledge but also to be empathy and respect patient’s family members. We
are not dealing with one person, instead the whole family. So, it is very important to give our best services to all patients! The best mentors are those who show where to look but don’t
TELL what to see. That’s why Silent Mentor is the best teacher that I have ever had and will always be the best. All the skills that I have gained throughout this program will be used in my future career and it will definitely help thousands other patients.
As saying goes, our mentor is like a candle, she consumes herself to light the way for us. I am so thankful and grateful to be part of this program, I learn to remove all the egos to serve others. As saying goes, it takes a big heart to shape little minds. I am impressed with our mentor effort to help us even at very last moment of her life. I can’t imagine how I could pay for all of this efforts, it is too much for me. But one thing
that I can be sure, I promise to do as what you keep reminded us. “Put thousands of knives in me, its fine, put it wrongly in me, I will forgive you but don’t ever put a single wrong knife in real patient’. Before I end, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart towards family members, all the Silent Mentor program staff and our volunteers that give hands along this program. Without this cooperation, we are nothing. Thank
you again. I will keep this in my memories forever. Natalie Lai Zi (MEM140070)
It's amazing - the supreme art of teaching without talking. How you demonstrated to us what selflessness, love and compassion are. Miss Phoon, I hope our paths have crossed earlier to get to know you better, but with the home
visit all the way to Penang and chatting with your family, reminiscing about your life that was so well lived with your endless volunteering work in many countries. Your heart of gold is truly inspiring. What I have learnt from this program was too much to
be written in a paragraph. Thank you Miss Phoon, Mr Teh, Mr Tee and Mr Sam, for your lives have touched many and until forever will you live in our hearts. Rest in peace. Nurul
Natasha Binte Amran (IMU_22457) The Silent Mentor workshop was truly an eye-opening experience.
This was my first ever experience on a real patient’s body. We were taught many surgical and clinical skills that I had never seen before. I have always wondered how doctors do such procedures in a real setting. This workshop has taught me and allowed
me to experience my first ever clinical procedures. I will always remember the moments my Silent Mentor taught me. As medical students we not only learn many clinical and surgical skills but also essential virtues such as humility and compassion. Towards the
end of the workshop, I could not thank my Silent Mentor enough for the skills that she has taught me. I wish I could have met her when she was still alive. She was truly inspirational through her selflessness and willingness to continue her legacy even after
she has passed on, so that we, future doctors can learn and benefit from her body. I was inspired through every second of learning from her. This experience was a great one and one that I will never forget. Thank you my Silent Mentor, it was a great honour
learning from you. God bless you and may you rest in peace. Siti Mardhiyah Lee Binti
Muhammad Hisyam Lee (MEM140102) This is my first Silent Mentor that I've joined and I believe it's hard to get another opportunity.
From 17 to 22/4/2018, it's a busy week for me on top of my clinical works during the day. Despite being physically tired, I'm so grateful to be part of Silent Mentor program. Being able to polish my hands on skills, learning new clinical and surgical skills
from the experts were really a great experience for me. On top of that, I learnt how to empathise, understand, respect and be grateful as a doctor and of course as a human to human. This shows that our Silent Mentors were very selfless persons and always think
about contributions to the society even at the very last breath. It's true that our mentor did not speak a single word but she taught us silently through every procedures, incisions and stitches that I made. This is really a useful and beneficial program and
I'll make sure I promote and introduce this program to the outsiders. Thank you to my beloved and respected Silent Mentor, Ms Phoon Wan Khan, family members, lecturers, doctors, volunteers, staffs and my colleagues in making this program a successful one.
Foong Wei Kei (MEM140130) Silent Mentor Program has been an amazing journey for me. First of all, I would like to thank the Organization Committee for giving
me this opportunity to be part of this program. I truly appreciate and value everything I have learned from my Silent Mentor, Ms Phoon. You have shown me the value of humanity, selflessness and courage by donating your body for medical education and research.
The knowledge you have imparted upon me will be a great help throughout my medical career. Besides, I have learned to be more confident when it comes to performing surgical procedures. Words are powerless to express my gratitude. I always believe that success isn’t about what you accomplish in your life. It’s about what you inspire others to do. One day, I hope to inspire someone else as you’ve inspired me. You have reinforced the importance of giving back
to the society and taught me how to be a better person. Thank you Ms Phoon, You are a blessing in my life and you will always be remembered. Pearly Quek Poh Sia (IMU_20468) When
I first applied for the Silent Mentor program, I saw it as how it would be to any medical student: an invaluable experience to learn from a cadaver procedure that would not normally be accessible to us. I never expected, however, to bond with my mentor as
deeply as I did. This encounter gave me a chance to meet the side of a patient we don't intuitively realise: that they all have their own lives lived, hopes and dreams to fulfil, hardships and obstacles overcome and people they loved - or who loved them dearly.
Knowing what our mentor was like before her demise gave us a gentler touch with which we cleaned her every day, spoke to her in our own way in awe and gratitude as we appreciated but the tip of the iceberg of her contribution to humanity. Her selflessness
has touched the lives of many; not just us aspiring doctors, but specialists and doctors who have had the priceless opportunity to learn from the mentors. I hope that the students after us will treat the next mentors with the same respect and gratitude that
we felt, and bond with their mentor like we did. All this would not have been possible without the noble sacrifices of our mentors. Ong Zun Zheng (IMU_22723) I am grateful
that I was given the opportunity to participate in this workshop because I believe there is no other similar workshop in the South East Asia region. Some medical students even had to travel to Taiwan to take part in such event, therefore I felt thankful that
I could join it here in Malaysia. The special part of this event was we were given the chance to know about the life of our Silent Mentors. We started our workshop with a home visit to our Silent Mentors' houses so
that we could learn about the stories of our Silent Mentors. Through the interview, we got to know how our Silent Mentors grew up, their occupations, their personalities and their expectations from this workshop. This taught us to treat our Silent Mentors
as our family members, and also to treat our future patients as such so that we could not only help them cure their illnesses, but also to support them emotionally. During the workshop, we cleaned our Silent Mentors
every morning and night, just like taking care of our beloved ones. Even though our Silent Mentors did not speak to us, they taught us love as they decided to contribute to the advancement of medical field even after their passing. They sacrificed themselves
so that all of us can learn something, hoping that we could one day become outstanding doctors. From this, I learned to be selfless, to be ready to help my patients without expecting any return. I was able to learn
and perform some medical procedures and it was really an indelible experience. Practising procedures on plastic models would never be the same as on real bodies. Besides, going through this workshop made me a better person. Through this workshop, I learned
to be altruistic, compassionate and empathetic to my patients. Thank you, Silent Mentors! Sakinah Muhammad Firdaus Ooi (MEM140099) I am deeply moved when I see my Silent Mentor Mr Sam
Suit Fai silently being cut multiple times. His selflessness made a great impact on all of us. I am thankful for the opportunity participating in the program. I have learnt so much and gained confidence in doing some
of the hands-on procedures such as suturing. This is also my first time attending other religions funeral and allow me to understand their culture. 感恩您! 岑老师。 Sarveshwarry A/P Gangatharan
(MEM130142) Being a part of Silent Mentor program has impacted me in various ways. I learnt not to give up if encounter any failure because people out there are not giving up on us and they belief that we will be
a great doctor one day. Besides, being a medical student, we often don’t get to involve in a lot of procedures that were done in hospital. By involving in Silent Mentor program I learned the technique of how to do the procedures hands on through our
Silent Mentor. Lastly, I learn about unconditional love. It means loving them when they are unlovable, and in spite of their imperfections and mistakes. Ting Yi Wen 张瑜纹 (MEM140110)
我曾想过世上真的有无私的爱么?人世间的爱有多种多样,但真正无私、只求奉献不求回报的爱到底有多少?这世上除了亲情,还有一种叫无语良师无私的大爱。这份无私的爱不是人人能够给予的,然而无语良师们让我们深深地体会人世间还是有无私的爱与奉献。 鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长。我感恩的是无语良师们,是您们奉献了身躯让我们在您们身上割下每一刀,好让我们索取在课本上所学不到的知识。是您们无畏及大爱的精神,教会了我们如何成为有同理心及不忘初衷的医护人员。是您们让我们这些普通的种子发芽,长成苍天大树。
人不分高低贵贱,爱不分宗教种族。无语良师们不分你我,只为让医护人员们从中学习受益。感恩能够在我人生里遇见这样无私奉献的您,短短的一星期已足以让这一切永远烙印在我们心底。感恩,我的无语良师们。 Vanessa Chong Yu Ling (IMU_19519) I am Vanessa Chong,
a 3rd year medical student from International Medical University (IMU) and I was given the rare opportunity to take part in the Silent Mentor Program in April 2018. During this program, medical students were able to learn and practise common and essential
medical procedures, such as endotracheal intubation, insertion of central venous line and suturing on our Silent Mentors. I feel that this program is extremely helpful for us medical students as we are able to practise these procedures under actual conditions
so as to ensure that we are able to give the best possible care to our future patients and not make any mistakes. Moreover, this program has an additional focus on our Silent Mentors and their families. We are not practicing on faceless, nameless patients
but on real people. We are taught to give our gratitude and show interest and empathy towards our Silent Mentors and their families through the home visits and gratitude ceremony which usually isn’t present in our normal medical training. This is an
important aspect of this program as it teaches us that our future patients have a life story behind their diseases and it teaches us not to be desensitised to the human ailments we see in the wards daily. Muhammad Azra Hafizi Bin
Ahmad Azam (MEM140062) I felt beyond grateful to be a part of this Silent Mentor program. It teaches me not only to be a good and competent doctor, but also an empathy and caring person above all.
To my Silent Mentor, Mr. Sam, even you were silent, you have taught me a lot to improve my surgical skills. It was indeed an honour to be able to take care of you throughout this program. This program has also widened my medical networking, in which I was
able to learn and to work with medical students from other medical schools. Together, we gain knowledge as one big family. I would highly treasure this experience, and return the contribution of our Silent Mentors to our society as a better medical practitioner.
Malini Sunitha Vivek (Monash_28294998) The workshop was definitely not what I had expected. What I had in mind was that it would teach me the biomedical aspects of anatomy and surgery. But
the workshop was far more. The Silent Mentor workshop was able to bring ethics and empathy together with science. Being able to speak to the families and making the whole process as ethical as possible really shows us doctors-in-training
how to be in the future. In a world where empathy and understanding are fading out, it is important for medical students to experience this. The guidance from the doctors and surgeons was invaluable. Their expertise and
patience created a healthy and open learning environment where we felt free to ask questions. It made the selfless act of our Silent Mentors worthwhile. Our Silent Mentors were the greatest teachers of all. Tan Ling Han (MEM140106)
Throughout the years in medical school, I have met various different lecturers and tutors. There are those that were kind and caring, giving all their time and effort to teach us. We were grateful to them for teaching us amidst
their busy clinical works and even sacrificing their personal time in the wee hours of the morning. However, I learned throughout this week that great teachers can come in many forms and life lessons can be learned from everyone. There are those who live a
life driven by the selfless act of giving. Such a man is our Silent Mentor, Mr. Sam. He dedicated his life providing for his family and friends. He’s the kind of man who would drop everything and help his friends at the drop of a hat. His last act of
selflessness was to donate his body for the benefit of medical research and training. He taught us a way of life, to add meaning and purpose to our finite years of living. No one can truly say how long a person can live but Mr. Sam can say he truly have lived
a life of meaning. I am truly grateful for all the people involved in this program to make it a success. We will always remember our mentor Mr. Sam and his family members who showered us with kindness and love. Thank
you! Mr. Sam. Muhammad Amer Iskandar Bin Ahmad Mahmud (MEM140059) As recommended by a fellow colleague, little did I know about this Silent Mentor workshop. After the 1-week duration
of this workshop, I would say that I am glad that I made that decision to join. Apart from the practice of invasive procedures such as chest tube insertion, intubation and surgical incision, which the medical students rarely have the opportunity to do, values
such as humbleness and respect are the backbone of this workshop as evidence by the daily cleaning of the Silent Mentors and also the silent prayers before each session. This aspect (humbleness and respect) is clearly an instrumental for the development of
a good doctor, which we often overlook. As a conclusion, Silent Mentor is simply more than a workshop. It is an experience.
21st Silent Mentor Workshop 23-28/01/2018
Chuan Deik Roy 全德瑞 (MEM140027) This is the second Silent Mentor Workshop I attended, 20th workshop was my first participation as a volunteer. Most of us
may envy our seniors who attended the workshop for their opportunities on performing hands-on procedures, which drive us to enrol for this program. Fortunately, I was being selected for the 21st workshop. With the intention to improve my procedural skill,
I tried to commit wholeheartedly from the beginning of workshop. However, throughout the event, I see there are more things to learn apart from procedures. Having the home visit, we practice our social skill and communicate with the family members of our assigned
Silent Mentor, including speaking with Mr Lim's daughter via phone, as she was studying abroad. We learnt about our mentor's life story, and made a presentation for our workshop participants. Surely we appreciate the chances given to perform procedures. Far
more important is that, we developed the empathy for Silent Mentors' family members. It's not easy for one to register as a Silent Mentor, also difficult for his/her family members to accept the fact that we are withholding the funeral until so late. The most
important lesson learnt is that love doesn't need to be shouted out loudly, through action, we felt the love from our Silent Mentors. We love our Silent Mentors too, wish you all rest in peace. Hoe Hong Xian 何鴻賢 (MEM140037)
会参与无语良师计划,是因为听闻学长学姐对此计划的好评,也因为深知纸上得来终觉浅,发挥及应用书上知识的机会并不多,再加上对此计划不甚了解,想借机会体验其中的过程。通过此计划,不仅医学知识有所提升,心灵也有所升华。无语良师伟大的爱和无私的奉献,家属口述中夹杂的哽咽及啜泣,皆触动心弦。希望不会辜负家属的期望,能成为一名有人性的医生。 Jane Ho 何采贞 (MEM140131)
I have gained so much from Silent Mentor Program that words cannot fully express how I felt. It has always puzzled me how can someone be so selfless even on their death bed, till this day I still cannot fully understand the
idea but I know deep down in my heart that their selflessness has helped me grow so much from the very beginning of the program. Being in medical school has somehow killed the fiery spirit of mine in becoming a good doctor as we are more focused on passing
our exams and just knowing diseases rather than people. Being in this program I was constantly being reminded to be compassionate because everyone we meet is someone’s parent, child, sibling, someone who is being loved dearly by others. We often forget
that they could be our loved one and I was overwhelmed by the thought. Besides, our Silent Mentors have helped me gain new medical knowledge and made me feel more confident when it comes to performing surgical procedures. Personally,
they have helped me answer my doubt of whether to pursue a career in surgery. No one is more selfless than our Silent Mentors and their family members, thus to repay their kindness I can only always remind myself to be a selfless doctor in the future and be
kind to everyone. A truly great mentor is hard to find, difficult to part with and impossible to forget. Thank you dear Silent Mentors.
Yuvidelci Nilrat (MEM140119) Thank you Silent Mentor Program for this great opportunity to go through this amazing yet meaningful program. In my opinion, it was an amazing program because I learned
so much during these past 1 week. It is no just about polishing our medical skills and learning something new from the doctors, Silent Mentor Program had given me more than that, I learned to be empathic and had learned from my Silent Mentor himself on the
sacrifice that he made for us. Thank you my Silent Mentor, Mr. Lim, the staff and doctors who were busy arranging and helping us for the past 1 week and of course to the new friends and colleagues that I have met, thank you so much. I will forever remember
and cherish this memory. Christal Asong Vinsien (MEM140025) I first heard about the Silent Mentor Program back when I was just a budding first year medical student. I remembered a short
introduction regarding Silent Mentor was held back in the lecture hall in 2014. It was my first time knowing about such a thing, a program where a dying patient willingly donates his/her body for medical study and research. I was instantly intrigued and interested
to join because I knew I will not get this chance elsewhere. It was a good opportunity to acquire new skills by conducting the procedures on a real body, in lieu of on a dummy/mannequin, like what we did back in medical school. And
when the opportunity came for me to sign up for the program, I immediately grabbed the chance and I’m not afraid to say that it’s one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. The Silent Mentor Program
has been an amazing journey for me. I’ve gained so much – new friends, new experiences, new knowledge and skills. I’ve met new friends from different universities, with the same passion and enthusiasm as me for medicine. We were all assigned
to our respective Silent Mentor and I learnt about responsibility and teamwork – from interviewing our Silent Mentor’s family during the home visit, to caring and cleaning the body of our Silent Mentor before each procedure. I was honoured to be
able to go on stage and introduce to everyone about our dear Silent Mentor. The whole process of the Silent Mentor Program was an enriching experience. It taught me about empathy and sacrifice. Everyone has a struggle and a story to tell, thus, we should always
be kind and understanding. I felt very touched and emotional, especially during the ceremonies and rituals conducted, from the initiation ceremony to the sending – off for the cremation. It’s been a fruitful
journey and a real privilege for me to be given this opportunity as a medical student to join this program. My hope is that this program will continue to reach out to the hearts of the community and reap benefit to all the other doctors and medical students
everywhere, just as how it did to me. Banuvithiya A/P Selvamani (MEM140126) Silent Mentor was one of the best thing that had happened to me so far in my journey as a medical student.
Four people who were not from medical background donated their bodies, so that we medical students could practice procedures on them. They did not even know us personally. This is a very noble act and I could never thank them enough. Being able to perform
procedures on real human body was a gift that I would cherish forever and I'm tremendously grateful for being a part of this program. Besides, this program has changed me emotionally as well. I had to deal with death within a close proximity and I grew very
attached to my mentor within that one week and during his funeral. Beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you. A sacrifice without expectation. Thank you SILENT MENTOR.
Ashvirni Gilbeth (PERDANA_13922708) The Silent Mentor Program changed me in many ways possible. I learnt the importance of life, the virtue of patience and the
meaning of contributing to society. It changed me by enforcing empathy within myself in treating patient in the future. It moulded in becoming a better doctor in serving my community. It is the ultimate way to give back to the society, like my Silent Mentor
did. I believe the Silent Mentor Program is a great motivation to all of us and me especially. The Silent Mentor showed great courage and sacrifice by donating their bodies to facilitate research and learning and that is
a sacrifice of intense magnitude. They never met any of us and yet they gave themselves willingly for us to learn from them. Thank you Silent Mentors. You are the greatest of teachers, to teach me about life even in death.
May you find peace and solace in the after-life. You will be dearly missed and always be remembered. "No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away". Michelle
Chia Pei Ling 谢沛玲 (Monash_27456161) Humanity - are we doing it right? Have we done enough? Those were the repeated questions that I’ve
been asking myself throughout this one week. Of all the early days, late nights, gowning up and more fun things to be explored, what hit me the most was every chance that I get to look at our Silent Mentor quietly and peacefully whenever there are waiting
time in between workshops. Are we doing it right? Have we done enough? Do we still remember what humanity is? Have we respect lives enough and how? And it repeats as a cycle. Ever realized
how funny it is to be a human yet still need to bring out that humanity in us? We were no difference as a human. Our Silent Mentor once was an ordinary human being as well. There are times where I had no thoughts, totally blank in mind too while seeing him.
I wondered why too, and was inspired that our life could be this simple and pure as a blank canvas. All we needed were mutual respect between each other. It was really a great honour and pleasure to be able to join the 21st Silent
Mentor Program. As my peers described ‘none of us came out from this program the same’. It was a lesson beyond life and death, but humanity and mutual respect between every living thing. Humanity before remedy,
with a heart that respect lives we can heal more wounds, and maybe if we are lucky enough, more broken souls too. Tok Sin Lei 卓欣蕾 (Monash_27751864) Being able to join the Silent Mentor Program is of my greatest honour and blessing. Through the learning journey with our mentors, what I have gained is beyond medical science that prepares me on becoming a doctor, but the value of humanity and selflessness,
which equip me to become a better doctor. With their altruistic sacrifices, our mentors had turned themselves into a precious gift for us to serve a better future. Thank you, our Silent Mentors, you will always be remembered.
Wong Sui Weng 王綏榮 (MEM140115) Silent Mentor, a phrase aptly describes all our teachers in this workshop. Though they lay silent, I’ve learned so much from them.
Their selfless sacrifice for medical education and pursuance of surgical skills are admirable. Through them, I’ve gained much not just from a medical standpoint, but also learned the value of humanity, compassion and empathy. I could see the difficult
decision that their families go through and their trust to medical students like myself have greatly touched me. It reminds me of our unique role in society as healer for the sick and the great responsibilities that come with it. I hope that the knowledge
gained through this workshop would enable me to help my patients in the future. Thank you, Silent Mentors! Chang Jo-Ven (MEM140018) Feelings of emptiness, loneliness, silence. All these
I feel after the Silent Mentor Program became overwhelming, just like a part of my life has faded away. I stepped into the Anatomy Hall, being required to clean the Silent Mentor’s body for the last time before his burial ceremony. The air seems heavier
but not as heavy as my heart. I started recalling my life lessons for the past one week. I learned about true sacrifice. I understood how powerful selflessness can be, to influence someone to donate his or her body for the benefit of the many others without
asking anything in return. I learned about humanity. Looking at how the Silent Mentors’ pupils bowing their heads for silent prayers, tears dropped when sending the mentors off, giving their very best and most sincere appreciation while learning. Every
cut, every suture and every drop of blood loss from the Silent Mentors, it hurts me in the heart but it acts as the reminder that will constantly be driving me to become a responsible, approachable and trustworthy doctor in the future. Now, it has came to
the end of the program. What's taking over is the heart pinching warmth and the compassion for the journey the Silent Mentors have helped to set forth. I will never forget all these heartfelt moments for the rest of my life. Deanna Marcella Amboi (MEM140028) The meaningful knowledge and valuable memories I have gained throughout the Silent Mentor Program is hard for me to summarize in words. Committing myself to the workshops, home visit and its preparations especially during the hectic weeks of my surgical-based posting has driven me to newfound levels of stress and sleep deprivation, nevertheless it taught me how to open my eyes to
opportunities and blessings, how to be grateful, resilient, and gentle all at the same time. Our Silent Mentors have indirectly taught and inspired me that, despite the little that we have in this world, we can always give much, if we give wholeheartedly and
with good intentions. I hope to share what I have learnt here and contribute to my society. Thank you to all Silent Mentors! Khairunnisak Mohd Nor Azman (MEM140043) Through this Silent Mentor Program, I have learnt that a selfless act of humanity is the greatest and priceless gift one can ask for in this world, especially in the benefits of the medical field. I am so grateful as this program reminds me to be
competent and more empathic in treating my future patients as a whole, not just the diseases. Last but not least, The mediocre teacher tells; the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates and the great teacher inspires. Thank you Mr. Phong
Kuek Hen. Lim Wai Chen 林慧倩 (MEM140048) 小时候的老师,循循善诱,喋喋不休。长大后的老师,身兼多职,医人医病。从未想过,世上还有一种安静不语的老师,称作无语良师。四个字,写是简单,讲是容易,做却往往让人闻之怯步。沉默不语的您,本应早日安详入土,却选择舍身奉献,给未来的医疗,和这群素未谋面且毫无临床经验的我们。您吩咐我们好好善用您的身体时候,可曾想过自己身体最后留下的是千疮百孔?我看着您的身体和您的容貌已不复从前,心中悲痛油然而生,心中不免感慨:到底是要有多大的爱和勇气,才能成为无语良师。
我真的很感恩,感谢您的付出,让我们终身受益。在您身上割的每一刀,缝的每一线,都会深深烙印在我的脑海里。当目睹其他老师们的亲友见他们最后一面,泪流满面嚎啕大哭时,我的心中也在流泪,因为我的老师身边只有我们这群医学生。我谢谢您,谢谢您给我们机会陪您走完人生的最后一程。生前的您潇洒走过了各片土地,愿您离去也能在另一个世界潇洒的生活着。您的骨灰和您的大爱,随风飘向大海,却永远流入我们十一位医学生的心里。 感恩,我的无语良师们,愿您们安息。 Hung Wei Pin (MEM140038) 感恩老師的隨喜發願,十方的支持,促成我了悟般若和醫德最重要的一場對話裡。家屬認可的這項計畫裡,讓我醫研這門功課進展得很不平凡。 Mindy Ngui Chui Min (Monash_27728250)
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” This quote has always been inspiring me but I couldn’t have embraced the true meaning of it until I saw it from our Silent Mentor. Here’s
to you who inspire me and don’t even know it. It has been the most emotional, inspiring and grateful period of time in my life and I believe no one walks out from the program the same. Every scar I saw on your
body, my heart breaks a little and every time it allows me to grow a little. You have shown me your selflessness which can tolerate every incision we made on your body. No matter how much suture we did on your open wound, it could never mend the pain your
family members have to suffer. I could never thank you enough for your contribution to the medical field as well as the support from the family members for willing to extend their grief in order to fulfill our Silent Mentor’s last wishes. No one is actually dead until the ripples they caused in the world fade away. There is always a place in my heart to keep every ripple you have made and every lesson you have given me. Words could never express how blessed I am
to just be a negligible part of it. Thank you for brightening my world. Wong Lin Ling (Monash_27323676) Death is not an end if one can live on in the next generation. This Silent
Mentor Program truly inspired us that to what extent one can sacrifice for the sake of humanity, even after death. In this program, we witnessed the anatomy of a real human, practiced on suturing real skin and observed various operations on real bodies. Everything
was so real that no pictures, books or any learning resources in the world could illustrate to us. We felt the Silent Mentors with our hands and heart. We had never met each other throughout our lives, yet they were willing to give us the opportunities to
learn from their bodies, to practice our surgical skills and to make enormous contribution to future medical field. Every misconception we had and every mistake we made on the mentors has become our most valuable lessons to treat the patients better in the
future. From cleaning up our mentor’s body every day until the last day of closing ceremony, we felt as if we were treating an alive patient till the last moment of his life. Never did I know that we learnt to
be empathetic and compassionate from this meaningful program. The pain and sorrow that the family members went through to let go of the body of their loved ones was unbearable. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and apology to the Silent Mentors
and their family for the sacrifice they all had made. The Silent Mentors had left behind incredible legacies and will live on in our hearts. Although their lives had come to a full stop, but the lessons we gained from them are immortal. Goh
Wei Pin (Newcastle_140671933) I am eternally grateful for the privilege and opportunity to learn from our Silent Mentors, not only in term of medical knowledge but also the great value of being selfless they have
instilled in us. The 21st Silent Mentor Program has been a meaningful journey that inspired me to become a doctor who treats every individual with gratitude, respect and love. My heartfelt gratitude towards my teachers for their selfless sacrifice, leading
me to take a big step spiritually. Celine Fong Mien Er (Newcastle_140671704) Before joining this program, I have never expected that I will have such a deep sense of gratitude
towards my Silent Mentors. They have shown me what a true hero is. Even without knowing us, they did not hesitate a second to be Silent Mentors. These heroes gave me many powerful lessons that I will forever carry with me. They taught me knowledge no other
medical books can. They gave me the confidence to do certain medical procedures on real life patients. They inspired me to be a good person and doctor. Most importantly, they showed me how a selfless act should be. Words can never describe how thankful I am
to these teachers. Towards the end of the Silent Mentor Program week, I slowly began to feel a bond with the Silent Mentors. It is amazing how you can feel a strong connection with someone whom you have never met or spoke to. I owe them a debt of gratitude
for all they have done for me. ‘It takes a big heart to shape little minds’. Ong Chon Sum 王俊森 (Newcastle_140673742) 爱能海沽石烂,爱能诚心坦然,爱能缓慢蹒跚,唯独无语良师的爱独一无二,无私也无价。这爱不需喧哗,也不需张扬,只需用心感受。 四周黯然无光,唯独前方不远处有盏明灯。明灯牵引着我,赐了我三大领悟。 第一悟,觉悟。世人往往被工作繁忙与生活压力所影响,遗忘了医者治人非治病的道理。或许简单的关心问候,才是病人最有效的解药。 第二悟,悟心。世人总把这世界复杂化,往往忽略了爱的核心莫过于赤子之心。以真善美对人、对事、对物,对方必定感受得到,因为其实爱很简单。 第三悟,悟人。世人总爱投诉埋怨,但其实人的心态决定一切。想放弃的那一刻,要回想自己选择医学的初衷。与其摒弃原则,不如屏住呼吸坚持到底,当一位人们尊敬爱戴的医生。 钢琴停奏了,音乐的旋律依然会在耳边回响;一样的,四位老师虽然离开了,他们的精神依然会与我们同在。谢谢老师们化为明灯,为我照明前路;谢谢老师们用心良苦,奉献自己以惠大众。
我未来的路程不会冷清寂静,因为您们的教诲将随我走下去。愿您们安息。 Nydelene Llewellyn Tong Yiu Shyong (MEM140133) Firstly, I am extremely grateful to be given
this opportunity to join the Silent Mentor Program as well as being trusted with the role as a team leader. I never knew how crucial and beneficial this program was for me until I went through it. Above and beyond the knowledge and skills I gained from this
workshop, this workshop changed my perception of medicine, of patients, of empathy and my life as a whole. I could never imagine this short one week lesson could make such a huge impact on my life, but like what Prof Si Lay said, the experience is unexplainable.
This experience sparked in me a new interest in surgery and renewed my passion to pursue medicine because my mentor was a patient unlike any other. I am truly grateful not just for my Silent Mentor but also to the family members
who suffered a great deal throughout past few months. From not being able to bury their loved one after death, to having prolonged grief to suit the time of this workshop. I see the pain and I feel it, but I know I will never understand it. It is truly an
enormous sacrifice for them. On my part, I will thrive to become a good doctor that they have placed their hopes in, that way, their sacrifices will not be in vain. The time we took to clean our Silent Mentor every morning,
may seem like a small and insignificant task, but it changed my point of view each morning. I learned to see my mentor as my own father or loved one. It takes 10 of us in a team to clean him, even then, we struggled to do so. I imagined my mentor’s wife
and son caring for him every moment, every single day and with only a pair of hands or two; I believe it indeed takes great patience, strength, love and perseverance to be in their shoes. Every day, we see a new scar or suture on him, my heart aches thinking
this upon my loved one. Who am I that he would trust me with his body? But that is how it is, for every patient that allows me to examine in the wards, they have trusted me to their bodies and life. I will never forget the moments I spent learning by his body,
the first patient that I have done a chest tube on, intubated, taking time to suture on and etc. I will always remember to treat every patient as though they were my family, because they too have a family who loves them,
as I love mine. Thank you, to the Silent Mentor and family members, my professors, Mr. Sia for this once in a lifetime opportunity. “The world doesn’t need more famous doctors (名医), it needs good one (良医).”
said one of the Silent Mentor’s family member. By God’s grace, I will try my best to become a good, kind and compassionate doctor. I will always look back to this day and ponder upon the invaluable lessons I learned from my Silent Mentor, and keep
the passion burning in my heart. Rozita Binti Ishak (MEM140098) I’m truly touched from deep down on my heart during the week of Silent Mentor Program. When I filled in the form
to participate in this program, I know that I’ll benefit a lot of knowledge and clinical skills yet it is surpassed my expectation after this program ended. I’m not just learnt knowledge, clinical skills but also sense of empathy, humanity, selflessness,
responsibility and teamwork. Thank you for letting me experienced all this. After the workshop, I gained confidence to do it to a real patient because I got the feel and being able to do it first time on the real human body was opportunistic. Surely, I gained
a lot and thank you. Sarah Aisyah Binti Anuar (MEM140100) The Silent Mentor Program is such a meaningful event for both students, lecturers, volunteers, organisers as well as the family
members. After meeting the family members of our Silent Mentor, their strength and selflessness really touched my heart, throughout their sadness of losing a loved one, my Silent Mentor's family remained positive and trusted us to take good care of our late
Silent Mentor. Their trust is something that taught me a lot of the responsibilities of becoming a doctor and I hope that from this experience and the clinical skills that I gained I can contribute to my community. Thank you to my Silent Mentor and the family
members. Chong Ro Wan 張若婉 (MEM140023) 是您的无畏及大爱精神,才成就了我们这一场邂逅。 我们非亲亦非故,您却给我们留下了两份礼物: 一份名为知识,另一份叫做无私。 您包容了我们在您身上划下的每一刀缝下的每一线,我们知道,这是您对我们的鼓励及祝福。我们与您的相遇虽然短暂,却也已经足够让我们学会用尊重及同理心来对待他人。 请放心,您的学生,必将铭记从您身上所学,来日报答于人世间。漫漫行医路上,我们不忘您的教诲。 感恩,珍重! Zaitul
Ilham Bin Saadin (MEM140120) A truly great mentor is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget. I am very grateful to be able to join the 21st Silent Mentor Workshop. I am touched beyond words
for the selfless sacrifice and great courage showed by our Silent Mentors. As the saying goes; a good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others. I obtained a lot throughout this program. I acquired new medical knowledge and clinical
skills. Besides that, the most important thing that I learned is to empathise, sympathise, appreciate and respect others. The Silent Mentors taught me the true meaning of selflessness. Thank you to our beloved Silent Mentors and their family members. Thank
you, teachers, for inspiring us and making us what we are today. You will be forever remembered. Khairunnisa Mohd Khalid (MEM130067) A great teacher teaches
without boundaries. I’m truly grateful to be part of Silent Mentor participants this year. This program benefits medical student in all aspect. It gives me courage and confident to apply and practice the procedures that I learnt for the last 7 days.
I would like to thank to my Silent Mentor and his family for their kindness and generosity for giving me these unforgettable experiences. Thank you, teacher. Say Wei Xian (IMU_22098)
The Silent Mentor Program taught me that we can learn a lot about a person through his/her actions. We never got to know our mentors personally, all we have are stories told by their loved ones, but their decision to become
a Silent Mentor spoke volumes of the great amount of love and selflessness that resided inside him. Even in death, they are still giving to the living. No one stepped out of this program the same. It made me realize that
medicine is truly a very scientific yet humane course. For me personally, Silent Mentor was a very emotionally conflicting experience for me. During the workshop, it amazes yet scares me how we are just able to turn off our emotions and focus at the task at
hand- learning all the procedures. It was only after the workshop, during the coffining and the funeral that I felt more in tune with my emotions towards my mentor again. It was hard to be confronted heads on and to work
so closely with the concept of death for the past week. I would say that this will be the first glimpse for many medical students into the emotional aspects of being a doctor and how they feel when they lose a patient. I guess our Silent Mentors can be considered
the first patients we lose, our first association with the death of a patient. I feel extremely blessed to have the chance to be a tiny part of it- for really, without our teachers, our beloved Silent Mentors, there is no
us today. William Wong Lik Loong (Monash_27034550) To many, death may be the end to one’s life, but to our Silent Mentors, they continue to contribute to the teaching of medical
profession. A decision tough for our mentors and hard for their families to accept, yet our mentors have devoted themselves to teach their dear students. Truly a noble act of selflessness! It is of great honour that we can
be part of the program, learning alongside our mentors and their families, doctors, surgeons and our peers. Such program is pivotal for medical professions and students to learn and perfect our hands-on skills to better serve our patients in future, minimising
potential risks and errors. As medical professions, we are guided upon the Hippocratic Oath, ‘first do no harm.’ Our mentors, allows us to correct and learn from our mistakes made and minimising harm to our future patients. In addition, as for
medical students, we realise that textbooks are tools of our learning that do not reflect into real life. As for example, anatomy that we learn through illustrations from textbooks is just an abstract that we can hardly grasp. A doctor cannot learn solely
from books, our mentors however, have taught and provided us with a realistic learning opportunity through our senses, further reinforcing our understanding. Our mentors have sparked the curiosity and enthusiasm towards learning in us! Knowledge is just part of it, our mentors have inspired and taught us how to care and extend our empathy and compassion to others. An integral part in providing everyday care to patients and qualities that need to be instilled as early as medical
students. In the beginning, having to clean and performing procedures on our mentors, we just aren’t used to with feeling of discomfort. However, as time passed, caring for our mentors have become a routine for us and we have built a sense of attachment
with dear mentors. We learn how to respect, care and extend our empathy and compassion to our mentors as they are patients of us. We will carry such spirit and attitude through our lives ahead whether in our medical profession or everyday lives! Dear mentors, you may not know us, yet you have acted selflessly to contribute yourselves for our learning. We really appreciate your sacrifices and we cherish the moments being student of yours. It is of such reluctant to bid farewell to our mentors
at end of program with tears seen on faces of grief. You may have parted from us, but your everlasting memories are kept deep in our hearts. What you have taught we will remember and share among peers to benefits more people.
For families, the prolonged grief is a torment, but thank you for being supportive and allowing us to know more about our mentors. So much that our mentors and their families have done yet nothing much we can do in return. Feelings deep within, no words that
can describe, all we want to say is thank you! Chong Tze Lin (Monash_27345548) Being a medical student who was exposed to dead body for the first time, I was not afraid or surprised
instead I am extremely grateful for the sacrifice our respectful Silent Mentors have made. Their contribution to making great doctors in the future will never be forgotten. I am truly honoured to be given the opportunity to practice and sharpen essential skills
to practise in emergency situations in addition to some surgical procedures. These are all made possible because of the selfless act by our Silent Mentors who were willing to donate their body for the medical professions. We are truly sorry for the prolonged
grief which the family members have gone through and meanwhile we are thankful for the support and encouragement they gave to our Silent Mentors in granting their last wishes. Despite the fact that we were all strangers in the beginning, throughout the program,
we have somehow bonded with our respective Silent Mentors and their family members. Tears were seen on the faces of almost everyone including professors, doctors, organisers and medical students while accompanying our Silent Mentors along their last journey.
Emotions deep within my heart at that moment were beyond word description. While feeling sad for their lost, I was glad that they could finally rest in peace while leaving knowledge and passion to be remembered. Practising in real life is different from theories
that we learn from thick medical books. Observing personally is also different from imagining in mind. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Doctors shall be compassionate and most importantly, do no harm to any patient. In order to do so, exposure and
practice are the key to become a better doctor. This program gave us an insight into the real life setting. Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to the Silent Mentors, their family members, organizers and also medical professionals for their guidance.
Soh Wei Qi (Newcastle_140672000) This Silent Mentor workshop had been a truly enlightening experience. It was not just any anatomy dissection class, but one that touches and humbles the
soul as well. The family visit was the bridge to understanding and connecting with our Silent Mentors and their family, providing us a unique viewpoint to empathize and deeply appreciate their contribution. Through our Silent Mentors and their families, we’ve
witnessed what it truly means to give and to understand, we’ve reinforced how it is to respect and to be empathic. Values I believe are pivotal in helping to shape us to be a better humane doctor in the future in addition to the clinical skills obtained
through the workshop. The time and effort put into making this workshop run successfully by the organizing team, as well as the time the doctors and volunteers spared to teach and guide us late into the night was also deeply appreciated. Thank you for this
precious opportunity. Wong Xue Zheng (MEM140116) It's been the most hectic life I had gone through in my medical student life, being assigned as a team
leader for Silent Mentor Program and had 3 on-calls for my Obstetrics & Gynaecology posting held during Silent Mentor Program week. However, it was truly one of the best and unforgettable memories that I will cherish forever. I had learned about Silent Mentor since my 1st year, by joining the closing ceremony of 14th Silent Mentor Program, it was truly an eye opening experience as there are people who are willing to donate their bodies to us, medical students and professionals
to undergo teaching and research purpose on their precious body. Since then, I had decided to join the Silent Mentor Program, when I am eligible. Surprisingly, I was even being selected as one of the team leader to conduct my team's activities and programs.
From each activities and programs we were assigned to join, from receiving our mentor's body, home visit to Silent Mentor week, I was truly grateful to have the opportunity to understand our mentor, Ms Lee. From her personal
history, medical history, her family background and her family members, these allow us to understand her more as a whole, even though she had passed away. Without this, I will not have all the hard feelings every morning, when I was washing our mentor's body,
without all this understanding, I will not be that grateful, joining Silent Mentor Program. Empathy and compassion towards patient are way more important than medical knowledge. It pushes us forward to become not just
good doctors, but great doctors. This is the lesson I had learned from this program. May our mentor, Ms Lee rest in peace. 一日为师,终身为师. Varshaa A/P Manoharan (MEM130168) The Silent
Mentor Program has changed the way I see life and death. Seeing death from close made me realize the sacrifice my Silent Mentor did in order for us to learn. She is the greatest teacher I had who taught me sympathy and empathy. Thank you Silent Mentor for
this beautiful learning experience. Nur Syafira Binti Bilalluddin (MEM140087) 21st Silent Mentor Program had given me an eye opening experience. I believed I had done the right decision
when I decided to sign up for this program. I never expected that I had the opportunity to try and practice a lot of procedural skills, which I had never done before during my previous years in medical school. Getting to participate to this program for free
was a great chance that no one will get if we didn’t grab this opportunity. Like what Dr Akmal Miswan said, ‘I have to pay RM2000 to do all the procedures on goat, where here all medical students can do it for free’, really make me feel grateful
and glad that I have joined this program. Thank you to all silent Mentors and their families for teaching all of us the meaning of love. Nur Syafiqah Idris (MEM130125) Silent
Mentor taught a lot of things to me. From a perspective of a medical student and also as a human being myself. Empathy, kindness, patience, relationship with family etc all of this built my character as a human and medical student. Thanks to all the
Silent Mentors, I have the opportunity to learn a lot of basic to advance stuff. I experienced something that I might not even have the opportunity in the future. I am really glad that I chose to enrol in this workshop even though I was hesitant at first.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Song Zhi Liang 宋智亮 (MEM140104) A million thanks to the organizing committee of Silent Mentor Program and everyone
who are part of this journey. This journey of learning from our Silent Mentor has been a memorable one. It’s an exponential growth of intellect and empathy for me and I couldn’t have achieved this without this program. I am grateful enough to have
a supportive group and extend their help whenever it’s needed. Thank you. Muhammad Amin Bin Mohamed Usuf (MEM140060) I think it's hard to go through this program and came out unchanged.
In fact, this one week program has affected me on a personal level as a human being. I've this great opportunity to learn medicine from a different angle, to receive a special experience and be taught so many things just
because of the utmost act of selflessness and love by these Silent Mentors. As medical students, in our “baby-years” in this journey of medical life, we are incredible excited to be able to perform procedures.
In fact, it is such a milestone for us to be able to do it. But little do we know this Silent Mentor Program is also preparing us future-doctors, to experience real empathy and love, thus to put in our care of the Silent Mentor. Waking
up early everyday or sacrificing our weekends for the activities are not mere tentative and participation duties but also has showed to us and planted in us how hard we should be preparing ourselves in caring for our patients. I'm
undeniable touched by the life-story of my Silent Mentor, Ms Lee Yoke Chin. In her entire life with years dedicated to teaching, she still find herself wanting to do more for the society. Her contribution and aspiration for future doctors have not only moved
our hearts but have also prepared us to become better doctors. With much love and with grateful heart I’m only able to say much thanks to everyone who has made this program possible. Such a rare opportunity to have
come and such a beautiful one for me, to have experience. Thank you. Ong Siu Ching (Monash_27300382) Prior to joining this program, my thoughts were mainly on how to
hone my skills as a doctor and to constantly find opportunities to do so. One of these opportunities was the Silent Mentor Program. However, after joining it, I realised that it is not merely an opportunity to sharpen my skills, but to develop the qualities
that most doctors lose after a long journey of pursuing medicine – kindness, compassion and empathy. I too broke down when I saw the families mourning over their loved ones who had then became our Silent Mentors. It
was then when I felt a sense of responsibility - I was now in charge of taking care of their loved ones together with my fellow colleagues. A whole week of program was tired yet fulfilling for me as I cared for my mentor, Ms Lee Yoke Chin. At the end of the program, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as I sent her off. It was as if I had connected with her even though she passed on. The amount of admiration that I have, for her willingness to sacrifice herself for education could
not be put into words. There’s a saying that goes, “We all die, the goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” Yes, our Silent Mentors have passed on, but they created
a batch of doctors that will not treat the patients as mere diseases, rather as individuals with each a unique story of their own to tell. May our Silent Mentors rest in peace. Thank you for all you have done!
Edwin Foo Hsiang Win 符祥荣 (Monash_27232875) At the start of the Silent Mentor Program, I thought the program was merely an opportunity for me to attain competency
in surgical skills. However, what I did not expect to unearth is a precious lesson on self-sacrifice and a much needed emphasis on the importance for empathy. I would say that the persistent effort of the organizing committee to entrench the need for compassion
has yielded its desired outcome, for I believe that I now see patients much differently from before. The chronologically structured questions that had to be asked during the home visits enabled us to have a deeper understanding
of the life story of our mentor. Listening to our mentor’s story from the family members’ point of view, it was as if we witnessed the moment of her birth until the instant she gasped her last breath, being aware of the events that shaped her future,
the decisions that changed her life, as well as the regrets that never came to be fulfilled. Although as medically irrelevant as it may seem, however, it was through these mundane and perhaps insignificant histories that
it felt so alive, as if our mentor was someone whom I knew throughout her life. And as I went through her bio-data again and again in preparation for the presentation to come, subtly but unmistakably, an indescribable bond began to form. Throughout the workshop, we were tasked with the responsibility of cleaning our mentors. The experience was a first for me, and the amount of care and delicateness shown for fear of damaging our mentors was tantamount to one we would have shown to
any family member of our own. It became a constant reminder to me that our mentors were not just cadavers used for the sake of medical training; they too were good people that suffered before passing on and yet continue to suffer just for the sake of our education.
Furthermore, it is no easy feat for the family members as not only the raw grief experienced were denied of a swift closure, wounds that were beginning to heal were torn afresh with each encounter. With that, I would like to
express my heartfelt gratitude towards all our Silent Mentors as well as their families. And through our Silent Mentors and their families, I realized we are all capable of compassion, and that sometimes, what it takes to
bring out empathy is simply to know that person a little more. Khor Hui Yi (Monash_27280667) 无语良师给予我们的不仅仅是医学上的知识和接触,更多的是心灵上的提升与生命中的领悟。 他们的无私奉献,有多少人能理解,又有多少人能效仿?
每天早晚的净身梳洗、默哀、工作坊等等,这一切仿佛已融入了我们一星期里的生活,成为了我们很重视的一部分。十个人护着一个老师;四十个人秉着同一个使命。或许是这样的心灵相系,把我们牵在一起。 对于李老师,我无限感激。感谢她无私地奉献身躯,让医学者学习;感恩她的大爱,生前生后都对社会付出了不可磨灭的贡献;感谢有您,让我们理解人生的可贵。 李老师,我们会铭记您的嘱咐,成为心灵向上的医学者,不辜负您对我们的期望。 Daniel Wong Bang Lun (IMU_22076) As a medical student from International Medical University, I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity
to join the 21st Silent Mentor Program. I will briefly share my experience of joining Silent Mentor Program held in University of Malaya. Technology has made studying and practising medicine easier with all the
stimulations, but nothing can compare to real experience of learning from a unique and precious Silent Mentor. This program mainly improves our surgical and procedure skills. Firstly, the condition of a Silent Mentor which
resemble the living body without breathing, heartbeat and feeling is the best for surgical stimulation. First experience of doing procedures and surgeries on Silent Mentor is essential for junior doctors to gain confidence in doing surgeries and complicated
procedures with high risk on a real patient. Next, it gives us a deeper understanding of the human’s anatomy. It helps me to remember better after seeing the real anatomy with my own eyes. Spiritually, Silent Mentor
has taught me the most important lesson which is we must treat every patient like our family and treat illnesses with compassion. Understanding their worries and needs is far more important than diagnosis. It molds us into a caring doctor and enables us to
gain an insight into the feeling of family side. It is our responsibility to take care of the family members’ feeling as well and act in the best interest of everyone. After the workshop, all the incision wounds made
were sutured back and wrapped neatly before helping Silent Mentor to dress up. Thanksgiving ceremony and Sending off ceremony were held to show our respect towards the Silent Mentor. It refreshed our humanitarian knowledge. I hope I can live up to my Silent
Mentor’s expectation, remember why I started this journey in the first place.
20th Silent Mentor Workshop 10-15/10/2017
Nur Ain Syahirah Binti Md Ansor (MEM130115) The Silent Mentor Program is a very beneficial and inspiring program for us, the medical students. To be given the opportunity to join this program
and be able to learn from a mentor who selflessly donating his body just for the sake for our future, I am forever grateful for that. Listening to my mentor’s life journey from his family and how a great guy he was made me realized that this program
was not only about learning the medical skills and procedure, it is beyond that. It teaches us about empathy, sacrifice and respect. From now on, every suture or procedures that I made to my patients in the future, I will always remember that I had learned
these skills from my beloved Silent Mentor. Thank you to my Silent Mentor, Mr. Mooi Choong Kong and his family. Lee Zhi Yang 李智揚 (MEM130078) Silent Mentor was one of the program I was looking forward to. I never regretted joining it. It was more than what I have expected. I could not thank our Silent Mentors and respective family members enough. The sacrifices and commitments they made
were extraordinary. Being a Silent Mentor was not an easy decision to be made because it involved huge understanding and tolerance from the people around them. What we gained was not merely knowledge and skills. More importantly, we learnt about empathy, humanity
and respect. It was against the norms that we never introduced ourselves prior to learning from our patients. We did not meet nor speak to our Silent Mentors before but we learnt about them through their family members. This was what made them unique and I
do really salute them. Thank you for organizing this meaningful event for us. It would be one of the best memories in my medical school life. I would bring along what I learnt with me in my future medical career. Nurfathiah Amirah
Bt Mohd Nordin (MEM130127) When I first entered medical school, I saw Silent Mentor sending-off ceremony held at the Centre Point. At that time, I don't know what it was, only knew that it has something to do with
the Silent Mentor Program. After being introduced to the program, I had made it my personal mission to get a place for myself among all the medical students. Lucky me, I was among the chosen one to be allowed to join. Silent Mentor Program was everything I
imagined it would be and more. Starting with receiving of Silent Mentor at the Silent Mentor Center, getting to know our Silent Mentor through his/her family, throughout the one week course until the send-off ceremony, every step actually taught me a lot of
things; not just surgical-related stuff but also life values. I learnt how to be empathetic, how to care for others, the importance of respect, how to be a team player, all in all how to be a good doctor. I'm very grateful to all the Silent Mentors for without
their selfless gifts, we would not be able to learn, what we have learned and what we have experienced. I would also like to thank Silent Mentor committees for planning and conducting this program. Nur Syafika
Amalina Mohamad Razale (MEM130124) It is a very meaningful, once in a lifetime opportunity for me to be part of this Silent Mentor Program. I leant a lot of things from this one week program not just about the basic
things that we need to know as a medical student but I also leant about the other aspect of life that we often overlook which is about the value of life and to be kind and love to each other. I thought heroes only exist in the movies but now I have seen 4
of them during this Silent Mentor Program and I don't know if there is any suitable words to describe how grateful and how thankful I am for their selfless contribution for making this program happened. They were not just heroes but they also a great teacher
that inspire us to become a passionate doctor in the future. A doctor that will takes care of our patients with the best care that they can receive. To my beloved Silent Mentor, Mr. Mooi Choong Kong, you had taught us that action speaks louder than words.
You did not speak to us about anything yet you have taught us so many things. I can't thank you enough to your family and your selflessness for making this program happened. You were no doctor yet you taught us basic things that we need to know for our future
practice and your sacrifice will always be remembered. Khadijah ‘Izzati Binti Berhanuddin (MEM130065) I had joined Silent Mentor because I want to gain experience doing procedures
on human cadaver initially, and I thought that’s it. On the last day of the program, I had realized that the Silent Mentors not only taught me the experience of those procedures. It teaches us medicine is not just about practice, it involves people and
thus involves emotions and interaction. There is a reason why the program had designed a home visit and cleaning the body every day. Even though the Silent Mentor was dead, we had learned how he lived his life and cleaning him every day is like building a
rapport. I was moved by the sincerity of the Silent Mentors, willing to donate their own body for the purpose of others. Their hope on medical practitioners who had learned from their body to be a good, caring and compassion doctor, I will try to fulfill
with all my minds. Thank you and rest in peace Mr. Mooi. Chai Yan Yu 蔡彦瑜 (MEM130018) 非常感恩有机会参与这次的无语良师工作坊。虽然事先有同学跟我分享他们在之前参与无语良师工作坊的心得与感受,可是毕竟听说与亲身体验是完全不同的。短短的一个星期里,这其中所体验是我这一辈子都不会忘记的。我不会忘记当我第一次见到您,
我的无语良师的那一晚, 强压下心里的震撼,专心地帮您净身。过了几个月后,再次见到您的身躯,再次为他净身,之后就是连续每天凌晨五六时,为您净身。一天天过去,我心情是越来越沉重,因为您身上充满了我们造成的伤口与刀痕。您是多么的伟大,从不曾和我们相遇,却愿意奉献自己的身体,让我们学习,我一直在想到底是什么让您有那样的勇气去做出这个决定。我也很感谢无语良师的家人,如果没有你们,无语良师的遗愿也没法达成。在送您最后一程的那天,我眼泪再也忍不住决堤了,泪中充满的是言语无法表达的感激与不舍。我知道我唯一能回报的是当个好医生,不辜负您对我的期望。世上就是有那么个人,无私的奉献,不求回报。希望我能够永久记得当时的那份感激与感动,在未来充满荆棘的医学路上戴着感恩的心,一路走下去。安息吧!我敬爱的无语良师梅重光老师。
Yong Voon Wei 熊温薇 (MEM130180) 致敬爱的无语良师: 虽然我们不曾相见,但命运让我们在这堂课里相聚; 虽然我们不曾对话,但您门教会我生命宝贵的一堂课; 那不仅仅是表皮上的一道一线,更重要的是~态度! 生命中确实有很多过路客,感谢这一站下车遇见了您们。 那份大爱,那份宽心,我学会了!感恩。
Teh Hui Xin 戴慧欣 (MEM130164) 感恩一切!秉持着这个信念,我完成了这个为期一个星期的无语良师工作坊。从中学习的知识经验不少,但所得到的人生启发更是源源不息。从第一次三更半夜为老师清洗身体,到老师家做探访,到最后的工作坊,继而送老师走上最后一程。这些回忆刻骨铭心,也带来一连串的思绪。这世界上真的有人那么无私地愿意奉献出自己的身体,让我们这些医学生们学习。您也许不知,这一切都对我们意义非凡。感谢您所付出的一切,感谢您那么的伟大无私,感谢您让我们学习良多。老师!一路好走。
Choo Xing Yan 朱興彥 (MEM130027) During the first time when we met, I was grateful for having you as my mentor. It was not an
easy decision for someone without a great love to donate his body just for a better future in medical science. Without the unconditional love from the mentors and the support from the families, we wouldn't have make a success
in the events. Again, to my mentor, you had left, however the knowledge that I gained from you will always be there. During the coffining session on the 2nd last day, I felt that you, my great mentor accomplished your
mission and this was the time for you to go back to the place that belongs to you. May you rest in peace, my mentor, my family. Ooh Jie Wen (MEM130134) 还记得我从学长姐口中得知“无语良师计划”的时候,我就已经深感兴趣。但真正参与其中,我才更了解何谓同理心,何谓医德。从家庭探访、清洗大体、开幕仪式、研讨练习、封棺仪式,至送殡仪式,我深深感受到大体老师对医学进步的迫切期许,也深刻体会到他们的亲朋戚友对我们的劝告叮咛,只为不辜负他们的牺牲,和好好对待他们亲人的大体。 大体老师们的无私奉献,家人朋友的无限支持,造就了这个计划的成功,让医学生和专科医生能够从中学习到各种医学技巧。我更明白,这些决定并不容易,大体老师需要在几个月后才能入土为安,家人朋友也必须为了这个计划而奔波。为此,我想对大体老师们,以及他们的家人们,致上万二分的敬意和谢意。感谢你们。
Nur Suhana Binti Zakaria (MEM130123) The commitment given towards our silent mentors throughout this program has taught me about sacrifice. The hours, sweat and energy that were channelled
towards our mentors has truly given me a taste on the sacrifices that are to be made in my future; how are we going to care for our patients? The family members’ support has left a heavy responsibility for us to uphold. And with this weighing on our
shoulders, we spend not only our time, but our soul to provide the utmost care. And our effort has worth it, as how I immensely hope the sacrifice that our mentors have made for us to be competent future doctors. Thanks to our teachers, Mr. Lee Kim Chong,
Mr. Mooi Choong Kong, Mr. Wong Thiam Yoong and Madam Soo Kam Yip. Putri Jasmine Filza Binti Firdaus (MEM130138) I feel so blessed and humbled to be given this opportunity to be
part of this one-of-kind program. In this journey, we've learned so much more than clinical skills, we've learned the values of compassion, empathy and gratitude. These are some values which will not only make us better doctors but also better human beings.
I cannot find words to express my gratitude towards our Silent Mentors as well as their families for the altruistic sacrifice. This has touched each and every one of us and will leave an everlasting impression. There is no doubt that letting go of a loved
one is difficult and painful. I would like to thank the family of Mr. Lee Kim Chong for being supportive of his final wish and for welcoming us into your home and for being very helpful and cooperative throughout the whole program. Monishak
A/P Ramachandran (MEM130097) I am so grateful for given an opportunity to join Silent Mentor Program. This program not only helps the medical professionals to improve their clinical skills and gain knowledge but
also shapes us into a better and humane one. I really feel like I am part of my Silent Mentor’s family throughout this program. When I went for home visit, I got to know about my Silent Mentor. I was amazed of his life story. More than that, I was impressed
when I heard his last wish before he passed away. He wished that medical professionals can make full use of his body to make advances to find cure for cancer so that no one will suffer from pain in the future. Not everyone in this world willing to donate their
body for a useful purpose after their death. Although I learnt a lot and had the chance to be hands-on during the workshop held during the Silent Mentor Program, it really wrecked my heart to see the number of wounds and fractures on my Silent Mentor’s
body. These made me want to salute him and his family member’s for a great sacrifice for medical field. Despite being exhausted throughout this Silent Mentor Program, I am happy as it went uneventful and able to send him off peacefully. From the bottom
of my heart, I would like to thank everyone for giving me the chance to be part of this program. I also would encourage my juniors to join this program as it will benefit them. Lee Jing Yih (MEM130076) With their unconditional love, our Silent Mentors have shown us the virtue of contribution to the medical field and they inspired us about the beauty of humanity. Millions thanks to our heroes of life and their beloved family members. It was certainly
a meaningful program in my medical life. 无语良师那崇高舍身惠众的菩萨精神让我们感动万分。通过这项计划,我不但学习了医学上的知识,也深切的领悟了大爱的精髓。感恩您们的付出,成就我们的未来。 Lai Yuen Sin 賴悠欣 (MEM130073)
Ong Wee Meng (MEM130133) I wouldn’t boast of how much surgical skills I have learnt from the Silent Mentor workshop because it was never the main purpose of this workshop. To me, the workshop is
to instil 2 main principles of life, the first one being volunteerism and the second one is selfless love. But again these 2 principles are intertwined and can’t be untangled. We volunteered for the workshop, spending our time and effort, preparing and
cleansing our mentor. Our mentor portrayed to us, selfless love, love that ignores the boundaries of time and space, sacrificing her body to give us a lesson in life though she never meets us in person. She already passed me the torch, it’s now my duty
to continue her life purpose of volunteering and spreading love. Thank you. Sharifah Azura Bt Shafie (MEM120169) I learned about Silent Mentor Program through my friends. They always
talked about this program in a way that it helped a lot in their study. So that’s why I gave it a try. Throughout this program, it was not only focused on the medicine, but it was about teamwork, care and love of the family. I'm grateful of having a
new family as they were supportive and already assumed me as their "real family". They also were thanking us of taking care of our teacher, in which we were the one supposed to thank them and bow to them. Real speaking, I've never met family as them. I will
never forget about them and promise to stay in contact with them. Nevertheless, what sadden and touch my heart is that "may you make twenty mistakes on my body, but never make mistake on real patient's body". Thank you for giving me the opportunity to join
Silent Mentor Program. Haida Izzaty Izyan Bt Yahoda (MEM120044) This Silent Mentor Program, flawed as it is in certain part, it's also perfect in a way that it unifies us all. It's okay
to be of different religions but still show respect to our Silent Mentor. (Let's have a moment of silence, whatever religions you are to pray for the Silent Mentors, every single time) To actually see such concept to actually come true, that we were capable
of such things, is very touching. (This is something you rarely see these days). We've learnt so much from our mentors. Your sacrifices will never be forgotten. You'll always be in our hearts, always. Muzamil Bin Mohd Moussa (MEM120111)
I would reminisce one day, knowing how pivotal this experience has been in my life, academically and personally. The Silent Mentor Program has provided a much-needed injection of inspiration and motivation to my waning pupil
spirit. The pleasure of working in a well-functioning team, practising medical procedures and learning the innards of the human anatomy on a body untainted by preservatives and embalming fluid is indeed an unparalleled
acquaintance, especially for a student. As a person, these Silent Mentors have given me a glimpse of what it means to be selfless, a keystone value of a quintessential doctor. I hope to mortally perpetuate the lessons
I have learned and make good of the sacrifices that these mentors have gifted in the name of education. Chai Jia Xuan 蔡佳璇 (MEM130017) 感谢无语良师们无私的奉献,让我们从中获益不少。他们人生的最后一刀,是我们的第一刀。
让医学系学生第一次就可以拥有这样的学习经验,非常可贵难得。无语良师不只是给学生一个示范,也给我们一个很棒的启发。 人,生前可以为社会奉献,死后也陆续可以为社会奉献。这样神圣的善终,让人不禁升起崇高的敬意,也让无语良师的家属们在哀伤当中,多了一份荣耀感。 捐献大体并不是一个容易的决定,尤其需要家属的支持。但愿我们都不辜负无语良师的期望,未来成为良医,并让一颗颗爱的种子,遍布希望在各个角落萌芽茁壮,绿成浓荫。
Tan Yan Jing 陈妍静 (MEM130160) 鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空让它飞翔;高山感恩大地,因为大地让它高耸。 我感恩您,虽然我们素未谋面,但是您那无私的爱,却穿越时空,让我们有机会向您学习。
人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。谢谢您让我体验人性的善良与美好。您不单让我在医学知识上巩固了,也让我学着感恩心对待身边的人。谢谢无语良师,愿你们安息。 Puteri Nurul Syifa Binti Othman (MEM120195) To meet someone who lives for
the service of others, even death can’t stop her from contributing to others is impossible, but I met one while participating in this program. I never met my mentor before, but I was touched by her kindness and love for others. It’s an honour to
meet someone like my mentor. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to learn, to help others. I hope I can be as kind as my mentor in the future. Mohamad Zulhaqim
Bin Abd Karim (MEM120088) Silent Mentor is a great workshop especially for medical students to learn from live demonstrations and get some hands-on in surgical components of the undergraduate program. Students are
able to appreciate that a patient is always someone’s family member. Aside from that, students are also able to appreciate friendships both intra and inter universities. Sii Hoe Leong (MEM130145) After our Silent Mentors passed away, they have to be frozen for a couple of months before the workshop to preserve their bodies. Families and relatives have to wait for the funeral after the workshop as well. Through this Silent Mentor workshop,
I see the selfless love expressed by all Silent Mentors even after their passing to let all the doctors, specialty trainees and medical students to practice skills and technique on their bodies. At the end of the workshop, there were so many cuts and sutures
on each of our Silent Mentors and I believe these have had benefited many doctors and medical students in their journey as a healthcare provider. Their sacrifices also give me constant reminder from Hippocratic Oath which is ‘first, do no harm’
to my future patients. Thank you, Silent Mentors Mr. Wong Thiam Yoong, Mr. Lee Kim Chong, Madam Soo Kam Yip and Mr. Mooi Choong Kong. Leuk Kheng Soon (MEM120075) Joining the Silent Mentor
workshop is preparing me to be a more responsible and caring doctor. Throughout the program, I gained a lot. I acquired a new set of clinical skills. I learned sympathy and empathy. I learned the sorrow and frustration that the family experienced when they
lost their loved one. These all helped me to become a better person. I'm glad I joined this workshop. Thanks. Siti Nor Syafiqah Bt Shaari (MEM120176) This Silent Mentor Program has taught
us a lot either in academic section or humanity. It is different to practice any procedure in mannequin than in real human body. It helps us to practice about sympathy and empathy. It is very important elements to become a productive doctor. I am grateful
with this opportunity. The real teacher is our four mentors who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the academic purpose in present and in the future. I am thankful to the lecturers who spent their time to guide us to become a better student. I am grateful
for one week of Silent Mentor Program. Andrew Long Chay Zhien (MEM130009) I was not too sure about the Silent Mentor Program at first. I had initially thought that it was a ‘clinical
based workshop’. Only later after joining the workshop did I realize how it is also about the fundamental meaning of empathy and humanity in the medical field. I would like to thank all the Silent Mentors and their family for giving us this opportunity
to learn from them. Thank you. Fatin Syahirah bt Mustaffa (MEM130046) Silent Mentor Program helped me understand how big the sacrifices of the mentors in helping medical students and
doctors. A few procedures and anatomy were taught during the program and it helped me in refreshing my knowledge. Besides, I learnt how to handle our mentors properly during preparation and sending off as our appreciation for their generosity. My gratitude
towards our mentors would not be enough to be expressed in words. May our mentors rest in peace. Nurshahanum bt Mohd Nahrorawi (MEM120144) I have learnt a lot from this
Silent Mentor Program. This program provides us a good exposure especially in surgery. We were also being taught on how to do suturing and some important procedures which were very useful for us in the future. During my first time seeing my Silent Mentor,
I felt very sad as he is willing to sacrifice his body for the sake of us to learn. But, as time goes, I felt thankful to him as I can learn various procedures through him. I also felt grateful because I have met a supportive family like my Silent Mentor's
family. For me, he was a gift not only to us, medical student but to all patients that we will meet and treat in the future. Thank you to my selfless teacher, Mr. Wong Thiam Yoong. Lau Jia Ru (MEM130074) 六月尾的凌晨十二點半,隊長透過一封簡訊通知我和其他同學,我們的無語良師剛剛過世,要我們在兩個小時後集合準備到馬大醫院迎接並替大體老師潔身準備急速冷凍。還記得當時的心情是複雜的。難過的是,一個寶貴生命已逝去。興奮的是,這是參與無語良師工作坊的第一步。 很慶幸,家訪讓我更了解我的無語良師 — 添勇老師。最意想不到的收穫是看到添勇老師的家人那堅強與無私的精神。尤其是老師的雙親,雖然要忍受白髮人送黑髮人之痛,他們卻願意接受添勇老師的遺願,那就是捐獻大體。他們忍痛割愛,無法立即為至親舉辦喪禮做最後的悼別,只能等到數月後的工作坊方能再次見到無語良師最後一面。他們願意打破傳統,為醫療教育貢獻,是非常值得人們敬佩的。
添勇老師!我們不曾相識,但您靜靜的教會了我如何當個好醫生。五天的工作坊就這樣來到了尾聲。我非常珍惜這難能可貴的學習機會。從您的身上,我不只學到了醫學的知識與基本的手術技術,我學到了更重要的是要有同理心,有道德和給予病人与家属更多的關懷。未来在对待每一个病人,我都会记得曾经躺在模拟手术台上的无语良师给我上的课。 生命很脆弱也很短暂,我们都无法避免终究会结束的生命。添勇老师将他的大体奉献给医疗界,将爱散播给所有参与的人员。他已离开了人世但他最后选择了把爱留在这个世界上。添勇老师!您将永远活在我们的心中。
Annabel Chong Su Lin (Monash_27295826) The Silent Mentor Program has truly been a great inspiration to all of us. I strongly believe no one walks away from this
program the same. There is so much to write about - the sacrifice of our mentors, the strength of their families, the skills of the trainers and the team spirits of the participants. The Silent Mentors showed great
courage and sacrifice to have chosen to donate their bodies to teach medical students and professional new skills. They never knew anyone of us, yet they freely gave their bodies for us to learn. They taught me selflessness and that we had to love others just
as selflessly as they had. Nothing prepares you for death. I watched as the families of the Silent Mentors grieved during closing ceremony and my heart ached for them. I cannot imagine what the families of our Silent
Mentors went through. There is no true closure until burial, they said. The immense strength to have lived through the past few months before the actual burial is unbelievable. My heart goes out to the families and I pray that they find the peace and closure
they need. I feel extremely blessed to have just been a tiny part of it - for really, without our teachers, our beloved Silent Mentors, there is no us today.
Agnes Lau Wei Yin 劉維穎 (Monash_27261425) Good teacher explains, but great teacher inspires. It is truly a blessing for me to be able to join the 20th
Silent Mentor Workshop. Through this program, I deeply felt the spirit of sacrifice one can make solely for humanity. They were not medical professions but they still made a choice to donate their bodies for medical research and learning. Death is the end
of one’s life but Silent Mentors left their love and legacy behind. I will truly appreciate whatever I had learnt from this program, not only the medical knowledge or procedure, but also the spirit of sacrifice and love for humanity. Thank you teachers.
You will be forever remembered. Loh Hoi Yan (Monash) 若人生不曾相遇,我仍是那个我,依然沉浸在自己的世界,无法了解在世界另个角落的您、无法了解世界另一端的美丽。一位伟大的您、可敬的您、无私的您,带着坚韧的心始终没枯萎,绽放着艳丽的花。这几天里,您默默地伴着我们走在无止尽的学习路程,一路前行。忧伤却又感激的心情交织在一起、化作串串的泪水与汗水,再带上千言万语都无法表达我对您的感恩。您在生命的最后一刻,不畏惧地奉献自己的大体。这个勇敢不是任何人具有的。而我,却除了感激,还是感激。我想告诉您,春蚕生不言良之言,其吐出之银即量身价之尺,如同您,不炫耀那无私的爱。感恩!
Mark Yii Chi Song 余自松 (Monash_26380218) The Silent Mentor Workshop has inspired me in many ways. I had learnt that life is not about how
much you earn or receive, but how much you give to other people and the community. The Silent Mentors had shown great love and sacrifice to humankind by giving out their body for education purposes. Their sacrifices had turned into blessings to the doctors
and indirectly to the patients. The workshop had taught me, as the future healthcare providers, to be kind and caring to patients. There was a famous saying by the previous Silent Mentor, that is they rather have wrong
cuts being done on their body than the patient’s body. They had taught us to always treat our patients kindly. I had also learnt to be grateful on things given to us. During the workshop, the participants showed
their gratitude towards the Silent Mentors through different methods such as drawing cards, buying gifts, presenting speech and performances. We should not only show our gratitude orally, but also though our actions. Most
importantly, I had learnt to treasure every now and then. This is because life is uncertain, and one could not foresee what lies ahead. Therefore, we should number our days and be glad in it because each day of living itself is a blessing.
Tan Li Yin (Monash) As the saying goes, “for life and death are one even as the river and the sea are one”. Before entering this Silent Mentor Program, my understanding of
the program was relatively superficial. Little did I know that I was about to be changed completely by it. On the first day of the home visit, a group of us medical students came together and carpooled
to our mentor’s home. Upon reaching our destination, we were immediately welcomed with open arms into their home and they were so glad to share with us about their deceased family member, Madam Soo Kam Yip. Although I have never met Madam Soo previously,
I was deeply touched by her contribution to everyone around her while she was still alive. Her assistance did not meet its end and even extended to anyone in need of help without expecting anything in return, be it simple donation to charity homes to going
on site to help the disaster victims. Many of her family members, including her closest relative, her daughter only realised Madam Soo’s true intention after her passing. Not only that, they were also only aware of Madam Soo’s health condition
after it was being told by Madam Soo herself and everyone knew at that time there was nothing more they could do but to support and care for her till her last breath. Listening to their story has allowed me an insight into the importance of empathy and understanding
about a person’s situation, so that we as the future doctors would learn to care for a patient holistically without any discrimination. After the home visit, it was time for us to proceed with
the preparation session. We cleaned the body every day and it surprised me how different Madam Soo looked from the pictures. There were changes in her appearance and the remnant from her past surgeries remains on her body. Looking at her from afar made me
realise the value of life and spur me to be a good doctor in the future so that I may save more lives that are currently in Madam Soo’s position as well. When the workshop session approaches, I was initially anxious as to how it was going to be and whether
I could face someone of such great reputation to be dissected in front of me. Fortunately, the support from my peers helped me in overcoming that fear and it was through that whole process of learning that built our teamwork together. All in all, it was truly an amazing journey in the Silent Mentor Program. We often do not realise the true value of a moment until it has become a memory. I have witnessed, understood and learnt tremendously, not just about how
to become a doctor, but also how to become a better person. My sincere gratitude goes out to all for this opportunity given to us. Last but not least, I would like to just convey a message to our Silent Mentor’s family, ‘those who we truly love
will never leave us”. With that, I thank you.
19th Silent Mentor Workshop 18-23/07/2017
Dahlia Munchar Binti Elias (MEM130031) “Our fingerprints don’t fade from the lives we touched” – Judy Blume. If that holds true, then the legacy made by all the Silent Mentors
will truly be eternal. In my opinion, the Silent Mentor Program is one of the noblest ways to contribute to the society. I’m sure I speak for many students when I say that their actions move us deeply. After living a full life, on with joy and strife,
the mentors chose to forgo traditional memorials to donate to the advancement of medical knowledge. What we learnt from them will be used in our practice to help others and be passed down to future students as well. My mentor’s
family once asked, ‘Why isn’t this program part of the faculty’s curriculum?”. To them, they wanted all students to be able to learn from my mentor. My answer then was that, “I think, the exclusivity of Silent Mentor makes the
whole experience more valuable to the participants”. I feel truly grateful and blessed to have been given the opportunity to join this program and learn from my mentor. God willing, I hope that all participants, including myself, will cherish this opportunity
to learn from our mentors and not take them for granted. Joyce Teo Wei Ting 张玮婷 (MEM130061) 不知不觉中,一个星期的无语良师工作坊就这样画下了完美的句点。能与这位 “最特别的老师”–王添益老师邂逅,我的心里充满着万分感激,也深信这一切是缘分巧妙的安排。透过这个具有意义的无语良师计划,老师们也成功地圆满了心中的大愿---遗爱在人间,无私地奉献自己的大体让医学生们学习。这份舍己为人的精神,让我深刻地明白了付出的真谛。老师,您早已在我们的心中播下满是爱心的种子,感动着每一个人,每一个生命。在您身上所缝的一针一线,也不断地再提醒着我,要用心和耐心地对待每一位病人,如同我对待您一样。最后,我也在心中为自己立下了小小誓愿,那就是唯有不断地努力学习,才不会辜负您的期望。感恩您,王老师,让我在医学生涯中上了宝贵的一课。
Alina Binti Mohamad (MEM130006) I heard about this program from my seniors and friends. They said it is a beneficial program that I should join it. So I signed up for this program a few
months ago. I thought I just can learn about clinical skill from this Silent Mentor, but I was wrong. I learnt more than that, including empathy, love, sacrifices, and more. I am glad and thankful that this program was planned and conducted smoothly so that
we can fully benefit from it. Thank you. Teong Chee Sin 张芷馨 (MEM130166) 细雨朦胧,微风拂脸。站在人海中,凝望着老师的灵柩。忆起数月前,您我只是人生过客。然而一份心意,一股勇气,一场牺牲,造就了一次美丽的邂逅。二零一七年三月二十九日是终点,也是起点。哀悼、净身、解剖、缝合、入殓,这看似轻描淡写的过程,却参杂着五味杂陈的心思。我因领悟老师传递的知识,而雀跃不已。
又因感叹生命的凋零,泪水夺眶而出。心中充满了无限的不舍与感恩。感谢您的无私奉献,愿您随海风安然离去。 Elicia Chieng Tze Zhing 詹智晴 (MEM130036) This Silent Mentor Workshop has taught me invaluable lessons of love
and selflessness on top of the very necessary clinical skills. I am truly grateful for the mentors' selfless contribution to allow us to practice on their bodies so that we may become better doctors in the future. Nur Nazifah Binti Mazlan
(MEM130122) I am glad that I was introduced and was able to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. I never knew that someone that I have never met before would leave such a huge impact on my life. With each and
every day of the program, I had learned something new and met someone new. Aside from clinical skills, I have learned to give love and care to others and to respect other people’s culture and beliefs. Most importantly, I have a family here and I will
always remember and cherish every moment of this Silent Mentor Program. Cheryl Chia Hau Yee 謝巧兒 (MEM130021) 當初決意參加第十九屆無語良師工作坊僅僅是因為想要學習及掌握手術技巧,並沒有意識到,技術上的收穫只是冰山一角--此工作坊讓我對生死離別有了新的看法;從王老師過世的那一天起,我們就開始給老師淨身,到他家中拜訪並了解他生前的事跡。到工作坊的那個星期,我們每天都得給他淨身以確保老師以最好的狀態開始及結束一天的课程。一路上雖然疲憊,可我竟在不知不覺中也漸漸地成為了他的家人。王老師不僅是一個在我們的生命裡一個來去匆匆的病人,他是一個有血有肉,有故事的一位『家人』。他過了一生的跌宕起伏、聚散浮生,走到了人生的盡頭後就由我們來接手,這是一件多麼有意義的事情,老師的遺願就交給我們去圓满了。感恩老師的妻子王太太一路上的支持,她教會了我們如何冷靜地看待生死離別,其實死亡並沒有那麼悲觀。最重要是感恩老師博愛的精神,才能讓我們有機會學習,當一位更好的醫生。往後只要有我們救急扶傷、援貧濟世的地方都總會有老師的精神存在。感恩。
Nazhatulnadia Binti Hashim (MEM130105) I feel very thankful and grateful for being given an opportunity to be involved in this beneficial program. From this program, I learnt to be more
compassionate and respect to all our patients. It taught me more than just being a skill oriented doctor. Silent Mentor Program has been a great experience to me and it taught me a lesson that no book can provide to me. From the home visit and interview session,
it allowed us to know our mentor and their family members thoroughly. It also made us more empathetic towards family members and trained us to always put ourselves in patient shoes. Through this program, I learnt a lesson that we need to treat a patient as
a whole and not just treating the disease. Thank you my beloved Silent Mentor Mr. Ong, his family members, Mr. Sia and other committees for making this program a success. Saw Li Sean 苏丽仙 (MEM130143)
Sim Su San 沈淑钐 (MEM130146) 老师,您辛苦了。我在这无语良师计划中获益良多,不仅仅是在学术上,心态也改变了。我深深感受到您的伟大及大爱。感恩您无私的奉献。大爱无言,感恩老师。 Fatin Nur Shaheera (MEM130045)
I have heard great things about the Silent Mentor Workshop and I am glad that I have decided to join this workshop. I have not only learned and experienced numerous hands-on surgical skills through this one week program, but
also empathy and the meaning of sacrifice. The family members of our beloved Silent Mentors should receive an amount of respect as highly as our Silent Mentors as their sacrifices to support their loved one’s decision while having to go through the tough
moments of grief were unimaginable. I have developed a sense of respect and affection to my respectful Silent Mentor, Mr. Tang Nam who was known to be a great husband, a loving father and a caring friend through my times helping to preparing his body every
day. He was indeed a great man with a big heart, I would always keep him close to my heart, as my motivation to be the best doctor I can be, to be as kind and generous, as he was. To him, who had inspired us all, my deepest gratitude, Mr. Tang Nam.
Asyikin Mohamad (MEM130014) It is a very great opportunity, a lifetime experience to be part of this Silent Mentor Program. I gained a lot of things that I am sure that won’t get in any textbooks
or lectures. At first, I thought by joining this program, it will be just the same as learning anatomy using the cadavers in Anatomy Lab. However, my thought changed day by day, when I involved directly in knowing my Silent
Mentor’s background, family members as well as his dedication in donating his body for medical education. I am very touched for his sacrifices, that I am sure we could not afford to pay financially or physically. Throughout
this program, the most important aspect that I learnt is not the medical knowledge, but the power of love and passion showed by my Silent Mentor. He was a very nice person, loved by his family, relatives and friends. Almost every day, my friends and I took
good care of our Silent Mentor, by cleaning and suturing the body, to ensure that they are always in the best condition. It instilled the value of responsibility, love and passion to our hearts. I am sure this is best to be applied to our real patients in
future. Thank you my dearest Silent Mentor Mr. Tang Nam, for your selfless sacrifices to contribute to medical education. Even though you are silent, you spoke voices that communicated with us emotionally. It is our honour
to learn from you. You will always be remembered & loved. Last but not least, A Great Doctor is inspired by a Great Mentor. Thank you, our beloved Silent Mentors. Fong Mee Ing 冯美瑛
(MEM130048) 这一路走来真的不容易,但您却教会了我不管再怎么辛苦都要坚持自己喜欢和爱惜的东西,不到最后一刻都不轻易放弃。 在您身上划下无数刀,缝了又开,开了又再补,我看了都觉得心疼,这不是每个人都能做到的,但您,无私的奉献了自己成就了我们这群医学生,化无用为大用。参加了这一次的无语良师工作坊也让我对死亡有了另一种看法和态度,离世带给家人的是一种痛彻心扉的哀伤,更多的是舍不得,但透过捐献大体于医学界却给医学生们带来的是无数的正能量去学习,同时也揣摩人生是多么的奇妙。我们非亲非故,您却无言无语的舍身成就学生,传授生命的奥秘,遗爱在人间。
谢谢您,老师,一路好走! Kok Piao Yee (MEM130069) I have learnt a lot from this Silent Mentor workshop. Honestly, this is one of the best workshops
I have ever participated so far. I am truly grateful to have chance to join this meaningful workshop. Although tiring, I truly enjoyed this workshop and also the time spent together with Mr. Tang Nam's family. Here, I would like to thank Prof Saw Aik and Mr.
Sia for their great efforts and guidance in making this workshop successful. Thank you, we really appreciate it! Nong Sofea Ku (MEM130106) I feel thankful that I have
got the chance to involve myself in this Silent Mentor Program. I have learnt a lot of things that I will never get from anywhere else. It is all about clinical and humanity combined at the same time. I am glad that important clinical procedures mentioned
above were able to be performed under the guidance of experienced lecturers and doctors, but more importantly essential medical humanistic values and approaches were successfully inculcated in us in our daily practices as future doctors. The sacrifices that
our Silent Mentors made as well as the willingness of their family members to let us learn from their loved ones have taught us the true meaning of selflessness. Our Silent Mentors have also redefined death; it is not the end, rather it signifies the beginning
of a great purpose after their passing. With this knowledge, they faced death with courage and pride. These lessons have been firmly ingrained in each and every one of us who attended this program, for which we would not be able to learn elsewhere. My only
regret is that I was unable to wish all the Silent Mentors, especially Mr. Tang Nam, my sincerest gratitude when they were alive. Finally, thank you and rest in peace. You will always be remembered. Ang Yuin Ging
(MEM130011) "你们可以在我身上割错无数刀,但不要日后在病人身上割错一刀!"。这句话,不是一般人都能够说得出口的,可鄧南老师您却毫不畏惧地说了这话。为了医学的进步,为未来的病人能少受点苦,您化无用为大用,捐赠大体成就伟大医学教育。静静躺着的您,承受了无数刀,日夜切割缝补,您不动声色,我却心疼不已。您的无言无语,无私的奉献,不仅传授了生命的奥秘,也让我明白最尊贵的爱,无需言语。鄧南老师以及无语良师们,您们犹如菩萨。感恩您们的舍身,感恩您们的遗爱人间。您们的大德将铭记于心。感恩!
Leroy Lim Wui Hon (MEM130081) It’s been a difficult week, physically and emotionally. Physically, the times were demanding. We
need to wake up at 5.30am and 6.30am. While everyone is having their beauty sleep, our alarms were the only one that rang before the sun rose up. We got back late too. Workshops ended about 8.30pm but cleaning up will take time. Some members even got back
at 11pm without having their dinner. Emotionally, I was drained as well. Having listened to each mentor’s life stories, sometimes you think, man.. these people did not deserve to die yet. They’ve got so much more to achieve, so much more time to
spend with their loved ones, so much more stories to tell. But life is life, and death accompanies it. I couldn’t help but to feel sad every time I look down on my mentor in the hall, knowing how great of a man he was (and still is!), and now he is just
lying down there. May God bless his soul. Having said all this (hope I don’t scare you), in the end, all the morning calls, the late nights, the long hours, it was all worth it. I am not asking the organizers to change
the times or the hours. I am asking the students to embrace it. Trust me, spend the time. Take the extra courage to wake up early. Take good care of your mentor. Learn as much as you can from the workshop. And know that you mentor will be smiling down on you
from the heavens. My last sharing is, I know as doctors, we are not supposed to be so attached to patients and their families. It will affect our decision-making. However, I must say that I am happy to be able to meet and
got to know Mr. Tang Nam’s family better, since there are also no decision makings in this event. The family, especially Mr. Patrick (son) and Ms Pui Kwan (daughter), had shown so much kindness and love for our team. The family had been through so much.
Even the burial had to be postponed by months because of the program. It must have been hard for the family, that they could not lay Mr. Tang Nam’s earthly body to rest yet. The least I could do is to help wheelchair the elderly relatives around, showed
Mr. Patrick some hidden parking spots, walked them to their cars, etc. Mr. Patrick even offered to keep in touch even after the event has ended. We truly appreciate the sacrifices made by our mentor and his family. We love you. Thank you. God bless.
Nur Farahin Binti Ismail (MEM130118) I am very grateful for being chosen as one of the participants in this great program. I started this program without having any single idea about how this program
being conducted other than knowing that I could learn something especially in term of skills. So, I just thought this program as one of our clinical skill programs which will enhance our skill and technique. After going through this program for about a week,
I realised that I gained more than the knowledge itself. I learnt about respect, sacrifices and empathy. I could see that how hard the organiser and volunteers tried their best to remind us about respecting our mentor by having one minute of silent prayer
before every session and everyday introduction of our Silent Mentor to the postgraduate team. They also reminded us to handle our mentor very softly and try not to make more harm to the body especially when cleaning. We also learnt about sacrifices by our
mentors and their family members in allowing us to get the best learning point in this program. “It is okay to make a thousand cuts on a dead body but don’t make mistake on living person”, the last word from my mentor
that I cherish the most. Chuah Su Ying 蔡淑颖 (MEM130030)
能够参与第十九届马来亚大学无语良师工作坊真的很感恩,这不仅增进了我临床的学习经验,教会我更多的是无私大爱的精神和人生的价值观。我会把这次所学习的经验铭记在心,还有无语良师家属给予我们的四个字:用心生活。谢谢成就这次工作坊的所有人,感恩缘分让我们聚在一起。 Aimi Amirah Binti Yusof (MEM130004) Silent Mentor Program is a good learning opportunity as I learned a lot of things from it. The basic surgical skill and other common procedures were not the only things I’ve learned but equally important skills I gained from the program are
teamwork, empathy, communication skill and the culture of other ethnics. Tan Keh Ling 陈柯鲮 (MEM130157) 人世间,沧海桑田,群山有崩塌的时候,大海有干涸的时候,生灵有灭绝的时候,可唯有施恩,超然于一切事物之上,那么地铭记于心。老师,您无言的教诲如春风,无语的师恩深似海。我答应您,让世界有爱,似如您在。
Tang Weng Kin 陈永健 (MEM130162) 我不是一位多愁善感的人,我不是一位懂得表达自己的人。然而,面对老师,一直以来,我只能以尊敬来对待,以认真学习来报答。一切都好像是这样的,直到最后一天,我看着那四张老师棺木的照片,忽然觉得老师们从此就在人间消失时,我心里很难受。我觉得老师们真的很伟大。通过家访,我们基本上就了解老师的一生,撇开老师的一生,每个人的一生肯定都不容易,而老师更是受了很多苦难,但是他却没有怨天怨地,他选择努力生活,他选择了最大爱的方式来造福我们。这种善举真的不是普通人能够做到的,那种无私的奉献,可以说是无我的境界,这种大爱的精神真的很难得。我那一刻真的很感动,我想我真的该向老师们学习如何做个更好的人。谢谢您老师!祝福您一路好走,安息。最后,我要感谢Mr.Sia与所有志工们的帮助,有了你们,我们才有这个机会参与这项计划。谢谢你们的善行,感恩。
Kwong Kar Ying 关嘉莹 (MEM130072) 言语已无法表达我对这个活动的想法。因为一些私人因素,我没法参与第一次帮大体老师清洗以及冷冻的过程。一直到家访,才第一次接触及认识老师。那五天的工作坊确实很累人,可真的让我学习到很多在医院常见但不能动手的程序。同样的,也让我见识到老师一天比一天多的伤口。心里那莫名的痛也不知该怎么去诠释。真的很感谢,感恩老师无私的奉献。希望参与这工作坊的每个人,能牢牢记住他们所学的知识,造福人群.
Wai Suetyen 韦雪燕 (MEM130170) “生命不在乎长短,最重要是生命的深度,用心生活”- 这句话,深深地烙印在我的脑海里。感谢各位大体老师无私的奉献,特别是我的大体老师许宇明老师,在这短短的一个星期,我获益不浅,不只是医学上的知识,还有我对人生的观念。老师伟大的付出,以及我学到的经验和感受是无价的。每一天早上为老师清理身体的时候,每当我看到老师的身体又多了一把刀痕的时候,都会默默地在心里与老师对话,我心想,捐大体到底需要多大的勇气?这堂课,虽然老师无言无语,只有心灵上的沟通,但是这堂课,是课本上学不到的,也是我人生中最宝贵的一堂课。当然也不忘家属们对无语良师的支持,是他们的大舍,愿意舍弃着一份不舍,好让老师们完成心愿,让医学品质更上一层楼。许老师,虽然您已经离开了这个世界,但其实,您不曾离开过,因为真正的爱不会因为生命的流逝而止息,您将永远铭记在我的心中,您是我最特别的老师,愿老师一路好走。安息吧!感恩。
Chong Jia Jie 張嘉傑 (MEM130024) 勿忘初衷,一直是陪伴著在就讀醫學的我的座右銘。但還是會無時無刻迷失方向。感恩有此因緣參與'無語良師'工作坊,讓我在其中學習到了平日學不到的人生價值。在此工作坊,從家訪开始,到每天早晨清理老師,在老師身上做些手術,直到在工作坊結束把傷口縫上,一直提醒我凡事得細心,得謙虛地學習。不但如此,在老師身上割錯的那一刀,縫錯的那一線,會一直烙印在我腦裡。感恩無語良師。
Siti Aminah Binti Muhammad (MEM130147) I learnt a lot throughout
the Silent Mentor Program for the past one week. Firstly, I gained first hand experience through the workshops held in which I would not get in any clinical sessions throughout the medical school years. It was a golden opportunity and a blessing to be
able to learn from the Silent Mentors in the clinical aspect of medicine as well as values to uphold in being a better doctor in future and a better person as a whole. These precious experiences also encourage me to study and work harder to be able to convey
and share the knowledge that all the Silent Mentors have taught us. Wan Nur Solehah Binti Wan Abdullah Zubir (MEM130172)
It has been an enlightening experience joining the Silent Mentor Program. I learnt and did so many new things that would otherwise only been seen in textbooks or heard from lectures.
I am also amazed and humbled by the generous hearts of the Silent Mentors who donated their bodies for the advancement of the medical field. Not one single day passes by without me thinking on how they were able to do so. How did one accept having multiple
procedures done on one's body after death, even knowing that it would help future medical professionals? Truly, the courage they had when making the decision to be a Silent Mentor was not little.
Tan Chung Wei 陈俊威 (MEM130155) 对于老师们的奉献,我无法用言语来表达我的谢意。在这无语良师工作坊,我对老师们产生了某种形容不了的感情。偶尔,还会不时的想起老师们,有种时时刻刻叮咛着我的感觉,天天为他们净身与照料,没有压力、放胆地向他们学习,该做怎样的人,该做怎样的医生,实在受益良多。感谢老师们给我这个机会。愿您们安息。在此,也感谢家人们的支持,以及无语良师工作坊全体人员的付出,深感谢意。感恩!
Chin Xin Wei 陈欣薇 (MEM130023) 很感谢能够参与第十九届无语良师工作坊。经过了一星期的活动,真的让我受益不浅。通过此工作坊,我在大体老师身上插入了我人生中第一个中心静脉导管(central venous line)与胸管(chest tube)。这些都是医学生永远都没有机会实行的程序,但唯有获得大体老师的无私奉献,才得以让我们实现学习的梦想。春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干,但大体老师的奉献却是永无止尽的。我非常感谢各位大体老师的无私付出,也很感激为这工作坊日夜劳动的工作人员,以及自愿者们。这将是我永生难忘的美好经验与回忆。感恩!
Lee Sin Ying 李芯荧 (MEM130077) Through Silent Mentor Program, I got to know my Silent Mentor, Mdm. Tam and her family members. Donating her body for
the use of medical education was really an act of love and kindness, especially when our mentor did not even know the person who is going to carry out procedures on her. By putting trust on us, she just surrendered her body. Silent Mentor Program is like a
silent movie, messages conveyed without spoken dialogue. You have taught us humanity, love and courage. Thank you, Mdm. Tam. You will always be remembered. Jacklyn Hong Chew Ting 熊秋婷 (MEM130060)
From the first day of cleaning your body while I felt like you were just another patient who passed away, until the last day when I cleaned your body as if you were one of my family members, you had shown to all of us that love
can be simple, courageous, selfless and of no boundaries. You had left, but you left us thoughts to be pondered upon late in the night; you were gone, but nothing can carry your greatest kindness away. You were silent but you spoke volumes. You were a
gift not only to us medical students, but to all the patients we are going to meet and treat in the future. Thank you. Nor Azuwa Binti Said (MEM130109) I first heard about Silent Mentor
Program when I was a first year medical student. Years passed, and now, I felt so grateful to be able to participate in this program. Silent Mentor Program had taught me more than just clinical stuffs. It had a lot of “first time” for me. My first
incision made on real human being, able to feel the pleural space and lung, intubation, endless suturing and many more to mention. I won’t be able to forget the adrenaline rush at that time. However, I learnt more than that. The four Silent Mentors taught
me about love, kindness and courage regardless of race, religion and culture. They were not just cadavers on operation table. They were once a caring father, a hardworking person and a loving husband yet they still thought about others who are not related
to them. They all had one similar idea which was to return back the good deeds to society. I wish they will rest in peace and may their family members and friends live their life to the fullest. Thank you to all Silent Mentor Program committees especially
Mr. Sia, volunteers, group-mates and of course our beloved Silent Mentors for one week of precious memories and priceless knowledge. Woo Wing Jun 胡永缙 (MEM130173) “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” – Henry Adams. A million thanks to Madam Tam and all other Silent Mentors. I felt extremely grateful to be able to join
this program as I was able to learn all the clinical skills to the fullest as I could practise as many times as possible. Nevertheless, the most valuable lesson I have learnt was the art of medicine which included empathy, selflessness and compassion. Your
sacrifice and selfless contribution will definitely be remembered and carried forward along the journey in my medical career. From a stranger to a special teacher, you spoke no words, but the volume of your action has given us the most special experience during
medical school. Syahirah Binti Mohd Radzi (MEM130154) I initially decided to join Silent Mentor Program with the intention of learning clinical procedures and skills from the Silent
Mentors as I have heard so many good comments from students who have joined this program before. And as expected, this program was an excellent workshop that focused on delivering medical humanity, which could not otherwise be obtained from books or observation
alone. It allows us to practice a lot of important procedures on real human bodies, which prepared us in the future when we become doctors. However, after going through it, I was pleasantly surprised that what I actually learnt was so much more than just that.
Our Silent Mentors’ selfless act of donating their bodies for the benefit of others have taught us how love and kindness transcend boundaries, no matter what race you are or what religion you practice. Even at the face of death, our Silent Mentors have
shown us how a kind heart can move other people’s hearts and change their lives. They have taught us the values of love, compassion and respect and we are beyond thankful for that. I would also like to thank the family members of our Silent Mentors especially
to Mr. Stanley Wong and his two daughters for allowing us to have this valuable experience. The journey of losing their loved ones must have not been easy, as the grieving process have taken longer than usual because of the workshop. We could never repay the
sacrifice and kindness that you have extended to us throughout this program. Thank you to all the committee members and lecturers that have taught us during this workshop and making this the best learning experience for all of us. And lastly, to my dear Silent
Mentors, Madam Tam Guek Chee, Mr. Steven Ong, Mr. Tang Nam and Mr. Khor Jee Ming, your sacrifice have changed so many of our lives and have made us better people. We know that a simple thank you would never be enough to pay for your great act of love. You
have given us the honour and privilege to learn so much from you and we feel so blessed and thankful to be at the receiving end of your love. We promise to be good doctors in the future and to always be kind to others. Finally, rest well, my dear Silent Mentors.
Nur Nadira Binti Mohammad Aris (MEM130121) I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to join Silent Mentor Program especially to my mentor, Madam Tam who
was willingly to donate her body for the medical education, so the medical professionals and students can improve their clinical skills. This program also taught me about empathy, compassion and respect. From the home visit to the initiation ceremony, her
husband gave us a lot of motivation. Her daughter also supported this program by reminding us to make full use of her mother for learning purpose. I could see the love and proud from their eyes to Madam Tam during the Initiation Ceremony. I would like to say
thank you to her family for everything. Looking at the sutures that scattered all over the bodies of Silent Mentors had taught me the unconditional love they have given is priceless. I would like to pay my greatest respect
to all the mentors for their selfless sacrifices to contribute to the medical education. I am forever grateful to all mentors. In our hearts, all of you will always be remembered. Hafizatul Nasuha Abd Rahman (MEM130054)
Every journey must come to an end. For me, the past one week is the most memorable experience I ever had in medical school. The Silent Mentor Program not only helped me in my clinical skills but also taught me the meaning of
life, love and compassion. In my opinion, this program is very unique as there’s a lot to learn from the Silent Mentors without the need for words. By the end of the program, I felt that I am now a part of the family and I am very grateful to our Silent
Mentor for the irreplaceable experience. 感恩!特别的老师. Carla Cai Zi (Monash University 27031101) Silent Mentor Program was a tremendous and inspiring program. When I was given a chance
to participate in this program, I was extremely grateful thinking that this must be a platform for me to enhance my surgical skills before stepping into clinical years. However, after the home visit session, I realized that I was wrong as it wasn’t just
a research and training session, but a selfless contribution and huge courage made by our mentors for the advancement of medicine. Going for the home visit, I felt the responsibility of participating. Getting to know our mentor’s life story especially
the pain she suffered due to her illness made me realized the importance of respecting human anatomy and the dignity of the donor. The home visit session had built a strong bonding between us and our mentor which is always reminded us to handle the body with
utmost respect and gentleness during the workshop but not just seeing it as a cold cadaver. The workshop went by where every morning we have to clean our mentor. When I touched her cold hands while cleaning, I will always
think about the sacrifices she had made for us, medical students. Looking at increasing number of sutures and procedures that have been performed on her from the first day till the last day of the workshop, I felt as if I could also feel the pain. I will never
forget the fact that she was my first ‘patient’. Without uttering a single word, my mentor not only taught me the medical knowledge but also the value of selflessness and love which I promised to pass down to my future patients. The measure of life is not its duration, but its donation. All in all, I would like to thank our mentor Madam Tam Guek Chee for her contribution. To the world she may be an ordinary person, but to us she will always be our greatest mentor. I appreciated
your contribution from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for introducing me a different pathway to the world of medicine where there’s full love, empathy and respect. Teh Wen Xin (Monash) Silent Mentor Program has given me a chance to explore and discover the other side of medicine and humanity that I have never been exposed to up till my second year of medical school. When I first joined this program, I wasn’t as emotionally
attached to my Silent Mentor as I am now after the workshop. My first home visit to my Silent Mentor’s house made me realised that this was not just a stranger’s body that I will learn from, but a good father that was selfless enough to donate
his body for the sake of medical education. While listening to my Silent Mentor’s life story from his children, it fascinated me how much I could be involved in my Silent Mentor’s life as his children walked me through their father past experience
and personality. Throughout the workshop, every morning I had to clean up his body and prepare him for the hands-on workshop later in the evening, I became more and more emotionally attached and grateful towards my Silent
Mentor. I had learnt so much of clinical procedures that I thought I wouldn’t be exposed to at this stage of my study. When the program came to an end and sending off ceremony was held, it appeared to me that my Silent Mentor had given all that he could
to teach me. All that I could do was properly prepared him to send him off to the ‘other world’. That was the moment where all kinds of emotions set in – sad, grateful, compassion, thankful.
18th Silent Mentor Workshop 18-23/04/2017
Khoo Wei Joo 邱玮茹 (MEM130068) 落紅不是无情物,化做春泥更护花。虽然生命的花朵已凋谢,虽然已经无法再灿烂,但我们的大体老师们都不愿就此暗淡离开,是将落花变成肥沃的泥土,用來滋养我们这些即将绽放的花兒。我很庆幸自己有机会参与这次的计划,从家访、行谊简介、工作坊到送行,我深深领悟到,无语良师计划提供的不仅仅是医学的教育,更是人文和生死的教育。即使面对大体老师冰冷的躯体,我不时也提醒自己,大体老师也曾是有血有泪有思想的生命。因此,每天早晨的一抹一擦,每天晚上的一针一线,我都会认认真真地完成,丝毫不敢马虎。从中我学会了,未来面对每一位病人,我们不能只看到病,更要看到人;
不能只治疗病,更要以同理心去感受他们的经历,以减少他们那些无形的疼痛。感谢无语良师计划,也感恩方耀泉老师和所有大体老师们的奉献,让我们在未来成为更好的医生。 Lim Lee Hui (MEM130082) 一个人需要多大的勇气才能把自己的大体捐赠出来?是一时还是一世?您们的付出是非笔墨所能比喻,我们答应您们未来必定做一位好医生,相信这是对您们最好的报答。您们很安静,但从您们安详的大体总能感觉到您们的嘱咐,嘱咐我们对待每一位病人要像对待您们一样细心耐心。您们很冰冷,但您的奉献却感化人心,这就是所谓的人间温情吧。感恩!感恩每一位无语良师的无私让我们在整个工作坊不管是课业上或是心灵上都获益不浅。感恩每一位无语良师的伟大付出,在我们的医学道路上画下美丽的一笔。感恩每一位无语良师的奉献让这一切变得格外有意义。谢谢您们~独特也是唯一的老师们。
Tay Swee Woon (MEM130163) Silent Mentor Program is a recognized charity event whereby any individual can willingly donate their body after death solely for medical research, and Silent Mentor
Workshop enables us medical students to get an opportunity to have hands-on experience under the guidance of learned doctors and specialist, objectively speaking. However, at times it can be overwhelming for a student as there was so many things going on behind
the scene, so much emotions and feelings, and definitely, so much love and affection spread throughout the event. My Silent Mentor, Mr. Hong Yu Chuan, selflessly devoted his body to be under our care, to somebody whom he
may or may not have known or met during his lifetime, all for the sake of giving somebody else a chance to be a better person. I will always remember his wise words, “you can make hundreds and thousands of mistakes on me, but never do even a single mistake
on other people when using the blade”. As for the workshop, it was one of the workshops I gained the most from albeit the time and effort spent on this. Opportunity for valuable hands-on experience was given to us
to hone our surgical skills as well as to better understand certain procedures. It will definitely be a memorable one for me and I urge other medical students to actively participate in this program. I thank Mr. Hong’s
family, Mrs. Liew and her three children for the patience and strength to go through this event with us, and to fulfill Mr. Hong’s last wish. Words of gratitude alone can never be enough, thus I promise I shall do my best in every aspect of life, and
to be a better man. Thank you. Siti Nazihah Binti Abdullah (MEM130149) I could not say more of how fond I am to my Silent Mentor Mr. Hong Yu Chuan. One hectic week is definitely not
enough to understand his bravery and willingness to join this program, but rather the rich emotional experiences that I had with him. When you thought you only capable to let us learn medical and clinical aspects, I gained beyond that. I learnt cultural, religious,
and volunteerism aspects as well and this made you truly a special teacher. Besides that, this program provides a platform for me to sharpen my practical skills, especially suturing techniques. God knows the difficulties I had as a left-handed person. Mr.
Hong dedicates his body to a person like me, someone who has not much skill and deemed to make mistakes so that we are able to do it better and gracefully with minimal mistake to the real patient. Not to forget, I would like to extend my special thanks to
Dr. Warren Erwin who really sit down with me and attempt left hand suturing so that I could understand the steps better. My respect and gratitude to the noble Mr. Hong Yu Chuan as well as the rest of the Silent Mentors for dedicating your bodies for us to
learn with the hope of better future although you were not in this world anymore. All of you have enlightened us with this exceptional sacred contribution. May all of you rest in peace. Mohamad Zulfadhli Bin Abdullah (MEM130092)
When I was in 1st year of medical study, I started to wonder what this Silent Mentor is all about. We got a simple briefing on what is it, since that, I already put my heart to this program that I will join it when
I am able to do so. Silent Mentor Program is a great platform for us medical students to get to know so many things from our Silent Mentors. Not only the medical skills such as suturing, intubation & chest tubes, but
we also get to learn on how to handle the Silent Mentor carefully, to put everything into our hearts, go deeply into the emotions of the Silent Mentor’s family and taught us to be empathy to our Silent Mentors. Couldn’t count for how many times
I burst into tears when joining this program, but for me, this is such a program of its own, no program would be the same as this. In addition, the Silent Mentor brought us new experiences that they taught all of us on appendectomy, releasing the carpal tunnel
syndrome and many more. It did help us to gain more knowledge than what we see in real life in the operation theater. I am grateful for being given an opportunity to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. Sumitra Ropini A/P
Karuthan (MEM130151) It is said that teachers are great, in that they burn themselves out to give light to others. However, our six Silent Mentors took it one step further, by giving light to others even when their
own were extinguished. The Silent Mentor Program is unlike any other. In the past one week, I learnt about the human body and various skills needed to be a good doctor. More than that, I remembered the importance of being
a humane, empathetic doctor. I was overwhelmed at the selflessness of our Silent Mentors who were willing to donate their bodies for the sake of research and to teach medical professionals and students. The lessons and values we learnt from them are some that
I will carry with me for the rest of my medical career. Yong See Yen (MEM130179) 为时一周的无语良师工作坊画上了圆满的句点。过去的一周,是疲惫的一周,是伤感的一周,是感动的一周,亦是重生的一周。 进入大学医学系第四年的我,自认为已看透生死,日复一日的机械式问答,年复一年的考试重压,我已逐渐把当初对医学的热忱抛诸脑后。反之冷漠逐渐占据了我的心,渐渐地我已忘了初衷,开始对现在和未来的人生路感到迷茫。
当初要参与无语良师工作坊无非只是认为这是个很好的机会提升自己的外科技术,获取经验以后好增加个人的竞争力而已,直到接触了无语良师的家人,了解了老师的背景,一颗温暖的种子不知不觉在心中开始萌生。 老师与我素未谋面,但他却无私地把大体捐献给我们,不要求一分一毫。更伟大的是老师的家人,在老师离去后,伤心难过之余,还要一次又一次地被提醒那段痛苦的心路历程,耐心地接受我们的采访。
在大体启用之际,犹记得我们被要求清晨六时为老师净身。所有参与的学员未发出一声怨言,全带着尊重的心,悉心地擦拭着,深怕不小心弄疼了老师。在看到老师身上的伤痕,心痛之情不禁由心生起,就连自认“铁石心肠”的我也湿了目眶。 这一个星期的工作坊,的确教了我许多医学上的知识,但更重要的是,它从新燃起了我那冷漠的心,唤起了我的初衷。谢谢您~方耀泉老师,我不会忘记您的教诲,我会把我在您身上所学的,好好地用在我的病人身上,让更多人受益。
Choo Lai Yee (MEM130026) Mr. Hong Yu Chuan vividly reminded to always appreciate the time I have with my family and friends. Three months of involvement
in this program, I had learnt more than what I learnt in the hospital. He had taught me to be selfless. From a stranger turned to be a teacher of my entire life. It is kind a rare but it happened. I am blessed that family members of Mr. Hong gave me their
trust to handle the ups and downs of this program. Silent Mentor had made my mind clear on where should I move to on the next step. Thank you. Gan Chai Woon (MEM130049)
透过无语良师计划,我充分地了解了各位捐赠者伟大的心境。逝世之后,比起一般人直接入土,他们得在冰库过上几个月,然后经过工作坊,最后以火葬的方式得以安息。我学会了用爱与尊敬,去温柔地对待我的大体老师~卜凤娇老师。虽然不曾在她在世时认识她,可是透过家访以及她往生后慈祥的笑容,可以了解她是一个多么善良的人。老师会永远烙印在我心里,让我记得学习生涯中, 曾经有这么一位无私的无语良师。我也感谢卜老师的家属们,没有他们的支持,就没有这一次的工作坊,换做是我,我未必会如此地从容面对。感恩!
Christine Koay Swee Zhu (MEM130029) 能够参与这次的无语良师工作坊就像是上天给予的恩赐。过程中我们不但学习到了医学学术上的知识,更难能可贵的是,学习到了大体老师们那无私奉献的精神。透过与大体老师家人们的交流,我们也学习到了怎么聆听病患的家属及这个社会的心声与期望。各位医学系的同僚们,让我们大家携手努力,通过各自的独特方式把这份爱传播开来,在未来当个有医德的医生,当个咱们大家的大体老师们所期盼的良医!
Tan Fang Chin 陈方敬 (MEM130156) 捐献大体是一个决定,也是一个过程。一个充满喜怒哀乐,一个用爱来抗衡伤痛的过程。我感恩,能有这个机会去见证这个过程。爱是一个圆、爱是一个缘。 感恩! Tan Qing Hang
(MEM130158) 记得在无语良师活动的最后一天,在医学系学生代表分享感言的那天,有一位学生问了一个问题,那就是:我都准备好了,你们都准备好了吗?听了这句,大家纷纷都流泪了,而我的脑海里一片空白,只是不断地反思那道问题。答案虽然只是好或没好,但是做出这个决定,是需要很大的勇气和牺牲,会让你疼爱的家人和朋友承受反反复复的离别,不断地把刚抚平的心情重新起伏起来。 老实说,身为其中一位医学系学生,我还真得不懂怎样回答这个问题。我觉得我还不能真正得说出我准备好了,所以我对我的无语良师的敬佩与感恩是非墨笔所能形容的。感谢卜凤娇老师对我们无私的爱,捐出大体让我们学习,我将会铭记于心。
Siti Munirah Binti Mohamad Ismail (MEM130148) The Silent Mentor Program has given me an experience like no other. I have never dealt with death so
closely in my life. The Silent Mentor Program has given me the chance to learn medical skills, teamwork and most importantly, medical humanity. I was blessed with getting to know these beautiful souls, though after their death. This program has affected me
deeply and I am forever grateful to our Silent Mentors for their selflessness and willingness to let us learn from them. I am also very grateful to their families for accepting us into their homes, introducing the Silent Mentors to us through their stories
and family photos, and for entrusting us to take care of their loved ones throughout the program. Lastly, I would like to thank the amazing doctors who taught us throughout the program, the Silent Mentor Program coordinators and also my fellow colleagues who
have made the program a success. Thank you. Muhammad Fikri Bin Mohammad Rosli (MEM130099) I feel very honoured and privileged to be one of the
participants in this Silent Mentor Program. This program did not only teach us about certain clinical skills that are important in our future career, but also emphasize on the humanity, respect and empathy. For me, empathy is one of the most important values
to be equipped by us as a medical student because as future doctors, we will not only treating the disease but we are taking care of the patient as a whole. These values will not be learnt from any of medical textbook. I would like to express my utmost gratitude
to my Silent Mentor, the late Madam Pok Lam Kiow for her selfless contribution by donating her body for us to learn, and not to forget her family members for their cooperation throughout this program. May blessing will always be upon you and your family.
Kathy Anne Nunis (MEM130063) With utmost gratitude, respect and love, we bid our selfless teacher goodbye on April 23rd, 2017. To my Silent Mentor, thank you for not only giving me the opportunity
to learn medical skills but also to be humble and compassionate healthcare providers. Your inspirational life story acted as an encouragement as I pursue to be a good doctor. Rest in peace Madam Pok Lam Kiow. Adlina Athilah
Binti Abdullah (MEM130001) Being part of the program was a unique experience. My utmost gratitude to the organising committee, lecturers, staffs, and our Silent Mentors, for whom
without, the program would not be possible, and my deepest condolences to the family and friends of our Silent Mentors. I truly appreciate the effort and time spent for us medical students to get the extra hands-on and procedural skills sessions. Thank you.
Iskandar Afiq Bin Abd Nasir (MEM130058) I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to join Silent Mentor Program. I feel so blessed to get a teacher
who was willingly to donate her body just for the sake of our future. This program not only taught me about medical skills and procedures, it is far more than that. It is about empathy, sacrifice and love. Every time I cleaned up my teacher, I would clean
it up as clean as possible. Every time I did suture on her, I would make it as perfect as possible. The unconditional love she has given is priceless. The toughest time was to say goodbye to our Silent Mentors. She did not only teach us to become a better
future doctor, but better human being as a whole. I would like to say thank you to my Silent Mentor, Madam Pok Lam Kiow and her family for everything. Not to forget Mr. Sia and other committees for making this program a success. Thank you. Kong Chen Xi 江晨曦 (MEM120063) 一切从一个心意开始:"希望学员们好好地学医,以后造福人群"。这是我的无语良师留给我的一段话,希望藉着我们好好地学,完成了老师最后的心愿,也给家属一个安慰。 感谢家属努力争取让爸爸成为无语良师,让我们有机会学习。也感谢家属把爸爸交给我们,没有限制和压力;让我们能轻松又自由地学习。
我在无语良师身上学的每一刀、每一线都会伴随我毕生的医科生涯。以后,不管我学得多高,走得多远,我的一针一线里都会有王老师的足迹,也有老师家属对我的祝福。 失去总让人悲痛,但我不会忘记,在那静默阳光的午后,您走了,却在我心里留下了您自己。感恩您!王福星老师。 Lee Chun Haw (MEM120068)
Thank you Mr. Ong Hock Seng & the family members. I am grateful for this great opportunity to learn from you. It is not just about the medical skills and knowledge, but also humanity which we are required in order for us
to pursue in this journey of medicine, journey of life. You had done a great part in educating important values that we will not be able to learn from the textbooks. Indeed you are a great Silent Mentor of ours. May god bless you and your family.
Ler Xin Yi (MEM120074) The Silent Mentor Program is truly an eye-opener for me. I certainly obtained a lot of first- hand knowledge by performing
the procedures on our Silent Mentor. These valuable lessons would certainly come in handy during our real medical practice. For the body donors, it was not easy to make the decision to donate their bodies. They must truly understand the meaning and purpose
behind the body donation program with no fear or regret. For that, I truly felt grateful and privileged to be part of this beneficial program. To my dear special teacher, we owe you a great depth of gratitude for all that
you have done for us. Nuralyya Binti Zulkifli (MEM130126) I think Silent Mentor is a very inspiring and beneficial program. It does not only improve my clinical skills
but also teach me compassion and respect. Apart from that, it also shows us that there is no border in humanity. It unites us no matter what race or religious we are in. I am forever grateful to all the teachers. Chong Chee Min 张志敏
(MEM120033) 王福星老师~一位和我素不相识的人,去世后因缘聚会通过无语良师计划而成为了我的老师。他不曾和我说过一句话,却教了我宝贵的医术和高尚的品德。这种舍己为人的大爱精神,不是人人都能理解,更是少数人才能做到,但他却真正的做到了。我敬重的王老师,您教会我的人生价值,我会好好的记住,不负您所望,将来造福人群。 Ong Lay Sim 王丽心
(MEM120158) 我很感恩能参加这一届的无语良师工作坊。很感激六位老师,让我有机会学到一些医疗和外科手术的技巧,也让我深深的领悟到老师们无私付出和回馈社会的精神。我会永远的记得您们的恩惠。愿我能以所学的知识帮助他人,把您们的爱延续,回报社会。感恩! Low Qiong Cong (MEM120080)
非常感恩有机会参加第十八届无语良师工作坊。在这个星期的活动中,让我学习了不少平日在课业中找不到的知识,并深深体会了人与人之间的那份温情与信任。我也体会到了医护人员与病人之间不单单只是责任,最重要的是双方之间那份真挚的信任与关怀。我们应视病人为亲人。非常感恩各位无语良师在医学上的奉献,无语良师们的付出,无非是要让更多生病的人得到最好的治疗。 我们真的接收到了老师的恩典,我们会用真心、良心去对待并医治每一位病人。这具有深藏意义的计划让我毕生难忘。相信在未来的日子里,在医学道路上感到迷茫、遇到挫折时,必定会想起无语良师们的恩惠,继续坚持着当初最真挚的初发心,勇敢地往前走。这计划让我深深感受到了病人对医生的期望与寄托,我期许自己将来给予大众最贴心的服务。
NorAsmira Binti Samsuri (MEM130108) Silent Mentor Program is a great program. Not only it taught me about medical knowledge,
it also taught me to care about my Silent Mentor and future patients. In terms of medical knowledge, I have learnt different types of suture and new suturing techniques that are very beneficial. Before this I only
know about simple interrupted suture but after this program I have learned a few more sutures. Before this I only able to perform intubation on a mannequin but thanks to the Silent Mentor, now I am able to perform it on a human being. It was not as easy as
doing it on a mannequin because human and mannequin are different. Besides, it is good to learn something new like chest tube insertion and central line catheter. It was a good exposure because one day I might be the one that needed to do it on a real patient.
All of these procedures will help me in my medical life and also my career in the future. In term of spiritual gain, I have learnt to care for my Silent Mentor. There is no other way for me to express my gratitude
to my mentor other than to care for him throughout this program. I will never be able to pay back my Silent Mentor for his willingness to contribute his body for this program. This program went on so well. All of this cannot
be done without the help from all of the committees. The lectures have been really helpful. The family members also gave their contributions to make this program a success. Without their help, we might not be able to know about our Silent Mentor life story.
Overall, this program is a great success. See Toh Yiling 司徒依翎 (MEM120168) 马六甲海峡,水波荡漾。一个风和日丽的早晨,回绕着的却是静悄悄的悲伤。乘着小轮船来到了海中央,孩子们任由那安慰人的微风将王福星老师的骨灰吹散,钻石般闪亮的骨灰缓缓沉入大海。他~是一位大体老师、一个为医学教育奉献身体的无语良师。
“无语良师”是由台湾慈济基金会发起的一项计划,为的是厘清大众对大体捐献的认知,且推广大体捐献以作医学研究用途,借此提升医学素质。 当初的我,参与的初衷也只为了让自己有更多的机会学习各方面的医学技能,例如学习缝合伤口、进行小手术、插管、胸腔导管等等。当然,现在的科技允许各种人体模型的发明,但却没有一具人体模型可以媲美真实人体的奥妙结构。 参与无语良师工作坊,学习的不单单只是医学技能,我们也同时被给予机会去认识这名捐献者,这名医学生们的导师。 我的导师是王福星老师。一个七旬的老人家,在二零一七年二月的一场车祸意外离世了,却早在五年前为这一天准备好了他的后事~签下了大体捐献同意书。万万没想到,大体捐献条件之一是大体不能被解剖。为完成父亲的心愿,孩子们放弃了验尸,也因此无法知道父亲的死因,更放弃了追求法律上的责任。
三月的某个周末,我们的团队来到了王老师马六甲的老家,迎接我们的是王老师的兄弟与孩子们。院子正中间摆了两张方形桌子,简单了自我介绍,家人们便娓娓道来王老师的生平事迹。间中参杂的是安静的抽泣和偶尔陈旧记忆里的不禁一笑。一个炙热的中午,泪水与汗水为王老师的身体交织了一个完美的灵魂,就像是刚认识了一位充满使命的老先生,由始至终为孩子的教育、为助养儿童的教育到为医学生的教育而付出。 为期一个星期的工作坊,从最初的为大体解冻、清洗大体、启用仪式到为期三天的医学生工作坊,每一个程序都不敢怠慢。逝世两个月后的那一天,终于见到王老师最后一面的家人们,再次承受了情绪的翻腾,但他们终究坚信,这是王老师所要成就的遗愿。三天里,每一天都学习了不一样的医学技能,也在老师身上造成了几个伤疤,然后一针一线,再把伤口缝合。
这一次的告别式,不是至亲,而是敬重的王老师。满身的伤疤是我们在他身上所学习的印记,也是老师对医学界最真切的祝福。为他穿上寿衣、盖上棺木、感恩仪式后送行。无语良师所给于的不单单是他的躯体,更是老师对每一个学生体贴的爱,包容每一个在他身上所割错的疤痕,只因他明白,医者应有的不只是医术,更是医德和医心。而教导爱,必须由爱衍生出去。 或许哪一天在学医的路上跌倒了,我知道,曾经有那么一位老师,是如此温柔地鼓励,坚信未来的某一天,那个娃娃女子会成为为世界带来改变的良医,哪怕只是一丁点儿。
感恩!珍重。 Lei Chen Shin (MEM130079) Life is easier to say than done. Every decision we made affected by religion, culture and
belief. Our teachers came from different religion, culture and belief yet they all made the decision and had done it with no hesitation to donate their bodies for the medical benefits. Their selfless act had warm my heart and made me believed that we should
always be kind and generous towards other people. At first we do not know our teacher, however through the home visit we get to know the story of our teacher and we become more understanding of what kind of person our teacher
was. This made me often think of our teacher personality every day during the cleaning session thus I felt more and more grateful and respect towards our teacher throughout the event. It is my honour to be part of this program as it taught not only skills
but the value of life that does not end at death. Edwin Khoo Yi Way (MEM130035) Death comes surely and at times silently. It did not stop my Silent Mentor, Madam Lee Leng Kee from constantly
reminding her two daughters to fulfil her last wish, which was to become a Silent Mentor. I cannot find words to describe the selflessness and bravery that she had. She might have lost her life to her illness, but she left a great legacy to all of us who have
participated in the program. I am sincerely grateful for her generosity and sacrifice, and not forgetting her family members, for fulfilling her wishes. The Silent Mentor Program has allowed us to get hands-on experiences,
but most importantly, the values of care, love, empathy and respect were observed throughout the program. It reminded us, as future healthcare providers, that we shall not be treating diseases, but patients, as human beings. For that, I would like to offer
my deepest gratitude to all Silent Mentors and their family members, the organisers and volunteers of the program for this invaluable experience. Dayang Farah Afiqah Binti Awang Husslan (MEM130034) Being one of the participants in this Silent Mentor Program has been one of the highlights in my life. I had never imagined myself involving in this kind of learning process before. I would like to thank our Silent Mentors and their family members
for giving this golden opportunity to medical students to gain some knowledge and to practice our skills. It was a very meaningful experience which ended beautifully. The Silent Mentors may be silent but they speak volume. Thank you so much and may you rest
in peace. Tang Siew Wei 郑晓薇 (MEM130161) I felt so privileged to join the 18th Silent Mentor Workshop. This program not only sharpened our clinical
skills, but also taught us about respect, love and care about our Silent Mentors and our patients in the future. In this program, what I could not forget was the Silent Mentor body cleaning early in the morning. I was responsible to wash and comb my Silent
Mentor's hair. This had reminded me of my late grandmother. I asked myself, when she was alive, did I help her to wash or comb her hair as well at least once in her lifetime? Besides, I was impressed by the decision made by all the Silent Mentors to donate
their bodies to this program and the supports from their family members, just in hope that we can become a better doctor who cares and has empathy for our patients and I promised I will. I would like to say thank you to all the Silent Mentors for their selflessness
and all the committee members for making this workshop successful. Nor Anis Suraya Binti Mohamad Nor (MEM130107) I really learnt a lot from the Silent Mentor Program, not only the medical
knowledge but a lot more on humanity. Although it may sound cliche, I was really touched when the family members came to us and said thank you for taking care of the deceased Silent Mentor when actually it should be we who expressed that gratitude to them.
I cannot imagine how big your heart has to be to be able to donate your body to someone you barely know for the sake of knowledge. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly thankful and I hope I could return the deed by becoming a good doctor someday. Honestly,
Silent Mentor Program had taught me to be compassionate, empathetic and big-hearted. I could not possibly learn this from just reading books or lectures. P’ng Chun Keat (MEM130135) I
am so honoured to be able to be part of the Silent Mentor Program this time around. I am really grateful to have so many selfless mentors, donating their bodies for the program. Along the workshop, we had home visits, interactions with the family members,
which brought us closer to our mentors, understand their personal life and expectations. It has touched each and every one of us so deep that mere words are unable to express our sincere thanks. They served as a teacher to us without saying a word, yet we
felt the connection, the hope and expectation towards us. Some people may ask, how can we participant be so emotional during the course of this workshop since we did not know the mentors personally, nor were we able to communicate with them verbally. However
when we were given this opportunity to spend so much time with our mentors, taking care of them from the very beginning till the end, a bond so strong would inevitably be formed. I am hereby giving my greatest respect to them for their courage, kindness and
selflessness. I will forever be grateful for their sacrifices solely for the purpose of teaching us, for our medical profession. Thank you so much. Kasturiy D/O Chandran (MEM130062) First
and foremost, I would like to thank my Silent Mentor, Madam Lee Leng Kee and her family members. The Silent Mentor Workshop was a program which I came to know about it during my first year as a medical student in University of Malaya. At first, I did not really
understand regarding the purpose of the program. When I entered fourth year, I was keen to participate in this program to get to know about it. It was a one week program which first started with introduction to our Silent Mentor, visiting the family members,
cleaning the body of our Silent Mentor followed by teaching and learning session of several procedures with the doctors. On the last day of the program, we had a formal ceremony as a way to appreciate the sacrifice of all six Silent Mentors. The program was
an eye opener for me which enabled me to learn many things that cannot be explained by words. Hope the program continues and will have more students to volunteer and willing to learn. Ang Bin Ting 洪斌庭 (MEM130010)
Enrolling into the Silent Mentor Program, here I was thinking it would just be a walk in the park, a good practical session to hone our skills. After registering, it was a whole different ball game. It was a normal day when
we received the message of “Your teacher has just passed away, please gather at 5pm”. Right after class, we went straight to the mortuary and received our mentor’s body. It was then we felt the gravity of the situation. While cleaning the
body, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders - the responsibility that comes with it. I do find it insulting the way some of my peers were joking and laughing during the session. Going for the home visit, it was
the time where we felt the overwhelming pressure of the responsibility of participating. I cannot begin to imagine the pain the family has to go through telling us her life story, her history, likes and dislikes. I am sure that it would bring up so many memories,
and I can feel that we are opening old wounds. When we left, these words were carved right into my mind, “From now on, my mother is in your hands”. That struck a blow harder than anything. It was then I started to notice that it was not just a
practical, but the dying wish of a person to benefit the world, to make the world a better place. And so the journey begins. The program went by, cleaning the bodies every morning. The Initiation Ceremony was especially
heart breaking. It was my mentor but the moment a child ran over to see his grandmother and then noticing that grandma wasn’t waking up. The horror on the child’s face & tears from the family members. So much emotions and I can’t help
but having tears trickle down non-stop. The workshop was useful and I believe that I have learnt a lot. During the Sending-off Ceremony, I had the privileged to be by the coffin and send-off my mentor. The amount of gratitude is undescribable and words would
fail me as it was an unforgettable experience. From now on, every cut, every suture, every procedure I do on my patients, I shall always remember the skills that my mentor has taught me. Chew
Ai Wie 周爱薇 (MEM120029) 第十八届无语良师工作坊终於来到了尾声。从这长达一周的过程当中,让我看到了人间最微妙的一面。世人并不是个个都是自私的,就有如我们的老师们,他们都怀有着一颗无私的心灵及奉献的心,就只为了让我们这一班医学生们从中获益。老师们虽然对我们完全不相识,但他们对我们的信任,让我感激不尽。
在这段期间,从家访、启用仪式、清洗以及亲身体验医学生工作坊,让我对老师们建立了深厚的感情;尤其是对上了我最挚爱的老师—黄秀英老师。秀英老师背后的故事教会了我凡事都得坚持到底,不管遇上了多大的风雨;只要坚信着自己的理念,必定会有成功的一天。 秀英老师!感谢您。因为您,我不但学会了课业上找不到的人生大道理,甚至还让我有机会看到医学里最细腻的一面。秀英老师!辛苦您了。您的大爱、您的奉献,我一定会谨记於心。您对我们的期待,我会尽我所能的去做,坚守当初选择医学系的初衷
。 在此,我—爱薇,向您及其他大体老师们至上万二分的谢意。谢谢您们!感恩。 Chuah Chun Wooi 蔡俊伟 (MEM120034) 黄秀英老师~辛苦您了!俗话说“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报“。您的付出远远比山高、比海深。感谢您的大爱与奉献。
Liew Hun Nee 柳邗妮 (MEM120076) 再多的笔迹也无法表达大体老师们的伟大奉献,好多回都不停地问自己我可以那么的无私,把跟随自己一生的大体奉献给无语良师工作坊吗?我相信这不是个简单的决定,但老师您们都证明了世间的伟大,给了我们这班医学生们上了一堂人生中宝贵的一堂课。您们的用心良苦我们一定会好好珍惜,在未来的日子里,我们也许会碰上好多的挫折,但因你们的牺牲,我都会咬紧牙关撑下去。就有如我的大体老师~黄秀英老师一样,在对抗病魔当儿,也不忘持这开朗和永不放弃的精神走下去。您做到了,我们也可以。
在此,向您及其它的大体老师们至上万二分的谢意。感谢您们!感恩。 Ng Yun Hui 黄韵惠 (MEM120120) “宁愿在我身上割错千刀万刀,也不要在病人身上割错一刀”。 不知何时,这句话已深深地烙印在我的脑海里。这句话反映了每一位大体老师的内心,以及他们的崇高思想与品德。 在参与了这次的无语良师计划后,身为一个医学生的我,更加笃定了这项计划对于手术病人的重要性。试问,有哪一个病人希望自己是医生的试验品,而在没有尸体买卖的国度—马来西亚,大体的捐赠更是难能可贵,极其稀有。 感恩在这短短的一个星期,有幸参加这次的无语良师工作坊,希望这份爱能永远传承下去。
Nabilah Binti Abdul Razak (MEM120112) Silent Mentor Program is really a beneficial program. I learnt a lot from different perspective, not only the medical knowledge but also far way greater
than that. Great thanks to our teacher who is willing to donate their body for this program, it takes pure, noble and loving heart to make such decision. You are really passionate teacher who is willing to contribute for the sake of medical learning and advancement
even after your last breath ~ Madam Wong Huang Sio Eng. I will always remember you in my heart. Lastly, thanks to all family members, doctors, organizers and volunteers who really put a lot of effort to make this program successful. I hope this program will
continue so that more students will benefit from this program. Nurul Najihah Binti Hassan (MEM130132) The Silent Mentor Program gave me a lifetime experience that I will never forget.
The teachers' selfless contributions inspired me to do one greater good at least once in my life. I can never forget how kind and touching their acts were, to sincerely donate their bodies to medical students, whom they don't even know, for the sake of better
medical knowledge and research. How I wish I could meet all the teachers when they are still alive, especially my teacher, Madam Wong Huang Sio Eng. Four days of learning from her made me repeatedly say thank you in my heart. I wish her the best for the afterlife
and thank you again. Madam Wong Huang Sio Eng, your act has deeply moved my heart. Thank you to all the families involved as well for supporting their decisions. May god bless your soul always. Tee Wei Jie (MEM120192)
Traditionally, learning medicine is through viewing pictures in text books akin to learning culinary skills by looking at recipes. No matter how many times one memorizes the recipe, without physically touching the ingredients
a cook can never satisfy customers' palate. In medicine, a lack of practice in a real person would not just end with a disappointed customer but lead to failure to save someone's life. The Silent Mentor Program has lead
to a paradigm shift in our medical curriculum. We are deeply privileged to have the unprecedented chance to learn invasive procedures in a real person which in the near future could potentially help save lives. Besides,
traditionally physician only enquires about a patients' disease or condition. Rarely, a physician will get to know a patient very well, unless a few patients whose unique condition requires repeated visits and long term follow-ups. Through this program, we
get to know about our mentor and their family members deeply and thoroughly through home visits and interview. This has made us more empathetic to the loss suffered by the family as well as training us to be a more caring doctor. We have learnt the essence
of "treating the patient not the disease" in a way. All in all, the Silent Mentor Program has been a remarkable experience for all the students that were fortunate enough to participate in it. It has taught us lessons no
book can provide. I hope that in the near future, more students are allowed to participate and in doing so cherish it's essence. Yeap Jen Sheng 叶征鑫 (MEM130175)
此工作坊需要多方面的配合才能进行得如此顺畅。这要感谢各位教授医生们,所有幕后的工作人员、自愿者,当然少不了老师们的家属。老师们的家属必须忍受着失去亲人的痛,以完成他们的心愿。家人会在工作坊的第一天,看老师们最后一面,那时的场景历历在目,家人们都忍不住落泪了,眼看心爱的亲人,躺在那动也不动的,冷冰冰的躺着。感谢家属们忍痛让我们从老师身上学习。 在那一个星期,我们每天早上都会在工作坊前帮老师清理身体。到了晚上,我们也在工作坊后帮忙清理。每天的清理过程中,都会在老师身上找到新的痕迹,那种心情是无法形容。我可以感觉到痛,然而老师却无一怨言,他要我们认真的学习。只想说:老师们,我一定不会辜负您!感恩有您们!无论我们多么的感激,我们唯一能回报老师的就是认真学习,以便将来成为一名良医。
参与了此工作坊后,我尝试问自己,若其中一位老师是自己的亲人,感觉会是如何?若我是其中一名老师,到时在天之灵的我感觉又会是如何的呢?我是否愿意成为一名无语良师呢?这些看似简单的问题,其实背后隐藏了很多要考量的因素。所以还是要说老师们真的很伟大,很有智慧,感恩您愿意把自己捐献出来,成就医学教育。 Esther Yeow Kar Mun 邱嘉敏
(MEM130037) 老师犹如蜡烛,燃烧生命以照亮他人。我们的无语良师们虽然已经走完了他们的人生路程,但他们还在做最后的奉献,把大体捐赠给我们,把爱遗留在人间。能够参加此次工作坊,我很感恩。透过工作坊学到的不仅仅是医学上的知识,更多的其实是感恩、尊重、爱和同理心。人与人之间的互动是奇妙的,虽然和老师们不曾相识,但他们却以无私的爱,把大体交托给我们做医学研究和教育,只因为他们对我们有所期望;虽然和老师的亲属们无血缘关系,但他们却舍得把他们的至亲至爱托付给我们,嘱咐我们好好学习,只为了完成老师们的遗愿。刘金駩老师曾说过,他宁可我们在他身上切错千刀万刀,也不要在活人身上切错一刀。老师希望我们不只会成为名医,更会成为良医。我们会牢牢记着老师们的教诲、期望,并将把我们在此次工作坊过程中所有学到的,成为我们在医学路上的动力。我们更会秉持“医者父母心”的精神,善待每一个病人。感恩!
Tan Shi Qi (MEM130159) 无语良师~感谢您们无私的奉献,在生命的尽头愿意无条件将您们的大体交给一群不认识的医学生。您们所做的牺牲真的好伟大也很感人。感谢您们的善良,勇敢与无私,给予我们此次学习的机会。您的奉献,我们将永记心头。感恩! Kok Suet Hwa 郭雪桦 (MEM130070)
我们是一个那么小的人物,大体老师和家人却对我们有如此高的期待,把大体老师委托给了我们,坚信我们可以学习,可以在以后的行医路上帮助更多的病人。我会好好的当一个医者父母心的好医生来报答您们对我的信任。感恩无语良师工作坊的每一个人。 Brian Tay Cheong Yang (MEM130015) The Silent Mentor Program has been
a great journey for me. It taught me more than just being a skill oriented doctor, but to also be compassionate to all our patients. Although hands-on remains the mainstay in saving lives but nothing beats the importance of getting to know your patients and
building a good rapport with them. With this, we are able to gain patients' trust. I got to learn these two core knowledge, empathy and sympathy through this Silent Mentor Program. I have never regretted joining this program and I would like to express my
utmost gratitude to my Silent Mentor Mr. Lau Kum Sing and his family members for willingly contributing to our learning experience. It takes more than just courage alone to pledge as a Silent Mentor. Hopefully with this effort of yours, it will help us, healthcare
providers to treat the person rather than just the disease alone. Thank you, my Silent Mentor. Beh Ming Jian 马铭剑 (MEM110015) 真的很感恩,在机缘巧合之下有机会参与第18届无语良师工作坊。在这忙碌的一周里,真的让我获益良多。不管是知识上的还是精神上的。要一个人捐献器官已经是件很不容易的事了,更何况是捐献大体呢?这六位老师勇于奉献,大爱的精神真的好让我钦佩,尤其是我的大体老师刘金駩老师。没有老师的付出,不会有这次的因缘让我参与无语良师工作坊。
虽然不能在老师在世时认识您,但我还是很感恩能做您的学生。从家访和老师的家人口中,老师在世时真的是位很好的人,乐于付出。从老师的身上,学到的不仅仅是缝针、插管等等的知识,而是如何成为一位更好的人。学会感恩、付出,更要用心地对待每位病人,学会同理心。 致每位大体老师的家属,真的很感恩您们。没有您们也不可能造就此次的无语良师工作坊。致大体老师们,感恩您们遗爱人间,让这世界更加温暖。您们的奉献与付出,我会铭记在心。最后,感谢无语良师计划,让我有机会参与那么有意义的工作坊。感恩。
Dayana Binti Dunian (MEM130033) To be a part of Silent Mentor Program, it is a true blessing for me and all of my friends. Before joining Silent Mentor Program, I did not have any clue of
who he was. But today, Mr. Lau Kum Sing is one of my greatest teachers in my life. To the world, he may be just a teacher but to us, he was a HERO. He had a passion for the students that shined brightly and made you want to be the best student you could ever
be, not only for the sake of ourselves, but for the sake of our future generations. I still remember the day when he pledged to be one of the Silent Mentors, his intention was so pure and he just wanted to contribute to the society even when he is no longer
alive. I believed he already achieved his life goal by now. His selfless contribution had really taught me on how to become better in the future. He was not only taught me on how to be kind to one another, but he also planted the seeds of knowledge that would
last a lifetime, as long as we live. To my Silent Mentor Mr. Lau Kum Sing, thank you for taking us through this experience of a lifetime. May you rest in peace and may your family find comfort in knowing that you are home
now. God bless you. Thank you. Darcy Jamih (MEM130032) I remember the first time I joined the Silent Mentor Program. It was back when I was a first year medical student where I served
as a volunteer. I had no idea what was it truly about but I still joined the Sending-off Ceremony. Even though I knew nothing about it, there was a sense of sadness and solemn in my heart upon the sending-off. And this time,
I am a fourth-year medical student. I joined the whole process of the program, from meeting up the family, to transferring the body of our Silent Mentor and finally to the Sending-off Ceremony. STILL, I had the same sense of sadness and solemn. But this time
it was different because I got to know the background of my Silent Mentor, I met the family and put myself in their shoes and I know, I already fulfilled my Silent Mentor’s wishes. For me, this Silent Mentor Program
is not just a platform for students to learn and discover new knowledge and skill, it is also all about humanity and to treat patients as well as their family as human beings. I learned that it is not easy to donate body for the benefits of others; and I learned
it is not easy to let go someone you love to be dissected, sutured and kept for a while before they are buried or cremated. All the sacrifices, both from the Silent Mentors and family members, as well as the committee ignited
the sense of humanity and love in me, to treat patients and their family with dignity and empathy. I quote one of the sentences in the speech of a family member during the closing ceremony: “Before you can become a good doctor, you need to become a good
human first” and I couldn’t agree more. I believe this simple message given by one of the family members has a deep meaning and I will hold on to it for the whole journey of me as a medical student or as a doctor in the future. To my Silent Mentor Mr. Lau Kum Sing, thank you for taking one step further from the norm. It was a great honor to have you as a Silent Mentor and I feel so privileged to stitch the very last suture on your body which has a great meaning for me.
And as I am sharing this, my thought also goes to your family members, who never at once felt hesitated to share about you to us. Rest in peace Mr. Lau Kum Sing. Fathin Aina Binti Abdul Hadi (MEM130043) Being a part of Silent Mentor Program, it really teaches me a lot. I became more responsible and disciplined towards life and works. I entered this program with zero knowledge of what this program is truly all about and decided to join it for the
sake of study and improve my skills. Little that I know of, it was far beyond that. I got to know my mentor, Mr. Lau Kum Sing through the home visit and also from his daughters. Only then I realized that this program teaches me more than just clinical skills.
I learnt to be responsible. For Mr. Lau to become a Silent Mentor was a true sacrifice from him. He voluntarily entered this program for me and the students to get benefit from his body. His selflessness did contribute a lot to our society and in fact more
to the students who joined this program. To my late Silent Mentor, Mr. Lau, thank you for being a teacher for me. Even though it was a short experience but it was an experience for the rest of my lifetime. Thank you.
Roshan Arjun Ananda (Monash University Malaysia) First of all, I am very grateful and thankful that three medical students from Monash University Malaysia Campus
were invited to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. The structure of the program was very organized and it had benefited me. Home visit prior to the program had enlightened me about the life of my Silent Mentor before
he passed away. During the conversation with his family members, I got to know him in greater depth although he had passed away. His family members were very friendly and aided us in the history taking. I admired the decision of my Silent Mentor to donate
his body. It is never an easy decision. His expression about the Silent Mentor Program made me feel touched. Although his educational background was not high, his dedication and contribution towards the society is huge. I learnt that I have to contribute to
the society and help others regardless of educational and financial abilities as there is always channel to do so. The core problem faced by most people which in turn deter them from participating in this program is belief. According to my Silent Mentor, he
urged people to put down their belief and donate their bodies for medical studies. I understand that it is a very tough decision as it requires a lot of courage. During the workshop, I was taught the skills to perform medical
procedures including chest tube insertion and suturing. I appreciated that the lecturers spared their time after work to educate and assist medical students to perform the medical procedures. It was indeed a great learning experience as hands-on clinical skills
are limited in medical school. During the last sharing session with the family members before the funeral, we learnt about the feeling of the family members on their expectation for the participants. One of the family members
expressed that it was very upset to wait for four months for her mother’s funeral. From this aspect, it is visible that the family members were still grieving and in pain although they supported the Silent Mentor’s decision. In conclusion, I feel that this program is crucial in shaping me to become a better doctor with empathy and emphasize in the patients’ emotion in the future. Tackling the patients’ emotion is a crucial step in treating a patient as it
will build a good rapport between the doctor and the patients as well as increase compliance towards treatments that are prescribed to them. Beh Yuan Fei (Monash University Malaysia) From
the Initiation Ceremony to the Sending-off Ceremony, Silent Mentor is an impressive program which does not only focus on delivering medical teaching for undergraduates, but also instilling excellent humanity and ethics among healthcare professionals. As a Year 2 medical student, it was a great opportunity for me to have an early exposure to some clinical procedures and minor surgeries. All procedures (suturing skills, endotracheal intubation, central venous line insertion and
chest tube insertion) were performed on the Silent Mentors which allowed us to practise on real human beings. This practical workshop not only fine tunes our clinical skills, but also acts as a platform to prepare the medical students in handling emotion and
stress properly in facing death. Looking at the cuts and sutures that scattered all over the bodies of Silent Mentors whilst cleaning their bodies every day before and after each workshop, I was greatly moved by their acts
of love to humanity. Every prayer being made before the workshop is never enough to repay the gift the Silent Mentors have bestowed to us. In short, the Silent Mentor Workshop is a reminder of empathy to every future doctor
for the greatest benefit of the patient. I would like to pay my greatest respect to the beloved Silent Mentor - Madam Lee Leng Kee for her selfless sacrifices to contribute to the medical education. Thank you for teaching us the values of compassion and empathy.
In our hearts, you will always be remembered and loved. Ting Xuan Ning (Monash University Malaysia) The Silent Mentor Workshop was a total eye-opener. In fact, it was the starting point
where I view medicine from another perspective. Although we have plastinated specimens coupled with the advanced technology in aiding our learning of anatomy, I realized that nothing beats the first-hand experience of observing
a dissection. I was awe-inspired by the intricacies of human anatomy, and in fact, this was the first time I could truly appreciate the significance of learning anatomy and correlate it with different medical conditions. The surgeons demonstrated and explained
to us the procedures of laparotomy, appendectomy, pfannenstiel incision, carpal tunnel release and incision & drainage. Understanding our needs, the surgeons even showed us layers and layers of muscles during fasciotomy and demonstrated the actions of
each muscle group. Apart from the clinical skills and surgical skills, I believe I have learnt the most important lesson of life, a lesson that I should advocate to my friends. My most respectful teachers - the Silent Mentors
showed me the values of humanity and the importance of empathy. Knowing their life stories beforehand made me felt as if I were to know them personally, as if they were someone who are of significant relevance to me. Their life stories kept reminding me that
they were a caring father, a loving mother or a dedicated teacher. In fact, all these indirectly teach me to become a doctor who does not only treats disease, but always treats patient as a whole. Probably due to the strong
attachment, I felt so sorry to the Silent Mentors’ each time when I performed procedures on them. Although they had never complained, I felt as if I could also feel the pain with each procedure, be it suturing, chest tube placement or central venous
line insertion. As such, I always tried to be as gentle as possible. I believe that when I perform procedures on real patients in the future, I will keep reminding myself that I should be gentle and caring, and to incur the least pain. To my Silent Mentors, I am a total stranger. They have never met me. What they only knew was that they were going to donate their bodies to medical students and healthcare professionals for the sake of medical education; what I potentially learn
will not even benefit them. The very fact that they are willing to put aside their traditions and cultures of dying in a piece demonstrated their courage and determination in educating the future generation. What they chose was a different method of contributing
to the society; they chose to leave legacies behind for humanity, for science and for life. At the last day of the program, I was so despair when I could no longer recognise my Silent Mentors’ faces after all the procedures
that they went through. I tried to reconcile their faces with the ones on photos but to no avail. Besides appreciation, the only thing that I could do was to promise myself that I will be a good doctor, for I had such great teachers. No matter what challenges
I am going to face in my medical journey, I know that I will not give up easily as my Silent Mentors had made such huge sacrifices just to educate me. Without uttering a word, they taught me the importance of humanity, showed
me the value of selflessness and showered me with the gift of love. Armed with their love, I promised myself that I would pass down their love and generosity to my future patients. Once again, I reminded myself that I will become a compassionate doctor, a
doctor who cares always.
17th Silent Mentor Workshop 06-11/12/2016
Leong Sih Yoong (MEM120073) 很多人都混淆,以为言行是一致的。可是往往很多人都只会纸上谈兵,当社会或是他人需要到他们的时候,他们就临阵退缩。签上器官捐献和大体捐献其实是很容易的一件事,可是真正做到了,那就是我的大体老师吕清溪老师。吕老师不但让我们以他的身体领悟了课本上所学到的知识,也让我们了解到一个人的一生,只要你有那颗想帮助他人的心,无论你觉得那只是微不足道的小事,可是对其他人而言,他们都会铭记在心。感谢无语良师计划,让我有机会领悟人生,反省自我,珍惜当下。
Tan Hsien Jon (MEM120187) I am very grateful to be able to participate in the Silent Mentors Program. This program taught me that it only takes an ordinary man to make an extraordinary contribution
to the society. Empathy is an important value to be taught because as a future doctor, we are not treating the disease but we are treating the patient as a whole. And I believed that this program managed to instill this value deeply in our heart.
I would like to offer my utmost gratitude to the total strangers who contributed their bodies for the sake of us, medical students to learn more and improve our clinical skills. No words would able to show how noble they are.
Ooi Chieh Yin 黃潔吟 (MEM120159) 在还没踏入马大医学院的时候,远远就传来了慈济大体老师这项计划。到了第一年,荣幸成为了志工。那时候的自己,多么希望自己能够有这机会参与这活动。到了第五年,一瞬间,无语良师计划结束了。从家访到最后送老师一程,短短的一个星期,心里参杂了不一样的心情。从第一天的家访,心里想的是能够完成和得到该有的资料,深怕遗漏了什么。第一二天早起,是因为责任,必须为老师清洗身体,一直到最后的几天,却是因为想帮老师清洗,而不再是责任了。一天一天,看着老师们身体的变化,心里多希望能为您做点什么。我们做的每一步,医生开的每一刀,希望在天上的您会为您的贡献感到自豪与安慰。在此,我真诚感谢老师,家属,无语良师计划的每一位,谢谢您们。致吕清溪老师,谢谢您,我们伟大的老师!
这些知识,将永远铭记于心。老师,安息吧! Kelvin Khoo Wei Shen (MEM120059) To be honest when I first registered, I didn't have much expectation. For one I knew, it would be beneficial for my skills and medical
education and nothing more. But towards the end of the program, voluntarily or not, I had learned many values and qualities a doctor should have. To name a few, compassion, selflessness and empathy. It took me by such surprise that I was overwhelmed with emotions
on the last day. The Silent Mentors are truly one of the greatest educators, not because of the knowledge or skills they passed on but because they taught us using their very own bodies. Though they have long passed, but listening to their stories and seeing
their family members, it was alike they were right there with us which of course they are, in body. But having that feeling and perception made me as careful and attentive as I was when I am dealing with a living person. Through this program, I wasn't just
taught on how to be a better doctor, I was taught on how to be a son, a brother and so forth. Not an understatement when I say one of the most meaningful lessons in life. Ernest
Kwok Zheng Hong (MEM120040) It's been a meaningful and memorable event. Mr. Loo Thean Khoy - I can't thank you enough. I've learnt a lot, from medical and ethical aspects. Thanks to you Mr. Loo and the organizing
committee of this program. I'm proud to say that I am confident that the objective of this program has been achieved seeing that I've learnt skills and self morality being instilled through this week. I hope Silent Mentor Program will continue for a very long
time to let medical students have the chance like me to learn all these valuable lesson and experience. Thank you! Lee Seek Yang (MEM120069) 一个人需要多大的勇气才肯把自己的大体捐出去?"无语良师"的工作坊人人都想参加,但是有多少人愿意成为"无语良师"呢?这是我一直都在思考的问题,人无私的爱可以到什么程度?我很想了解!自从我认识了吕清溪老师,我才深深地体会到爱可以那么的无私,那么的伟大,那么的感人。吕老师简直是个生活中的榜样,连走到了生命中的最后关头也想把最好的留给他爱的人,他不曾认识的陌生人和他不曾认识的我们。能做为吕老师的学生是我这一生中最难忘的事也是我这一生中最难忘的一堂课!对我而言,活菩萨是最适合形容吕老师的代名词,他那无私的爱将会长长久久的遗在人间,因为他把无用变有用,小爱变大爱。如果吕老师听得见,我想对他说:
我能成为你的学生是我这一生的骄傲。 Sia Jo Ee (MEM120173) I’m so grateful and thankful for Tzu Chi giving the chance for us to join this program. Learnt some things, although is just empathy, but
is something which can be learnt outside academic stuff. Lastly, be a humane doctor instead of a successful doctor. Chan Xiao Min (MEM120025) 忆起家访至无语良师工作坊的最后一天,一切都还是那么历历在目,仿佛昨天才刚发生。我很荣幸能参加这一届无语良师工作坊,也很骄傲成为各位“最特别的老师”的学生。让我印象最深刻的,是当家人们见大体老师最后一面,泪流满面,不舍及怜悯的神情。我不禁默默暗许,会更加珍惜此次机会,更加认真地看待医者这份使命。
这五天,大体老师的生平事迹一遍遍地被学生们叙述着,也一次次地感动了我们。即便到了生命的最后一刻,老师们任不忘奉献自己,把爱遗留在人间。老师们静静地躺在解剖台上,任医学生们动刀。我相信这每一刀,每一针,每一线,不仅给了我们宝贵的医学经验,更唤醒了我们的同理心,提醒我们以后对病人要有爱心,莫忘“医者父母心”。这,将是我人生中最有意义的一堂课! 恭送老师到火化场的回程中,天空飘起了细雨,犹如四位老师对家人们表达最后的爱意与思念。吕清溪老师,符策运老师,谢宋历老师及陈月意老师,谢谢您们在我的生命中短暂地出现过,用生命激励了我们,鼓舞我们在未来医学道路上继续勇往直前。我们将会把所学的知识及您们传授的无私大爱精神延续下去,帮助更多需要帮助的人!感恩。
Ng Kar Aik 黄嘉镒 (MEM120119) 在2012年大学一年级时,我就成为了“無語良師工作坊”的志工。那时的我,正因为是好奇心的驱使之下,来到这个既陌生又熟悉的地方。看到几具冰冷的躯体,我并不害怕,而是感到既疑惑,又振奋。随后,有位讲师就问了我的来历。当她知道我是一年级生时,她先是惊奇,接着又热情地邀请我参与她的教学。当时的我,感到无比的高兴。那位讲师先告诉我“無語良師计划”的由来,并鼓励我除了要认真学习,还要视每个病人为自己的老师,並待每个病人为自己的家人,成为一个“医者父母心”的好医生。她还告诉我:医学之路,是必须牺牲自己的一切,让病人拥有更健康的生活;医学之路,就是要时常为病人着想,把病人的一切永远排在第一。回想过去,我一知半解的点头;直到现在,我才恍然大悟的理解。
缘起缘灭,大体捐献并不是一个生命的句点,而是另一段故事的开始。我相信大体老师的慈悲奉献,必定能栽培更多的仁医;大体老师的无私身教,必定能培育更多的良医;大体老师的大爱善举,必定能唤醒人性的本善。感恩! Tan Hong Keat 陈鸿杰 (MEM120186) 首先我要向陈月意老师您无私的付出致万二分的敬意。您为医学领域所作出的牺牲是我们没齿难忘的。虽为无语良师,但您似乎都在叮咛着我们的每一针每一线都要尽自己的全力去完成它。您的教诲我会牢记于心,并学以致用。博爱付出是课本所学习不到的,但在您宝贵的这一堂课里却让我深刻体会。医者父母心,我会秉持着您的这一份仁爱去完成医学者的责任,甚至将其发扬光大。衷心感谢您,陈月意老师! Bryan Lee Yen Pei 李彥培 (MEM120022)
While words may never be enough to repay the gift the Silent Mentors have bestowed to us, they were all that I can offer here. I am sincerely thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the Silent Mentor Program and to the
selfless sacrifices the Silent Mentors have made. The values of compassion, empathy and gratitude are among the many that this program aims to instill and I believe that it has been achieved. These values are ones
that transcend creed and culture, and values that have been taught by total strangers, who have made the decision in life to give what remaining that belongs to them when they passed on, in hopes that we may benefit and pass that down when treating future
patients in our care. The Silent Mentor Program is, in short, a reminder of empathy, a remembrance of a deceased loved one and a show of utmost gratitude to an act of great love to humanity. For that I offer my deepest
appreciation to the Silent Mentors and their family members. Nur Farah Inani Binti Zakaria (MEM110125) No words can describe my feeling throughout this Silent Mentor Program. At first,
I joined this program just to learn about the surgical skills. But I’ve learnt more than that. Our Silent Mentors have taught us more than we expected. Not only the skills, but we have learnt to be a good doctor when giving care and treatment to our
patients. Empathy, love and responsibility are very important for this profession. We even received loves and advices from our Silent Mentor’s family. Having them together with us made this program more meaningful. Lastly, I’m thankful to have
our doctors from UMMC and Silent Mentor organizer to teach us the skills and stay with us for hours. Thank you Silent Mentors, families, doctors and organizers. Tun Yun Tien 孙润添 (MEM120195)
My first impression on Silent Mentor Workshop is that it is a platform for medical student to learn and practice various skills such as suturing, chest tube insertion and etc. However, my view changes after I went through this
workshop. I started to realize it is not only new skills that I learned from this workshop but what I learnt from it is way more valuable - gratitude. When each of us was assigned to certain families, we interviewed our Silent Mentor family about their life
and family members too. Indirectly, we also make new friends and connection with their family. Every morning when I cleaned my Silent Mentor, I treated them as one of my family members and with respect. After a week of being with the Silent Mentor and family
members, I personally think that the amount of sacrifice and commitment that they provide to us is tremendous. I think that Silent Mentor Workshop is a must have workshop and should be continued because it does not only teaches students new skills but also
the way of treating patient in the future such as sense of responsibility, sense of gratitude and empathy. Chan Pei Qi 陈沛琦 (MEM120024) The
Silent Mentor Program has been an experience like no other I have experienced over my time in medical school. It is the one program we are given the opportunity to discover the compassionate aspect of our future careers. To have worked so closely with our
patient's family even after she has gone is really an opportunity one doesn't get often; some ever in their medical school life. I would like to extend my gratitude to the administrators especially Mr. Sia, who has tirelessly aided this program phase by phase,
day by day. The skills I have gained will always be treasured; probably even be the kick starter to a career in surgery. I have finished this program refreshed and excited to a lifetime of new found confidence. Jordan
Christopher Chin Chien Chuan 曾健专 (MEM120055) It was a privilege to be able to join this program in the first place and I
would like to thank my Silent Mentors and their families for the love and sacrifices they showed us. Words and emotions are unable to express the gratitude felt by my colleagues and me. It's indeed a noble decision made by the Silent Mentors. It's easier to
say than actually do it. I think besides medical knowledge and skills, what I learnt most from this program is the selfless love portrayed by the mentors and their families. After joining the program,
it was difficult to just walk away without feeling emotional. The lessons learnt from our mentors are precious and special. Although we never met them before, the bond grew stronger as the days go by. Standing
next to them and walked them to their final journey made me realised the contributions they made are going to last forever crafted in our heart. And we are forever in debt to our mentors. Thank you for all the love. It's a perfect chapter laid to rest and
rest in peace, our beloved Silent Mentors. Nurul Farhana Binti Mohd Amin (MEM120150) Till now, I am still missing my teachers, especially Teacher YY (Chan Yoot Yee). Throughout
the sessions day by day, while doing the medical procedures, I am really into my teacher. Every time, I am helping my friend to cut the strings, I will hold your cold hand and saying to myself, thank you and I am sorry. How can you be so brave and kind
hearted soul for allowing us to learn such a valuable knowledge. You are really my hero. On that day, when you are leaving us, I am crying really hard. Thank you. Thank you. I never met you before, but I will always remember you as my hero and inspirational
teacher. Going to miss and love you so much. Rest in peace, my teacher. Thank you. Pong Jia Shen 冯嘉伸 (MEM120163) 致各位大体老师,感谢您! 虽然这一届的无语良师计划已在此画上了句点,但是您的奉献与付出会永远地烙印在我们的脑海里。即使您不对我们开口说话,但您已給于我们这莘莘学子上了宝贵的一课堂,让我们能够茁壮成长,学以致用,更上一层楼。也许以后我们不是最棒的医生,也许不是最知名的医生,但是我们在此学会了奉献;奉献时间,奉献精神于病人身上。我们也学会了耐心与细心;耐心与细心地关照与照料病人。 在这无语良师计划当中,也少不了许多在幕后进行所有工作的谢先生,自愿对我们授课的医生以及教授的教导及同伴们的相助,使这项计划能够成功进行。再次的谢谢大家,感恩你们的付出。 Oon Chun Huat 温俊发 (MEM120162) 第十七届的无语良师计划圆满地画上句点,感谢四位无语良师,符策运老师的家人,Mr. Sia,各位教导我的教授与医生,志工们以及我的朋友们。无语良师们大爱无私的奉献,医生们细心地教导与朋友们的分享,让我获益良多。无语良师计划让我认识了符老师的人生,唤醒了我入学医科的初衷,了解了生命与家人的可贵。最后,我想向我的医学朋友们说:"勿忘初衷,以爱治人"。感恩! Lai
Weng Wai 黎穎蕙 (MEM120066) 参与了长达一周的第17届无语良师工作坊,那是多么忙碌的一周! 但随之,我收获了许多新的体验。打从家访,启用仪式,清洗以及亲自体验医学生工作坊,我都学到了许多课本上摸不着的知识以及授课时没有的体会。感谢四位伟大的无语良师与家属们,无语良师行政主任谢添荣先生,为我们任劳任怨地加班的教授医生们,所有幕后的工作人员及自愿者们,让这个富有意义的计划能够如期顺利地进行。
我从此次的无语良师工作坊学到的不仅仅是缝针,插管,急救等等的临床技巧,而是如何诚心照顾和善待病人,医病也医心。致参与此次计划的老师们及家属们,我希望您们能知道,我已学会了尊重及同理每一个病人的感受,在未来的十年,二十年甚至更多的行医生涯,我会承载着老师们的爱,不求回报地诊断及治疗,竭力完成“医者父母心”的使命。 敬爱的大体老师们,也许我们素不相识也非亲非故,但我很庆幸缘分让我们在此相遇,因为是您们让我认识了人间的爱,关怀以及勇气。我永远不会忘记老师们无私的奉献,因为您们都是伟大的凡人,在生命的尽头,为后代医学的延续奉献了跟随一生的大体,以身授教。 最后再次谢谢老师们让我上了宝贵的一课,我在此敬上万二分的谢意。感恩。
Hoh Wee Liam 何洧年 (MEM120049) 很榮幸能參與此屆的無語良師計劃。我從此次的無語良師工作坊獲益良多。從中學到的不只是醫學上的知識,還感受到了無語良師們的大愛和奉獻精神。雖然他們和我們不曾相識,但他們願意為了我們與病人們的未來而做出了貢獻,讓我學習了"奉獻"的精神。借此,想要感謝無語良師們與他們的家人們,Mr.
Sia和幕後的工作人員們。沒有了他們的付出與奉獻,此屆的無語良師計劃就不能畫上美好的句點。 Kow Yun Shi 高韵诗 (MEM120064) 感恩能参与此次无语良师工作坊。从报名,家访,简介,工作坊至送行,每个阶段都有不同的感受与学习。然而,更重要的乃一份无私的大爱。从老师对回馈社会的爱,家人的包容,接纳与支持,至医者对病人的在乎,都不是课本知识所能领悟。至此,愿我能继续散发并传承这份大爱。谢谢大家,谢谢符老师。
Siti Qaiyyum Binti Kamari (MEM120178) There is no word or phrase that can describe all the Silent Mentor's noble sacrifice. They were all
my teachers. My silent teachers that taught us more than a book can give. I am so glad to get the opportunity to join this program which has taught me a lot especially in the aspect of respect, love, value and sacrifice. Big thank to all the Silent Mentors,
family members and the organizer. Dherej Kaur A/P Amarjit Singh (MEM120037) The Silent Mentor Program is indeed one of its’ kind.
I feel so blessed and privileged to be a part of such a unique program that not only teaches us and allows us to sharpen our clinical skills, but also emphasizes on compassion and respect of our mentors. I cannot find the words to express my gratitude to our
Silent Mentors for their selfless sacrifice. Our mentors have not only allowed us to become better doctors but also better human beings. This cannot be learnt from any textbook but stems from the love for humanity that our Silent Mentors have exhibited. This
has touched each and every one of us and will leave a lasting impression. Not forgetting their families. No doubt letting go of a loved one in an unconventional way would have been a difficult and painful process. I would like to thank you sincerely for being
supportive of our Silent Mentors’ decision. To the family of my Silent Mentor, Mr. Foo Siek Yoon, you welcomed us into your home and have been nothing but helpful and cooperative throughout the whole program, thank you for this. Lastly, thank you to
Mr. Sia and the Silent Mentor organizers as well as the volunteers for making this program possible. Quek Ven Chin 郭汶锦 (MEM120164) "More bless to give than to receive". Indeed this phrase is true as I now see it myself in this Silent Mentor Program. It's through their selfless sacrifices that our hearts can be touched, understanding that life is not only about
ourselves, but sacrifice for the others. It has reminded me to have love for people, even to those that I didn't know or met before, and this is important in my medical career as I will be going to meet all kinds of people from different walks of life! Our
Silent Mentor has definitely demonstrated a good example for us to learn from. I've learnt so much through this Silent Mentor Program. Thank you to all Silent Mentors, family members and organizing
committees for making this possible! I'm so grateful! Tan Pheng Hian (MEM120189) Silent Mentors’ decision to participate in this program
despite orthodox cultural and religious belief is a courageous yet noble one. We have benefited a lot from this program and we highly appreciate the sacrifice made by the Silent Mentors and their families. Lee Chee Hao (MEM120067)
A tree is known by its fruits, a man is known by his deeds. Thank you Silent Mentors, your kindness is beyond words. Siti Nabihah Binti Kumasi (MEM120174) Silent
Mentor Program has provided a very good platform for a medical student, not only to learn medical skills, but also to respect patients as their teachers. The knowledge that we gained is very helpful and beneficial for our future as a doctor. Thank you Silent
Mentors! Kaalpana A/P Jayakumar (MEM120056) When I first registered for the Silent Mentor Workshop months ago, I was in the impression that I am just going to learn the important clinical
skills a doctor should know. From the first day I took part, I realized that its way beyond just learning. There was love, emotion, sacrifice and more sentiments in this program. My Silent Mentor, Mr. Chia Song Lee
is my hero. When I went to his house to meet his family members, I was told about his personal life. He was such a loving father, husband and brother. All those sweet, loving memories that his family members had about him reflects how special he was to them.
Since then, I realized that it was not just about the body, it was also about his courage and the sacrifice that he made for us, medical students. We all have learnt to be more humane when giving care to patients, to handle the human body with utmost respect
and gentleness and to respect their families’ emotions. His daughter said this during the Gratitude Ceremony, “Remember, today my father and Silent Mentors are your heroes. We believe that in the future,
you will become our heroes. Good luck to all of you, doctors to be and thank you.” These words from her were very touching. Thanks to the organizers of Silent Mentor Workshop,
to the mentors’ family members and most importantly thank you so much to all our Silent Mentors, the real heroes - Mr. Loo Thean Khoy, Mr. Chia Song Lee, Ms. Chan Yoot Yee and Mr. Foo Siek Yoon. Koay Zhong Lin 郭忠霖
(MEM120061) 首先很感谢能够参与无语良师计划,对于无语良师这项活动,早在我大学第一学年时就早有所接触,並让我深深体会到大体老师的伟大与无私。虽然那时候还没有足够的医学知识,但看到学长学姐们穿上医生袍,送大体老师最后一程的时候,眼泪还是不自觉的滑了下来。当时就希望能够在我毕业以前再一次的参与这项活动。 这一次参与无语良师工作坊,第一次以参与者的身份被纳入为这个团队中,其中的责任与团队合作让我有喜有苦。喜的是,在这些活动进行的这几天,大伙儿都牺牲了自己宝贵的睡眠与读书时间来参与;苦的是,大伙儿随后在上课时都好似虚脱了。但我想说的是,一切都是值得的!
New Ru Peng (MEM120118) One of the most exciting parts of my medical school during the pre-clinical years is to learn anatomy using cadavers in the dissection hall. It was when medical students
will dissect frantically to find the particular vessel or muscle before the session ends without knowing the origin or background of the cadaver. The Silent Mentor Program opened my eyes to understanding the suffering and selflessness of a patient to allow
others to learn from them. I learnt more from the house visits rather than the clinical session itself. The surgical and clinical skills that I learnt may be valuable and life-saving but what is more important is the awareness and emphatic feelings that is
instilled within from this Silent Mentor Program that will make a doctor who cares for their patients. Thank you, Mr. Chia Song Lee and family for allowing us to get into your intimate area of your lives for us to understand better, to be better doctors in
the future. Lee Shu Ren (MEM120070) 无语良师们默默奉献,遗爱人间,但愿造就莘莘学子。对于这份大爱的感恩,一天比一天来得强烈。每天早晨的一抹一擦,夜晚的一针一线,让我深感感恩。在您身上开的每一刀,我们都尽所能的缝补,就当成是在替活生生的病人缝补伤口,好不马虎。看着老师的家人见他们最后一面时,眼泪也不禁的流了下来。
无语良师们在生命末期邂逅这班医学生,并启迪了非一般的生命旅程,而我们与老师共同的目标始终是回馈社会。老师授予的生命教育,不仅刻苦铭心,也无时无刻提醒我们要把慈悲为怀的精神落实在行医路上。感恩! Nur Fatihah Binti Abdul Razak (MEM120132) Silent
Mentor is a beneficial program where I have learnt so much beyond what I can learn from patients and books. I would like to send a big gratitude to the late Mr. Chia Song Lee and his family for their contribution to us, medical students and doctors. He portrayed
that to teach, we might not need to be in the same world. Even though we are in different worlds, he could still teach using his body as a genuine sacrifice. I personally really appreciate what he has done. May continuous
blessing will always be upon you and your family, dear Mr. Chia Song Lee.
16th Silent Mentor Workshop 04-09/10/2016
Chian Xue Han 钱学涵 (MEM120031) 从一开始到亚久老师家进行家访的那一份陌生,到送别亚久老师的那份熟悉感,历历在目。接触无语良师计划时,有那么一位朋友问我:“你能接受自己的亲人去参与这个计划吗?”我无法回答。参与大体老师这个计划并不是一个人说了算,相反地,这决定牵涉了一整家人,因为活着的人,是有感情的。我非常佩服亚久老师的家人,如果不是他们无私的支持,我也没法与亚久老师相遇。
虽然我和亚久老师从来没有机会说过话,但是在这短短的六天里,老师却以无声的方式,教导了我许多知识。虽然您已经不在了,但是身为您人生中最后一名学生的我,一定不会辜负您对我的期待。感恩您。 Irdina Aminuddin (MEM120052) Apart from gaining
new clinical skills, this program sheds light on the more intimate side of medicine: the impact of disease on family, the process of coping with a loss and particularly, an individual's wishes to leave a legacy for others to benefit from. It's an honor to learn from the Silent Mentors and take care of them up till their grand sending-off ceremony. This experience is important to me and it is one that will always be remembered. Aun Yiyang (MEM120188)
It was my fault 23rd birthday when I first got exposed to the Silent Mentor Program. I was called by my friends to help out on cleaning the body of a Silent Mentor. I reflected on my life, for that instance. Months passed and
we finally completed our 6 days course on Silent Mentor Program. From the home visit to sending the teachers for cremation, it gave me an insight on our purpose of life. I admire the courage of the teachers to donate their bodies for a better future and generation.
I respect the family members who are always supportive and putting high hopes on us, the future medical practitioners. To give is to take, I hope the spirit of the program would be passed down. Tung Yu Feng (MEM120196)
I am very grateful to have been given this opportunity to participate in this Silent Mentor Program. Not only that my Silent Mentor gave me an opportunity to learn and practice on his body, he also encouraged me to become a
better person in the field of medicine. In my opinion, Silent Mentor Program is a way in which a person is able to learn not only clinical skills but also medical ethics. From a stranger to someone who is willing to donate their body after deceased for good
use, we can see that how strong the expectation of our selfless Silent Mentor is, in terms of hoping that we can one day be a good medical practitioner, so that whoever is in the same faith as them, would not have to suffer the same way they do. Through my Silent Mentor, I also learned that emotions also play a very important role in treating our future patients. It is always better to put ourselves in the patients' shoe so that we understand their feelings as well. In this way, hopefully
better care can be given to them as well. David Zachary Redzuan Mosiun (MEM120036) As I continued to walk down the path laid before me in my medical student
life, I often thought about stepping off for a little while to see where I would end up. I did just that the moment I enrolled myself in the Silent Mentor Program. This program brings invaluable benefit to doctors,
students, and patients alike, past or present. Doctors are able to hone their skills further, polishing the finer details in their work. Students are able to learn new knowledge and gain a better understanding of what they have learnt. Patients are able to
receive the treatment knowing they are in capable hands. Furthermore, the benefit is sure to live on into the future with the help of this program. I cannot seem to find the right words to describe my feelings towards
the program. I am happy yet I am in awe. Happy that I got to learn so much from this program, practical & life-saving clinical skills together with the importance of the way you feel towards your patients. In awe simply because I can never and probably
never will understand how our Silent Mentors can be so generous and full of courage as to donate their own bodies for our cause. Whatever it is, I now feel more confident as I return to the path laid before me in my
medical student life. And rest assured I will make good use of whatever I have gained from this to serve the people, as my teachers, the Silent Mentors, have served me. Teoh Yi Ming (MEM120193) Participation in the Silent Mentor Program was initially to expose myself to a different kind of learning opportunity. Later on when the program started, it revealed a more personal and emotional type of education. Then I realised the importance
of knowing and understanding our Silent Mentor before we started to expect knowledge from him. I was inspired by the courage and selflessness of the Silent Mentors to donate their bodies and contribute to the society even after they passed away. They did not
know who will be utilising their bodies yet they were willing to let us as medical professionals to practice clinical skills on them. I then started to ask myself if I would do the same as my Silent Mentor. Throughout
this Silent Mentor Workshop, I had definitely brushed up my clinical skills but the more important things that I would highlight are the noble values that I learnt indirectly from the program. I learned to be empathy and to respect my patients. My Silent Mentor
taught me that a patient-doctor relationship is far more crucial than the medical treatment itself. Ill patients need understanding doctors, not stereotypic doctors. I would say that it was truly an amazing experience and a lifelong opportunity to participate
in this program and benefited from it. I would also like to praise the family members of the Silent Mentors for their generosity and support. Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude towards my Silent Mentor Mr. Low Hun Ming for being the one
and only special teacher in my life. Goh Saw Huan 吴淑环 (MEM120043) 我非常感恩能参与无语良师工作坊。感恩各位无语良师们用无声的言语无私地教导我们让我们学习到了许多书本上无法获得的宝贵经验。但是,我所学到的,不止是这些临床技巧,更多的是无语良师们的无私大爱与奉献精神。他们愿意奉献自己造福别人、成就别人。此外,我也学会去尊重人、尊重生命。因为缘分, 我与卢汉民老师从陌生人变成很特别的师生关系。卢老师用身体来教导我们课本上学不到的知识。我深信这次充满意义的工作坊将会为我未来的行医路上带来更大的贡献。
在此也感谢各位无语良师们的家属,支持老师们的决定。也感谢无语良师计划全体工委和志愿者的付出,让这项有意义的计划能延续下去。感恩。 Sharveena Veeran (MEM110157) I am blessed to be involved in the 16th
Silent Mentor Workshop. It was way beyond my imagination. In the beginning, I did not expect much and did not have much idea though I thought it would be just a one day program held with clinical procedures teaching. However I was in shock wow 1 week, though
I had to skip my one week of Banting posting which I was enjoying and relaxing but bravo, that 1 week of Silent Mentor Program totally changed all my perception that I did not develop in these 5 years. I appreciate
every Silent Mentor who was selfless and willing as well able to contribute for medicine especially us the medical students to practice on their long lived body on earth. No one can teach empathy, sympathy is easy but empathy is not. I developed empathy and
would like to express my gratitude to all the 6 Silent Mentors. Their great contribution has helped me to develop and practice clinical skills on their body with the guidance of the doctors. When I watched the video
of Silent Mentors before their final succumbs, I was really touched and tears was just flowing down my eyes looking at the honourable deed they could do, as it was not that easy. They were great teachers for us medical students, through their bodies I got
the opportunity to learn and gain experience as well as recall my anatomy which I did not get much exposure during my first year of medical study. I am really in awe of this program and would like to thank all the doctors who helped us and taught us especially
on Friday night teaching patiently, giving one to one teaching to me as I joined the workshop. Thank you Dr. Ridzuan, Dr. Ashraf, Dr. Sachin, Dr. Jaya, Prof Si Lay and all the doctors who gave their time to teach us. I learned what it means by love toward
knowledge which is vast and unfathomable. Last but not least, I believe everyone has a role in this world but above all let's give and contribute for science and medical research to be better. I would like to thank
every family member of Silent Mentor without whom this may not be possible, thank you for your willingness and support towards our Silent Mentor. In a nutshell , thank you Prof Chin and Prof Saw for being with us all the time guiding us and encouraging us,
Mr Sia & the volunteer helpers. I believe every medical student should take part in this program, such a great fortuity. I am thankful and grateful to God for this sublime experience. "Doctor-Patient relationship
matters in management of patient" – Silent Mentor Mr Low Hun Ming Celia Low Fang Ying (MEM120023) Silent Mentor Program was first introduced to me
during anatomy class in my first year of medical school. I got to know this by listening to seniors and professors talking about this program. However, I did not take further actions to participate due to lack of interest. I suppose it was due to my limited
medical knowledge during first year. I did not have the intention to involve myself in this voluntarily. As a final year student, the opportunity to do hands-on and to gain experience made me wanted to join this program
so eagerly. Seeing juniors helping selflessly, spending their evenings just for this program, I realized that they will be good doctors in future because it shows that they are so truthful and kind-hearted. Their patience and passion towards this program could
not be faded, and so did that our Silent Mentors, their sacrifices made earned my utmost respect. It would take me a huge courage to donate my body as a Silent Mentor. However I would consider organ donation. But for
now, what I want to learn and to achieve as a medical student is first to be responsible to my patient. I would put myself into the patient's shoe and give more attention to the patient and the family members physically and mentally. Lastly, I feel that all
Silent Mentors have brought pride to their lives and their family because of their selfless act. By letting us learn on their bodies, hoping that we could become a more decent doctor to help more patients in the future. Khoo
Shu Jiun 邱诗珺 (MEM120057) 工作坊的第五天临晨6点钟下了很大的雨,我们冒雨如常出席每个清晨为无语良师清洗身体的环节。本来一心想着赶快完成了清晨的清洗任务,却在祷告默哀的时候突然发现因为长期置于常温的老师们除了气味浓了,样子也变了很多。而无语良师工作坊也在无声无息中接近尾声。如若老师们在天之灵可以看见,他们会不会为身上的针线感到心痛不舍,还是会为我们的认真求知欲感到欣慰?会有什么想对我们这些素未见面的学生说的话吗?老师们不管是求医路上还是在生命的尽头都深深信任着我们,是因为相信我们会好好学习才让他们凝聚了勇气以身授教?是因为相信医学研究还有无限的可能,才让他们付出一切回馈社会?而我们这些学生在默念“大恩不言谢”
的时候,真的必须明白再多再多的感谢都抵消不了他们对我们的恩惠。毕竟在当下的社会能够抛开成见舍身为人的真的不多。 我的老师并没有在生前录下想对我们说的话,但是我相信就和另一位老师所期盼的一样——“你们就放心在我身上动刀就是了,我就是现成的白老鼠,你们好好学。要在我身上划多少刀都没有关系,只要你们不要在其他病人身上划错一刀。” 简单的一字一句,是老师刻在我们心间的理念。他们奉献自己的身躯为以后在我们手下求医的病人累积福气,希望在无语良师计划下学习的我们在他们身上划下的每一刀每一针每一线都能唤起或多或少被理智和规律淹没的“同理心”。
我们只是在这条漫漫长路的起跑点,都不知道未来会攀多高,跑多远。但是我相信我们每一个人都会记得有这样一位不说话的老师,用无声传播无私奉献的精神,用生命传承爱心和责任心,用身体发肤灌溉社稷。而我们就是要承载着老师们的爱去医人、医病,更要医心。 感谢第十六届无语良师工作坊的每一位无语良师和家属,感谢为我们加班的教授医生,也感谢为工作坊从早忙到晚的幕后人员。感恩万分。
Nurul Hazirah Mohd Hanafiah (MEM120153) Silent Mentor Program has taught me a whole new level of empathy towards medical profession. Apart
from having the opportunity to practice and improve clinical skills on those bodies that had the closest feeling to real patients, I also learned that one can still continue to contribute to the society even though they are no longer around. As for now, I
hope to make full use of the knowledge I have acquired through this program not only for my own career but also to share with my other colleagues, so the benefit from the Silent Mentors can continuously be passed down to other generations.
Sherwin Johan Ng (MEM120171) I first heard of the Silent Mentor Program when I was a first year medical student back in 2012. Before joining this program as generations of my seniors did, I thought it
plainly serves as a platform for medical practitioners to brush up invasive procedure skills by practicing on the cadavers. After the home visit and interacting with our mentor's family members, I discovered that it was
not merely to extract information of the mentor, but to learn about a teacher's life story through fragments reminiscence shared by each family member, which were put together forming a beautiful memoir. Throughout
the sessions, I had learnt and practiced on surgical and procedural skills which were guided by experienced professionals. No doubt that I had achieved my objectives in this program. But that was not all, I too learnt the values on how to care and empathize
our patients which are life lessons that could not be educated in a classroom. For each day, we cleaned, shampooed and dried our mentor before and after the workshop, as though as they are a living person. With every stitches and procedures I have done, I
did it with care and with the mindset that these were performed on actual patient instead on the mentor. As we move our mentors into the coffin, I felt grateful and relieved at the same time as they finally deserved
to rest well after all the contributions they gave to the medical field. As we proceeded to the funeral the next day, I walked slowly behind the hearse and I felt sad for every step I took as though as it was sending off someone I knew for years. It was the
Mentor who was silently teaching, illuminating and upskill us; It was the Guru who patiently allowed us to learn slowly; It was the Teacher who did not lecture us for any mistakes done. Thank you my Silent Mentor, Ms. Tan Gek Booi, for giving me and my team
the chance to learn not only to be a skillful doctor, but a benevolent one. May God bless upon you and your family members. Koh Ee Yin (MEM120062) "Declare the past; diagnose the
present; foretell the future." Hippocrates' words on medicine were spoken centuries ago, yet until today it remains relevant. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this program - it is only with the contribution of the Silent Mentors
that I am able to diagnose the past, build up on my medical knowledge, and proceed from that point on to be a better medical learner. The chance of learning from Silent Mentors is definitely a privilege, and I will always remain humble in the presence of these
great teachers. Thank you so much. Tiew Han Wei 张汉伟 (MEM120194) 有句话说: “人生是公平的,你和别人拥有的一样多;但付出却可以是无止尽的”。 我是一名五年级医学生,说巧不巧的在无语良师计划进行的同时,我正处于妇产科。在妇产科里最感动的事情莫过于宝宝呱呱落地,见证生命奇迹诞生的那一刻。就在同一段时间,我也有幸参与了无语良师计划,见证了人生的最后一刻里原来还是可以有意义的回馈社会。无语良师们即使到了生命的最后一刻仍不忘记在医学系里的莘莘学子,爱心捐献出了大体,好让医师们好好学习,受惠。诸位老师无私的奉献,视乎印证了我们也许无法祈求更多,但我们可以付出比一般人来得更多,更有意义。
Chew Wen Dee 周宛莅 (MEM120030) “在我身上开千千万万刀,无所谓,别在病人身上错开一刀。。。”这轻轻的一句话,触碰了我的内心深处。这种无私的付出及牺牲,让我们莘莘学子无比的感动。众所周知,肉体再往生之后就只是一副躯体。我感恩伟大的老师们,愿意为我们打破以往传统思想的束缚,让躯体继续升华,造福人群,成就他人。我也感恩老师为美好的医学未来而奉献,让我们有机会提升医学知识,把错误降到最低,并且有足够的信心去进行拯救工作。
短短几天的无语良师工作坊,不仅仅是医学知识的提升,更让我明白了生命的真谛。我感谢及感恩家属及老师们对我们无私的信任,我们铭记于心。 感恩无语良师工作坊的志工们,感谢您们成就了我们。 Ngio Yi Chen (MEM120121) 经过这次的无语良师工作坊,我大开眼界。我在想,要能够决定把自己的身体捐出来,到底要多大的勇气?要达到怎样的无我境界,才能够舍得把自己守护多年的身躯让学生们开很多很多的刀;让自己的身体冷冻这么多个月不入土,过后解冻,让学生进行研究?相信老师们都修得了很高的智慧,才能够达致这个境界。对于老师们为医学界无私的付出,除了感恩还是感恩。
这个计划可以顺利进行,我也要感谢慈济大学,感谢Prof Chin, Prof Saw, Mr. Sia, 还有每一位工作人员。感谢您们愿意付出生命宝贵的时间为学生们筹备,带领学生做家访,陪学生们一大清早清洗老师的身体,每一天的工作坊完成后又帮助学生们收拾。从这次的工作坊,我学到了一些医学上的技巧与知识,相信对未来行医工作会大有帮助。 如果有机会,我希望未来还有得参与更多这类型的活动,不止得到医学知识,也获得心灵上的成长,得大智慧,向老师们看齐。老师们,希望您得以安息。也衷心感谢老师的家人热心的支持这个计划,愿您们一切安好
。感恩 ! Ooi Ying Shi 黄音绮 (MEM120161) 无语良师们伟大的付出,愿意把自己的身躯奉献给医学界,这举动并不是每个人都有勇气去实行的。我非常感谢六位老师们无私的奉献与不求回报的牺牲,让我们在这长达一个星期的工作坊中学习了非常多,不仅是临床技巧和医学知识,并且体会到医生对病人该有的态度与同理心。其中一位大体老师说过:“我宁愿你们在我身上划上千万刀,也不希望见到你们在痛苦的病人身上割错一刀”,这段话确实让我感动不已,更让我领悟到病人对我们的期望,也深深的体会到身为医生对病人的职责是多么的重大。虽然我不能确认会成为非常出色的医生,但我绝对会在往后设身处地为病人着想,不为利益而是真心医治每个病人,尽力成为一名更用心的医生。
感谢您老师们,我会永远记得您们所给予我们的。无语良师计划绝对是值得让医学生们参与以及付出精神的,真心希望这项具有意义的计划可以一直延续下去,把大爱散播到世界每一个角落。最后,我非常感谢Mr Sia, Prof Chin 和全体工委及志愿者,带领我们将这次的无语良师计划进行的十分顺利。 Nor Izzati Binti Mohd Zuki
(MEM120124) I joined the program with the intention of learning more than a book can teach, and indeed I learnt so much, not only from the clinical skills point of view but I also learnt about empathy
that nobody can ever teach. This program has taught me that each patient is not just another patient but someone dear to the family and that all patients deserved to be treated the way I would want my dear family to be treated. I am forever indebted with my
Silent Mentor and her family for this noble act for which in return I promise to be a safe and useful healthcare provider in the future. Big thank also to the management of Silent Mentor Program for this opportunity. Len En Yean 练恩延 (MEM120071) 感恩能參加這一次的無語良師計劃。老師們無私的捐出大體,對醫學界做出的貢獻,是非常的偉大。這一次的活動讓我學會了在課本上所學習不到的經驗,更讓我學會了珍惜身邊的每一個人。大體老師們為我們付出的,我們會將這份愛銘記在心,並讓他時時刻刻提醒我們盡我們最大的力量成為一名更好的醫生。感恩您,梁佩詩老師! Chen Chin Chern
(MEM120027) I came into the program with mere expectations of having some hands-on experience on some of the common procedures. However the program has left me
emotionally attached to my mentor. Our mentor has a complicated history as she had not officially signed up for the program prior to her death even though she intended to. Her death had left a gaping wound within the hearts of her family: her husband and her
only son. She had left without saying a proper goodbye to her family as she suddenly contracted a hospital acquired sepsis. The disease progressed so rapidly that she soon went into comatose. However, her husband showed great amount of wit, by weathering through
the many hurdles his family faced to fulfill his wife's wish: to donate her body for the Silent Mentor Program. Her story had truly left a mark in my heart. I thank her for giving us this rare opportunity. She will be remembered, Madam Leong Pai
See in loving memory. Yaw Mei Sim 邱薇璇 (MEM120201) 在医学生涯能有幸参与无语良师计划是个千载难逢的好因缘。无语良师的无私大爱与奉献造就更昌明的医学界。从第一次南下探访家属,我深深地体会到大体老师的伟大。家属们的谅解更让我钦佩不已,毕竟要做出这样的决定确实不容易。每每在老师身上割一刀,都时时刻刻提醒自己医者的责任,和背负着病人对我们的信任。虽然无法在老师有生之年认识老师,但是老师用了不同的方式让我们更了解他们,更重要的是老师教会了我们,要有一颗医者心。感恩您梁佩诗老师,我们永远怀念您。
Jaclyn Tay Yi Ling (MEM120054) Silent Mentor Program has definitely been an eye opener to me. I am thankful for having the opportunity to participate in this workshop whereby I have learnt
that the greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane. Through the Silent Mentors, I too learned that selflessness is a journey much more than a destination. Be a person with empathy, kind & generous, for everyone you meet is fighting
a hard battle. Thanks again to the steering committee for making this program a success. To all the Silent Mentors, your sacrifices will always be in our heart, and we will strive to be humane doctors of the people tomorrow. Tan
Hui Ting 陈惠婷 (MEM120188) 非常感恩能有这一次机会参与《第十六届无语良师工作坊》。从一开始南下新山做家访到后来一星期的临床课程,我获得的除了一些临床技巧所谓的医能之外,最重要的还有医德和同理心,要如何把病人视为自己的亲人般呵护,除了医病,更要医心。“我们是你们最好的白老鼠,你们尽管放心在我身上动很多刀,也不要在病人身上动错一刀”,无语良师们让我见证真正的大捨,他们在离世前的那一刻都不忘为别人着想,离开后还在为众人奉献,犹如蜡烛般燃烧自己照亮别人,只为了减少在世病人的痛苦。
无语良师们,你们是最特别的老师,非亲非故的奉献自己;你们是最美丽的天使,无时无刻照亮着我们的生命。我会永远紧记这一份感动,不忘老师们的初衷,帮助更多病人。也希望此项计划能越做越大,广为人知,把无语良师无私奉献的精神感染给更多乃至全世界的人! Heng Kai Voon 邢凯雯 (MEM120048)
无语良师们默默奉献,遗爱人间,不求给自己回报什么,但愿造就莘莘学子。这份大爱非笔墨所能形容,只能用心聆听,感触,反省,升华。每天早晨的一抹一擦,一翻一躺,还有夜晚的一针一线,我们学习像老师那样任劳任怨地付出,用细心耐心来呵护老师的身体。 我们目睹过生老病死,可是多少人真正体会过,了解到这些过程呢?我其实有点害怕经历死亡的过程,还有冷冷的躯体和无助的眼神。当我握起佩诗老师年轻的手,望着老师慈祥的面孔,不禁感叹岁月无常;回想起老师在世时的故事,经历了百般病痛,却不屈不饶,为家人振作起来,对于行善也毫不迟疑,坚持不懈。我们把佩诗老师看待成家人,打从心里怀着敬意,告知老师我们接下来要做的事情,并抱着感恩的心态去认真学习,坦然面对,克服任何障碍。
在感恩感动之余,我常问自己,能够为别人做什么,如何做得更好,好让生命更圆满?一步一脚印的实际行动会胜过千言万语。在简单的日常生活中,就是善待,尊重,珍惜所有生命,不求回报地帮助别人;在未来的行医生涯,就是活到老学到老,尊重病人的感受,以医者父母心来完成医病医心的使命。 我很感谢同学们还有志工们昼夜不分齐心协力一起完成所有任务,一起成长。暮然回首,人与万物,永远都是相互联系着,相互成就共存的意义和价值。无语良师们在生命末期邂逅这班医学生,并启迪了非一般的生命旅程,而我们与老师共同的目标始终是回馈社会。老师授予的生命教育,不仅刻骨铭心,也无时无刻提醒我们要把慈悲为怀的精神落实在往后的行医路上。
在此献上由衷的祝福与感恩。 Shiu Yong Sheng 徐勇胜 (MEM120172) ‘在我身上千刀萬割不用緊,但別在病人身上開錯一刀'
Adam Bin Amir (MEM120007) What do I say to a person who would so willingly give all that they are for the benefit of others? How do I thank someone for their selflessness? Where do I even begin, to show
my gratitude to someone who has so much love for the people around them? My Silent Mentor is the late Madam Chia Hei Hong. I may never have had the chance to hear her speak, but even in death, she has taught me that
there are no boundaries to good deeds. There are no word to describe how generous and brave she was to become a Silent Mentor, guiding future doctors and specialists. My only hope is that the love she and the other Silent Mentors emit will be translated into
the love and affection towards the care of future patients. They are all beautiful souls and I am sure they are in a better place. I will be forever grateful to them and their families. In short, the Silent Mentor
Program is not just a workshop to have hands-on experiences. We have learnt to be more humane when giving care to patients, to handle the human body with utmost respect and gentleness, and that having a pure and sincere heart is part of the treatment the patient
needs and deserves. The Silent Mentor Program does not only train medical students to become competent doctors but also compassionate doctors. "I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and
that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug" Adrian Lim Jia Hwa 林佳华 (MEM120008) 这是我第一次参与无语良师工作坊。在参与、接触及了解以后,我才深深体会到无语良师们的勇敢及伟大。试问有几多人会在往生了以后把大体捐出,以让后辈们学习。他们和我们素未谋面,但是我们所受的恩惠是如此的大。在此我想再次感谢无语良师们,感谢你们无私的付出及大爱。我必当承载着你们的期许,在日后当一位仁医,为社会服务。 Ong Jin Xu 王谨旭
(MEM120157) 起初报名参与无语良师工作坊,最大的期待是为了学到一些临床的技术。通过家访了解了老师的故事,替老师解冻及清理身体后,才深深的了解到,老师教会我们最多的不是临床经验,而是同理心。身为医护人员,同理心是我们的根。只有照顾好它,它才会长成一棵大树,医治好病人。无语良师工作坊也让我们深深体会到了老师对我们的期望,也看到了家属对我们的信任。 我的老师,谢惠凤老师曾是一位慈济委员。就算来到生命的尽头也总是为他人付出,燃烧自己,让我们可以在她身上学到知识,以及她的慈悲心。无语良师无私奉献的精神,其实就是我们身为医护人员需奉行的榜样。 感恩老师们对我们的付出,也感谢为老师们完成心愿的家属们。 Nurul
Fatin Nadiah Zainudin (MEM120151) "The one who gives is always better than the one who receives". I know this phrase better when I joined this Silent Mentor Program. Indeed there is no word or phrase that can describe
our Silent Mentor's noble sacrifices. By donating their bodies to us, we learned not just medical skills but also the meaning of love, sacrifice and empathy. Respect and love are not just for the living but also to the dead. We met for a reason either you
are a blessing or a lesson. Thank you Silent Mentors, family members and the organizer. Lim Eng Seng (MEM120077) I am very glad to be a part of the 16th
Silent Mentor Workshop. Initially, I thought that Silent Mentor Program is just a platform for medical students to brush up their clinical skills. However, after one week of exposure of this program, I think that we, as a medical student, can learn way beyond
this. Silent Mentors were not only cadaver which serves as our study specimens, but they were someone with their own stories to tell and each of them is unique in their own way. Therefore, we started off this program by doing home visit to know more about
our Silent Mentors and understand about their expectations to us. Then, every day we will clean their bodies before and after the workshop. For me, I think that Silent Mentors not only improve our clinical skills, but also medical ethics which could not be
learnt from the textbook. We really appreciate Silent Mentors for donating their bodies for the good deeds even they have passed away. I hope that we, as a medical student, will utilize this golden experience to help out more patients in the future. I would
like to thank all the Silent Mentors and their family members for their great contribution. I would like to end my gratitude by a short poem: "Like a warm lantern in our heart, like the supple light of the moon. To embrace you forever In the fragrance of the
flower. We will remember you forever". Thank you! Audrey Lee Ying Shin (MEM120017) I am truly grateful to be able to participate in the 16th Silent Mentor Workshop. Before I took part
in this program, I have always heard that this program is a good platform for us, medical students to gain clinical experience through our Silent Mentors. Little did I foresee, the Silent Mentor Program not only benefited me in terms of clinical skills, but
has also taught me to be more compassionate towards my patient. As medical students, we often get so excited over learning and managing a disease, rather than understanding the patient as a whole person. Throughout this one week workshop, I have witnessed
how the Silent Mentors have selflessly given themselves to us, for the good of medical practice and to serve the society they love. If there is one thing I can conclude from this Silent Mentor Program, it is that I have learnt to empathize and feel for my
patients. It is my greatest honor to have known such courageous and sacrificial Silent Mentors and I would like to express my heartfelt thankfulness to them, for teaching me to be a doctor with a heart. Low Chay Lee (MEM120079)
The Silent Mentor Program has taught me invaluable lessons that I will never forget. Thank you so much to the Silent Mentors who were so selfless for the benefit of others. I hope this meaningful program can flourish further
in the future. Yan Hui Xin (MEM120200) This is definitely a meaningful program. Other than practicing medical procedures, we also learnt about empathy and understanding patients’
thought are as important as medical knowledge. I think all the activities in this Silent Mentor Program are useful and invaluable. When providing care for them, I also try to imagine myself in my patients’ shoes. I hope this precious program can be continued
and benefit more medical practitioners. Ding Shu Hui 陈淑慧 (INTI_I11008028) 第一次参与无语良师计划,无论是学术还是心灵,皆获益良多。
从第一次家访,直到几个月后看见了亚久老师的大体,我反复质问了自己一个很简单的问题:如果眼前的大体老师是我自己的亲人,我会怎么做?第一次看见大体,再加上念中医系的我平时就鲜少有这种机会接触往生者,如果我说我一点也不害怕,那我肯定是在撒谎。接触了亚久老师冰冷的大体后,看着他的脸庞,脑海里回忆起了一幕幕老师对我们的期待。那一刻我可以肯定的是,深藏于心里的那份尊重,早已远远超越了一开始的害怕。 人与人之间的相遇都是一种缘分。无论对方是好是坏,都总会带给我们一些启示。我也没有想过这辈子会以这样的形式和亚久老师相遇。虽然我们没办法一起坐在咖啡店喝咖啡聊天,虽然我没机会看您爬家门前的那棵芒果树,然而您无私奉献大体的精神,开拓了我的视野、丰富了我的知识,也让我看见了一位父亲的大爱大无畏精神。在人生的旅途中,能够和亚久老师拥有这份师生情愫,就是一种非常难能可贵的缘分。 送亚久老师最后一程的时候,我始终耐不住心里的那份不舍,眼泪情不自禁哗啦啦地流了下来。但是我知道,此时此刻的亚久老师,已经到了更好的地方。感恩您,亚久老师。 Ching Yuen Lim 陈媛琳 (INTI_I12001600) 我要与各位无语良师们说声感谢,感谢老师们勇敢的奉献与付出,让我看见死亡原来可以有另一种意义。也让我在面对死亡的时候由恐惧不安转为尊敬感恩。就在无语良师行谊简介的时候,我第一次看见了我们的亚久老师生前影片,看见活生生的老师出现在影片中,表达决志奉献的心愿,还有对我们这群未来医者的期望
,我的心中很是感动。 在这几天所进行的课程里,我们每天都要照顾打理老师的大体,在这时候,老师给我们一种像家人的感觉。老师用身体来提供更好的学习平台给我们,让我们透过他,来学习平时在课堂上读得到,但摸不到的知识。老师生病的时候一定深深的体会疾病所带来的痛苦,老师怀着减轻病者痛苦,为医学界出一份力的大愿,燃烧自己,照亮别人的精神,值得我们的敬佩与学习! 就像影片中老师说的,老师期望我们在专研医术的同时,也能够理解患者们所面对的感受,不应以赚钱为目的,减轻病人的痛苦与顾及病人经济上的负担,将来成为一位好医生。这让身为中医学生的我更加明白医德的重要性!医术固然不能少,但医德比医术更加难能可贵!感谢老师无声的教导,您们伟大又无私的奉献,我们将铭记于心! Andrew Lee Heng Yong 李兴涌
(INTI_I12001595) 经过了一个礼拜的无语良师工作坊,我深深的感受到无语良师的伟大以及贡献。我学习到就算病人不是我们自己的家人,我们也要付出我们的爱和无微不至的看顾病人,用心的看顾病人。除此之外,我们也要注意病人的家属,注意他们的心情以及感受。身为医者,了解病人的背景是必要的,因为心情也是导致疾病的其中一个元素。 我在此要对无语良师说:老师,感恩您! 您的奉献,我们铭记与心! 您的勇气,善良,和慷慨成为了我们学习的榜样! 您不止教会了我们医学的知识,同时我们也在您的身上学习到了无私和奉献的精神!
希望您在天之灵能安息。 生命苦短,只有美德能将它传到遥远的后世。—— 莎士比亚 Chung Tze Shun 钟紫纯 (INTI_
I12000016) 从家访、启用仪式、处理大体老师的卫生、正式操作到亲自体会,都是一种新的体验。认识到骨伤专科的内固定法,口腔科的微创手术,头面部手术,针灸解剖,伤口缝合。印象最为深刻的是解剖腹腔颈项背部四肢,清楚的认识到体内器官、血管、肌肉、神经、韧带、筋膜的实体位置。日后在病人身上施针的时候,对自己手下的感觉更有信心和把握。诊治疾病,由了解病史,明白病情,到清楚病者的情绪和心态,每一环都是不可忽略的。这样,诊断和治疗才能更准确。
忙碌而充实的一周,但内心是踏实的。向最伟大的无语良师致敬,您们的无私奉献,让一班医者获益匪浅,为医学界开启宝库。感谢,感恩! Kon Chung Yee 官中义 (INTI_I12001606)
无语良师计划能让医者获益良多。无论是在学术知识或医德上都有新的体会和领悟。老师们大无畏奉献的精神警惕身为医者的我们要博极医源,精勤不倦。 需然我没有机会与吾之良师在生前见面,但在这短短的几天里与老师相处,老师让我领悟了许多道理。医者父母心,治病需用心。在治疗疾病的基础上,医者也需要关怀病人的心理状况,用药为下,治心为上。治疗方法固然重要但乃需治疗心理的层面,尤其在于慢性疾病方面。我觉得若医者可以做到见彼苦恼,若己有之,必定有另一番体会。
在这无语良师工作坊里,我清晰看见之前指下感觉模糊不定的地方,确实感觉确定和实在。在此再一次衷心感谢各位老师们的教导,能让我成为你们的学生实在是我的荣幸,也要感恩马大无语良师中心筹划这次的无语良师工作坊。 Hu Jin Weng 胡锦伟 (INTI_I13002672)
Lam Wan Ying (INTI_I12001585) I am a Traditional Chinese Medicine student, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to have this great experience. Before I attend
this workshop, I was always trying to imagine about my reaction and feeling when I meet my Silent Mentor. I was also curious about what would I learn from this program. When I first met my Silent Mentor, I found that I have no more other feelings except calm
and respectful as my mentor was just looked like a sleeping elderly and he looks so peaceful. Throughout these days, I have learnt more than I expected. It is not just the medical knowledge that I have learnt, either in western medicine or traditional Chinese
medicine. The more important things that I have learnt are the ethics and spirit of selfless dedication. When the patient comes to us, we should always be well prepared before treating them and treat them as our family member. I am very grateful to have this
opportunity to learn so much throughout this program. Yip Shin Yi (INTI_I11008053) First, I am very thankful to have a chance to
join Silent Mentor Program. This was the first time I saw Silent Mentor and it was a very precious experience for me. Besides, I have deeply experience the greatness and selfless act of Silent Mentors who contributed their bodies for medical studies. I learnt
lots of knowledge on anatomy. Through Silent Mentor Program, I also found that patient-doctor relationship is a key factor during a treatment. The effect of treatment may be affected by the understanding and trust
of patient to their physician. Furthermore, I also found that the concern and patience of doctors to their patients are also important, so that the patients have the willpower to insist the treatment. Thank you Silent Mentors for your selfless contributions.
Yap Min Yi (INTI_I16010143) 参加了第16届无语良师工作坊,这一周的经历将会是我最深刻最难忘的学习!看到老师们往生前的决心,奉献自己,成就医学,也看到往生后的身体任由各专业医生和医学生作研究、学习和练习的过程,这几天我不断问我自己,我也能做到吗?答案还是犹豫不决的。所以,我真的很敬佩和感激这六位无语良师,能和您们结缘是我的福分。
Natalie Goh Yen Ping 吴滟萍 (INTI_I11009330) 在还没参加无语良师工作坊之前,我很害怕,很抗拒也很不愿意面对死亡,因为经历了阿公与好友的相继离世,那种痛彻心扉的感觉,不想再去触碰。那为什么最后的最后我还是选择了参加呢?没为什么,只因为要给自己一个提起勇气的机会去尝试面对一直逃避的现实,这种机遇难得,也是给自己一个前进与蜕变的机会吧!
我的大体老师是受英文教育的卢汉民老师。做家访前,我已经做好最坏的打算,可能家属会有情绪上的不稳。没想到汉民老师的女儿很坚强,情绪很稳定,缓缓的向我们道出她父亲的生前故事。很感谢她,让我们能够多了解汉民老师的一切。 进入无语良师工作坊的那一个星期里,每天早上5点从我校出发到马来亚大学,替汉民老师清洗大体,运送到手术台,站在各個来自不同国家与科系的医学导师们身旁当个小屁虫,小跟班,幸运的我,每次跟的导师,他们非但没有因我是中医系学生的关系而忽视我,而是都很愿意跟我分享他们的观点与知识,这些知识得来不易,我很珍惜。有些同学会笑我学与看这些手术来干嘛?他们(医学导师)说的东西你全懂吗?是的,有些是不懂,但每当我想放弃时,看着汉民老师,想起他捐献大体的目的,想起我站在这的目的,仿佛听见汉民老师对我说,“Natalie,
everything will be fine, this is why I’m here for, don’t give up hope!”, 我就想办法振作起来,不懂的就趁空档问问导师或医学同学。在晚間,同样的替汉民老师清洗大体后,运送到冰库房里再坐车返回我校。 很快的一个星期,就那么飞逝过了,到出殡的前一晚,最后一次替汉民老师清洗身躯,替他穿上整齐洁白的寿衣,我与组员们再一起合力把汉民老师移入棺木,那次也是最后一次瞻望汉民老师。星期日一早,家属们陆续到来,感恩会結束后,也是送灵的时候了,医学生并肩而排在走廊的两旁。时辰一到,看着汉民老师的棺木缓缓的向我这方向前进,回忆就像走马灯一样浮现在我脑海中。因为连续一个星期亲自下手替汉民老师清洗大体,搬运大体,就好像照顾自己亲人那样,渐渐熟悉的时候,汉民老师也是到了离开的时刻。多年前埋在深处的那个伤疤又撕裂了,淌着血,不争气的泪又溃堤了,我没能做什么,只能默默地陪汉民老师走完最后一程。在焚化场前献上了花,也是最后一次对汉民老师行礼鞠躬!
汉民老师,感谢您教会了我,即便是生命到了终点,也不要放弃为世人做出奉献的教诲;感谢您教会了我,不管社会多么复杂,也不要忘了当初学医的初衷;感谢您教会了我,勇敢的去面对自己,去面对一直逃避与害怕的事情!您用您的大体教育了我许多许多,我无比感恩!让现在的我学会淡看世事去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。 也感谢此工作坊,让我遇到专业又贴心的组员们
,来自不同背景与学校的我们,还记得第一次见面时的尴尬,到后期渐渐的熟悉彼此,一起聊天说笑,到别离时的不舍,缘分真的来得不易!感谢我队的老实人组长David Zachary, 每次我有什么不懂时,你都不嫌烦的解释给我听,爱追求完美的我遇到瑕疵时,你每次都会第一时间给予我鼓励!感谢我队活泼的Yap Min Yi,记得我在最后谢幕时不争气的哽咽,一下台,就收到坐在遥远观众席的你发出的简讯:“别哭啊,Natalie,David说你已经表现得很棒了!”,你们俩的举动,我真的很感动!感谢我队的大姐Lam
Wan Ying林婉莹, “叶子“Yip Shin Yi叶欣仪与Sharveena,感谢你们的陪伴与帮助!感谢我队的可爱姐妹Goh Saw Huan吴淑环,虽然鲜少见面,可是一见面可以说笑无边,还记得在焚化场我快忍不住泪水时,你搭着我的肩,微笑对我说:“好了啦~不要哭了~~”,看着你的表情,我还真的把眼泪“吸“回去,也算破涕为笑。再来,当然是我的台上简介搭档,外冷内热的Teoh Yi Ming张奕明,还记得第一次认识你,你就像冰柜那样冷,彼此不熟就像陌生人,当我们俩被安排担纲简介拍档,老实说我真的想放弃,因为不懂要怎么与像冰山的你联系,还好最后才慢慢熟络,破冰后原来还蛮健谈的。还记得备稿的日子吗?遇到种种的难题,你我相隔两地,没有机会一起练习就上讲台,回想起来还真是吃了豹子胆。稿改了又改,你都很有耐性的做翻译与纠正。默契后来慢慢培养了,还在谢幕礼上台前一刻一起肚子痛啊!最后,还是要说谢谢你,我的拍档!希望往后的日子大家可以一起出来聚会哦!
Lau Chong Ren 刘崇仁 (INTI_I11008096) 一个星期的无语良师工作坊结束了,收获很多,感触也很多。从大体老师身上学到了不止是医学上的知识,更重要的是态度:对病人的态度、对医学知识的态度、对人生的态度、面对死亡的态度。通过这次的计划,让我能观察得更全面,不管是病人的期望,还是家人对我们的信赖,在将来我都会加以思考。医学知识与技术固然重要,但身为医生更重要的是医德,感谢大体老师的付出,感恩。
Lee Si Min (Inti_I11008314) I think the biggest change in me after attending this Silent Mentor Workshop is my attitude when I am in the lab. As a final year student, I am spending almost
every day inside a lab. Martha Graham said "Dancing appears glamorous, easy, delightful, but the path to paradise of that achievement is not easier than any other. There is fatigue so great that the body cries even in its sleep. There are times of complete
frustration. There are daily small deaths." Although Graham was a dancer, but she precisely described how it looks like to live a life as a researcher. Finding the source of perseverance, hard work, focus and passion which can be persisted over a long period
of time is something very key for a researcher. Before this workshop, given with the hard facts of being a researcher, I actually doubted if I should continue with what I do. However, after meeting my Silent Mentor, Madam Mary Ha, I was deeply touched by her
great courage in donating her body for medical research, in which she hoped that she can somehow contribute to the advancement of medicine, so that patients like her can be cured eventually. I was reflecting on what
I went through during the few days of workshop in the sending-off ceremony. It was one of the longest one kilometer distance I have ever had. As I walked down the road behind Madam Mary's hearse, I have made up my mind that I want to continue to be in the
line of research. Madam Mary convinced me that I can do a good job in this. I know it will be very challenging, but with these selfless Silent Mentors in mind, I am confident that I can endure through the hard times inside the lab, at least for them, I will
endure. Guess this is my way of saying thank you to them. Chock Wai Chun (Inti_I13002513) 这个计划开始时我个人是不抱太多的期待,只是单纯的认为是英迪大学中医系招生的其中一种策略以及让我们感受一些西医学的氛围。 但是在参与整个过程后,会觉得医学不分中西,只要能帮助到更多病人就是一位好医生。在大体老师的分享中可以清晰的知道一个信息,就是现阶段大部分的医者,都会把盈利放在第一位,受苦的总是普罗大众。而我们这班未来的医者,真的能不随波逐流,跟循大队的脚步吗?这个问题真的值得我们好好地思考,我们读医的初衷是为了什么。而这一个计划就刚好敲醒了我内心的警钟,每当我看见大体老师无私地奉献出他的身躯给我们做各种的实验,总会感觉到现阶段医学的短板。 于病者于亲人,我衷心的感谢大体老师的付出。 Sumantri Agung Lim (INTI_I12000272) First of all I am very thankful to be given an opportunity to participate in the Silent Mentor Workshop.
I have learnt so many things through this workshop. In my opinion, every medical student should participate in this program. Because, we cannot study only from the textbook, we need to enhance the clinical practice as well. In this workshop, I have a team
and we were mixed with other medical students. We learned to cooperate, communicate and work together as team even though we were just met one another for the first time. It helped to improve my communication skill. During this workshop, I really used most
of my time to understand and learn more about the human body. I realized that to become an expert and skillful doctor is not easy and need to do a lot of sacrifices. Need to keep practice and learn. Nevertheless, I really salute to all of Silent Mentors who
donated their bodies for us to study and investigate. It is my great honor and privilege to have the opportunity to learn from my Silent Mentor. Through this workshop, I learnt in deep about the empathy, gratitude and selflessness. I would like to say, this
is an unforgettable workshop I had ever attended. I would like to thank SMC to give me this precious chance to participate in the workshop.
15th Silent Mentor Workshop 11-17/04/2016
Lee Hong Qing李宏慶 (MEM110060) 這是我身為醫學生第一次參與無語良師計劃。在進入醫學院以前,我都認為身為醫學生必定能在真實病人身上學習到最簡單的縫紉技巧甚至能有機會在手術時劃上一刀。身邊的家人朋友們也都認為如此。但進入了醫學院後才發現到要在真實病人身上學習醫學相關程序的技巧是必須一步一腳印地從畢業後實習生涯中累積的。但要病人讓醫學生在身上重複學習醫學程序像是縫紉傷口,對病人來說是非常痛苦的。但接觸了無語良師這計劃後,我能學習到許多將來在實習生涯中必須進行的醫學程序。至少,以後學長問我是否試過,我的答案不會再是“呃,不是很確定耶”,而是“我做過,我有信心”。信心對我來說在進行這些程序上是能達到事半功倍的效果的。除此之外,身為醫學生的我們一向來都被教誨必須要用專業理性的角度看待死亡。我發現到久而久之我們就會忽略了醫生跟病人或是病人跟情感的關係。參加了無語良師計劃並參與了大體老師家屬訪問後,我親身體會到所謂的抽離情感、理性面對是什麼感覺,並且讓我了解到每個病人的背後都有故事。所以我在大體老師身上上了很重要的一課。未來行醫的路上,我們不僅僅要當一位專業的醫師,同時也必須附上真感情,設身處地的為病人著想。另外,這個計劃讓我有機會認識到馬大以外的醫學生。在一個星期的工作坊裡,我學習到責任感的重要性。有句話說得沒錯,活動過程本身就是收獲。
Danial Bin Ismail (MEM110030) I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to join the Silent Mentor Program. It has taught me many meaningful things, both in improving my clinical skills
as well as lessons in life. I was able to practice clinical skills that I never would have had the chance to. But more than that, I have learnt to appreciate life and death in a new way. It has given me an extended appreciation to sacrifices and contribution
for the greater good. It endowed in me empathy towards a stranger that I did not think I would achieve. Most of all, I am very grateful to the Silent Mentors and their families for their honourable acts of selflessness. I will use what I have learnt on this
journey, to be as good and safe a doctor as I can be. Desmond Ling Chung Wei (MEM110032) At the beginning, I didn't expect much from this Silent Mentor session, just another program
to me. But as I went through this event, it made me realised that the world does not rotates around me alone, there are so many people together standing on this soil. As the only intelligent species on this earth, we need to start caring for each other
as we all know that, united we stand, divided we fall. Throughout this program, we received help from many volunteers and without them it will never be as successful as ever. I will like to thank everyone who contributes to the success of this Silent Mentor
Program. Lastly I will like to thank our Silent Mentors for their unfathomable love towards the world that they are willing to help us in our future career. Thank you to all doctors who taught us during this program, I promise I will obey the Hippocratic Oaths
and save without remorse. Mohammad Farhan Bin Md Saleh (MEM110080) I am very thankful to be given an opportunity to participate in the Silent Mentor workshop. I have learnt so
much throughout the course of the workshop and I personally think that every medical student should participate in this program. All the experience I had such as doing the procedure at real body gave the most valuable gift in learning as a medical student.
However, the beauty inside this program is the Silent Mentor is not just a platform to do real-stimulation procedure, it way beyond that. I learnt in deep about empathy, gratitude and selflessness. I was able to relate myself to the family members and realised
that as doctors, we are not only treating the disease itself but also the overall well-being of the patients and their family members. Respect and love not only to the living but also to the dead. I am also grateful to learn about other religion's
funeral ceremony and respect it. Last but not least, I will like to thank SMC for this great opportunity. Lee Xin Ying 李欣萤 (MEM110064) Writing this reflection marks the end of the 15th Silent Mentor Workshop. At the very start when I decided to join Silent Mentor Program, I thought the program was mostly about brushing up our skills on clinical procedures. It turned out
that it was way more than that. From the conversation with our Silent Mentor’s family members and friends during home visit, I began to learn about our Silent Mentor’s biography. I got to know about her personality, her life in the temple, her
illness and her coping strategies, which strengthen my affection for her. This is the same as taking a full history of a patient before starting treatment. It is as important as any other chapters in medical school as it taught us to understand the patient
situation and try thinking from the patient’s perspective. Moreover, it is a very courageous act to donate our body after death. It is my greatest honor and privilege to have the opportunity to learn from my Silent Mentor and I would like to express
my gratitude to her. Throughout the program, I have also come into contact with students from other universities. We learned to cooperate, communicate and work together as a team even though we have just met each other for the first time. It helped in improving
our communication skills, which is crucial in interpersonal relationship in the workplace. All in all, I am very grateful to join this workshop from the start till the end. It was a truly unforgettable experience, and has prepared us both clinically and mentally
for our career. Although it is not easy, I know that we will try hard to realize our Silent Mentor’s expectation, which is to maintain good intention and reduce patients’ suffering. Ong Jun Yin (MEM110141)
人生本无常,能在人生最后的一程里,无私的献上大体,是多么值得我们学习的精神。古今中外,许多人在歌颂医者的伟大、付出与贡献,扪心自问,身为医学生的我们,身为未来医师的我们,可否做出等同的牺牲。我相信的是,经过了无语良师计划的洗涤,我们这些即将踏入社会,扛着医生名号的我们,会尽最大的努力,贡献社会,治疗各种疾病,甚至心病,打造更美好的社会。 Em Jun Min
黄俊铭 (MEM120039) 无语良师,用无声的爱感化医护人员们。。 无可或非的,我从来都没想到无语良师计划的每一个片段会深深的烙印在我的心里。从家访、凌晨清洗老师至完全投入于长达一星期的医学工作访,无语良师仿佛一直陪伴着我们。家访让我慢慢的了解老师生前的生活点滴,而在教授的教导下,我们细心地清洗老师,一针一线的从老师身上学到的各种难得的医学技巧。在整个过程当中,老师的意愿一直相随着我们。老师们的大爱奉献出宝贵的学习经验。为此,我打从心里向所有老师们献上最真诚的致谢。虽然我明白这一份谢意或许无法完全传达给在另一时空的老师们,但我坚信,从我送老师们走上最后的路途起,我永远都会记得你们给予我们以及所有医学界的期望,尽力成为一名愿为社会付出的好医生。你们无私的奉献,我会铭记于心,在不久的将来双倍的传递于社会。感恩有你们,让我体会人间有爱,让我们诠释生命的另一种的意义,让我更坚定未来的路该如何走。谢谢你们。
Leong Hui Ling梁蕙琳(MEM120072) 我非常感恩能参与无语良师工作坊。在这短短的一个星期里,大体老师们用无声的言语无私地教导我们。这是一个非常难得且十分珍贵的学习机会。但是,我所学到的,不止是这些医学知识或临床技巧,更多的是大体老师们的无私大爱与奉献精神。他们愿意奉献自己造福别人、成就别人。在生命走到尽头之际,他们愿意奉献出自己的身躯,给了我们最宝贵的无语身教。这些都是书本上无法学到的知识。
“是您教我生命的真谛,是您教我生死的意义,是您教我生命能以另一种形式延续”。 每一次的参与,都带来多一次心灵上的震撼。我想,这个才是无语良师计划的真正意义所在吧,让我们明白医德与医术并重。老师,谢谢您。 我也感谢大体老师们的家属,忍着不舍,支持大体老师们的决定。也谢谢无语良师计划全体工委和志愿者的付出,让这项有意义的计划能延续下去。谢谢您们。
Tan Soon Sin (MEM110176) 感恩各位无语良师,特别是丁锦祥老师伟大及无私的付出给予马大医学院。在这一届的无语良师工作坊,我学到了许多书本上无法获得的宝贵经验。除此之外,我也进一步了解病人在患病过程中需要面对的许多痛苦及优虑。他们需要家人们给予不断的支持与鼓励。希望下次还能有机会参加无语良师工作坊以便能向更多大体老师学习。
Nur Faezah Mohd Ariff (MEM110121) I have learned about the Silent Mentor Program ever since before I attended medical school. There was a documentary from a local TV station covered the
story about the Silent Mentor Program in Tzu-Chi University, Taiwan and I was so impressed with their achievements there. However, I knew at that point of time, this program has not been practice yet here in our country. Until I entered medical school, during
my first year of doing medicine, there were a few seniors that came to our lecture hall and talked about this program which was just newly started here at that time. I was so excited to know that this program is actually been adapted based on what Tzu-Chi
University is doing, as what I had already seen in the television. Ever since then, I kept promise to myself that whenever I have the chance, I should and I must join this Silent Mentor Program. Therefore back in 2014, I managed to register myself for the
Silent Mentor Workshop and finally got my turn to join the 15th Silent Mentor Workshop & Ceremony. This workshop is so much beneficial to us in terms of enhancing our surgical procedure skills such as suturing, intubation, inserting central venous line
and also inserting chest tube. Throughout this workshop too, I had the chance to meet and cooperate with medical students from other universities, thus widen my circle of acquaintances. However, most importantly, by joining this program, I learnt that even
being silence, one still can teach others, like what our noble mentors had done. They not only gave us the chance to do practical procedures on their bodies silently without complaining anything, but indirectly they also taught us a lot of positive values
such as empathy, sincere, respect, caring, braveness and more significantly, the values of love. I feel grateful to be a part of this honourable program, and I wish that the Silent Mentor Program will be widely accepted in our society and thus can be continue
to be implemented until next time for the sake of success of the medical field. Nur Arynah Saiyidah Bt Mohd Jamili (MEM110118) Silent Mentor Program is a new program I knew since I entered
clinical year in medical school. It is a program that covers a lot of aspects not just in medical field. It taught me about life, empathy, sacrifice, understanding of our patient and the environment around him besides just lent his body for our learning on
insertion of endotracheal tube, chest tube, central venous line and suturing. In addition, I learnt about different culture which is not really new for me but it reminds me of my late grandparents who are also Chinese. Our Silent Mentors are wonderful, kind-hearted,
and honourable people who I admired their selflessness for us people in medical field to learn from their bodies. I am grateful to be given a chance for joining this program as I could learn a lot of things and experience it myself. Thank you for all the people
involved in this program including my team members who worked hard and cooperated together in this program. If I were given a chance to join this program again, I will volunteer to join. Tee Chun
Wei郑俊伟(MEM110180) 回顾这三年的见习过程当中,常常会遇到许多的第一次,第一次为病人抽动脉血,第一次放尿管,第一次缝针等等。而这种种的第一次,常常都是在还没准备的情况下,被推上去做,当下非常的紧张,而造成疏失了一点点小细节,让病人多挨了一两针。事后回想起来,会觉得非常感谢这些愿意让我实施第一次技术的病人,同时也有些抱歉与愧疚。
前几天,在潘生榮老师身上学习第一次的气管插管、胸管插入和中心静脉导管插入。在学习过程中,老师静静地躺着,耐心让我探索人体器官,重复每个程序,以便我下次能顺利并有信心地完成它。《以身相許》的一句話"宁愿在我身上试划二十刀,也不愿见到将来毕业当医生时,在病患身上划错一刀"正是潘老師正要向我表達的信息。 在无语良师课程里,除了学习医学上的知识,更重要的是它让我学会去尊重人、尊重生命。因为缘分,
我与潘老师从陌生人变成很特别的师生关系。在还没见到老师时,我和组员们做了家访,认识家属们,了解潘老师悲欢离合的人生经历。了解潘老师的故事后,打从心里的感动与尊敬。您生活简朴却不平凡,您吃苦耐勞却未曾怨言。您勇敢坚強面对无情的命运,让爱您的亲友们都为您感到荣耀。 第一次见到老师时,那面孔已经和身前的照片有少许的差异。触碰老师的身体时,是多么的冰冷,老师身躯已没有了体温、心跳、呼吸,但依然有身前火热无私的心,承载着“化无用为大用”的利他精神,用生命教导着我们。过去几天早晨,同学们都会到解剖室为老师们清洗身体。之后再搬到手术台上让我们进行沉重却又充满感恩的学习课程。当我为老师手臂缝合时,每一针每一线都让我深深回想起老师的身前故事。这双曾与亲朋戚友们载满着无数回忆的一双手。我希望我们没有辜负老师对我们的期望,在这几天内能够圆满老师为医学教育及回馈社会而奉献大体的心愿。
总结来说,对我们学生而言, 在我们学医的过程中,在人生的道路上,是一个非常有意义的事情,一个非常特别的经历。经过无语良师的课程,我相信我们以后,成为一个充满爱心的好医生。最后在这里,我想要感谢所有参与这次课程,来教导我们的医生,谢谢你们愿意牺牲你们工作后的时间与精神,来指导我们,让我们学习。也要谢谢所有的志工,谢谢你们幸苦的安排,才让我们这次无语良师课程能顺利进行。谢谢我的同学及组员们,在过去几天内,互相扶持,一起完成我们的任务,一起成长。最后最重要的,也要再次感谢所有伟大的无语良师以及家属们,是你们的大舍、大勇和大爱成就了这一次意义非凡的无语良师课程。在这里想为你们献上由衷的感恩。
How Wen Jie (MEM110047) I have heard this question many times: Who is your favorite teacher? And I have always answered it silently with – none! All I could remember about my teachers
in the past is the smack on the head from my reading and writing teacher, whenever I mispronounced a word, when I was still in primary school. While in high school, a teacher made me turned my chair around (I was sitting on the front row) to face my classmates,
because I failed to heed her warning to stop chattering. The embarrassment I felt became an appendage to the word “teacher.” But my answer to the popular question transformed when I joined this Silent Mentor Program and Mr. Phua became my teacher/Silent
Mentor. Tzu-Chi’s Great Body Donation initiative gives death a new meaning. Dharma Master Cheng Yen changes the perception of death from one of gloom, decay, destruction and abandonment to one of purity and dignity
and an enhancement of the value of life by means of helping others. Her establishment of this body donation program has also changed the feelings of medical students towards cadavers. Instead of treating cadavers as decaying anonymous objects, which they often
treat with frivolity because they are afraid of confrontation with death and having to experience repulsive odors, medical students are taught to see them as selfless family members who should be treated with respect, gratitude and care. The positive attitude
towards cadavers will stay with the students throughout their medical careers and play a decisive role in future doctors to treat their patients with respect and other positive feelings. I still have a vivid memory of the workshop
given that day. It gave me a very deep impression and I was quite frightened. It was my first experience of standing next to a mentor. I felt oppressed by the horror of standing beside a deceased body. I was scared, as the Silent Mentor
was nevertheless different from a living person. His body was cold. But this feeling passed quickly. We were taught that the Silent Mentor was really a person; he was a teacher, not a cadaver. He was the same as us, had life, and now is using his body
to guide us. Our mentor is also a teacher who deserves our respect. He is here to help us cross this psychological barrier quickly, so that we can easily follow the class. Regardless of how attractive the illustrations in the books were, they were flat,
printed materials. But the mentor was real, 3-dimensional. When I touched his body, I found some unusualness from a normal body. I then realized that those unusualness was the cause of his death. I felt very sad. In
his last days, he must have suffered a lot of pain. As I touched him, I remembered the pain he suffered. I could feel his pain. I would like to ask him if I was being too rough. Though I knew he could no longer feel, I am still worried that I might hurt
him, or do something wrong. I really could not express how bad I felt. Deep down inside, we know that Mr. Phua has touched some of our hearts in very special ways that we can never, ever accurately or fully explain
with the mere tools of these written words. There are many things that will catch your eye. But only a few will catch your heart.” Mr. Phua Sin Eng caught my heart and he will be forever missed. Shuhaina
Binti Arafin (MEM090164) From Silent Mentor Program, I realized that how a person can give big impact and benefit to other person. Silent Mentor helped me to improve my clinical skills. Made me realized that death
is not the ending. Even after death, we still can do good deeds to other people. Family members who supported this program also taught me about how they respected their loved ones' wish. This program also taught me how important teamwork is and how important
for us to be tolerate with each other. I really got a lot of benefits from this program. Thanks a lot especially to my Silent Mentor and all the staffs that help me throughout this program. Annisa Salleh
(Taylor’s_302553) Never have I thought that this Silent Mentor Program would leave such a big impact in me not just for my future medical career but also as a person. I was able to brush up on some of the
skills that I have previously learned & practiced on a mannequin, but this time on a real human body. I was able to feel so much emotion and had full respect towards my Silent Mentor despite never having the chance to know him personally. Thank you and well done to the organizing committee for making this program a success & also for your guidance throughout the whole program. This experience is definitely a big stepping stone for my future career. Grateful
that I have such a selfless Silent Mentor. Thankful that I was given the opportunity to join this program. Blessed I am, for being able to study medicine that can change
people’s life for the better. Chan Min Yao (Taylor’s_1006A79489) I was very fortunate to be able to participate in the Silent Mentor Workshop. Through this workshop,
not only do I have the opportunity to meet new people but also learn tons of medical procedural skills on our great Silent Mentors. Other than that, I am also able to enhance my soft skills through interaction with our Silent Mentor’s next of kin as
well as our peers. These encounters have been able to change the way I feel towards communicating with a patient. It also made me realized the importance of empathy, kindness and compassion in solving our patient’s
problems and issues. With all these golden opportunities given to us, I am certain that we will be better doctors tomorrow. I would like to thank all Silent Mentors and their family members for their big-hearted, generous
and kindness. Your sacrifice will always be in our heart, and we will strive to be doctors of the people tomorrow. “Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.” – A.P.J.
Abdul Kalam Janarthana Prasad (Taylor’s_303911) Participating in the Silent Mentor Program was truly a remarkable experience. One may say that it’s similar to any other anatomy
session when you dissect a cadaver, but the Silent Mentor Program is much more than that. From Day 1, we learned about our mentors not only through their bodies, but through their lives as well. I have come to realise how insignificant our minor problems were
when compared to those who have gone through hardships in life and are willing to sacrifice themselves even after death. It was truly an emotional experience as we created a bond between us and our mentors, as well as their family members. Perhaps I may have
come out of this program improving my medical skills, but the biggest improvement and lesson that I have learnt is perhaps the interpersonal aspect of medicine, to be empathic and to understand our patient’s emotions as well as the impact on their family
members. I will forever be thankful for my mentor, who was generous in life and death. Lah Wen Chin (Taylor’s_1006A79723) After joining the Silent Mentor Program, I have learned
the importance of empathy in my medical career in the future. Not only that, we were also able to learn many life-saving procedures on our Silent Mentor, for example chest tube insertion, central venous line insertion and suturing techniques. Without our Silent
Mentor, we wouldn’t be able to have the chance to practise on a real person and we would end up starting our medical career without equipping ourselves with these important clinical skills. Thank you to all the Silent
Mentors who pledged their bodies to contribute in the medical field, not forgetting the organizing committees who made this program a successful one! Chin Zhen Hua (Taylor’s_308533)
无语良师伟大的付出,让我深深感动与敬佩。我很荣幸能参加这次的无语良师工作坊。它不但让我增加医学上的知识,也让我体会到合作的重要性。希望下次还有机会参加如此有意义的活动。感恩。 Charlene Tang Song Min (Taylor's_1101G12015) The
Silent Mentor Workshop has been a profound and eye-opening experience for me. The home visits to the families of the Silent Mentors had allowed us to establish a better understanding of the lives of our Silent Mentors from their lives’ first cries to
their final breaths. Their courageous and selfless act in choosing to surrender their very own physical bodies in the hope of a better life for the living is admirable and is an example for us to emulate. They are indeed the nation’s unsung heroes.
I have signed up for this program out of curiosity and also in the hope of improving myself to be a better healthcare professional in the future. From this program, I have gained a deeper sense of empathy and respect towards
others. This experience was a gentle reminder to me to see every patient as another’s family member and friend and to treat them as if they are of my own. This has indeed echoed the wishes of our dear Silent Mentors who have hoped to make us better doctors.
From our Silent Mentors and the tutoring of the clinicians, I have learnt to refine my clinical skills for which I am utterly thankful for. Other than the new bonds established and acquaintances made during this program, teaming up with the students from University
Malaya has also been an unforgettable experience of which I cherished. Not forgetting all those whom have contributed to this initiative, directly or indirectly, let it be known that our gratitude to you is endless and is not confined to the limits of these
words. Thank you. Elaine Eustace Pereira (Taylor’s_1001A76020) I am very thankful and grateful to have been given this golden opportunity to participate voluntarily in this 15th
Silent Mentor Program. This program has definitely made a great impact in my life. Firstly, I have learnt clinical skills that include suturing, chest tube insertion, intubation and insertion of central venous line.
Prior to this, I only managed to read from textbooks and written materials. I have not got the chance previously to perform these procedures. However, this program enabled me to sharpen my skills via these hands-on procedures as mentioned above. Not forgetting,
the tutors who journeyed with us throughout this program guided us patiently while imparting their knowledge to us young medical students. Apart from that, I have inculcated many moral values that include kindness, generosity
and selflessness from our beloved deceased Silent Mentors and their loved ones. I am touched by their unforgettable good deeds. They will always be cherished and treasured by all the medical students who attended this entire program. Despite the sufferings
and pain encountered by the family members of these Silent Mentors, they still went all their way out to spend quality time with the medical students during the home visits held during the weekend. Hence, I would like to extend my utmost gratefulness and appreciation
to the Silent Mentors and their loved ones who sacrificed in one way or another in this program. Last but not least, I am glad to have made many new friends from University of Malaya. This Silent Mentor Program
required a lot of teamwork in order to make this event a success. Hence, I am very thankful to have met these great teammates who worked hand in glove in every way that we could as the saying goes, “Many hands make light work”.
Low Jun Cong (Taylor’s_304038) 随着无语良师工作坊的结束,对我们来说却像是另一趟旅程的开始。老师无私的捐出大体,对医学做出的贡献,是非常伟大、非常令人钦佩的一项壮举。让我们学会了在课本上所学习不到的经验。并对医学增长了难能可贵的见识。通过无语良师计划也将马来亚大学和泰莱大学两批素未谋面的医学生联系在一起,分工合作的完成整项计划。最后也让我们认知生命的可贵,及懂得要更爱惜身边的家人,朋友。。。
Diong Wern Jyn (Taylor’s_301037) I have heard about Silent Mentor Program from those who had participated earlier. Nonetheless, knowing and hearing from
them were different than experiencing it myself. Being part of the 15th Silent Mentor Workshop allowed me to gain more than just medical skills I can use to save someone's life in the future. It taught me how to give in the first place which was shown by my
mentor who selflessly donated his body for medical purposes so we could learn more. It is because of him I had the opportunity to practice the skills on a human body when I am still a medical student. More than that, this workshop gave me many new exposures
from the start of the workshop till the last day. This is definitely a great platform to learn the meaning of love. Tan Li Yi (Taylor’s_311814) 我十分感谢让我有这次的机会参与了第十五届无语良师工作坊。从一开始的家访到最后的送殡仪式,都让我有很深的感触。这次的工作坊,让我学习到的不只是医学上的知识,更是让我产生了对病人及病人家属的同理心,让我体会到作为一位医者所需要顾虑到的其实真的很多。潘生荣老师所秉持着的‘化无用为大用’的精神深深地感动了我,在临终时决定把自己的身躯奉献给医学界,这份大爱并不是人人都能做到的,让我十分的敬佩。我恳切地希望自己能成为一位医能及医德都能兼具的医者,让病人无论是身体上或心理上都能获得安慰,把大体老师的大爱精神加以发扬光大,传播到世界各个角落。大体老师们为我们所付出的,我们都无以回报,我们会将这份爱铭记于心,并让它时刻提醒着我们要尽我们能力成为一名更好的医生。
Tan En Hui (Taylor’s_312804) I would like to take this opportunity to thank my Silent Mentor, Mr. Phua Sin Eng and his family members. Through this program I have learnt not only surgical
skills but also empathy, kindness, selflessness and other humanistic values and he had inspired me with his selfless act of giving. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn. 感谢您潘生荣老师,您让我学到了人生最珍貴的一課。
Teh Zhi Wei 郑芷薇(Taylor’s_312886) 参与了这次的无语良师计划,我对很多事情都有了全新的了解及看法。从家访中我对老师将自己大体奉献给医学界的伟大精神深深地感动了。毕竟是老师舍己为他的精神才让我们的医学知识得以精进。老师的家庭成员对他的支持也让我更加珍惜这个来之不易的机缘。这次的计划让我学习了很多书本上所学习不到的知识,尤其是对实体而非模型上磨练我们的技术;这对我们医学生来说是一个不可多得的机会。在学习的期间,我仍然对划错的每一刀感到愧疚及亏欠;但与此同时我也更加感谢这次的机会,让我得知自己的失误并加以改正。这种特殊的师生关系除了让我对老师致予最高的敬意,也让我感受了老师满满的祝福与期待。
我深信这次充满意义的工作坊将会为我未来的行医路上带来更大的贡献。 Ng Sijie (Taylor’s_1101G12781) I first heard about this program when I was in 2nd year as it was
introduced to our faculty in a meeting. It was a short and brief introduction but I was amazed by the program and wanted to join ever since. Previous participants were full of praises for the event not just in terms of knowledge and skills learnt but also
soft skills and communication skills. Furthermore, as I went to Taiwan Tzu-Chi Hospital Taipei for my electives, I was told about the origin of the program and how it had been in place for many years. However due to the limited amount of seats, I was forced
to wait till my final year. Nonetheless, it was worth the wait. We went to our home visit in Penang on the 23rd of January 2016. It was a long journey as it took us about 4 hours to reach the temple. As our mentor
(Dharma Master Shi Hui Xian) lives in a temple ever since 2 years of age, we were greeted by other dharma masters and her siblings in the temple. There were forthcoming and we learnt and understand her life story from her siblings and friends. They were very
friendly and we were able to visit and see what she left behind. All her items and belongings were still neatly kept and organized. It was just as if she was still there as her presence was deeply felt as we browse through them. Later on, our group sat down
together and we discussed. As the discussion progressed, we felt a sense of remorse but at the same time appreciated and respected her bravery, determination and decision. We transferred our mentor on the 8th
of April 2016, it was the first time we see her in person. Feelings rushed through our bodies as we pushed her gently to the anatomy laboratory. As we started the programme on the 11th of April 2016, we briefly introduced her life story. The few
slides presented did not do her adequate justice as her achievements were plentiful. However, with the given amount of time, I think it was beautifully presented by our representatives. We started our sessions the following day. Throughout
our sessions, we were able to gain knowledge and skills. Proper techniques were taught and we were encouraged to learn well. The doctors that participated were helpful and their willingness to educate had motivated us to thrive for the better. As our session
ended on the Saturday, we did the coffining ceremony. It was an eye-opener for me as so much respect was paid to our mentors. As we move our mentors into the coffin, a deep sense of gratitude was felt and I feel that a mere thank you was not enough for our
mentor. As we proceeded to the funeral the next day, we were able to witness a well-organized and respectful event was done to allow them to rest well. As we walked slowly behind the hearse, every step we took was intended to pay our last respect for our mentor.
This Silent Mentor Program has taught me a lot in terms of surgical and procedural skills and the proper way to do it with guidance from experienced professionals and specialist. But that was not all. We were showed to love,
to care, and to empathize with our patients which are life lessons that could not be educated in a classroom. This has ignited my passion once again for medicine and motivated me to be a better doctor in the future. Nor Adilah
Binti Ahmad Nasir (Taylor’s_300604) I have always believe that the person who gives is always better than the one who receives. By joining this Silent Mentor Program, I have seen how it transformed me
to becoming a better person and a good human beings. It taught me of the values that one should uphold as a human, and as a doctor. It told me to work harder and use all the skills I have learnt throughout this program to a good use so that my Silent Mentor's
sacrifice will be beneficial to other human beings too. The most important thing I have learnt is; to always give without hoping anything in return. Wong Wei Herng 黄维恒
(Taylors’_312885) 19岁的我们,懵懵懂懂地进了医学院,承载着想要成为一名医生,服务大众的梦想。经过了四年的历练直至参加了这次的工作坊,我更加珍惜知识的可贵。在导师们身上,我们学习了缝合技术,插管,中央靜脉导管,胸管放置等基本临床技能。虽然与导师们只是区区几天,但是从每一早晨与导师净身,甚至到了学习,再到夜晚与导师净身,我们都早已把导师视为自己亲人看待。尤其是当用解剖刀在大体老师身上切开了一小切口后学习缝上伤口时,即便知道老师已离开人世,但这一刀割下时我的心感隐痛。对于老师们无私的奉献与不求回报的牺牲,
我深感敬佩与感恩。有多少人能在生前作出牺牲小我,完成大我的精神,又有多少人能在逝世后秉持着一样的精神,让爱遗留人间让生命延续下去。我不会辜负导师们对我们的期望,成为一名能干,有爱心与同理心的好医生。生命中,总有一些东西会随着岁月流逝,再也无从记起。但也总有些东西,好比导师们无私的大爱精神,不管岁月如何变迁,不论四季如何轮回,它将永远铭刻在我清澈,透明的心扉。 Sim Li Bin 沈里嫔
(Taylor’s_312899) 生老病死四个阶段是每一个人必经过程。但是对于导师们而言,死亡不代表结束,他们将自己的身体捐献出来供医生和医科生们学习,将大爱的精神继续发扬下去。从他们身上,我学到了好多临床经验比如缝合技术,插管等。这是多么可贵的经验,但也是导师们无私的奉献所换来的。这群伟大的无语良师让我们学到了生命的用途不在于它的长短,而是在于如何利用它,使生命更有价值。
14th Silent Mentor Workshop 24-29/11/2015
Tan See Teng (MEM110173) 我们改变不了生命的长度,但我们可以改变它的宽度。生命是脆弱中的坚强,它不只是盛开的花,还是泥土里扭曲变形的根,最神奇的是它每天给了我们一个希望。活着就是希望;所以大家要为自己的生命增值;加深其中的意义。这是我在参与这项“无语良师“活动里所领悟到最珍贵的道理。说实在的很感恩大体捐献者的无私,很感激他们用冰冷的躯体来给医学生模拟学习。
Edmund Tan (MEM110035) The Silent Mentor Program has taught me the values of being a better person. Throughout the program, I've learned to be not only competent in basic surgical skills
but also empathy. The hardships and pain the mentors had endured throughout their illness and the difficulties and sorrow experienced by the family revolving the mentors’ gradual deteriorating condition while they were alive represents the frailty
of a human being. It was an emotional and spiritual journey for those involved in the workshop. Lee Jac Lyn 李洁伶 (MEM110061) 无语良师是一群特殊的老师,他们用身躯诠释生命的另一种意义。对他们来说,死亡并不是生命的结束,而是生命的延续。大体老师真正丰富了学生们学习的过程,更让他们了解到,大体老师不只是留下生命的感动,而是完成了生命的价值。我想只有大体老师懂得品味那种平静的,有味的,温柔的,奉献大爱之后的踏实感。感恩老师出现在我那平凡的生命里。您们的奉献,我铭记于心。
Phang Shi Wan 彭诗椀 (MEM110144) 对于无语良师计划以及全体无语良师的无私付出,心里只有无限的感恩和感谢。从无语良师计划的开始到结束,每一个环节,每一个过程,都深深地感动了我的心。每一次的参与都会让我更加的能设身处地地为病人着想。我不敢说能成为很棒很厉害的医生,但肯定能成为更有同理心的医生。只因为我能更了解病患的心情,也能更体会病人家属们的不舍。人非草木,而人类最大的特点是拥有丰富的感情与情感。一位好医生,除了医能,当然少不了医德。然而想要拥有医德,除了自己本身的爱心,也需要对人类的情感有所了解,而这些是需要透过一步一步的累积才能拥有的。在无语良师计划里,我们又长大了,但是心灵与智慧的增长往往比年龄的增长更能改变我们的一生。所以,希望通过参与这个计划,我能成为更好的学生,更好的朋友,更好的女儿,以及更好的医生!感恩!
Ang Chee Sheng (MEM110008) Silent Mentor Program is such a beneficial yet meaningful program, undeniably contributes tremendously in medical field. Before joining this program, I had heard
about it for quite a few times from seniors, how good it is. Initially, I thought it was all about learning and improving medical and surgical skills, but it had proven me wrong. After joining this program, not only the skills do matter, but also our empathy
level had been raised to certain level. From the very beginning, from home visit to preparation and the sending-off ceremony, a lot of precious moral values had been emphasised and instilled. I can’t deny that one-week program like this was so tiring,
but I did learnt a lot and I had actually “grown up”. A very deep appreciation from the bottom of my heart, I would like to give it to four Silent Mentors in this workshop that I had taken part. Because of their relentlessness, we had this golden
chance to learn. If I am given another opportunity to join this program, I would definitely grab this chance well. Yes, I would say! Ng Chin Khoon (MEM110102) Silent Mentor
has been a great program for me. Besides learning all the various surgical and clinical skills that normally medical students can’t perform on real life body, I have also learnt to be more appreciative of life. Through this program, I learnt the life
journeys that our Silent Mentors have went through and how they persevere throughout their illness. Their positivity towards life and their self-less thought to donate their bodies so that they can contribute towards the medical field will always be appreciated
and remembered. With this, I will uphold the honor of being a good if not great doctor and be more empathic and caring towards my patients, serving only the best for them. Nurul Dyana Amira Zalzali (MEM110132) Silent Mentor isn't just a platform to do real-stimulation procedure, it way beyond that. It taught me a life. I know empathy is really important and will make a good doctor with it. But honestly, I never really feel that feeling. But everything
was changed after I joined Silent Mentor Program. Empathy is something we earn, if we treat our patient sincerely without any other reason. Although Silent Mentors were in the other world, I still thought that they are someone that we must respect. Moreover,
they were fighters! Thank you for the opportunity. I appreciated this so much. Ooi Jian Min 黄健敏 (MEM110143) 生命是老天爷赏赐的礼物。能在临终时将这份礼物传承下来,让它成为别人一份珍贵的礼物以减轻其他人的痛楚
~ 我想这就是吴珍珠老师想要对我们每一位学生所要表达的信息。 感恩您吴珍珠老师,让我尝试了在真人身上的手术流程 - 从endotracheal tube insertion, chest tube, suturing 到 Central Venous Line insertion。还有更重要的是看似简单却不是每个人都会有的同理心。虽然您的躯体冰冷但这股无私的奉献确实让我深深的感动。感恩您的无怨无悔及不求回报。
我要好好学习,铭记您的教导和精神,希望不久后的将来能够让您的爱延续和受益更多人。 最后我想感谢Prof Chin, Mr. Sia和全体工委的志愿者。感谢你们为了无语良师计划而努力和付出。 Lim Jun
Ni林君倪 (MEM110066) 一生投身教育的热忱,三场与癌症搏斗的战役,捐献大体无私的举动,无一不让人有所敬佩。耳听种种从您家人及学生们转述您的生平事迹,无缘在您有生之年与您结缘也许是一个遗憾,但十分感恩在您往生后依旧有幸成为您的学生。在您的众多学生中,也许我并没有机会亲耳聆听您的教诲,但在无声中您却给予了我无数的启蒙。第一次的插管,第一次的中心静脉置管,无一不让我深深感激您给予的启蒙。感恩您,吴珍珠老师。愿您一路好走,往生净土,早登极乐。
Aqeela Nadhirah (MEM110011) Honestly, we learnt a lot from this program. An experience that we will never ever got it from anywhere else. Madam Goh Chin Choo became the
best teacher we ever had. Thank you for everything Madam Goh. "The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." Nor Nadia Farasha Binti Abdullah (MEM110115) Dear Late Madam Goh Chin Choo and my beloved family members of Madam Goh. Word 'Thank You' is not enough to appreciate everything. Nothing can describe my feeling. When I saw you, this reminds me of death itself. Every soul will meet their creator.
Letting me and my friends using your whole body as teaching purposes made me feel like how kind you are. Only God can repay back of your kindness. I love you the late Madam Goh Chin Choo. Nurul Nabila
Mohd Shaari (MEM110136) The fact of dying must be a major factor in our understanding of living. Yet only few of us have come face to face with death as a problem or a challenge. There is a slow-ness, a delay,
a neglect on our part to think about it. For the subject which is not exciting, but rather strange and shocking. Death is grim, harsh, cruel, a source of infinite grief. Our first reaction is consternation. We are stunned and distraught. Slowly, our sense
of dismay is followed by a sense of mystery. Suddenly, a whole life has veiled itself in secrecy. Our speech stops, our understanding fails. In the presence of death there is only silence, and a sense of awe. I started
to register for Silent Mentor Workshop back in 2014 and finally I got my turn to join the workshop in late November 2015. This workshop has given me the chance to widen my circle of acquaintances by working hand-in-hand with students from other universities.
This activity not only provided me the chance to enhance my surgical procedure skills but more importantly, to understand how noble our teachers were; to allow us, medical personnel who are completely stranger to them, to make cuts on their bodies. I will
forever be grateful to them as they taught me not only in academic but also lessons of life; what is the legacy we want to instill to the people before we leave the world. I really respect the Silent Mentor because it is the trust that the family members entrusted
to us. I, together with my group members cleaned the body with respect and thank the Silent Mentor before and after each learning session. Nurul Izniza Yamin (MEM110135) First of all,
I would like to thank Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for giving us a chance to sow the seeds of knowledge of the human anatomy and also the ethics of being a compassionate doctor. I would like to emphasize that being a doctor is more than treating the diseases. We
should be able to treat every patient holistically as a whole. And for that to happen, we need to have a significant level of empathy in ourselves. And this workshop has taught us the importance and on how to develop empathy. We were given the task to interview
the patient's family. And these has given us the opportunity to know the patient not just as 'patient' but as a human who was once a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a colleague and also as our Silent Mentor. Thank you once again for everything, Madam
Lim Gek Kim. Julia Liew (MEM110053) The silent mentor Program has taught me not only useful clinical skills but also skills that will help me become a better doctor such as empathy,
selfless love, respect and to treat a patient as a whole and not just the disease. With that, I would like to thank my Silent Mentor, Madam Lim Gek Kim, as well as her family members, for allowing me this unforgettable
experience that will certainly help me be a better doctor in the future. Tan Shun Herng (MEM110174) 至亲爱的林月琴老师, 谢谢您的指导。
少年的我们,带着热情,进入了医学院,想在学成之后,拯救这个世界。好期待成为医生的那一天。。。日子一天天的过去,渐渐看到了医学上的许多不可能,似乎大多数的病情,都无法痊愈,或许只能治标不治本!面对着寻求方案的病人们,难道我们就只能爱莫能助? 在参与无语良师计划后, 我学到了除了药物、手术以外,在医学中更为重要的是尊重。医生们都想着为病人做出最理想的治疗,尤其在抗癌过程中,都会坚定要求病人服从指示。往往,病人需要的是一个尊重和给予他们选择权利的医生。当医生给予“不治疗”和“寻求第二意见”的选择时,这能让病人们拥有把握自己未来的权利,也让他们日后更乐意地相信曾经信任自己的医生,达到彼此信任的关系。我也学到了精神上的支柱能安抚身体上的疼痛。一刻的问候、一刻的倾听,胜过无数的止痛剂,能让他们由衷地感到欣慰,
拾起乐观的态度。一位积极的人,必会在自己生活中找到意义与快乐。 感恩老师,是您让我重拾对医学的热情。 Nurshahira Nadhirah Binti Shah Hiran (Taylor's_0300615) I joined the 14th Silent Mentor Workshop initially because I was told that it was compulsory for us, medical students from Taylor’s University to participate. It was not a voluntary desire to join it because as a final year medical
student, I have a lot of responsibilities and a lot of things to catch up for the upcoming professional examination. Furthermore, I thought that it will be very difficult for me to travel from Sungai Buloh to University Malaya as it needs time and a lot of
money. However, I decided to join it. The first few days were very difficult for me because it was very tiring to go and come back after class, rushing here and there. I managed to go for the home visit which was held
at PPUM itself. I became even irritated after the home visit as some of the UM students were not there because it was unfair for me to travel for 45 minutes. They just have to walk from their hostel but they did not manage to go there. The home visit went
well anyway. When the workshop started, I put away all my dissatisfactions and tried to be sincere. I tried my very best to go to every session that we had. I thought that may be this was an opportunity for me to learn
procedures especially suturing and intubation. From day to days, I realized that this program is very beneficial for me and my friends. It was not only about clinical procedures that we learnt, it was about empathy, care and being responsible. We had to take
care of our Silent Mentors and cleaned them after we learned from them. I also had the opportunity to learn about other race and religion. It was the first time for me to see the coffining ceremony. I learned to respect others in term of race and religion.
I am taking this opportunity to thank our Silent Mentor, Madam Goh Chin Choo for her kind heart and willingness to let us learn from her. May her rest in peace. Muhammad Nabil Bin Mohamaddin (Taylor's_0300733)
It was an honored to be given a chance to participate in this Silent Mentor Program organized by Silent Mentor Centre of University Malaya. It was definitely one of the colorful memories that benefited me throughout this program.
Worth the tiredness and exhaustion, I was able to learn a lot of the medical skills on the real human body. Apart from gaining the medical knowledge, there are few things that I learnt and gained during this program. I met new friends and built a meaningful
relationship not only with the UM students and staffs, but also with the Silent Mentor’s family members. Other than that, I finally had a chance to learn about Buddhism in more detail in terms of its belief, cultural and also spiritual aspects. Most
importantly, my Silent Mentor’s life story itself taught me about many aspects in our human life including the meaning of love, caring, independent and also sacrifice. With that, I would like to have this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation
towards my Silent Mentor with her honored sacrifice for us. Thank you teacher, Madam Goh Chin Choo. Felicia Wong (Taylor’s_0313898) Firstly, I would like to express my greatest
gratitude to all the Silent Mentors for donating and sacrificing their bodies for the sake of education. Their selfless acts were definitely a great contribution to medical field, by letting the others to learn about their bodies even after their death. Without
them, Silent Mentor Workshop wouldn’t be successful and not to mention that I, as a 3rd year medical student, to have the opportunity to practice medical procedures on a real body. Throughout this
short one-week workshop, I had benefited so much than I ever thought, which I initially joined just for the procedures that I get to practice on a real body instead of mannequin. From knowing our Silent Mentors to practicing skills on their bodies to wrapping
up and coffining, I had experienced all kinds of emotions and learnt about compassion as well as empathy. Looking at their bodies which filled with cuts and sutures, I could never imagine how brave and selfless they were to donate their bodies, knowing that
their bodies are going to end up like that. I truly respect the selflessness our Silent Mentors and their families had in sacrificing for the greater good. Our Silent Mentors may not be alive but they taught me a lot. From them, I gained not only medical knowledge
and skills but more importantly, the lesson of life including meaning of love, care and sacrifice. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Madam Goh Chin Choo. Also, I would like to thank Prof Chin, Mr.
Sia and all the program organizers for their hard work in making the program a success. Although it was very tiring to travel to UM from Sungai Buloh every day after class, I never once regretted from joining this program. I would say I will definitely join
again if there is a chance for us in the future. Voon Shau Tung (Taylor’s_0308833) It is one of my greatest honour to be able to be a part of the Silent Mentor Program. I can never
offer enough gratitude towards the Silent Mentors for their courage and selflessness to dedicate their own body for the sake of medical education. Madam Goh Chin Choo's devotion towards education is incredible as she didn't let the end of her life to stop
her from teaching. Nonetheless, I would also like to say thank you to all the family members of the Silent Mentors as this project would not be possible without the support from them. Maizatul Akmal
Binti Mohd Zol (Taylor's_0300620) An opportunity to join Silent Mentor workshop was one of the greatest gift in my life. In the first place, I thought that this workshop will only benefit me in term of medical knowledge,
but I am totally wrong. Instead, I learnt in deep about empathy, gratitude and selflessness. From this workshop, I also met a bunch of wonderful friends who have had cheering up my life throughout the weeks. Because of the workshop, I met one gentleman who
is so humble, friendly, supportive and dedicated to his work -- who is Prof Chin. Prof Chin has being my admiration ever since then. Even though I just barely knew him, but I learnt so many things from his attitude and behaviour. One of the greatest lessons
is, I realized that life is just temporary. And there is no more point to ask for forgiveness when someone had gone forever. So while we have chance, we should express our love to the person before it became one of the biggest regret in life. To end my words,
I would like to thank everyone who has being supportive throughout the workshop. Till we meet again. Najibah Zahirah Binti Jamaludin (Taylor's_0300605) I have never really been crying
for someone who was a complete stranger in my entire life. I have also never really been mentioning the name of a complete stranger in my prayers as much as I have done for the Silent Mentors. It has been an amazing experience joining this program. Not only
I got the opportunity to learn few life-saving clinical procedures from the Silent Mentors, but I also got to learn about life. They taught me that we don't really get the chance to choose how we are going to die, but we certainly get the chance to choose
how we are going to live. Endless of gratitude to all the Silent Mentors, their families, friends and not to forget the doctors who have had taught us all those clinical skills. Thank you. Ummi Fatiah Hanim Binti Bahaman (Taylor’s_0300606)
Silent mentor is a programme that taught me the value of love, respect, empathy, honour and gratitude. All of these values are needed by not only as a person but also by the medical professionals. I also believe that to be a
good doctor you need to know your patient very well first before knowing his/her disease. In order to know your patient, one has to have these values. They are not something that we can learn but it is something that we have to gain through our life process.
Personally, this programme has inspired me to treasure life even more especially after hearing the life stories of our Silent Mentors. They are great people with selfless attitude. Last but not least, I am so fortunate to be able to join this programme and
always look upon for the similar programme in the future. Nazliatul Aniza Binti Nor Azizol Hamdan (Taylor’s_0300615) Throughout my journey as a student for the 14th
Silent Mentor Workshop, I found that it was a total new experience. It was my first time attending the whole process of funeral by other religion. I made a lot of new friends from UM. Another new thing that I have learnt was the sign language and how to speak
in Mandarin. I strongly encourage the next Silent Mentor Workshop to enhance this new skill especially for the non-Mandarin speakers. I also learnt the aspect of empathy and I was very shocked that I could get attached to the members and life stories of all
Silent Mentors easily. I believed that it was the golden knowledge and experience throughout the journey. The knowledge and sacrifice of the Silent Mentors, their family members, committee members of this program as well as all the participants, will be implanted
in all our hearts throughout our career and our life. Thank you so much. Lee Yu Mey (Taylor's_0313693) I have learnt so much in Silent Mentor Program,
in which it doesn’t just confine to surgical skills, but more on "human skills“ such as empathy. I have learnt that a disease isn’t just merely a disease, but its impact on a person’s life and also the people around them. I would like
to thank my Silent Mentors and all of their friends and families for giving me this opportunity to learn, and also to serve. Thank you for allowing me to learn how to be a better person, and a better doctor in the future. Lee
Wei Lit (Taylor's_0307840) Overall, the Silent Mentor Program was a learning yet humbling experience. I was able to enhance further my clinical skill particularly on four clinical procedures. Besides that, I was
able to relate myself to the family members and realised that as doctors, we are not only treating the disease itself but also the overall well-being of the patients and their family members. Anthony Chiew Han Yang (Taylor’s_1006Q79497)
Silent Mentor Program has taught me the important values in life; gratitude, respect and love not only to the living but also to the dead. I have learned and experienced a lot throughout the workshop. Thank you to all our Silent
Mentors for all the invaluable lessons that you have imparted to us. Arvind Kaneson (Taylor’s_1006A79949) This program has been an eye opener to me. I have learnt many important
values throughout this program. Apart from making new friends and learning life-saving procedures, empathy was the strongest value that I have learnt from this program. I knew the importance of this value before enrolling myself to this program, but never
knew that it could change my perception towards the medical field. It taught me that sometimes medication is not the only treatment for diseases or misery, but other elements such as caring, understanding, sensitivity, and respect are as important too. I hope
that in the future, I am able to apply these values to every patient that I treat, because it will definitely bring benefits not only to the patients, but also their family members. I wish this program all the best for future success, and I hope that many
more medical students like me will benefit from this program. It would surely benefit all of us, as well as the community, since we are the future doctors. Thank you. Hazirah Binti Ahmad (Taylor’s_0300547)
When I first heard of the Silent Mentor Program, I wondered how could a person devote their whole holy body for the sake of other people that they don’t even know. After joining this program, I realized that the mentors
and their family members had sacrifice so much in the name of medicine and education in a whole. I had learned not only the basic surgical skills taught during the one week program, but also life lessons that I had never experienced before. I have learnt that
life is so unpredictable and that we should enjoy it to the fullest like most of our ‘teachers’ have; nobody knows when the last goodbye is. Besides, I have met so many new people during this short time which made me realized that it takes all
kinds to make the world. Despite hailing from different universities and backgrounds, we only needed a short time to make friends with one another and the team work observed throughout the workshop is nothing like I have ever witnessed before. Therefore, I
would like to thank all of our ‘mentors’, their family members and friends, Professor Chin, Mr Sia, all surgeons, volunteers and friends that made this journey a timeless treasure in my heart and soul. Nurul Athikha
Binti Ramli (Taylor’s_0300553) By participating in Silent Mentor Program, I had discovered a lot of valuable experiences which contribute significantly as a medical student and as a human being. This
program should be held for all medical students as this may become the platform for us, medical student to get an exposure for all the procedures that the participants managed to do. In fact, apart from learning the procedures in medicine, I actually managed
to build up the feeling of empathy which is important for all the doctors giving the best treatment for patients. Besides, I discovered the culture of Chinese which I had never seen before throughout the journey as participant in Silent Mentor Program which
I sincerely appreciated and amazed. Charlotte Ee Sze Lyn (Taylor’s_0313464) This program has been an amazing experience for me. Not only do I feel I have become better at performing
surgical skills, I also feel I have become a better person - a more compassionate and caring person. The whole experience was truly touching; particularly being able to share the experience with our mentor’s family and having the opportunity to get to
know our mentor through her family. I think that the program encourages all its participants to be more compassionate - to think of patients as more than just the disease to treat in addition to helping develop essential skills necessary in our line of work.
I am honoured to have been able to participate and hope whole-heartedly to be given another chance to do so in the near future. For most part, I have only glowing reviews and praise for the program and its organizing committee.
I only hope that in the future, if possible please arrange the timing of rehearsals and such would be better planned so as to accommodate students from Taylor’s. Thank you again for this beautiful experience. Avinash Singh
(Taylor’s_0308292) The Silent Mentor Program has been a truly wonderful experience for all of us medical students. Silent Mentors taught us many medical skills, which have proven to be invaluable to us. That
was just a small part of it though, as she also taught us how to be caring and compassionate doctors as well as the importance of listening to our patients and respecting their wishes. We shall apply all that you have taught us towards become better doctors
in the future. The last words of my mentor will forever be engraved in my heart. We will all respect and follow your wishes to become caring doctors that respect our patient's wishes and choose the best form of treatment
for all our patients. I would like to sincerely thank my Silent Mentor, Madam Lim Gek Kim and her family. I would also like to express my gratitude to the other Silent Mentors, Mr. Sia, Prof. Chin, the volunteers and
everyone else involved. Thank you!
13th Silent Mentor Workshop 08-13/09/2015
Chong Hee Chuen 张希淳 (MEM110023) 我感到万分荣幸与感恩能有幸在我的医学生涯中参与无语良师工作坊。这一次的参与让我学习良多,也同样感触无限。 第一次知道无语良师计划是在大学一年级,因为受邀出席第一届无语良师工作坊的送殡仪式。记得当时因为一些琐事而耽误了。回想起来真有些遗憾。后来机缘巧合下,得以报名参加无语良师工作坊。当时也没想太多,立刻就填上了表格,静候回复。没想到不久后就获知获得了第十三届无语良师工作坊的参加资格。
辗转间,几届无语良师工作坊在我忙碌间悄悄过去,终于轮到我参加的时候了。第一次开会简报后,我才了解原来每一届工作坊的前期工作一点也不简单。从家访到各种准备项目,每一项工作在这之前我都不曾多想。到了工作坊期间我们更是早出晚归,既要让工作坊顺利进行,也要兼顾课业与应付撞期的考试,说实话还真是相当辛苦的。但一切负面情绪并不能影响我们的进度,我们还是成功地为第十三届无语良师工作坊划上圆满的句点。 当然,虽说筹备无语良师计划并不简单,但是我们的辛苦确实得到了不少回报。撇开我们医学技术上的收获,我们也从大体老师们的身上学习到了很多从书上没有理解过的道理。老师们看穿世俗,无私地捐献出大体,让我们领略到奉献的精髓。愿意为后代牺牲的大爱精神,在老师们的身上也得到了最佳的诠释。接触无语良师计划,让参与其中的我们,心灵上得到了升华。老师们的生平也许平凡,然而因为他们参与无语良师计划的决定,而拥有了不平凡的句点。
或曾忙碌,或曾辛苦,但每当看到大体老师们静静地躺在学习台上,默默地用冰冷的身体指导我们,我的心中总会有种坚定的觉悟:与老师们的付出相比,一切辛劳都不算什么,一切都是值得的。或许当有一天,我人生走到当初老师们的同一个点时,当年老师们的精神将会是指引我方向的明灯。也许到时,我会更加理解老师们当时的一个决定,到底需要多大的勇气。 Thang Sue
Sien 邓素娴 (MEM110182) 参与了无语良师工作坊, 让我领悟了很多。身为医务人员的我们, 不只是要巩固自己的知识, 也常常得带着慈悲的心, 用心去对待每一个病人。无语良师的牺牲, 以及家人们的支持, 让我们有机会去学习新的知识, 而这些知识将会一代传一代, 一直延续下去。这就是真正的遗爱人间。
很感谢无语良师们。虽然我们并没有机会见到您, 但您会永远活在我们心中。也希望这工作坊能继续下去, 培育更多的良医。感恩。 Anis Syafrina Mohamad Radhi (MEM110009) Firstly, I would like to express
my greatest gratitude to Madam Chan Oai Chun and other Silent Mentors for sacrificing their bodies for me to learn many things, especially basic surgical procedures. This was my first time doing intubation, chest tube, central venous line and suturing on real
body. I hope I can become a competent doctor one day and become more confident doing all those procedures. Besides, this program is an eye opener for me that a good doctor must not only know treating the disease per se but also have sense of humanity, empathy,
responsibility and treating the patient as a whole. This is very good and excellent exposure to me. I also learned that we are not only treated one patient, but his or her whole family. I am also grateful to learn about other religion's funeral ceremony and
respect it. Last but not least, I would like to thanks SMC for this great opportunity! Diana Amira Roslan (MEM110033) I am very grateful for joining Silent Mentor Program. At first I
did not know anything regarding Silent Mentor and I merely joined this program to learn the basic skills such as suturing and inserting central line as I was not able to do it on real patient. During that time I was very curious on how people can donate their
body to stranger to help them learn. As I started meeting with mentor’s family member, my perspective changed. I am not looking at the Silent Mentor as a stranger but as a person. I started to know everything regarding her lifetime story and how she
was keen to enter Silent Mentor Program so that future medical doctors would benefit from it. Despite that her death was sudden, her family member accepted it anyway and I learned that as a future doctor, we are not only handling our patient’s physically
but also emotionally and mentally. I understand their grief towards their loved one. After knowing my Silent Mentor, I started to care for her. That is the very least that I can do for her. I learned to be responsible to my mentor. I make sure that she will
be cleaned up before and after procedure being done. It was a great experience to interview the family members of the Silent Mentor and I enjoyed going to the home visit. Lastly, to my Silent Mentor, Madam Chan Oai Chun, there are no words to explain my gratitude
to you for giving me the opportunity to learn something which I will remember forever in my life. I would also like to give special thanks to the organizer of Silent Mentor Program, Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for giving us the chance to join this program.
Kok Yong Leng 郭咏霖 (MEM110056) 首先, 很感恩让我有这一个机会参与第十三届无语良师工作坊。记得当初登上大一时,在一次偶然的机会下遇见一位学姐,她让我知道了无语良师这一项计划,当时的我很感兴趣,很想参加,只可惜我没那个机会。于是我便参与大体老师的告别仪式,感受一下气氛。
四年后, 我终于可以全程亲自参与, 感触更是非纸和笔可形容的。舍己为人这句话说起来非常简单,但在这世上又有多少人能做得到呢?经过这次的工作坊,见证了四位大体老师把小爱化为大爱,把无用化为大用的精神,真的给了我很多启发与感想,受益良多,也让我深深地了解到舍己为人的真谛。 此外,其中一位大体老师曾说过:“我宁愿学生们在我身上划上千万刀,也不希望看见他们在痛苦的病人身上割错一刀”,此话让我感动万分,同时也渐渐地了解到医德的可贵,因为医者父母心,医德凭良心。助人为快乐之本,是我从小到大的座右铭,所以我选择了医药学,当一名医生,我会用我的一生来帮助和安抚有需要的病人,为社会做出贡献。
虽然无语良师们离开了这个世界,但他们的精神和教诲将永远地烙印在我的心上。感恩。 Lai Su Meng 黎淑敏 (MEM110059) 非常感恩各位无语良师无私的奉献,在您们的身上,
我不仅学到了宝贵的医学知识,更深深地体会到您们无私的爱。虽然我们不曾相见,可是您们却无怨无悔的捐出自己的大体,这份爱与割舍是非笔墨所能形容的。在工作坊期间,您们不曾发出只言片语,但您们对我们的指导更胜过千言万语。您们伟大的付出,我将永远铭记于心。感恩。 Hue Yuen Ling 丘沅灵 (MEM110048) I am very grateful to have this opportunity to join the Silent Mentor Program. I gained not only hands-on experience, but the meaning of love, care and sacrifice. I have learnt that one cannot be selfish in the process of learning as you will learn
more if you share what you have. I would like to tell Madam Khong Soy that we appreciate your kindness and generosity in donating your body to science. Your benevolent is going to give huge advancement
to the medical field, be it the learning medical students or professionals towards knowledge, experience and attitude. Thank you from the bottom of our heart. Chia Yuik Ling (MEM110020)
Seah Ru Bin (MEM110155) I started to register for Silent Mentor Workshop back in mid of 2014 and finally I got my turn to join the workshop in late June 2015 (my group was the last few groups
of my batch to participate in the workshop.) This workshop has given me the chance to widen my circle of acquaintances by working hand-in-hand with students from other universities. This activity not only provided me the chance to enhance my surgical procedure
skills but more importantly, to understand how noble our teachers were; to allow us, medical personnel who are completely stranger to them, to make cuts on their bodies. Their reason and noble vow to become a body donor really struck me and it was and is still
a thing for me to ponder on. I will forever be gratitude to them as they taught me not only in academic but also lessons of life; what is the legacy we want to instill to the people before we leave the world. I will forever remember a statement told by Prof.
Chin: some extinguish when his candle burnt off, but some would think of lighting others else before he runs off his time. As I was the team leader, I got more chance to talk to the family members. Due to the rapport made with the family members, I really
respect the Silent Mentor because it is the trust that the family members entrusted to us. I, together with my group members cleaned the body with respect and thank the Silent Mentor before and after each learning session. Without
the Silent Mentor, I never get the chance to perform the surgical procedure hands-on in my study as a medical student. I would also like to extend my deep appreciation to Mr. Sia and Prof. Chin who had guided us throughout the program. Last but not least,
I would like to thank the volunteers, without them, our workshop would not be as smooth as it had. Let the Silent Mentor Program to be continued for many years to come. Loo Shweh Fern (MEM110073) I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my Silent Mentor, Madam Tan Yook Moy for being a lifetime teacher to most of us. Although we have not met you personally, your story has guided, inspired and impacted us tremendously. Thank you for
your trust and faith towards us. I remember the story of your life told by your family and they were all very proud of you as a mid-wife. You were constantly helping many patients and neighbours with delivery of their child and taking care of their child.
Even after your passing, your last wish was to educate medical students and young doctors through contribution to the medical science. You have a sincere and generous heart in sharing a helping hand. Your teaching has showed me the right path, to travel towards
success. You moulded me to the right shape, to reach the heights. You have not only taught me through medical knowledge and skills but also on many life values that I may not have foreseen before this. You have imprinted a priceless value in our heart which
will shape us to a better tomorrow. You are truly a great inspiration for me. May the gates of heaven open up to reveal strength and comfort to you. Once again, thank you Madam Tan. I would also like to express my
gratitude to Prof Chin and Silent Mentor Centre for making this event a success and for providing us the opportunity to participate in this program. We have benefited a lot from this program and we hope it will be continuous for many more years to come. I
can never thank you enough. Chye Shi Ying (MEM110029) 我感到十分荣幸与感恩能参与无语良师工作坊。这一次的参与让我获益良多。 第一次知道无语良师计划是在大学三年级时,开始时并不清楚无语良师工作坊的运作与意义。但通过同学们的推广及了解它背后的意义后便对它非常感兴趣。后来在机缘巧合下,得以报名参加无语良师工作坊,并获得了第十三届无语良师工作坊的资格。在第一次的开会简报后,我们便开始忙碌的准备工作。我们也到无语良师们的家里进行家访,进而了解老师们的生平事迹,更了解到他们的为人处事与生活态度。通过家访,我们也深深地体会到家属们所作出的牺牲,忍痛割爱,成全老师们的遗愿。到了工作坊期间,纵使忙碌于课业及考试,我们也尽全力让这第十三届无语良师工作坊圆满结束。虽说辛苦,通过这无语良师工作坊,我们也获益不浅。不但提高了我们在医学上的临床技能,更领悟了许多无法从书上学习的人生道理。老师们无私地付出与奉献,让我们领悟到老师们愿意为后代牺牲的大爱精神。每每接触老师们冰冷的身体,我仿佛能感觉到一丝丝温暖。纵使老师们不曾对我们说过只言片语,但他们对我们的教诲更胜过千言万语。老师们无私地付出就像盏明灯,指引我们未来的道路。
Tan Sin Yee 陈星妤 (MEM110175) 身为医学生,我感到非常荣幸和开心能够参与这项意义非凡的“无语良师”工作坊。从大体老师身上,我不仅学到一些医术上的知识,更多的是对生命的看法。通过家访、洗净大体、入殓及感恩追思仪式,我学会了解生命,尊重生命,以及爱惜生命。无语良师的无私奉献与无声教导,让我找回当初学医的热忱,更贴切地明白“医者父母心”这句话。我希望透过文字,向所有无语良师致上最崇高的敬意与谢意。您们辛苦了,感恩~
Yew Soo Ying (MEM110196) Silent Mentor Program taught me not only the clinical skills but more importantly, the lessons about life. The unreserved giving of Silent Mentors shed new light
on humanity and the meaning of life itself. Throughout the program, I had learnt about awareness and the importance of presence. I will apply those valuable lessons in my future career as a doctor. Provide the best care possible for the patient in front of
me. To Mr. Foong Ah Kow and all other Silent Mentors: "We meet but briefly in life, if we touch each other with stardust, that is everything."- Unknown
Raja Wahith Nissa (MEM110147) I think the program as a whole is an interesting one. I never participated in any of this kind of program anywhere.
And I personally think that it is a good exposure for every medical student to indulge in this kind of program, to be introduced to surgical skills such as insertion of chest tube, CVL insertion, suturing, and intubation. It was such a good opportunity for me to be participated in this incredible journey. I felt a little bit closer to the deceased and I felt more responsible to perform such skills on the deceased. And I learned that the whole program not just learning
how to perform a good surgical skills but as to be loving, responsible, and deliver care to the deceased and the family. It teaches me how to be a doctor as a whole. I wish to attend more of this kind
of program and wish the future students are able to have the opportunity to indulge in Silent Mentor Program and it should be held from time to time for all medical students. Muhamad Muizz Mat Daud (MEM110085) Firstly I would be grateful and say thanks to Prof Chin and team because I was chosen to take part in Silent Mentor Program for this year. It had given me a remarkable experience throughout the program. This event not only teaches me about the procedures
or techniques in medical skills but also it taught me how to work in a team. I was impressed and respected Silent Mentors because they all willing to be a donor and teach us. With that thank you. Melor
Mohamad (Taylor’s University) Silent Mentor had taught me to respect not only to living creatures but also towards the dead one. My Silent Mentors may not be alive but they taught me a lot. Not only medical
stuffs, they also taught me about life. I learned and experienced lot of new things throughout this workshop. Thank you to everyone who is involved especially Mr. Sia, Prof. Chin and all of the family members. "The
most fundamental principle of medicine is love." Nur Atikah Ibrahim (Taylor’s University) I was grateful as I was given an opportunity to participate in the 13th Silent Mentor
Workshop. The program had taught me a lot about medical learning as well as journey in life. Throughout the program, I had a chance to improve my skills in medical field especially suturing and chest tube insertion skills with the help of professional medical
practitioners. I realized that we must appreciate all human bodies regardless of who they are. Besides that, I learned a lot from all the Silent Mentors; they had opened my mind that life was about sacrificing ourselves for others and it would be a wonderful
journey if we could contribute something to the world. They also taught me that selfless, love and generosity were beautiful values which all of us must develop in this life. From that, I could also see from all the family members that they had a strong love
and respect among them. Not only that, Silent Mentor Program was a good experience for me as I had a chance to meet and build rapport with all the family members of Silent Mentors as well as other medical students and medical practitioners. I really
hope that I will get another opportunity to join this program next time. Nur Nadia Mohd Zain (Taylor’s University) I had gained a lot of experience throughout this Silent Mentor
Program. It had given me a lot of opportunities to learn and improve my skills in medicine. My basic suturing was much improved after joining this program and I was really satisfied. This program had also given chance to do all medical skills and procedures
on a real human which had taught me to appreciate life more. Not only that, through this program, it had taught me the meaning of sacrifice and love. I was amazed with our four Silent Mentors who were willing to allow their bodies to be used by us for the
purpose of learning. They had put lots of trust on us whom they don’t even know who we are. Their trust and care had opened my eyes that this program should not only benefit me myself but I should also care about others. Hence, the benefits that I had
gained from this program should be contributed to the society. In short, no regret I would say after joining this program and I would like to express my gratitude especially to my Silent Mentor, Mr. Foong Ah Kow and his family, Prof Chin, Mr. Sia and
all my group mates. Leong Sheng Hoay (Taylor’s University) I first heard about the Silent Mentor Program in 2012, through my friend's parents who were practicing
in UMMC. Since then, I was incredibly interested in joining the program if I ever had the chance. I was very happy when I found out the program not only included medical students of UM, and extended it to involve Taylor's. Such an opportunity was hard to come
by as I was able to suture for the first time on human skin, and carry out many more procedures that I know I wouldn't have the chance to as a third year medical student. From my home visits, to personally doing the introduction slides of my Silent Mentor,
Mr Foong Ah Kow to presenting his life story on stage to his family (and seeing his wife weep) and my fellow medical colleagues, I felt a tinge of sadness, a huge appreciation, plenty of admiration and a sense of gratitude towards a person I never knew, but
only used, his body. I'm happy that I got the chance to know my Silent Mentor on such an intimate level. Prof Chin, in those few weeks of getting to know him, he was every bit dedicated to the program that he lead, very sincere and he really taught me empathy
from his actions. I aspire to be that "people's doctor", and I think this experience will hold my thoughts and decisions in the future as I try to do good work. Thank you for instilling the humanistic part of medicine in me. And thank you, for showing me universal
love. Nadiah Ahmad Nizam (Taylor’s University) I felt very grateful and thankful for being given the chance to attend the 13th Silent Mentor Workshop
which was held recently. In my opinion, Prof Chin had done a very good initiative by starting this program in Malaysia, and had benefitted me as a medical student in many aspects. I was given the golden opportunity to perform clinical skills such as various
suturing techniques (simple interrupted, mattress, subcutaneous and subcuticular), chest tube insertion and removal as well as tracheal intubation on a real patient, which I could never have experienced it in the hospitals. Although quite challenging, all the surgeons and facilitators were very patience, calm and helpful to us. I felt honoured and having fun learning at the same time, especially in a stress-free environment that I felt during the workshops. I could
never thank enough to all the staffs and all the great surgeons for helping me through the workshops. They were really humble and warm-hearted people, especially Prof Chin. Thank you very much for everything. I also
learned the feeling of empathy towards my Silent Mentor family members. They treated us like their own family. I learned a lot about the love that my Silent Mentor have shown us, the utmost sacrifice that she had made just to donate her body for the sake of
knowledge. I wished I could meet her when she was still awake and be with her during the last days of her life. Words just could not express my gratitude for her. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Madam Tan Yook Moy. You are a true hero and the best teacher
ever. Last but not least, thank you Mr. Sia for his hard work of putting this program to be a huge success. It was a beautiful funeral ceremony that I have been to for the first time of my life. I felt so blessed that I could attend a Buddhist funeral and
learned about their culture. I have also made a good teamwork with my team members from UM, UTAR and INTI Universities. We really shared our experiences and knowledge, as well as having fun learning together. I find it amazing that all of us could work hand
in hand so well. Last but not least, I wished that I could learn Mandarin or other Chinese dialects so that I could understand everything clearly as sometimes I felt violated when most of the people around me speaks in a language that I could not understand.
Amanda Yap Qiao Ying (Taylor’s University) I am grateful for this opportunity to experience the whole process of grieve of different religion better. I also had the chance to sharpen
my clinical skills, an opportunity hard to find. I also appreciate all the hard work that has been put in to make the program a success. Najwa Atiqah Mohd Zabidi (Taylor’s University) Silent
Mentor Program is a good program especially for the medical students as it allowed us to perform and practise few life-saving procedures such as endotracheal intubation and chest tube insertion on a real human body. Although we have learnt to do such procedures,
it was very different as we only did it on mannequin. Besides, the instructors were very friendly and knowledgeable. They will guide and help you until you be able to perform confidently on your own. All medical students should take this opportunity as this
program will benefit us a lot. Wong Kar Khee (Taylor’s University) Participating in Silent Mentor Program was a great and valuable experience that I couldn't get
elsewhere with my identity as a year 3 student. I would say I will definitely join again if there is a chance for us in the future. Through my Silent Mentor, I've learnt a lot, not only medical procedures which were
my initial aim in participating this event, but also life lessons and so many great values that we should have mastered by now. Rather than expressing my gratitude to the family members, so many words of encouragement from them to me have been a great motivation.
The selfless act of my Silent Mentor in preserving her body for us students by rejecting an invasive procedure that supposed to help her has a huge reflect on me. From here, I would
like to express my gratitude towards all Silent Mentors and program organizer for giving us a chance to join this perfect workshop, to improve our skills and definitely our minds. Goh Kai Sheng (Taylor’s University)
During the Silent Mentor Workshop, I learned more than just clinical skills, the emotions and bonds between Silent Mentors and families. They'd sacrificed their bodies for medical purposes, so that medical personnel could have
hands-on experience of their clinical skills. That was definitely the bravest and most selfless sacrifices to the society, letting others to learn more about human body, even after they'd passed away. Gratitude to all that made this possible especially
Tzu Chi University for founding this program and spreading it across the globe. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this meaningful program. Sharon Chang Mei Wern (Taylor’s University) When I first joined this program, I was only excited about the procedures I will get to learn. To finally be able to practice on a real body instead of a mannequin, or even worse, just learning from books and videos and letting my imagination run
free. Little did I know that I will be gaining spiritual growth here as well. In fact, much more than knowledge and skills. Going through the process of knowing the Silent Mentors from their families, following the
prayers for them and hearing their families bid their last goodbyes, washing the Silent Mentors, using their bodies to practice, looking at the bodies being filled with cuts after cuts, sutures after sutures, looking at bruises turning up all over their bodies
and finally, the wrapping of the bodies and the coffining. Each process brought different emotions to my mind. But, at last, I am glad that it is happiness I felt. The Silent Mentors have had a fulfilling life, and they had gone, hopefully, to a better world,
where there will be eternal peace and serenity. Although their bodies have been used by others, these were all considered earthly matters. The body is but a vessel for the soul to grow. This is a much difficult concept
to be accepted by humans, especially Asians where we believe that the person's soul can still feel what is being done to the body, and it is important for the body to be sent off as a whole. I am very much grateful, not only to the Silent Mentors, but to their
family members as well for their understanding and support, as they were the ones who suffered most from the death. Again, I pray that these kind souls have achieved the ultimate Nirvana, and thanks to the family members. They will forever be alive in our
hearts. Nur Bisyri Afifah Amerzuan (Taylor’s University) I felt really grateful for giving me a chance to participate in Silent Mentor Program. It was a very good program for us
as a medical student to learn about the clinical skills in real patient. I have learnt a lot and gained new experiences during this program. Hopefully I will get a chance again to join this program and I was very thankful to those who organized this great
program. Yap Sin Roy (Taylor’s University) It was indeed a very good program. I've learnt far more than what I expected. I knew it would be a great experience and the Silent Mentors
were so courageous before attending the program but I didn't expect it to let me see so many things in life. There was not right or wrong about our decisions. It was all about our perspectives and how it benefits others. The Silent Mentors really earned my
respects to them. Overall, it has improved my clinical skills as well as my perspective to my career. Hope to get a second chance to participate again in the near future. Thank you Prof
Chin and Mr. Sia for making this program a huge success. It has touched many medical students' hearts. Muhammad Syamel Aizad Mohd Amin (Taylor’s University) It was a great experience
to have joined the Silent Mentor Program. The program was well organized and it taught me lots of things. Not only have I learnt useful techniques but I was able to learn more about people. The Silent Mentors were indeed great people and they have sacrificed
a lot for our advancement in medical field. Thank you for the chance to be able to participate in this program and thank you for being a great organizer. Wai Sheng Xuan (Taylor’s University) Thank you Silent Mentors, 无语良师, 谢谢您们... I doubt saying "Thank you" a hundred times would ever be enough. May you rest in peace & 安祥的离去。 Throughout the week, I had gained surgical
skills, made many new friends, but most importantly, I've learned humanity and to appreciate the people around us. Tears welled up in my eyes when I heard that phrase: "我宁愿你们在我冰冷的身上划上一百刀,也不希望你们在病人身上划错一刀。".
I will try my best to be a safe doctor and to be as gentle as possible to treat your bodies with respect. 最后,感谢各位无语良师的家人所给予的支持,马大无语良师主办单位给予的机会, Prof Chin, Mr. Sia, Dr. Goh , Dr Ben, Dr Marianne Lee
和各位志工的帮忙与指点。Hope we'll meet again. Monisha A/P K. Ramamuraly (Taylor’s University) When I first heard of the Silent Mentor Program in 2012, I was unable to understand
the concept of it and was actually in disbelieve that someone would voluntarily give up their body for the sake of medical education in our rather religious society. However, as I learnt more and more about it from friends who had gone through the program
before me, my disbelief turned into admiration and respect for these kind people who were willing to become our teachers. The learning experience that I have had during this Silent Mentor Program is like nothing that I have ever experienced before. Medically,
I have learnt so much from all the mentors as this was the first time I was performing most of the procedures on a real human body. The surgeons who took the time to teach us all the skills with utmost patience actually inspired me to think of a career
in surgery. Besides, I have met so many new people during this short time which made me realised that it takes all kinds to make the world. Despite hailing from different universities and backgrounds, we only needed a short time to make friends with one another
and the team work observed throughout the workshop is nothing like I have ever witnessed before. Spiritually, in the process of getting to know the Silent Mentors and their respective families, I have learnt that life is so unpredictable and that we should
enjoy it to the fullest like most of our ‘teachers’ have. I was brought to tears on the day of the funeral as I listened to their stories one last time. In life, they were all so different and did not know each other, but in death, they came together
for a common cause and these final acts of theirs will make a lasting impact in all of our lives. I cannot and will not be able to ever find adequate words to express my gratitude to my teachers and their families for the great sacrifice that they have made
for us. They will always be fondly remembered. Nur Shahira Mohd Zaki (Taylor’s University) Silent Mentors are the people who devote their bodies after death to
allow medical society practice skills and learn about human bodies to ensure the progression and development of the medicine field in Malaysia in a more humanistic manner. At first, when I heard about the program, I was wondered on how could a family or even
the person himself agreed to be the Silent Mentor. The funeral ceremony will be without the body of the deceased, and no cremation will be held, friends and visitors will question where the body be looked upon for the last time before they are departed from
the world they live in. I was curious too on how wiling they were in assigning themselves in the program as they knew that all the medicine students and postgraduate doctors will slice and suture their bodies. I wondered, “If I had my druthers, would
I be in such a program? ”When I assigned to be in the workshops, I learnt that my Silent Mentor, Mr. Foong Ah Kow was a part of the nation policemen in protecting Malaya (now known as Malaysia) from being oppressed and colonised. He was one of the soldiers
that willing to sacrifice for the sake of our freedom and future. He was not just somebody, but he was someone who devoted himself for the country, at least to me. He has a great family and his wife was the proudest person on his participation in the Silent
Mentor Program. According to his wife, he had done a great job in bringing his family to a better state of life. At one part during the interview, his wife, Madam Sue said that he loved to listen to her singing a special mandarin song, showed the intensity
of their loves to each other. I learnt that although my Silent Mentor had left the world almost a year ago, it was hard for the family to talk about my Silent Mentor as the longing was a torture for the family. During the workshop, it was a great opportunity
for me to perform skills that I learned in the medicine school on real human bodies. I was surprised that the participants also helped and aided by doctors and professors in practicing the medical procedures. It was an honoured for me to be helped by Professor
Chin and Dr. Goh during the workshop in the anatomy dissection hall in University of Malaya. It was different from the clinical skill sessions in my university when I performed the procedures back then as I learnt tremendously in the workshops. To another
extent, the lecture note was able to prepare me sitting for my final examination last week. I believed this was a once in a life time opportunity during my medical student years. Lastly, I hope that the Silent Mentor Program will continue embarks its journey
in benefitting other medical societies and human beings in the future. Thank you! Teoh Zhi Yi 张志扆 (INTI_I11008974) 我相信缘分,相信冥冥中的安排,让我有这份荣幸参与无语良师课程,接触大体,接触这么多有慈悲心有上进心的人。从中,我学到了什么?对解剖学有更深入的了解不用说,那些大体冰冷的器官实实在在的摆在你的眼前,手掌下触摸到的温度形态一切一切,那么低的体温反而更能唤醒人们心中更深沉的感触与好奇。从大体,家属,学生到医者的各个表情动作,让我深深的体会到人啊能活着真好,是多么可贵的事,做你想做的事。世界纷纷扰扰,对对错错,跌跌撞撞,恩恩怨怨突然都成了件小事。然而人唯一能长存的就是那些感受到但你却触不着的回忆比如爱与精神。而我深深的体会到大体老师做了最对的选择。我们可能不是什么,凡人夫子一个,有比宇宙间的沙尘,但我们的存在并非偶然,必定有它的影响和价值。哪怕是那一丁点的善念与行动,都可能会影响着或鼓励着还在挣扎的人们。谢谢大体老师,成了我生命中最重要的导师,让我重新对生命有了新的认识。也不忘了谢谢把无语良师计划办得那么成功的各个工作人员和专业人士。大家辛苦了,感恩!
Ling Lii Chau 林于钊 (INTI_I11008950) The moment when I know that I am going to participate in the Silent Mentor Workshop was indescribable.
I’ve been always wanted to join this workshop since 2014 but because of my semester, I have to give the chance to my senior first. And yes, now I have the chance to be a part of this program. Dear Madam
Tan Yook Moy, I still remember the first time I saw you were during my visitation to your house in August 2015. The moment when I stepped into your house, I received the warmest smile and welcome from your
family members. It is not commonly seen in those families after their family member passed away. It seems that you are a great person in the family that they cannot bear to lose you. Your selfless love to the family and those around you impacted me in many
ways. I can feel that your family’s loves for you are far beyond my imagination. During the workshop, most of my friends cried during the Initiation Ceremony but somehow I can’t cry because somehow I feel
relieved, relief that you leave this world peacefully and granted us your body for nurturing the future doctor. I shall thank you for willingly donate your body for medical use. It is not commonly accepted by people when they know their body is going to be
dissected from inside out when they die but your spirit and your determination proved that you did a right deed. Despite my course mates and I cannot fully utilized your body due to other doctors needed to use some
of your organs, we are still glad that we did learned something from it. I never regret to join this workshop and your selfless love will always be in my heart. May you rest in peace. Chia Woon Ling 谢芠瓴
(INTI_I11009012) 在我這不算長的人生履歷里,我不止一次想到人的死亡。死亡總是給人一種陰深深的感覺,喚起人心中的空虛和恐懼。這一次的無語良師模擬教學計劃完全打翻了我腦海中對死亡的印象,也讓我對死亡有了新的看法。對於死亡的方式與時間,人沒有選擇權,但我們卻有著規劃自己葬禮的權利;而這四位老師在生前為自己的葬禮做出了最好的決定。我不曉得他們如何看待死亡,但他們的實際行動展現了他們對於死亡的坦然。打破傳統的捐贈軀體的舉動讓我看到了他們‘無我’的心境,活著時的他們為家人為社會做出貢獻,在生命的盡頭時還選擇點亮每位醫學生的學習生涯。微弱的火光在熄滅前點燃了無數的新生命,把愛與奉獻遺留在人間。
老師們透過冰冷的身軀默默的教育著我們人生的道理。第一次觸摸著那零攝氏的肌膚,一股熱哄哄的感覺從心中涌現;溫差的融合讓我忘了害怕而多了份感恩。零零碎碎的生活畫面在那幾秒鐘閃過我腦海,我恍然驚覺原來擁有這37°C是種幸福。 那一天后,我開始反省自己對待生命的態度,對待父母親人朋友的態度,甚至開始思考自己生命的意義與價值。腦袋在第一天后就不曾停止思考,老師的原則、老師的生命旅程、老師的金玉良言,一篇又一篇的在我腦中播放。那些畫面讓我失眠了好幾天,也讓我在那寂靜的夜裡思考了更多。身軀上疲累但精神上卻有種滿足,我的心中有著從未有的平靜,因為這幾天混亂的思緒讓我明白了老師們想傳達的訊息——珍惜生命,珍惜身邊的每一位。
我衷心的感謝主辦當局給予了中醫系的我有機會參與第十三屆的無語良師模擬教學計劃。從家訪到結束前的追思會我心中充滿著感恩與感動,雖然我不曾參與老師的生命但她卻成了我生命中難以遺忘的一位導師。 Lai Mei Wei 黎美薇 (INTI_I11008948)
这次参与无语良师计划在知识上得到不错的收获,也让我在人生的意义上有了重新的看法。它让我明白怎样看待生命。在疾病面前我们是渺小的存在,常保持同理心,去关爱病人,并且设身处地的为病人服务,是非常重要的。 谢谢, 感恩。 Tan Yii Huey 陳顗惠 (INTI_I10006864)
从一开始的恐惧,到后来的感动、感恩。感恩老师们,让我们从他们身上学到了不少东西。除了解剖学上的知识,我深深地体会到什么是奉献。真心觉得老师们很伟大! 也感谢无语良师工作坊的全体同仁,为我们制造了这个学习的机会! Janice Chong Lee Ching 张莉菁 (INTI_I11008963)
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to join Silent Mentor Program. Throughout this session, I learned selflessness through the way the Silent Mentors contributed their bodies for medical studies. I learned respect from
family members of the Silent Mentors as they agreed to the last wishes of their loved ones. I also learned sharing from the Western Medicine students, as they taught us and shared their learning on surgical procedures with us, the Chinese Medicine students.
After attending this workshop, I had a better understanding on the anatomical structure of human body and learned how to respect the human body as the human body is the temple of the soul. We can use our bodies to benefit the human society and pass on our
loving thoughts to them. Thanks to Silent Mentors, Mr. Sia and Prof Chin and all the volunteers as well as the students. Elsie Teo Sin May 张絲媚 (INTI_I11008953) I felt very grateful and honoured for being given a chance to participate in the 13th Silent Mentor Worksop. I still remember my feeling on the first day when I first met my Silent Mentor, Mr. Foong Ah Kow. Honesty, when I first met him
in SMC, where we were supposed to defrost him that day, I felt some eerie sensation running through my adrenaline because that was the first time I stand so close to a “corpse” as in my lifetime, I had never been to any funeral before. Despite
eerie, I had the urge to move forward to see my Silent Mentor for the very first time. At that moment, it's like the time had been paused. I can see clearly his face and his body. He seemed to be so peaceful. Every morning we were assigned to bathe him. At
first I was reluctant to touch him but later on I begun to get used to it. This was the greatest achievement that I had done throughout this whole week, and I'm proud of it as I had overcome my fear towards death body. On the first day of workshop on 9/9/15
before the workshop begun, Mr. Foong’s wife, Madam Sue and her family arrived at the scene. It was a very heart-breaking moment when I saw Madam Sue cried so hard that she can hardly breath, yet kept advising her husband to move on to the other world.
I felt so touch and I'm almost crying. I will not forget that moment forever in my lifetime. Throughout this workshop, I have learnt how to appreciate “Life”. “Life” is too short to live in miserable, so we must live our life to the
fullest and we should be grateful for what we have. We may not know when do we die, but we all know that death is certain, we will eventually leave the world one day. Once we appreciate and grateful towards our life, then we will leave with no regret. And
most importantly, I have learnt that bonding between family members is a special force that will tie and unite a family together. No matter how, the bonding between family members will not be broken apart as there is a faith in us. Although our Silent Mentors
had already left this world, but their existence in this world will always remained in our heart and will not be forget till the end of the world. This is the bonding that we, as the student will keep in mind throughout our journey of life.
Teh Sui Woan 郑绥琬 (INTI_I11008946) 小时候,我只要见到殡仪车从眼前经过,心里就莫名的慌起来,嘴里不停默念“南无阿弥陀佛”。如果在公路上遇见了恐怖死亡车祸,横躺在白布下的人,还有毁不成形的车子,定会成为我当晚的梦魇。路过的路段若经过坟场,我眼神便定在车内,尽量不往外看。甚至在公路看见了被撞死的动物,嘴里也不停念佛号。
是的,我恐惧死亡。 初中一那年,爷爷往生了,当时是在家里办的丧礼。棺木就摆在客厅,爷爷睡在里面。那次,是我第一次正面应对“死亡”。照理说,我应该要直发哆嗦的躲在一处。可我纵然恐惧,但较多的是悲伤,再说那是我的亲人,我没有理由害怕的。生平第一次,我亲眼见的第一具尸体,我爷爷。
此后,尽管死亡对于我来说,没有小时候那么畏惧,可要当真一具尸体摆在我眼前,我想我还是会落荒而逃。 而报名参与无语良师工作坊,意味着我必须长时间接触大体老师。所谓的接触,包括碰触。我想解冻大体老师那天,我估计要发恶梦了。我甚至想说,我可能无法直视老师、老师的身体的腐化味道应该会让我望而止步。
可解冻那天,我异常冷静,原来我没有想象中那么害怕。尊敬已经超越了我心中的恐惧。 工作坊期间,我们必须天天帮老师擦拭身体、洗头。最初碰触老师的大体给我的感觉是—好冰冷,那股寒气直逼我心头,因为我从没想过我会如此接近一个没有生命的躯体,就算是我爷爷,我也只能隔着一层玻璃观望。尽管老师没有温度,没有心跳,没有气息,可在帮老师清洁身体时,还是会像对待亲人般,小心翼翼。要是不小心让老师磕了、碰了,我们会立马道歉,不是因为害怕,是因为真心对老师觉得抱歉。
中医系的学生只需了解解剖位置就行,太深入的我们也不理解。医生每一刀划下去时,我们还是于心不忍。希望,每一刀都是值得的,我尽可能的学习。 西医学生做的是模拟手术,需要开膛剖腹。第一天做的是胃部移除手术,第二天做的是足部与踝的手术,第三天做的是严重与紧急超声波手术。有医生问说我们读中医的不需要理解这些吧?的确是不需要,但是尽然都参与了,那么我们多学一些长知识也不是坏处,我想老师也是欣慰的。
追悼会前一天,我们最后一次清洗大体老师。然后,帮他穿上衣服。之后,将大体老师入殓。追悼会当天,4副棺木逐一的被送出,我没有流泪,并不是还未到伤心处,只是我想说与其流泪,我得做些更有意义的事。所以当每位老师的棺木经过时,我就默念“谢谢老师,感恩老师,祝福老师!”。希望老师带着学生的祝福往生至净土。 现在,我懂了。原来,死亡不过是灵魂离去躯体,仅此而已。我们仅有身体的使用权,并没有所有权,尽然年尽之后,灵去了,躯体不在有任何作为,何不让遗下的躯体为社会做出贡献。
我不敢发愿说我要成为多杰出、多棒的医师,但对于病人,我会多用心;至少在将来,我要是遇到挫折,我要记得无语良师工作坊所带给我的力量与勇气,我要时时提醒自己莫忘初衷,我要勇往直前。 Adelyn Ng Yih Jia黄亦佳 (INTI_I11008945) 我从来没想过触觉能给我这么大的震叹。这一次透过触觉,我感动了。第一次接触冷冰冰的大体,那个温度从我的指尖传到我心,那个感觉很不好受。这个温度,让我好空虚。我害怕更担心在医学生涯待得太久,我的心会降温。我有个热呼呼的身体,却有颗冷冰冰的心。我曾害怕丧失了初衷的那份感动,为了工作而工作。 如今的我明白也了解关心和慰问病人及家属能给予温暖,哪怕只是一个简单的拥抱,也能给予最大的鼓励和支持。
在Silent Mentor 活动中,我曾恐惧我将遗忘我曾经历过“心的温度”。但是,我知道那将是不可能的事。因为大体老师离世的那一天是我的生日。每年的那一天将是生命的响铃,提醒着我大体老师的生命旅程和原则。遇见他是我生命的转折点,让我重新思考生命的意义及价值。 非常感谢大体老师放下最后的尊严,用身体教导我的不单单只有医学知识。最重要的是,大体老师为我的心灵上了一堂宝贵的课。感谢,大体老师们的家属给予的支持。
大体老师的坚持;Prof Chin的坚持;Mr. Sia 的坚持;大体老师工作坊背后默默付出的人的坚持。感谢你们的坚持。 Connie Wong Hsuah Nee 黄雪妮 (INTI_I10006778) 第一次见到我的良师(冯亚九老师)时,我心中有些恐惧,说真的,陌生的脸孔,冰冷的身躯,苍白的脸庞,有人说他是笑着的,我觉得他是脸部僵硬着的。说真的我那时七上八下的心情是有多么的复杂,多么的难以理解,第一次的感觉,离开少年时期就已经很少有这种感觉了。 触碰到他的第一刻,说真的所有的心理建设,预设都不管用了,那是一个从来没有过的感觉,那个接触我心中没有了恐惧,只是多了尊敬。几天下来,我对他的尊敬竟然升温了,感觉像亲人,会适时的帮各位大体老师拭去老师脸上和身体上的异物,可以近距离看老师,没有恐惧,没有陌生,像亲人般,我在心理顿时有好多话想对老师说,但天知道,那是多么不可能的事,后来见到老师的家人时,我知道我因为老师的缘故跟他的家人更加没有隔阂了,这个感觉好特别。
我不是一个太感性的人,也不是一个觉得所有的感动都应该哭哭啼啼去表达跟解决的。但是我还是留下了感激的眼泪,我感激的是大体老师家人的包容与成全。一个没有往生者的葬礼对于家人来说是多么的难受,要经历两次的伤痛,对家人来说是有何等的不舍。这次的无语良师计划让我感受到了多方面的付出与努力。老师的坚持,家人的成全,及各位义工朋友们的努力不懈,不管是paksa rela, 还是sukarela, 你们的付出完成了这个足以给我全新气息的生命环节。
“您好,老师,我是来自英迪国际大学中医系的学生,我叫黄雪妮”. 天知道,这是我第一次没有办法跟我的恩师这么自我介绍,我的心里是多么的复杂。听不到他的声音,我会将这份感觉永远埋在心中,让它萌芽,我会更加珍惜与患者之间的交流。 Ting Fei Jian 董慧娟 (INTI_I10006530)
在解凍的那一天之前,我不知道該怎麼形容自己的感受,我不知道我是不是真的準備好了,我不知道我是否能夠接受,我不知道我會不會崩潰。即興奮又害怕。我害怕…我害怕膽小的我會害怕。 生離死別,在我的人生中,經歷了不少過十次,從一些遠親、公公、外公外婆、到自己的媽媽,沒有一次我能夠真的坦然面對。告別儀式時,雖然對馮亞九老師的一切都不是很了解,可是看到與聽到馮老太太和他的互動,我知道那是愛、那是真愛。我深深的被打動了。看到陳愛珍老師的子女、孫子,望著老師戀戀不捨的神情,看到他們對著老師的腳叩頭,我想起一句話:父恩比山高,母愛似海深。這是我們一世人都無法報答的恩情。
出殯當天,心情非常沉重。我不知道什麼時候開始,我們之間建立的是什麼樣的感情,當棺木一個個被推出的時候,眼淚禁不住滑落,我忍不住抽泣。我們素未謀面,可是我們之間有一種無法用言語形容,無法切割的感情。 充實的一個星期終於結束了。 在這之前,每天都是那麼忙碌,渾渾噩噩,忙盲茫。 除了上課見習之外都在忙著做FYP (final
year project) 天天幫病人扎針早已麻木,通過這次的工作坊,才發現自己失去激情已久。在裡面,重新找到激情,重拾自己當初進來的熱情。 四位偉大的老師,感謝您們的勇敢,感謝您們讓生命超越死亡的決心,讓我們有了這麼棒的經驗與體悟!願您們安息並且找到光明路。 辛勞的Prof
Chin & Mr. Sia,還有志工團隊,辛苦了!感恩你們的努力與付出!願不久的將來,我有機會參與你們的團隊一起為這麼有意義的項目努力!千言萬語,都無法盡述我們的感激之情! Chang Shu Jiun 曾淑郡 (INTI_I11009001) 在这个大约一星期的第十三届无语良师工作坊当中,让我印象最深刻的,不是解剖大体老师时所学到的知识,而是在告别式里,看着四位老师的亲人、朋友,向他们道别,这是他们最后一次见面。尤其是当我看着站在我眼前的冯老太太对着冯亚九老师说话,虽然我不是很明白她所说的广东话,但却深深地感受到其中的依依不舍和爱;还有陈爱珍老师的儿子抚摸着陈老师的脸,虽然他什么也没说,但一切尽在不言中,从他那坚强、坚定的眼神里,我感受到了他想念妈妈又舍不得妈妈的心情。这一幕幕的感动画面,除了让我的眼泪不能控制的流下,也让我明白了生命的无常,明白了世界上最伟大的还是“爱”。人生无常,我们应该把握当下、珍惜生命,珍惜只有家人才能给的亲情、珍惜朋友之间的友情、珍惜上帝所赐予我们的一切、一切。
如送灵仪式当天所播放的歌曲《亮丽的人生》所唱的: “感恩您 您用大慈大悲精神付出 您用大喜精神温暖人间
您用大舍精神来圆满这一生” 再引用Prof Chin在感恩礼演讲时所提到的,“四位大体老师决定把自己的身体交给其他人,不是所有人能够做得到的。这是需要很大的勇气才能做到的。”我想这是因为他们都拥有大慈大悲的精神,所以他们都选择了以无我、大舍的举动圆满了他们这一生。 感恩老师们用自己的身体教会我,往后行医的日子比医术更重要的是爱与同理心。我会用你们教会我的道理、用爱来面对我未来的每一位病人。
最后,感恩Prof Chin、Mr. Sia、Jia Bao以及志工们的付出及贡献。感恩! Tan Ying Xze 陈莹慈 (INTI_I10006563) 身为慈青,当我得知在马来西亚有无语良师的活动时,我真的非常高兴,甚至已经和妈妈讨论过了,也得到她的支持。可经过这次的活动,说实在的,我突然间动摇了。看到大体老师的家属,经历了生离死别的伤感后,时隔多日,又要再经历多一次的痛。突然间,脑海中想到爱我的家人们、亲人们那么悲伤的表情,我实在是很不忍心。所以,在这个工作坊期间,每当晚上我独自思考的时候,我都在想参加无语良师是个明智的选择吗?
陈爱珍老师、陈玉梅老师、冯亚九老师以及江水老师。我生命中最特别的老师,感恩您们的付出,这些日子以来,真的真的幸苦您们了。老师们,看到您们大爱无我的精神,化无用为大用,无不在给我参与无语良师行列的勇气,您们都是我的榜样。期许自己在未来的日子里,有这个福报当个无语良师,让整个医学界更进步、更温暖、更有爱。 Lim Yang Yie 林扬议 (INTI_I10005311)
一直以来,都有听说关于无语良师的计划,也非常期待可以参与。故常翻阅关于人体解剖的书籍,希望更深入了解解剖过程及学习更多知识。 第一天诵经仪式时,迎接无语良师的亲属们的到来,场面甚是感动。尤其是看到冯太太泪流满衫,对冯老先生说:“嫁给你是我做了最成功的事,很快的,我就会遇到你,因为我也捐献了我的身体。”这句话,让我明白了亲情的难能可贵,也非常感谢他们对这个计划的无私奉献,让我们获益良多。
这几天的课程,让我学到了课本上无法学会的知识,感受到生活上无法体会的感动。过程中虽然很疲惫,但我每天都抱着一颗感恩的心,积极学习的心态去参与课程。 在最后一天,我们得以深入的了解老师们的生平,他们一直为社会及下一代默默付出,直到生命的终点也是如此,造福了正在学医的我们。 最令我印象深刻的是Prof. Chin告诉了我们这么一句话:“证严法师说过,我们只有身体的使用权,没有拥有权。”这句话让我反思和明白了,世间的一切永远无法属于一个人,最重要的是把握当下。 最后,我要感谢陈教授,谢先生,英迪大学中医系的黄主任和全体工作人员们让我们有此机会参与无语良师工作坊。对于此次的学习,我将终生铭记于心。
Goh Pau Kim吴保靖(INTI_I10005848) 首先,很感恩我有这个机会能参与无语良师计划,更感恩老师们的奉献,捐赠大体,我才有了如此贴近的接触真实的人体解剖。在这期间,不但让我对医学解剖上的视野开阔,也让我更加体会到我们每个人都会面对至爱之人的离去,那离去了的,就成了亲切哀伤的怀念,那仍伴着我们的,就是爱。爱不短暂,也永远不会消逝。因为有爱,所以感动;因为感动,所以美丽!感恩!
Wong Chan Yew 黄振耀 (INTI_I11007508) 这次的见识,让我获益良多很感慨,也很纠结。首先非常感谢让我有这个机会参加这项非常伟大又有意义的活动,这不仅可以见识到西医学的先进技术,更可以体会大体老师非一般伟大的付出。另外,看着一群非常认真的学生和医师在学习和教导,霎时就被感动感染了。摸着冰冷的身体,看着家属的泪水,我说不出,也哭不出。能做的,只有把医术发扬光大,不断努力,减少病痛。最后想说的是,选择了医科,不容易,但确实最不后悔的决择。
Wong Jia Hui Amy (UTAR_10UMB04269) It is an honor to be able to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. From home visit to the actual workshop to sending off
ceremony, I learned tremendously. During home visit to Madam Tan Yook May’s home, we chit chatted with the family members to know more about our Silent Mentor. Their journey in life was inspiring. They shared how our Silent Mentor coped with diseases,
the emotional depression during their struggles with their illness, how they finally let go their suffering and decided to donate their body as a Silent Mentor to the medical field. I personally feel how great my Silent Mentor made an impact in her family
and the legacy that she passed down. Their selfless sacrifices go a long way. Their final decision to donate their body had benefited many medical personnel. This further helped the future patients whose lives are dependent
on the medical personnel. Our Silent Mentors silently provide their body to us to teach and guide us. Step by step, they guided us to improve and refine our clinical skills. I appreciate their sacrifices. She taught me skills and I will use that skills to
help others who are in need. I will continue to fulfill their wish towards us, which is to benefit patients in the future. Besides medical learning, I learned the humanistic value too, the empathy that should be present
in every doctor. This workshop allowed me to witness the family’s feeling and emotion towards the loss of their loved ones. My Silent Mentor teaches me to: - Appreciate
my life every day - Be contented in everything - Appreciate the first breath
that I take every morning when I wake up - Be happy in life - Appreciate my
family members “Words cant’ express my gratitude towards the four Silent Mentors of 13th Silent Mentor Workshop. You had bravely chosen to live your life meaningfully, even up to
the final journey in life. Thank you Teacher!“ Cheah Yu Wei 谢耀渭 (UTAR_10UMB04237) 在这之前,其实对无语良师计划已有所闻,也曾有机会可以登记参与此计划,只因当时顾虑到未知的入职日期而没有进一步的行动,白白地错失了机会。可幸的是,在2015年7月27日,在一个偶然的机会,我以一个“无业游民”的身份正式与无语良师计划结缘。在此我感谢陈教授和谢先生的包容和接纳,让我有机会参与马来西亚第十三届无语良师工作坊。
医学生可在工作坊中学习基本的外科技能如:伤口缝合(Suturing technique)、插入胸腔导管(Chest-drainage insertion)、插入氧管插管(Endotracheal tube intubation)、插入中心静脉导管(Central Venous Line Insertion)、气管切割法(Tracheostomy)以及观察其他外科、骨科手术的进行方法和解剖学。医学技能,是一门必须一代一代传承下去的知识和手艺,在此感谢陈庆华教授和吴隽彦医生的悉心教导,让我们有机会温故知新,加强各自的技能。
除了医学上的知识,更显著的是,从无语良师身上获益良多的医药界同仁,能够发掘内心的那一份感恩,进而发展出一颗于工作时对病人及其家属关爱、同理之心。当然也少不了那自愿帮忙的心态,完成这工作坊的那一刻,我在心里默默地说:如果可以的话,我会回来帮忙协调下一届的工作坊,为这项计划略尽绵力。 华人葬礼的传统,往往离不开“力保全尸”和“入土为安”。为了支持无语良师计划,大体老师及家属们忍痛地向传统背道而驰的精神,令人钦佩。在告别礼上,其中一位大体老师的儿子分享说:“(妈妈离世后)当时的我,真的很茫然,我们该如何对着一副空空的棺木进行丧礼呢?但是无论如何,我们也尽力尝试完成。以后,谢先生可以向我致电,我们或许可以帮助其他面对着同样处境的家属,度过那一段时期。”听到这里,我深深地被感动,这无私的分享及帮助正是此项计划的不可或缺的副产品。
在此,我衷心地感谢第十三届无语良师工作坊的四位大体老师(冯亚九老师、江水老师、陈爱珍老师、陈玉梅老师)及他们的家属,谢谢你们无私地奉献与牺牲让医药界同仁有此宝贵的学习经验。我们会将由此平台所学的知识传承下去,让老师们对我们的爱从一颗刚萌芽的种子,慢慢的长成一棵树,几十年后,再慢慢的化为一片绿林。谢谢,我们永远怀念您。 Yap Jen Fai (UTAR_
10UMB06115) Prof Chin and colleagues initiatives of setting up Silent Mentor Program is a reflection of their vision in helping the medical field to improve and to teach us humanity, to
be humble and respectful to others. It is because of such effort, I was bestowed upon an opportunity to participate in this program. For this, I am forever grateful. Through this program, I have equipped myself not only
just with medical knowledge and skills but also the importance of teamwork, ethics, humanity and respect. Many thanks to the Silent Mentors for their selflessness and may their souls rest in Nirvana and their family be blessed
with peace and health. Abby Chan Kai Ern (UTAR_10UMB04361) I am very honored and grateful to be given this opportunity to be part of the 13th Silent
Mentor Workshop. I would like to convey my utmost gratitude towards all the Silent Mentors - Mr. Foong Ah Kow, Madam Khong Soy, Madam Chan Oai Chun, Madam Tan Yook Moy and their family members; not to forget the organizing
team. Without their support, this whole program would not be possible. This program not only teaches medical skills and technique but transcends conventional medical education by instilling
humanity, love, gratitude and appreciation towards life. I vow to continue to propagate the principles of lifelong learning and appreciation towards life. Jacqueline Lee Wei
Xian (UTAR_10UMB04602) First I would like to thank Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for organizing Silent Mentor Program. When I first joined this program, I was slightly
apprehensive towards it. I did not know much regarding this program except that there will be mentors - patients whom selflessly donate their body after passing away in order for medical students to improve their basic surgical skills and also anatomy. Being
a medical student from a private institution, we did not have the privilege or opportunity to learn human anatomy or clinical skills on cadavers but only on mannequin and simulation model. Hence I took this opportunity in hope of improving my clinical skills.
However, during these few months in the Silent Mentor Program, no doubt I did learned a lot and improved on my basic surgical skills such as suturing, chest tube etc, I also learned about compassion, empathy after the home visit
and the daily cleansing ritual for our mentors. I also truly respect the selflessness our Silent Mentors and the families had in sacrificing for the greater good. Being a doctor is not just a job. We may have the best skills,
but without compassion and empathy, we're nothing more but a robot. "Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves." - Mason Cooley. Dear Mdm. Chan Oai Chun,
thank you for your selfless sacrifice. I will keep reminding myself to this compassion and empathy throughout my career. Marianne Lee (UTAR_10UMB06274) It has been an amazing journey
throughout the Silent Mentor Program. When I first came across the program a couple of years ago, I thought it was merely a platform to acquire some basic surgical skills. Well, it proved me wrong. Never did I expect it would bring such a wonderful experience
that is indescribable, that one has to experience it first-handed. I am really blessed to be part of this program and I am immensely grateful to all the Silent Mentors who have taught us sacrificially, and not to forget Prof Chin and team who have put in great
deal of effort into this program. Thank you once again. Yeap Hsiao Hui (UTAR_10UMB04051) From the short one-week workshop, our Silent Mentor had taught us a lifetime worth of lessons.
He taught us not only on clinical skills, but most importantly, how to become a compassionate doctor. He taught us about living life to its fullest, having a love that is deeper than the ocean and inspired us with his selfless acts of giving. He taught us
about the dealings of death and showed us that, as morbid as the thought of death could be, it is possible to have a beautiful death. He made me understand the importance of palliative care and how just simple act of listening to the patient can help. Because
sometimes, what the patient needs may not necessarily be what he wants. He taught us that, there is no meaning in life if we keep comparing our life with others. That is because; we are all unique in our way. We are the
one and only one in this world. And thus, doing this will only make us forget about things and most importantly, people who are dear to us. Thank you to all of our Silent Mentors. Thank you Mr. Foong Ah Kow. Thank you for
all the valuable lessons that you have imparted to us. 感恩 Chong Jian Yoong (UTAR_10UMB03957) I am gladly given a chance to participate in Silent Mentor Program given
an outstanding opportunity to practice some basic medical procedures. I have little knowledge about my Silent Mentor until I have paid a home visit to his house and chit-chat with his wife and daughter. I felt that it was an enjoyable moment that family members
of Mr. Foong were able to make it positive event to invite us into his house. Despite the grievance that the family suffering from. On the day of Brief Introduction of Silent Mentors Session, I felt that Madam Sue,
wife of Mr. Foong attended the short briefing session and later had some fruits for dinner. We had a conversation even though it was not as anticipated that it would be but I thought that she and her family members felt enjoyable. Rather peaceful evening
that day reminded me whether I would enrol this program in the future. On the second day, there was Initiation Ceremony before the workshop began. We washed our Silent Mentor and performed ritual chanting. As a good
and respectable husband loveable by Madam Sue, tears out-broken when she had to have a final look on the smiling face of Mr. Foong. Later, our workshop guided by experienced teachers and teamwork of fellow UTAR colleagues made our day fruitful and enjoyable.
It was an experience different from back then of reading medical book and chance to practice basic procedures for better preparation of working days as a houseman. Overall, I would deeply appreciate the contribution
of Mr. Foong Ah Kow. It is an honour to learn from my mentor and also appreciate the soft side of embrace grief and felt sympathy for those who have lost their family members. I would always remember message sent by my Silent Mentor, Mr. Foong Ah Kow.
12th Silent Mentor Workshop 21-26/04/2015
Charlotte Teong Chuin Yi (MEM110203) It has been a wonderful journey being with Silent Mentor Program for the past few months. Words can never express the amount of gratitude I owe my Silent Mentor,
but if I had the chance I would like to say this to my Silent Mentor: Dear Madam Wong Soo Come, I remember the first time I met you was in June 2014. That was when Silent Mentor Centre just received you. Back then,
you were accompanied by your family members; they were extremely tearful and filled with sadness. Five months later, in January 2015, I visited your house and felt that your family seemed familiar. Little did I know that
you were my Silent Mentor. Not to worry, your family members were no longer in grief, but rather they have reached a level of acceptance. They were immensely proud of you, spoke of you fondly, and missed you dearly. In April
2015, during the initiation ceremony of our Silent Mentor workshop, it was the last time they could possibly see you again. They did shed a few tears however remained strong. They left you with a Soka Gakkai sutra and prayed wholeheartedly for you. The thing
that transcended everyone’s heart was that they offered their prayers for our fellow Silent Mentors as well. You have a beautiful and kind family. I hope that you will be in peace knowing that your family members are
in peace. I am thankful to be a part of the 12th Silent Mentor Workshop and I would strongly advocate this program to my fellow colleagues. Marina Bt Norman (MEM110079) Silent Mentor Program taught me the true meaning of giving with a sincere heart. At first, I joined the program because I wanted to learn about basic skills, however, ever since the home visit, I realized that this program is not just to train our
physical skills, but also to train our emotional, to make sure that we understand our patients' and their family's feelings. I really enjoyed every second spent with my Silent Mentor, Madam Wong Soo Come. Even though she did not know me, I felt like she was
someone close to my heart. I thank Prof Chin, Mr. Sia and all the Silent Mentor volunteers for this great opportunity. But, my greatest gratitude would be for my Silent Mentor. Thank you Madam Wong Soo Come. Farah Melydia (MEM110040)
I am truly fortunate to be part of the Silent Mentor Program. Prior to joining the program, I had very little knowledge to what it is truly about except that it was an opportunity for me to practice certain medical and surgical
skills. However at the first meeting with the mentor's family, I learnt that this program is much more than a simple scientific endeavor; it was experiencing and learning how to deal with grief and letting go. I had the privilege to speak to the family members
and learn about Madam Wong from the very first meeting. I learnt she was truly loved by all those around her. What really touched my heart was the sight of her parents. They were at a loss for words and deeply saddened at the mention of their deceased daughter
even though it had been a few months since her passing. From that, I understand that grief is a process that takes time and patience. Now that the Silent Mentor Program is over and all the mentors have been cremated, I take home with me a simple lesson, that
while science on its own is a wonder, science with passion and reason goes beyond what the mind can see. Amirah bt Mohamad Sabri (MEM110007) First of all, I would like to express my
greatest gratitude to Madam Wong and other Silent Mentors for sacrificing their body for us to learn many things, especially basic surgical procedures. This is our first time doing intubation, chest tube, central venous line and suturing on real body. It can
boost our confidence in handling the patients and be a safer doctor. Besides, this program is an eye opener for us that a good doctor must not only know treating the disease but also have sense of humanity, empathy, responsibility and treating the patient
as a whole. We have gained new experiences and lessons that will be very useful for our future career. Last but not least, I would like to thank Silent Mentor Centre for giving us the great opportunity to join this program.
Chong Kim Yeong 莊錦榮 (MEM110024) 感恩我有這個機會參與無語良師計劃,更感恩我有這個機會認識了我們的老師。在工作坊的那段時間,身為醫學生的我們經常為老師淨身梳洗。在這期間,雖然老師的身體是冰冷的,但我卻感覺到老師暖暖的愛意。他捨身讓我們無數次地在他身上割劃縫針,並允許我們在他的身上學習基本的醫學手续
(medical procedure)。除此,我们也在他的身上學習了人生的道理。他的一生讓我們明白親情的可貴,也讓我們知道人的一生不在於長短,而在於生命的意義。老師無私的教導深深烙印在我的心中,老師對生命的尊重也讓我們明白行醫的使命。 Hipprocates 曾经说:To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always.這話讓我明白尽管醫学不断地进步,不断地研发新药物疫苗,但医生不能时时治愈每一位病人。医生毕竟不是神,不能控制人的生與死,而医生往往只能舒緩病人的痛楚,慰問他們的狀況,和陪伴他們度過生命中最後的一段路。老師不單單是豐富了我們的醫術,更教會了我们何为醫德這麼宝贵的一堂課。感恩,惜福。謝謝您,我們的無語英雄。
Pow Zheng Yuan (MEM110146) 感谢无语良师计划让我与死亡有了如此贴近的接触,让我深深地体会生离死别。在他们身上一刀一刀的切割,开阔了我们一寸一寸的视野。大体老师们的无私奉献给了我很大的启发,有朝一日我也想像他们一样造福社会。 Ong Suet Yan (MEM110142)
I have to thank the organizer, Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for initiating this Silent Mentor Program. This program not only allows medical students to attempt various hands-on procedures in surgical field but also gave a very important
morale session for all of us. Silent Mentors taught us to be empathy toward our mentors and also to the family members. During the initiation ceremony, I saw how much love the mother has toward his son, my Silent Mentor. From then, I knew I must make sure
my Silent Mentor is clean thoroughly throughout the whole program. We bathed our Silent Mentor every morning until the day they were put inside the coffin. The other important lesson is responsibility. From the first day of the workshop, Prof Chin told us
it is our responsibility that our Silent Mentors are bathed before and after every workshop. That is why it does not matter whether we have class or not, we wake up at 5.30 am every morning to bath our Silent Mentor. Until the last day of the workshop which
is the closing and sending off ceremony, we realized throughout the few days that we spent with our Silent Mentor, we had built a relationship that no one will understand. The amount of respect and gratitude that I have towards, you, my teacher, Mr. Tay Kian
Siang can never be enough. Chiew Re On (MEM110021) The Silent Mentor Program has taught me so much more than I can ask for. First heard in my second year, I had no clue what it was.
Third year came and I registered upon knowing that it is a workshop designed to give medical students an opportunity to learn procedures like suturing, inserting a chest tube, inserting a central line and intubation. The program began with home visit in my
fourth year. Little did I know I would learn so much more than the said procedures. I learnt that my Silent Mentor was not just someone, he was someone’s son, someone’s brother, someone’s husband, and someone’s father. The workshop
began. My Silent Mentor laid motionless on the operating table and we were free to do all the procedures. I realized that I had to take each session of workshop seriously and learn as much as I can. Each morning session of cleaning our Silent Mentors was the
least I could do to show my respect for him. My Silent Mentor has redefined the word ‘sacrifice’ to me. Mr. Tay Kian Siang will forever be remembered as the teacher I respect and for that I could not thank him more.
Ching Hui Chi (MEM110022) 第十二届无语良师工作坊让我学会了不仅仅是医学技巧,还教会了我深刻即宝贵的人生教育。生命,不只是生老病死; 虽然我们敬爱的大体老师们离世了,但他们的灵魂和那份化无用为大用的大爱精神却是永存的。感恩大体老师们的无私奉献,成就了我们这群医学界的子弟们。黄瑞坤老师,感恩您!此外,很感激陈庆华教授,谢先生,以及所有的工作团队和我们一起实践了这项意义非凡的计划。
Tan Khai Shin (MEM110170) In the process of learning: To cure sometimes, to comfort always. Throughout this Silent Mentor Workshop, we woke up early in the morning to pray and clean our
mentors, walked back in darkness night. It is tiring but worthwhile. They not only taught us the skills but also the care for the patients and their family members. They live in another form of life by spreading the seeds and we shall grow it to become the
forest. May all the kind souls rested in peace. Farhana Izzaty Binti Muhamad Fisal (MEM110041) I joined Silent Mentor Program as I was curious about what was the program all about. I
did some research and was amazed by Silent Mentor Program in Taiwan. It is different from the other clinical skill workshop as we learn from teacher and practice on mannequin. However, through this program, we had our Silent Mentor as our teacher whom also
donated their body to be used by us, the medical students. It was amazing to see that there are amazing people out there like our Silent Mentors who were willing to sacrifice for us. I sincerely think that they had made a big contribution to the medical society
by giving us the chance to learn directly from their body. Lastly, there is no word that can describe how grateful I was to be a part of this program. I hope that this program will be continuing in the future. Muhammad Danial
Abdul Rahman (MEM110089) Silent Mentor Program has given me opportunity as a young future doctor not just to practice surgical skills, but also taught me to instill emotion in the treatment of patients. Being a
part of our Silent Mentor family has taught me to learn about our Silent Mentor life history and how the disease has affected him and family. As much as disease changes the family way of living, as a doctor, I have learnt that it is important to take family
matter into treatment consideration. Furthermore, our teacher has wholeheartedly donated their body for the sake of improving medical research. This has inspired me to become a good person to contribute the world for better future. Thus, SilentMentor is a
truly good program to join and learn. Teo Yong Teck张咏得 (MEM110181) 我参加了第十二届无语良师工作坊,这个工作坊让我认识了四位大体老师,我从他们身上看到了很多共同点,他们体现了做人最唯美的本事,那就是舍己,为人。这种大爱精神让我们这群还没踏入社会的医学生能在最真实的环境里,在专业指导下,学习和实践在将来必须用来帮助病人减轻痛楚的技巧。这些知识固然重要,但是整个星期的流程,最深刻在我脑海里的,是我亲眼看见父母,亲人及朋友,和老师们见最后一面的场景。这让我记得在往后的日子里,我医治的不只是病人,而是一家人,一个社会,一个需要我们的社会。记得大会司仪也说过,老师们把小爱化为大爱,把无用化为大用的精神,也只是为了心中那小小的期待,就是要我们将来为大家做出贡献。老师们!我会努力,加油,一定不让您失望。
Wong Pei Ru (MEM110192) 参加无语良师工作坊是我两年前的心愿, 当年是在一次偶然的机会下参与大体老师的告别仪式。这次全程亲自上阵, 感触更多。暂且不管大体老师们生前有多少丰功伟业, 在生命结束后他们无私的选择是世人有目共睹的, 也让他们走的更有意义。我钦佩他们能够允许近百个医生及学生们在他们身上划下一刀又一刀, 刺下一针又一针。他们是如此舍得,
如此开通。最后,我想我的心愿也随着这项活动的结束又增加了一个。 Cheah Ai Xin (MEM110017) This program is very meaningful. I joined it initially for the wrong purpose. However, in the process, I learned a lot.
It is not only techniques and skills like suturing, central venous line insertion that I learned, it is the insight that I gained after joining this program. I learnt to look at things from different aspects and I reflected on myself a lot. I am glad and grateful
that I am given this chance to join this program and I definitely appreciate it a lot. This program makes me a better person. Ng Shireen (MEM110106) I am very grateful for having the
opportunity to participate in this Silent Mentor Program. This program taught me the value of love and sacrifice. Silent mentor's selfless sacrifice for the medical field is really a noble act that touches all of us. I gained a lot from this program as I was
able to learn and perform clinical skills on real body instead of mannequin. Apart from learning skills, we were connected to our Silent Mentor through the home visit. We met the family members of our Silent Mentor to understand the life story of our Silent
Mentor and the sequence of events that prompted her to make such a noble decision to become a Silent Mentor. Throughout the program, there were tire, sorrow and joy and I am glad that I participated in it. It was a wonderful experience for all of us and we
will reminisce it. Once again, my deepest gratitude to my Silent Mentor, Madam Lee Yin. Fatin Akilah Bt Roslan (Taylor’s_300554) I knew about this
program a few years back before I joined medical school. My reaction at that time was like those people who joined were very lucky to experience it since it was very unique and different. Now, I realized that I am very thankful and grateful to become one of
the participants and I would say it was one of memorable moments in my life since it worth! What is the most important part is that I learnt how to be human. By putting empathy, I know that I make the best of it. Nazrin Bin Mohd
Yunus (Taylor’s_300555) For me, it was a great experience involving in this program. A lot of things I have learnt from this program. A visit to our Silent Mentor’s family was a good way to create a
bond with our Silent Mentor’s family members and know our Silent Mentor’s life much more. We had a chance to express our condolences to the family members of our Silent Mentor. Even though the conversation was in Mandarin, I am able to understand
how their feelings when they lost their loved ones. I am able to understand the value of love and the strength of parents’ love towards their children. Losing someone you love was a disaster, but their memory with you will makes you value life more.
During the cleaning process, I learnt the value of respect even to the deceased. Before we start, we had a moment of silence as a sign of respect to our Silent Mentor. Then, Taylor’s and UM students together cleaning their Silent Mentors. It was a great
way to learn the value of teamwork. During the final viewing session for the family members of the Silent Mentors, it was my first time attending funeral for Buddhist. It was a great experience. Again, I was able to witness the great value of love. All the
family members went into tears when they see their loved ones cold and immobile. I was able to see a mother’s love towards her son, a husband’s love towards his wife and children’s love towards their mother. It was a touching moment and I
learnt to value life more. During the workshop, thanks to our Silent Mentor that we able to train our skills in real human bodies. I learnt a lot from this workshop and improving my procedure skills. By attending this workshop, it is like ‘killing two
birds with one stone’. I was able to enhance my medical knowledge as well as I am able to learn the value of life. And by attending this workshop also, I was able to taste vegetarian food for the first time and trust me, it was delicious. This will be
an unforgettable memory for me and I will remember it till I become a doctor. Thanks to the Silent Mentors who donated their bodies for the purpose of medical learning. Nur Aisyah Bt Mohd Nasir (Taylor’s_300626)
After joining the Silent Mentor Program, I realized that the program was quite beneficial and I would glad to give positive opinions to those who are interested to join this workshop in the future. I had learnt few procedures
from this workshop and I could say that this workshop had made me confident to perform those procedures on real patient under guidance. However, I would like to stress on that, all the students still need to practice doing those procedures to be able to perform
it perfectly, like the well-known proverb, practice makes perfect. Besides, after knowing about the life story of our Silent Mentors and their family, I learnt that sometimes what appears to be the end is really a new beginning. It refers to all people. For
the Silent Mentors, this worldly life was the end for them while the afterlife is really a new beginning for them. On the other hand, the Silent Mentor's family may have their end of time with our Silent Mentors, it also can be a really new beginning for their
family to start a new beginning and plan their new life without our Silent Mentor for example, my Silent Mentor had left his wife and 2 year old son had to move on their life without the leader of their family, a loving husband and father. I believe that they
will turn out to be a strong person. In addition, this workshop had made more to learn more about my beloved religion, Islam and also about Buddha culture. Sometimes, we were in our own comfort zone for quiet a long period until we lose interest to learn more
and when we were going through new experiences then we realized that there were a lot more that we did not know about for example in this case about my religion when it collides with Buddha culture. I appreciate more that, when varieties of culture and religion
lives together, they need to accept the differences and choose to live peacefully. Do not criticize something that contradicts with us although we did not follow them. Try to understand them and make them clear about what we actually believe. After all, spread
peace, say peace and live peacefully ever after. Nurfathin Atikah Bt Ahmad Termizi (Taylor’s_300621) When I first attended the home visit, I was touched by the
closeness and warm welcome from my Silent Mentor’s family. I really respect them for involving in this workshop as 4 family members in her family signed up as future Silent Mentors. It is a really great experience to know them and get to know about my
Silent Mentor. During the workshop, I felt really lucky to have this chance to participate in this amazing and benefiting workshop. It is really nice to learn new culture, get to know new friends and lecturers and not to forget, Mr. Sia. Thank you, Silent
Mentor Centre for all these great experiences and knowledge. Thank you, Mdm. Wong Soo Come, you will always be in my heart. Lot of thank to Mdm. Wong Soo Come’s family. Desiree Evelyn Sta Maria (Taylor’s_1101GH11967)
I would like to send my utmost gratitude to Madam Lee Yin and her family, Prof Chin, Mr Sia, University Malaya and Taylor’s University for giving us this great opportunity to be part of the 12th Silent Mentor Workshop.
I am truly honored to be part of this program as I learned not just on medical knowledge, but on empathy, compassion and selflessness which we, medical students need to instill in us to help our future patients. The sacrifice that Madam Lee Yin and her
family made will never be forgotten and the knowledge gained will not just stop here but will continue to help others in the future. I appreciate every moment in this program from the home visits, getting to know Madam Lee Yin and her family more, the
practices, learning sign language for our performance, getting to know the other Silent Mentors through other group’s presentations, making new friends, the workshop itself and finally to take care of Madam Lee Yin till we send her off for the last time.
I thank you Madam Lee Yin. Siti Hauna Bt Ahmad Farid (Taylor’s_300602) First of all I would like to thank my honored Silent Mentor, Mr. Tay Kian Siang and his beloved family for
their endless sacrifice for the medical field generally and to myself personally. Then I would like to thank the organizer team for providing me the opportunity to participate in this program. Last but not least, I would like to thank my colleagues who sincerely
helped me throughout the event started from the beginning till the end. Even though we are from the different universities, races and backgrounds but we managed to overcome all of the barriers without any discrimination. Honestly I am glad to be a part of
them. This program helps me gaining my confidence to perform some clinical procedures before jump into the real profession as a practicing doctor in near future. It is not only about learning the medical aspect, but also the values of life that I think the
most valuable lesson I learned from this program. Humanity, responsibility and respect are the values that are important for the health practitioners to help the general population in improving their health conditions holistically. Muvennthen
A/L Kannan (Taylor’s_304202) First of all, I would like to express my utmost gratitude for giving us the opportunity to be a part in the 12th Silent Mentor Workshop. When I initially thought this is just a
workshop to improve my clinical skills and knowledge, I was proven to be wrong. Besides that, this program also emphasized a lot on the value of humanity, love, empathy and care. At the end of this program, I am very thankful to my Silent Mentor, Mr.
Tay Kian Siang for his willingness to sacrifice his body for the purpose of medical education. In a nutshell, this is a valuable program for medical students as it not only enhances our clinical skills and knowledge, but it also nurtures the value of love
and empathy in our heart. Thanks you Silent Mentor Centre for this wonderful opportunity. If I was given an opportunity to participate in this program, I will surely join again. Denise Zhang Shu-Eu (Taylor’s_0901A69709)
The whole journey throughout this program, despite surgical knowledge that was instill, it may have instill a little more sense of humane in me. Learning from our Silent Mentors is indeed different from learning from a cadaver
in school. We have got to know what sort of person our mentors were like when they were still alive. There was a sense of familiarity as if we have known them in person when we finally have met our Silent Mentors for the very first time. More than words can
describe how moved I was. It is that warmth and muzzy feeling I felt knowing that all our mentors are very much loved by at least someone out there. I am very thankful and grateful to all four mentors of ours for their undying love and courage to give us their
bodies for our learning without knowing us. I am also very grateful to Silent Mentor Centre for giving us this opportunity. I would trade anything the world to have this experience I had here from the program again. Nursabrina
Tan Binti Naim Tan (Taylor’s_304968) I first applied for the Silent Mentor Program without much knowledge on it aside from the basics. At that time, I did not imagine that I will be signing up for an unforgettable
experience. This Silent Mentor Program has introduced me to a side of medicine that cannot be taught, but is learnt.The workshop was very beneficial to us students to learn and practice procedures that we normally are not allowed to perform on our patients.
We are able to learn a lot from the professionals and the hands-on experience enabled me to reinforce the knowledge gained. The workshop really helped me to better myself as a medical student. The whole experience, from home visits, washing and cleaning the
Silent Mentors, coffining and to the very last day on the funeral service, has been a humbling journey. I learnt of bonds, of sympathy and empathy, of being respectful and many more. What strike me most was that I am reminded that one day, I will pass on as
well. And to leave something good in this world, in whatever form, is a victory on its own. Although I have never met my Silent Mentor, but their contribution has allowed me to learn more than what I initially bargained for. This program has taught me that
medicine goes so much deeper than treatment and cure. For that I thank the Silent Mentor Program and most importantly I thank my Silent Mentor. To have learnt from you is priceless. Mohd Hazim Bin Mohd Marzuki (Taylor’s_300556)
Silent Mentor Workshop is one of the best programs that I had attended. It incorporated clinical skills workshop with personal growth in empathy and interpersonal skills. The idea of knowing your Silent Mentor and their family
prior to the skills workshop makes me value the selfless sacrifice of the Silent Mentor. It makes me appreciate a simple yet beautiful relationship between teacher (Silent Mentor) and students (us). At the end of this program, I manage to hone my skills on
clinical procedures and also have my own development of emotions and empathy. I realised that the strongest unbreakable knot ever existed is none other than the bond of family. Nurul Syahirah Shafee (Taylor’s_300599)
There is no word I can use to describe how great our Silent Mentors are, sacrificing their bodies for us to become a good doctor in the future. I did not only learn medical skills, but I also learn empathy, respect and love.
The love and endless support from Silent Mentor’s family members taught me love has no boundaries of blood, race or religion. Regardless of race or religion, we are our Silent Mentor’s students as one. Together as one we clean our Silent Mentor’s
body, together we practice on him, together we pray for him, and together we prepare and send him off to his final journey. As this workshop finished my determination to become an excellent doctor is now becoming stronger. This program gives me a lot of once
in a lifetime experiences, which will always remain in my memories. Thank you. Nurul Afifah Mohd Yusoff (Taylor’s_300528) A body worth hundreds of skill. A dead saves a thousand
lives. A deceased contributes to new findings in research. A frozen breaks the tears. Thanks to all the Silent Mentors who had donated their bodies in order to benefit the people who still sound and healthy. I was very grateful to have this opportunity involving
in Silent Mentor Workshop. It was not only new skills that I have developed, but I learned about teamwork, determination, family relationship and others that I did not expect initially. Silently, they had taught me many things. Nik
Nurul Atira Nik Zuraidi (Taylor’s_300532) In this program, I am not learning only about skills but I also learn about respect and the meaning of life. I cannot imagine how people can donate their bodies without
getting any benefit and I cannot imagine how the family can cope with this situation. I was so grateful to get this opportunity to be one of the medical students involved in this program. I will not forget this experience because there is so much memory in
it. Thank you my Silent Mentor, you will always be in our heart. Ong Hwee Chin 王煜芊 (Taylor’s_1001A76229) 无私的奉献, 无限的感动. 在无语良师身上的千针万缝就犹如教师千言万语地灌输知识; 知识的传播就犹如散播着爱的种子,受益的不仅仅是我们这莘莘学子,
更是我们将会贡献的社会.遗爱人间,人间有爱.感激无语良师的奉献.感恩! Emelda Rose Sebastin (Taylor’s_304036) Silent Mentor Workshop will definitely be one of the best programs I attended to this year.
This program has not only taught me in medical context but most importantly about empathy. The home visit was very fruitful in which it makes us to develop our communication skills and understanding about our Silent Mentors. The workshop was really meaningful
as all of us could work together so well and help each other to learn and most importantly with the limited surgical equipment, we could still share with other groups and think about others. The medical professionals who helped to teach us every step
of each procedure really moved me especially when those doctors who were not even involved in the workshop dropped by to teach us. They are all super nice and professional doctors. I would like to say a few words about Professor
Chin. He is one general surgeon who is very down to earth and not only I learned about medical but also about respect, humbleness and compassion from him. Professor Chin will always be someone that I will look up to. Personally, coming to the most important
part I loved my Silent Mentor family. They are so strong in facing life challenges and they are so positive and still can put a smile on their face despite everything they have been through. They will definitely have my utmost respect and love forever including
my own Silent Mentor who will be always cherished and she will remain in my heart forever. Tan Bee Kuan 陈美君 (Taylor’s_305318) 黄素琴老师: 感谢老师您无言与无私的奉献,虽然我没能在您答应捐赠的那一刻对您说声谢谢,但在每天的工作坊,我都对您的无私奉献感激万分。您的这份无私奉献让我正正的体会了不只是医学的奥妙、知识,更让人钦佩的是您的那份无人能敌的大爱精神。《离去不是生命的终点,而是生命的延续》-
是我从您身上所领悟到的。人的一生不能预知有多长,有多意义,有多么的伟大,但能在死后把自己的身体捐赠出来,舍己为他人的这份精神是一定将被传承下去! 感谢您!
11th Silent Mentor Workshop 11-16/11/2014
张芯洁(Crystal Teoh) - USM 第一届理大医学生无语良师工作坊主席 我与无语良师的缘 依稀记得我与“无语良师计划”的第一次接触是在2013年的暑假,当我在马大医院实习的时候。那时是从朋友口中得知病人自愿把遗体捐赠出来供医学研究和进行模拟手术教学。
刚开始时还以为自己听错了,这遗体捐献在本国也有推行吗?这不是在先进的国家诸如香港、台湾才会有吗?后来在朋友再三解释下方才知马大医院微创腹腔镜内镜手术训练中心 (MILES)是在 2012 年从台湾引进了此计划,当时才办了三届,再过两个星期就要举办第四届了。 在好奇心的驱使下,我到 MILES 的办公处询问可否参加此活动。后来,谢先生答应了我并带我到无语良师的家进行访问。通过无语良师的妻子与朋友,我才知道他们把身体捐献给医学院,一来是希望我们能多练习基本的手术技巧,以便能更熟练
;二来是想向学生灌输敬畏生命、尊重生命、同理生命的观念。无语良师的妻子说现今有许多医者罔顾病人的利益,一心只想如何为自己捞一笔庞大的收入。听了之后,我除了为这些医者感到汗颜,也领悟到无语良师的用心与意愿。病人看重的不仅仅是医生的行医技巧, 更可贵的是那份能体谅、同理别人的赤子之心!但这是多少医者忽略的部分呢?殊不知,一句暖心的问候、一颗待病人如同待自己亲生父母的心也能让病人感动许久。 接下来的一个星期,我结识了陈教授、赖小姐、佳宝,还有一群马大的医学生。我们很快就打成一片,还被陈教授拉去下厨给无语良师的家人。虽然煮出来的菜肴不能与餐厅媲美,但那家人还是很感激我们为他们做出的一道道爱心佳肴。我也从那次体验到自愿为芸芸众生无私付出的道理。当然最让我们医学生受益的是基本手术训练课程。我学习到了各种缝密伤口的技巧、chest
tube insertion、intubation、central line insertion 等等。无语良师让我从原本的一窍不通到后来的熟能生巧,这段学习过程,实属毕生难忘。 除此之外,我们每天都要早起为大体老师净身、梳洗,就像对待活生生的病人一样。毕竟,躺在那边是有血有泪的人,他们宛如划过天穹的流星,在生命结束之际,仍不忘把最后的光芒献给身边的人。每一次,我都会小心翼翼地为我的大体老师抹身,一边默念:“谢谢您老师!感恩您愿意让我们在您身上学习。我一定不负您所望,做个妙手仁心的好医师!”
到了最后一天,大伙儿几百人包括教授、医生、医学生、家属从马大医学院一直护送着大体老师到孝恩园火化。每个人的心情都是沉甸甸的,尤其是看着家属瞻仰逝者最后一幕的当儿,心中也难免悲从中来。那瞬间我觉得不管是大体老师抑或我们在行医途中遇到的病人都是他们家人眼中的挚爱、有故事的人。可惜的是医者们往往只顾着把任务完成,少有留意病人的感受。在为病人看诊的时候,也鲜少给予患者精神上的治疗。我想 “无语良师计划”是在教导我们日后要在病源、适量的药方、合适的手术和精神疗养方面多花点心思,才能让患者重拾健康吧!
时隔一年,我又再次到马大医院实习。一天,我在电梯里碰上了陈教授。他说他正筹备着让理大的医学生参加 “无语良师计划”。我听了又惊又喜,于是决定了帮忙陈教授打点这计划。经过两个月的努力,还有理大医学院院长、副院长、医生的支持,终于,我们一行十六人能有幸参加第十一届无语良师工作坊。这一次,大家都获益匪浅,除了基本手术训练,还有机会参与了医生们的专业课程。读了将近五年的医书,这可是头一遭把真正的人体器官握在手里研究。大体老师让我们认识了人体的构造,更为重要的是我们领悟到老师的伟大和慷慨无私。他们舍身支持医疗教育的精神实在为世人所钦佩!
搁笔之前,我要代表理大医学院感谢我们敬爱的陈教授、马大医院的医生、谢先生、赖小姐、佳宝 以及MILES 的工作人员让我们参加此次的工作坊。感恩我们这次的机缘,促成了马大-理大历史性的一刻。感激陈教授、马大医院的医生们对我们的教导,我们将永存在心!对我们的大体老师, 我们想说 :
不言之教, 无言感激。 生命有限, 知识永存, 一点一滴, 铭记于心。
无言老师, 如何感激。 笔于 2014年 11月 21日 Tium Wei Nie - USM
林福荣恩师在影片里说:“ 割吧,千刀万刀也割吧。割错了就再割。别担心弄疼我。一直割下去,直到你们学会怎么做,我不会生气的。。”心里除了感动还是感动。老师们不只把肉体奉上,让我们学习,他们还让我们感受到了无语良师们无私伟大地牺牲自我的大爱精神,他们热心积极地面对生活挑战的态度,他们对生命的坚持与人生观点,这些种种都值得去学习的精神,让我们刻苦铭心,绝对不忘恩师传承的智慧。 此外,很敬佩恩师们的家属,需要重复面对失去至爱的痛苦与哀伤,真的是很大的牺牲。但你们放心吧,恩师们的牺牲绝不白费的,我们将会是好医生,为社会奉献大爱。感谢陈教授,谢先生与志工们的付出,没有你们,我们就没这因缘学了那么多。 感恩大家,愿恩师心事圆满,善念大爱的种子能传承, 延续下去。。
Yeap Biou Seng- USM I am so lucky to join the 11th Silent Mentor Workshop at University Malaya from 11 - 16 November 2014. From the Brief Introduction
of Silent Mentors, I was able to know all Silent Mentors background. During the Initiation Ceremony, I observed the family members viewed their loved ones for the final time. This really touched me and they really gave big sacrifice for this program. Then,
a few doctors from UM and USM gave lecture and each of them had a half an hour demonstration with us on the Silent Mentor. The most memorable moment was when I first made a cut on real people and performed suturing, intubation, chest tube insertion and central
venous pressure line insertion which I was not able to perform such procedures during my medical studies. I appreciated that when I made incision on them, I must suture it assuming they were our real patients. At night, I have performance practice with UM
students and I was able to make new friends with them. On the remaining few days, I joined chest trauma surgery workshop and orthopedic surgical exposure workshop and I finally appreciated the anatomy of real
people. This was my first time performing cardiac massage on the real people. On the last day which was the gratitude ceremony, we could see the Silent Mentor left behind their expectation on medical students especially one of the Silent Mentor said “just
cut on my body, I will not feel pain, I hope you all can be a better doctor”. It really touches me. I really appreciate the Silent Mentors made a huge sacrifice on donating their body for us to practice so that we will be able to become a better doctor
and treat more people. I will not disappoint them. At last, I will like to say thank you all UM and USM doctors who taught us during Silent Mentor program and gave me a chance to join such a meaningful program. Tan
Chung Yung - USM I am very honored that I was given a chance to participate in this program in which the input was endless. Through this program, it was an eye opener that such courage
still exists in this world in donating their bodies despite of the normal norms. Besides, through the mentors, I learnt lots about life thus being great teachers to me. Yhank you mentors… Imran
Moinuddin - USM The Silent Mentor program is a great learning opportunity not only for the medical students but also for the medical officers as well. We were able to perform many basic
surgical procedures which will be required to become a good doctor. The Silent Mentors were also able to be a great life lesson which was always give and be humble in life as they are very great and respected human beings for still giving to the community
after death. A big thank you to the M.I.L.E.S community for giving us this amazing chance. Chow Kok Cheow - USM
很荣幸能够参加于马来亚大学举办的第十一届无语良师工作坊,这也是理科大学第一次受邀请出席。“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。” 对我而言,老师们的奉献是至高无上地。感恩老师的奉献,让我们有机会透过老师们学习一些基础治疗程序。在老师身上我们所学到的不只是医学知识,从老师的生平简介我们也学习到了他们对待人生、社会、家人的精神以及价值观。 生命无常,老师虽然离开了我们,但他们的大爱却深深的烙在我们每个人的心中。老师对我们的恩德重如山,我想我们唯一能够做的就是时时刻刻警惕自己,将来要当一名仁医,以便不辜负老师对我们的期望。我也很感谢无语良师工作坊的全体同仁,不辞劳苦地与我们同在,及从旁给予协助。此次的工作坊让我们更容易明白到平时课堂上的教学,希望学弟妹们都能够踊跃参加。 MOHD AKMAL ADIB BIN
A BAKAR - USM Being a doctor is not just to treat the collections of symptoms that the patients have but it comes with a great responsibility to comfort the patients always in all aspects
of mankind life. A good doctor must have a determination and target to improve their knowledge, clinical skills and yet the attitude will be the most important aspects in the field of medicine since it brings about the internal driving towards the passion
in treating the patients as a whole. Congratulation to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya upon its initiative to introduce a program called “Silent Mentor” that brings an essence of medicine
as well as medical ethics. This program has successfully played its crucial roles in helping medical students as well as doctors in training their surgical skills that is to be performed in the future patients. With the presence of skillful, enthusiastic and
excellent lecturers, it brings about the enjoyment and curiosity among the students to ask any questions as well as to perform the basic surgical skills with determination. A great appreciation for all the lecturers for their willingness to teach. Moreover, the most interesting part of this program is that, it helps the medical students to develop humanistic values in life. The program had successfully exposed the students on how to build a good relationship between patients
and the family members before the body is being used for training. We were cried with them together after the first prayer ceremony. How sad it was but how lucky I was to be with the generous Silent Mentor as well as their respective family members for their
willingness and kindness to give a special opportunity to use the body for learning purposes. A sense of respect whole-heartedly to them is of paramount importance and their willingness to donate the body is of the noble things in life that must be appreciated
whole-heartedly. I wondered how our Silent Mentors, whom we never met, were willing to contribute their body to us. We will never forget them and we will try to be better doctors with what we have learnt
from them. May God grant them special places. My last words will be: I hope all the Silent Mentors will be resting in full peace and all their souls shall be blessed with the knowledge we practice from their bodies. Thank you.
Lo Jia Hui - USM 能够参与这第十一届的无语良师工作坊是个难得的机会,毕竟这是身为理大学生的我前所未有的体验。透过这一个星期的工作坊让我获益良多。大体老师们能够无私地奉献出他们的大体,让医学生及医生们在他们身上划上无数的伤痕使我们学习到难得可贵的医学知识与技术。这一具具冰冷的大体,身前曾是位慈祥的父亲;是对工作热忱的工程师;是积极参与志工的母亲;是个乐观的乳癌病患者。他们各个有自己的人生故事,但他们选择了以捐赠他们的大体来作为他们这趟人生旅途中最美好的句点。他们愿意以这样的方式延续他们对社会的爱。这种无私奉献的爱与精神,深深地打动了我。也感谢所有第十一届无语良师工作坊,MILES
的 Prof Chin, Mr. Sia 及志工们的付出。希望以后理大的医学系学弟学妹们也有机会到马大参与这个有意义的活动。万分感谢! Cha Mei Yee - USM The Silent Mentors have taught me about
sacrifice and letting go. How many people would want to let go of their body? They did not fear of being cut many times and kept away the taboo worries. They hope for the best of the future generation and medical field and they have bestowed their hope on
us, the doctors and students. Therefore, most importantly, what we have learnt from this program should be applied later on, and also teach our colleagues. Thank you to the Silent Mentors, Prof Chin, Mr. Sia,
Silent Mentors’ family members and the people who have kept this good program running. Daniel Phang Sen Kai - USM I am glad
to be able to participate in this program. At first, I feel that this program is just another workshop for medical student to brush up their knowledge and skills. I was wrong indeed. Throughout this program, I am deeply touched because I cannot imagine someone
willing to sacrifice their body for the purpose of medical education. The support that was given by family members of Silent Mentors also inspired me to be a better human. I am glad to my Silent Mentor who taught me to be generous, kind and humble in treating
patients in the future. Thank you MILES for giving me this once in a lifetime experience. I am deeply grateful to my Silent Mentor and promise to be a more competent doctor in the future. Hor Jie Ning
- USM First of all I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the organizer: Mr. Sia, Prof Chin, Tzu Chi, Xiao-En and UM medical students for giving us this golden opportunity to be a part in
the Silent Mentor Program. This program is an eye opener to us as we will never have the opportunity to do certain procedures in medical student life and even in working life. It can indeed boost our confidence in handling patients and be competence when we
work later. It is a good step to produce safer doctors. Besides that I would like to thank a million to our Silent Mentors and their family members. They are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of
medical profession and for the well-being of the public. This would be hardly accepted by most of the people. However, the family members being understanding and respect for the mentors’ decision, I think we should learn this from them. Last but not least, I hope that this program will be carried on and more and more in medical profession can grab this chance and benefit from it. And I hope this will create awareness among the public so that we will have more
volunteers to ensure the continuity of this program. Thank you. Woo Xiang Ling – USM More
than a dead body Everyone has to die one day. When that day comes, most are buried very soon. The burial is symbolic; we say our last goodbyes and send off the deceased, accepting that
he/she will no longer be with us. And then, we move on. “Funerals are not for the dead. They’re for the living.” The Silent Mentors are different.
Each mentor waited months for their burial. The mentors consent their bodies for use by medical students to learn. Students cut and open up their mentor’s body, each cut guiding the student closer to becoming a doctor.
The learning workshops are organized only a few times a year. Hence, there is a need to freeze the mentor’s bodies until use. This can take up to half a year. Only then can the burial proceed. “Why
are you keeping your father in a fridge? You’re leaving his body to be cut up by strangers? What kind of son are you? Don’t you want to bring his body home?” “The relatives
were against it. But I told them I respected my father’s wish to be a silent mentor. I didn’t say any more. The more I said, the more arguments I got.” “Students, you don’t
have to worry when you cut me open. I’m already dead, I won’t feel any pain. Use my body properly to learn. Save as many as you can. And I will be happy.” “I donate my
body because I want to help those with cancer. The doctors told me they haven’t discovered a cure for the type of cancer I have now. Through studying my body, I hope a cure will be discovered one day. I hope less people die because of cancer.”
This is the great sacrifice of the mentors and their families. They want to contribute, even after they die. This great act is why students name them “Our
Silent Mentors”. It is a title of honor and respect. “We, the students, will always remember our mentors.”
You don’t forget your first time. Before the workshop, the only exposure we had about procedures was through books. This is our first time performing a suture, chest tube, intubation and central venous line
on a real body. Students do not dare perform them on live patients for fear of doing wrong. Our mentors serve as a platform of great practice, enabling us the confidence we need to perform them on real patients one day. The second last day of the workshop was a busy one. We rehearsed for the closing ceremony from 3 to 5pm. We then proceeded to coffin our mentors from 5 to 9pm. It was a straight 6 hours without any breaks in between. We did not stop for
dinner. I remember being tired from standing so long. My legs and the bottom of my feet hurt. I was cold, so hungry and grumpy. “Why are we doing so much to send off our mentors? It’s
been 6 hours. I’m tired and hungry. It’s not like doing so much will bring the dead back. So why bother?” The answer is responsibility. If you cut, you are responsible to stitch the wound back. If you use a body to learn, you are responsible to take care of it from start until the end. The burial is the end. We are responsible to see through everything until after the
burial. “Life is better if it revolved less about ourselves and more about what we can do for others instead.” One of the mentors left us
students a last message. It was specific instructions on what students are to learn from his body: “Treat your patients like human beings. Not just as a disease.” Medical staffs frequently have such little time! Patients are being left in a high state of anxiety because doctors do not talk to them enough. The lack of time and attention paid to patients means that serious mistakes are being
made. Medication errors can result and sometimes very ill patients or their families are not being asked if the person wishes to be resuscitated, meaning that the terminally ill can end up receiving futile treatment. We students have seen and heard the saying many, many times. It forms the basis of our practice in medicine. But how many of us adhere to it? We can be pretty busy people. What kind of doctor
will you become one day? What kind of person do you want to be? We would like to express our gratitude to all those involved in the
making of this program. A special thanks to Prof. Chin, Mr. Sia and Jia Bao for working so hard, being the main driving force of this program. To our Silent Mentors and their family for their selflessness and courage. To the UM students, for their kind hospitality
and showing us the best eating places around. And finally, to my USM mates, for your company and all that we have been through together. It’s important we do our part in sustaining a program as meaningful
as this one. Being a student who has learned so much from them, we are the best people to tell others about our Silent Mentors. And so, I write this. Foo Shi Ping - USM I decided to join the ‘Silent Mentor Program’ is because I thought it would be a great opportunity to gain some valuable experience from the practical workshop, which were shown on the promotional video
circulated on Facebook. My first impression was this could be the most interesting workshop I have ever come across. Imagine the chance to see, touch, cleanse and do procedures on a real human body, I was sure it was an opportunity not to be missed. Upon arrival at PPUM, we were blessed with great accommodation, a comfy, cozy double bed room equipped with air conditioned and hot shower. As a student, this was something we would have dreamt of. We were brought
to the MILES Centre, although the welcoming party was not great, we still feel the sense of belonging to this program. We met several UM medical students, Tzu Chi personnel and doctors on our 1st day, we did not talk much, but rest assured that
we will be working together closely for the next few days. Throughout the whole workshop, we learned a lot. We were able to see the true love between the family members and the deceased, tears of sadness, and
sense of losing someone they loved and dearly missed. The emotions were strong. I always kept in mind that the human body in front of me was a person, not a vessel for me to cut, puncture or do anything I want. It was good that we had plenty of time to practice
on suturing, chest tube insertion, intubation and many more. Definitely more than enough for us, hence we were very grateful for that. We received guidance from Professor Chin, Dr Zaidi etc and they gave us the confidence to perform each procedure until we
were able to do it on our own. I was glad that the doctors were so patient in teaching us the correct technique, even though we might be too clumsy at times. I believe that to make this Silent Mentor program
a success, it required efforts from all the parties involved. I can clearly see great cohesion and teamwork between MILES, medical students, Tzu Chi and others that had involved in this program. To wrap things up, here are some of my recommendations for the
future Silent Mentor program: (1) Encourage more non-Chinese students to participate in this event (2) Provide drinking water or light refreshment during the workshop. Ainur Naseeha Bt Roslan - USM From my experience joining the Silent Mentor Program, I gained not just knowledge and exposure to basic surgical skills, but the bigger part of it, which
is the humanity part. The Silent Mentors taught me the true definition of volunteering. It is not an easy decision to donate your own body in order for some strangers to make incisions, open up our body and a lot more insecurities we usually have. But their
hearts were so pure, generous and willing to sacrifice to the benefit of others. They are the true hero in this medical field I can say. They help most of us to actually experience what is the feeling of holding a real human heart from the inside, do our first
intubation and so much more. Besides that, I also get some motivation to learn about surgery. Before this I honestly do not really like surgery posting as they were all theory for me. I could not like something
which I could not quite experience and excited about. After joining this workshop, I now feel that surgery was actually interesting if we learn it the right way. Thanks to the organizer, lecturers, UM students who help to guide us throughout the program and
my friends from USM as well. I hope I can join this workshop again and I hope more and more medical students would benefit from this program too, to be a better and competent doctor with human values. Chen
Yen Chuan - USM They left behind a legacy of love and wisdom. They contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge as well as nurturing future doctors with compassion and humanity. The contribution
of Silent Mentors is beyond words can describe. Their influences gave significant impact towards our future career and well-beings. Umi Nadhirah Aisyah Bt Mohd Rokhibi - USM Silent Mentor Program should be extended to other public universities as students especially undergraduate could have at least some real life experience of handling such invasive procedures before performing on patients. These
mentors gave such reminder for us not to become an arrogant, selfish of honing our own skills only but we shall treat everyone as a whole, a human with flesh, bones and feelings. They will always be remembered, in our memories, for us to be the one needed
by the society. Cheah Xin Ni (MEM110018) 忙碌的一个星期过了,无语良师工作坊也告一段落。我真的很感谢无语良师们和MILES让我能够参加这工作坊,也让我得了一份珍贵的感动。我见证了一个人能够有多无私的奉献,能够有多伟大。我见证了家人那无限的支持,就算有多不舍得,都会支持家人的一切决定,包括成为无语良师。我见证了人所谓最高境界的接受,接受自己即将离开这个世界,接受自己的身体将被刮了几百刀。我见证了人间的爱,没有爱这工作坊也不可能会成功。一张薄薄的无语良师签证书,给予了我们多么大的学习机会,给予了医学界多么大的贡献。谢谢您们,杨丝媄老师,颜文业老师,林福荣老师及蔡丽和老师。我会永远记得我在您们身上刮的每一刀,缝的每一条线。感恩!
Ng Chong Jing (MEM110103) 一个月前,无语良师计划对我来说,还是很陌生。参与后,我明白了无语,是指一个曾经会说话,会反应,会微笑,会关怀的人,虽然再也发不出声音,但他/她们捐赠大体的举动,成为医学生和医生们的导师,依然继续为社会和医学领域做出贡献。这大爱的举动,不只让我学到了医学上宝贵的知识,更重要的是,让我明白生命的无常,也更珍惜身边的每一个人。谢谢无语良师杨丝媄老师,颜文业老师,林福荣老师及蔡丽和老师的丰献。感恩!
Loh Ling Hui (MEM110071) 生命的价值, 不在于长短, 而在于它的意义。大体老师们, 或许没有世绩伟业, 但他们伟大的牺牲, 已经完美的诠释了生命的意义。[生]时, 他们对家人, 工作毫无保留地付出, [死]后, 他们任我们, 这些医学界的莘莘学子们在他们的身上划上千百刀, 只为了让我们上人生中宝贵的一堂课。从一开始的不认识, 到后来的了解, 虽然没有遇见大体老师本人,
和他们说过话, 但是在工作坊里每天接触老师后, 追思会上重新叙述老师的一生时, 我仿佛在说着一个认识了很久的长辈。看着家属们对老师们的思念与不舍, 眼里的泪水也跟着打转, 心里也被他们的精神温暖了。感谢您们大体老师! 也感谢这个工作坊, 让我有一个难忘的经验。 Annabella Diong Xinhui (MEM110010) Silent Mentor was
once a foreign thing to me when I was in 1st year, whereby I saw the signs and posters everywhere during the event but I didn't have any idea what was it about. Over the years I learnt that it was about learning from a dead body which was willingly donated.
Then, I was excited. To a medical student, it's really exciting to be able to actually be close to a cadaver to practice procedures that you would be doing on real patients. I did not feel the emotional part yet at the point of time. Now, as a participant,
when you get to know roughly how your Silent Mentor was before their passing from their family and friends, it makes you feel closer to your Silent Mentor. Every morning when we wake up early to clean the body, we learn how to care for a dead body, to maintain
it as good as possible. What really touched me was the closing, when two of the Silent Mentors managed to get their last words to be recorded. It never felt so real. For one week, their body was lying in front of us, whereby procedures after procedures were
done. Now we see them literally talking to us, on their expectations. It was a real eye opener. What stuck to me was what the late Mr. Lim Fook Wing said, remember to treat a patient as a whole and not as a disease. Be humble no matter what. I promise you
Mr. Lim that I will always have a reality check and be the best doctor I can. This whole program really helped me to feel more for the patients, to learn to understand their hardships as well as their families'. Their brave
act will always be remembered. I hope more students will be able to learn from this program as it does not only sharpen your clinical skills but gives you a reality check of why you wanted to be a doctor in the first place. Nur
Fakhriah Hazirah Binti Hidayat (MEM110122) I am very thankful to be given an opportunity to participate in the Silent Mentor workshop. I have learnt so much throughout the course of the workshop and I personally
think that every medical student should participate in this program! To know more is to get involve and don't hesitate, you won’t regret. Aaron Tan (MEM110002) I would like to
send my greatest gratitude to Madam Yong & her family members. Madam Yong has thought us a lot and instilled a sense of responsibility and empathy in all of us medical students. The sacrifice she and her family made was really much appreciated and will
not be forgotten no matter what. That is why I would like to take this opportunity to thank Madam Yong and her family members for everything they had done and may God forever bless them for their kind and unselfish act. I
would also like to thank MILES for organizing this programme as we medical students are able to learn from all the silent mentors. We definitely appreciate all the hard work put into making this programme a success. Not
forgetting my group mates both from UM and USM. All of you are the best and thank you for working with me to achieve a similar goal. Thank you once again. Ho Xin Lun (MEM110046) 无语良师计划是我第一次近距离地面对死亡。年幼的子女在面对母亲的遗体时眼泪夺眶而出的情景让我印象深刻。在目睹至亲生离死别时的难分难舍却依然尊重老师们的遗愿,亲友们的理解与大爱的精神实在让人钦佩。这次宝贵的经验不禁让我感叹生命苦短,我们更应该珍惜当下。老师们无私的奉献让我得以体验许多实习的第一次。我想向老师们致以最后的敬意。感恩。愿你们安息。
Ng See Man (MEM1100105) “无语良师”秉着奉献大爱的精神,在离世后捐赠身体为医学教育作出贡献。感谢老师无私的奉献,让我从大体老师计划获益不浅。在计划进行时的那一个星期,我学会了一些医学技能,并得以实践。然而,这却不是最重要的。“无语良师”计划让我上了一堂在课程纲要上找不到的一课。对生命,我们都懂得要珍惜,老师却教会了我们要放下。老师放下了自己死后的身躯,奉献给社会;家人们放下对老师的不舍,把回忆留在心中,好好的活下去;作为医学生,不论是现在或是未来,我们要放下狂妄与自负,时时刻刻怀着一颗谦卑的心去学习。老师,谢谢您给我们上了生命的一课。
Yvonne Khoo Khaii (MEM 110199) 当初参加无语良师计划,说真的,并没有很明确的概念。可是,随着每一天、每一分、每一秒的参与,让我真正的体会这个计划带给我的意义: 无私、奉献、爱… 每一个人都会有离开这个世界的时候,只是,离开后的我们能留下些什么呢?每一位无语良师留下的,是提醒… 提醒我时时刻刻珍惜所拥有的、提醒我把握当下、提醒我要尽力做好每一件事、提醒我离去不再只是伤痛、提醒我小爱亦可化为大爱,造福社会、造福人群。通过这个工作坊,让我这初出茅庐的医学生能够学习一些基本但分外重要的医学技能。若非有无语良师们的无私奉献,至今我可能还在医学书的字行间摸索。谢谢每位无语良师,感恩有您们。老师,虽然您已离去,但您的叮咛嘱咐却深深的烙印在我的心里。从心里的最深处,真心的向老师们说:“谢谢,感恩您们不计回报的给予,再见了老师!”
Liew Da Wei (MEM110065) 看着大体老师们秉持着一颗无私的爱心,把自己的身体奉献给了医学研究,不胜感触。老师们对世人的爱,赋予了生命一个全新的意义。老师们教会了我,人不是只有在活着时才能为社稷做出贡献,只要我们有着爱人、勇敢的心,不畏惧面对死亡的过程,还是可以在过世后为社稷做出微薄的贡献。因为哪怕是再小的奉献,也能成为星星之火,方日可以燎原。
Tay Xin Ying (MEM110179) 与大体老师这一场只有单方的邂逅虽然只有短短一星期,却丝毫不减其中深意更让我了解了大爱的精神种子如何因老师无私的举范广泛传播。老师的舍弃,我的契机;老师的奉献,我的成长。老师谢谢您用你的沉默让我宽心向学,以您留在世间最后的纪念作为医学界更上一层楼的台阶。更感谢为无语良师这计划付出努力的大家,谢谢导师们亲临督导,屈尊与我们走过每一步,甚至牺牲休息时间为我们开拓一切。也感恩所有幕后工作者的辛劳,为你们默默付出,不计前台光芒的心意致敬。站在这个由大家为我巩固的擂台上,我以感恩的心为将来每一个能因我而康复的病患向你们致上最高的敬意!谢谢!
Izyan Hanis Binti Ahmad Tarmizi (MEM110050) I first know about Silent Mentor program when I was in first year, where I watch a TV program named Majalah-3. They made a documentary about the
Silent Mentor program in Tzu-Chi University in Taiwan. From there, I started to develop interest in joining the program. And it was a fortunate that MILES organized the same program and I was chosen to join. After all I had been through from the home visit
until the sending off ceremony of my Silent Mentor, I learnt so much about humanity, especially sacrifice. Those Silent Mentors were a great inspiration for us, the medical students to become a good and skillful doctor. The endless support from our Silent
Mentor and the family members are invaluable and I will never forget this experience. Thank you so much dear Silent Mentors. Wan Muhammad Faizuddin Bin Wan Mohd Fauzi (MEM110188) A good
man inspires, a great man leads the way. This is Mr. Gan that I knew. His whole life is dedicated to serve humanity. Despite his time on this earth is limited, he felt that he wants to contribute more. What a noble man he is. Despite this contribution will
not reverse the illness he fought, I took this chance and uphold his hope that less people shall suffer from the condition he had by educating the future generation of doctors. I pledge that your sacrifice will never gone waste. This one week workshop teaches
my mind and soul towards illness. I was granted the chance to learn hands-on skill early on which I admit I still need more practice to conduct without making mistakes. You volunteered yourself through my learning process so that I will not experiment myself
upon real patients. Never the less this does not mean that I would belittle and toy with your soul-less body. This program teaches me that the person in front of me is not a mere cadaver but once the shell of a father, a husband and a friend. I had an unforgettable
experience to personally meet and greet the family members of Mr. Gan which makes me feel like I'm a part of the family. I respected Mr. Gan as a person as if I am handling the body of my own father. Mr. Gan, your participation into this program did not promise
you of any worldly luxury in return. It is not because your effort is worthless but in my eyes they are priceless. For giving people more than you had ever received, I hereby convey my deepest gratitude. May you eternally rest in peace, teacher.
Tan Leong Hooi (MEM110171) 感恩大体老师无私的奉献,感恩大体老师宝贵的教导,我从这活动学会了很多,尤其是在人文教育。那种牺牲小我,完成大我的精神是值得我们大家所学习的。在这人人都为自身利益而生活的时代,大体老师让我们体会到人间还是有爱。我会谨记老师的教诲,时时都警惕自己,把医德永远都摆在第一。谢谢。 Noor Azarina
binti Mohd Yusof (MEM110110) Firstly I want to express my deepest gratitude to Silent Mentors because this program really benefit us medical students. We get the opportunities to do procedures like intubation and
sutures on real person before we graduate which we hardly get in the ward. Besides this program allow us to learn on how to have empathy to our patient and their families. This is also my first time involved in coffining the dead body and participated in sending
off ceremony of non-Muslim person. This program should be continued and I would love to join this program again if there is another chance in the future. Lai Hwa Fan (MEM110058) Silent Mentor is a unique program. It is different from other medical program. It not only teaches you on medical knowledge, skills and procedures, it teaches you to be compassion, to love what you do, to love and appreciate the people around you
and to cherish moments with your loved ones. Mohammad I'zzat Bin Oon (MEM130188) A great program combining surgical skills, empathy, social networking and cultures. Loo Huiyan 卢慧燕(MEM110072)
感恩能有这难得的机会参加第十一届无语良师计划。在工作坊的一个星期里,我的心情五味杂陈,通过四位大体老师上了宝贵的一堂课。无语良师对自己身体的爱惜以便能够符合捐献大体的资格、家人对老师们的关爱、老师们捐献大体的大爱,和医学生们清理着大体老师的遗体时流露的怜爱,都诠释着不同方式的爱。老师们,我们答应会以德为医,不辜负您们的期望。 Khairunnisa Mohamad Shukori (MEM090063)
Silent Mentor is a great program that not only taught me about medical knowledge and skills but it taught something beyond medical aspect. I learned a lot about humanity, the importance of empathy in order to understand and
help patients and responsibility to treat my patients as a human being. I also learned to appreciate more and cherish every single moment in my life, and all people around me. Wendy Chew Sue May (MEM110190) 感激大体老师的心, 一言难尽。这份爱, 我会铭记在心, 时时刻刻记得您的劝告, 成为一位好医生。老师们, 谢谢您! Yeo Kye Sheng (MEM110193) The Silent Mentor program has revealed an intimate part of humanity and drew me closer to
understanding the foundation of becoming a better healthcare provider. To the Silent Mentors who had contributed or pledged, thank you very much for your effort to teach our minds, touch our hearts and transform our lives. Zulaikha
Binti Rozman (MEM110201) I have so much admiration and respect towards this program and the people behind it as it touched me in a way I never imagined it could. More than the hands-on clinical experience (which
was amazing), it taught me greater things that I overlooked and did not notice before. The heroic act of selflessness and sacrifice shown by our Silent Mentors as they allowed their bodies to be used as a learning subject, the kindness and love shown by them
as they make their final contribution to society even long after their departure, as well as the bit of humanity portrayed as they show the care they have for the betterment of humankind. Everything I learnt in that two weeks, I will carry with me until I
am old and grey, appreciating the opportunity that I was given to be taught by my Silent Mentors. Biggest thank you to Prof Chin, Mr. Sia and everyone involved. Chong Poh Yong (MEM110026)
Silent Mentor program is a very meaningful program and I am very grateful to take part in this program. It is a program that brings everyone together. It promotes the relationship within the family. If I know my parents have
signed up to be the Silent Mentors I will have cherished them more. It is a fate that brings us and the Silent Mentors’ family members together, and from this it teaches us that the patients are somebody’s family. Besides, it lets us know more
about our teachers and our course mates. It also lets us meet friends from other universities. Saw Li Chin (MEM110154) Thanks to our Silent Mentors. I am touched by
seeing your sacrifices, contribution and lastly your courage. You are great!! You have made the best decision in your life. I would like to express my wonderful thanks to you, thanks for silent contribution, I have learnt much throughout this Silent Mentor!!!
Not just procedures but including some humanity. I am really thankful and touched. Stacey Lim Chia Ying (MEM110165) I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Silent
Mentor programme. The Silent Mentors, although I may not know them personally but their selfless sacrifice reflects on their kindness and generosity. This is definitely not an easy decision to make. The Silent Mentors as well as their family members have my
utmost respect. They resemble candles which burn themselves to light up the path of others. Thank you! Lim Wan Ting (MEM110068) Silent Mentor, a word to some but a lot to me; I learnt
what I don't learn in classroom. I felt what I don't feel through lecture notes and books. Dear Miss Chua, You taught me how to respect, you taught me what is selflessness. For your love and kindness to mankind,
I thank you. Chor Yee Yang (MEM110027) I am honoured to be given this opportunity to participate in this Silent Mentor program. Not only that I could hands-on certain procedures, I also
learnt that the real teachers to all doctors are the patients. We never stop learning from them and so shall we treat them with respect and politeness. Thank you Silent Mentors! Nurrashidah Abdurahman (MEM110131) Thanks to all our Silent Mentors for giving me this opportunity to join this programme. I have learnt a lot through this programme, not only I can perform important medical procedures, but I also learnt how to work as a team and
be responsible. Thanks once again. I will use this useful knowledge in my future medical life. Darishah Binti Hamzah (MEM110031) When I first signed up
for this program, I was scared actually. This program seems like a Chinese program to me, more about religious. But then, when I joined it, I realized that it's not about religious or race. It's about the patient itself. They taught us how to have empathy
and how to become a good doctor. A doctor who cares enough for the patient. Doctor who knows about sacrifice. Because after all, when we work out there, we are going to meet all kind of people even Chinese, Malay or Indian. I am so grateful that I was able
to join this Silent Mentor program. Soo Jia Wen (MEM110164) I already knew the sacrifice that the Silent Mentors would need to make before I signed up for this workshop. However what
overwhelmed me was the sacrifices of the family members. I was really heart broken when they came to see the Silent Mentors' faces for the last time. Even though it is difficult for them, they still respect the decision of the deceased. I thank the Silent
Mentors and also not forgetting the family members who supported this workshop for the sake of the doctors and also us medical students. I will remember how much it cost and how precious this memory is. Thank you all.
10th Silent Mentor Workshop 14-18/10/2014
Lee Wei Hong (MEM110063) When I was signing up for this program, I feel that this is just another program for medical students to sharpen their knowledge and skills. I was wrong. Throughout
the program, I began to understand that this program not only allows us to learn new skills but also to learn about respect and humanity. Knowing about the sacrifice that Madam Lim Lee Yon and Mr. Voon Kam Lin did and their family willingness to support them,
I finally understand that this was not a simple choice to make. I am deeply grateful for their act and promise to be a more competent doctor in the future. Yoh Yee Yee (MEM110197) I
am very grateful to be able to join this program. Throughout, I am deeply touched by our Silent Mentors, who sacrificed themselves to give up their last possession, their bodies. They taught us to be generous, kind and empathy. Not only that, I admire the
spirit and support the family members have given to our Silent Mentors and our program. As all wouldn't be able to be achieved without the understanding of theie loved ones. Nik Ruzaini Binti Nordin (MEM100112) It is unimaginable to think how one are willing to sacrifice their bodies without benefiting from it, to see how one families coping with this selfless act. There is no word would describe how grateful I am to my Silent Mentor,
Madam Lim Lee Yon. This program is not only about us learning on medical aspect, it also taught us how to be better human; a better doctor. It is strange how one can shed tears to someone they never know, for they not only taught us about sympathy and empathy,
but also how one sacrifice can make changes to the future. I will never forget this experience, as this is one of the sweetest, yet heartbroken memories ever. Thank you MILES, for giving me this once in lifetime experience. Thank you my dearest
Silent Mentor, for being the greatest teacher to me. THANK YOU… Ng Tze Ying (MEM110107) I'm very grateful to take part in the 10th Silent Mentor Workshop this year. Thanks to
Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for guiding us throughout this workshop. Thank you our Silent Mentors Madam Lim Lee Yon and Mr. Voon Kam Lin for their sacrifices in the hope of improving medical students' skills and knowledge. From this workshop, we learnt to see patient
as a whole. From home visit, we got to know our Silent Mentors more in details. We learnt to be respectful, selfless and lastly love our family and friends while they are still around. Silent Mentors taught us a lot and I promised to be a safe and understanding
doctor in the future. Wong Jiat Earn (MEM110191) 相信人间有爱,相信人性的真善美。从来都不以为一个人的付出可以那么的不求回报。这次让我真的相信,人,可以无私奉献。值得赞叹的不止是大体老师林丽云老师和 温金麟老师利他的精神,更难能可贵的是其家人无悔的支持。非常感恩促成此次工作坊的种种因缘,让我更肯定医学界是应该更人性化的服务人群。我相信以后我能够成为一位有德行的医生,只因我会记得缝在老师身上粗糙的一针一线。。。
Lee Jing Kun (MEM110062) 面对无语良师的每一刻,都让我深深体会什么是奉献。 每当想起他们的付出,我会谨慎小心的对待每一位病人; 每当想起他们的勇敢,我会努力坚强的面对未来的挑战; 每当想起他们慈祥的最后一刻,我会告诉自己做任何事情都应心存善念,为自己和所爱的人积福积德! 阿弥陀佛
Song Wei Yee (MEM110163) 我真的感到非常地荣幸能够参与无语良师工作坊。我深深地被大体老师林丽云老师和 温金麟老师无私奉献的精神所感动。虽然他们不曾与我们说过任何一句话,但他们的精神教导了我们学会同理的心态以及大爱的精神。非常感恩Prof Chin, Mr. Sia和一班无私奉献的志工们,让这次的工作坊能够成功的进行。再一次的感谢大体老师以及其
家人们。您们的奉献,我们都会铭记于心。 Muhammad Ariff Bin Abd Hafidz (MEM110088) I would like to express my condolence for the passing of late Madam Lim Lee Yon and Mr.
Voon Kam Lin. Silent Mentor programme had taught me about generosity and being a Silent Mentor is a ultimate form of generosity as they donated their body for learning purposes which is truly admirable. This workshop also offered students and doctors the best
platform to acquire surgical skills which will come in handy during clinical practice. I would like to thank Prof Chin, Mr Sia, doctors and all the staff that aided us throughout the programme. Last but not least, a gratitude to the family members of the Silent
Mentor who treated us well during home visit and supporting this programme. May the kindness of the Silent Mentors be rewarded in the afterlife and may their souls rest in peace. Chong Jing Yuan (INTI-I10005395) 从参加家访到工作坊开始的每一刻,我都在不停地想为什么林丽云老师和温金麟老师会答应参加无语良师计划。我设身处地的想了一下,要让一个处于末期癌症的我去想自己在余下的时间里还有什么要做并去完成也许不难。但要我在所剩无几的时间里放下自身的痛苦,反而腾出一点时间来想自己还能再为这个社会做些什么,那就真的不是一件简单的事情。生老病死原本就是自然的规律,但也许我还年轻,虽然知道生命无常,也偶尔想到为自己规划未来,但我想自己暂时还很难像两位老师那样吧!也许两位老师一开始也只是单纯地想奉献自己,但因为有Prof
Chin和Mr. Sia的存在,他们让这棵善的种子在更多人的心里萌芽,影响了更多的人,并让爱充满人间。这让我更加坚定了自己不需要有多伟大,只要有一丝善念,就一定有人会看到并继续影响其他人,直到所有人都充满善念。再次衷心地感谢大体老师和他们的家人,谢谢你们让爱充满人间! Low Xin Yi (INTI-I08000831) Whenever I put myself
into the shoes of our Silent Mentors, I will feel how great and generous for them to sacrifice their body for medical teachings. Not many are willing to do the same. I tried to do my best in stitching their skin as I hope they will know how grateful and respectful
I am to them. I will never forget what I have seen and learnt throughout the workshop for the rest of my life. Thank you MILES and INTI for giving me this precious opportunity. Dear Madam Lim Lee Yon and Mr. Voon Kam Lin,
may your good deeds lead you to a better next life and may the merits that you have gained continue to bless your beloved family members. Thank you so much dear Silent Mentors. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu. Gan Siou Wen (INTI-I10005727)
Ong Sze Wei (INTI-I11007740) 在参与无语良师的计划中,我得益良多。除了学术上的学习,还学会了尊敬,对所有人事物抱有珍惜和感恩的心。在聆听与制作大体老师生平事迹的过程中,我看到了他们生活的艰辛,对生活付出的努力,对生活的态度,对孩子的严厉,对生命的坚持,对教育的奉献,这一切都是无私地、发自内心地。他们用身体传承了他们的意志,让我们学到了学术以外的知识。虽然他们曾受到病魔的折磨,但他们没有放弃,保持善念,用爱感动了我们的内心深处。
谢谢老师们的奉献,让我的生命中多了一个闪亮、璀璨的重点。我的回忆和学习过程,因你们而变得更美丽。谢谢你们,给了我坚持的信念,让我更勇敢地往学医的方向走去。也谢谢团队内,所有的同学,老师,医生,工作人员,谢谢你们,我才能有这一次的学习机会。感恩! Soh Wan Yin (INTI-I10006791) 感谢
INTI & MILES 让我有机会参与第十届无语良师工作坊。获益良多。除了在学术上让我更上一层楼,最重要的还是老师无私奉献的精神深深的感动了我。人生看似很長,但生命无常。很多事我们总觉得来日方长,但当无常来到生命突如其来被画下休止符,才惊觉留下的是太多的来不及。来不及孝顺父母,来不及多陪孩子,来不及实现对家人的承诺,来不及完成梦想等等。感恩,此刻的我们还活着,还有实现梦想的能力,我将每一刻当做生命的最后一刻,将每个机会当做人生最后机会,我会好好珍惜身边的所有人事物,把握生命的每个当下。林丽云老师及温金麟老师,感恩您们,让我在学习的路上遇见你们,让我学会爱惜生命及尊重生命,您们的大爱我会永远牢记在心,我们会把您们的大爱每一代传播下去。感恩!愿在天堂的您们一切都好!安息吧!
Willie Chiang Vui Yuan (INTI-I11008999) 经过一星期的工作坊后,大体老师工作坊启发了我对同理心的理解。还记得两个月前的心理学课程中,心理学老师强调我们以后出来行医时一定要抛弃同情心但学会用同理心去了解并治疗病人,这是走向专业必经之路。当时的我以为我收到了,我可以做得到,因为我相信乡下来的孩子都很坚强。但是实践课跟理论课果然截然不同。感恩会当天,看着温金麟老师刚强的长子分享心得时禁不住自己的哽咽和眼泪的画面,看着陈庆华教授分享老师们坚持将上帝赐于他的身躯捐出并教育祂的小信徒,看着林丽云老师的姐姐崩溃地哭红了双眼陪送自己的小妹走上人生最后的旅程,那时的眼泪都不由自主地流下来,心酸的感觉无法预习地涌现出来。这让我一度怀疑如果今天的家属是我的话,尤其当我需要稳住大局的时候,我还能那么坚强吗?这份伤感,这道问题,直到我写这份感言的时候我都摆脱不了。回想一下,其实我不知不觉已经以同情心来看待这事情了,恍然大悟其实同理心并不是口面说说那么简单。看来我面对生死学的经验还远远到不了家。非常感谢
INTI 和 M.I.L.E.S 提供了这么一个平台让我们学习,感激大体老师和家属无比的大爱,感恩上帝所赐于的这段缘份,这次的经验,我终身受用!!! Jong Ying Ming (INTI-I11007339) 感谢主办单位,协办单位以及所有参与的教授、老师以及同学。从这次的工作坊里,与死亡有更深入的接触和感悟。人生自古谁无死?大体老师们为教育所做出的贡献,将铭记在心中。是的,万物皆有尽时,其中过程却不尽相同,各放光彩。
身为医疗工作者,自然需要面对形形色色的病人。他们,希望可以免去病痛的折磨,甚至只是减轻他们就很感激了。是的,为了尽可能帮助他们,吾当精进磨砺自身修为,提升医术。再次,谨谢诸位大体老师,M.I.L.E,S, UM, INTI 的长辈以及同学们,谢谢。 Yeoh Kee Ying (MEM110194) 每天早上和晚上帮老师静洗的那一段回忆是我这辈子都难以忘怀的。摸的是冰冷的身体,内心却是无比的温暖。感恩老师捨身的大体,让我学习到课本上无法获取的知识。从家访中得知温金麟老师的生平故事,老师那自立刚毅及大爱的精神牢牢的记在我脑海里。献身于无语良师工作坊的选择,让我了解到那奉献的精神可以以另一种方法延续下去。我答应老师您,永远都不会忘记医者必须以德为先。感恩您,温老师。 Muhammad Firdaus
Syukri Bin Ahmad Zubaidi (MEM110091) I decided to join the Silent Mentor Program with the sole intention of learning the procedures that can be done on the Silent Mentor since we did not have the chance to do it
during our 1st years. However, after participating in the program, I realized something even bigger, which is the understanding of the patients and those who contributed their bodies for medical purposes. This sacrifice revolutionized my view on
medical profession as we are deeply in gratitude for those who sacrifices for our progresses. It is a huge responsibility for us to even become better and aptly in line with the wish of the late Silent Mentors and their
families. All this while I’ve been taking my learning for granted but not anymore. This is our responsibility to even become a better doctor filled with compassion and empathy. Life is too short to meddle myself with
things which is wasteful to the continuous lack in understanding of other races. I saw how other religion and cultures addresses the deceased and again it’s beautiful from my point of view. This is a very rare chance for me to attend the ‘burial’
ceremony and it might even be last time. I’m glad to have the opportunity to see one. Plus, interacting with the whole Silent Mentor staff had opened my hindsight on treating the Silent Mentors. The care and empathy
showed has touched me deepest in my heart. At first even I was feeling uncomfortable but it was an easy task to be overcome as this is an act of caring and being responsible. Aside from that, there were so much things and values that I have learned aside from
those mentioned. A big, big gratitude to Prof Chin, Mr Sia and all the staffs for making things happen for Silent Mentors. I have certainly learned a lot from their wisdom and guidance and I would certainly recommend my
friends to join this program. Chan Ying Chieh (MEM110016) 感謝第十屆無語良師工作坊給了我一個難得,可貴的學習機會。 也非常感謝溫金麟老師無私的奉獻及大愛的精神造就了我們的學習機會。從中,我獲得了寶貴的醫學知識與技能。更讓我為之感動的是老師不管對家人或是別人都有著助人爲快樂之本的心,老師總是盡心盡力而不求任何回報的幫助別人。然而,這次的工作坊讓我看到了老師的大愛以另一种方式得以延續,也了解到生命的價值在於它的意義而不是它的長短。老師捨身的大愛,讓我敬佩萬分,我會秉著老師的精神努力學習,將來回饋社會。感恩您,溫金麟老師!
Nur Syahirah Binti Haron (MEM110128) I would like to thank MILES, Prof Chin, Mr Sia and others that involved in this programme for letting me joining the 10th Silent Mentor Workshop. I would
like to give lot of love and thanks to my beloved Silent Mentor, the late Mr Voon Kam Lin for willingness to become my teacher. I am really appreciate your kindness. You are such a good teacher. Silent Mentor not only taught me how to be a good and safe doctor,
he also taught me about humanity. There is no such like different skin colour, different religion, different race in humanity. Thank you very much for being a member of 10th Silent Mentor Workshop. Knowledge and experience that never be forgotten especially
my Silent Mentor. Nur Faseeha Binti Mohamed Idrus (MEM110126) First of all, I would like to thank M.I.L.E.S. Training Centre for giving me the opportunity to join this Silent Mentor
Programme. It was such a great experience whereby medical students can learn their hands-on basic clinical procedures that is carefully supervised and supported by experienced academic staff. It taught me to appreciate the value of knowledge, communication
skills, teamwork, empathy and humanity. Lastly, a million thanks to my Silent Mentor from the bottom of my heart. Your thought of being selfless and willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others really touches my heart. I will try my best to be a better doctor
in the future to save countless lives tomorrow. NG JIA HUI (MEM110104) 首先要感谢两位无语良师,愿意捐献大体给医学生去学习。这次无语良师工作坊让我不只学会了医学上的知识,也让我了解到一名良医比一名名医更重要。虽然现在的世界金钱观念偏差,可是那发出内心的爱去对待病人是金钱都买不到的。所以我欣赏陈教授对待他的每个病人和家属的心态,那种发自内心的关怀是值得我们去学习的。在此要感谢陈教授,谢先生和其他工作人员,没有你们就不能把第十届无语良师工作坊进行得这样顺利。
Mohammad Shahril Kamarudin (MEM110081) Silent Mentor is a good program
that exposed medical students to perform their first invasive procedures on voluntary donated body. Oh Ai Wen (MEM110140)
并努力学习,将您给予我们的爱延续到病人身上。打从心底地感恩您。谢谢您,温金麟老师及林丽云老师! Erin Lim Lih Zhe (INTI-I08002589)
从一开始的忐忑,到后来的感动,到最后的感恩。。。感恩老师的奉献,从你们身上学到的不只是医学知识,也学到了你们对待人生、社会、家人的精神。温金麟老师,很遗憾,我没能送您一程,希望您已得到安息。感谢MILES,无语良师工作坊Prof. Chin, Mr. Sia还有志工们的奉献,为马来西亚医学生提供了一个机会与平台。谢谢你们,谢谢无语良师。 Annie Lim Jian Thing (INTI-I09004807)
I always in believe that God will arrange everything for me in my life. Thanks God for allowing me to join the Silent Mentor Program. Initially, I used to afraid of death. I was hardly to accept that if one day my family members
especially my parents will leave me and back to the heaven. This condition had getting worsen since my mom got to know that she got the Multiple Myeloma which is currently in Stage 2 in mid last year. I was very scared yet I had to pretend to be strong so
that I could support my family members to get strong and faced the obstacles together with mom, since I am the only one who is taking medicine course in the family. God never stopped to teach me on the death lesson through the real live situations. Now, I
can accept the truth of which all the living things have to leave the earth one day especially after I had joined the Silent Mentor Program. Besides that, I dared not to touch and handle the dead body of animals. I was scared because the dead body will turn
rigid and hard immediately once they died. Even though my two beloved dogs were died yet I dared not to touch either one of them. Through this program, I got the braveness on touching the death living things, not only on human but also on animal. Not only
that, Silent Mentor Program had have enlighten me of the great lesson – selfless dedication. Silent Mentors dedicated their bodies at their last stage of life, they laid down on the cold dissecting table, and stayed
in the cold storage room for so long after they had passed away, just because they dedicated themselves for all the professional medicine members/students to gain more experiences on treating sick people confidently and also to discover more advanced treatment
methods to treat on sick people in the future. As a Traditional Chinese Medicine student, I promise I will keep enhance my TCM diagnose and treatment skills, in order to treat all my patients well. Once again, I would like to thank the Silent Mentors’
family members, Prof Chin, Mr. Sia, Ms. Ooi, all the volunteers and my team mates for blessing me with this learning opportunity. And lastly, may the God bless both of you, the late Mr. Voon Kam Lin and Madam Lim Lee Yon
whom will live in the eternal life, and also bless on your family members with bundles of joy. Fazlie Bin Mohd Sani Lim (INTI-I11008949) “Life is short, and it is up to you to
make it sweet.” - Sarah Louise Delany. Upon joining this Silent Mentor Program, the biggest lesson that I’ve learned is not merely in terms of expanding my medical knowledge, but also learning how to be empathized
with others, and also to be compassionate, which I believe are vital skills for me to aim to be a better physician. I believe medication alone is insufficient to treat certain illnesses, as emotions also play an important
part in developing a disease, hence in order to treat a patient, one must not only focus on the disease itself, but also be attentive to the patient as an individual whole, treating them both physically and emotionally. Upon
witnessing the grief of the family members of our Silent Mentors, it made me realize that life is indeed short, yet it depends entirely on ourselves to live it to its fullest. Our Silent Mentors had shown me the ultimate form of generosity– in which
after the event of their death, they willingly donated their body for the sake of medical research. Such is an act of kindness in its purest form. As such, we as medical students who benefited from such unselfish act, without any second thoughts, learned how
to respect our Silent Mentors fully and handled them with utmost care. Thank you, my dear Silent Mentors, Mr. Voon Kam Lin and Madam Lim Lee Yon, you have taught me not only the knowledge of medicine, but also the betterment
of my inner self. You will always be remembered. Roland Siaw Yong Wung (INTI-I11008971) Throughout the whole Silent Mentor Program, I learned
more humanity values than just clinical skill and experiences. What my beloved Silent Mentors taught me is an invaluable gift and honour, and I was grateful and appreciated them a lots. Besides, I wanted to thank M.I.L.E.S, Prof Chin, Mr. Sia, Ms. Ooi
and whoever involved in the Silent Mentor Program for their sharing and helping during the program. Whatever I learned during the program will be in my heart and benefit me forever. Thank you my beloved Silent Mentors, Mr. Voon Kam Lin and Madam Lim Lee Yon.
May both of you enjoy the peace and joy in the kingdom of God. Quek Khai Sheng (INTI-I10006320) Throughout this Silent Mentor program, I realized that life is un-predictable, cherish
every moment you spent with your family, friends, relatives and others. I'm truly touched with the selfless dedication by our Silent Mentors. Apart of learning the human anatomy, I have learnt something which is more valuable - the Humanity. I promised that
I will be an ethical medical practitioner and be a Silent Mentor too in future if I have got the chance. Millions of thanks to our Silent Mentor once again, and you will always be in my heart. Yong Yii Pin (INTI-I09004784)
首先是感恩黄主任让我们参加这次的无语良师工作坊,还有感恩Prof Chin。这工作坊让我们学习的不只是人体解剖,更重要是对人生的领悟。印象最深刻的是老师坚持不懈的态度,即使答应了当无语良师也不放弃治疗,还有老师无私的精神,就是为了想帮助更多的人,老师让我们在他身上学习,希望我们医学生可以更了解人体,在医学上增加知识和技术。 还有一个让我深深体会到的,就是人生无常,很多东西在我们不经意的时候离开或消失,当我们来不及珍惜时,它已经不在我们身旁了。所以活在当下,要珍惜眼前事物。这都是我感触最深的领悟。谢谢你们,我们的无语良师。
Lee Ho Shin (INTI-I10006874) This is my first time attended the Silent Mentor workshop. Obviously, I was a bit anxious and worried to face the Silent Mentor.
When the flow of the program begins by introducing the Silent Mentor, home visit to Silent Mentor house, religious ceremony and family meet up Silent Mentor, it educated me to pay the humanistic respect to the Silent Mentor. Now
I am here to show my gratitude to all Silent Mentors for their selflessness. You have rendered me so much, not simply providing us knowledge, merely taught us the value of altruism and commitment. Taught us to value the moments we have with one another, to
accept and remember what we have lost, but also to look forward with hope to what I promise in the future. I sound it again, thank you all Silent Mentors for your dedication and grace.
9th Silent Mentor Workshop 04-09/08/2014
Jenny Lam Sook Wah (MEM100046) I have initially joined the Silent Mentor Program with the main aim of having more hands-on practice at some of the skills required of us as future doctors. However,
this short period of time during which we spent from the preparations up to the actual workshop has made me realised that there is so much more to medicine than just treating diseases, something in which most of us tend to forget at some point or another in
our long journey along this path of career. The experience gained during this program where we got to know our Silent Mentors better through their family members is truly valuable as we were given a glimpse into the lives of the Silent Mentors and come to
a better understanding of their decisions in joining this meaningful program. The first-hand experience we were given in the handling of the bodies of our Silent Mentors was also truly a defining and humbling one as we were among those who accompanied them
through this last journey of their lives, reminding us all that medicine is about treating a person as a whole, a view in which we often lose sight of. Despite the amount of preparations we had to go through as well as the tiring week-long workshop sessions,
I am immensely grateful for the knowledge, skills and even life values which I have been able to pick up through the selfless act of our Silent Mentor in donating his body for the betterment of the healthcare services. I
would like to extend my thanks to MILES, especially to Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for their immense support and guidance as well as for giving us this precious opportunity to this meaningful experience, allowing us to learn not just on clinical skills but also
the important values in life. My sincerest gratitude to the family members and close friends of our Silent Mentor as well, for the help and cooperation throughout this program and I hope that they will be able to find closure following the passing of their
loved one. Most importantly, to my dear Silent Mentor who had always lived his life in moderation but who had a heart of gold as he dedicated his body even upon his passing so that we may benefit from it, my deepest
gratitude from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, Mr. Teoh Joo Lim for you have taught me so much in this short period of time. You will always be remembered. Thank you. Muhammad
Taufiq B Zulkarnain (MEM100101) Silent Mentors are persons with good heart. They are willing to help us to improve our skills. We are lucky to know them better from their family. They taught us about life. My heart
was touch when we do our last respects and during the coffining process. Silent Mentors are great teachers. Jaya Sri A/P Sundaram (MEM100045) Silent Mentor Workshop not only taught me the skills a medical student should learn but the value of life, the care, the respect that we should give to all our patients. Someone must have a big heart in order to donate their body for the use of medical
field learning purposes. I gained so much from this program. Hope this program will continue to benefit students like us. Thanks to all Silent Mentors. Noor Shahirah Abu
Bakar (MEM100114) I am really grateful to MILES and all Silent Mentors to have this kind of opportunity to learn so many things directly from their bodies and souls. It is a very beneficial program, not only for
advanced medical field but also to educate our society with selfless attitude to have big hearts to give and share with others. Hopefully more extensive efforts can be done to promote this program as well as increase awareness about the benefits to all Malaysians
including Muslims. Thanks a lot everyone for all the efforts put into this program. Denise Chong Li Xin (MEM100028) The Silent
Mentor Program had given me a great and valuable opportunity to learn from our Silent Mentors who were willing to sacrifice their bodies in order for us medical students to learn and gain wonderful experiences throughout the program. I would like to thank
MILES for giving me a chance to participate in this meaningful program and the last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart to my Silent Mentor, Mr. Teoh Joo Lim and his family members.
Nursyafiqah binti Ahmad Rosfian (MEM100144) This program had made me to think again about how I have been treating my patients and also about how they feel. Especially on
how they, their family and their close friends have been through all these while, only to accept their illness, conditions and even death. This has taught me to see and treat my patients and also their close ones with empathy. Thank you MILES. Thank you Prof
Chin. Thank you Mr. Sia. Thank you all the volunteers. And my biggest appreciation to Mr. Teoh Joo Lim, my Silent Mentor, my teacher. Aimee Teong Chuin Ai (MEM110202) I am truly motivated to be a doctor with compassion and empathy in the future. Past lectures have taught us about these values but it had never impacted me as much as when going through this program. I felt a sense of responsibility to my Silent
Mentor and our team whole heartedly took care and sent her off. It is a bittersweet feeling to see her off, but I am sure this learning process will never end. I vow to make life worth its value and more meaningful. We can make the world a better place by
being better doctors. Ee Soon Sean (MEM110036) I am grateful for the chance to be in this program, because I had learnt much about life. By knowing the attitude our Silent Mentor Miss
Lim Yean Ching shown in going through the last moment of life did inspired me to be more confident in overcoming the challenges in life. And this had increased my commitment to my medical studies and the dedication that we should give to the care of our patients.
I would like to thank the organizers and all the volunteer of MILES in providing us with this opportunity to learn. Aishah Azwa Bt Mohd Khairuddin (MEM100004) My initial intention of
joining Silent Mentor Program was simply out of curiosity, on how to handle a volunteered body donated for medical studies. Little that I know this has leaded me to the discovery of different aspects of medicine. The noble acts of our mentor made me realized
to seek knowledge and seize every opportunity to learn. In that way, we will be well-equipped for our future endeavours and able to contribute back to the society. This program has taught me to reach down to the gentle and tender sides of me during handling
our mentor. The volunteers of this program amazed me with their commitment and dedication to help around and guide us along the workshop. Most importantly, this program would not be possible without the help of Miss Lim Yean Ching being our mentor. I will
be forever grateful to her selfless and noble acts. Thank you to Prof Chin, Mr. Sia, my dear group members and all volunteers of MILES Centre for blessing me with this learning opportunity. May God bless us all. Ling Chin Jun (MEM110069)
Through this volunteering program, we are exposed to an experience of developing empathy and understanding in a way that we can never achieve from reading the textbooks. Thanks and gratitude to my Silent Mentor Lim Yean Ching
for her dedication and for everyone who contributed much in this program. Nadhirah M Nasir (MEM090115) My participation in this program was an eye opener for myself in medical field
and better understanding of my career in the future. Although I have not contributed much in this program but I am really appreciated the hard work of my team. Million thanks to my team members, lecturers and my Silent Mentor. It was a great experience for
me. Nur Amirah Amran (MEM100124) I feel very thankful to all the Silent Mentors and appreciated for their contribution. I did learn a lot from the program, not only the clinical skills,
but also empathy to the mentors and their family. Nurul Huda Bt Mohd Nor (MEM100150) It is a new world and experience for me. New learning experiences not only learning on medical knowledge,
but also learning on humanity, respect and gratitude. Muhammad Hanif B Ahmad Nizar (MEM100094) What can you learn from a mentor who did not speak to you?
Apparently it was a lot. Miss Chan Swan Kin was my Silent Mentor and she had taught me more than just medicine itself. Above all, she taught me that it is important to always care for your patients, no matter who that person is. She has become my inspiration
to be a better doctor. The Silent Mentor was a great program and I am grateful to be able to participate in it. Noor Amalina Rosli (MEM100113) Through Silent Mentor Program, I have been
thinking a lot. I try to imagine the Silent Mentors’ feeling when they participated in this program. I was really inspired by them. I hope we will also get the opportunity to follow their footsteps in the future. Wan Izzah
Bt Wan Jaffar (MEM100190) Silent Mentor is a meaningful program where medical students can have their hands on doing basic procedures before we attempt them on our own patients in the future. Throughout this program,
I have learnt not only clinical skills. I got to know love, care and meaning of life from the family members of my Silent Mentor. They were indeed a reflection of God's bless and I appreciated them so much. Kew Yue Ting (MEM110054)
第九届无语良师工作坊不只让我们对无语良师计划有着更深一层地了解,也让我们认识了曾钻金老师 – 一位平凡却也处处散发出不平凡的爱的老师。 这整个工作坊对学生最有意义的莫过于过程中亲身体验的经历。从家访到送灵仪式,当中的点点滴滴至今依然印象深刻。其中,最让我感动的是曾老师对家人无私的爱。一位追求平凡生活的人,却不忘为家庭付出一切,把生活的点滴都处理得恰到好处。此外,整个工作坊的成功也归功于Prof
Chin, Mr. Sia 和一班无私奉献的志工们。总的来说,整个工作坊让我看见了一班人,怀着最真诚的心,结集在一起,将这有意义的计划,一一用心认真地完成了每一个细节,不辜负无语良师们无私的付出。感恩您,无语良师。 Chong Kwok Chin (MEM110025) It is strange that you can shed your tears
for someone you have never met before. Sometimes it makes you wonder how some people can be so selfless, not only that they taught us when they live, they continue to teach us after they were gone. I promise my Silent Mentor that I will become a good and caring
doctor in the future, and may our Silent Mentor rest in peace in heaven and continue to watch over us as we strive to become better doctors! Nurul Zufika Sidek (MEM090148) From this
Silent Mentor Program, I got the wonderful opportunity to learn about clinical skills that I think all medical students should know and master it. Thank you so much to my honor and amazing Silent Mentor, Ms Chan Swan Kin for your kindness and greatest contribution
to this program. Lastly, well done to MILES and all volunteers for conducting this program and allow it to happen in great success. Eileen Low Xu Qin (MEM100029) I would like to thank
our Silent Mentors, especially Ms. Chan Swan Kin for their selfless sacrifices. This program was not what I expected it to be initially. I have learnt beneficial/important skills through this program not forgetting humanity. And I am very happy to be able
to be part of it. I had an enjoyable time throughout the week. Thank you Ms. Chan and may you rest in peace. Nor Izaty Mohd Padzil (MEM100117) Through this Silent Mentor
Program, I was able to learn more than just medicine. It taught me on how to treat your patients with empathy. We, as future healthcare provider must treat our patients like our family. Nurul Nabilah
Idayu Bt Mohammad Zakaria (MEM100152) It was such a great experience to be able to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. Despite learning about the clinical skills, I also learned about how ones’ sacrifices
can make changes in other's life. THANK YOU so much to my dearest Silent Mentor, Miss Chan Swan Kin. You will always be my inspiration. Radziah Abdul Ghani (MEM090153) There is no word exist to express how grateful and thankful I am to my dearest Silent Mentor, Mr. Choo Wee Kit or known as Derrick. Even though I did not meet him during his life, story about him from his friends and family was more than enough to
show that he was really a great person. I really learnt a lot from this program. I would also give my gratitude to everyone that responsible to make this program successful especially Prof. Chin, Mr. Sia and other volunteers with big heart to willingly sacrifices
their time and effort. May this program will continue in the future successfully. Nik Ahmad Hatim B Nik Mohammad Dziauddin (MEM090123) Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu, which means, “Oh
Allah, please forgive and bless my Teacher. Oh Allah, please forgive and bless my Silent Mentor”. How often in life, we found people who can afford the time waiting for their burial in order to provide benefits to
others. These were the noble people who have made selfless dedication not only for medical field but also benefits the medical students. We have been taught about medical knowledge and at the same time valuing life and love. Silent Mentor - valuing death in
a different perspective. Tan Yin Zhien (MEM110177) Silent Mentor is the best example of how a person's death can be valued greatly and with great respect. They had really used
their lives to teach us lessons which are not able to be obtained from textbooks. A really valuable experience that I will cherish for my entire life. Thank you Silent Mentors and the staffs at M.I.L.E.S for making this happen! Wan
Aishah Bt Wan Azman (MEM110186) The Silent Mentor has taught me a lot, not only exposed me on basic surgical skills, but also the true meaning of empathy as well. I am truly affected by his quote `when you hit a
problem, if you don’t overcome it, then you are the problems’. My Silent Mentor teaches me that you have to embrace your problem and find a solution to it, and foremost not giving up. Thank you Silent Mentor, Mr. Derrick. Siti
Adila Syazwan Bt Ridzuan (MEM130197) I really appreciate and respect our Silent Mentor. I am sure they are all kind people and love to serve others, even when they are gone. They did a good deed by donating their
bodies to medical students and staffs for benefit of study. Thanks a lot to our Silent Mentors and thank you MILES for giving us a great opportunity to learn from Silent Mentor Program. Por Siew Li (MEM110145) 感谢老师在我学习的路途上所付出的一切。老师无言的身教,是上天赐给我最贵重的礼物。透过无语良师计划,我获得宝贵的医学知识与技能。此外,我也真正体会到生死的意义,老师的奉献更让我了解生命能以另一种形式延续。老师捨身的大爱,让我十分地敬佩与尊敬。我会用心地学习,努力前进,在未来的日子里为社会服务,将我所学的回馈到更多的病人身上。感恩您,维杰老师! Fatasha Zura Bt Mohd Faisal (MEM100034)
I am so grateful because I have got this golden opportunity to attend Silent Mentor Program. This program taught me a lot about humanity, patience, love, respect and appreciation. If and only if I get the chance again, I will
attend this program again and do the very best that I can give. Thanks to my dear late Silent Mentor, Mr. Choo Wee Kit. Without you, I will not get this opportunity and without you, I will not become the person I am now. Thanks to Mr. Sia and Prof Chin
who were willing to add extra group for us who were late in joining this program. Hope this program will continue successfully and get more supports from others. Ahmad Syukran B Ghazali (MEM110005) From Silent Mentor, I learnt a lot about how to do a procedure. This program really helps me in my study and improve my skills to be a better doctor in the future. A thousand thanks to the contributor, our hero and for those who makes this event
8th Silent Mentor Workshop 27/05-01/06/2014
Cheah Pei Fen (MEM100017) Firstly, I would like to thank my dearest Silent Mentor, Madam Ly Lan Phuong for her selfless contribution. I definitely learnt a lot from
her. By knowing her from her children, she was such a great woman that can be a role model to everyone. The only regret that I have right now is only get to know her after she passed away. Thanks to Mai, Nguyen and Thao as well for supporting their mum’s
decision and make this program a success. Lastly, thanks to M.I.L.E.S. for organizing such a meaningful program that benefits us (surgeons/master students/medical students). This program not only taught me about medical knowledge or skills, but also taught
about humanity and empathy. I am very proud that I am part of this fantastic program. Lim Zi Xiong (MEM100073) It is my first
exposure to Silent Mentor Program. Madam Ly was a woman of great wonder. And so does her family. From the home visit, we have the rough and raw idea of Silent Mentor life time. Her selfless act of contributing body to society for medical and research purpose
is an unprecedented in our Silent Mentor Program. Throughout the workshop, we are taught of ways to handle procedures during life threatening situation. I learned a lot from our beloved Silent Mentor. I will always remember her message to us. Lend your hand
to those who need your help, whether they are poor or they are rich. Do take care of your health while attending to those who need your help. A capacious gratitude shall be extended to Madam Ly and her family. Meanwhile, thanks so much for M.I.L.E.S. Ong Jes Mon (MEM100155) Indeed I had learnt a lot from our Silent Mentors, a lot more than what I expected at the first place. As a
medical student, I truly salute their courage and spirit for their sacrifices. They will always be my inspiration in my future career. Farhana Nabila Bt Sulaiman (MEM100033)
The Silent Mentor Program has taught me to care for my patients more and to be more empathic when treating them. When they asked me on the questionnaire: "Do you feel your life to be meaningful?" It really made me ponder what
a "meaningful life" really means to me. We were all mere human, whose time on earth is limited and an insignificant speck of entity existing in the universe. After the program, I feel that I should contribute more to humankind, by starting with random acts
of kindness every day, so that I could leave an impact to someone else's life just like what my Silent Mentor did. She was a truly amazing person. Nurul Nabila Bt Megat
Mohamed Azmi (MEM100151) It was such a great experience to be able to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. Despite learning about the clinical skills, I also learned about how ones’ sacrifices can make
changes in other's life. Thank you so much to my dearest Silent Mentor, Madam Ly Lan Phuong. You will always be my inspiration. Kiahs Safiana Bt Shaik Muhamed Raja (MEM100050)
From this Silent Mentor Workshop, I have gained more than just skills. I have learnt the meaning of empathy. My Silent Mentor Madam Ly is truly a selfless person as she continues to teach even after her passing. Thank you so
much, MILES and most importantly Madam Ly's family members for allowing this to happen. This was a very enriching and humbling experience for me. Ng Haw Shyan (MEM100107)
Thank you MILES for giving us medical students such a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow from this Silent Mentor Program. The program certainly had achieved its objectives and more, to nurture and to plant a deep seed that
will go a long way in creating a new generation of holistic medical professionals. Lastly, a job well done to MILES as the program was conducted in an orderly manner by volunteers with utmost respect given to each Silent Mentor throughout the program.
Loo Chun Ee (MEM100077) Thanks to the Silent Mentor Program, for giving me an opportunity to further improve the medical knowledge
especially in practical aspects, and also understanding of human feelings that we cannot learn from the books. Farah Aqmhal bt Ahmad Sabri (MEM100032) I am truly grateful to be involved in this Silent Mentor Program for giving me such a great opportunity to be part of this great workshop. I have gained not only medical knowledge but as on empathy. Thank you so much to the Silent Mentors and their
family members for their contribution. Chew Bee Kun (MEM100020) The selfless contributions of Silent Mentors allow us young
and inexperienced medical students to practice on real tissues and organs. Through this workshop, I got an opportunity to pick up few surgical skills which I will and have to perform it confidently on live patients in the future. This whole program also taught
me the importance of empathy and compassion when dealing with patients. Thanks for the great and unique teaching experience! Lee Qiao Yun (MEM100059)
Life is unpredictable but beautiful. This is what I have learnt from my Silent Mentor – Madam Ng Poh Imm. She was a great person with a kind soul. I really appreciate everything about the Silent Mentor Program. Thanks!
Ng Huey Ting (MEM100108) This program definitely benefits health care professionals and I do hope that we will continue to
treat our Silent Mentor as a person and to sincerely appreciate their kind soul. Tan Zhun Foo (MEM100188) Silent Mentor
Program is awesome and I definitely learn a lot from here. I really appreciate my Silent Mentor. It only takes a moment to say thank you but your thoughtfulness will be remembered a long time. Thank you, my Silent Mentor – Madam Ng Poh Imm. Leong Jie Xiang (MEM100062) It really takes a lot of courage for one to donate their dead body for teaching purpose. Thanks to these Silent Mentors,
we have benefited a lot and vow to become a better doctor in the future. Intan Safinaz Merican Bt Aljunid Merican (MEM100041) Deep
in my heart, especially as a Muslim member, I highly appreciate my Silent Mentor for her kindness and selfless to contribute her last chance to me/us, so that we could serve the best to others in the medical field. I really learned a lot from this program,
especially on how to appreciate a person even after her/his death. Thank you, I will always remember you, my lovely Silent Mentor! The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. Nur Syafiqah Bt Zainal Arif (MEM100139) This program really benefits me in a way that it gives me more confident to do procedures on real patient. Thanks my Silent Mentor for sacrificing your
body for our learning. Nur Hakimah Bt Razali (MEM100128) I have learned so many things from this program. I am glad that
I am able to learn some procedures on real patient. Besides, I also learned so many important values in life and learned something about other religions. Teh Hui Yin (MEM100189)
The Silent Mentor Program was definitely a once in a lifetime experience for me in which I was allowed to be acquainted with 4 noble and selfless teachers. One of which whom I hold to dearly has taught me the true value of sacrifice
and reminded me of the value every doctor should have; EMPATHY. Soh Chin Ben (MEM100178) Silent Mentor Program had taught me
a lot of things that were hardly learnt from life. It was true that Silent Mentor Program gave me the opportunity to learn about some of the medical practical experiences as well as medical knowledge, but the most important thing was that the feeling. The
feeling of cleaning the Silent Mentor every morning was different. Looking at the numbers of scar which increased day by day had really made me feel extremely sad. It had made me to realize how great and brave she was. Besides that, her insist to become Silent
Mentor for medical purposes had engraved deeply in my heart. She endured the pain until she saw the card which officially announced that she had successfully registered as Silent Mentor. After receiving the card in the morning, she left with smile in
the afternoon on the same day. I did not know how much pain she had endured at that time but her dedication and determination made me feel touching and inspiring. The only thing that I regretted was that I never had the chance to talk with her before she passed
away. If giving that chance, I believed, it would be a different experience. Khang Hock Siang (MEM100048) Being a part
of the Silent Mentor Program was a life-changing experience. It was a very humbling experience seeing how strong and brave people can be when they hold on to what they believe in. Though I never knew Ms. Tan, my Silent Mentor, in life, knowing what she did
during the very last moments of her life, which was pledging her body for science and the betterment of mankind, made me deeply respectful to her. Thanks to her courage and belief, I got to learn so much and I am deeply grateful. The feeling is actually beyond
anything words can describe. All I hope is that during the program, I had done enough to show my respect to my Silent Mentor when her body was in my care. I also hope that the program will keep expanding as this is a great platform for us all to learn not
only skills but also empathy towards our patients. Nur’ Anna Annesa Bt Abdul Halim (MEM100140) I
would like to express my gratitude to my Silent Mentor, Ms Tan See See for her selfless contribution. Throughout this 8th Silent Mentor Workshop, I have learnt a lot, not just medically but also other form of humanity, which is empathy. In this program, I
got to know her in person from the family members during home visit. This has made me to be so attached to her and respect her and the family even more. I have never thought that I will cry at funeral, but I did, during her sending-off ceremony. You deserve
a special place in our heart and you will always be remembered, Ms Tan. I would also like to thanks Prof Chin, Mr. Sia and his team for giving me opportunity to join this program. Last but not least to all my teammates, thank you guys for your cooperation
throughout this workshop. Aimi Izzah Bt Ibrahim (MEM100003) I feel that joining this program was a good decision indeed
because it taught me so many things in contribution for me to become a better doctor, a better caregiver and a better human being as a whole in the future and for my lifetime. Norshazrin
Zainurin (MEM100120) It was totally a good experience. First and foremost, I really feel the meaning of empathy. It was not just know the meaning, but it is even more than that. Even not knowing her, our mentor
personally, but still listening from what her family members told us, I felt like I knew her before. Taking care of her body throughout the workshop, I feel some kind of attachment there. Seeing her family member sending her off on the last day really touched
me. It taught us to be tougher facing this situation. It happens to everyone. In term of medical point of view, this workshop allow us, medical student to practice basic skills that usually quite difficult to be done in hospital settings and it is very different
to practice on mannequin. Secondly, thanks to my team members/ colleagues that always support, helping me, gives an idea, etc throughout the preparation during this 8th Silent Mentor Workshop. Team work and member’s contribution does play a big role
during this program. Thanks a lot. Thirdly, I am excited, or in Malay, I am "teruja" to learn and attend about other culture, how they handling the body before the cremation. We learn what their belief and practice. This makes me to understand and respect
each other. I am sort of satisfied attending this workshop. Last but not least, we need to respect each other even they are already dead. Some people said, respect need to be gain but it is not wrong if we give some respect to everybody around us. Thanks to
MILES, Prof Chin Kin Fah, Mr. Sia and their team for giving me and friends this opportunity to join this program. Nusyaibah Bt Zulkifli (MEM100154) This Silent Mentor Program has taught me a lot of things not just skills in doing the procedures but also values learnt from our Silent Mentor. The home visit also helps me to get to know our Silent Mentor better. I get to learn things such as selflessness,
kindness, compassion, teamwork as well as the meaning of empathy. Ooi Ying Guat (MEM100157) I had learned a lot from our Silent
Mentor, not only the clinical skills, but a better understanding of "death" and "life", how someone's death affects the people around them. As what Prof Chin had told us, "You must learn what death means, then only you know why we must save a life." Alvina Ng Sock Hoon (MEM100111) I am truly grateful and honoured to be part of this Silent Mentor Workshop. Besides gaining medical
knowledge and hands-on experience in performing basic surgical procedures, more importantly I learnt about the importance of humanity, empathy, affection and responsibility not only towards our patients but also to everyone. All these values should be instilled
in us as medical professionals before attending to patients. Last but not least, I would like to express my greatest gratitude and thank my beloved Silent Mentor, Madam Lee Siew Lan for her selfless contribution and her family members. I give you my word that
I will be a competent and better doctor in the future. Lim Chee Luan (MEM100069) It is really my greatest honour and privilege
to be part of the Silent Mentor Workshop. Our Silent Mentors do not even know who we are and where we are from and yet they allow us to perform all sorts of procedures on them and all the experience and skills we gained will definitely bring lots of benefits
back to the society. Apart from that, the empathy as part of the humanity which was lost in most of the doctors nowadays has again been summoned back to every one of us, allowing us to understand the patients as a whole but not just the diagnosis or disease
per se. Thanks to the Silent Mentor Program, thanks to all our beloved Silent Mentors especially the dearest Madam Lee Siew Lan. Rathakrishnan A/L Venkatasamy (MEM100162)
Giving something is kindness, giving everything is greatness. The great act of donating the only thing that belongs to a man after death-dead body makes us feel so small. Thank is so small compared to Madam Lee's contribution.
I am truly aware that providing better health care to my future patients is the best appreciation I can show. May God shower Madam Lee's family with his blessings. Yogeshwarran
Nadeson (MEM090199) I would like to thank the Silent Mentor for showing me the meaning of sacrifice. This project proves some gifts of life go beyond death. Tan Chee Khing (MEM100183) I would like to express my gratitude to my Silent Mentor Madam Lee Siew Lan for the sacrifices and million thanks to her family. This Silent Mentor Program had changed
my perception toward death. It makes me realize that death is no longer an endpoint for life. Apart from that, I had learned that to be a great doctor, try to treat the patient as a whole, not a disease. Be empathy toward every patient is far more important
than just prescribing medications for them. Wang Jin Jian (MEM100191) Teamwork is utmost important in joining this program
and to make this program a meaningful one, we learn and appreciate the contribution of our Silent Mentor. Every team members play an important role. Ken Lee Kang Yuan (MEM090073)
无语良师计划却是一项非常有意义的计划。撇开那些技术上或是比较学术上的知识,我更想分享的是,我学习到 - 珍惜。 面对未知的未来,人们总是感到彷徨无助,往往对于无法预知的事措手不及。人生,永远不会有时间表,告诉你几时你会来,几时会离开。我们永远无法预知下一秒会发生什么事情。所以,我们要珍惜当下,珍惜身边的事与物。就算下一秒我们或许会离开,我们也不要带着遗憾。谢谢您,无语良师。感恩。
Liew Pui Mun (MEM100065) One scary thing about human being is – we tend to neglect, even the simplest but important thing
in our lives when routine seeps in. Naturally, the world of medical cannot escape from this very phenomenon like any other field. Death is not an uncommon thing that any health care providers out there encounter. Yes and sadly, a lot among us would look at
patients as just any other cases we see in our daily routines. It is a shameful claim to make but this really happens, as most of the time, patients are not known by their identities, they are known as the multiple sclerosis girl, the aunty in bed 33 or the
kid on hip spica, etc. To me, this program had indeed brought me closer to mankind than any other anatomy classes I had in my med-school years. I still remember vividly how my heart cringed on the first glimpse of my mentor, when she was being taken out from
the fridge, after 9 months of freezing; how the sensation was like when I first touched her icy cold skin; how the emotion gushed into me when I first shampooed her hair; how tears welled up my eyes when I bowed my last respect to her at the crematory. Experience
like this is truly invaluable to a medical student like me as it brings me back to the realisation of basic principles of humanity. I was given the chance to witness grief and to feel it. The insight I gained from these few days of workshop would definitely
be etched as a motto on how to understand patients in my future years of service. Would I join this program again should I be given the second chance to join? My answer would be an indisputable yes. Nasyitah Rusli (MEM100106) This Silent Mentor Program had taught me a lot, not only about basic procedures in surgery but also about life, endless love and respect. It was new experience for me.
To my Silent Mentor, Madam Lee Siew Lan, thank you so much for giving me a chance to learn something from you. I will for sure remember you as the best teacher in my life. You had such a great heart. I am so grateful enjoying this program. Thank you too to
Prof Chin, Mr. Sia and all contributors in this program. Lee Jia Yin (Taylors_305349) We are part of a great and honourable
program and we had gain full from it. We learnt to be compassionate, selfless and empathises other people. These are very important qualities that everyone should have. Lydia
Chiew Ker Minh (Taylors_301552) This Silent Mentor Workshop has given me a golden opportunity as a medical student. Aside from making new friends and exposure to new environment, I am able to sharpen
my skills and learn new things. I am very thankful to the Silent Mentors and their family. I truly value the time I spend during this workshop. Chua Sze Hang (Taylors_1001M69516)
Words could not express my gratitude for the Silent Mentors. This workshop has taught me a great deal of life lessons. The most important lesson of all is to treat others the way you want to be treated and finally to cherish
each day like there's no tomorrow. Thank You Silent Mentors. Ho Meng Jun (Taylors_301294) The Silent Mentor is one of the most
educational yet fun programs that I have ever joined. I have learnt so much educationally and non-educationally while having a great time. It is a great honour to be able to join "Silent Mentor Program" and I hope everyone did enjoy and benefited from this
program as much as I did. Hope to join again. May all the Silent Mentors rest in peace and their generations be blessed for their good deeds.
7th Silent Mentor Workshop 21-26/04/2014
Lai Wern Sheng (MEM100055) Silent Mentor Program, a truly beneficial workshop whereby practical usage of science and art of medicine are being portrayed. It also enlightened us about the recognition
of the essential non-existence of self along with practice of selflessness to attain liberation and freedom towards happiness. It makes me wonder at times, what is the meaning of life? The answer lies within your dedication and contribution, Mr. Tay. Lim Yen Yin (MEM100072) 这是我第二次参与无语良师工作坊。不同的是,这次我参与了全程,从家访一直到告别仪式。家访让我认识到了戴荣华老师,一位从内到外都值得我们去学习的好榜样。我很佩服每一位无语良师那种大爱和奉献的精神。他们以身施教,不仅让我们这些医学生们有机会在他们的身上尝试和练习一些基本的手术,也教会了我们将来要成为有同理心的医生。他们任由我们在他们的身上划上几十刀,为的就是希望我们将来不会在活生生的病人身上划错一刀。我真的觉得自己很幸运,能有机会参与这个这么有意义的活动。感谢陈教授,感谢
MILES,感谢所有的无语良师。当然,我最想感谢的还是戴荣华老师和他的家人。戴老师是我这辈子最特别的老师,他将会永远活在我的心中。 Wong Feng Nian (MEM100193) This was the most busy week I ever had during my medical school. Between, this was also the most
meaningful and fruitful week to me. I had learnt a lot this week not only from the workshop but also from Mr. Tay Eng Wah, my Silent Mentor, his families and MILES. I will never forget everything that I experienced and learnt during the program and put it
into practice in my future work and daily life. Thanks a lot to MILES for giving me an opportunity to take part in such a meaningful program. Low Jia Sheng (MEM100078) I think this is a very nice
program where we can improve ourselves both in medical and non- medical aspects of medical education. Although really tired throughout the whole week, we were so passionate to participate in each session of the workshop. We learnt a lot and treated our Silent
Mentor, Mr. Tay Eng Wah with our very best effort. Finally, I wanted to say thanks to MILES for this awesome program. Hope to join once again in the future. Koong Lin Ru (MEM 100051) I
am truly blessed to be part of the 7th Silent Mentor Workshop. Words cannot describe how grateful am I to be part of the team. A truly fruitful week, not just in terms of medical knowledge but more importantly, learning about empathy and changing my perspective
towards patient care. I hereby would like to express my greatest gratitude and utmost respect to both Silent Mentors as well as Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for this wonderful experience and opportunity. Thanks! Chan Huai Xing (MEM100015)
I am glad to join this program which has made me understand more about Silent Mentor. Our Silent Mentor's spirit has greatly inspired me to be more helpful and show more care towards patients. Thanks to Mr. Sia and his team
in organizing this event. I am greatly appreciated Prof Chin and all the doctors' teachings as well. Thank you everyone. Raymond Tan (MEM090155) From the initial stage of anticipating a purely
practical skills workshop to a realization of humanity in treating patient as a human being but not a disease. This is the most beneficial part of learning I gain from this workshop. I realized there are still kind and sacrificing people who would donate their
bodies to medical science to carry out all sorts of procedures which will eventually causing multiple wounds on their bodies. This might be a mission impossible to most mankind nowadays, with the excuse of religious beliefs. Besides, this workshop further
exposes the existence of selfishness among medical students whereby the main goal is to gain as much opportunity as possible in learning practical skills but not the ultimate objectives of this program: humanity. Disappointment is what I can say. Nevertheless,
Mr. Tay Eng Wah will be the forever teacher in my heart. Tears and words would not be sufficient to express my gratitude to his sacrifice. What I can do in return is to be a holistic doctor in treating patients. May God bless you eternally, together with the
blessings on your family. Thank you Mr. Tay. Goh Jia Yi (MEM100037) The Silent Mentor Program is a depiction of medicine being a balance between both science and art. In the academic aspect,
the program gave me the opportunity to learn procedures not taught in our syllabus. The contribution of all Silent Mentors to the medical field is immense and greatly appreciated, especially Mr. Tay Eng Wah, our Silent Mentor for this session. Credits
should be given to MILES Centre for organizing such a meaningful program. Cheong Saou Yinn (MEM100019) No words could ever describe my immense feeling towards Mr. Tay, my Silent Mentor, my teacher.
He is a teacher that had taught me a lot, not only on basic surgical skills but about love. The love that he has showered on us is so great. Mr. Tay is the only teacher that I could not express my utmost gratitude to him. Thank you, teacher. Chan
Jia How (MEM100016) 戴荣华老师是我們這輩子最特別的老師,在授課的過程中,對我們不打、不罵、沒有生氣、更沒有怨言;只要是我們想學的,只要是刀剪可以到達的地方,他都無私不喊疼的任我們在他身上比劃,然後將寶貴的人體知識傳遞到我們的手上,烙印在我們的腦海。但他也是我們這輩子最感遺憾的老師,因為沒有機會在他活著的時候對他說謝謝,很感激戴老师的家人以及MILES,让我的医学生生涯里再添加了一个永恒不灭的回忆。 Mohd
Afif W. Mohd (Taylors_1101N12091) I am truly grateful to be involved in this Silent Mentor Program. It was such a wonderful and beneficial program that nurtures not just your medical skills but also your emotional
aspect as a human being. I want to give an utmost respect and special thanks to all the Silent Mentors and their families for the sacrifice that they have done. I would also like to thank all the organizers of this program especially Mr. Sia who did so much
works so that this event can be as successful as it was. Thank you again for making the program so meaningful for us. Chitra A/P Thyagarajan Ravi (Taylors_1001G74808) I would like to thank
MILES Centre, Tzu Chi Foundation and Taylor's University for giving us a great opportunity to be part of this extraordinary workshop. Life is so fragile. The way I view things in life has definitely changed. Through the Silent Mentor Workshop, I have
gained not only medical knowledge, but also on empathy, responsibility, courage and respect towards patients. Thank you so much to the Silent Mentors and their family members for their contribution. Ekmanee Lee Ser Yin (Taylors_1001M69696)
The knowledge that I obtained from this 7th Silent Mentor Workshop is beyond the scope of medicine. I was never able to see beyond the patient, I never knew that our Silent Mentors had lived, had loved, had created so many memories
and impacted so many lives; that when they returned to God’s hands, they caused so much grief and bereavement to those who knew and loved them. This workshop has taught me compassion, something that cannot be taught in medicine as much as the doctors
who teach us try. Compassion is present deep down in each and every one of us, all that was needed was just the right experience to bring it all out. Ngooi Ming Soen (Taylors_1101N76013) Firstly,
I would like to thank University of Malaya for giving me the opportunity to experience MILES program. Throughout the week, I have experienced a lot. Somehow it taught me about the importance of empathy, the importance of family love and the benefits of having
hands on experience doing different procedures. Both respective Silent Mentor families and friends showed respect and love and subconsciously it served as a reminder to us that we should appreciate our loved ones and live life to the fullest, as if every day
were to be our last. Once again, thank you for having the Taylor's medical students to be part of this program. Rebecca Choy Xin Yi (Taylors_0301931) It has been a tiring week but it was nonetheless
a very memorable week for me as many things were learnt and experienced and feelings were discovered. A big kudos to Prof Chin and Mr. Sia for being the main engine behind such a meaningful program that will continue to change lives of mentors, their families
and the medical professionals involved in it. I wish I could have learnt more procedures during this short time but I foresee that this program will take a leap into greatness. Chai Jia Yee (Inti_I10006772) 非常幸运能够成为第一批参加无语良师工作坊的中医学生,这将成为我毕生难忘的经验。在工作坊的过程中,我们不止学到了人体解剖学的知识,也上了一堂心灵课程。作为一名医护人员,我们不只需要有医术和医德,我们更加需要有同理心。医生治疗的是一个“人”,而不是一个“病案”,医生与病人的沟通是非常重要的一个环节,因为病人的心情对病情有很大的影响。病人来看病,他们往往想得到一些心里安慰,才能够更积极的面对病魔。 我非常敬佩两位无语良师,他们做出了非常伟大的决定,捐出他们的身体奉献给医学界,这种大爱无私的精神非常值得我们去学习。我会怀着感恩的心努力学习,不辜负无语良师的心愿。
Joselyne Tan Yee Wen (Inti_I10006794) At the beginning, I hesitate to participate in this Silent Mentor Program because I am afraid to witness the pool of blood right in front of my eyes. However, one
of my lecturers persuaded me to join as this is a great opportunity to me and my career. Throughout the program, I have gained much technical skills together with psychological skills as well. The most memorable and touching moment is when I watched a video
of one of the past mentors – Madam Debbie who gave her last words on her contribution in order to hope for better future doctors with empathy and able to stand in their patients’ shoes and understand the pain they are going through. Not to forget, I am indeed grateful to my Silent Mentor, Madam Liow. I appreciate and managed to take this chance to learn as much as I could with regard to the depth and risk of acupuncture. Reading human anatomy through books are often vague, puncturing
needles into human structure can be dangerous somehow. After the workshop, my confidence grew and I want to give the best to my patients and assure them of their safety. I believe both Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine is route to the same path. Venturing
in medical industry, it is always important to know what is the best for the patients. With that, even though I am a student of Chinese Medicine, I hope to understand more or less on the Western Medicine in order to be in pace with the society expectations.
This would definitely help to gain my patients’ confidence as this is would be a near guarantee ticket to provide them the best medical treatment in the future. To the family and relatives of the Silent Mentors, I
am very thankful for generosity and the trust you had in us. The moments of tears just remind me of my family, and I am very sure that life is of a brief candle; appreciate life and the people around you to the fullest. Last but not least, greatest gratitude
to my faculty in INTI for the arrangements of the program, to MILES and Professor Chin for their willingness and generosity for giving me such an opportunity. The experience and knowledge I have grabbed are more than I could describe in words. I will always
continue learning from various perspectives to serve the society with my very best. Lai Phooi Yan (Inti_I10006792) 我感到很高兴能够获得那么宝贵的机会参与此项无语良师工作坊。也非常感谢我们的两位无语良师— 刘秀燕老师及戴荣华老师,他们无畏、伟大的奉献让我们获益良多,在我们人生当中留下最难忘、最深刻的印象。这不但丰富了我们的医学知识,更丰富了我的人生观。学术固然重要,但我们也需持着一颗同理心去对待每个病人,让他们感受到温暖及关怀,让他们持有正面的心态去面对病苦。另外,我也感慨人生的无常,我们应珍惜身边的人、事、物,珍惜活着的每一天,做些有意义的事情。感恩。
Hoo Bao Ling (Inti_I10006797) 其实刚开始参与无语良师工作坊之前,我是抱着有些害怕和紧张的心情去面对。但是我告诉自己这是个很难得的学习机会,而且自己所害怕的惟有自己去面对并克服才是最佳的方法。中医学生可以有这么珍贵的机会参与这计划,真的诚心的感谢让我们有机会参与无语良师工作坊的所有人及老师们。从与大体老师的家属们做家访直到完成无语良师工作坊的最后一天,其实每一天的心情都会不一样,心情起伏也蛮大而从这工作坊中所领会的也一直在改变。从家访的那天,从刘秀燕老师的家人和朋友口中了解到刘老师生前的点点滴滴,直到那天把刘老师从冰箱里推出来的时刻,其实心情还是会有些害怕,但过后我们所有医学生围着刘秀燕老师为她默哀三分钟,那是第一次那么近、那么清楚地看到刘老师,但那时候并不是害怕的感觉而是一种很平静、很尊重的感觉接近刘老师。接着工作坊正式开始的那天,我们从开始帮两位大体老师们-刘秀燕老师和戴荣华老师清洗身体、直到让两位老师的家属们见两位老师的最后一面直到工作坊结束的最后一天,虽然每天都很累,但是从中所学习到的是今生很难忘的经验。在家属们来见大体老师们的最后一面那天,看着刘秀燕老师的两位儿子握着刘老师的手久久不放、一直很不舍的看着刘老师;除此以外戴荣华老师的母亲流着泪对戴老师所说的一切,其实那让人很心酸的场面真的很难令我忘怀,但是这场面让我每次帮两位大体老师们清理大体的时候,我就会想如果我是老师们的孩子们或母亲,我一定会很小心、很细心的帮老师们清理,现在我除了以一位医学生的身份,我希望可以做到的就是帮助大体老师们的家属们在这几天好好的照顾和清理好大体老师们。除了在这次无语良师工作坊所学习到有关医学的知识无论是在人体解剖学上、中医针灸、西医学上的某些医术等,最重要的是从中体会到大体老师们希望我们所有医学生都是抱着一种同理心和慈悲心去帮助所有的病人并了解病人的家属们也是很难受,这是我们从书上很难学习和领悟到的。刘秀燕老师和戴荣华老师,
“谢谢您们愿意捐出大体让我们有机会从中学习到很多,除了在医学知识上,最重要的是您们所希望我们医学生可以学到的是以同理心、慈悲心并有耐心的对待每个病人,您们通过捐出大体的意愿和所想传达的我会永远铭记于心,让我在学医的路程中提醒自己要永远成为一个有医德和可以帮助更多病人的好医生,您们是我永远都很尊重的老师们,谢谢您们的伟大,阿弥陀佛。”。除此以外,我也很感谢大体老师们的家属们。谢谢通过无语良师的工作坊,让我今生之中学习到了很难得的经验和学习机会。 Brian
Sim Kuan Khian (Inti_I10006779) I have always believed in angels, someone that appears out of a miracle to help me overcome challenges, to help me learn the deeper meanings of life. The term angel may paint a picture
of a perfect heavenly being with profound magical powers, but in fact angels DO live amongst us. Just like our Silent Mentors. It takes a great amount of courage; selflessness and compassion to be able to donate your body away even after death. The experience
as one from the first batch of Chinese Medicine students performing on a real lifeless body was overwhelming. There were so many emotions coursing through my veins, ranging from excitement to fear. I remembered taking all the precautions and care I could muster,
in order to be able to leave the bodies at its best state for a proper cremation ceremony. To the Silent Mentors, I give you the highest salute, for your ultimate courage and sacrifice that hath, both taught me academically
and spiritually. Your bravery has thus sparked my very own sense of impermanence and selflessness. No amount of thank you(s) could express the amount of gratitude I have for both of you. Our hearts and prayers will always be with you. Lim Sheh
Feng (Inti_I10006812) 回想起这个无语良师计划,每一段路程,每一脚步都让我有机会体会到很多个人生的“第一次”。当中,我的心情也是反反复复的。还记得当我第一次听到我们有机会参加这个无语良师计划时,当时的我是多么的高兴,多么的期待,只因为机会难得就一口答应了。之后,因为太多的障碍,我开始有了想放弃这个计划的念头。我开始想为什么我要答应参加,这个计划真的对读中医的我们有益处吗?我能从中学到东西吗?为什么这个计划需要浪费我那宝贵的实习时间?但是,现在的我可以很自信地告诉自己,我并不后悔,因为我上了最宝贵的一堂课。这个计划不但让我学习到了课堂上的东西,还让我更有信心医治病人。最重要的是,我从中学习到很多人生道理。本来对“同理心”这个词感到陌生的我,是刘老师和戴老师的家人教会了我。最让我印象深刻的是当刘老师的小儿子回头望刘老师的那个时候,那时也是他们看大体老师们的最后一刻。到今天我还牢牢地记得他那依依不舍,回头望的神情,让我不由自主地鼻酸。当时的我觉得他们真的坚强,如果换成是我,我能像他们那样,好让刘老师安心地离开吗?所以,真的非常感谢这一切的一切,让我从以前的不需要在意成为现在的最重要,让我更想趁家人还健在的时候多多陪伴他们,更珍惜大家聚在一起的时光。我会永远记得刘老师和戴老师所教会我的一切,我会将之受用于一生。感恩老师们那无私的奉献。感恩。
Ng Jiun Hoong (MEM100109) The Silent Mentor Program has interesting framework in educating students not just on surgical skills and technique but the human side of medicine, the art of medicine - to comprehend
the story behind a patient's life. It was able to involve students from various universities and that gave another opportunity for students to mingle and build a solid social network which will be necessary in their future careers. Most importantly, it helped
train students to be involved in the program, to participate so to speak in all the activities which are eye openers one after another. Ameera Farisha Mohamad Ghazali (MEM100006) The Silent Mentor Program is a special and unique way of teaching medical students. We are able to understand and learn clinical skills in a better way. It also teaches me the true meaning of empathy, care, love and respect to others. Thank you MILES
for giving this rare oppurtunity. Loh Tian Fu (MEM100075) This Silent Mentor Workshop has been a fruitful and meaningful experience for me. Besides enhancing my medical knowledge and clinical
skills, I also learnt about the importance of being a doctor with a sense of empathy towards the patients. Also, this workshop has changed my perception towards life. Mankind has always been competitive, we think too much for our unforeseen future, but we
never had a good thought about the meaning of life. Besides that, I learnt that it is not easy to deal and face with death. It requires much wisdom and courage and yet it can be dealt in a meaningful way. Our Silent Mentors chose to pass on their spirit of
love and dedication to us, medical students, and hence we shall hold on to these spirits for the rest of our career life. Lee Sin Yen (MEM100060) It is my honour to have the opportunity to participate
in such a meaningful program, Silent Mentor. To me, this program is more than merely the learning of clinical skills, what is more is that it had taught me the importance of empathy towards patient as a health care provider. I felt very sad and disappointed
when the husband of my Silent Mentor, Mr. Goh actually told us how the doctor treated them impatiently when they were consulting the doctors from different hospitals. I am truly grateful to my Silent Mentor, Madam Liow Siew Yean as I realised that not everyone
has the courage to donate their body after death for medical education purpose. You are so selfless and through you I have learnt the meaning of life and love. Thus, I promise you that I will be a passionate doctor with empathy in future and will not disappoint
you. 感恩! Kuganathan V. Ramasamy (MEM100053) Silent Mentor Program, a truly beautiful and meaningful event indeed. It is not a mere body donation workshop, but above all, teaches us the essence of
selfless contribution in life. Our Silent Mentors have mustered the courage and determination to be part of this program just for the benefit of people unknown to them, be it the medical professionals learning on them as well as the future patients bound to
be under their care. I believe that I have further strengthened the virtue of love and care towards human beings which form the bedrock of medical profession. Last but not least, thank you Silent Mentors. You will be deeply and forever cherished for your contribution
in eternal. Liew Wei Chee (MEM100068) This program reminded me deeply that every patient is somebody’s somebody. Putting ourselves in their shoes is easier said than done. But knowing that empathy
cures patient’s and patient’s family’s heart even before starting any treatment, we must all strive to be an empathetic doctor. 一个没有同理心的医生永远不会是一个好医生. 这是一个培育同理心的好课程. Ridhayah Aziha Rosli (MEM100164)
Thank you to everyone who involved in the 7th Silent Mentor Workshop especially our Silent Mentors, family members, lecturers and fellow friends. It is a new brand experience for me. I learnt from various expects. May our Silent
Mentors rest in peace and may we continue to work hard to become great health-care providers. Thank you. Sim Mong Harn (MEM100173) Dear Silent Mentor, thanks for allowing me to make every single cut
and suture on your body. I will remember all deeply in my heart. I promise that I will become a competent and safe doctor in future and do no harm to patient. I also learnt the spirit of scarifies for human mankind. May you rested in peace. Shawna
Ong Mei Chien (MEM100172) This Silent Mentor Program has given me a memorable experience not only through medical and clinical skills but also by knowing our dearest Silent Mentor, Madam Liow Siew Yean. Through
her, I have learnt many things that I would not have come across if I had not met her. I learnt to cherish my loved ones. I gave my mum a call right after the program just to let her know that 'I love her'. This was how much I gained from Madam Liow that no
money can buy. Also, the main objective of this program is to expose medical students to trivial procedures which will not only help us greatly in our career but also in the hope that we will in turn help the society by providing our best care. I am therefore
very thankful to our Silent Mentor for giving us this golden opportunity to learn by sacrificing her body which was very well taken care of throughout the program. Goh Seng Tat (MEM100038) 首先,非常感谢MILES,让我能有这么难能可贵的机会,参加第七届无语良师工作坊。关于无语良师工作坊,我是从朋友口中听说的,当时的我对这个计划只是一知半解,却因为对此有了些兴趣,才想要亲身体验并了解此计划。很遗憾的,由于课程的时间安排关系,我与朋友调换了组别,因此错过了家访。所以我对我的无语老师,并没有很深的了解。但是,当这工作坊开始的第一天,我却对我的老师有着一份深深的敬重。特别是听到了关于我的老师的生平事迹,我更是对她尊敬十分。当她的家人在最后瞻仰她的遗容时,那种悲伤的气氛,百般的不舍,让我不禁也为此感到伤感。看到了她的家人泪如雨下,我也忍不住地掉下泪来。可想而知,对她的家人来说,这是件多么伤心的事情啊!但是,我不得不佩服我的老师与她家人所做出的决定,那是个多么勇敢的决定。她的无私,成就了更好的我们。也因为她的大爱,让我学会了更加珍惜当下。因为她的奉献,造福了很多人。到了最后的感恩典礼,听到了她的丈夫的一番肺腑之言,更是让我打从心里的难受,眼泪纷纷落了下来,好不难受!而我,却也不能为我的老师做些什么,我唯一能做的,就是做更好的自己,不负他为我们无私的奉献!最后,我想再次,谢谢MILES,我的老师,刘秀燕老师,谢谢你们让我能有机会参与这个意义深远的计划,让我上了一堂非常宝贵的课程。谢谢。
6th Silent Mentor Workshop 11-16/03/2014
Shamim Afiqah Zulkifli (MEM100167) The Silent Mentor Program has taught me not only clinical skills, but also
the act of respect, care, empathize and mostly, selflessness. To contribute to the society without thinking of one own self is what the Silent Mentors have shown, and I have the most utmost respect for them. I would like to take this opportunity to thank MILES
Centre for giving me this precious opportunity to learn, in hope of becoming a better doctor in the future. Moh Jun Yuan (MEM100080) First at all, I would like to thank MILES
for providing such a precious opportunity for me to participate in Silent Mentor Program. Through this program, I learnt not only the medical knowledge and skills, but also value of responsibility and empathy towards the patients. To my Silent Mentor, Mr.
Tan Han Cheng, I really appreciate your selfless contribution, and I promise that I will become a competent doctor in the future. Thank you. Adrian Lai Yit Nian (MEM100056) I
cannot deny that my nose did not cringe at first whiff of the stale air; or that the hesitance to touch the cold was not there. However, this certain person’s selflessness paved way to; fortify my confidence for I can be brave to make mistakes to learn
perfection, reignite my joy of learning for I can be curious to question the unknown and enlighten me that – if I can treat the deceased with honour and care, shall I be able to treat my patients with respect and love. Thank you, my dear Silent Mentor,
for your selfless service, and for guiding me on learning what is to be human. Kentson Lee Jing Xin (MEM100047) Before joining the Silent Mentor Program, I was unaware of the
amount of non-clinical lessons I could obtain from this program. I joined this program hoping that I was able to learnt the necessary clinical skills that was required of me before stepping into the healthcare profession. Little that I know, even in the preparation
for this workshop especially during the home visit, I learnt that Silent Mentor is not a name given to the volunteers for no reason. My mentor, Mr Tan Han Cheng's courage and selflessness in donating his body after death for the benefits of the medical profession
are both inspiring and heart-warming. Not many could do so much for complete strangers and yet Mr Tan was one of them. In the visit, I had also learnt that even we do not know the Silent Mentor when he was alive, the memories of him still lives and so it is
important to have respect towards his body in whatever procedures that were to be done. This program also allowed me to have a direct interaction with the family members. I have learnt that they have high expectations of us as healthcare providers and they
hope their dear departed one could benefit us in all ways possible medically. The workshop itself has benefitted me clinically with the procedures learnt. The professors and doctors that taught us were very passionate and patient with us. These procedures
were hard to perform on a day to day basis as medical students. This program has allowed us to experience these procedures first hand and I am very grateful for that. In a nutshell, this program is an indeed wonderful program and should be implemented nationwide
in all the available tertiary medical centres. Lee Wey Ting (MEM 100061) Silent Mentor Program is a very meaningful program. It has changed my perception towards
life. Life is short and unpredictable. We should appreciate what we have now. I would like to thank my Silent Mentor, Mr. Tan Han Cheng for donating his body for the benefits of medical education. What we have learnt from him is not only the medical knowledge,
but also courage, selfless and nobleness. Thanks to MILES as well for giving this opportunity to learn and improve myself. Once again, thank you so much to Mr. Tan and his family. May our Silent Mentor rest in peace. Jasmin
Munchar Elias (MEM100044) In my opinion, Silent Mentor Program has opened my eyes to a different aspect of health care that would definitely build a more empathic generation of health care providers.
This is the only program in which students can learn important moral values no other university subject can teach. Thank you MILES for giving us this opportunity. Yee Lai Mei (MEM100198)
Firstly, I would like to express my immense gratitude to the Silent Mentors, especially our great teacher, Mr. Tan Han Cheng. Every scar on you contributes to a better achievement in the future medical field. Silent Mentor Program
has improved both of my clinical and soft skills. Treat the patients as a whole, build a good rapport with the patients’ family and must never forget about their psychological aspects. I will always support this Silent Mentor Program and hopefully this
program can be further promoted so that more people can benefit from it, thus create a healthier and wonderful world. Now I am ready to dedicate my whole life to my patients just like what our Silent Mentors do for us. 感恩您們。 Beh
Jien Yinn (MEM100012) Firstly, I would like to thank MILES and Tzu Chi for giving me an opportunity to join the Silent Mentor Program. My Silent Mentor was Mr. Tan Han Cheng. When I
first volunteered for this program, I was only aware about the workshops. I did not know much about the flow or content of the program or what we were expected to do. When the program started, we were told that we were required to report as early as 6 am to
clean and bathe our mentor daily. Initially, I thought that it was time consuming and tedious. However, with time, things got easier and more enjoyable. It may sound weird, cause who would like to clean a dead body. But to me, I found it my responsibility
to ensure that my mentor is clean and presentable to everybody every day. It’s like how we ourselves would like to be clean and fresh to start off the day. As Mr. Tan is currently unable to do so, it is our responsibility to do so for him. This is the
least that we could do to repay his selfless contribution. And as we cleaned him for one last time before placing him in his coffin, I realized that I will miss him. Even though we have never met or talked to each other before his passing, but through all
these daily cleansing routine, a silent interaction and connection was made between us and our mentors. And I felt sad because I know that we will never be able to see his face anymore after that session. Talking about selfless contribution, I believe that
I have finally understood what it meant. Whenever someone is in trouble, we would often try our best to help, by contributing something. Most of us will contribute money, old clothes, food or our energy to help others. But how many of us will actually donate
a part of our body to help someone in need? For example, blood donation. Currently in Malaysia, we are still running low of blood in the blood banks. Blood is already one of the simplest and easiest component of the body to donate, yet we are still seeing
people reluctant or scared to do so. Moving on one step higher, we would be talking about organ donation. How many of us have pledged to be organ donors? To donate may be a cornea, a kidney, a heart or a lung to someone who needs it more after we pass away.
The answer is not many. Even in this aspect, we are still finding difficulties recruiting organ donors because people are still not willing to give up anything that involves their body. BUT, among our Silent Mentors, they have donated their ENTIRE body. From
head to toe, inside out, front to back, and they did it without any hesitation. I, myself, am embarrassed to say that even I do not have the courage to do so. May be not just yet. These Silent Mentors did not care on what will be done to their body, just as
long as someone could benefit from it. They placed the education of the medical personnel and also the lives that could benefit from the gained knowledge before themselves. THIS is what selflessness is all about. To put someone’s need before oneself.
Through my Silent Mentor, was how I learnt about selflessness. Therefore, I would like to thank MILES and Tzu Chi again for the unforgettable experience. I have not only gained more on my practical skills, but I have also gained more on my spirituality. This
is definitely an experience like no other. (p/s: To Mr. Tan Han Cheng, thank you for your selfless contribution. Thank you for being my mentor, my teacher and my silent friend. It was a privilege to be your student.
You will forever be remembered. May you rest in peace.) Chen Xiu Fen (MEM100018) 无语良师在马大医学系的课程是从朋友那里得知的,起初选择参加是抱着好奇心想知道的心态。我的无语良师是陈老师,陈老师坚决成为大体老师,在生命结束前还担心因为身体壮况不佳而无法成为大体老师,吩咐如果挽回生命几率低,就无需进行抢救以保持最佳大体状态。陈老师到了人生的最后一程还惦记着想要对社会做出最后贡献。这让我非常感动。在他身上我学到及熟练了医学上的技术,也体会到什么是无私奉献。我的唯一遗憾是没机会在老师生前与他见个面聊个天。无语良师课程不只是医学课程也是人生课程,老师启发了我很多想法及对病人的责任心。衷心感谢老师的奉献,感谢MILES,感谢陈教授给予的机会让我拥有这特别及有意义的经验和回忆。感恩.
Penny Lee Qinyi (MEM100158) Dear Silent Mentor, though we had not met in life, yet in death, you have taught me one of the most important lessons in my life, that, there's a hero in every one of
us. This time, you are that hero. Though you may not see it for yourself, the skills you've allowed us to learn shall be put to good use to save many and more in dire need of help. And, you shall be the one that shines upon them all, giving them comfort, giving
them life. Thank you Mr. Tan Han Cheng. Daniel Tan (MEM100027) Silent Mentor Program has opened my eyes in so many ways. It is not only the first time I handled
a dead body who happened to be my greatest teacher, by cleaning his body and washing his hair every day, but also taught me everything about selflessness. Looking at the procedures that the doctors and medical students did on his body somehow made me feel
painful for my Silent Mentor, and this is exactly what our patients will feel when we do any procedure on them in the future. And at this point, I realised that I am now able to put myself in my patient's shoes, and know how they feel. Besides that, I am very
thankful to my Silent Mentor because I know that for whatever mistake I make now on his body, I will be able to avoid it on a real patient in the future. Therefore, thank you very much to the organiser of this Silent Mentor Program for coming up with this
workshop and also to the family of my Silent Mentor for their relentless support. Chin Kok Ping (MEM100022) Through Mr. Yong Lai Chow selfless contribution of his
body to Silent Mentor Program, I have a chance to witness with my own the process of how a patient and his family has went through the course of disease. This program also enlightened me that by donating body in hopes of helping more people after Mr. Yong’s
life can actually bring inner peace to him and make him less suffers towards the end of his life is an interesting and unexpected therapeutic effect of this program which can be applied to other patients to lessen their agony. Thank you Mr. Yong for allowing
me to learn from you the value of empathy in medicine and realized the importance of understanding the patient can be beneficial in treating one's disease. Amni Fatihah Mohammad Adnan (MEM100009) I
have learnt a lot through Silent Mentor Program. Hopefully this program can be carried on for the benefits of the medical professions. Thanks to all our Silent Mentors who had offered me the most meaningful lesson I have ever had in my university life. Every
small incision and suture on them is great knowledge and lesson to me. Leslie Aaron Majaham Innocent (MEM100064) I am really grateful to be given the chance to participate in the Silent Mentor Program.
Through this program, I have not only learned more about the clinical aspects of medicine, but it has also taught me to be more empathetic towards patient, to see them more as a fellow human being instead of just another disease to treat. I really hope I have
lived up to my Silent Mentor's expectations when he decided to donate his body to this program. Thank you very much Mr. Yong Lai Chow for being my Silent Mentor. I will always remember you. Yap Jun Fai (MEM100195) "Never underestimate the ability to make someone else's life better - even if you never know it." All Silent Mentors truly embraced the noble value within the above-mentioned sentence as they selflessly donated their WHOLE body solely for medical
education and research purposes. I truly salute them and understand that no one has ever become poor from giving. Indeed, they are truly the person who deserved the utmost respect from all of us. 衷心感谢您们. Chong
Sin Yoong (MEM100024) Silent Mentor Program had been a wonderful and pleasant experience for me. Before the whole workshop started, my impression or should I say knowledge that I have towards this program is that
it is a good channel for medical students to practice some clinical skills on dead body instead of mannequin. Neither do I know what would be thought and how is this program going to be carried out. Then, came the home visit. Consider ourselves lucky that
our Silent Mentor's house is just nearby UM. I started off thinking, why the hassle to travel and pay them a visit and what are we expected to gain from it? But as we were done with it, I realized this is how we build rapport, with either patients in the future,
as well as their family members. This is how we gain trust and that only then people would open up to us and tell us things that we would not have gotten if we did not have that rapport built starting from the beginning. During the home visit, my brain was
flooded with thoughts as the family members told us more about our Silent Mentor, Mr Yong Lai Chow's life, personality and insight or perspective in life. It reminded me so much of my dad. Probably because the personality described were more or less the same.
It made me tear up. Not forgetting to mention that it triggered me to ponder and think, if I were to be in that situation, would I be able to react that spontaneously to agree to donate my body for the benefit of medical students and healthcare personnel.
Or would I be that supportive as a family member if any of my nuclear family members would like to donate their body for this program, knowing that what would be done on the dead body. I could not come to a decision, and I do not think I am that generous enough
and selfless enough to sacrifice as much as what our Silent Mentor has done. I am greatly grateful and appreciative of his sincerity, kindness and love that he has. What more his courage and that family support there. He has my full respect and appreciation.
Nurain Nadiah Mohamad Nor (MEM100141) My gratitude towards Silent Mentor is beyond words. Not only it has taught me basic clinical skills but also value of empathy and responsibility. It has been a beneficial
program for me and will always be beneficial for others to join. Nur Afifah Fauzi (MEM100121) I joined this program hoping to learn the important clinical skills that we as a medical student would
not have a chance to perform on living patients. For this whole program, I managed to spend time chatting with my Silent Mentor’s family members when we went for Home Visit. During that time, I can see that Mr. Yong Lai Chow has a wonderful family and
that they love him very much. Through that experience, I learned to appreciate more and cherish every single moment in my life, and the people surrounding me. The workshop also has taught me a lot than I could ever get as a medical student. I would like to
express my utmost gratitude to not only my Silent Mentor Mr. Yong, but also the rest of the Silent Mentors who have contributed selflessly to the field of medicine. Through this program, I have learned a lot of invaluable lessons from them. May their kind
souls rested in peace. Ricky Ng Lim Hong (MEM100110) To my most respected Silent Mentor, Mr Yong Lai Chow, Thanks for all the lessons that you taught me silently.
Thanks for allowing me to make every single cut and suture on your body. I will remember all deeply in my heart till the end of my life. I promise that I will try my best to become a competent and safe doctor in future and do not harm to patient. May you rested
in peace. Wong Ba Huang (MEM100192) I am glad to be able to involve in this meaningful yet inspiring program. Silent Mentor not only taught me a lot of knowledge and practical skill in the field of
medicine but also changed my perception of life and medical professional. Mr. Yong Lai Chow who was my Silent Mentor had inspired me a lot that in a real life we need to be honest and competent in order to be successful. Besides, it also reminds me to treat
the patient as a whole and put ourselves in patient’s shoes. Medicine is a field that not only deal with the disease and pain but also deals with the feeling and agony of the patient. No words can be used to describe my appreciation towards our great
Silent Mentor and their family members. This is definitely to be memorable experience and I promise I will become a good and caring doctor in the future.
5th Silent Mentor Workshop 03-08/12/2013
Chow Wen Lee (Taylors’_1001G77835) It is an honor to be a part of this amazing program where it reignites the passion and instils the sense of empathy and compassion of
us future doctors. No words can express my gratitude to our Silent Mentor Mr. Larry and Madam Debbie, for what they have taught us is something which is not taught in school or textbooks anywhere in the world. The legacy left behind by our silent mentors shall
be continued through our practice as medical students today and as doctors in the future. Through this program, I realized that life is fragile and once lost, we will not have the chance to turn back time and that we should always be thankful and care for
the people around us. If given the opportunity, I would love to volunteer again. Lee Kar Jun (MEM100058) After joining my first silent mentor workshop for a research project
as 3rd year student last year, I joined this program hoping honed the important clinical skills that we as a medical student would not have chance to perform on living patients. This time, I get to join the whole program from its beginning till the end instead
of just only the workshop. This year, I missed the home visit as I was still in overseas doing my elective program, but I still managed to spend time chatting with my silent mentor’s family member when we met at Center Point on both opening and closing
ceremony. Even as strangers, we could felt the love and bonding in his family, and I am truly touched by that. Throughout this whole silent mentor program I learned to appreciate more and cherish every single moment in my life, and the people surrounding me.
Seeing the love from both family members of my silent mentors, I can’t help but reflect all situations into my own family member and love ones. And this experience will become a reminder, that will always, always be kept and ingrained into my mind, and
be shared with my love ones and the people around me. In my opinion, joining the workshop only, is definitely no match to joining the whole 1 week program. When I first join the workshop, which only involved learning clinical
skills, I’ve missed out the most important lesson in the whole program which is humanity. I am glad that I joined the whole program from start to the end. Memories of my silent mentors will be kept in heart, lessons learnt will be shared and applied,
and this program will definitely be promoted to my batch mates and juniors. Kor Michelle (MEM100052) This silent mentor program has taught us many aspects of life that we could
never imagined besides helping us to sharpen our skills on certain procedures that we hardly or never have a chance to have a hands-on experience on a real-life patient as a medical student. The home visit designed as part of this program is very beneficial
as we now have a greater insight on what the patient and his family expects from the medical doctors. They share their experiences, good or bad, in a way that is able to make us ponder on what sort of doctor we should be in the future. Compassion, empathy,
effective communication and giving patient hope when chances of them surviving are low are the important key steps to being a good and well-respected doctor. This is the lesson that we have learnt through their shared experiences. How thankful we are to our
silent mentor and his family could not be expressed in words for their sacrifice and contribution to the future doctors, doctors and society is something that is so noble and well-respected. May our silent mentor rest in peace in the hands of God and his family
be blessed with the many good returns ahead. Yeo Yen Li (Taylors’_1101N12454) Silent Mentor Program is one of the most meaningful and inspiring program that I have ever
encountered. It has opened my eyes to view life in a different light and through this program I have gained much more than medical knowledge alone. The importance and significance of responsibility, respect, discipline and communication skills were also instilled
in us throughout this program. I greatly appreciate the contribution made by our silent mentors. I truly admire and respect them for their strength and perseverance in fighting their disease. I have no regrets in joining this program and I would like to volunteer
again. ‘Life is short. Time does not stop for us to regret what we have lost and therefore we should appreciate, love and care for the people around us.’ Anusha
M. Karuppiah (Taylors’_1101N12712) Firstly, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to Mr. Larry, Madam Debbie and their families. I believe I am a better person today because of the silent mentor workshop,
as I have developed empathy and compassion towards medicine and this, I owe to Mr. Larry, Madam Debbie and their families. Medicine was just mere knowledge and skills to me until during the workshop, I realized that there is more to it; the bereavement the
family goes through, the sufferings of the care takers, what the patient feels about his treatment and so on. I promise that Mr. Larry and Madam Debbie will live through my good and holistic practice of medicine. Tan
Hong Quan (MEM100184) Ensuing heroes program taught me to treat a patient as a whole person physical, mentally and psychologically. We can’t experience the pain they suffered from terminal illnesses, but we
can at least try to understand their thought. Apart from learning and applying medical knowledge from textbook, we can take care and listen to their concern. Most of them wished to ease and reduce pain for the future patient having the same problem. Their
selfless spirit earned my respect. Thanks for my silent mentor Mr. Kok Tuck Fai for giving me such an golden opportunity to learn from your silence. Greatly appreciated and thanks. Andy Yap Teck Cheng (MEM100196)
‘千刀万割我也不怕’,‘实验失败了不要紧,一直做,做到成功为止’. Those are the words from one of our silent mentors, Madam Debbie. The experiment is not the experiment we always do in the lab but it is some sort of very invasive procedures.
Sometimes, I wonder, how many people in this world can actually speak those words. In fact, to me, as a medical student, I need to think twice, thrice or even four times but I do not think I can make up my mind to be a silent mentor when I passed away one
day in the coming future. I could not find a word in the dictionary to show my appreciation and gratitude to our silent mentors, thank you? No, definitely more than thousand times of thank you. Sometimes during the workshop,
I would hesitate for seconds, is it correct for me to give a cut on their bodies? I cut it not because I wanted to save them but it was just training for me this new and inexperienced medical student, for me to learn something I had never ever done before.
I did it at last after all but I can promise what I had acquired during the workshop, I will never ever forget and all the skills I gained will be engraved in my heart and bones, as well as fully practiced those skills in my future career. There was one thing I never hesitated to do during the whole week of program-waking up early to clean the bodies of silent mentors. I have to admit that I am a very heavy sleeper; I have to hit the snooze button of my alarm for quite some time before
I can wake up even for classes. But during that week, every day my alarm rang, first thing which stroke my mind was the contribution of silent mentor. It had become the motivation for me to wake up early in the morning even I was already sleep-deprived.
I hope this could be one of the counter-contributions I could do, I know it will never be sufficient though. During the sending-off ceremony, I had a lot of complicated feelings and finally the tears had rolled down the
cheek of mine. The speech of the family members, speech of my colleague, those were so true. It did touch my heart when I heard those speeches. The kids are so young, but they are so proud of what their mom and dad had done, so proud of their contribution
to the society and medical field especially. I asked myself what I had actually done to make this a better world. I felt shamed on myself at the same time, the answer was none. Via this program, what I had gained was not simply just some medical skills, what
I had gained are those which can never be learnt from any textbooks. In a nutshell, thanks so much to the silent mentors and their families. I know this form of gratitude will never be enough for your contributions. My thinking
was changed a lot after the workshop compared to the beginning and preparation of the workshop. I need to thank Prof Chin and many other staffs for giving me this opportunity to be a part and parcel in this program. This program had made a difference in me
and of course to this world. Mohamed Iliyas (MEM100083) Silent mentor program is one of the milestones in my life as it has opened my eyes to various non-clinical aspects that
will make me a complete doctor. For that I'm in debt to my silent mentor and his family, MILES for providing this opportunity. Leow Chee Yong (MEM100063) Dear Mr. Kok, thanks
for your contribution. You have given me a different perspective of interpreting death. Your selfless services have helped so many professional future doctors. I’m glad that I have learnt the knowledge that I could never learn in a textbook. Despite
being brief, the learning process wouldn’t be successful without your valuable service. All I can do is to promise that I will be a good doctor in the future, servicing the people and the country. Thank you. Loh
Soon Shan (MEM100074) I am glad to be given a chance to join this meaningful workshop organized by MILES. I never knew I would benefit this much from the workshop, knowledge to me is just a minor portion of it, the
love behind is the motivation that keeps us moving on in the future. I see life a different way, appreciate what we have and live a meaningful day, treat tomorrow as to dead so that we live today to the fullest. Really thank
this program for giving me this opportunity to grow. Thanks to our silent mentor for their sacrifice, and their family members for this great move. How Shi Jie (MEM100039) I
am so grateful being part of this MILES program. It’s my honour to have Mr. Kok and Madam Debbie as my silent mentors. Learning the clinical skills and having the hands-on skills are not the only things I gained from it, but the sense of empathy, compassion
and effective communication skills are the major outcomes of this programme. What we have learnt from this programme was beyond what the ordinary medical textbooks have taught us. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this event, and thanks again to
the silent mentors Mr. Kok and Madam Debbie and their family members. Khoo Teng Shin (MEM100049) I was, am and always will be a student of the late Silent Mentors Madam Debbie Lim and Mr Larry Kok.
Though, I never got to meet them both before their passing, but our visit to the family members, for my case Madam Debbie's allowed us to get to know her even after her passing. Throughout this workshop, it felt, for me that I got to know her better day by
day and by the end of the workshop, we have all grown to love and care for Madam Debbie like a dear friend of many years. It is truly a first experience for me to feel this way for someone whom I have never met. It also hit me that Madam Debbie and Mr Larry's
teaching does not end with the workshop but goes such a long way. It is a promise and contract every one of us have signed, not in black and white, but signed with love, trust, gratitude and integrity. It touches me deeply that our silent mentors have such
faith in us medical students, that one day we can truly be great to humanity and we will give our very best not to disappoint. My everlasting gratitude to you and your family. We miss and love you Madam Debbie and Mr Larry. Your Student Always Adam
Khoo Boon Cheong (MEM100001) The Silent Mentor Program gave me an insight to what a doctor needs to do to care for other. Care comes from knowing the patients' life, their families, their backgrounds and to tend
to their medical needs when they arise, any time of the day. We learn to respect the deceased as a teacher and their families as our friends. If we can take care of the deceased, there is no problem taking care of the living. Loke Jinq
Mey (MEM100076) "In the beginning, I thought Silent Mentor Program was just a workshop for medical students to learn how to do medical procedures. In addition to that, I didn't really know the background of my silent
mentor as I was unable to join the home visit. As the program progressed, I started to develop some feelings towards my silent mentor and her family. I usually won't allow this to happen as I had the thought of we doctors shouldn't be close to patients and
their family members. However, from this program, I realized that a doctor's concern towards patient and their family could do more than just treating patient's disease. Thank you my silent mentor, Madam Debbie for the one week guidance and thanks to her family
for allowing medical students to learn from her. " Tan Hui Leng (MEM100185) I have learnt so much through this Silent Mentor Program. Quoted from John F. Kennedy: ‘As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.’ I will always remember what my silent mentor had taught me so that I can help more people in the future. Selesse Soo Siew Shuin
(MEM100179) Silent Mentor is a very meaningful program. Initially, I thought the purpose of this program is to enhance our clinical skills and improve our knowledge and technology in the field of medicine. However,
after being into this Silent Mentor Program for more than one month including home visits and workshop, I found out that this program is not all about clinical skills. I have learned more than what I expected. My silent mentor Madam Debbie told us that we
must understand patients' feeling as she had been through a really tough journey during her treatment for cancer. I am glad that we have the chance to meet her family and know about their story. It was indeed a sad yet touching story which reminds us that
we must treasure each and every day, and love our family, friends and the people around us. Chin Hao Ren (MEM100021) 醫學系第三年, 我第一次接觸了“無語良師”工作坊的特別研究計劃,那時的我,老實說,純粹想藉由這機會來學習,根本就沒好好地認識無語良師,想起來真後悔啊!
2013年醫學系第四年,我報名了第5屆的工作坊,很慶幸能成為無語良師林孟潓老師的學生,她讓我上了人生一堂重要的一課。林老師的人生經驗讓我學到了,做人必須有著一顆堅強及永不放棄的精神,只要秉持的這份精神,我們就能達到我們的夢想,我們的志願。林老師永遠都那麼開朗地面對人生及親戚朋友,我答應我會像她一樣,時時刻刻都能把笑容掛在嘴邊,把那份真能量傳出去,好好地愛我身邊的人。林老師在我的醫學路上讓我明白到一個好醫師,除了能治病,更重要的是能站在病人身邊,好好地守護著他們。 感恩您,林老師。感恩您為醫學界為下一代的付出。我答應您,我一定會做個好醫生,為這個社會做出無比的貢獻,以回饋您的奉獻。感恩。 Lee Kam Wah (MEM100057) By the end of the 5th Silent Mentor Workshop, I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions. It is hard
to find the right words to describe them aptly, but one thing for sure, my experience while attending this program had made me change the way I look at things anymore. It is said that patients are medical students’
best teachers. I couldn’t agree more. If those long hours of lectures and tutorials teach us how to be a knowledgeable doctor, then those hours spent interacting with patients and their family members have certainly make us compassionate doctors. Through
this programme, I’ve learned that even those who have passed away can still teach us how to become a better doctor in the future. The only death in my family that I’ve gone through was when I was at a very young
age. To be honest, I couldn’t recall those moments and thus, never really experienced how it felt to grief for the passing of a loved one. In this Silent Mentor Program, I have the opportunity to witness how different families cope with the loss of their
love ones in different ways. Even though I have no blood ties to them, I can felt their sadness and grief throughout the workshop, especially during the sending-off. I would like to express my utmost gratitude to not only
my Silent Mentor Madam Debbie Lim Mong Hoay, but also the rest of the Silent Mentors who have contributed selflessly to the field of medicine. Through this program, I’ve learned a lot of invaluable lessons from them. May their kind souls rested in peace.
Ooi Po Lin (MEM100156) Silent Mentor has totally changed my perception of life and medical field. Never did I know that this would be a place where we learn to be compassionate and empathize patients.
I also truly understand the role of family as a support system, emotionally and physically. One can be a good doctor with knowledge, one can be great doctor if he can put himself in his patients' shoes, thinking from their point of view and realize that what
they think is remedial, sometimes just mean so much to someone else and actually acknowledge the issue. Debbie and Mr Kok will always be my teachers, forever guiding me, even when they have said so little. Adrian Li-Siang Satish (Taylors’_1101N75404)
When I first got to know what the MILES program was, I was excited because from what I understood was that I would be able to perform procedures that most medical students can only read about and only dream of performing. But
as I participated in this program, it gave me a deeper meaning. It thought me that the human spirit is unpredictable. Just when you thought that a person cannot do more than what they have done, they prove you wrong. This is what my silent mentors have thought
me. There are very few people who are able to do what my silent mentors did and even fewer who would actually do it. Even in their last moments on this earth and even through all the suffering that they have been through, they have thought not of themselves
but of the people around them and how they would be able to help others. They have given up their bodies to medical research so that other people could possibly not have to endure as much as they both did. This is what struck my mind and would forever be imprinted
in me. Ang Ban Hong (MEM100010) The meaning of true love between husband and wife, the strong will of son and daughter, and the selflessness of an individual towards contributing to the society, all
are craved into our heart. Through Silent Mentor Program, it was an eye-opening journey for me towards discovering the otherwise-ignored significant story outside the consultation room, where patient we see for five to ten minutes can have their own family,
their own life, and their own story. It hits me the most thinking sometimes in this busy daily ward work and study life, we tends to treat cases/diseases, rather than treating patients. Thanks to Silent Mentors and Silent Mentor Program, it serves as a wake-up
call as well as a constant reminder in the future for us medical students to be compassionate, humane, as well as to have empathy. Our Silent Mentors contributions are enormous, their selflessness are beyond imaginations. Sincere gratitude from the bottom
of my heart to Madam Debbie Lim and Mr Larry Kok. Thank you. Felicia Lee Yiik Bing (Taylors’_1001G75159) The Silent Mentor Program, a program in which I’ve doubted in participating initially
but have never regretted signing up for it after the end of the program. Excited to learn new clinical procedures but ending up learning so much more from the program, things that can never be found in textbooks or research papers. It really struck me how
important humanity is in the world of which how great the impact would be to show some compassion to patients and also to other healthy human beings. Yes no doubt I’ve acquired new clinical skills but I valued the empathy, humanity and compassion that
I’ve gained throughout this program more as it has become part of my life experiences. Although no words can express how I feel, but I would love to express my gratitude to Madam Debbie and Mr Larry for their great kindness for donating their body for
the medical field. It takes a lot of courage and strength to come to that decision and I am moved to tears. I would also love to thank their family members for giving them constant support and love throughout their course of illness and even after the Silent
Mentor Program. “No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away.” ― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore. I promise that I would keep
Madam Debbie and Mr Larry in my prayers and I will work very hard to become a competent and compassionate doctor. I would also keep their family members in my prayers at all times. Thank you for being such great teachers to us! May you rest in peace Madam
Debbie and Mr Larry. Denise Leom Yin Xian (Taylors’_1001G76262) It has been 2 days since the Silent Mentor program ended, and I’ve already notice
the difference in my life. The way I approach the patients in the hospital has changed in a few ways. Instead of rushing towards a diagnosis by ignoring my patient’s worries and feelings like I sometimes did in the past, I find myself being concerned
about their wellbeing as well as their health. Instead of being annoyed at certain long-winded or irritable patients like, admittedly, I did in the past, I find myself trying to empathize with their situations. I hope to carry the lessons I’ve learnt
during this program for the rest of my life. Lim Min Xian (Taylors’_1101N76889) This program has truly changed my life in so many ways. It wasn't just a simple workshop where I could learn a
few essential clinical skills, it was a workshop on life. As I see a lot of patients in the hospital every day, I had become desensitized to the pain and suffering the patients and their family members go through. This program reminded me of the reality of
death and loss in the lives of people who are going through it. It taught me that a little empathy and sympathy goes a long way in helping patients and their loved ones. I never really understood and applied the saying "treat the patient, not the disease"
till after this program. I will be eternally grateful to my Silent Mentors and hope to practice these life lessons throughout my career and life, as a tribute to them. Chin Yong Li (MEM100023) The
silent mentor programme has been an eye-opening as well as a very humbling experience. I wouldn’t have expected that in a few short weeks, we students would become so emotionally attached to our silent mentors, whom we had not had the opportunity to
meet in person, as well as relating to their families in their grief. Perceptions of death and the dead changed significantly and we realised that even in death, one can still continue to give and contribute. Hence, from the instance where we initially saw
our mentors, throughout the daily process of cleaning the bodies and up until the final ceremonies, our silent mentors, though deceased, still engages us to give the same sort of respect to them as though they were alive. Our lecturers may continue to remind
us to treat patients as a whole instead of a disease, yet it is through this programme that the full significance of the message could truly be appreciated, understanding that behind every person, living or deceased, is a life story that’s always worth
4th Silent Mentor Workshop 23-28/7/2013
Ang Wei Luong (MEM090016) This is indeed a wonderful program in which we learn to know each other more and also the life story and family of our beloved Silent Mentor. By having this program, I believe empathy and compassion
can be instilled in us as well as our juniors. Hope that this program will become better and better as time passes by. Melissa Khor Gaik Leng (MEM 090089) During some of the more stressful days — crushed by impossible
time constraints, I sometimes lost track of the reason why I chose to pursue my career as a doctor in the first place. Having gone through this program, it reminded me – I wanted to ease suffering, just like in the teachings of the Buddha – the
Four Noble truths. Through the Silent Mentor Program, the medical students are thought about the humane part of being a doctor; treating patients as a whole. With this, I sincerely hope that I will not let my teachers down, especially my Silent Mentor, Miss
Lee Sook Ching. Tan Ying Sern (MEM090188) Thank you Miss Lee. I'm grateful that I have chance to join this Silent Mentor Program. I'm so lucky to have you as my Silent Mentor. Knowing you and your family, friends; make
me learn a lot of moral values which is unable to be found in the books. I learn sacrifice, empathy, volunteerism, treat people with true hearts. I promise you that in future I will not forget your message: to be a doctor full with humanity and care.
Crystal Teoh Sing Chiek (Elective Student from USM) Though I may not know you in person, deep down in my heart, you are a great and wonderful teacher. Your wiilngness to sacrifice will surely be learned by generations to come.
I promise I will be a doctor who knows not only how to treat disease, but more importantly, have a caring and dedicated attitude towards every patient. Rest in peace, Miss Lee. Jasmine Binti Abd Rashid (MEM090058) No words
can describe the experience gained from this enlightening program. Not only have I learned basic surgical skills but most importantly the importance of empathy, respect and responsibility we as future doctors ought to have towards patients and their family
members. Our beloved silent mentors have taught us so much merely with any words. This is what makes this program so unique. It brings back the humanity of medicine. To treat patients as a whole and not merely the disease itself. Patients are humans too and
humans have feelings. They are truly our eternal heroes for their selfless act for humanity, for science, for life. Hafsah Binti Abd Hamid (MEM090049) Your sacrifices and altruism are inspirational. My gratitude towards
you is beyond words can express. I hope I can be a good doctor as promised to you. Siti Nashrah Azmi (MEM090169) Dear Shaun, I didn’t expect to learn this much from you at first. Only on the final day of workshop, I admired
you in many views. It's hard for me to change my thoughts but somehow, you did it. If only I have the chance to meet you even for a second, I sincerely thank you from the deepest of my heart. Ng Sheang Wen (MEM 090120) Thank
you Shaun. You have been a great mentor and friend! You have taught me so many things, your love for others, your courage & your spirit! I hope I can live up to your expectations in becoming a good person/doctor with strong spirit like you. Have a happy
journey ahead! We miss you. Ang Sheau Phing (MEM090015) 能够将自己的身体捐献给医学院做研究用途是个谈何容易的决定呀。当我从您的角度认真的想了千百回以后,我依然无法想象到底是什么驱使您做了这个不是所有人都能做到的决定。想象着自己活在这世上时需受尽病魔的折腾,往生后还得让人在自己那骨瘦如柴的身子割下一刀又一刀。。。单凭想象就让我感到万般心疼与不舍。您又到底是从哪儿鼓起了勇气成为我们的无语良师呀?虽然触碰到的是您那冷冰冰的身子,但我能感受到您那颗热腾腾的心。那充满了对生命的热诚,对我们这班未来的医疗人员的期盼,与及对社会的付出的心。。感恩您的付出,也感恩您的至亲让我们有幸从您身上学会一些医疗程序,也学会如何以感恩的心看待身边的人与事。千言万语,我只想打从心底对您说声‘谢谢您,曹老师!!一路走好!’
Lee Si Hou (MEM090076) 感谢曹老师的大无畏精神。不止在医学界作出了贡献, 也为我们这些莘莘学子们上了一堂宝贵的人生课。老师您虽然已离开了我们, 但您所教导的一切将伴随着我们的一生。感恩您曹老师。 Ling Shiau Thin (MEM090083) 曹老师, 由衷的感激您无私的奉献与大爱精神,遗爱人间,并让我们从您的身上受益良多。感恩您的奉献,我们将记得您的忠言,永远怀念你。
3rd Silent Mentor Workshop 28/5-2/6/2013
谢玲清 (MEM090165) 书於2013年6月13日 一日为师,终生为父。在我往后的医路,有一个人~张淑贞老师会在我心里。我常常问自己,一个医生,生老病死看多了,会不会也麻木了?参与了这项计划,我明白站在病人家属立场的重要体会。每一个生命都有他的故事,我们的尽力,我们一个對病人最好的决定,往往会换来更美好的结局。
这一次记忆最深的不是在老师身上实习的那刻,而是最后那天把老师装饰得干干净净,希望老师以最好的状态到她的另一个天堂的那一刻。在为张老师进行入殓前,我们全体学生情不自禁地哼起"小白船"。我明白老师对孩子们的关爱,不时把这首歌挂在嘴边,让他们不孤单、不寂寞。现在就让我们哄您入睡。我也握着老师的手,在我心里说:“张老师一路好走,谢谢您!”跟老师相处的时间有限,每一分每一秒我都不敢缺席,与其他学生一起为老师们梳洗,唤老师起身,送老师入睡。最后的那句,隐射了您的大爱,“晨星是灯塔,照呀照得亮......” 愿老师的那道曙光,永远地照亮生命的希望。 寄予無語良師~張淑貞老師的二封信: 陈初雨 (MEM090176) 书於2013年6月13日 第一次接触无语良师是在第四年的大学生涯,看着学长,学姐在台上介绍各自的无语良师,心情其实并没有很大的起伏。只是默默地赞叹,老师们好伟大。就这样带着一个好奇和敬畏的心,报名了这一项活动。
最后,最让我记忆深刻的是我和同学们在台上为张老师献上她身前常为孩子们哼唱的 《小白船》。相信同学们和我一样在台上看着张老师的孩子们在歌曲中怀念心爱的妈妈留下的眼泪,看着张老师的丈夫在台下脸上不舍的情别。但是相信他们心中也因为有个这么伟大和无私的妈妈和妻子而骄傲。张老师,很荣幸能陪您走过人生的最后一程。对您那么深的感激我们无法亲自道诉。只有在此我们许下承诺,一定不会辜负您对我们的期望。我们会努力,决不放弃,成为一位好医生。
很多时候我觉得学医的压力让我透不过气来,有时更是怀疑的问自己,我的人生真的要这样吗?可是,经过无语良师这个活动,我又找回当时的动力。医学生涯里虽然充满了生病和离去的痛苦,但却有很多很多人生故事的感动。老师的大爱让我相信人间还有爱值得我们去期待。 Lee Wei
Cheng (IMU-ME080825490) 此生非我有,用情在人间。 圓滿結束了。 从去年伙伴们从无语良师大体捐赠计划回来后的分享,到今天自己走入课程中,仿佛一场美妙的梦、回忆。 第一次的因缘,是在2010年回台当医院志工时经过放置大体老师骨灰的房间。志业体职工为我们讲解时,一面慢慢地看,心里觉得...那间房间好宁静、安详。 2012年,很有因缘到台湾花莲慈院见习。当时听说他们刚巧完成了大体老师的课程,当时擦身而过觉得很惋惜。在慈院的走廊,这次真的放慢脚步,一篇篇地看着大体老师的生平迹事,以及学生们对他们的感恩祝福。“原来慈院的走廊真的布满了大体老师的故事”心里嘀咕着。
再过了三个月余,到了这个正式的Silent Mentor Workshop。即使大家远在峇株峇辖,也不辞劳苦一上课完毕就赶回来吉隆坡。奔波固然劳累,但岂能与您的期望相比? 星期四晚上,我动了第一刀。我们先为老师们鞠躬。自然而然的,一鞠躬就是90度。围绕着您,并要揭开那层布时,不禁暗自颤抖。我也说不出一个明白为什么会这样,也许是非常激动。然而在我划上第一刀的时候,我不再颤抖了。既然您给与我们这个机会,那我的第一刀就一定要好好划下去,才不会辜负您的期望。
划上了第一刀,感觉您是多么地真实... 当时我还有一个有点可笑的小动作:我竟然在划上另一刀时不自禁摸了摸您的手,潜意识下想安慰您、想慰问您是否疼了。生怕我割痛了您。下一秒回过神来才发现自己是身处于这课程中,您已感觉不到痛楚。然而,您的精神真的存在,真的仿佛您就在我们身边一样。
伙伴们都说暂时没特别深的感触,所以只好硬着头皮上了。(其实当时的自己也是没很深的feel啦。>. 当时师伯告诉了我:“想像你是家属。你就说你会想听到的话。”很简短的一句,但就是整个课程的精华所在。 我回到了座位,拿了纸跟笔,呆呆地想了一会儿。平伏了紧张的心情后,渐渐地平静地回顾一切的开始...一个个画面重新浮现了:从几个月前到达张女士的家...前几晚到达马大...划下第一刀前的激动...大家的互动、严谨...到今早,现在的现场。一路回顾过来,全是满满地感恩、回忆与一篇篇故事啊...上台分享时真的有点紧张,望向在场的观众并介绍了来宾后顿了一顿,开始分享了。脑袋里浮现的是一幕幕画面:家访时家属的谅解、一开始团队的努力、医学生解剖时的小心翼翼…并做了个总结,就四个词:慈悲(Compassion)、无私(Selfless)、感恩(Gratitude)、祝福(Blessings)。您的慈悲,成就了明天富有爱心的医生。您的无私,教导了我们什么是生活的智慧、生命的智慧。我们会以这份感恩的心,转换为祝福,献给在场的大家、在场的每一位。我们会以这份心念、行动证明给您看,您的付出并不是白费的。谢谢您、谢谢您们、也非常谢谢在场的每一位。在此再次献上最崇高的敬意。(鞠躬)
Celine Tan Lay Kah (MEM090179) To be frank, initially, I had decided to join this program simply just because of curiosity. After started participating
in it, I found that the things I had learnt are way lots more than that. Along the 5 years journey as medical students, sometimes, we tend to forget our initial enthusiasm and empathy towards our patients without our intention. I still remembered the day I
have been called up for cleaning her body. It was the first close contact between me and her. Then, I got the chance to know her more by visiting her family. From them, I know that she was a very strong, independent yet empathic and helpful lady. Her life
story was simple but it inspired me. Then, we got the chance to perform some surgical procedures. While operating on her, there are lots of indescribable feelings just came across me. At that moment, I promised myself to not disappoint her and I hope myself
can do my best for my patients in the future. Thanks Madam Jo for being my teacher and indeed this Silent Mentor event is a very meaningful program that more and more people should be aware of. Ong Jun Xin (MEM090149) I am so
glad to be involved in this program. As I learned so much not only from my own mentor but from the other three mentors as well. The most important thing that I learned is the phrase passed to everyone of us by my mentor - "Do your best for the sick". This
indeed a simple phrase but it contains so much of meaning. We always forget the most important value in our practice which is EMPATHY. We tend to treat only the disease but not the patient as a whole. I believe from now on most of us will start to do our best
for our patient not only about their physical illness but the whole person. Chow Siew Kian (MEM090033) I believe most of you still puzzled with Silent Mentor Program. I was like you before I took part in this program. However
I have change my mind after involved in this program. Besides learning skills in medical field, I think the most important and valuable thing that you can gain from this program is the grateful attitude. Although the time being spent together between the Silent
Mentors and the students was short, the bond has been build up strongly among them. People cried for their leave, even though they just know each other. This kind of relationship and experiment could not be found on the textbook. The skill we learned from
workshop can be gained from our working field one day, but the intimacy relationship among Silent Mentors and us will be last forever. Chiew Xin Yee (MEM090029) This is the first time I had the chance to join Silent Mentor Program.
This program really teaches me a lot of things. It reminds me how important it is to treat the patient as a whole, we must put ourselves in patient shoes and get the message that patients convey to us. Medication does not treat everything but knowing our patient
emotional thinking is important in treating our patient thoroughly. Through our Silent Mentor life story shared by her family member, I learned that Madam Jo was a great wife, great mother and great teacher. She was a kind and great person that willing to
donate her body for medical education so that more people would benefit from this program. I was deeply touched by her selfless spirit. “DO THE BEST FOR THE SICK” is the last message from Madam Jo to us, I promised to keep this message with me
throughout the journey as a medical personnel and provide the best for the patients. Revati Pandurengan (MEM090157) This program has been a real eye opener to me. Not just in an academic sense but also an emotional and spiritual
aspect. Apart from acquiring basic medical skills, I've also learnt the true meaning of sacrifice and selflessness through my Silent Mentor. When I first joined this program, all I thought about was gaining medical knowledge. But now, after being a participant
I came to realise that there is more to this than just that. We looked after our mentors throughout this program and we were also an essential part of their last rites. This was a real honour as the mentors have trusted us to look after their bodies and also
to oversee their heavenly passage. Truly, a great program to be a part of and definitely not to be missed. Ling Hua Chan (MEM090082) The Silent Mentors had given us an opportunity to do some procedures on their bodies for the
advancement of the medical skills. This program is not only let us practice some medical skills, more importantly it makes me realize the empathy, respect and love towards every patient we encountered. Other than medication and surgery, loving and caring to
the patient is the crucial therapy for them. This program benefits us far beyond what it supposed to be. Choo Han Jun (MEM090031) This is an interesting and meaningful workshop. For the first time, we learnt about
patient from a totally different aspect, no longer focus on illness that patient facing, but to be focus on their emotions and thoughts, and to be empathy to them. Through this program, I gained a lot, both for academic and the attitude of being a good doctor
with empathy towards patients. I will never forget this experience and it will always be useful in my medical career later. Lim Mian Jie (MEM090081) 人非草木,谁能无情。感谢所有大体老师的大爱。感谢您们用自己的身体教会了我们不少医学上的知识,还有人生的道理。"宁在我身上划错千刀,也别在病人身上划错一刀",这种精神真的很伟大!虽然您们的身体已化为尘土,但是您们的精神将永存我们心中。希望您们在世界的另一边过着没有病痛,自由自在的日子。我们将谨记您们的教诲!感恩!
2nd Silent Mentor Workshop 20-25/11/2012
Lui Su-Ann (MEM 080080) I was told about Silent Mentor Programme almost a year ago. At that time, I was doubtful about the whole meaning of the Programme hence I did not put in my name as a
participant. Few months later, the first workshop was held and I heard from my fellow colleagues about the actual objectives of the workshop. Soon after, we were given another opportunity to register for the second workshop in November. This time, I decided
to give it a try and decided that I would give my full commitment to the Programme. I made a point to visit almost all Silent Mentors that were introduced to us while they were still in the ward. I wanted to experience what
it is like, to talk to our Silent Mentors before they leave us. The first mentor that I came across was Madam Yap. She was very breathless due to lung metastasis secondary to breast cancer. She took up all her energy to remind me to use her body to learn as
much as I can, to become a good doctor, so that I can help patients like her in the future. At that moment, her words did not seem to sink in; I was just too busy copying down what she was telling me so I could hand in a report to Mr Sia. Almost a month later or so, I was called to meet up one of the Silent Mentor in Seremban. Since I was at home that time, again I decided to give it a try. Madam Susan was later transferred to UMMC for further managements. That was when I started
to build rapport with her. I visited her a few times in the ward before her death, and almost everytime I visited her, she told me to help her end her life so that she would be free from her sufferings. I did not know how to respond to her plead in the beginning
but surprisingly during my last visit, she did not ask me to do so. Instead she told me it was almost time for her to go, and she was relieved to leave the world and her body for us to learn as much as we could. The same sentence strucked me for the second
time. The third mentor whom I met was Madam Choo. She did not speak much during our encounter, but she gave me a letter, which she had written for all the medical students. I read the same letter for more than five times,
trying to understand her feelings while she wrote the letter. That was only when I realized, what was expected out of us. During the last month, I went for the first home visit of the family members of Madam Choo. We spoke
to her sister and brother in law for almost two hours. After the visit, I found out that the expectation on us from the family members was very high. We were even asked to serve the government service so that we can serve the poor when we graduate as doctors
in a year’s time. The second home visit to Mr Low’s family was a memorable one. It was my first visit to Raub, Pahang. I could feel Mr Low being missed by his family members throughout the interview session.
We were then served with the local durians and they even welcomed us to stay over if we were to visit Raub again. That was really a heart-warming session despite having to travel hours plus to Pahang. Besides having to interview
the Silent Mentors and conducting home visits, we have to clean their bodies right after they passed away. We also attended simple praying ceremony before the Silent Mentors were put into the freezer, prepared and presented slideshows of our Silent Mentors
to their family members. All these did not mean much to me until I finally attended the workshop. I was lucky to have the chance to learn from Mr Low, the silent mentor whom was actually assigned to my group. The workshop went on for about 3 hours. I managed
to insert a chest tube, insert a central venous line, did multiple sutures and learnt the method of doing a venous cut-down. It was during the time I observed there was a back flow of blood when I inserted the central venous line; I was strucked with a different
kind of feeling. The words of the Madam Yap, Madam Susan and Madam Choo rang in my ears. I do not know how to describe the feeling, but that was only when I understood the true meaning of their last words to me. Deep down my heart, at the same moment, I vowed
to be a good and compassionate doctor, as what was expected of all our Silent Mentors. The Silent Mentor programme was really a different experience and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be involved in this programme.
From the beginning till the actual workshop, my thinking was changed, for reasons that I could not explain myself. The whole programme was what made a difference, and not the workshop itself. What I gained from the whole
programme was way much more than the knowledge and skills that were taught. Thank you again to all our Silent Mentors! Lim Yi Wen (MEM 080072) I really learn a lot through this SM programme..not just
to be more skilful but to grow in a more holistic way..I really appreciate all the SM for willing to donate their bodies for this purpose and I hope their sacrifices will be proved worthwhile through our performance. Gan Wei Chun ( MEM 080035)
I appreciate the willingness and courage to donate a one's body for medical education. It's for the benefit for future patients. It definitely polish my clinical skill and will apply what I learn from silent mentors in future.
Loo Sook Lin (MEM 080078) No words can be used to describe my appreciation towards our great silent mentor and their family members for willing to let us practice on them. This is definitely to be my
memorable experience and I promise to be a good doctor in the future for the sake of my patients. Lee Yin Yee (MEM 080061) Very thankful to our silent mentors and their family members for making this
programme so successful. I learn a lot from the silent mentors and I promise I will be a more responsible doctor and give full commitment to my patients. Edmund Chan Tick Chia (MEM 080031) For everything
we had experience and learn throughout the program, they will make us a better doctor, all thanks to our Silent mentors. Mow Wei Chin (MEM 080098) It is a helpful and inspiring program indeed. The
spirits and willingness shown by silent mentors and their family members are touching. We promise to become a caring doctor. Hope this program will continue to benefit others. Emily Lam Shu Ping (MEM 080056) Silent mentor program is not only focus on academic, but it also makes me realize and learnt a lot in term of medical humanity. The great spiritual was taught by our silent mentors. They wish to contribute to the community, cultivate more skilful
medical attendants who will be more confident in handling a patient. Most important word is ‘to be a good doctor’. I appreciate all the effort that makes this program successful. Teamwork is a crucial component
to lead us in the path of fulfilling our silent mentors’ wishes and so we can achieve the objectives of silent mentor program. I am proud to have the opportunity to join this program. Thanks. Gan Hui Shuang (MEM 080034) This silent mentor programme has taught me practically on how to treat patients with care and love. Previously although we were taught to do so but most of the time I was just treating patients for the sake of completing my job,
rarely spent a lot of time to listen to their feelings. But through this programme, I was following up the same patient from the time she was alive to deceased. This has made me feel that I am part of her family although I don’t have any relationship
with her. Besides, because of her noble and selfless attitude, she gave us the chance to learn procedures before we really do it on the real persons. I really appreciate the chance given to us. This can make UM students a better doctor. Low May Fong (MEM080079) I have learnt a lot through this silent mentor programme through the process of preparing for it with my fellow batch mates to seeing the whole programme being conducted.
The silent mentors have taught us to see our life through their eyes which is very meaningful. Thank you. Koh Wei Jun (MEM080051) This programme has taught me to look at different perspective of life.
To give selflessly and enrich the world for future generations, importance of family and kinship as well as humanity. Kong Sik Thien (MEM080052) Silent mentor programme provides a chance for us not
only to learn procedures, but also to learn to cultivate empathy and compassionate among us, the future doctors. The idea of involving students during the home visits is great. I learn to respect patients and also their family more. Hopefully this programme
can be carried on for the benefits of the medical professions. Yong Jo Yen (MEM080203) Thanks to all our silent mentors who had offered me the most meaningful lesson I have ever had in my university
life. Every small incision and suture on them were great knowledge and lesson to me. Thank you and may our silent mentors rest in peace. Tan Sye Nee (MEM080187) I feel grateful that their family appreciate
us so much, especially they prepare lunch for us during funeral day. I feel glad that we are of some helps to the family. The programme benefits me a lot. I have chance to insert chest tube etc without fear of hurting the patient. I appreciate the silent mentors
and also their family a lot. Tan Chen Long (MEM080180) Through the silent mentor programme, I have learned the moral of humanity and humility. Besides, I have gained a lot of medical practical knowledge
which will be of great use for us as a doctor in future. Loh Hong Yuh (MEM080075) I am grateful and appreciative of the contributions made by our silent mentors. Hope that this programme will be carried
out in years to come. Lim Chee Sem (MEM080067) This silent mentor programme has taught me to be a more caring doctor, not only treating the diseases but also treating the patients. I really appreciate
our silent mentors who are willing to donate their bodies for our practice. This has helped us a lot. I hope that this programme can be held continuously in the future. Lee Kar Yin I am honored and
glad that we have been given this opportunity to have hands on experience on some clinical procedures that we don’t get to do as a medical student. This has no doubt improves our understanding and prepare us for the real working life later. Besides the
clinical skills, I have learnt to be more empathy and know the importance of building a good rapport with the patient and their family members as we treat not only the disease but the patient as a whole. We hope that this silent mentor programme can be continued
and I sincerely thank all the silent mentors who are willing to donate their body. Tan Li Chuang I'm glad to be part of the programme and learned a lot from our silent mentors. Not only clinical skills
but most important is their bravery in fighting with the illness and also their sacrifice to medical field. This triggered me to become a more caring doctor in the future. Lim Weai Ling Silent mentor
program made my medical student life more meaningful and learned a lot via the program, especially the great love and sacrifices of our silent mentors. Kim Lee Hui “Silent mentor is the teacher
to the doctors." I have learnt a lot from this programme and really appreciate all of the silent mentors and their family contribution. Niki Ho Wai Wye I would like to sincerely thank our organisers
for all the hard effort put in, and our deepest gratitude to our silent mentors and their family for donating their bodies and being supportive of our programme. We have learnt a lot clinically and also definitely learnt a lot in other aspects like how to
respect a patient, to view a patient as a whole and always remember him/her as a part of this community. This experience has been a great reward that I could not gain elsewhere. Cheah Poh Voon It
is a very meaningful programme. I have learnt not only the clinical procedures, but also the art of communicating with others (family members of the silent mentors and colleagues). If I were given a chance to join again, I will definitely say yes, I DO.
Tan Onn Kent I feel grateful to be part of the silent mentor program!! Truly learn a lot from our mentor!! Thank you MILES for organizing this meaningful program! It's indeed an enriching experience for
us, the medical student. Tharisini Kunasekaran I would like to thank MILES for giving me such a wonderful experience both personally and in developing my medical profession. Such programmes should
be carried more as to benefit more and more medical student like me. Thanks once again. Muhammad Adam Bin Sidek The integration of the Silent mentor Program in to
the MBBS program would serve as a medium of teaching medical students the importance of respecting an individual’s autonomy and the value of a human being. At the same time, exposing them to practice clinical skills on an actual person before performing
on actual patients. The home visit would provide a means for the students to understand the struggles different families from different backgrounds go through with the passing of their loved ones, in hope to instil lessons
of compassion and empathy to the students. One value we are certainly lacking of today is the appreciation we have to our patients and to understand the significance it might bring to say that we, as the medical professionals truly care of the integrity of
our patients as a human being even beyond death. Normazidah Abdul Wahab This programme provides me an oppurtunity to have a hands-on on various medical procedures.It also taught me a lot of lessons
beyond the medical aspects.A wonderful learning oppurtunity, rich in personal values and spiritual insight. Cheong Yee Weai It taught me not only the science of medicine, but also the art of it.
Quan Zhiung Silent Mentor program taught me the human side of medicine more than cold, hard clinical skills. It also taught me the human experience of life and death. Jaimie Goh
This program taught me more than just medical procedures. The Silent Mentors showed me the meaning of courage, goodwill and most of all, selflessness. Mah Zhou Lhe This
program lit up my compassion towards my future patient. It encourages me to work hard in order to help more patients. Ooi Eugene This program imparts the lesson of humanity and educates the
future medical practitioners. Darren Teo Cheng Han This program reinforces the humanity and art of medicine that touched patients' lives. Yogitagavari Yoganathan The programme has made me see life from a totally different perspective as a future doctor as well as a normal person. A great program with lot of lessons to be learnt. Pigeneswaren Yoganathan Silent mentor was a programme that not only gave me a chance on medical procedure experiences. It is beyond that where the mentors are willing to donate themselves for us to learn. I realized that they have high hope and trust on us to be a good
medical personnel with empathy towards people. I pray to god ensuring that I will fulfill their hope and trust till end of my life. Khor Jie Xun - Vice Preseident, Int'l Medical University Students Society
In my opinion, this is very much a beneficial and valuable programme for the training of undergraduate. It provides great opportunities for us to practice and consolidate our practical skills for our future career. It changes
my view about death and more importantly, I would like to convey my deepest gratitude and respect to the silent mentor as I was absent from the gratitude ceremony due to some personal reasons. It is very impressive to see people donate their body for the use
of science and medical education especially for Chinese who has the old and traditional concept about the management of dead body. According to the belief the body should be preserved well and must not be damaged. Thus, it really touched my heart when I saw
the silent mentors who are willing to “sacrifice’ themselves. In summary, this is a very valuable programme for medical education as it widens and changes people’s view on ‘death’. I truly
respect the selfless spirit of the silent mentors and the willingness of them to ‘sacrifice’ themselves to make better doctors in the near future.