Students Comment 學生心得

33rd Silent Mentor Workshop 29/11-04/12/2022

Kee Yan Shen (UM_MIA170044)

I have volunteered to help out in this programme since our early years in medical school. As a junior, I was fascinated and inspired by the willingness of past mentors to contribute to the society even after they have passed away. In the past week, I have seen how much a single silent mentor can contribute to the betterment of the medical field and the society and sharing their life wisdom with us. Through this sacrifice of our mentor, I was given the opportunity to hone our procedural skills, build our confidence, and improve our competency as future doctors. I learned a great deal under the careful guidance of our lecturers and doctors. This programme has taught us to never diminish our respect for our mentor. Really appreciate not only the mentors but all the people involved in this Silent Mentor Programme for making the event proceed smoothly and successfully.



Khaw Kar Wei (UM_MIA170045)

I am very grateful to have the opportunity to participate in this Silent Mentor program. After the busy week, I have learned a lot from my mentors, not only surgical skills but also the spirit of contributing to the society through actions even after death. During the workshops, many thanks to the tutors and volunteers, I was able to practice the important procedures, suturing skill and also human anatomy. Throughout the program, I constantly reminded myself the messages from my mentors as my guide in treating patients in the future. I truly appreciate what I have gained from the past week and I will always remember the lessons for the rest of my life.



Tan Jia Jin (UM_MIA170118)

First of foremost, I would like to express my gratitude that I am given the golden opportunity to join Silent Mentor Programme as a participant. I have had experiences in joining as volunteers during the early medical school years, and each time I am given knowledge not only from surgical skills but also the meaning of life. All silent mentors were so selfless and dedicated that they donate their bodies for the advancement of the medical sciences. I am truly grateful for them and I appreciate all efforts by all committee in the Silent Mentor Department. I've learnt a lot about life and I aspire to be a caring, loving yet safe doctor in the near future as what all our silent mentors wished for. Thank you.



Fira Ernieza Binti Abdul Ra’uf (UM_MIA170035)

Nothing made me ready for what was about to come the one week I experienced during the programme. It was more of an emotional and spiritual journey rather than a technical one.


From the first day I was introduced to Mr Hew, day by day I grew to develop genuine love and care for him. Wishing I’ve known him or spoke to him personally prior to his demise.


On the technical side, I’ve learnt so much. A lot of things that we learned theoretically are made more clear through hands on teachings. I personally felt that it will be engraved much more in my mind with real visualization of what is done.


This programme is valuable in its ability to convey many messages. Science intertwined with spiritual fulfilment was able to be reached through this SM programme.


All in all, the privilege I have to join this programme will be one of those everlasting memories that I gain from medical school.


Thank you Mr Sia, Prof Saw Aik and team!



Beh Yan Chen (UM_MIA170013)










告别式的早晨下了一场大雨,我想或许上天也被无语良师们的大爱感动,而后换上了阳光明媚的晴天,好让家属陪着他们走完最后一程。从丘老师刚离世的时候清理大体,到帮老师穿上寿衣入殓,这是我人生中第一次那么近距离的接触死亡 。为老师献上了一束花,和家属一起扶灵,缓缓的朝着大门前进,几十步的路程,眼泪早已决堤。





Nurdini Ezzatty Binti Mohd Harizan (UM_MIA160077)

In August, we had already met a certain silent mentor. We bathed, cleaned, and put him back carefully in the deep freezer. Initially, I thought that we'll see a different silent mentor for the 1 week workshop. To my surprise we 'meet' again after 3-4 months. I was taken aback and truthfully I was hesitant to continue the workshop. However, after thinking thoroughly and corrected the intention, I pushed myself to attentively attend and participate the workshop.


In short summary, everything we do, we must do with good intention and handle them with great care and empathy. Care for them like we want it for ourselves.



Amanda Ting Yi Jia (UM_MIA170007)


Many say clothes maketh the man, yet through the Silent Mentor program, it has proved time and time again that it's one's action and heart that truly matters. Having witnessed and volunteered in this program throughout the years in my medical school, to finally being a participant, I've been constantly reminded and humbled by the selfless act of our mentors, who even at their final breath, still continually give of themselves to the betterment of society.


Being a participant and getting hands on experience on the various procedures has helped built up my confidence not only in carrying out the procedures taught in the workshop, but also other procedures like NG tube insertion which we as PRINT students are required to do in our various wards. It is true what they say that nothing can beat experience and it is invaluable to our growth as medical doctors. Hence, I am thankful to each and every person that has been part of this Silent Mentor program, from Prof Saw, Mr Sia, Se Woon to our Silent Mentors, Miss Tan Ying, Mr. Hew Wee Sun, Mdm. Ng Sow Har, Mr. Lim Chong Hooi, Mr Chai Choong Lam, and Mr. Gan Loon Chuang.


I'm grateful and thankful for each and every one of the mentor I have encountered through the years, and I hope some times in the near future, I may return to give a hand to impart this love they have given to us to the next generation of medical practitioners. No amount of word would be able to express our mentors' gift that keeps on giving, other than what I can give now which is, "Thank you."



Chee Ann Gee (UM_MIA170018)

Before joining Silent Mentor Programme, I expect to learn not only about medical skills and knowledge but also about life and death. Throughout the programme, I felt I was more emotional than I expected, overwhelmed with gratitude on the sacrifices our mentors made in order to let us learn. And also on the initiation ceremony, seeing the family members see their loved ones for the last time. I have learnt a lot from our silent mentors, not only medical skill and knowledge, but also about life and how a person’s selfless act can bring positive impact to others lives. I am beyond grateful to have the chance to participate in this programme. I will try my best to be a good doctor who is empathetic and kind in the future just like how our mentors hope we would be. Thank you to all silent mentors for everything, their family members, all lecturers and staffs of Silent Mentor programme. This past week was undoubtedly one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had in my medical school journey. Once again, thank you all.



May Esther Wong Sze En (UM_MIA170135)

I have never been more grateful for the opportunity to take part in such a meaningful programme. It was not just a programme with workshops. It was a journey. From the first moment we accepted the body of our silent mentor to the final send-off, each step had a profound influence on me. This programme has taught me much, but nothing impacted me more than the principle of respecting our patients and maintaining their dignity even after death. Thank you for this incredible journey.

Kong Ing Xian (UM_MIA170046)  

















因缘具足 第三十三届无语良师工作坊 圆满落幕  



Teh Chui Jiun (UM_MIA170124)  





Tee Khai Shin (UM_MIA170123) 





Clara Wong Zi Yi (UM_MIA170025)  













Nurin Azizah Binti Ismail (UM_MIA170093)


The 33rd Silent Mentor Programme gave me a once in a lifetime experience and exceeded my expectations. Coming into the programme, I only thought on the clinical aspects but it was much more than that. I learned a lot on humility and empathy, especially as our mentors was unable to express when they felt pain etc, we had to be more mindful and still show our utmost respect to all our patients from the young to the old and the newly born to those who have passed. Truly, our patients are the best of teachers.  



Nur Rafiqah Binti Mohd Rosdi (UM_MIA170091) 


The 33rd Silent Mentor Programme (2022) has been very meaningful for me. I am very grateful for the once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in this workshop.


I was able to practice and enhance my clinical skills with hands on practical. This experience has certainly made me gain more confidence in performing these fundamental procedures. Hence, I am eternally grateful for the truly precious contributions of the Silent Mentors and everyone who have been involved in making this meaningful programme a success and invaluable experience.  



Syifa Binti Ahmad Faisol (UM_MIA170114)  


From this experience, I have learnt the importance of appreciating the life of our loved ones, and each life carries different values for different individuals. By learning about the life history of our Silent Mentors, I hope that I can become humble for every life being that I encounter on the daily basis, including all patients whom I’ll be treating in the future. Each patient needs to be treated with care, empathy, and love. I will be always thankful for our Silent Mentors who have dedicated their bodies for our learning purposes. Not to mention, much gratitude towards the family members, lecturers, doctors, staffs of Silent Mentor Centre, as well as my colleagues who have been helping me throughout my journey as a participant in this program.  



Lee-Boey Jian Wen, Samuel (UM_MIA170050)


William Osler once said, : "He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all."  The 33rd silent mentor program perfectly reflects this statement.  For the past 2 workshops, I was able to better appreciate medical procedures and dissections of the human anatomy.  What I have been reading, has now come to life! Not to mention, the silent mentor program has adequately exposed me to what surgery looks like.  If only these classes were taught prior to my surgical attachments, I would have better appreciate the procedures observed in real life.  I am forever grateful for this opportunity graced by the mentors, their family members and the lecturers.  I am inspired to become the best version of myself to serve in the community.


Lim Kha Ing (UM_MIA170054)





















Heng Wei Yang (UM_MIA170038)


No words can describe how grateful I am to my beloved silent mentors, their families, the Silent Mentor Centre committee, the lecturers, my team members and all volunteers involved. We have thanked our silent mentors and their families during the ceremonies, and though never enough, I would like to focus more on the other aforementioned people. Thank you so much for this opportunity and because I believe that making promises now do not warrant fulfilling it, I will keep them to myself and engraved everything I have learnt, be it the science, art or the humane touch of the programme in my own heart and carry them with me while I embark on this lifelong journey. Our beloved silent mentors and their families’ wishes and legacy, now coursing through my veins, will be the embodiment of my practice from now on. Thank you.



Muna Syazriny Bt Izhar (UM_MIA170076)


Joining this Silent Mentor Programme is the best decision I have made this year. From the home visit to the sending off ceremony, I have gained a lot of knowledge and new experience. Apart from the medical skills that are undoubtedly beneficial for my future job, I also learned to appreciate the importance of compassion, love, respect and empathy.


It really touches my heart knowing that all our silent mentors had selflessly donated their body for the betterment of medicine though they do not gain anything from it. Their altruistic act comes purely from love and kindness in their hearts.


This programme does not only focus on the practical skills but also teaches us to show our respect to the silent mentors via the ceremonies conducted such as the sending off ceremony.


To conclude, this programme had opened my eyes to other important aspect of medicine which is to treat a patient holistically and not just their disease. I hope I would be a compassionate and empathetic doctor in the future and relay these values to other people as how the silent mentors’ have done to me.



Amelia Marie Theseira (UM_MIA170008)


I’ve been observing seniors participating in the previous silent mentor program and during those times, it felt very rewarding and hence, I wanted to join this program as well. Finally, it’s my turn and it happened to be after our final exams, where we could really be in the present with the program as there was no stress and etc.


Participating in this silent mentor has given me a lot of insight. During the home visit session, my silent mentor and his family seemed to be very close. His family members were also very welcoming and warm people. I pay a lot of respect to our mentor and his family members are they supported this program wholeheartedly and that was certainly a brave and selfless decision. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to accept it as well because the body needs to be donated right away after passing on.  During this session as well, I felt the love of the family towards Mr Lim. At the time of the initiation ceremony, we’ve saw all the family members of all the mentors. Some were calm and some were very emotional. It was very heartbreaking to watch and made me tear up a bit as some of the family were reluctant to leave after the last viewing of the mentors.


The workshops we had with the mentors were the most rewarding ones. Aside from the procedures we’ve been exposed and learnt, I think the greatest lesson to achieve from the workshops was to be consciously respectful towards the mentors. As they lie on the trolley so vulnerably, it was very easy to treat the body as just a body, ignoring the fact that they donated their body for us to learn and to be our teacher. This also taught me to be very empathetic towards our patients. It was also important to treat our patients with kindness and respect and let go of our ego of ‘doctors know the best’ and listen to and understand their concerns.


During the coffining session, it was some sort of a closing ceremony to me, and it was like the deed was done. During the session, I thanked our mentor for the week he has given to us. I was very grateful for the experience I have gotten throughout this program. I got slightly emotional as it felt like this whole week has given me a kind of connection towards our mentor. Anyway, I would definitely recommend this program those any medical student not only to experience the procedures, but to also feel what this program can teach us on an emotional level.



Subashini A/P Ambalahen (UM_MIA170111)


The workshop was such an eye-opening experience for me. It was one week of learning valuable Clinical Skills that can never be learned from any textbooks. Furthermore, this workshop taught me about live values and love for other human beings. It helped me to grow as a person and not just as an aspiring doctor. After this I feel more confident in performing the learned procedures on real patients. I am able to empathize with my patients and their family more as well. I hope more students will benefit from this workshop in the future.



Iffah Zaharah Bt Mohamad Izhar (UM_MIA170040)


Silent Mentor was a program I was looking forward to since my first year of MBBS. I was always fascinated by the idea of gaining hands-on knowledge through surgical simulation but I never knew how much preparation and effort went in to create a meaningful program like this. The entire week of Silent Mentor, we were given the opportunity to not only improve our confidence in our clinical skills through the workshops, but we were also given the trust to care for our mentors. We depended on our mentors to provide us the best learning experience and our mentors trusted us to treat their body with respect and learn as much as we can.


By the end of the week, my team and I felt an attachment towards our mentor and felt the grief of losing a friend during the gratitude ceremony. Not only did this program enhance our surgical skills, but it also made us more empathetic, compassionate and respectful, which is something textbooks can’t teach.


Our Silent Mentors’ selfless contributions will always be appreciated and we as students have the responsibility to honour their sacrifice by being a good doctor in the future. This week has undoubtedly been the most rewarding experience in MBBS so far and I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.



Melvin Liew Zhen Da (UM_MIA170063)


Through the workshop, I have not only gained the medical knowledge and skill sets but more of a personal growth in term spiritual and my outlook to perceive life. I have witnessed the selflessness and love portrayed by the mentors and their respective family. Their actions have helped so many clueless medical students or even house officers etc.


Also, as a participant, I have personally enjoyed how each cadaver is treated with dignity and respect. Outsiders might think that we are just utilizing the body for learning but in fact every session is coupled with mentors’ life introduction and moment of silent to show our respect and subsequently ended with proper cleaning and suturing back all the incision site. Every mentor is treated respectfully from the beginning till the end.


This is lifetime experience that will stay in my brain for forever and I’m grateful to be a part of this project.



Chan Kwan Heng (UM_MIA170017)


To give is to love, to receive is to be blessed. Silent mentor has taught me a few different perspectives in life that I held a different principal in. To start with, I was rather intrigued by the existence of individual who so passionate about doing goods even if they have to sacrifice a lot on their side. For example, my silent mentor, Mr Lim, had to give up on seeing his son prior on his last breath, in view of unable to donate his body due to COVID. This struck me hard as for me personally, family is always my priority, and I know how hard that is. That said, I did learn a lot from the workshop session. With much gratitude to the silent mentors, I have learned that there are many different ways to contribute to the society.



Ong Yi Shi (UM_MIA170138)


感恩有幸参与第33届无语良师工作坊,为毕业在即的我们画上了意义非凡的句号,更为即将踏上行医生涯的我们提了个醒:莫忘初心,善待他人。五年前还是个懵懵懂懂的大一生,被课业的压力和行医的使命感压得喘不过气,总是担心自己将来无法担起“医生“这个头衔所承载的使命。真的非常感恩及庆幸,当时因为机缘巧合,让我有机会以志愿者的身份参与第22届工作坊及送别仪式,并深深地感受到了来自无语良师、家属及志愿医生无私的奉献与大爱,从此在心里立下了大学毕业前的to-do list: 以participant的身份全程参与无语良师工作坊。真的非常幸运,因为疫情而暂停了将近两年的无语良师工作坊,最终我们还是非常有幸能有机会参与第33届无语良师工作坊,更庆幸的是能在没有考试压力的情况下全心全意地投入准备阶段、家访、工作坊、感恩与送别仪式。坦白说,一开始有点担心自己无法克服对死亡的恐惧,在第一次见到大体老师之前有点担心无法正视老师,但是当真正见面时,心里充满了满满的感动与感激,只想好好珍惜这位为我们奉献自己最重要的身躯的老师。后来第一次在影片中见到老师生前的样子及温柔的嘱托与鼓励,更是让我更加珍惜我们伟大的老师。老师说:不要害怕犯错,就算是在我身上割一千遍一万遍都没关系,只要你们能从我身上学习到你们需要的,未来一定要成为一名好医生!苏毅教授在闭幕词分享的一席话深深地铭记在我心里:在现实生活中,我们的病人不会希望/容许我们犯错,但是我们的老师会。亲爱的老师,谢谢您们愿意将自己最重要的身躯交给我们,谢谢您们愿意忍受千刀万剐以栽培我们成为好医生,谢谢您们用无私的爱为我们点亮前方的路!老师,我们一定会谨记您们的教诲, 善待我们的病人,为他们带来希望!



Cheah Jia Hooi (UM_MIA170143)





Nehemiah Tan Shin Yong 郑颂扬 (UM_MIA170077)







Low Yee Ling 刘谕岭 (UM_MIA170059)







Ng Siew Yoong 黄绣榕 (UM_MIA170078)

































最后的最后,感谢主办方Mr Sia 和 Se Woon ,以及所有参与的志工,医生教授们,谢谢他们的付出让我们能够参与到这个那么有意义的活动,谢谢您们为我们准备的每一餐,让我们饱腹有力气去学习,谢谢您们确保每一个环节都井然有序,成就了这一届无语良师的成功。



Fam Sze Khiong 范斯强 (UM_MIA170032)


Just as a drip of water can resonate a boundless ripple across a vast lake, an act of unconditional selflessness can resonate a gratitude of a lifetime. My first contact with the silent mentor program came during my first year when I participated as a volunteer. Being a naïve freshman then, I was emotionally touched with the expression of care and gratitude shown towards the silent mentors during the gratitude ceremony. Fast forward to the current when I am due to graduate in 2 months’ time, this programme couldn’t have come at a better time to remind me that medicine is not only about knowledge or skills, but also an art to acknowledge that each patient is not just a bed number or a case, but a living human who has much more issues than those that meets the eye. It is our profession as doctors to treat the patient and not the disease. To the silent mentors and their families, your selflessness, compassion, and kindness will never be able to be repaid even with infinite number of thank you. Do be assured that each cut and suture made on the respectable silent mentors will shape us into safer and more competent doctors in the future. Once again, thank you for this valuable lesson which will last a lifetime.



Lim Xin Liang 林欣亮 (UM_MIA170056)





Ng Wan Ting 黄婉婷 (UM_MIA170079)





Prasath A/L Selvam (UM_MIA170099)


What a week it's been. Silent Mentor is more than a programme; it is a journey of love and self-discovery. From getting to know my mentor, Mr Gan Loon Chuang and his family up till his last breath, I learned how he was such a selfless person, always thinking about the well-being of his family and others. In silence, Mr Gan has taught me the lessons of life that is forever engraved deep in my soul. Words cannot express how thankful I am for his generosity and his self-sacrifice. I will make certain that the knowledge I have gained is passed on to those who come after me, and I will also let them know how grateful I am for this knowledge, which came from my silent mentor who sacrificed himself. I cherish the experienced gained from Silent Mentor and will forever remember. Please accept my deepest gratitude, my Silent Mentor.



Jeffrie Bin A Ghani (UM_MIA170041)


Experiences come and go no matter where you are, what you’re doing, and with who you’re getting that experience with. The silent mentor program has indeed been a unique experience throughout my five years here in medical school. From the initial moments of getting to know our mentor, their family members, to the point where we had the final moment with our mentor. A blessing indeed.



Nursarah Fahmy Mahadzir Fahmy (UM_MIA170094)


This Silent Mentor Programme (SMP) was one of the most invaluable experiences throughout my 5 years of medical school. This opportunity was truly a golden one as no other workshops that I have been in provided me with as much exposure as this SMP. Not only was I able to have an up close, hands-on experience into the procedures, but I also am able to learn regarding the true meaning of sacrifice and kindness. I feel lucky, grateful, touched and truly humbled by the willingness and selflessness of the mentors and their family. Even in their dying breaths, they still wanted to make a contribution to the betterment of society. Their nobility and sacrifice are truly admirable and the only logical and sensible form of repayment is to carry out their dying wishes – to be better doctors. Surely, this programme is a sweet gift to mark the end of my medical school journey. Although it was run in a week, the memories are etched forever in my mind and will be replayed countlessly.



Lim Pei Thong 林培栋 (UM_MIA170055)




从六位大体老师们的身上, 我深深地体会到老师们那份神圣,无私和纯洁的大爱精神。即使身怀病痛,大体老师们还是在生命的最后一刻把爱传承下去,把不平凡的贵体奉献给无语良师计划。过程中的家庭采访,撰写大体老师的生平简介,默哀,清洗大体,工作坊,穿衣入殓,送别等等让我感触良多。大体老师的爱深藏在无语中,提醒着素不相识的我要成为一名有医德的良医,宁可在他们的贵体上划错千万刀,也不要在现实的病人上划错一刀。每一位大体老师都是某位家人的一生中最爱,谢谢您们让我上了人生中宝贵的一课。除了宝贵的医学知识之外,您们让我看到了生死离别,但更多的是学会感恩尊重,懂得无私奉献的爱和体会到了爱的延续。感恩每一位工作坊台前幕后的志工们,导师们和大体老师家属们。谢谢您们,因为有您们,这个工作坊才能圆满地顺利进行。感恩一切。




谢谢您 颜老师。

Ong Ee Zhen (UM_MIA170096)






















Lee Cherk Yun (UM_MIA170048)









Vincent Tan Xiang Pin (UM_MIA170127)


This is the first time i joined as a participant in Silent Mentor Programme. As previously, I was only a volunteer to the programme, everything was just a whole new experience for me. Starting from receiving the “mentor” from the family and cleanse it with alcohol, paying a home visit to the family members, cleansing the “mentor” almost every morning of the week, initiation ceremony before we did any procedure to the “mentor”, 2 workshops in 2 different days (having hands-on experiences to the procedures), coffining process, and last but not least, the gratitude ceremony which all family members pay the very last visit to the respective “mentors”. All of the events happened last week were all new to me, which I never done before in the past. I was very grateful to all the mentors, especially my mentor’s Miss Tan Ying, who selflessly signed up the programme and donated her body to the programme so that all of us were able to learn what we unable to learn or experience by reading textbooks or watching simulated videos. It is always not easy for the mentors and their respective family members to make this decision. The programme itself is very meaningful not only to the medical field but also to the society. I hope this programme can get even more attention from the public, not only in Malaysia but also other countries as well.



Chuah Ming Li (UM_MIA170023)


After participating in this workshop, I learnt to be more empathetic. From the home visits to the funeral on the last day, it was indeed a meaningful and eye-opening experience for me. There are more meanings to life than what I have understood thus far, yet the sacrifices made by the silent mentors and their respective family members are noteworthy and praiseworthy. It was love beyond boundaries!



Mashithah Binti Ahmad Faiz (UM_MIA170062)


It was the most valuable experience in my life. Through this program, it gave me the opportunity to learn outside of textbooks and to apply what I have learned in class so far. It also gave me a lot of courage and confidence to do procedures on real patients now. Not only that, it taught us valuable lessons that all lives are important whether alive or passed away, and to treat everyone with care and respect. The selfless contributions made by the mentors for the advancement of the medical field will always be remembered.



Belinda Nicole Aloysius (UM_MIA170014)


It's the end of the silent mentor program, physically I'm exhausted but I've never felt more alive mentally and I feel the flame of passion in my pursuit of medicine has been reignited after so long. Ever since day 1 from the home visit I've felt this sense of great admiration towards my mentors family and volunteers who are willing to give it their all, all for the sake of pushing the next generation of medical doctors to the best of their abilities in the procedures we were able to perform on and raise our spirits and confidence in what we do. There was a moment where after our performance an audience shouted Jia You, that moment felt like the whole hall were cheering for us, like saying we believe in you, you can do it! Our family member has given their everything to you, now go forth and be the best doctor you can be. My heart has never felt this weight of responsibility but at the same time the fire within to push on.



Taasha Kunalan (UM_MIA170115)


The Silent Mentor Workshop was definitely one of the highlights throughout my 5 years in medical school. When I first signed up for the Silent Mentor Workshop, I saw it as a great opportunity to enhance my hands-on skills. As a medical student, we are constantly told to be careful and to not make any mistakes on our patients. We are always reminded that we cannot make a single mistake as it may cost a life. But through this Silent Mentor Workshop, I was given the opportunity to practice, make mistakes and learn from my mistakes.


Every morning, we would be assigned to clean our Silent Mentors bodies respectively. Their bodies were so cold. At that moment, I realised that our Silent Mentors are truly selfless and kind. They donated their bodies for us medical students and doctors to learn from it.


I am so grateful to be able to practice my suturing techniques and chest tube insertion on actual human flesh, performing orthopaedics procedures as well as endotracheal intubation on my Mentor. On the second day of the workshop, we were given the opportunity to view the organs in their anatomical positions not just in textbooks but in actual bodies! 


Words cannot describe how thankful I am to be a part of this program. I will always remember how selfless our Silent Mentors are. This journey shall be one that I will forever cherish. Thank you, Silent Mentors!



Teh Ru En (UM_MIA170126)


The Silent Mentors were truly inspiring. Because of their courage and benevolence, there was advancement among the medical fraternity in terms of clinical skills.


Apart from that, the one-week silent mentor programme conducted in University Malaya has taught me the importance of giving. We should inculcate the habit to contribute back to the society no matter in life or death.


Acts of sharing love and spreading kindness to others are priceless. We will never know how much a little act of goodwill could make a big impact to other people’s life.


Besides, I also learned that “no man is an island”. Without the cooperation among Prof. Saw Aik, Mr. Sia, Se Woon, teammates, staffs and volunteers of the silent mentor workshop, the programme will not be a success.


Furthermore, the organisers’ persistence in coordinating multiple Silent Mentor Workshops to fulfil the wishes of the volunteers to ‘turn losses to gifts’ for the past decade was absolutely admirable.


Although it has been an exhausting week for me as the seven-day workshop required us to wake up during the wee hours of the day and return home late at night on most days, it was also an extremely rewarding and memorable experience for me.


My biggest gratitude goes to the Silent Mentors, their family members, the organisers, sponsors and everyone who has made the entire workshop a success.



Pang Yong Chiang (UM_MIA170098)


There were certainly many things that I’ve learnt from this current Silent Mentor Program, but none of them give as much weight as this: Learning the value of life and death.


I would describe myself as somewhat agnostic. I place no particular attention in faith, but yet I was brought up as a strict Buddhist. There were times I ponder the strength of faith, and there are times I disregard its existence in my life. But nonetheless, never in my life up to this point where I was forced to reflect on my view of religion, and its role in a person’s life. Before this, I was as cold-blooded as to disregard the complexity and tediousness of funeral, to me, it makes no sense to stretch the sorrow and grieve of one’s death by performing a longwinded and elaborate ceremony such as a funeral for a person who had just passed away. I’ve witnessed many death of those dearest to me, with some of them being my grandparents’. I think that the formality in the longwinded funeral ceremony organised and practiced in my family for the departure of both my grandparents are unnecessarily stretched; we took a whole week plus months of repeated ritual in order to complete our send off for them. At some point, my immature mind even thought that it was stretched to a point that I think it is cruel to us as we are forced to be constantly reminded of their death as we practice our ritual that takes ages to complete.


I do sound insensitive, do I? I’ve hated formality and its added pain to be always thinking about their death.


But something in me clicked after participating the elaborate formal ritual and ceremony in Silent Mentor Program. Seeing the departure of our beloved Ms Tan, my Silent Mentor, and by talking to her family and by immersing in her life story, I’ve also noticed and feel the sorrow, grieve, and most importantly, love that her family had for her. Despite the lesser resistance from her family that her body will be used for teaching and practice by us students after she passed away, I do acknowledge that it was never easy for anyone to agree to any sort of manipulation of a loved one’s body after they passed. And such counter argument to that disagreement would be that they donated their body out of the love they had for us students, and the love to their future generations in order to be successful in life, i.e. a much more skilled doctor or surgeons. From the warmth of love enumerated by my Silent Mentor, I’ve once again been reminded to the death of my recently deceased grandmother. I had no time to completely process her departure from my life as I left earlier for study, only a few days after the actual day of her death. I saw her death as a loss, and that must’ve twisted my emotions and made me grieve even worse every time I was reminded about her. But this time, it’s different. Once Ms Tan taught me that there are more to only loss and grieve in death, I’ve opened my eyes to accept that there are also good things that come along. For Ms Tan, she gets to donate her body to teach future doctors, and for my grandmother, perhaps because I had always been blinded by sadness and grieve before, I now notice that it had indirectly reunited all of her children when they all came together to each other’s aid when she passed away. Maybe in a nonsensical way, that’s her way of turning death into a gift: her love and wish for her children to be reunited came true. And I’m so glad I see it now. And from all the early morning and late nights we spent cleaning Ms Tan’s body and performing ceremonies for her family members, I’ve now seen the importance of funeral: it is as much a ritual for the living as for the dead. Funeral is a way for the living to show love one last time to their departed loved ones, as elaborate and longwinded at times, they were all ways for the living to extend their final love messages to the departed. And nonetheless, it is also a way for them to cope with grieve, and to provide relieve and a peace of mind to their otherwise traumatised mind having to lose someone that was once so dear to them.


And yes, I will always miss my grandmother, but I’ve now have a more positive outlook to death, and I’ve gain respect to all the different ways people who are still alive grieving and coping with the loss of a loved one.

Tan Chee Yang (UM_MIA170116)


Initially I was only interested in joining the Silent Mentor Workshop to learn and practice procedural skills, but the programme gave me so much more than that. The workshop opened my eyes on selflessness, encouraging words from the silent mentors and their family members warmed my heart as I am preparing for the next part of my journey in the medical career. I was also reminded of the inevitability of death, the limitations of modern medicine and the importance of embracing death, when it eventually arrives. My silent mentor started a ripple in the act of giving, I hope to continue it.



Wong Win Yi 黃穎而 (UM_MIA170130)







Rochelle Dawn Augustin (UM_MIA170103)


Love is the only language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear...a quote by a famous American writer.  If I could sum up this Silent Mentor Programme in one word it wud be exactly that, LOVE. Our silent mentors were so loving to give us the chance to enhance our medical skills through their donated bodies.  It was such a priceless experience to actually apply what we learnt in our textbooks on real human bodies.  We also learnt to love the life we have and to appreciate the gift of life.  The presentation on our silent mentors were testaments to the love they had for their lives, so much so, that they made sure their lives were always purposeful in serving others and by putting others' needs before themselves. Our selfless mentors truly inspired us to leave a mark in our society especially through charitable works. Last but not least, we learnt to love our family and friends deeply and to treasure all the moments we have with them. During the initiation ceremony our heartstrings were tugged upon seeing the tears from our mentors' family members.  We also hope that we can treat every patient we treat with love as if they are our own loved ones. I would like to end with a quote from the Late St Mother Teresa, not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love. God bless u all!



Desmond Lee Ngee Heng (UM_MIA170027)





Lim Wei Hang 林偉航 (UM_MIA170053)


Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is a love of humanity. I think the biggest thing I’ve learned from this SMP is to not forget about being respectful, grateful and most importantly, love the people around us. Thank you Prof Saw and all the trainers, Mr Sia and his crew members, for this memorable event. Great understanding and support too from the family members, as the deceased can’t feel, but the living ones will bear all the pain. Lastly not to forget all the silent mentors, they had shown us a great love of humanity.



Shaidatul Aqeela (UM_MIA170092)


The past one week was hectic but safe to say the most memorable moments of my life. I couldn’t describe with words how grateful I am to be able to learn and perform all the procedures first hand. I am also grateful and mesmerized by the fact that I get to experience other cultures knowing that I probably would be able to have that anywhere else. This whole program not just making us better doctors with good skills but also enhance our empathy towards our future patient which really lacking within doctors now. I will forever remember my mentor as someone who is very honorable and what she had did for us is truly noble.



Faqihah Majdah Binti Johari (UM_MIA170033)


Given the chance to join Silent Mentor Workshop had me eager and enthusiastic to learn the medical procedures that I have learned in the textbooks throughout my medical school journey. To tell the truth, the only thing that I cared about was about the experiences of performing the procedures before I had to do it on alive patients. Being involved in this programme, although for a short duration, I realised that apart from providing good care and treating your patients right, the most important lesson throughout this workshop is about the moral values of the silent mentors and the importance of spreading kindness and love among humanity. Despite the busy schedule arranged for us, I am very thankful for the opportunities given to me. It is an experience that I am not able to gain from elsewhere. Having known my silent mentor from the home visit and caring for her throughout the week, it is as if i have known her for a long time, her kindness and generosity has touched my heart and taught me an important lesson in life and especially in my journey to be a doctor who treat patients as a whole, not just the disease.



Tang Ching Wen (UM_MIA170122)


Silent Mentor Programme is the epitome of humanity. The idea of trusting strangers with your body after death for the purpose of medical advancement is not an easy decision. I’m super grateful that I’m a part of this programme and the journey of taking care of Madam Ng throughout the week.

32nd Silent Mentor Workshop 20-25/09/2022

Cheah Wan Chien (UM_MIA180015) 


Ayna Latisya Binti Azfar Rizal (UM_MIA180011)

When I first signed up for the Silent Mentor Workshop, I only thought of how this could be a great opportunity to improve my practical skills. I am, after all, an “e-MBBS” candidate, having undergone 2 years of my medical degree during the COVID-19 pandemic. My experience, however, showed that I learned and got a lot more than what I bargained for. 

Despite not saying a word, my Silent Mentors taught me multitudes. Not only was I able to learn new things from them, but I was also given the opportunity to apply everything I had learned, to make mistakes, and to gain indispensable lifetime experience. I was able to practise my suturing techniques on actual human flesh and intubate a human body. Although I will get more learning opportunities in the future, this initial learning is essential to minimize mistakes when the stakes are high. 

My Silent Mentors are the teachers that I will always keep in mind when I help my own patients in the future. It was because of their sacrifice that I was able to improve as a doctor, as well as a person. I am incredibly grateful to be a part of this program. 


Kwong Yi Vern (UM_MIA180041)

The Silent Mentor Program will most definitely be one of the highlights throughout my 5 years medical school. As medical students, we have always been taught to treat the patient, not the disease. However, this is easier said than done as most of us after entering clinical years would be subjected to various challenges which may have led us astray. With the program, I’ve learnt what it means to be empathic, to be patient, to be kind, to be loving, thanks to all of our mentors. I’m also glad for being to be a part of the 10th year anniversary of Silent Mentor and hope that this program will remain for as long as the faculty stands.


Ngu Shu Ting (UM_MIA180074)

I had been volunteers for three times previously. I was always looking forward to the days when I can join Silent Mentor as a participant. As a volunteer, we used to offer help on a specific day. I did not have much grief feeling at that time as I did not know much about the Silent Mentors. 

I am pleased that Silent Mentor Program was finally organized after 2 years of pandemic covid-19. I felt really thankful for the staffs especially Mr Sia and Profs for all the efforts in making sure this programme went on well. 

As a participant, I had the golden opportunity to be able to involve since the beginning of the program. The activities ranged from home visit, rehearsal, learning sign language, workshop, coffining and sending-off ceremony. I was able to learn more about my Silent Mentor through the home visit session. I found out that my Silent Mentor, Ms. Chin was a very kind person. She devoted her life serving in the temple. Besides, she also introduced Silent Mentor to her family members. Yet, she is currently the second Silent Mentor in the family. 

Although the schedule of that one-week Silent Mentor was packed, I found that it was very fruitful. My task in group was to present Ms. Chin’s life story in Chinese. I would always remind myself not to make any mistake while presenting, so that it could be a perfect ending for her. 

All the participants were assigned to clean our Silent Mentors’ bodies respectively every morning. Till now, I still remember vividly that I was holding a cold calmy hand. It was so real but yet not. It was the time when I thought of Silent Mentors’ kindness and selfless. All of them did leave last messages to the medical students. I felt touching while reading them. Deep in my heart, I made a promise that I would be an empathic and good doctor. 

The workshop sessions were so useful. As a medical student, I had never thought I had chance to carry out these procedures. In hospital settings, we are facing patients that are alive. We cannot afford to make any single mistake as it might then cost a life. However, our Silent Mentors provided us their bodies for us to learn. For instance, I had experience in direct and video laryngoscope. If there was any emergency case in the future, I would be confident in carry out this procedure. Silent Mentors were unique in the way that although they did not talk, but we are still able to learn from them. Every stitch of suture that we did would made us a confident doctor. 

Nevertheless, it is the 10 Anniversary Silent Mentor in University of Malaya. I hope that Silent Mentor can be long-lasting, so that the future medical students can benefit from this program. 

Last but not least, I sincerely thanks the Silent Mentors for giving us a chance to learn as well as the effort being put by the staffs in order to ensure that Silent Mentor went on well. Millions of thank you. 


Nicholas Chee Ming Zher (UM_MIA180075)

When I heard of Silent Mentor back in first year, to me, it was like a goal, something that every UM medical student had to experience at least once, nothing more than that. I heard many stories from seniors, it sounded like a humble experience but that is about it. However, when I was chosen as a participant this year, going through the entire process, my view started to change slowly. 

Through the home visit, we learned about the life history of our mentor. However, the part that hit me most was when her sister started tearing when telling us about our mentor. Although, I was only involved virtually, her teared voice hit me. That’s when I realise, I am not just taking a simple history that I use to take every day in the hospital, but a history that involve the story of our mentor and it is from the point of view of her family members. This thought me how to approach in a more empathetic way. 

Through the week of the Silent Mentor Program, waking up early every morning, to going back late at night, to practices for our performance whenever we are free, although it was tiring as it was concurrent with our community posting, however, I did not regret any part of it. It was a memorable experience, I felt closer to my mentor although I have not met her when she was alive. As the days pass, seeing more and more sutures on her entire body, I realise how selfless her decision was and how supportive her family was to fulfil my mentor’s last wish. One experience I had was when I was suturing my mentor. It was my first time doing the continuous suture and amid it, the needle became crooked, and the suture give way, not to mention that my skills were below par, then, I had to redo my suture again. Due to my wrong choice of suture and my poor skills, if this was a life patient, she would have undergone more pain and more scars. Hence, I realise that my mentor had let me commit a mistake so that I can avoid it in the future. 

All in all, I’m grateful to be part of this amazing experience. I’ll like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in this program, as well as my groupmates, for I have made new friends, and worked with new people. Thank you. 


Yesotha A/P Tamizarasu (UM_MIA180133)

I have found this to be an extraordinary experience. I was able to understand the human anatomy and basic surgical skills in depth, despite it, I was more enlightened about the entire process of respecting the life after death. I understood better the meaning of honour and sacrifice and I see now how it comes in many forms. 

Though I would also like to voice out a few of my concerns that I feel should be improved for the Silent Mentor Program in the future. Unfortunately, I had a needle stick injury (NSI) through brushing up my skills in the suturing station. This led me to go through a series of stressful events both mentally and physically as the mentors was not screened for blood borne infections prior to donating the body. Although the risks are low, I was started on medications because of this and it is taking a toll on my body. There was also no proper protocol in place as well, for a student that underwent NSI, hence I was pushed around by several doctors in order to get a proper treatment plan. This unfortunately has impacted my learning period throughout the SM programme. I do hope in the upcoming SM events, the mentors should be screened for these blood borne infections, as a sense of safety for us students to learn throughout this process. It would help us feel safe and protected to make mistakes and improve our skills. 

With that I would also like to express my gratitude to be given an opportunity to join a sacred and humbling journey. Thank you. 


Sharini A/P Sekaran (UM_MIA180110)

I have always wanted to join this program since I started medical school be it as a participant or a volunteer, but I never got the chance to do so until this time. This experience really changed my life. I learnt a lot from all the mentors as a medical student and as a person. Their selfless act taught me to look at life differently and reflect on my actions. I had my first opportunity to try many medical procedures that I previously only managed to observe. Learning about their life stories and having to look after their bodies for a whole week without even speaking to each other, somehow, we built a connection that can never be replaced. I would like to thank all the mentors for doing such a selfless act for us students whom they have never met, and I hope they are blessed and may they rest in peace.


Lee Zheng Yang (UM_MIA180044)

The past one week of Silent Mentor has been a very humble experience to me. I initially thought that this workshop only focuses on training of basic surgical procedures. However, after joining this workshop, I learnt many valuable lessons not only limited to the medical knowledge, but also the humane aspects in life. Everyday waking up early for cleansing of our Silent Mentor taught us to treat our mentor with the greatest care and respect, as in how we should treat a living patient too. This workshop definitely gave me the confidence to perform some procedures such as intubation, central venous line insertion as well as suturing. The experience of performing the procedure yourself is very different from what you read in the textbook. Hence, I am so grateful to have this early exposure. Silent Mentors also gave us the opportunity to make mistake, learn from our own mistake and avoid it in the future especially in the living patients. This should always serve as a reminder on how courageous our Silent Mentors are, sacrificing their bodies so that our future patients will not suffer. Although our mentors did not speak a single word, they certainly did teach us a lot of knowledge.

Words cannot describe how thankful I am to be part of this program. I will always remember how selfless our Silent Mentors are. With the learning opportunities given, I hope to be a better doctor and a better human being in the future. Thank you, our Silent Mentors!


Chee Sher Weyne (UM_MIA180525)

I participated in the Silent Mentor Workshop with the aim of honing my medical knowledge and surgical skills. Little did I know not only I gained in terms of medical knowledge, but I also explored the meaning of death, love, and sacrifice. Death is a part and parcel of life, an inevitable ending one would say. We grieve when someone we love/know passes away, and occasionally we are consumed by the insurmountable grief. However, the process of grievance is made tolerable when we have family and friends. I hope family members of the Silent Mentors find solace in knowing many of us including lecturers, medical students and volunteers will keep the silent mentors close to our hearts, and that they will always, always be remembered. 

My Silent Mentor, Mr Cheah donated his body in hope his good karma would relieve his wife’s burdens showed me his truly undying love towards his wife even when his end was near. Madam Mageswari made me chuckle when she named her pet dog Joker. Mr Peter Yeong made me laugh when he was strict with his sons but was extremely lenient with his grandchildren. Before I knew it, I grew to know the Silent Mentors’ personalities and peculiarities which allowed me to resonate with them greatly. My respect towards the Silent Mentors grew stronger as I cleansed their bodies thoroughly every day. I witnessed an unscarred body to one with numerous wounds for the sake of learning and education. Throughout this short journey, someone who was once a stranger, became a teacher and a friend I have sworn to never forget. 


Sandeep Singh Gill A/L Ranjit Singh (UM_MIA180108)

To call it simply a workshop, would be such an understatement. This has been a journey for me. From getting to know the family of my mentor, up till his departure, it has felt as if I have known Mr Cheah for such a long time. Despite not uttering a single word to me, the lessons I have learned from my Silent Mentor have been etched into my heart. I am forever grateful to his selflessness for donating his body for the education of medical professionals. I will ensure that what knowledge my mentor has passed on to me, I will pass on to the future generations. This journey shall be one I will forever cherish in my heart. Thank you, Silent Mentor!


Suneesa A/P Som Sak (UM_MIA180117)

Silent Mentor Program has been an eye-opener for me. Being a volunteer for this workshop before, I have never felt the feelings I had when I was a participant. From the 1st day itself when we visited the family till the days of medical and surgical workshop, I felt a sense of closeness to our mentor. I know in my heart that this experience has allowed me to grow not only in experience but in spiritual and emotional. I strongly recommend that all my juniors get to participate as it is an unforgettable once in a lifetime experience!


Ngan Zhi Chyi (UM_MIA180517)

I feel beyond grateful to be part of this 32nd Silent Mentor Workshop. As I not only gained plethora of new knowledge, I have also learnt about the humanity in medicine. It has guided me towards a right path moulding me into a comprehensive doctor in the future. I feel touched by one saying that mentioned during the workshop, “a good doctor is a kind one, not the famous one”. Hope that in the near future, I can be the good doctor that I wanted to be. Thank you, Silent Mentors.


Teh Jing Xuan 郑靖璇 (UM_MIA180513)






Mohammad Haikal Bin Kushahrin Sadikin (UM_MIA180057)

Joining Silent Mentor was an interesting experience for me. Learning about our Silent Mentor’s life, biography, their wishes, taking care of our mentor daily, as well as knowing their family members makes it a unique experience compared to learning from cadavers. Thanks to the workshop, I was able to perform a few procedures that I hope will help my patients one day. This prior exposure is important, as our Silent Mentors allows us to prune out the mistakes in our techniques so that we can do it properly when the time comes for it. The family members of our mentors were also very accommodating and supportive, and I was grateful for the opportunity that they have given us. 

Personally, the best part of the experience was the gratitude ceremony. We gave a speech to our mentor’s family members, and bid farewell to the mentors, who for the brief time I have known them, have taught me a lot without saying anything. This workshop taught me a lot about the human body, but most importantly, it added a human touch to what I am learning. It can be easy to become a robot when learning medicine, considering our workload. However, truly caring for our patients involves empathy and human values. This workshop reminded me of why I entered medicine in the first place and motivates me to become a better doctor in the

future. As such, I will forever be grateful for the opportunity that I was given.


Leon Guo Jian (UM_MIA180045)

This was my first time having such a long contact with dead bodies. They were not mere perishing cold body but somebody I actually knew them. Despite knowing them from their family members through home visit, I feel the good Samaritan in them. Their selflessness inspires me to be a better doctor with compassion and empathy to treat patients as human being.


Teo Jeng Huei 张正辉 (UM_MIA180124)

我非常感谢有机会参与不只是这次的工作坊,而且也有幸见证无语良师在马来西亚创办十周年的纪念活动。苏教授以及无语良师众团队邀请了来自台湾、 新加坡、 香港以及缅甸的无语良师计划负责人来分享这项计划是如何在他们各自的国家进行,让我们见识到原来其他国家也在推广这份伟大且无私的奉献,让我倍感珍惜和感动。除此之外,无语良师志工团队也为之前的家访以及为期一周的工作坊精心制作了一段影片,当时的我在背景音乐和影片画面的渲染下,视线渐渐的模糊起来,泪珠一滴一滴地从眼眶滑落,接着就是激动得泪流不止,直到双手都在颤抖。当时心里除了充满感恩,也感慨和无语良师相处的时间如此短暂,心中满满的不舍。当我代表组员站上讲台说出感恩词时。我努力的压抑着自己的情绪,深怕会在中途爆哭,影响整个节目流程。最后整个谢幕仪式也完美落幕。在这次的无语良师计划里,有别于之前以志工的身份参加,一开始参加这项计划,主要是为了学习医术、增广见闻,但是我未曾想过这些其实都只是其次,我在整个过程中真正学习和明白的是同理心、奉献和生命的意义。从小到大,我们都在阅读、询问、观察中寻找着何谓生命,但是这些问题往往都会在不知不觉的亲身经历后得到答复。


Narissa Hakim Binti Azlan (UM_MIA180070)

This past week has been one of the most rewarding weeks in my 4 years of medical school. I thought I knew the true meaning of selflessness and altruism, until I learnt the life stories of the 6 Silent Mentors. These were people who had contributed so much to society and the environment throughout their lives– they practiced recycling, donating, volunteering– what an honour it is to have been able to help them carry out their last wish and to learn so much from their contribution. 

The Silent Mentor Program was so much more than I imagined; much more than just a program to equip medical students and doctors with clinical skills, it is a program which reminded me of why I chose medicine in the first place. It is the spirit of always giving back to others that truly makes this program special. “Turn a loss into a gift”, a saying that will forever be etched in my mind. 

Thank you to the Silent Mentor Program team for allowing us students to be a part of such a beneficial and gratifying event. Thank you to the Silent Mentors and family members for making it all possible. A truly precious gift to humanity.


Chunvern Selvakumaran (UM_MIA180019)

I am honoured to be given the opportunity to join as the participant for the 32nd Silent Mentor Workshop. From volunteering to participate in this Silent Mentor Program has touched my soul deeply in many ways. There are a few words I would like to express to all of our Silent Mentors: Dear Silent Mentors, your selflessness have given me immense strength and courage to strive for better in my medical journey. I will always be reminded of the priceless lessons you have taught me and fully utilise the knowledge and technique I’ve gained from your contributions and sacrifices. May I pay my homage to you and vow to be a doctor who treats with humanity.


Ong Wei Ting (UM_MIA180096)

I have started volunteering for Silent Mentor since my second year of medical school, but this is my first and probably my only chance to join the whole process as a participant in undergraduate. I am beyond grateful for having this opportunity as this is really an eye opener for me. As a volunteer, all we had to do was to help out during the ceremony or workshop, but this time as a participant we were able to start from scratch, from home visits to know more about our mentors, to preparing for presentation, thawing process, preparing for CT scans, cleaning our mentors, joining the ceremonies as well as the workshops. The feeling was completely different, complicated and I cannot describe it with words. 

Before knowing this program, I would not expect someone who I have never met in real life be donating their body to us, the medical students for learning purpose. Imagine how brave the Silent Mentors and the family members are and how much trust and faith they put in us for this. Not exaggerating, but I would consider them as the most selfless people I have ever met although we never really know each other. The Silent Mentors do not speak a word, but there are so much strength and power in their silence, extending beyond life. They taught us how the meaning of life doesn’t stop the moment when your heart stops beating, and they reminded us how important the humane aspect is in medical practice. 

The Silent Mentors and their family have my upmost respect and gratitude, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will live the lessons that I have learnt throughout the process, to be a good doctor and also to be a better human. 

Not to forget, I am also grateful towards everyone who make the program successful, the staffs, the trainers, the volunteers and my colleagues. Even though we had seen those procedures such as intubation, chest tube insertion and others in hospital settings for multiple times, we were never really able to perform it until we were given a chance in Silent Mentor. I am very thankful for this opportunity and I am sure I would be able to make use of what I have learnt. 


Teh Kai Li (UM_MIA180121)

I am really grateful that we are given a chance to join the Silent Mentor Program. With this program, I have managed to hone my surgical skills and learn lifesaving procedures. There’s this one procedure that leaves me with great impression, which is the endotracheal intubation procedure. It’s a medical procedure in which a tube is placed into the trachea through the mouth or nose, which is an emergency procedure that's performed on people who are unconscious or who can't breathe on their own. Before this workshop, I have learned and practice the technique. However, I still failed at inserting the endotracheal tube down a Silent Mentor's windpipe a few times, luckily with patience guidance from the doctor and several practices, I managed to insert it. Without this practice, the first person for me to apply these skills might be a real patient in the future. Imagine if I have made the same mistake on a patient, I have lost a few golden minutes and to be worse, I might even lose my patient because of my inexperience. I might have been occupied with knowledge from textbooks and our lecturers. But this rare chance of practice is never able to be done without our respectful Silent Mentors. Their bodies had been sitting in the freezer for almost 2 years and their family members have also waited this long before Silent Mentor Workshop is conducted. Their selfless love and contribution to the medical field has inspired me to contribute more back to this community. I would continue to strive until I reach my aspirations and practice empathy with my patients.


Teh Yi Jun (UM_MIA180123)

Being a participant at the 32nd Silent Mentor Workshop was one of the most eye-opening experiences that I am utterly grateful for. Since the beginning of the process which we had our first home visit, I was shook to have learned that the family members of our Silent Mentor had been waiting for 2 years since the Silent Mentor’s passing. Their patience and perseverance for the Silent Mentor Program is admirable and respected. This has further encouraged me to fully utilise this learning opportunity that was only made possible with the altruistic contribution from the Silent Mentor and their loved ones. Besides, the tutors who have taught us various surgical skills and guided us on human anatomy are very patient and friendly, which I really appreciate. They have created a very conducive environment for learning and encouraged us to have hands on experience which we could not have experienced elsewhere. They have made learning so much more memorable. Throughout the Silent Mentor, participants were guided by Mr Sia, Se Woon and various staff members who were experienced to ensure the events went smoothly. The contributions from them to coordinate the event such as providing us with meals, cleaning materials, rehearsals, performance training and caring about our well-being, they are like our family members whom I hope I had more time to personally thank them for everything they have done for us. Furthermore, I have learned about the importance of punctuality and teamwork throughout this program too. All in all, the Silent Mentor Program is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that nourishes the mind and soul of mine as a medical student. It is one of the best decisions I have made in my life to participate in this event, and to volunteer years ago. I would carry on the learnings with me to my future in the medical career. Once again, I would like to send my utmost gratitude to all. Thank you.


Anis Elly Suraya bt Mohamed Ridza (UM_MIA180008)

Joining the Silent Mentor Workshop was one of the best decisions I have made in medical school. The Silent Mentor’s contribution to the medical field is extremely selfless and brave. They have taught me so much even years and months after they’ve taken their last breath. Their sacrifice has given a number of medical students and medical practitioners a golden chance to learn life-saving skills. Not only that, from learning how the Silent Mentors were treated with such dignity and respect, it opened my eyes that when we’re dealing with patients, we’re actually dealing with complex human beings rather than just the disease at hand. The knowledge and experiences that I have gained are priceless and will be engraved in my mind for many more years to come. It was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will be forever grateful to be a part of it.


Nur Izzah Safura bt Haris (UM_MIA180084)

Everything in this world is uncertain, except for death. I always thought that death is the end of our journey in this life, but the Silent Mentor Program proves that it is not. This program has taught me the real meaning of “selfless”. The mentors are deaf, muted and paralysed, but it seems like they spoke to me, “it's okay, you can try again”. This is what I felt when I joined the workshops with my imperfect skills and it's generally one of a kind. To be honest, I think I will feel more confident to do suturing and other procedures that have been taught throughout the workshops. I do not know how I can express my gratitude to the mentors and everyone who was involved in this program, because I technically learnt a lot more than I could ever ask for. 

Emotionally, I also learnt about empathy. The endless cleaning session till the confining session, always made me wonder, “How was my suturing? How was my drilling? This wound looks so big! Are you okay with it?”. As days went by, more wounds and cuts were made on the mentors for the purpose of learning and teaching. Their selflessness will lead to improvements to the medical practitioners. Personally, I do not think that I am able to volunteer like the mentors did, as it took a major courage to do so. 

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone for this golden opportunity and I will look forward to more opportunities to be involved with the program, even as a volunteer.


Woon Shi Sien (UM_MIA180130)

I am grateful to have been granted this opportunity to join the Silent Mentor Program. While the workshops taught me clinical skills, the Silent Mentors taught me something that cannot be learned in the classroom – empathy, humility, and humanity. No words can express the selfless sacrifice by the Silent Mentors for the betterment of medical education, to benefit medical students such as myself, people whom they did not even know. Throughout the program, I was able to constantly reflect on how I treat my patients as I learned about the mentors’ life story, to treat patients as people with hopes and dreams, rather than just another disease. I truly appreciate the lessons I learned from them, and I shall remember these lessons for the rest of my life.


Chew Jie Cheng (UM_MIA180509)



Edmund Teo Jia Chiet (UM_MIA180026)

The Silent Mentor Program was an amazing experience to me. I learned a lot about empathy, humility and generosity from the mentors themselves. Although our time was short, I appreciate every moment spent taking care of them and learning from them. I learned to appreciate the sanctity of life and to cherish everyone that I interact with, as every person has a lesson to each. With this in mind, I treated my mentor with the utmost care, as if he was still with us. Beyond the knowledge and skills acquired beside the operating table, I also gained some valuable insights to life. Learning from the life history of my Silent Mentors, they have lead a life full of virtue, kindness and generosity. Even at the end of their lives, they thought not about how they were to go, but how they were to live. With their noble deeds, they have left a legacy that will be remembered by their loved ones and the future generation for years to come. I am blessed to have been taught this wonderful lesson by my Silent Mentors.


Low Zhi Rong 刘治嵘 (UM_MIA180514)

As I was joining the Silent Mentor Program (SMP) as a volunteer for the past few years, I thought it was just learning procedures and helping to clean up after each workshop. Little did I know that it means way far more than that. Time flies, one week of this just passed by in the blink of an eye. However, every single moment of the program starting from home visit to the end of the workshops was precious. As we cleansed the bodies of Silent Mentors every morning, seeing the number of cuts all over their bodies increasing day by day was heart-breaking. My gratitude and respect towards the Silent Mentors deepened every day. Another thing that struck me the most was the tremendous sacrifices and efforts by the family members of our Silent Mentors. I could not imagine giving up the body of my loved ones for the sake of medical education on top of the grief upon their passing. Despite not being able to meet my Silent Mentor when she was alive, her wishes and hopes told by her family members remind me to not take things for granted. Every cut and every stich on the Silent Mentors taught us priceless lessons. The spirit and art of humanity of all our Silent Mentors will hold a special place and will forever be engraved in my heart, which I will contribute back to my patients in the future.


Chew Mao Yu 周茂榆 (UM_MIA180016)

Throughout the Silent Mentor Program, I have learned much from my mentor Madam Tan, not just the clinical skill but also the meaning of sacrifice. Starting from the home visit, we get the opportunity to know about her life from her family and friends. I learnt we must appreciate any opportunity in our lives and not take something for granted. Madam Tan, you have my utmost sincere gratitude for your gift and selflessness.


Michelle Teh Pik Ming 戴碧明 (UM_MIA180055)

I always hear the question, "what can I get out of this?" when people are offered a choice to do something and the cynic in me agrees... Every action result in some sort of exchange even if it can't be seen. However, there's also another side to the question. What can I give to this? 

Attending to my duties as a participant was initially just that, a duty. However, as time went on, duty became habit, a habit I hope becomes a forever practice. Caring for another person who has no way to show their appreciation yet in every way, had paid in advance, showed me that humans are as capable of great kindnesses and selflessness. By the end of the workshop, Madam Tan had truly become flesh and blood to me, just as any live patients I’ve met in the hospital. She has made me aim to be a humanistic doctor, one who will share the kindness and selflessness that she has shown to my patients.


Teh Min Xing 郑敏杏 (UM_MIA180122)

感恩能参与第32届无语良师工作坊,以参与者的身份和大体老师一起完成了整个课程。从第一天把大体老师们从冷冻箱里取出来到最后一天的送别仪式,至今都还历历在目。老师走了,却舍身于医学教育,为医生以及医学生们上了一堂特别且永生难忘的课。在这几天的工作坊, 我学习到了不止是知识,而是智慧。是老师您,让我看到了生死,学会了无私奉献,懂得了尊重感恩,感受到了爱与关怀。大体老师是生命的勇者,舍身的菩萨,也是最特别的老师。感谢你们无声的教诲,让我对生命的价值与意义有了更深的省思,希望你们一路走好。感恩您,老师。感谢所有促成无语良师工作坊的工作人员和专业人士,感恩你们。


Noor Elyna Bt. Mohd Abdul Latif (UM_MIA180078)

Silent Mentor was an eye-opening experience. My last 7 days of attending the workshop have taught me a lot of valuable lessons which will definitely help me to become a better version of myself either as a doctor or as a human being. There is no word that can best express my gratitude for this golden opportunity as I participate in this workshop. It helped me to enhance my knowledge and my clinical skills as I embark on my journey to becoming a houseman in less than a year time. The sacrifice made by the mentor as they voluntarily signed up to donate their bodies for the greater good, I could not imagine the level of courage that it took them. Thus, I would like deeply thank the mentor, their family member and the organisers for making this possible. The most heart wrenching moment in this program was when I see the emotions portrayed by the family members as they expressed their final farewell to their beloved ones. It was a situation that no one deserves to be in, yet it instilled that life is short and everyone’s life is precious. 

My honest feedback to improve this program in the future was since we are living in a multicultural country, as a Muslim, I would really appreciate if the organiser could allocate a short break about 10-15 minutes for us to attend to each prayer before we continue with our lessons. I hope that the organiser can consider this small humble opinion about this.


Thiynesvaran A/L Ramachandran (UM_MIA180510)

Silent Mentor is the program I was looking forward to since I was in 1st year. Waking up early in the morning and later at night to clean my Silent Mentor might seem like a tough time but it's the least that I could do for my Silent Mentor for her greatest offering. 

The most important thing that I like about this program is the way they show respect to the Silent Mentors. I truly admire the way the organisers conducted the program. As an outsider, some would just consider the body donor as a cadaver and just proceed with the intended procedure without any measures taken. However, the idea here, in this program is to treat the donor as one of the teachers, who aids with the clinical skills. Hence, the teacher, given proper respect and eventually a respectful send off in the end. 

I truly cherish the experience that I have obtained from the program. All those skills learned will be brought to the grave. I could not word how thankful I am to my Silent Mentor and the organisers but a simple thank you is the least I could say.


Lee Jessce-Lyn 李诗琳 (UM_MIA180511)

I am grateful for this opportunity to be part of this workshop as a participant. In the past, I have taken part as a volunteer in several workshops and have gained many new insights. However, to join as a participant in this workshop itself is totally different and it is an eye-opening experience. From home visit to preparation, workshop and end of the ceremony, I learned a lot of things. This workshop is not as simple as people may think as we learned not only about how to perform procedures and medical knowledge, in fact it taught us about humanity. As a leader myself, I learned about the responsibilities in leading my teammates to ensure we take good care of our Silent Mentor throughout this whole workshop. It was a good experience that I would remember for my medical school life. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the Silent Mentor Centre volunteers, lecturers and family members for their guidance, patience and generosity that was given to us in this workshop. This workshop would not have been a success without all of you. Thank you, Madam Tan Ngim Meng for your selfless contribution, giving us this opportunity to learn from your body. I hope that I will be able to repay you in the future by being a humanistic doctor as well as a person with empathy.


Lim Qun Ya 林群雅 (UM_MIA180048)





这是家属对我们说的一句话,顿时溅起了我心中的涟漪。对于至亲家属们,我敬佩他们在承受生离死别的痛苦之余,依然能忍痛割爱。从老师们与世长辞的那一刻,家属们的悲痛并不会随着时间的流逝而淡然。对于迟到的葬礼与被迫再次经历的悲恸,我打从心底感谢家属对于我们医学生的耐心与信任。回想起来,我们所做的是多么地微不足道。然而,我们必须感谢的人多不胜数。感谢义务导师们百忙抽空授课;也感激所有志工们的付出成就了这一次的工作坊。 最后愿我们能不负期许,当个良医,把您们的精神延续下去!感恩您们!无语良师!


Liew Wei Lun 廖伟伦 (UM_MIA180520)

老实说我太迟写了,再加上最近很忙,所以很多感触都变得很模糊,所以就随意挑几件有意思的说说吧。我不想拘泥于态度正确的思想,有争议的地方就是我思虑不周 。 





Shivajoothi A/P Selvarajan (UM_MIA180140)

I want to take the opportunity to express that I have no words to say how thankful and grateful I am to all mentors, lecturers, organizing committee and volunteers for providing this platform for me to understand that being a doctor is beyond merely treating a patient. The willingness of my mentor to allow me and my fellow colleagues to conduct medical procedures on her despite knowing that we are not skillful enough yet is something that I see beyond selflessness. This whole week of program including process of coffining and sending off ceremony was very heart-touching and made me feel that someone that I have known for a very long time is leaving me. It was very overwhelming to think how much the bond can bring this effect on me. Meeting the family in Port Klang for Ash Spreading Ceremony in a very coincident manner was very touching as well. I hope to be a good doctor in the future and keep hold of the trust my fellow Silent Mentors had on me.


Dayanandh Rao A/L Venkateswara Rao (UM_MIA180021)

Honestly speaking it was a tiring but a fruitful 1 week that I have went thru. I was able to learn so much from this past 1 week from our teamwork in our respective groups, how we communicate with each other and how we strengthen our bonds with one another. Thru the workshop itself I was taught on the many techniques and methods used in surgical procedures as well as to respect our mentors and to conduct the procedures on them gently as they are our dear mentors. In that sense it actually made me realise that I was a tad bit rough sometimes in some procedures that I have done, and this taught me to be more wary of it and learnt to treat patients with more respect. The doctors who were our tutors in conducting the procedures were so cheerful and kind, thus making the learning of the procedures more conducive and effective. The event in the end went pretty smoothly with all the people in charge arranging the program in a fashionable manner and were also kind enough to provide us with food and drinks during the duration of the event.


Aimi Shafiqah Bt Aziz (UM_MIA180006)

I still remember sitting in the lecture hall during my first year of medical school, listening to the introduction of Silent Mentor Program by Prof Si Lay. After 4 years, I could not believe I was one of the participants in this program to gain this valuable experience. This Silent Mentor Program had opened my eyes to see the world differently. My huge respect goes to all the Silent Mentors who had donated their bodies unconditionally for the medical and research purposes. Starting from the first day we visited our SM’s house in Penang to know about her life story, until the very last day we saw all the SM, they never say a single word to us, but the knowledge and memories they gave us will be unforgettable.

During the workshop, I had the opportunity to learn and practice procedures that I never had a chance to do in hospital. I enjoyed intubation, central venous line and chest tube insertion stations the most. we have been learning about the theory part but practicing them on a real patient was not really easy. On top of that, all the doctors were really helpful and teach us very well during the 20-30 minutes session. The anatomy session during the second day was really fun too! That was my first time touching the small and large intestine and visualising the differences. 

These experiences would remain forever with me, thanks to all the Silent Mentors. Hopefully I can join this program again in the future.


Nurul Aini binti Mohd Zin (UM_MIA180094)

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you for giving me a chance to participate in this program and was able to experience such a priceless memory. Through this program, I realised one thing. During the interaction with my patients in the clinical setting, I was busy on findings the sign and symptoms they had so that I could know their diagnosis and eventually how to manage them. One thing was missed, I actually did not really know them; how was their lives and how much they affect other people lives. For me these little details that make you different from just being a doctor who treat the disease as it is. The act of humanity is very important, and this will help you to become a great doctor. Not to forget, the selfless act by all the Silent Mentors, allowing us to learn so that we can become a great doctor in the future was really inspiring. I was touched as one the previous mentors shared her final wish to the students; ‘I don’t mind if the students failed countless times on me instead of doing wrong to their patients in the future’. I could not express how grateful am I to be able to learn from those selfless teachers. These experiences will be cherished forever. 

For all the Silent Mentors, thank you so much for being a great teacher to us. We may not know each other or even exchange any words, but I will never forget your selfless acts and contributions you had done to me and my colleagues.


Audrey Loh Joe Chii (UM_MIA180010)

Words cannot express how grateful I am to be selected as one of the trainees of 32nd Silent Mentor Workshop. I was a volunteer during Year 1 but the impact of being a volunteer was not as strong as being a trainee. From home visit, to the one-week workshop and at last the cremation ceremony, I appreciate that all of us were given a chance to participate from the beginning till the end. Throughout this workshop, I felt that the most important aspect was not learning about the clinical skills and knowledge, but it helped me to understand more in terms of humane aspect of medical field. I utmost my greatest respect to all 6 Silent Mentors who were willing to donate their body for the medical field. I’ll always remember what I felt and learnt during this workshop and I promised I will be a good doctor.


Nur Syafiqah Farisha Binti Ali (UM_MIA180087)

Silent Mentor is truly one of the best program I’ve ever joined in medical school. When I first joined the program I was not expecting that it would leave such a big impact on me. Not only it taught me important medical skills and procedures, it also taught me important values such as being selfless, caring and compassionate towards patients. I am in debt to all the Silent Mentors and I will carry what I have learnt during this program throughout my whole medical career.


Goh Jun Wen (UM_MIA180031)

Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and respect to all the committee members, lecturers, volunteers, and everyone who dedicatedly involved in the Silent Mentor Program. Thank you for all the hard works and sacrifices despite all the challenges faced especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Since I am in first year, I have heard about this Silent Mentor Program and have been always excited to join as one of the participants. No words can describe how grateful and blessed I felt to be finally able to join as a participant. I really treasured and cherished this experience. I have learnt so much from this program. This is my very first-time performing procedures that I have read from textbooks, such as chest tube insertion, intubation, fasciotomy, and internal fixation. I do not think that I will perform these procedures perfectly in near future as these are still very new to me, however, I have gained a feeling of these skills and have more confidence if I am given a chance to perform these procedures again on real patient with appropriate supervisions and guidance. As day passed by, there were more and more cuts made on the Silent Mentor’s body. I felt complicated but at the same time I recalled why I first chose to further pursue my career in the medical field. In medical schools where we are all busy with our duties as medical students and started to get numbed, I felt that little spark in my heart rekindled during these few days. Not only from the aspect of medical skills, I realized the humanity part of the program has affected me in many ways, to the extent that I cannot even imagine. From the start when we met and interviewed the family members to the end when we sent off our Silent Mentor, there were multiple moments when I felt so touched and amazed by the greatness of mankind. I believed that it took a lot of courage for one to decide to sign up for a body donation and it is also equally hard for the family members to be supportive and trusting us in managing their loved ones after death, especially in Malaysia, where a lot of traditional beliefs are still being practiced. “Turning a Loss into a Gift”. There is no way that I can repay this noble gift our Silent Mentors and their family members had bestowed to us and the society, but I will try my best to be the best version that I can ever be and repay back the society. This memory would continue to be with me throughout my journey of life and I will always be reminded of these very special feelings. Once again thank you.


Lim Chia Xiang (UM_MIA180047)

When I was assigned to our beloved Silent Mentor, our late Madam Mageswari A/P Balasubramaniam, I was very excited as I knew that this could be a precious chance for me to learn more about Indian’s culture. Throughout this workshop, I truly learn more about their culture. However, I regretted that I could not pay the home visit to the family as I had to attend medical on-call at the medical ward. 

Throughout the workshop, at the first sight when I saw our mentors’ bodies at the anatomy dissection halls, I was stunned for a few seconds by the bruises, joint contractures, peeled skin, collapsed eyeballs and the dirt all over their bodies. This is my very first time seeing a cadaver in my naked eyes. When I regained my thought, I was impressed by how a human’s selflessness and dignity can be expressed in such a way by contributing their awed-looking body to the medical field. Back then, I was blinded by the fact that status, wealth and attractive looks are the expression of one’s dignity. I was so ignorant and witless, but thanks to our Silent Mentors, who imparted me the true wisdom of life.

Also, during the coffining ceremony, I went through each coffin and I learned about different cultures and customs all across different races and Chinese ethnics. And to my beloved Silent Mentor Madam Mageswari, there was a well-looked sari and some of her lifetime cherished belongings placed in her coffin. However, it drew attention when I came to the last one. They put nothing inside the coffin. It was then I realised that when we were born we have nothing, and yet when we left this world everything was kept behind and there would not be anything accompanying us as well. To quote from Buddha, there was nothing belong to us but every moment when we were still alive.

Lastly, for myself personally, I realised that we should not confine ourselves and all of us have the greatest potential if we are keen enough to learn. I always tell myself that I am going to be doing internal medicine rather than being a surgeon. Only then when I was suturing my mentor, I just realised I really have a bit in suturing. I was so glad that even my colleagues praised my sutures. I learned that somehow we might end up not being what we want to be, but to be what we are destined to be. Maybe we should just go along the flow and let our God guide us along the way.


Ng Jun Zhi (UM_MIA180138)

As the old saying goes, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you', I have always doubted that saying, viewing how selfish and self-centered people seems nowadays. In this capitalist country, money has become our new faith, and that has motivated people to act in their own interest disregarding the environment, the society and moral codes that the generations before us held dearly to. This is why, I have always been interested in joining Silent Mentor ever since first year, when I was introduced to it. The very concept of donating your body without nothing in return contradicts what I have seen in Malaysians' society, where self-interested and conservatism run rampant. The very existence of Silent Mentor Program makes me question myself : Have I been wrong about humanity? 

Yes, I am. I can't even begin to explain how glad I am that I was wrong. This one week has taught me how much I have misjudged the capability of mankind in imparting kindness. During our home visit to our beloved Mentor, Mdm Mageswari's humble abode, I have learnt so much about her living principle and why she joined Silent Mentor Program. To quote her words for Medical Students, 'I hope my body to be beneficial to the medical students and utilised to become a great doctor in the future. My final wish is to make contribution and do good deeds for the last time in our society.' Her words mean so much more when I learnt that she has been plaqued by End Stage Renal Disease for many years when she signed up for the program. Even in her darkest hour, she never ceased to be a giver as her kindness shines through like the brightest star at night. I am so touched and indebted to her for all the knowledge, all the hands-on experience and most important of all, for restoring my faith in humanity. What I have experienced in this program has lead to my pledge to be kind to everyone around me especially to all my future patients; to be humble, for no matter how great my achievements may be in the future, they could never tops what our mentors did in this programs; to be selflessness just like our mentors. 

I would like to end this with my beloved Mentor, Mdm Mageswari's favourite quote from Master Cheng Yen, 'The key of doing good is not the amount but doing whatever that should be done.' I hope that everyone who read this would go on doing good deeds and make the world a better place.


Yong Qing Hui 杨靖琁 (UM_MIA180134)

I am very blessed that I was given the opportunity to join the 32nd Silent Mentor Workshop as the team leader of Group 5. As the team leader, I was more involved compared to the other members and I learnt how to communicate with the members and make decisions when necessary. 

I have joined the Silent Mentor Workshop as a volunteer for a couple of times previously. However, joining as a participant is definitely a whole new experience and once in a lifetime experience that I will cherish forever. Throughout the workshop, I learnt a lot from our Silent Mentor, Ms. Chua. I admired her kindness towards her friends and family as well as her selfless act of pledging as a Silent Mentor. It was definitely not an easy decision for her and her family members. 

I will remember Ms. Chua’s words to be an ethical doctor and give the best treatment to my patients. I sincerely hope that future participants are able to appreciate this golden opportunity and never take this opportunity for granted. 


Cheah Eu Gene (UM_MIA180014)

I’m so grateful to get a chance in participating in this workshop as it really allows me to learn clinical practical skills, other than that also to realise that everything that exist has a history behind it, and we should constantly learn about different things in life and explore how other people perceive things in life. Learning about life and death in medical school really equipped me with a good mind and a good heart towards patients.


Nada Umairah binti Hamzah (UM_MIA180068)

The first time I heard about this program was when I was in Year 1 of medical school. At that time, I do not have any idea why is it called “Silent Mentor” and how will this be conducted. And then a lecturer gave some introduction and brief overview on this program. What came inmy mind was I am surely going to join this program in the future. 

When I was in Year 4, my friends and I decided to participate in this program hence we registered our names together. The first meeting, we were introduced to our Silent Mentors. There were a total of 6 mentors and my teammate’s Silent Mentor is the late Ms Chua Kim Eng. We were then briefed on the schedule and flow of the programme. 

The first thing we need to do was to interview the family members of our Silent Mentor. This moment was very fruitful for me since we had the chances to meet Ms Chua’s loved ones. We

spent 2 hours to get to know more about the late Ms Chua including her educations, hobbies, past medical history and many other information. The official program started around 1 month after that. On the first day we met Ms Chua was early in the morning to clean her body for the initiation ceremony. The ceremony started at 7am where all the Silent Mentor’s family members attended to see their loved ones for the last time before the workshop starts. Without noticing, I had tears in my eyes seeing the family members having their last time with all the Silent Mentors. 

The first workshop we had was on 6 procedures which are endotracheal tube intubation, closed bladder drainage insertion, central venous line insertion, basic suturing, chest tube insertion as well as steinmann pin. For the next day we learned more on the anatomy. To summarise these two sessions, I think that it was very beneficial for us as medical students. We had the chances to do all these procedures on a real body instead of a mannequin or on a dummy. Besides, I could memorise back some of my anatomy that I have learned during my pre-clinical years. 

Honestly, I felt that I was very closed to my mentor even though we have never met before. Part of it was because every morning and night throughout the 1 week we will cleaned Ms Chua’s body and prepare her for the workshop. And on the last night of the workshop, we did the final wrap-up by making sure that her wounds are all closed and cleaned her body for the last time before coffining. 

The last day of the Silent Mentor Program was the gratitude ceremony and sending off ceremony. During the gratitude ceremony, once again, I shed a tear when they played a video of the 1-week workshop. We also prepare a performance on sign language as well as a souvenir for the family member as a token of appreciation. Then it continues with the sending off ceremony and cremation ceremony. We went to the crematorium as a final goodbye to our Silent Mentors. 

Finally, I would like to thank Ms Chua and all other Silent Mentors for their selfless contribution for us medical students. They were good teachers for all of us and I would never forget what they had taught me throughout the workshop. I hope that I will be a great doctor in the future and serve the country well.


Ng Jing Hui (UM_MIA180072)

To my Silent Mentor Ms Chua, who have taught me the wonders of humanity. I wish would thank you was enough to express how incredibly selfless your gift is, your desire to help the next generation of health care professionals, and your willingness to be my first patient on that journey. I wish I could express the significance of what your donation means to me. Even though I know only little about you, you gave me the opportunity to learn every part of your body. To learn about the hands that held your loves ones. To learn about the feet that helped you take your steps around the world. To learn about the body that carried you though this life.

The gift of your life is one we honour. We respect. We revere. Your life is important to us. You are my most important patient and I would remember you for the rest of my life. The opportunity given us to understand the intricacies of the human body, even in your death you have shown me one of lives most valuable lessons, to give selflessly to others in hopes that the world will change. Knowing the inner workings of the body. The stories your body told, I will use the knowledge granted by you to understand and help the needs in the future. I will cherish you forever. Thank you for allowing me the honour of getting to know you.


Nursyuhada Binti Khairel Salleh (UM_MIA180093)

To be able to involve in The Silent Mentor Program, I’m truly blessed and grateful. When the google form was disseminated on the Whatsapp platform for the students to sign up for this program, I knew it was going to be only a few minutes until the slots were full, but I tried to register anyway. Thank God, I managed to secure a place for myself. Ask anyone in UM medical school, everyone would want to join and experience it, including those who have already participated. 

The preparation, briefings and rehearsals were amazing. They were adequate; not too little, not too much. The management team led by Mr Sia did a wonderful job as they really made the journey of this program well-ordered. I am also thankful to be placed in my team (Team 5) as everyone managed to work hand in hand and I would like to thank our leader, Qing Hui as she had done her tasks and duties smoothly; reminding and ensuring the members to complete certain individual tasks. 

Many human bodies are quite similar but also quite different. This variety allowed me to understand the depth and features of the body system better. For example, the skin whereby older mentors might have less firm tissue compared to younger ones. I cannot thank enough the mentors for allowing us to experience the procedures on real patients instead of on the mannequins. The learning process is different, and I had to admit I felt the distinction the most when I performed intubation on our mentor. Our airway structure is not as rigid as it is on the mannequin. The lecturers and doctors were really nice and delivered their experiences and knowledge very well. I learnt a lot from them. Overall, I had enjoyable and fruitful sessions the most during the workshops. 

During the closing ceremony, we performed a sign language performance to show our gratitude to the family members of our mentors. It was really touching to see the family members’ reactions and their grief. This reminded me to have more empathy towards the patients as overall, not only focusing on the disease itself and I hope I would apply this value in practice when I become a doctor later. The practices and rehearsals were not excessive, they were adequately managed by Audrey and Pinky. Though we made many mistakes, we practised by ourselves in the room and together in the hall, and the improvement can be seen during the event itself. This is my first-time experiencing sending-off ceremony as well as going to the crematorium. It was wonderful and great. Thank you again to the mentors, family members management team, lecturers, doctors, volunteers and my teammates.


Pavitra A/P M Balakrishnan (UM_MIA180098)

I am glad that I got to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. I had the idea that participants only had to attend workshops but never have I ever thought that we will be involved in each step from receiving our mentors till the cremation ceremony. I really get to know and build a special bond with my Silent Mentor and her family along the journey and feel very grateful to them for their contributions. 

‘Let there be a thousand of wrong cuts on me than a single wrong cut on a living patient’. This saying made me understand the huge sacrifice my Silent Mentor made by donating her body for medical education. As medical students, we get to practice procedures we never get to perform previously and these were only possible because of our Silent Mentors, and I am very thankful to them. Their courage motivates me to be a better medical student and a doctor in the future. 

All in all, the Silent Mentor Program taught me not only to be a good doctor, but a good human being above all. I know I will always remember my Silent Mentors forever.


Peter Tan Hao Yuan (UM_MIA180139)

Death to the well-organized mind, is but the next great adventure. Albus P. W. B. Dumbledore.

The medical curriculum of 5 years is saturated to ensure the doctors produced are competent and safe. However, there are things that are left out due to the sheer volume of the medical field. The Silent Mentor Program allows medical students, and master students to learn, and train, gaining new tools, broaden their skillset, and hones confidence in decision making. With COVID pandemic limiting exposure to certain surgical procedures, this program allowed me to bridge the gap due to the reduction in clinical exposure and increased my confidence in my knowledge. 

The Silent Mentors themselves are an embodiment of the true medical spirit of being selfless and training the next generation without knowing who the mentees are, they courageously allow themselves to be our teachers even after death. “I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.” – Modernized version of the Hippocratic Oath.


Tan Chai Xian 陈彩贤 (UM_MIA180516)



Kenneth Loh Jia Juin (UM_MIA180503)

I had the opportunity to take part in the 32nd Silent Mentor Workshop. I have learnt not only invaluable medical knowledge, but also many important life lessons and values throughout these few months that will benefit me for the rest of my life. I will also remember all the emotions, experiences and encounters with my Silent Mentor, her family members and everyone else involved in the workshop. I will always honour my Silent Mentor by giving back to humanity by being a good doctor.

31st Silent Mentor Workshop 17-21/05/2022

Noornadhirah Iradaturrahmah binti Riza Abdillah (UM_MIA170137)

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to join this program. It is truly one of a kind and without experiencing it yourself you cannot understand how special it is. For all the mentors, thank you. From now on for every stitch, every incision, and practicing everything I have learned from you, I will always remember my mentors for my gratitude to you is endless. Thank you for allowing me to experience the kindness and selflessness of humanity. For all the effort put in by the Professors and Drs to teach us as well as the organising committee that worked hard to ensure the program was smooth, I would also like to give my appreciation and gratitude. My reflection may not be much, but I truly believe that there are no other words that are more suitable and can convey my intentions better than Thank You.


Nur Qamarina binti Mohaizi (UM_MIA170090)

Cutting through the mentor’s body made me think how big their sacrifice is. To donating their own self for us - in not making mistakes in the future is pure selfless. Even they are not alive anymore, but their sacrifice to me has been tremendous. I will always remember them in every patient that i’ll meet in the future. They have made me a more confident student in doing hands on procedure. Thank you.


Raymen Arviin Chandasagran (UM_MIA170140)

After joining the Silent Mentor workshop, I learnt many valuable lessons, not only about medicine, but also about humanity. 

Our Silent Mentors were very courageous. It takes a tremendous amount of faith to be willing to entrust the body that you lived in your entire life to medical students and doctors for the purpose of developing their education. It involves believing that your sacrifice today will make a difference in the medical field tomorrow. By doing so, they teach us the value of generosity and faith, and in choosing how they wish to die, they teach us how to live. 

Aside from this, I learnt the need for perseverance in the medical field. There were many times when I made mistakes and was unable to perform a procedure correctly. Nevertheless, the courage of the Silent Mentors served to motivate me to try again and get it right so that their sacrifice will be a worthwhile one. 

Lastly, I learnt the value of teamwork and cooperation. Undergoing this workshop is impossible without being in an effective and cooperative team. Being a team player not only means trusting your teammates to help you through, but also involves putting in the effort to help and lessen the burden of your teammates so they have a fruitful workshop experience. By doing so, we learn to give and take and help one another to get through the workshop. 

In conclusion, I am immensely grateful for the learning opportunities given to me during the Silent Mentor workshop. I will do my very best to live the lessons I’ve learnt not only to be a better doctor but also to be a better human being.


Christine Audrey 陈莉欣 (UM_MIA160015)

Silent mentor is an eye-opening experience and memorable for me. It portrays how selfless a human being can be. They have helped us not only the medical student but also so many doctors from different specialties. Their contribution is beyond words. 

This programme has undeniably boosted our confidence in performing the procedures in the future. Surprisingly, this programme has also sparked my interest in the surgical field, which I thought would never be the one I would pursue. 

Not to forget gratitude and my utmost respect to the family member. They are so strong. The pain they need to endure, especially for the 2-years wait, is not something everyone can go through. 

Lastly, thank you to the organiser and committee for their hard work and effort in making this programme a success.


Gan Choo Kian 颜子健 (UM_MIA160022)

Thanks everyone on and off the scene for making this event a great one. 1 week of the workshop had given me a different insight on silent mentor. The courage and confidence are the 2 things I gain. To be a more confident doctor, with lesser self-doubt, and more courageous on this long and difficult journey. Thank you.

Pon Suek Xuen 潘淑暄 (UM_MIA170139)



未曾想,在手术室里看到了无数次的endotracheal intubation,我居然也能以医学生的身份完成。当endotracheal tube 到达 vocal chord 的时候,我无比地激动与喜悦。当教授询问我们是否有信心intubate 的时候,我还下意识地点头了。是我们的无语良师———郑老师,静静地躺在手术台上,无声胜有声地给了我自信,也给了我勇气。希望我能如他临终之言期翼的一般,将来不出差错,成为良医。 





Tan Chun Hong 邓俊康 (UM_MIA170117)



Grace Tan Cian Huey 陈倩慧 (UM_MIA160026)



Muhammad Danial Bin Putra (UM_MIA160056)

Initially, I was expecting this program to be just like another tutorial sessions with our lecturers for our clinical posting. However, my experience was totally different from my expectation. It helps me to understand more in terms of the humane aspect of medical field because we are dealing with humans who have emotions and feelings. It encourages me to be more empathy towards the patients as well as their relatives. The famous quote “Primum non nocere” among medical practitioners are applied very well in this program too because if we are able to treat the late silent mentors with the utmost care and respect, we will without a doubt, care for the living patients the same way too. Last but not least, this program trained us to be a human doctor and not a robot doctor.


Mashitah Binti Hasan (UM_MIA170061)

Since I am in first year, I feel very interested and excited wanting to know more about this silent mentor programme. I feel grateful that I had the chance to join this programme before I finished my medical school. Indeed, this is a lifetime experiences and very fruitful with sentimental value in it. One week passed very fast, our selfless silent mentor surely left something that we always can ponder upon. Even though you are silent, you will always be our teacher. One are very kind, selfless and willing to sacrifice his own body for doctors and future advancement of medical field, that is Mr. Yip, our beloved teacher. One has benefited a lot of people and we are truly thankful for this. One has taught us empathy and the skills that we learned from him will always be remembered and practiced in the future. We as the students would never can repay all the sacrifices that our teachers gave to us, but to always do everything whole-heartedly and be a competent doctor in future. I would like to say thank you so much to family members for their big heart. The emotions and pain that they need to endure for long time is really appreciated. Thank you to all volunteers and doctors that make this silent mentor programmed a successful and meaningful one. Thank you, Mr. Yip.


Sushmita Chandran (UM_MIA170112)

It is an honor to be part of such unique event, this past week has taught me so much, not only in terms of medical knowledge and surgical skills, but more importantly the qualities for a good doctor: compassionate, selflessness, kindness. Little that they know, mentors who selflessly gave their body for the benefit of our medical education have done so much for our benefit, at a noble cause. I am eternally grateful to be part of this one-of-a-kind experience, as I have learnt so much in this mere one week. Thank you again to the mentors, and their family members, who have been kind and patient to wait this program out, so that their loved ones can fulfill their last wishes. The experience that I gained throughout this program is something that I will remember and carry throughout my journey in the healthcare field.


Loo Qing Yuan (UM_MIA170134)

Having previously attended silent mentor as a volunteer, I had a rough idea on what to expect when taking part in this as a participant. It was a very good experience personally being part of the workshop and being able to participant in the hands-on procedures. The procedures that we were able to observe were also fascinating as we were able to apply practical knowledge we got from the books. However, it would be a much impactful experience if I have gotten to know my mentor personally through home visits and prior knowledge on the mentor. Being one of the many students who were brought forward from next sessions, we were informed in a short notice. I, for one, was not able to fully immerse myself in the experience and in my honest opinion, my experience as volunteers in the past were not much of a difference from the experience I had partaking as a volunteer besides being able to be more hands on during the workshops. I do understand that there were many restrictions and many changes to be made. With that said, I still treasure this opportunity that I have gotten. The experience will never be forgotten, and the knowledge shall be applied and passed on in the future. I would like to thank all the mentors once again as well as the organising committee for the sacrifices made for this to happen and allow me the opportunity to learn.


Heng Woon Theng (UM_MIA160131)

I was an active volunteer of SMP. And only I understand the true meaning of SMP when I became the participant on that week. The initial aim of mine was to get the chance to practice. And only I went through the whole week I realized there is a lot more to earn other than skills. It was a busy week for me to participate in this while working and at the same time applying our housemanship. But it is fulfilling. When times go, I realize that I understand about humanity and generosity. It teaches us the invaluable lessons such as compassion, empathy and kindness which we could never learnt by textbook. I felt that I have developed special connection with our mentor. Thank you for your selfless contribution.


Regine Ti Shie Ling (UM_MIA170102)

The Silent Mentors did not speak a word but they have taught me so much, there was so much power, strength and most importantly grace in their silence. 

Their grace that was so freely given, gave us room to make mistakes and to learn from our own mistakes so our future patients will not suffer but they will be comforted and healed. 

Practice doesn’t make perfect but it makes permanence, I was more confident after being able to try my hand at intubation multiple times on a real human body and also to practise my suturing skills on human skin. 

I truly feel so blessed to be a part of this programme. I see my Silent Mentors in every patient that I meet and treat, I will carry my Silent Mentors' love with me forever, because of their great love and sacrifice, I became a better version of myself. 



Janice Ong Ying Qian 王樱蒨 (UM_MIA160034)

Since my second year as a medical student in UM, I had been volunteering in the Silent Mentor Program. I thought this programme was focusing on surgical skills, procedures, and knowledge. After becoming a participant in the 31st Silent Mentor workshop for the past one week, I realise that it had been an emotional roller coaster for me. There are mixture of grief, respects, and gratitude. My Silent Mentor was more than just someone who passed away and donated his body to this program, he was someone who live a long life and had selfless contributions to medical education and society. 

Through this program, from the first until the last day, from towing, cleaning my Silent Mentor, learning in workshop, closing him up to coffining, all these make me recognise the beauty of humanity and all the Silent Mentors’ faith in medical fraternity. I believe that, to become a better doctor not only in terms of skills and knowledge but also character. I am incredibly grateful towards all our Silent Mentors and family members who supported their decision as it was definitely not an easy decision to make. I will always be thankful that I was given the chance to join this workshop as it was an experience that I will never forget. All kindness, selflessness and sacrifice from our Silent Mentors will always be engraved in my heart. 

Lastly, it was such an honour to learn from you, my Silent Mentor, Rotarian Ole Gunnar Sponner. 


Tan Siew Yin (UM_MIA170141)

The Silent mentor workshop is different from any other workshop that I've experienced because we unknowingly build a connection with our mentor. We might only know a fraction of his life from reading his bibliography, but his spirit and kindness we can be certain of. Every night, we showered, rinsed, and sutured our mentor. At the end of the workshop, we dressed and placed our mentor in the coffin. It felt like we were on a journey with our mentor, and it was a humbling one. 

The workshop reminded me that behind every patient we treat, there is a human with a lifetime's worth of memory before us. Just like how Mr Ole had faith in us, patients entrusted us with their life and body, including their vulnerabilities. The least we could do is to try our best to treat them and provide comfort. I am glad that my first procedure does not have to be carried out on a living patient. 

One week of silent mentor, a lifetime of gratitude. My silent mentor is Mr Ole Gunner Sponner and I will always be reminded of his name and virtue throughout my career. Thank you Mr. Ole, may your soul rest in peace.


Tan Jie Ying (UM_MIA170119)

This workshop has definitely made me a better and a more confident undergraduate student when conducting various surgical skills. These are things that I will never forget throughout my life. 

I remember vividly on what happened in the morning of initiation ceremony. There was this lady, after seeing her loved one, she was so reluctant to let go of him and she said ‘我不舍得他’ (I can’t bear to see him go). 

After the cremation ceremony, my groupmates and I talked to the wife of our silent mentor. In the middle of the conversation, she casually asked, ‘Are the conditions of the other parts of his body look just like the condition of his face, I could barely recognise him, the face looks sunken.’ 

It’s definitely not easy to say goodbye to our loved ones and it’s always painful having to go through the experience of grieve and the separation twice. 

Yet, they support us unconditionally. The wife has pledged as a silent mentor. Her friend who came along with her felt the programme meaningful and has considered to be a silent mentor too. 

We are truly beyond blessed because of their selfless act. When we first met our mentors, they have no breath in them but their altruism remained. They are cold to touch but their sacrifices warm our hearts. They no longer speak but their bodies convey the message of love. They are our Silent Mentors and I will be forever grateful.


Chiang De Min (UM_MIA170019)

In the week of Silent Mentor Program, although is tiring physically and mentally, but my soul full of sunshine. Apart of learning our clinical skills through the workshop, this program let me recognize the beauty of humanity. The action of every Silent Mentors to donate their body for us to practice our skills indeed a great sacrifice which portray their selflessness. Due to pandemic, this program had been delayed. This makes the family members of Silent Mentors to experience the grief when they saw their loved ones again. It is not easy to go through the grief again. Nothing I could do but just a simple thanks to all Silent Mentors and their families.


Dhivyia Sriram (UM_MIA160020)

In just 1 week, the silent mentor programme teaches us so much. Surgical skills and anatomy aside, it forces us to think about death and what comes after it, but also life and what it means. It teaches us how to handle our complex emotions surrounding these matters, thus allowing us to connect better with those around us in similar situations. It gives us an insight into the lives of others; how they lived, loved and are loved, both in life and in death. Truthfully, our silent mentors were never truly silent. In their silence, so much can be heard if one were to listen carefully. Thank you to all of our silent mentors and their families for this priceless gift that we shall cherish forever.


Wee Liang Qi (UM_MIA170128)

I have learnt a lot from the silent mentor program, I am scared of doing procedure due to lack of confidence even though I know the location, practice on mannequin but still I will always unsure about it and will try to avoid it as much as I can. Silent mentor program provide me a good platform to test myself, encourage me to use this opportunity to be confidence, practice in my mentor, test myself out whether I’m right, whether what I learnt is correct, and provide a chance to make mistake here so that next time I will be able to do it correctly. I can only say a million thank you to my mentor, which I think for sure has built up my confidence immensely and I’m sure will be brave to do anything that is new and challenging to me. My mentor too inspired me that you can always make a contribution whenever you are, whoever you are no regard of status. I learned to be compassionate, empathy and selfless from my mentor too not only the skills needed which is also the quality needed to become a good doctor in the future. Participating in Silent mentor program will be one of the memory, the life lessons I will never forget in my life. So glad I join the program, thank you so much my silent mentor.


Mohammad Danial Haziq Bin Hamdan (UM_MIA160052)

I’ve heard myriads of anecdotal experiences from my colleagues regarding the program but having went through it myself, I truthfully believed it has changed me; not only as an aspiring physician but also, as a person. Apart from sharpening my surgical skills & knowledge, I also got to know our Silent Mentors. Maybe not personally but hearing their life stories and the selfless act they took, I cannot help but feel touched, blessed & inspired. To our Silent Mentors, be at ease, for your contributions have made a deep and meaningful impact on the medical field that will forever be ingrained in our hearts. Thank you.


Low Min-Jie (UM_MIA170058)


这一周,我受教于几位特别的老师 - 素不相识却一见如故;没有温度表情,却承载着巨大的温情。我们固然学习了许多重要的医学知识和技术,但他们教会我的远超于医病之间 — 更是一个人对于人乃至一群、一代人深远而纯粹的信任,奉献和希望。看着老师从第一天的完肤之躯逐渐累积伤痕,直到入殓时从头到脚布满密密麻麻的缝合,除了感恩,我还有心疼、还有莫大的敬佩。奈何疫情使老师们不得及时授课,他们的家人还需忍受两年无法送终的遗憾和思念,如此种种更加深我不辜负此课的责任。我深感一个医生的养成,是许多人的无私付出换来的。 


What makes a doctor? To me, it is lots of studying, practice plus a sprinkle of luck in exams; more importantly, it is the patients - patients who allow us to err in our growth of becoming a doctor, even when this sometimes means inflicting harm upon themselves. I had the opportunity to meet a group of special patients. They laid in silence but taught me so much more than surgical skills - their selflessness, faith in the medical fraternity and most of all, humanity. With every day spent with our silent mentors, I was humbled again and again to know that body donation was a decision that brought our silent mentors joy, and the immense sacrifice that was cost for the betterment of training doctors, even more so with the pandemic. The Silent Mentor Program taught me what it takes to be a doctor - beyond that, it reminded me what it means to simply be a fellow human. For that, this memory will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you, Mr Ole. It has been an honour to learn from you.


Lee Yee Sin (UM_MIA160041)

在参加无语良师工作坊前,我认为这只是一个提高个人技术的活动,与其他工作坊无异。更何况距离工作坊原定日期已有两年之久,这也抹平了我原有参加工作坊的热情。但庆幸的,我坚持了原有的决定继续参加工作坊让我拥有人生中具有非凡意义及影响力的宝贵一课。大体老师们的无私奉献,家人们的体谅与配合深深地陷入我的心坎。我无法想象老师们需要多大的勇气捐出身躯来让各位医学生拥有机会学习;无法想象家人们需要承担多大的悲伤与包容来支持老师们的决定。其中让我深深感动的是家人们的一句话: “感恩你们照顾我的父亲,让他身前最后一个愿望得以实现。” 当我听到这句话时,我的泪泉涌现,我想说的是:“是我们医学生该庆幸能认识老师们,拥有与老师们一起上课的机会。” 感谢各位家属、医学教授及义工们的配合与努力让这个活动得以顺利进行。在此我除了感恩还是感恩。


See Xin Yu (UM_MIA170105)


第一次为您洗头净身,让您以最干净庄严的状态再次和未见两年的家人重逢, 记得那天我把您的头发梳了好多遍。接下来的每个早上发现您的身体逐渐累计新的疤,看着虽不好受,但也意味着每一天有更多的医学生,医生受惠。最后一次的梳洗,完整缝合的伤疤虽没愈合,但治愈和启发了许多医学生,医生。如殓和火化仪式上,我们和您做最后一次的道别和道谢。 

我的老师们,或许你们想传达的是医学知识和手术技巧,但我得到的不仅是学术提升,更多的是回到做人的基本 --向上向善。踏入医学生涯的第五年,学到坚韧不拔和适应忙碌作息的同时,也逐渐失去了常人应有的心理反应。 也许是种自我保护机制,面对疾病,意外,死亡的时候,我们渐渐变得不动声色。但您却以冰冷的身体提醒我们人间处处有温情,给病人多点时间,多点关怀,多点理解,多点爱。 



Ayesha Saadiqah (UM_MIA170705)

Silent mentor has exceeded my expectations in all ways possible. It has been such a meaningful week. I was able to learn so much and being able to try the procedures has further deepened my interest in surgery. I felt an attachment to my mentor every time we cleaned him and did procedures on him. Without him, this would not have been possible. The planning of the programme was also very well done. Most activities finished on time as scheduled which I felt was very good. We got to make the most out of the workshops in a short amount of time. The time for the workshops were also just nice, not too short or long. Everything up till the cremating was well planned and executed. The memorial park was a very beautiful place for the final resting place of the mentors.


Chan Chee Ken (UM_MIA170016)

Looking back at the entire programme, it was no doubt, very tiring, but towards the end, I came to realise that this programme was really worth it. The Mentors who donated their bodies have done a truly noble thing, for the purpose of medical study and advancement. I have really learned a lot for this past one week, medical wise. But I came to think that we really must not forget about the family members. To be honest, when it came to the emotional aspect of this programme, I believe the family members are the ones who experienced it the most. To revisit the grief of losing their loved ones again, after two years (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) and only obtaining that sense of closure after so long. It is not easy, considering the many of procedures we have done on the Mentors, to the point that I realised, the Mentors are almost unrecognisable towards the end of the programme. I think if the family members were to see this, they would feel very sad. However, I do feel that despite everything, they seem to be extremely proud of their own loved ones for the noble deed of donating their bodies and pledging as Mentors. I could see in their words and actions, that the family members were touched by the action of their loved ones, and that these Mentors were a sense of inspiration for an entire generation of medical professionals. I would really want to thank the Mentors for this opportunity, and their loved ones for their full support, and would strive to do everything I can to be a safe and responsible doctor.

Leow Yong Wen (UM_MIA170051)

The Silent Mentor Programme has been such a humbling and enriching experience to me. I was deeply moved to witness such profound act of kindness and courage from our mentors and their families. I was equally inspired by the arduous and selfless hard work from all members of the Silent Mentor Executive Committee to make the workshop a success. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the mentors and their families for this invaluable opportunity to learn, not only about human anatomy and surgical skills, but about love and the meaning of life. I would also like to sincerely apologize to the families for the prolonged grief and delayed farewell, and to the mentors for each and every incision made and flaw inflicted. Please be assured that I will strive to become a good doctor, a competent and a compassionate one. And on this journey, I will always have the fondest memory of you, my dearest mentors.


Tan Xun Yuan (UM_MIA170120)

One week may be short, but it’s worthy for us, students to learn about both humanity and surgical skills. I participate several times as volunteer, and I thought I knew a lot about silent mentor programme. However, it is actually far beyond my thoughts and expectations. We were engaged in the activities every day, from thawing, cleaning, lots of preparation to the workshop itself and final coffining, sending off etc. It made me to dive deeper to this programme, know more about out mentors, and always have respect and gratitude to our mentors. Not to mention that the volunteers, the organisers, the lecturers that spent their time, effort, energy with us, to teach and guide us throughout this process. 

I am so inspired and I will definitely try my best to help the others when I have the ability to do so. Your dedication is much appreciated. I gained confidence and is more prepared to perform my procedures on real patients now. Previously I was so afraid of making mistakes on the patients but I already practiced on the mentors and was taught by the lecturers, so I believe that I’m well equipped with the skills now. Last word to our Silent Mentors and volunteers: Thank you so much, sincerely.


Loo Kim Kee (UM_MIA160044)

For the past 5 years, I had participated in Silent Mentor workshops as a volunteer for a number of times. I could still remember my enthusiasm to observe and learn the procedural skills practised by seniors on the silent mentors during those days. Fortunately, I am blessed enough with the opportunity to be able to join as participant this time. No word can describe how grateful I am to be able to polish my skills throughout this workshop. No word can describe how grateful we are to have 6 noble and selfless silent mentors to make us better doctors in the future. After graduating from medical school for almost 9 months, I feel reconnected to the academia when I am attending this series of workshop and lectures. I feel motivated and more mentally prepared to kickstart my housemanship in the next 1 month. Again, kudos to the people who have contributed wholeheartedly in making Silent Mentor Program a successful and meaningful one.


Melissa Chong Wee (UM_MIA160049)

It was my pleasure to meet all the silent mentors and learn from them throughout the one-week workshop. Their life stories were inspiring and they are the role model of altruism, which is the value that we should uphold as a doctor. I would like to express my sincere thanks to the organizing committees and lecturers for making this workshop a meaningful one. I am grateful that I was exposed to various surgical skills. Most importantly, I will always remember that my role is to serve the community and nation, just like what my silent mentor did for his whole life.


Afy Natalie Justine (UM_MIA160002)

I joined the Silent Mentor Program because I want to learn about all the procedural skills and to prepare myself to be a competent doctor in the future. Little did I know, this one-week workshop became a 7 memorable days in my medical school life that taught me beyond what I expected. Medical school teaches me how to be a competent doctor by learning all the facts and skills that we need to treat the patient, but the silent mentors teach me about humanity, selflessness, compassion, and empathy. They are the ones that changed my perception towards life and people and what it means to be a good doctor. I am truly grateful that I have the opportunity to learn from all of our Silent Mentors.


Adrian Chin Jian Zhi (UM_MIA160001)

Being able to join this Silent Mentor Program is truly a blessing. As a medical graduate, due to embark on my housemanship journey, this program was held in a very timely manner. I find it very meaningful that this program not only trains us to be a more skilful doctor, it also cultivates the compassion and humanity in us. In our medical journey, it becomes too easy to take patients for granted, up till the point that we forget that the patient is an actual human being, with families, memories, hopes and dreams. This program really prepares us not just academically, but also mentally in facing the challenges in being a doctor. I am really thankful to be a part of this, and I really hope that this program can be continued and benefit more students to come. Let us all be more caring and humane doctors, to heal the community, and the world.


Ooi Chiou Jia (UM_MIA160128)

I am grateful for the opportunity to join the silent mentor programme despite the delay since covid 19 pandemic started. It must be an unimaginable wait for the family as they wait for the final closure for their loved one. Revisiting the grief of losing their family member can be difficult for them too. A big thank you to our silent mentor and their family, for their selflessness and patience.


Ng Jun Ying (UM_MIA160063)



Tan Jia Yin 陈泇颖 (UM_MIA160112)

解剖,从古至今都是医生探讨人体奥秘的第一步,但给予我们这一步的机会寥寥无几。我们不提倡人类活体解剖实验,因为我们了解生命的宝贵。但,无语良师们赋予了我们这宝贵的机会。在他们生命谢幕后,他们选择了以一种特别有意义的形式延续,无私地把大体献给了医学教育。在这为期一个星期的工作坊,我们每天清晨都会为各组老师清理身体,为他们梳头。虽然他们默不作声,但他们无形中教会了我什么是责任,什么是同理心。陪伴他们的一个星期,仿佛他们还在,在向我们诉说他们对医学界的期许。他们无条件信任我们,提供我们学习平台,让我们无后顾之忧的在他们的大体上动刀。我学到的不仅仅是医学知识,更多的是老师们的大爱精神,他们用生命影响生命,无声地灌输我们舍己为人的高尚品德。这次的工作坊因为疫情的关系,无奈之下,我们从原定的2021年1月展延至2022年5月,让我不禁感叹计划赶不上变化,世事无常,人生在世时,我们一定要学会珍惜当下。在此,我由衷感谢家人们的耐心等待及其家人的支持。除了感恩还是感恩。最后,想对全体无语良师说:‘师恩如海,终生难忘’。 感谢您们。


Tan Ding Jun (UM_MIA160111)

Silent Mentor workshop was an eye-opening experience for me. From virtual home visiting to sending off ceremony, it brought great impact to us physically and mentally. It not only sharpened our skills through multiple training and guidances from lecturers, but also bring us to feel and be empathy on their loss of a father, husband, and friend.



Amirah Aisyah (UM_MEM150124)

I have always looked forward to the silent mentor workshop as I have heard many great stories by my colleagues from previous sessions. And after I have completed the workshop, I was not disappointed. I have benefited the programme in so many ways be it to sharpen my medical skills or to work as a team but the most precious value that I have gained is the amount of human ethics that have been instilled to every participant. As what our silent mentors have taught, even at the very last breath, they were able to spread kindness and help improve mankind. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, and I am truly grateful to all the members that made this programme a success, family members who have given full support, and last but not least, my Silent Mentor, Mr. Loh Kah Chee.


Liau Zhen Yi (UM_MIA170052)

What struck me the most in this programme was the opportunity to witness and experience the beauty of humanity and the goodness of human nature. The fact that we have six of our silent mentors who have so generously and selflessly donated their bodies for medical learning reflects their incredible humanity and compassion while they were alive. Our silent mentors have shown us what it means to be human– to appreciate and create meaning from the life we are given, to do what we can, to pay kindness forward, and above all, to have the capacity to care about others, the living, even towards the end of our lives. 

During this programme I witnessed family members seeing their loved ones again and being reminded of the pain of losing someone they love very much. It is not easy. And I cannot imagine the emotions seeing their physical bodies again after so long. Which is why I want to say thank you to the family members for being equally generous and patient these two years. And I hope that, besides revisiting the feelings of loss and grief, this also reminds you again of what wonderful people they were, their characters, hearts and greatness as a beloved husband, father, brother and friend while they were alive and even in death, they continue to remain so. They continue to inspire and impact our lives. Throughout this week, they have taught me surgical skills and they have given me their courage to do more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this invaluable experience as well as the knowledge and skills that we have gained from our silent mentors.


Shannon Goh Shan Yen (UM_MIA170107)

Being a volunteer in the Silent Mentor programme since I was a second-year medical student, I still remember how touched I felt when I attended the gratitude ceremony for the first time, seeing the participants express their gratitude towards the mentors and their families, and the encouraging words the family members shared to the participants in turn. I also remember how much I cried when I attended the sending off ceremony for the first time. I couldn’t hold back my tears hearing the families’ heart wrenching sobs echo throughout the corridor as they stood next to their loved ones’ coffins. I also remember my excitement over how the participants (my seniors) let me practise suturing on their mentors. Not to forget the Silent Mentor committees like Ms Se Woon who always made us volunteers feel appreciated and provided us food for our help. 

This time, as a final year student, I became a participant at last. Everything felt familiar, yet also new to me. My initial goal of participating was to learn surgical skills, but little did I know I would gain so much more in return. Every evening after the workshop, my heart ached to see more cuts and sutures on his body. Every morning as my team cleansed his body, I prayed for him and thanked him for his selfless contribution. My mentor, Mr. Loh, has taught me courage, selflessness, empathy, and confidence.  This programme has been a unique experience that I will cherish forever. When the going gets tough in future, I know that Mr. Loh and his family’s faith in us will give me the strength to go on. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


Intan Anisa Izzati (MAHSA_BMS16091098)

Throughout this one week of the Silent Mentor Program, I’ve learned a lot, to be a better doctor and a better person itself. As a medical graduate who has been away from hospital for quite some times, this program was really helpful for me to recall back all the important skills before I started my housemanship. Besides that, this program really helped me personally to reduce my anxiousness and help in building up my confidence in going for housemenship and performing it on patients.


Chin Yew Shun (UM_MIA170020)

I have volunteered few times in this Silent Mentor Program but being a participant myself is a new and totally different experience. I finally get to understand the what the Silent Mentor Program is about and the messages the program is trying to convey. It's not just about learning hands-on procedural skills, but also to appreciate the Silent Mentors selflessness and sacrifices that they have made to allow us medical students and doctors to gain as much as possible so that we will not do any harm in a real-life patient. These are the things that we will not be able to learn from textbooks, but instead from a great mentor, our Silent Mentors.


Nik Ammar Nashriq (UM_MIA170136)

Walking down the corridor from Faculty of Medicine towards UMMC and seeing a room with multiple backlit banners in front of it have always made me wonder what Silent Mentor Program is all about. The past one week spent in this program was definitely an eye-opening experience and joining it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life. Despite the hectic schedule throughout the week - having to wake up early in the morning to prepare our Silent Mentors and participating in workshop till late at night, it was worth every single moment. Aside from the surgical and procedural skills, I think the biggest takeaways after joining this workshop is to learn and appreciate life, to contribute to the society as much as possible, and to respect and be empathetic towards everyone, even the dead. It was a humbling learning experience and I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards the organizing team, family members and volunteers who have made this program a successful one.

30th Silent Mentor Workshop 11-16/08/2020

Teh Ching Wen 郑进雯 (UM_MIA160114)






Ashvini A/P Sanjeevi (UM_MIA160009)

Since my second year as a medical student in University of Malaya, I have been volunteering in the Silent Mentor Program. I always thought I already knew and had an idea of how touching the program was. I also thought that through the program, a few of my colleagues and I would have a Silent Mentor who we would take care throughout the one week of the Silent Mentor workshop and we would also be given the chance to do medical procedures on our Silent Mentor and learn from them. 

However, after becoming a participant in the 30th Silent Mentor Workshop, I realized how wrong I was to think so simply about it. When I compare my experience as a volunteer and as a participant, there are not enough words to describe how much of a touching experience it was. From the moment we had our family visit, I realized that my Silent Mentor was more than just someone who passed away and donated her body for the program, she was someone who had lived a long life and had left an impact on many people. The words that she left for us medical students were incredibly touching and made me remember again why I chose to pursue this career path. 

Throughout this one week workshop, I was given the chance to learn many medical procedures and have a hands on experience which is something that I could not have had if my Silent Mentor, Madam Tan Lan Chern had not been so kind and selfless even after her death. Even more than that, I also learnt to be more caring when taking care of patients in the future as I took care of my Silent Mentor together with my colleagues. Cleaning her every morning and every night made me respect her decision even more. I am also incredibly grateful towards her family members who supported her decision as it most definitely was not an easy decision to make. 

On the last day of the workshop, during the sending off ceremony, there were so many times when I teared up and came close to crying as I watched all the touching tributes of every team towards their respective Silent Mentors. I will always be thankful that I was given the chance to join this workshop as it was an experience that I will never forget and Madam Tan Lan Chern’s kindness will always be engraved in my heart. I also admire and am grateful to all the volunteers who made this workshop happen and run smoothly. 


Kayrel Nielhan Bin Awang Bakar (UM_MIA160036)

As a medical student from University of Malaya, I have heard about the Silent Mentor Program since entering the first year of medical school. My initial thought of the program was that the program was all about practicing and enhancing students’ clinical skills. With this thought in mind, I have decided to participate in the program with the hopes of learning and enhancing my clinical skills. However, after joining this program, not only that my perceptions towards this program have changed, it had also changed my perceptions towards life and people. Throughout this program, I have learned not only about clinical skills, most importantly I have learned about humanity, love, selflessness, compassion, and empathy.  

​Through our six Silent Mentors, I have learned the values of selflessness and humanity. Our mentors, even when approaching the end of their lives, were willing to make sacrifice by contributing their bodies for the use of medical practices. Their hopes and wishes were mainly the same, which was to enable the medical practitioners including surgeons and specialists to carry out simulated medical and surgical procedures on their bodies to gain hands-on experiences. By doing so, the medical practitioners will be more experienced and well-prepared in carrying out the similar procedures on real-life patients in the future. Our selfless mentors did not let their death be in vain, and instead had contributed to the advancement of medicine and ultimately, humanity.  

​I have learned the value of greater love towards people from the family members of our Silent Mentors. It is always difficult to say goodbye and send your love ones when they have passed away. For the family members of our Silent Mentors, they had to endure this process twice and suffered for an extended period of time. Despite the suffering, they were still willing to support their family members’ decision in becoming Silent Mentor, not only just because their love to their family members, also because of their greater love towards the hopes and dreams of their family members who wanted to contribute to the advancement of medicine and humanity. 

​Throughout this program, there were volunteers who had worked tirelessly in making sure the program runs smoothly. Through them, I have seen compassion and selflessness. Their compassion towards others, especially the family members really touched me. They have sacrificed their time and energy just to ensure that the participants have the most conducive environment in carrying out simulated surgical procedures. They asked for nothing in return and all they hope for was that the participants gained invaluable experiences from the workshop. There were also surgeons, specialists and professors who have volunteered for the medical students’ workshop despite their busy work schedules. I have learned a lot of surgical skills from them and I was truly aspired to be like them in the future.  

​In short, this Silent Mentor Workshop has laid down another meaningful layer to my journey of becoming a doctor. I have figured that medicine is not all about books and knowledges, but most importantly, the relationship with people and the magic word “empathy”. As the saying goes “treat the patient, not the disease”, this phrase has now seeded deeply within my heart. I promise to my six Silent Mentors, and myself, that I will be a compassionate doctor who will always put my patients first in the future. 


Siti Elena Binti Najib (UM_MIA160098)

What an experience this workshop was. I am truly privileged to have gained this opportunity. From the very beginning till the end, I am humbled by the sacrifices made by our Silent Mentors in the name of science and education. It must have been a huge decision not only for our Silent Mentors but also the family members to be a part of this program. You have my words that your sacrifices are not in vain because if it weren't for them, I am not where I am now - with better skills than yesterday, that I will put to good use treating future patients. To the family members, I am sorry for your loss, and no words can string my gratitude for your patience and trust towards us. My wholehearted appreciation also goes to the organizing team, volunteers and trainers who worked tirelessly to make this program a successful one. Though we may practice different beliefs, I know that God blesses every kindness and may His blessings come to you a thousand folds. 


Tan Zhi Boon 陈智文 (UM_MIA160113)

It's an honour to be able to join the Silent Mentor Program. Not only did we get to sharpen our clinical skills through the workshop, we also learned about the spirit of selflessness from our dear Silent Mentors, their family members, trainers as well as all the volunteers. It is definitely a memorable experience. 


Ng Xuan Xuan 黄萱萱 (UM_MIA160065)



时光飞逝,如今步入第五年的我,经过这几年医学教育的洗礼,累计的除了知识,在医院我握过虚弱的双手、看过无助的眼神,比以前更懂得了医人医心更胜于医病的道理。正式参与这一次的大体老师活动,从家访,生前遗愿影片,一个又一个的仪式和工作坊,看到了个个医生们百忙之中抽空培育下一代的精神,看到了所有主办方为成就这一次活动不计回报的付出,看到了家属们忍痛割爱只为成全大体老师们伟大遗愿的精神。最重要的,是我真正的去认识到了大体老师们的人生。对我而言,这一次,他们不仅仅是某一个大体捐赠者;这一次,我们不只是尊敬、佩服、感触;这一次,在大体老师们的以身教育下,我成长了。下一次,在某个需要缝合、插管等等的时刻,我一定要勇敢的说 “我会,因为 老师们教过我呢!”


Lim Ting En (UNIMAS_47398)










Ong Sheng Tian (UNIMAS_48667)


为时一个星期的过程我尽可能保持专业的态度就好像对待医院里的病人一样,并没有投入过多的情绪和想法,直到良师的家属站在台上对我们说:“现在我母亲的遗愿终于可以实现了。” 这一刻,我的心是无比的震撼,人生里第一次我深刻地感受到有人竟然可以这么伟大与无私。对于家属而言,第二次分离带来的悲痛,并不是谁都愿意接受的。



Loo Lean Cheong 吕连昌 (UKM_A157231)

从小我们都知道亲情的伟大,然而还有一种伟大叫 “无语良师”。



我很幸运能够参与第三十届无语良师 工作坊,在这里收获的感动我将毕生难忘,老师们的教诲学生将铭记于心。倘若你现在问我是否愿意捐献大体,我真的会犹豫。正是经过这些反思 , 我才真正体会到无语良师的爱是多么的无私而伟大…


Ngu Ying Xi (UM_MIA160066)

When I first volunteered in Silent Mentor Program in first year of my medical study, I thought the focus of this program was about performing hands-on procedural skills. I was not expecting to gain this much from this program right until I was a participant myself. From being directly involved in home visit learning about my mentor's life journey, the one-week workshop of daily body cleansing, up to coffining and sending off, I have developed a special connection with my mentor.

The essence of this program is that it teaches us empathy, compassion and kindness by first-hand experience, and it is not something one ever can learn from textbook. I am forever humbled and grateful for the opportunity given by my mentors, and to all the Tzu Chi volunteers as well as doctors who made this possible. 


Siti Nur Syawana Binti Mohd Dollah (UM_MIA160100)

Silent Mentor was a strange name to me once. I had question to myself. “Silent”? “Mentor”? Everyone was hyped up as seniors told us it is one of the best memories in medical school. They told us we got to experience first-hand surgical skills before really doing it during our housemanship later.  

We had huge emotional impact on ourselves throughout the process. Nevertheless, the process was smooth. From home visit to crematory. It is not easy to accept a loss. What more the family member had to deal with handling the loss decided to be a “mentor”. Family members were supportive and cooperative.  

All the mentors not only they contributed to healthcare and research into medicine, they taught us the meaning of being selfless. They experienced the pain throughout their lives, they had hardship. They did not want the future generations to go through what they had to go through. They were the purest of all people, and genuine. And for that, their names will forever live with me.  

Now I know why all seniors were so eager to join Silent Mentor Program. It taught us to be empathy in the process of gaining knowledge. It taught us being selfless will help greatly in the life. It taught us the meaning of “life”, to cherish and spend time with loved ones, contribute to society and always be humble.  

Dear all mentors, you may be gone. Your contributions will never cease. A hero, your names will truly be embedded in our hearts.  


Chiew Re Jen (UM_MIA160012)

Joining the Silent Mentor Program was truly a touching experience for me, where humanity meets medicine, where there can still be meaning and purpose after death, where their legacy will live on in those that learnt from them. I managed to learn and practice many medical procedures on our Silent Mentors without fear of harming anyone, for that I feel truly blessed and thankful. May the experience from this, help save another person's life in the future, I believe that would be the best way to answer the expectations of the Silent Mentors.


Nur Amalia Hazwani Binti Halid (UM_MIA160073)

I am truly grateful for this opportunity and experience. This program not only provides me with valuable medical knowledge and training, but also teaches me about humanity and empathy.

I never thought that I would have strong emotional attachment with the mentors whom I have never met. I thought I was strong enough but I broke into tears during the sending off ceremony. Looking at our mentors’ pictures on the coffins when they passed by me in the hallway, I could not help but to feel deeply thankful for their contribution.

I only know them through their brief life stories, but I feel close to them, as each of them has taught me by contributing their body for me to learn throughout the workshop.

I respect them for their selflessness. They expect nothing in return but they are willing to sacrifice their body just for us to learn in order to be a compassionate doctor and always remember to do no harm. It is true that a single act of kindness will go a long way.


Surinder Kaur A/P Jasbeer Singh (UM_MIA160108)

The Silent Mentor Program is something that will be very memorable and close to me forever. I am very grateful to the committee of Silent Mentor Centre, all the selfless Silent Mentors and their respective families for giving us the chance to learn, practice our skills and to be better individuals. Initially, I only joined this program to sharpen and improve my clinical skills and knowledge. I took this program to be my learning experience only. Now after completing this program, I realized that it is definitely more than that and it was definitely an eye opener for me.

I have learned the actual meaning of empathy and selflessness via this workshop. I have always been scared to perform any procedure directly on patient as I didn't want to hurt them in the process of doing so. However, there was no other way for me to learn and avoid making mistakes in future if I do not muster the courage to do so now. All the precious Silent Mentors have given us the opportunity to learn, to do mistakes now and rectify them so that we will be able to become better doctors in future. Their contribution to the medical field and medical research has really benefited the entire medical society. Their scarifies will always encourage us to strive for betterment of the society in future.

In conclusion, this workshop did not only aim to improve our clinical skills and knowledge but also focused on our all-rounder development. It has taught us to treat the patient as a whole and not only treat the disease for better outcomes and satisfaction of the patients and their families. I would once again like to express my gratitude to all the individuals that were involved in this program to make it a success. Thank you. 


Yip Kah Chun 叶家俊 (UM_MIA160123)







Luqman Hakimi Bin Mohamad Hanafi (UM_MIA160046)

This program was at first considered as to be a learning platform for me. However, during the program, I kind of realized that it was more than that. Every morning, we would wake up to clean our mentors. It was a constant reminder that death can happen to anyone. As the program proceeds further, I realized that as a doctor in the near future, I should take care of my patients well as death of a patient is a big thing and it affects many people in different ways. Seeing that some people would donate their body for research or education has shown me that anyone is capable of doing something kind irrespective of their backgrounds. Furthermore, after observing the family members react to seeing the bodies of the Silent Mentors has shown me that life is precious. Lastly, I would say that this program is quite beneficial mostly that it helps us understand more about life and death.


Hani Hazira Binti Hairul (UM_MIA160028)

For the past one week, I have been involved in Silent Mentor Program which is a collaboration between University of Malaya and Tzu Chi University. Silent Mentors refer to those who had donated their body for medical education and research after their death. Truly these Silent Mentors are selfless beings, as donating one’s body is not easy. 

I am grateful to have been a part of the Silent Mentor Program this year. Before the actual workshop, we had a virtual home visit to my mentor’s family due to movement restrictions. It is heart-warming to see how much the family members actually supported his decision and gave cooperation during the home visit. Knowing more about my mentor, Mr Lee Soh Har during his lifetime also made realize that these mentors real people that had real relationships and their own life journey. This made me empathize towards the late Mr Lee and his family members.

During arrival to UM, it was the first time we encountered Mr Lee’s body and I was scared initially. However, I then put a mindset that I came here to learn and need to be brave. Before the workshop, we had to clean the body and I see this as an act of respect towards Mr Lee. We have to clean up his body every day and as time goes by, it got a lot easier.

During the workshop, the doctors involved in the teaching session are very generous in their knowledge and made the environment very warm for learning. I learned so much on procedures that I have not had the chance to perform on real patients such as chest tube insertion, intubation and central line insertion. Practicing on these Silent Mentors definitely gave me a more real feeling compared to just practicing on mannequins. I really hope that the input that I got during this program stays with me for a long time.

We also had to perform for the family members on the last day. It was such a fun experience practicing it with my colleagues. Listening to the family members talking about the Silent Mentors were also very touching and definitely pulled on our heart strings. The final day of sending off the mentors to the memorial felt very heavy, but I was happy that their funeral is no longer delayed.

Overall, this was a very eye-opening experience. Once again, I feel very grateful and thankful to the Silent Mentors who contributed their bodies for medical education. This was a precious memory and I will carry the lessons I learned here into my future medical career.


Liyana Mat Rosly (UM_MIA160043) 

Joining this Silent Mentor Program has taught me many valuable things in life. I could not imagine someone would willingly sacrifice their body for a better understanding in the medical field. Their sacrifices have showed us all that there are still hope in humanity. The same goes to their family who willingly agree with their decision in doing so. With their sacrifices, I was able to learn a lot about the human body and ways to treat certain medical conditions more thoroughly. I was also able to experience how different religion pay respect to the dead. It was something I would not have experienced if not for this program. In a nutshell, I am glad to be able to have the opportunity to join this program and I hope it will be held every year for others to join as well.


Ong Hao Siang 王灏翔 (UM_MIA160080)

As the 30th Silent Mentor Workshop comes to an end, I feel grateful and thankful to all 6 Silent Mentors who donated their bodies for medical education, the lecturers and doctors who sacrificed their off-hours to teach us surgical skills and last but not least, the volunteer team that made this program as well as those before this a brilliant success. 

Hopefully the spirit of giving is passed on to us from our Silent Mentors, as we prepare ourselves for our future career. 


Angeline Ooi Ying Ying 黄迎滢 (UM_MIA160007)



Chunying Selvakumaran 淳颖 (UM_MIA160017)

Although I volunteered in previous workshops, but the experience as participant this time had touched me deeply. After receiving the message from Mr. Sia that our mentor who just passed on was on her way to the Silent Mentor Centre, we put aside all our work and went to stand by to receive her body. I can still remember feeling her body still warm when we cleaned her up before sending into the freezer to store. It was like she was telling me that she had saved her body for us medical students and be a good doctor in future. Spending time cleaning our mentor’s body and learning procedural skills on them daily throughout the workshop had invisibly bonded us together. Although we never got to meet and talk but they will forever be in my prayers. I couldn’t thank them enough, but I promise to become a doctor who is kind, caring and compassionate towards my patients and to contribute all I can just like Silent Mentors who extended their contributions beyond life. Hereby, I bow and thank all the Silent Mentors and their family members who went through all these hardships, going through separation with their loved ones at least twice in order to help fulfil our Silent Mentors’ last wishes and also contribute to training of medical students and doctors.


Slocahnah Sree Kumar (UM_MIA160103)

First of all, let me extend my warmest gratitude to all six Silent Mentors for their priceless sacrifice. It is an honor to have walked this journey alongside them and my heart is full of respect for both Silent Mentors and their families for their courage. No matter how many times I thanked our Silent Mentor it is just not enough. Therefore, I pray they find peace wherever they are. I hope the families of our beloved Silent Mentors would find closure and take comfort in the strength showed by our mentors. This journey has changed me, for I am more courageous now. Every trial, every incision was made with the blessings of our mentors to be better doctors. To care for our patients while treating their disease. I embedded the memory of this journey on my mind with a promise of doing better for those around me and my patients. May all their kind souls rest In peace. 


Chua Jian Yang 蔡健扬 (UNISZA_BHAL14037434)

I’m extremely humbled and grateful to be given the opportunity to join the 30th Silent Mentor Workshop in University of Malaya. The Silent Mentor Program has touched me greatly as an individual. I’m sure all the participants can relate to as we all know someone who has lost a loved one or we ourselves have experienced that lost personally.Before applying for the program, I mistook the program merely as a platform for procedural skill training. But standing here now, I know, it’s definitely more than that. I have indeed gained so much more from our Silent Mentors. Our Silent Mentors are truly selfless and noble. Our mentors were able to brave social & cultural norm to contribute their bodies, for the sake of medical knowledge. They have shown me a new facet of looking at death. They have shown to us that despite having passed on, they are still able to contribute. They will forever be with us. Their spirits and fortitude would live on in every patient we treat in the future.It is heart-warming to know that because of our dear Silent Mentors’ contributions, we, as future doctors would be able to do our job of treating patient a little better than we would without them. I would also like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the respective family members for accommodating to our schedule and to the UM Silent Mentor team for making all these possible. 


Chiew Man Ee 赵敏伊 (UNIMAS_46498)



Lim Yi Cheek 林育册 (UNIMAS_47404)






Loi Wee Woon 黎玮雯 (UNIMAS_47447)



Lee Ling Yi 李凌忆 (UM_MIA160127)

A loss turned to life,

You’ve empowered us to strive. 

A gift of your whole,

You’ve strengthened our soul. 

A gesture blessed with wonder,

You’re our Silent Mentors we’ll forever remember. 

The Silent Mentor workshop has been an impactful and extraordinary workshop for us, students, to learn procedural clinical skills. From the home visit to the workshop to the sending off ceremony, it has been a journey of getting to know and taking care of our Silent Mentors. 

The incorporation of humility into the workshop and giving utmost respect and thanks to body donations for medical education and research are the attitudes I learnt from the entire Silent Mentor initiative. Not only does it aim to teach and sharpen our clinical skills, it teaches us the invaluable lessons only our Silent Mentors are able to deliver. 

No words can express enough thanks for their selfless contribution. I give thanks to our Silent Mentors and their supporting family as well as all volunteers that made the workshop a success. 



Tiow Yuan Yi 張原宜 (Monash_29941202)

The 30th Silent Mentor Workshop has finally ended successfully. I have truly learnt a lot from the sessions, including hands-on sessions and clinical workshops. The knowledge that we have read from textbooks will not be complete if we do not apply it, and I am very grateful to have a chance to practise my skills and reinforce my clinical knowledge during the sessions. I believe this is beneficial to our career in the future as well that we will be more trained and are more mentally prepared to apply our medical knowledge when time comes. I wish to express my gratitude to the Silent Mentor committee for all the effort in making this program possible. I will carry my knowledge forward and strive to become a good doctor in order to live up the wishes of our beloved Silent Mentors. Once again, thank you very much for everything and hope Silent Mentor Program can continue to benefit more medical students in future years to come. 

Iffa Liana Kamarulata (UM_MIA160031)

Silent Mentor Program was fun and an eye-opening experience for me. It gave me a chance to better my practical clinical skills and learn what it is to truly be selfless. This program made me reflect on myself spiritually and motivates me to become a compassionate & empathetic doctor in the future. 

I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity to be able to join this wonderful program and would like to thank all the Silent Mentors, the families involved, doctors and the coordinators for making this happen. I hope to become a good doctor in the future, one who treats the patient and not just the disease.  


Siti Aishah Binti Hanif (UM_MIA160097)

The Silent Mentor Program is something I could never have foreseen myself to be a part of it. During the 30th Silent Mentor Workshop, I was given the golden opportunity to be a participant of the workshop among many of my other colleagues, despite the limited opportunities and slots. Like many others, I joined this workshop in hopes of sharpening my clinical skills and obtain the experience of performing procedures on human beings, too.  

Little did I know, there was so much more to learn and reflect on from our Silent Mentors than what meets the eye, which was unique to the Silent Mentor Program and could not have been learnt elsewhere. With this program, we got to backtrack and learn about the mentors' lives through stories and pictures from their family members. We were able to build a deeper connection with our mentors despite them having left us for the next phase of their lives.  

We cleansed and prepared our mentors daily, which reminded me of when I had to care for my own bedridden grandparents and that only instilled a deep longing in me to be gentler and kinder to my mentor. Seeing our mentors being used and watching their bodies break down slowly each day broke my heart and drove me to appreciate their sacrifice for us as students further and reminded me not to forsake this golden opportunity.  

I am grateful to have been gifted the opportunity to be a part of this workshop, and the lessons I have learnt throughout this one week are lessons that I will carry in me for a lifetime. 


Yew Ai Ying 姚爱芸 (UM_MIA160122)








Hian Wen Xuan 程文璇 (UM_MIA160125)



Wong Swee Shiuan 王绥轩 (UM_MIA160119)



Samuel You Kwok Yeow 俞国耀 (AIMST_M14080883)




Wong Yun Qin 黄韵琴 (UM_MIA160120)

尽管曾以志愿者身份参加过无语良师,但每一次的活动与仪式都让我百感交集。 虽然很不幸的,在活动的最后几天我因眼睛感染发炎,无法参与着衣与入殓仪式,深感遗憾,但我依然有幸陪送大体老师们走过生命的最后一程。在此我非常感恩。这几天的活动让我受益匪浅,感触良多。在参加无语良师的过程中,我们看见家人们对老师们的不舍,我们感动于大体老师们即使在与病魔纠缠的最后过程都不忘为医学牺牲, 为社会贡献。 感谢您们,老师!


Gladys Low Qiao Jyn (UM_MIA160025)






Ong Yu Xiang (UM_MIA160081)

I am very grateful to be given the opportunity to participate in the 30th Silent Mentor Workshop and this has been an invaluable experience for me. I have not only learnt clinical skills from my Silent Mentors but also learnt the values of life such as compassion, generosity and selflessness. To put your body in the hands of strangers is a courageous feat and a noble act that our Silent Mentors did for the field of medicine. I am truly honoured to be able to have learnt from them. Although I did not know much about them, but they have nothing but my utmost respect and gratitude. I would also like to thank their family members for their help and support for making all of these possible. 

Md Nazhan Arif Bin Md Nazim (UM_MIA160048)

Silent Mentor was a great program both in terms of gaining knowledge, experience and also spiritually. I have never felt a deeper connection or bond with someone I did not even know during his/her lifetime. Truly blessed with these kind souls that was sincere and selfless enough to donate themselves for us to learn. Through their selflessness, I was able to practice some of the procedures which a medical student or even housemen rarely get a chance to do so such as endotracheal intubation, central venous line insertion, Steinmann pin insertion and chest tube insertion. We were also taught and get to practice 8 types of sutures which some were not taught during our classes. We were also shown and taught on 6 surgical procedures approach up close rather than spectating from afar as we normally did in our postings. I would like to express my gratitude to all the Silent Mentors, lecturers, the committee of the Silent Mentor Program and volunteers for giving me the opportunity to improve myself both physically and spiritually. Thank you Silent Mentors. Thank you lecturers. Thank you SMP committee. Thank you SMP volunteers.


Chua Chong Win (UM_MIA160016)

Silent Mentor Program is indeed an eye-opening experience for me. I believe that the spirit of selflessness and devotion portrayed by our Silent Mentors would continue to live on among us, the medical students and doctors.


Thanmidraaj Kaur A/P Balraj Singh (UM_MIA160116)

This program was one that I will remember for the rest of my life. It was a unique and truly life changing experience for me. For one thing, I was incredibly grateful to be able to learn procedures and watch surgeries up close without much worry as there was no risk of harm. On the other hand, this program was an extremely emotional journey for me as well. 

Dealing with the passing of a person is a tough feat. But watching the families go through the loss of their loved one was an experience like no other. My heart wept for them, and for all our mentors who showed us love and kindness although they owed us nothing at all. To think that the families were going through it for a second time was even worse. I cannot imagine the pain they went through. It made me feel so incredibly thankful and humble but most of all, they have my utmost respect. 

Later on, when we said goodbye to our Silent Mentors, it almost felt like losing a patient (or what I imagine it to be like). It was painful and heart breaking. It made me realise that one day, we will all loose patients, no matter how hard we try to save them and that is just the way of life. Although I knew this before, I guess I didn’t really understand what it meant until now. It is something I will have to learn to accept one day. But for now, I will focus on doing my best for each patient and learning to be a safe doctor. 

The emotional experience was very difficult for me. As it made me realise or remember how fragile life is and how much we often take it for granted. It made me worry about my own family and left me feeling helpless at times. I am still experiencing it now. Never the less, those feelings were important for me to experience as it put a lot of things into perspective for me. 

I am incredibly honoured and grateful to have been able to participate in this program. We cannot fully repay the mentors and their families, but I will try my best to honour their sacrifice. Their lessons will be put to good use and save many lives in the future. Wherever our Silent Mentors are, may God bless them and may they always have peace. 


Nursyahida Binti Zulkarnain (UM_MEM150078)

I am having great session during this workshop, not only for the development of my skills but also with my own mentors. Thanks to him, I learnt to have courage and be confidence in doing procedures. I have watched his video many times, telling us never to be afraid of doing mistakes, and he let us to have courage to incise him. To have that courage, we got to have such a big heart, just like him. Thanks to him, he let me reflect myself in my whole years of effort in being doctor. 

The volunteers also did a great job, making us at ease in participating this workshop. They are so friendly and supportive throughout the workshop. No words to describe how helpful they are during this workshop. Since most of them are not Muslims, so I understand that there are sometimes that they are not aware of the prayer sessions for Muslims, especially during Maghrib, around 7.30pm. However, we manage to adapt it since we already know that we also have to respect other people's time to learn the procedures together. 

Overall process on the cleansing, coffining, and gathering, all follow the SOP, they are doing great job to adapt with this pandemic. I really hope people who join this afterwards, will gain maximum knowledge they can apply in the future. 


Nur Aina Binti Mohamad Nor (UM_MIA160071)

The silent Mentor program has definitely changed me as a person. Before, I only knew what Silent Mentor was about but after experiencing it as a whole it was really an eye opening experience. Although I have never met our respected Silent Mentors, but through this journey I learned about their life and amazed by the courage and selflessness of our Silent Mentor to have done what they did and no words could express my gratitude towards them. I have definitely gained more confidence to perform the skills that I have learnt during this workshop in the future and I have this program to thank for. Apart from learning skills, I have also learnt to be selfless, compassionate and to have empathy. I will forever remember your sacrifices and do my best to be a better doctor in the future, thank you. 


Shereen Izzati Binti Shaharudin (UM_MIA160095)

I heard about this program when I was in my second year of medical school and my seniors told me that this program is very helpful and I should join it. I also did some research and try to get to know what this program is all about. Since then, I have decided to participate in the program once the application is open for my batch. 

Initially, my target that I want to achieve from this program is to learn as many lessons that I can and brush up my clinical skills. However, on the first day of the program, when we brought out our mentor for the first time and started our 1 minute of silence, I started to feel something else. I felt that there is so much to learn from our mentors, not only things regarding our studies but also regarding life and many other things. Even though we never met our mentors in real life, every morning and night when we cleaned our mentors, I felt like we are taking care of someone we know and felt like we were taking care of our own alive patient. Every time we had the 1 minute of silence, I prayed to God for our mentors as they were so selfless, contributing to medicine and let us learn things that we might not get to learn from other people. 

During the Initiation Ceremony, I am so touched when listening to our mentors’ stories and also their messages for us and doctors which were so inspiring. They inspired me to be like them, to help people, and to contribute back to society. I learned a lot of things from this program and I felt so thankful to all the doctors who volunteered and spent their time teaching us even though they had to come after office hours. Those lessons help me to refresh back thing I have learned during my first year and second year.  

At the Sending-off Ceremony, I cried and felt so thankful for the opportunity to join this program and get to learn a lot of things from our beloved selfless mentors. I hope that I will be able to use all the knowledge I received from our mentors and serve as a good doctor for society in the future. Thank you mentors, thank you doctors/professors and thank you Mr Lim Ah Kow. 


Soraya Balqis Binti Zulzamrin (UM_MIA160105)

Joining the Silent Mentor Program has been one of the best decisions that I have made. I have learnt a lot throughout this one week program and one of it is to learn hands on skills such as inserting the chest tube, central venous line and intubation. Previously, I only managed to read those procedures from a textbook and observed them through videos and in the hospital. But from this program, I am really grateful that I am able to perform and feel it by myself which will make me understand and remember better. I also feel thankful to have inspiring doctors who volunteered to teach and guide us patiently in this workshop. This will not only improve our skills but also to increase our confidence when performing those procedures in the future.

This program is not only for medical learning purposes, but it is also a good platform to cultivate humanity in our souls. The selfless act made by the six mentors has truly touched my heart deeply. Although we never had any relationship with the mentors, the sacrifice made by them even in death has inspired me to become a good doctor in the future. I will never forget the things that I learned from the mentors. Their love and sacrifice for the benefit of medical learning and research has truly motivated me to keep on striving so that I could give my very best to help other patients in the future. It really touched my heart the moment when the mentors said that it is okay to practice and make mistakes upon performing procedures on their body. My heart was full with emotions every time when cleaning the mentor’s body as days went by. This is because more and more incisions, wounds, sutures and blood can be seen on our mentor’s body. Their remarkable contribution to make us as a better doctor will always be remembered. I realised that the best way to repay their noble deed is to always pray for their peace, study hard and to always have compassion when treating patients. I also would like to express my gratitude towards the family members for their unconditional support towards this program. I know it is not easy for them having to lose their family member, and now knowing that their loved ones will be getting cuts on their body and having to bleed for medical learning. The amazing family members who never expect anything in return did that for us, to help the students acquire a lot of valuable knowledge. I have so much respect for the family members and really thankful for them.


Muhammad Zulhusni Bin Mohamad Rasidin (UM_MIA160060)

To be honest, I joined this program just for the sake of learning in a fun way. I thought that because I was going to perform procedures on a deceased body, I can be reckless and work without caution and empathy, because I have nothing to lose. There was no patient to be harmed if I did something wrong. There was no life at stake. I had nothing to lose. Because of that, I thought that this will be fun, in a sense that I can just do whatever I want without consequences. I knew that the mentors voluntarily donate their body for this purpose and I appreciated that but I never developed any feelings of attachment towards them at that point. I had a 'so what' kind of mentality. "Yeah they were selfless and all so what? They died and that's it. People die everyday after all." I have no feelings for them. It was more like I didn’t want to. I thought that being professional means that I shouldn’t let emotions get in my line of work. Part of me that time thought that my mentors were just practice dummies for my learning purpose, I was never interested in knowing them. What I was into was just what procedures I would be doing to their body. 

That was me when I signed up for the program. Things started to change for me when I went for the home visit back in February. I thought that it would be a boring one. I was never interested in biographies so my expectations were really low. However, when we interviewed the family, something caught me. It was not the story that the family members were telling. I couldn't understand a thing they said due to the language barrier. It was the fact that I saw them crying. I don’t know how to really put this into words but it was kind of mixed feelings between sadness and guilt. I was sad because their crying and sadness resonated in me. I felt guilty because I never felt that before when I should have. I can see how passionate they were and how hard it was for them to tell us about their deceased ones without breaking down in front of us. Those alone transcended the language barrier and from that, I started to have more respect towards my mentor. 

Fast forward to the program itself. I tried my best to treat my mentors with empathy and love. I treated them as if they were still alive. Each time, we were required to spend a minute of silence before doing something to our mentors, whether cleansing or the workshop. At first, one minute seemed long when you were doing nothing. However, as we had more, it seemed shorter and shorter because I was busy reflecting on my actions. “Was I too rough when handling my mentor while I was cleansing him? Should I be more gentle?” I swear I tried my best to be gentle but I can’t help thinking that I was too rough and that made me sad. Last day, morning, during the silence before our last cleansing, I almost cried. If only he was alive, I wanted to say sorry if I wasn’t gentle to him during my training. I wanted to say sorry because I thought of him as a practice dummy before. I wanted to say sorry because I wasn’t good enough. One minute was like one second to me. There was a lot more I wanted to say but I couldn’t. 

This program left a huge impact on me. I entered this aiming for knowledge alone. I came out getting knowledge and learning how to be more empathetic towards others. It was almost magical how he changed me without uttering a single word. Words alone can’t express how grateful I am to be able to join this program. If I had to choose the best moment in my medical school, this was it. 


Nooreen Nasuha Binti Md Nahar (UM_MEM150070)

No words can describe how blessed and thankful I am to be able to join this Silent Mentor Program. It is a privilege to know all of the Silent Mentors’ stories and to fulfill their last wishes. I have definitely learnt a lot from them; not only about the procedures but also regarding the life lessons and values which play a significant role in shaping how I live my life from now on. Even though I didn’t know the Silent Mentors personally, I could really feel their love and kindness after knowing their background stories from the family members. I didn’t expect that it is possible for me to feel such a strong connection for someone I’ve never met before. They also made me realize that we can still contribute to the betterment of society even after we leave this world. Their selflessness has truly touched my heart greatly and has inspired me to be a better version of myself. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all of the mentors for the precious and memorable lessons given in silence. Your courageous sacrifice will forever be remembered. Lastly, special thanks to the organizing team and volunteers for providing me with such a priceless experience that I will cherish for a lifetime. Thank you. 


Sofea Syazlin Azhar (UM_MIA160104)

Like most, I signed up for the Silent Mentor Program to learn more and to brush up my procedural skills; and not only I had the opportunity to achieve just that but I also have gained more than what was intended. 

Through this program, I was able to appreciate the value of selflessness and learned on how to love and care about a person beyond death. The devotion and compassion the mentors had for a better humanity was really inspiring and would be forever etched in our hearts. 

Listening back to the life stories of our beloved mentors during the closing ceremony, after spending time looking after them everyday for a whole week, had touched me in a way that I was not expecting. Even though we have never meet nor talk to them before, we had this amazing opportunity to learn from them. We have gained medical knowledge and had the chance to perform procedures on them. We were also able to learn to care for them with respect and gentleness. 

Furthermore, I was exposed to and was able to observe the Chinese culture and their funeral traditions. Though I was not 100% comfortable performing some of the rituals, it was nice to know and see how different culture carry out their rituals. 

All in all, the Silent Mentor Program had helped me attain new experiences and knowledges, have more courage in performing procedures, making friends and creating memories, and lastly instilling valuable life lessons in our heart, mind and soul. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the mentors, family members, all members of the Silent Mentor Program, volunteers and my fellow colleagues for making this 30th workshop a success. 


Chin Tian Fu (UM_MIA160013)

Since my first year studying medicine in UM, I have been volunteering myself in Silent Mentor Program once every year. This year is my final year in medicine and I am grateful and fortunate that I can participate in this Silent Mentor Program as a participant for the medical student workshop. Although this 30th Silent Mentor Workshop is held in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, where social distancing and various SOP should be adhered to, this program has went on smoothly and systematically with everyone's effort. First of all, I would like to thank the organizer for organizing this program well and systematically and also thank to all volunteers for showed their fruitful effort. However, I would like to pay my utmost respect and thank to all 6 Silent Mentors who contributed their body for learning, education and training purposes. From them, I have not only learned about surgical skills and medical knowledge, I have gained and instill the meaning of love and compassion and contribution. They are all our most memorable and the greatest teachers to us throughout the medical school. Although we never have met each other before in real life, however, their last messages to us, will always be etched in our heart and soul in making us a better person and great future doctors who treat every patient with love and a true heart. 

Although throughout the program was tiring and challenging, however, it is worth every minute and hour. Every morning, we cleaned our Silent Mentor in preparation for the workshop and cleaned them every day before the workshop ends. Although we can't interact with them, I can feel a special connection between me and the Silent Mentor which drives me confidence and energy. It makes me motivated in learning more from him. Every incision and suturing made has made me learn the technique and surgical skills. 

In short, I would like to thank to my beloved Silent Mentor and I hope they can feel the appreciation from me as well as other participants. Thanks to them, our Silent Mentor Program can went on smoothly and thanks to their contribution, we learn a most precious life lesson about the true meaning of love, compassion and contribution. 

Thanks again to you, my Silent Mentor Dr Chong Cheong Wei. 


Daanisha Nayar (UNISZA_BHAL14037039)

Silent Mentor Program was truly a once in a lifetime experience. The entire program has showed me a different aspect of life and made me realize how generous, selfless and sacrificial our mentors are. Thanks to our mentors, the clinical exposure obtained from the program has definitely aided in enhancing our medical knowledge. No amount of words can be used to express my gratitude and appreciation to our mentors, their family members and of course the Silent Mentor committee members for arranging such an impactful event that has touched me in so many ways. 

The impact from the program left me feeling grateful and determine to keep my promise to our respective Silent Mentors that no matter how far life takes me, I will always honor their sacrifices by being the best Doctor I can and always be empathic and humane in treating my patients. This event will remain as one of the most sacred and precious memory of my medical school journey.  Lastly, “The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation.” as quoted by Corrie Ten Boom.


Lim Zee Han (UNIMAS_47409)

This Silent Mentor Program is indeed a fruitful session for me. Not only had I learned a lot of medical skills and knowledge which are invaluable to me, I also learned to appreciate more of those who sacrifice themselves for the greater good, especially our Silent Mentors and their families. Thank you to the Silent Mentors for their sacrifice, seeing how different their body look from the first day to the last day of this event. Thank you to the family members who had to bear the sadness of losing their loved one again even a year after their departure. Finally thank you to the volunteers who made this event a successful and meaningful program which I will never forget my entire life. I am truly honoured and grateful to be a part of this program and I will do my very best to fulfill their wishes and be a good and empathic doctor.


Huang See Yong (UM_MIA160029)





Lau Khai Siang (UM_MIA160040)



Fong Pey Shan (UNIMAS_46855)


29th Silent Mentor Workshop 07-12/01/2020

Chan Sok Teng (UM_MEM150010)

这一个星期的无语良师工作坊,虽然很忙碌,不过它也让我受益良多,因为它让我学到了人生宝贵的一课 — 那就是无语良师的精神,无私与大爱。这两个字听起来容易,可不是每个人都可以像老师们做到的。他们用了最实际的行动,捐出了自己的身体,做了最好的示范。

我会用时间好好向老师们学习,在我的医学学习和工作生涯里,好好地当个有爱心, 有医德的医生,希望有朝一日,也可以像老师一样,向社会付出,奉献。感恩老师,我永远的老师。


Mohamad Hazeem Bin Mohamad Rizal (UM_MEM150055)

The Silent Mentor Program was a blast and full of experiences. It teaches me love and selflessness. The reason for me choosing these words is that the mentors that we got never got to know us be it medical student, master student or specialist when they were alive but still contributed their body for the sake of medical education so that we can become empathic doctors and the best.

Last but not least, it reminds me of death and death is inevitable every soul shall taste death thus, what we do in our time here defines us in the hereafter. Thus, do good always and do no harm.


Nur Suha Syafiqah Binti Nor-zam (UM_MEM140085)

“For in self-giving, if anywhere, we touch a rhythm not only of all creation but of all being.” The greatest act of self is self-giving, something that gives meaning and purpose to our lives like nothing else. Being a part of Silent Mentor Program has taught me an invaluable lesson of love, generosity, humanity, empathy and compassion so that these qualities are instilled in ourselves and be the best healthcare providers we can. Although we have never met the Silent Mentors personally, their life stories do not end with their passing. It resonates through their loved ones' beliefs, values and attitudes by interacting with the family members for the last few months. They may have left the world but their final wish to contribute to the society leaves a monumental impact on our lives and has helped provide the foundational expertise we all need to successfully begin our careers. I cannot imagine how difficult this decision was to make to donate their own bodies for medical science, but I can assure that every mentor was treated with kind hands, grateful hearts and the utmost respect. Their selfless act has given me the opportunity to learn more than I ever could from a textbook. I am truly grateful for this humbling experience, may Madam Foo Ai Lian, Mr Low Kiow Sim, Mr Lim Kean Seong, Madam Leow Chor Joo and Madam Lim Ge Chew rest in peace.


Zikry Bin Zulkifly (UM_MEM150120)

First of all, before I even started this workshop, I was already excited as I heard so many interesting experiences from my friends who had joined it previously. Even though this workshop clashed with my End of Posting Exam and with busy daily posting schedules, I was really eager to learn as much as I could throughout this program. When the time came, it turned out to be one of the best learning platforms that I ever had. I managed to learn a lot of things not only limited to medical knowledge, but about the values of life too.

Main thing about life that was taught to me by mentor was regarding selflessness. I was very sad and proud to see the sacrifices made by my mentor and all other mentors in order to give us the medical students opportunity to learn from them. Additionally, the willingness and support given by the family members were also great. It is definitely not easy to let your loved ones being kept for such a long time and being ‘cut’ for the purpose of education. Although I’ve never meet all these mentors when they were alive, I would like to thank them so much. From the stories of their background, I knew one common thing they had, which is they were all great, kind, selfless and caring persons in real life. These values motivate me to become a better person in life. 

Last but not least, I managed to get to know other medical students from other universities. It was such a fun experience to be working together in taking care of our mentor and throughout the workshop. I would also like to thank all doctors, professors and Silent Mentor organizers for making this event successful. If I am given free time and another chance to join this program in the future, I will definitely do it. 


Nurul Atiqah Hazaraimi (USIM_1131919)

This Silent Mentor Program has undeniably given big impact, benefits and life-changing experience to everyone involved. When I came across this program it sparks my interest in joining this program because not only it gives opportunity for us students to have a hands-on experience in doing different procedures and learning surgical techniques but it also mould us to become a more compassionate future doctors. This one-week-long of program has taught me so many things and had enlighten and broaden my perspective of life not limited to only the knowledge of medicine but also to social aspects of life in term of differences in cultural and religion. 

Starting from the home visit which was few months back, was a great start for the program because we as a group had a chance to get to know our Silent Mentor and their family members; thus in a way able to express our gratitude for all the sacrifices that they have done in order for this program to be a successful one. Our Silent Mentors were all about selflessness, love and compassion. They definitely taught us the true meaning of selflessness and altruism through their actions. Our Silent Mentors will forever be our great teachers who inspire us through their benevolent act. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward. 

Not to forget all of the family members who also have gone through a lot. Witnessing all the tears shed from the family members and fellow colleagues starting from the very first encounter to the very last moment, I believe that it was not just tears of grief but also tears out of love for our mentors and all their selfless, philanthropic contribution for the sake of medical education. “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. “-Washington Irving 

Throughout this program, we handled all the Silent Mentors with respect and dignity as they had sacrifice and contribute a lot in order for us to learn although we are strangers before this. Being able to learn and get a hands-on experience on different procedures and surgical skills that we were never be able to do in real patients before is a privilege that we will forever be grateful of and cherished. I am now more confident in doing these procedures in the future. Besides all that, the program also taught me about teamwork, professionalism and dedication that all of us have shown. Through this I have been able to make new friends and share our knowledge together. 

Lastly, it was a great honour to be a part of the program and I am truly grateful for all the opportunity given. Our utmost respect and gratitude go to our Silent Mentors and their families who have turn a loss into a priceless gift that will forever be in our heart. Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you’re not really losing it. Instead you’re just passing it on to someone else. 

Thank you to everyone involved in this program especially our Silent Mentors and their families, Silent Mentor team, surgeons and specialists, the volunteers and all my fellow colleagues for all the invaluable experiences.


Ng Zer Liang (MAHSA_BMS14091103)

Anatomical dissection is a time-tested method of medical education. Dissection of cadavers lays down a strong foundation for sound medical knowledge and good clinical practice. Cadavers are mentors who reveal the secrets of the human body by allowing themselves to be laid open by the dissecting knife. The saying “Dead men tell no tale” does not hold true in cadaver teaching. 

Many medical students across the world do not get to know their mentors’ life history when they were alive. Silent Mentor Program given us an opportunity to get to know our mentors thru their family. I was given an opportunity to encounter my Silent Mentor, Madam Foo Ai Lian and her families. I would like to think that this is meant to be, as this begins the journey of the Silent Mentor Program. 

Prior to the program, my conscious awareness was limited. I was in a safe, secure bubble, casually going about my life. I didn’t question life and I didn’t question the choices I made. I was not fully aware; I was not on purpose. I did not have a sense that my time was limited, nor did I get that life was a gift. 

By the end of the program, I learnt so much more from my mentor than just medicine. I learnt that life is about journey, humility, caring, sympathy and love. I will remember her teachings for the rest of my life. She may be gone but she will always be a part of me for the days to come. 

As JooRi Jun writes her poem ‘Knowing You’ as her way to honour the life of the woman whose body she studied: 

‘I do not know the lovers who knew you so well, but I have come to know all the layers and spaces of your body,

I do not know your name, but before you left you gave me permission to uncover the miracle of the human body through you,

You gave me the gift of knowing you.' 

I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, Madam Foo. 


Hii Chan Xuan (IMU_12809)

Before starting this Silent Mentor Program, I was expecting to learn a lot in term of the surgical skills and to improve my knowledge and skills. However, this program had brought me into new insight as well as taught me about empathy and humanity. I truly appreciate how generous is our Silent Mentor, as well as their family members. Because of them, we are able to produce better doctors in the future. I will never forget the experience that I gained from this Silent Mentor Program.


Valerie Ko Su-Yin (Monash_28260821)

Dear Silent Mentors, thank you for selflessly and courageously donating your bodies for medical educations and research.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn from you and perform procedures on you. Honestly, no words can fully encompass my gratitude for you.

You have not spoken a single word, yet you have been my greatest teacher. Aside from medical knowledge and procedures, you have taught me and shown me that there is no limit to one’s kindness and selflessness.

You have lived a glorious life, often engaging in charitable activities, yet death does not stop you. Even after your demise, you continue to keep giving.

These words will never truly encompass my gratitude towards you, but I just want to say: thank you very much from the depths of my heart.

I know I can never repay your kindness, nor do you expect anything in return. Instead, I can only pay the kindness forward to my future patients; and I promise, I will.


Chiew Chiaw Lee 周巧丽 (UM_MEM150015)

Silent Mentor Program taught me not just about the clinical skills, but also the role of appreciation and sacrifices in life. It was incredible that my perspective towards life can be changed within a week. I may not know you when you were still alive, but I was honoured to know you, Ms Leow Chor Joo as my Silent Mentor. I could not thank her more and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to join this program. It reminded me of my primary intention to continue the journey to become a good doctor.


Pan Kah Mun 潘嘉敏 (UM_MEM150086)


让凝固的悲伤融化,让流动的悲伤转化,化为思念和爱 -《善生》冯以量



Lim Shan Hua (UM_MEM150048)

It was a mentally and physically tiring week. It started with excitement and ended with touching moments. Being grateful to love or being loved. No word can express our respect towards our mentor. Her body taught us a life-long skill to become a better doctor and her spirit taught us a life-long lesson to become a better person. It was tough for me to cope as the end of posting exam was just one day right after this program ended, I told myself I couldn't miss this opportunity for me to learn. I believed that there were several times that kept me going when I want to give up was the tough and never giving up spirit that I saw from my late mentor. In memory of Ms Leow, a tough, caring and brave angel who contributed her whole life for the betterment of others.


Nor Adriana Muhd Ridzuan Tan (UM_MEM150071)

I didn’t know I could feel something so strongly for someone whom I've never met. And with Silent Mentor Program, I did. Knowing my mentor and her family is definitely one of the most precious memory throughout my medical school life. It is not easy having to lose your family, move on, and six months later travelling across the country for her funeral again. But these amazing souls did that, for us, expecting nothing in return. And I will be eternally grateful for that.

And without the organizing team and volunteers, who would arrive earlier than us, go back later than us, spending their time accommodating participants and families, this whole event wouldn’t been a success. Thank you for this precious, heart-warming opportunity.


Ooi Wei Zhen (Manipal Melaka_141303014)

Joining this program is easily one of the best decision I have made so far. Throughout the session, I was not only able to interact with the family members of my mentor to know her life story, I also had the opportunity to get to know friends from different background and different medical schools. It was an eye opening experience for me as I did not have the chance to learn and experience so much about the whole concept of body donation throughout my years in medical school. In addition to the humanistic value behind this program, I was also very lucky to be able to witness and learn so many surgical procedures in such a close distance and in such a short span of time, which would have been impossible had I not joined this program. Overall it was an amazing experience and I have definitely learnt a lot from it.


Normujahidah Binti Hashim (USM-KLE_123231)

I’m very grateful to be selected in this program. Thank you to Silent Mentor members for accepting me. 

Yes, we learnt a lot about the surgical procedures and we got chances to do by ourselves but the most valuable thing that I learnt is how to be a doctor with love and has compassion to the society. I still remember when I hold my Silent Mentor’s hand, Miss Leow for the first time during cleaning session, I’m very touched. I can feel her love and what she did to the society is indescribable.  The family members and friends of Silent Mentor always telling me “Be a good doctor”. It is a big responsibility to me and I’ll try my best to help other people like our Silent Mentor who always thinking how to give benefits and helping others. 

I hope this program can continue in future. Thank you Miss Leow and Silent Mentor Program!


Berny Eva Abrahams (Monash_28107837)

The Silent Mentor Program was an eye opening experience for me. I walked in thinking all I aimed to gain from this experience was surgical skills and application of medical knowledge. But little did I realise how overwhelmed I was to be able to gain empathy and understanding in my interaction with my Silent Mentor as well as with my Silent Mentor’s family. During the program, I noticed certain bouts of anxiety that I did feel during some of the workshops; that I hope I can improve on in my future surgical encounters. This program opened my eyes to some of my strengths and my weaknesses and I am ever grateful for the experience.


Amir Syazwan Bin Nazri (USIM_1131891)

29th Silent Mentor Workshop has ended. A week worth the energy and time spent to learn to become knowledgeable, experienced and most of all a humane and emphatic doctor. I genuinely recommend my other fellow friends from other places to join this program as a preparatory program before entering housemanship.


Goh En Thong 吴蒽彤 (UM_MEM150024)


Goh Chi Xian (UM_MEM150023)






Chua Ee Xin (UM_MEM150020)

I have volunteered as Silent Mentor Program volunteers before. I thought what I experience will be the same/ similar. Instead, I was wrong. It was an eye opening experience for me. I have strong emotion attachment with my mentor and my mentor’s family members. I felt heart aching when I saw the wounds on my Silent Mentor. He looks so different from the day I first received his body until the last day when we get ready for coffining. I absolutely respect for his selflessness and very grateful that I have such a privilege to join this program. Not only I learnt about the knowledge in the medical procedural skills but I also learnt about humanity from my mentor.


Thareq Imran (UM_MEM150109)

There are obviously many things which I have learned from the program, most of which are difficult to put into words but basically I am thankful to be given this opportunity to learn and to meet my mentor's family.


Suhaila Binti Ab Razak (UM_MEM150135)

Throughout this program I personally felt I have benefited a lot, most of it are in ways I can’t find the exact words to explain, though there are things that weren’t ideal, but still manageable, mainly for me was the timing, as it coincide with my end of posting examination, which personally made me feel things were kind of hectic, otherwise the whole programme gave me an unforgettable experience, from the day I was first called to receive my mentor till the day we went to the cremation site. I was very fortunate enough to be put in a group so quirky and fun that we got along almost immediately when the workshop started. Then there was the family of the mentor. From the very brief family visit we had in Penang, I didn’t expect much as I was focusing more on understudy mentor only, but I was surprise that I felt like I got to know them better as the workshop carried on, which I think interviewing them for the questionnaire played a big role as the questions explore more about their perspective not just towards life, somehow I think it also reflects on their view of life. All the talks mentioned how brave and compassion the mentors were can never be more true, but I too admire the family members, as they too possess the courage to give their loved one as part of his final wish not fully understanding what was happening. This fact hit me really hard, when I found out that the wife of our mentor has not been sleeping well since his death as she was worried if he was ever in pain or cold being stored in a freezer for months that she would have nightmares thinking about it. The children would constantly reassure her otherwise, and fortunately since the initiation ceremony and the wife witnessing the whole journey of the program, I guess she had found her closure as by the end of the week she was finally sleeping better at night as told by the children. Overall I am extremely humbled to be a part of the Silent Mentor Program, as this journey has truly been an eye opener for me, in understanding death and the importance to cherish life with those who matter most to us. 


Ng Lai Yung, Iris (Monash_27685020)

Silent Mentor Program has truly been an eye opening experience for me as I learnt about the true essence of what sacrifice and love for humanity is. Their courage and willingness to contribute their bodies to help hone the skills of us medical students who are merely strangers left a remarkable impression on me. Their generosity not only provided me with invaluable medical knowledge and training but also enabled me to foster friendships with people from different walks of life. Their act of kindness exceeded my expectations and made me realise that a loss can still be transformed into something meaningful and fruitful. I am truly honoured and grateful to be given this opportunity to have a glimpse of the lives of our mentors who taught me priceless lessons that are beyond textbook knowledge. Their genuine sincerity and contribution will be remembered forever. 


Ng Jing Jet 黄靖捷 (IMU_11348)



Sofia Nur Syafiah Binti Hamzah (USIM_1131928)

My purpose of joining this program was initially for educational and medical purposes only without having slightest intention in my mind that I would learnt something greater from this program. But, joining this program day by day, not only I've learnt the skill which I've never given the chance to practice before to the real body, but also I've learnt something which I've never learnt in class before; selflessness, unconditional love and kindness from our beloved Silent Mentor. I am grateful to be given this opportunity to learn and meet my Silent Mentor's family.


Khavitha Krishan Kaur Sran (AIMST_M15090987)

Prior to joining the Silent Mentor Program, I was unaware of the impact that it would have upon myself. Now having to complete the whole program, I have learnt so much, especially values that I can never possibly learn from medical school which now I shall cherish forever and try my best to apply it in my everyday life especially when I become a doctor and is required to treat my patients. 

I cannot possibly list out all I have learnt but these are a few that opened my eyes like never before. I learnt the true meaning of selflessness and unconditional love from our honourable Silent Mentors. Even after their passing they are more than willing to contribute to society and for the advancement of the medical profession. This goes beyond the human nature of being ‘selfish’ and I shall always hold these mentors in the highest esteem. 

I am also so thankful for the kindness and sacrifice of the family members of the mentor for willing to wait for months following the passing of their loved ones for the sake of this program and to fulfil the last wishes of these mentors. 

I hope God will rest the mentors’ souls and bless their families.


Joanne Chin (UM_MEM150030)

Silent Mentor Program has been nothing but a good learning experience to me. I have never thought that it could bring such huge impact to me. One thing that I have learned to appreciate is the value of empathy. Before joining the program, I doubted my decision. I thought to myself that I can always learn the skills and the knowledge from the program in other places and time but now I know, I can never get the same learning experience anywhere else other than by meeting those selfless Silent Mentors. 

We started off with the home visit. From there, I learned about how loving and loved our mentor was. It broke my heart after seeing the body laid in front of me, full of cuts and sutures. It reminded me about our mentor’s family member and friends. They loved her so much that they are willing to let fulfil her wish, even if it means ‘tearing down’ her body for learning purposes and delaying the grieving. It reminded me that behind the body laid in front of us, is her family member and friends who were hoping that their loved one is put to good care. That was when I decided that even though Madam Lim was lifeless, I must treat her with respect and compassion. I learn to better put myself in other people’s shoes, and I hope this will continue and be passed on to the patients I will see in the future. I am forever thankful for the Silent Mentors, their family members, friends, organising team and my fellow groupmates for the eye-opening week. 


Lee Yu Jie (UM_MEM150042)

Throughout this one week, I learnt that to contribute is the best way to gain.

On the first few meeting for Silent Mentor, I was felt annoyed to have so many meeting. My impatience most probably due to exam date is just near the corner. However after in contact with Silent Mentor, Madam Lim, it totally changed my perspective. I learnt that we need to do things wholeheartedly, and be patient. Most importantly, I learnt the quote from one of the volunteer “whoever pay the most effort, the one earn most”.


Anis Shazreena Binti Mohd Shariffudin (UM_MEM150007)

The 1-week Silent Mentor Program has truly humbled me in every possible way. I could reflect and see huge differences in terms of the way I perceived things after I completed this once-in-a-blue- moon workshop. Medicine is not entirely about acquiring good surgical and diagnostic skills. One should always be able to put himself/herself in patient's shoe. Only that we can learn the true meaning of empathy and this, indirectly will help us in managing patient as a whole. The fighting spirit portrayed by all the mentors taught me that even if you are no longer in this world, you can always contribute something to the society. I will definitely emulate their fighting spirit and apply it in my daily life. This program is the one that I will never forget for a long time afterwards. 

Thank you so much dear mentors!


Siti Nurhidayah Binti Mohd Nasir (UM_MEM150097)

Silent Mentor Program taught me the value of selflessness.  This volunteering work really touched my heart. Thank you for this opportunity. I got to know more about other religions & traditions. Besides clinical skill, it helps us in empathy and sincerity. Overall of this program is very excellent. Continue with the organised timetable & workshops provided for the volunteers. However, it can be improved by selecting people who are going to final MBBS exam earlier or right after the exam. It was quite troublesome for some people to balance both study & volunteering work. Keep up the good work. Thank you to all professors, doctors, Silent Mentor staffs, family members and all friends.


Sri Kabelen S/O Srimuralitharan (UM_MEM140105)

I am blessed and grateful with opportunity to join this program. Blessed I am to be able to learn not only surgical skills but the emotional and psychological aspects of medicine. I will apply this essential qualities when I am treating my patients. Grateful I am to be able to come in association with such a noble person where our mentor has taught me so much even without uttering a single word. Words cannot be described how appreciative I am towards my dear mentor. My mentor has taught me perseverance as she was respected warrior in her life and perseverance now in the medical field is essential as daily challenges are always present in this grueling field. This program will always be in my heart and will mark my change to become a good doctor in memory of my mentor, Madam Lim Ge Chew. 

Lum Ka Mun (IMU_10952)

I have never truly experienced the passing of any one close to me. Therefore, I did not really understand what to expect coming into the Silent Mentor Program. Truth be told, I was taken aback when I finally saw the activities that we will be carrying out during this week-long program, as most activities are not medically related. However, with each ceremony that we had participated in, I felt different, changed. 

The first hit came when we first cleansed the body of our mentors. It was then that I realized that we are really going to do this, that this lady that I have heard so much of from her friends and families, are really sacrificing, gifting us with her body, just for us to learn a little more. Then, the second hit was when we met her again in the evening, where her body was covered with cuts and sutures from the sessions before. I felt bad, sad, and sorry that this wonderful lady had to go through all that, even in her death. Fortunately, I rather quickly reminded myself that, although she may be covered with wounds, but she would be rejoiced to see how much these doctors and students have learnt from her alone. I vowed to myself then, that I must treat these mentors gently, as I would with any patients, and that they are deserving of respect of the highest level. In addition, it was during these moments, that I have learnt to truly empathize, to grasp the concept of death and its consequence. 

In conjunction, while the skills and knowledge that we have obtained from this experience is precious, the lessons that helped us understand the beauty of humanity from our mentors is priceless.


Nina Pramila (UNIMAS_50103)

This program has been three things for me: an inspiration, a lesson, and a test.

First, it has been an incredible inspiration: Our mentor has inspired us with her compassion and sacrifice for students who were strangers to her, because of her desire to continue giving back to the world. The family of our mentor, especially her only daughter, inspired us with her strength in the face of the hardship she faced during her mother’s illness and her patience with us as we delayed Madam Lim’s funeral for the sake of our learning. Secondly it was a huge lesson in empathy and selflessness - the two most important qualities of a doctor. Just as Madam Lim and her family gave to us willingly, so will we also show the same selflessness to our patients, who are strangers to us. Just as we felt connected to our mentors during the home visit, and during the morning sessions with our mentors, so will we carry that empathy with us to our work. Lastly, it was a test of our ability - waking up at 5am every morning, and staying till late at night to perform our responsibilities was a test of our commitment and discipline. Learning the procedures, and anatomy with our teachers was a test of our knowledge. We hope to continue to pass these tests throughout our lives as doctors, in honour of the memory of Madam Lim Ge Chew. The generous contributions of time, finances and effort made by the sponsors of this program, organisers, lecturers, volunteers and assistants is truly humbling.


Kaven Tan Kai Woon (UNIMAS_47152)

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. Other than that, a million thanks and my utmost respect to my precious Silent Mentor, Madam Lim Ge Chew for her sacrifice and contribution. The Silent Mentor Program has taught me a lot of things, things I would not have been able to expose to or learn about without the program. 

Each and every respective event has their own lessons and meanings for the participants. Starting from home visit, to be frank, I did not know what to expect during the visit. However, after the visit, I actually felt I know my Silent Mentor a little, experiencing a brief summary of her life and personality through the stories told by her daughter and friends. I am touched by the sincerity and the hospitality of her family and friends to us, despite the need to delay Madam Lim’s funeral to fulfil her last wish in life. I found Madam Lim a strong and persevere lady, and a very admirable character. The life lesson she gave was invaluable, and I can say all of us are very impressed and truthfully glad to have her as our Silent Mentor. 

During the day of thawing the body, it is another new experience for me. This is the first time for me to expose and in skin contact to a fresh cadaver. The whole process was very surreal. During the first day, the body was still in very good condition as if Madam Lim had just passed one day ago. With the knowledge of her past and personality, it made the cleansing process even more meaningful. The student would handle the body carefully and cleansing the body meticulously, treating the Silent Mentor as our own relative. I believe cleansing the body of our Silent Mentor every morning taught us about empathy and compassion, caring about others even though they are not related to us, just like the patients we see daily in the hospital. 

Regarding the workshop for medical student, I can only say it was extraordinary and splendid. It is very well organized, a big thumb up for the organizer and all the volunteers. The two day workshop we involved had taught me a lot of new stuff I had never learned during my 5 years in medical school. We are able to practise several procedures hands-on on our Silent Mentors, which is an invaluable experience, and definitely aid in us performing better in the future. The lecturers are also very dedicated and friendly to the students, teaching us step by step patiently, despite require to repeat the same procedure five times for different teams. Personally, I think the anatomy station of hand and leg were very useful and beneficial. 

Last but not least, the last day of the Silent Mentor Program was a heavy blow. It was the day we finally sent off our Silent Mentors for cremation. I was responsible for handling the gratitude card and sending off the casket of our Silent Mentor. During the sending off, I can feel sadness settled on my chest like a heavy weight, walking down the corridor, I can see all of the students sharing the sadness, with eyes tearing up and nose running. Looking back, it is amazing how this program can build such strong emotion among the students in such short time. Maybe it is the home visit, or be it the daily morning cleansing, or the careful suturing of the body, in this one week, undeniably, we have built a strong meaningful connection to our Silent Mentors. At last, from deep of my heart, rest in peace, Madam Lim. Thank you for everything.


Istihana Binti Mohamed Kamal (USIM_1131957)

29th Silent Mentor Workshop definitely left me with tremendous precious and memorable experiences. Deep from my heart, I am blessed to be part of the participants in this program. Started with the home visit to our Mentor’s family, I was slowly introduced to our Mentor. While interviewing her family and friends, I knew her kind personalities and could felt her spirit. Seeing her strong and supportive family and friends triggered my mind to do my very best along this program. 

Throughout the workshop, first and foremost, I am blessed to witness Buddhist culture in managing all the mentors including the sending off ceremony. I learnt a lot especially to respect the human body regardless of the religion and cultures. Besides, the empathy and selflessness are the main lessons that I learnt in this program that I am surely will take and use it to be a great doctor in future. Furthermore, I gained mount of skills during the workstations. The feeling of doing it on a real body is completely different with doing it on a mannequin. I also had a chance to improve my suturing skills since we need to suture back our mentor almost every night. Moreover, by joining the master student’s workstations, I had a chance to learn and observe multiple of surgeries that I even have no chance to do it during my medical school those days. It was so exciting. Last but not least, it was really lovely because I was able to meet and make a lot of friends from multiple universities and able to work together in a team as well as change opinions. This program truly open my eyes and prepared me to be a different selfless doctor soon. I pay my gazillions gratitude to the committees, my friends, family members and our precious mentors for giving me golden opportunity to join and learn through this program. Thank you! 


Lim Jing Ran (UM_MEM150045)




Wong Wei Kei (UM_MEM150117)

“Role models who have given so much to the study of medicine, without even uttering a word.” This is the definition of Silent Mentor and this also played a part in defining our life as a medical student. Being in the medical profession, it is not just knowledge that matters. Clinical skills and compassion also played important roles as well.

Here I would like to thank our 5 Silent Mentors, the late Mr Low in particular for giving us the opportunity to learn and practice. It was their selfless act and sacrifice that help us grow into better medical students and better doctors in the future. “You can make 1000 mistakes on me so that you avoid a single mistake on a living patient” this was one of the quotes by a Silent Mentor in the past that I really agree on. Practice makes perfect in the medical field and a single mistake could be detrimental to a patient’s health. Hence, I would like to thank our Silent Mentors whom contributed so much to the medical field without even uttering a word.

Their hopes of us being better doctors in the future will forever be inked in our hearts. Although we don’t know about him or her while he or she was alive but we are glad that faith allowed us to know such a beautiful soul. I would also want to thank the family members for their help and support as well. Thank you our most precious Silent Mentors, we are blessed with your gift.


Ahmad Faris Bin Muhamad Nor (UM_MEM150003)

Upon signing up for the Silent Mentor Program, my initial expectation was to learn the essential clinical skills that a future doctor needed later in working life. However, this program had taught me a lot more than that, where we were taught to be a better person spiritually. Every activity and procedure were done with so much respect toward our selfless Silent Mentor which had showed us their kindness by their deed to donate their body for the future use in medical education and research. My gratitude towards all Silent Mentors and their family members. Thank you Mr Low and family.


Loke Yien Thung (UM_MEM150052)

Once again, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to my most beloved Silent Mentor, Mr Low Kiow Sim and his dearest family members for giving us this golden opportunity to know about him and even after his death, he provided us his body for learning.

Mr Low was really a very very very kind and generous person from the stories that his family shared with us. If I was given a chance to know him and talk to him, I wanted to tell him, ‘Mr Low, you are such a great man and I always wanted to learn all the good values from you. Thanks for your kindness, selflessness and generosity!’ The presence and life stories of Mr Low has reminded me so much of my late grandmother. She was as great as Mr Low.

Besides, I learned that Mr Low’s wife, is a Silent Mentor pledger as well. Mrs Low is so friendly and portraying all the great personalities. I am so happy to have the opportunity to know her and talk to her in person. I hope she stays happy and healthy.

In few months time, I’m going to gain the title of Dr and start to serve the community. I’m not sure if I’m competent enough to treat patients but I promised myself no matter how, I will treat my patients as I’m treating my family with care, empathy and love.

Lastly, I hope Mr Low is now living happily with God in the heaven. You will be in our memory.

Millions thanks to his family for their supports and I wish them the best in life.

Azlin Binti Mokhtar (UM_MEM150009)

I had come fully expected to learn about medical knowledge. I never thought that I would learn about compassion, selflessness and altruism. In the medical profession, even thought it was mention that we should be empathetic and understanding towards our patients, I hardly see that happening. It won’t be a lie to say that how disappointed I was to see this hypocriticalness occurring. 

But in this program, I was reminded of how to care, to understand and to be empathetic. I learn how to be human again, and I think that is lost in many of us. I really can’t express my gratitude in words to the coordinators and the families involved. This is more than just a learning experience for me, it’s a blessing. 


Michelle Chiam Yueh Chin (Monash_27952495)

Silent Mentor has taught me that we are all capable of goodness no matter where we come from. Be it from small things we do everyday for the people we care about or even complete strangers, we always have the capacity to do some good one way or another, even after death. I’m very grateful that I was given this opportunity to learn from the Silent Mentors because it has opened my eyes to what it is like to face a real patient in the future. I hope to make them proud by using this experience to be a good doctor.


Fathin Faziera Binti Mansor (USIM_1131913)

I am grateful to have this opportunity to learn and meet my Silent Mentor's family. Actually, my intention of joining this program was initially to enlighten my medical knowledge and skill. However, day by day I learnt something greater which I have never learnt in class before. Respect, inspiration, unconditional love and selflessness were the value that I found towards this program. Our beloved Silent Mentor has showed us the greatest meaning of life. Thank you very much to the organizers, volunteers, doctors and our Silent Mentor's family.


Low Renjue (UNIMAS_47465)



Yong Zhi Xin (IMU_11487)

Despite of early morning awakening, late sleeping and long waiting hours, the 1 week Silent Mentor Program is still worthwhile and I have never regretted joining this program.

I still remembered how impactful it was for me the first time meeting my Silent Mentor and how I ended up crying at home after the session over the death of a stranger. The home visit session definitely have played a crucial role in this by letting us know more about our Silent Mentor and building up connection with the family members. Not only that, we also felt that we held the responsibility in taking care of our Silent Mentor during the program with the entrustment of family members. I have always perceived death as a tragedy and a loss. I was afraid to face the suffering and pain of the family members. However, the family members accepted his death peacefully and even thought that living up to the age of 88 was a blessing. Death is inevitable and is a natural process of life. We cannot take control of our fate, but we can take control of how we live our life. Our mentor is being described and remembered as a man who is benevolence when he was alive. Although for now, his body was cold and filled with multiple sutures, but still we can feel that we are blessed with his love, kindness and warmth.  

I was impressed by my mentor and his family members’ dedication in donating the body for the medical education and research purpose as I knew this was a difficult decision. They have definitely turned a loss to a gift, a gift to both us and the society. 

A good doctor is not only defined as doctor who acquired good medical knowledge and clinical skills, but also doctors who truly care and work the best for their patient and treat life with dignity. 

28th Silent Mentor Workshop 08-13/10/2019

Chan Zhen Shun 陈正轩 (UM_MEM150011)   

Miss Chin has taught me what it meant to be selfless. From the home visit, we knew that she grew up in a below average household, she had given her everything to her family and even at her death, she chose to be a Silent Mentor. She donated her body for us to learn and practise. If one could describe her with one word, it would be- selflessness. Her selfless attitude had inspired me to put the welfare of my patients as my upmost priority and be a selfless doctor, a selfless person whenever and wherever I can!


Tan Ann Gee 陳安琪 (UM_MEM150101)














Chay Shen Yuan (UM_MEM150012)

Throughout the week of Silent Mentor Workshop, the greatest lesson I learnt wasn’t about the clinical skills or the anatomy of human body, but it’s about appreciation and sacrifices. We never met our mentor when she’s still here, but we learnt about her through her family. From stories, photos or the environment she lived in, we learnt about how great her personality was. She was always the one who willing to sacrifice for her family, and this time she sacrifices her body for the medical field, for us. I think it is a tough decision to make, to donate your own body to someone you never meet, you never know. Learning her sacrifices, learning the value of give and take, I learnt about appreciating. Appreciating every moment with my mentor, appreciating the learning opportunities, trying my best not to fail mentor’s last wish to learn as much as I could. As the workshop went on, I realised more and more stitches and wounds on my mentor, my heart aches. But deepest in my heart, I’m really grateful for being her mentee, to learn about her and her values. Thank you, Ms Chin.


Siti Anis Suraya Binti Mohd Zain (UM_MEM150095)

Silent Mentor Program had been an eye opening program for me. From this program, I was not only able to practice and had hands on skills regarding few procedures. But I could also experience and learn regarding the meaning of life in depth and from different perspectives. My Silent Mentor selfless contribution had taught me that life is more than just for ourselves. We should be living this life not only to fulfil our responsibilities but also helping the others as much as we can along the way. She taught me that we not only can be helpful when we are alive, even after death we could still help the others for a better growth and development either in term of skills or even knowledge. The family members of my Silent Mentors deserved an appreciation on its own. They were so thoughtful and was able to sacrifice their belief and thought regarding their culture, so that we can have this experiences. I couldn't thank them more and I am truly grateful for the opportunity that have been given to me.


Tamilaruvi A/P Vijayakumaran (UM_MEM150100)

I am truly grateful to Silent Mentor team for arranging such a meaningful programme to both medical students and doctors. I must say that my view on patients has tremendously changed because now I not only understand the disease they have but also them as a whole human being. Having said that I must thank my Silent Mentor, Miss Chin Siew Eng who contributed her own self for medical education in order to nurture good doctors in future. How selfless one can be to knowingly allow their body to undergo invasive procedures for learning purpose?

‘Selflessness’ is the best one word to describe these pure souls. In addition, this programme gave me a different perspective on life and death. Death has always been a scariest thing to most of us as the thought of leaving our beloved ones is very painful. However, my Silent Mentor has taught me that death can also be a meaningful one and it is the process when we realise the value of life and appreciate it. Even after death, we can still live in people’s heart through the good deed and contributions to our family and society. When I first registered for this programme, I expected to perform several invasive procedures and acquire other medical knowledge but now I have learnt more than that as in empathy, humanity, and compassion. In a nutshell, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the organisers, professors, volunteers, and everyone who helped to make this programme a successful one.


Khaw Jia Yee (Newcastle_140673764)







Teoh Yeong Huann 张勇焕 (AIMST_M14111299)

人间有爱 • 感恩

感恩是水, 尊重是河, 对这句感恩词是深刻的, 这句良言已是深深的烙印在脑海中。

感恩无语良师为我们的付出与奉献, 以特殊的教学方式, 牺牲自己, 照亮别人, 丰富了我们的知识与经验, 培育了我们医学生。

不只是在医学上, 而且还教会了我们人道, 道德与谦虚。

感谢您的体谅, 谢谢您 感恩


Kylie Yong Sze Ying (IMU_ME1400000003332)



Wan Nur Ira Izrah Bt Wan Izani (USIM_1131942)

During the first day of initiation ceremony of this Silent Mentor Program, nothing more than I expected. It was just that I have the promise towards myself that I need to meet people as my remedy. There had been so long for me staying at home, I need to find the missing pieces of myself. Realizing that meeting new people is like remedy, so I make this program as my medium for me to meet new people. 

As the day goes by, going to University Malaya at early morning as early as 4.00 am in the morning alone, need like really strong courage. Have to park very far, and walking alone at night as the program ended really make me feel stronger. Have the opportunity to do suturing, intubation and central venous line were an honour from you Ms Chin. Ms Chin, now I know how to tie the knot of the suture, I know how deep I need to put my needle on the skin, I learn how to suture on the skin Ms Chin. Ms Chin, I can feel how is the feeling of intubating and Ms Chin, now I know how is the feeling of putting the central venous line. Ms Chin, I know how the caesarean section was done, I know how to locate the appendix and not confusing with the sigmoid, I know how it feels of the normal liver, I know how it feel of the intestine, I can look at the ovary & fallopian tube. 

During the gratitude ceremony, I looked at all the family members. I felt sad about that. I just can’t imagine how they were willingly gave their family member as a medium for us to learn. Looking at them, the selflessness of themselves just make me feel that this is the real meaning of giving the benefit to others. I realised that the life is not just about ourselves, it is about everyone else. The Silent Mentor did not mind that their body being cut, their bone being cut, their eyeball being taken out form their eye. They can’t speak. They let their body to be cut and all the suture are all around their body. They just let it be. Ms Chin, looking at your face, your body with lot of sutures and your limb became so flaccid and you were just quiet, making me feel that you really sacrifice yourself for others to learn about your body. Thank you. You will always be my teacher. Looking at your family members make me feel that I want to cry. This is the real meaning of selflessness.  

On the other hand, I also met a lot of friends there.  I also more understand on how is the rhythm to communicate with people. The principle is to know your worth, speak up your thought, never afraid of the mistakes. I also learn to read about my communication pathway on where I want to go. Lastly, I have the opportunity to meet such a top medical community in University of Malaya.


Chew Leong Chan 周良典 (UM_MEM140127)



Lim Kai Wei 林凯薇 (UM_MEM150046)






Hii Siew Lin 许晓玲 (UM_MEM140036)




Nur Fatin Aqielah Binti Suparman (UM_MEM150075)

Silent Mentor has taught me not only the clinical skills that we, future doctors needed but also, how to be a better doctors spiritually. Every procedure and activity were done with so much respect towards our self-less Silent Mentor who not only showed us kindness by their deeds but also, reminded us to do good for all regardless of religion and races. It was a memorable experience and I hope I’d be able to fulfill all their wishes of being a good doctor.

Othniel Panyih Anak Daraman (UM_MEM150085)

Attending this program allowed me to experience the emotions, thoughts and struggles of the family members of my mentor. I am reminded that life is short, that I need to cherish the moments I have now with my loved ones. 

Thank you to the lecturers and volunteers who worked hard to allow this 28th Silent Mentor Workshop to be a success. 

My experiences throughout this workshop was made possible because of the selflessness and kindness of Mr. Lim and his family. For that, I am very much thankful and grateful.

Jaslinder Kaur A/P Param Jit Singh (Perdana University- RCSI_14923311)

Joining the Silent Mentor Program has been an amazing experience. Not only I did get the opportunity to appreciate the heartfelt contribution of our dearest Silent Mentors, I was also able to positively reflect along this interesting program organized by UM. Having the hands-on chance of handling various surgical and clinical procedures led by renowned surgeons and physicians was definitely incredible. But the highlight of my experience here was the amazing journey of appreciation and the close interaction I had with the beloved family of my dearest Silent Mentors. Forever will I cherish this memorable experience I had. Thank you.

Choong Zhi Hern (IMU_9133)

It was such a privilege to be part of the Silent Mentor Program. I have gained valuable practical insights particularly the surgical and procedural aspects of Medicine. The opportunity to apply textbook knowledge has been beneficial in enhancing my understanding and sharpening skills. Under the guidance of the experienced Medical Professionals, I was given the chance to insert a chest tube, central venous line and to perform intubation on a human body. Besides that, this workshop had given me the opportunity to practice and perfecting my suturing skills and techniques. Also, I have learnt the specific nuances of human anatomy by feeling and identifying each structure of a real body; the entire experience appears to be a stark contrast to the usual practice on mannequins.  

Aside from appreciating the demanding standard of the profession, I am deeply inspired by the selflessness of the medical team for dedicating their time to educate aspiring doctors. Besides that, from my Silent Mentors and their family members I had learnt so much about appreciation, love, compassionate, respect and selflessness, which I think these are valuable traits that every doctor should acquire. The program has motivated me and fuelled my passion to continue strive for excellence.


Teh Ee Lyn (Manipal_131303523)

Silent Mentor Program has made a big impact on me. Through the workshop, I have learnt a lot of useful hands on procedures that I have never gotten a chance to practice during my medical school years. Trying, making mistakes and then learning from those mistakes has always been the best way of learning. But sadly, in the medical field there’s rarely space for mistakes, because we humans are such fragile creatures. However, because of Silent Mentor Program, it is possible. The best part of the program was not only the workshops, it was the humanity aspect of it. To be able to know, understand and have a picture in your mind about who your mentor was his life before death, before practicing on him is such a special and indescribable experience. I feel honored and touched, that I was able to listen to the thoughts and feelings of the families, and to also feel what they were feeling at each stage of the program up until the very end. I have not just gained knowledge and skills, but also learnt empathy, and have been appreciating life even more ever since.

Oh Zhaogy (AIMST_M14080844)


感恩您们无私 不求回报的付出与贡献




您舍己为人的精神 我们会牢记在心 



您们忍痛割爱 毫不犹豫

决心 奉献


爱 无限



生  虽只有一线之差



至 永恒


Lau En Qi (UM_MEM150037)





Lai Yi 赖怡 (UM_MEM150036)






Muhammad Hamizan Bin Azmi (UM_MEM150137)

Dying is a normal process that everyone must face at the end of their life. By right, we should be prepared as we know that the day will come. Being in a medical field who watch people live and die made me wondering have they fulfilled their wish or purpose in their life? By joining this Silent Mentor Program for these past few weeks give me an eye opening on how a patient, a person, a someone’s someone being handle after passing away and how the family member react. It reminds me that life is not that simple as I have people who appreciate my presence need to accept that I will be gone forever and they need to continue with their life. 

At first, I was curious to know the reason my mentor volunteer for this program. After went to the mentor’s house, met her family members as well as hearing her life story, I was amazed that she actually signed up to be a mentor when she was well as most of the time that I heard, mentors usually signed up when they knew they had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. It realised me that there are people out there who really sincere and willing to do everything they could so that other people will be benefitted. It touched my heart to see how the family members need to hold their sad feeling inside their chest for so long before this program end but they endured it so that their mother’s wish could be fulfilled. 

Throughout the workshop week, I learn a lot especially in taking care of my mentor. It is more like a common sense to take care my mentor as she is alive, to treat her with such respect and dignity. I also learned a lot of procedures that I think I will be doing it in future. I am so in debt with my mentor for her willingness to let me learn all those procedures on her. 

During the sending off and gratitude ceremony, it made me realised that my mentor and other mentors are really kind and have something in common. Despite went through all the hardships, they are still willing to give more even after their death and they did that without hesitation as it is the most right thing to do. I hope all the wishes that these mentors have had been fulfilled. 

Last but not least, I am so grateful that I made a lot of new friends from other universities. This program has extended my horizon of friends. We went through a lot during this program. We laughed, we cried and shared other feelings together in this program. I had a good teamwork experience with them. It is nice to have a lot of friends who have the same purpose in this program, to treat a mentor as humanly as possible making this task a bit lighter. I really wish this friendship will last as we shared a great mentor in our life.


Nur Suhair Binti Mohamed Naim (UM_MEM150077)

The Silent Mentor Program taught me more than just medical and surgical skills/knowledge, but most importantly it taught me the essence of being a good Dr - someone who treats with empathy, kindness and care for others. Simple to say, the essence of being a human being itself. My Silent Mentor's last wishes were for us to take these learning opportunities and to put it to good use, to hurt less patients and to save more. Our Silent Mentors' selflessness and huge sacrifices can never be forgotten - as each time I see blooming flowers, colourful blankets, feel the soft wind blows or see another smiling patient, I'll be reminded of my own Silent Mentor. It will surprise you when you realise that you can be so touched by someone's sacrifice - and you value them so much despite not knowing who they were in life. Needless to say, it's not merely the length of life that counts, but its the depth of life that we've spent that matters. Our Silent Mentors did their parts; they were mentors in life and still relentlessly sacrificed, even after death. Now it's my turn to think and act, on how I should live mine.


Nurul Nabilah Binti Md Lazim (UM_MEM150081)

I'm so grateful that I had given a chance to join Silent Mentor Workshop and I believed that my encounter with late Madam Siew Mooi and her families were meant to be. Initially, I signed up this program with a goal to learn as much skills as I could. But, never that I know this program will affect me emotionally and spiritually in a positive way, for my self-development as a future doctor. 

Getting to know my mentor and her family has taught me, to look at and treat a patient as somebody who is really precious to their family members, not just merely treating a person with the disease. Thank you, Madam Siew. May your soul rest in peace. 


Benny Lim Yen Huei (IMU_10431)

Participating in the Silent Mentor Program over the past week has changed the view I have towards medicine. Prior to the program, I would only prioritize the management of the patients’ illness and the outcomes of their treatments. However, I have realised that I was naïve in my thinking in the care of my patients. 

During the workshop, I learnt the importance of family support in the care of the patient. Even though my mentor was silent, the interaction and communication with the family of the mentor made me realised about the importance of taking into account the feelings and worries of the family during the management of the mentor. We were able to understand better the problems and hardship that the family had to overcome when our mentor was ill and the difficult decisions that had to be made to allow our mentor to participate in the Silent Mentor Program after she passes away. After going through this program, I would be more careful and take into consideration the views of the patients and their family first before making decisions in management. 

Secondly, the workshop made me realise the hardship of taking care of a patient. During the workshop, the students had to clean up and take great care of our mentors every morning and every evening. The carefulness and sacrifice required to care for our mentor made me understand the noble act of the caretakers taking care of the ill. The workshop has raised the respect I have for the caretakers of the patients and also reminded me of why we should be noble when caring for our patients. 

Lastly, the Silent Mentor workshop has also made me reflect back on the importance of teamwork and communication. During our daily activities, we had to work together with one another to ensure that our mentor receives the best care. Even though we have never met prior to this workshop, working with the new friends I made during the workshop has made all the task and obstacles bearable. I will continue to foster teamwork and communication skills when I progress further in the medical profession so that my patient will receive the best care from the medical team. 

Overall, this workshop has been nothing less than an amazing experience. If given the chance, I would be glad to participate in the workshop again. I will take all the experience I have learnt in the workshop and apply it to how I manage patients in the future.


Seah Yin Kar 谢颖佳 (UNIMAS_48860)






Teoh Kee Zhuan 张羽壮 (Manipal_121303529)

非常荣幸,2019年 7月23日这天,我被录取加入无语良师计划。起初对这计划的概念很模糊,大约就是知道会有捐赠者自愿捐躯作为医学用途。加入了这个大家庭后,我才发现原来背后的意义,远大于只是一份爱无私的传承。从第一天的家访中,就深深感受到家属们的不甘不舍与惶恐不安的情绪,也许是他们对医学作业的不理解,也许是他们知道这项计划的所有过程,都与他们的传统理念有着大大的正面冲突。为了满足母亲的意愿,他们还是硬着头皮地体谅与接受我们的医学运作与技术试验。这里我才了解到,我们总在生活中把自己的潇洒固执当作理所当然,然而每个方案的背后,辛劳与无奈、感受最深烈的,其实是我们病患的亲属和亲友们。这时时刻刻在提醒我以后对着病患,除了要对症下药 另外也要有同理心。感谢 Mr. Sia与团队们的妥善安排,整段计划中的课程,可说是近乎完美,事前的准备充足、指示清楚不模糊以及保留了对无语老师最大限度的尊重。除了医识、医技、医术上的提升,无语良师身教最大的培养就是医德。这是在哪个课本都修不到的额外学题。感谢机缘让我认识这项计划,也感恩计划中善结的友谊,有机会的话,您一定要来参与这计划!因为里头的启发绝对让您受益匪浅足以让你在未来的道路中登高望远 开阔视野去看世界。

27th Silent Mentor Workshop 09-14/07/2019

Choy Yang Qun (UM_MEM150019)


Ooi Wei Yuen (UM_MEM140095)

As the saying goes, “A mediocre teacher teaches but a great teacher inspires.” After attending the Silent Mentor Program, I was greatly inspired by my mentor’s selflessness and her great love. Although I could not meet her when she was still alive, however her legacy, her story was retold in great detail again by those who remember her. She was a selfless person who would sacrifice herself for others and continue doing so even in her passing. I learned a lot of procedural skills which would be impossible to do on a real patient at my level. Through trial and error during the Silent Mentor Program was I able to grasp the overall feeling and concept to perform a certain procedure. Moreover, this program taught us much about respect and empathy towards others. The families in their times of lost chose to fulfil their kin’s dying wishes. Their sacrifice would breed a new generation of doctors who would continue to save more lives in the future. I am deeply indebted to my mentor and her family and also the coordinators of this program. I would continue to work hard on my skills and hopefully save thousands of lives in the future.

Khairunnisa Binti Zainuddin (UM_MEM140042)

I am glad to be part of the Silent Mentor Program. From day 1 to the sending off ceremony, each day will give a value or new lesson to me. It is such an excellent idea to turn a loss to a gift. I really hope there are more Silent Mentors in the future and also future participations from medical students of local national universities. This program should expand to other parts of the country because of the benefits that we gain from this.  I hope for the success in the future.

Ang Qi Xuan (UM_MEM150006)

Thank you for the opportunity given to join Silent Mentor Program. From these few days, I learn to treat a cadaver as though he/she is alive and learn to be comfortable performing procedures in cadaver. I appreciate and respect Madam Hong Yin Peng’s final will for being part of Silent Mentor Program. To me, death is the closure for a story of human life, be it the one dying or the people around them. It is not easy to go through stages of grief and loss. But it’s even more spiritually challenging to delay the stages across a few months as how the family members did. I respect their strength and understanding for being through that and am thankful from the bottom of my heart.

Farra Azera Binti Md Razib (UM_MEM150021)

Life is short and I personally believe that death is just the beginning of a new journey. It could be a lonely journey but knowing I have done my best while I am alive would serve as a source of comfort. This is what my Silent Mentor, Madam Hong has taught me. I aspire to make the most out of my life while I can, to be selfless and generous, to appreciate all the little things I receive. Through this program, I realize once again that whichever race and religion you are from, in the end all of us are humans, with feelings and emotions. Despite the differences in our beliefs, Madam Hong’s kindness touches my soul and I wish to be able to have such impact in the future too.

Lim Sheng Zheng (Newcastle_160008476)



试着让眼泪不往下流  别往下流










千言万语  归结为一句话


Tan Ping May (Newcastle_170732350)

爱  无私







具仁心  为仁术 

爱  无限




生  虽只有一线之差

但爱  是可以延续至永恒 










也勿忘初心  为良医

Chong Ning Hui (IMU_3358)

I guess one would never know how significant the impact of the Silent Mentor Program is on one's mind and soul until he or she has been through it. I am still in awe of how humbling the entire experience is on my perspective towards life in general. Day by day, when the number of cuts and stitches increases on my Silent Mentor's body, my hearts ached for them but at the same time, I felt immensely humbled and had a great deal of gratitude and respect towards these Silent Mentors. Their selflessness and great love were immeasurable. 

The connection that was built between us, the Silent Mentor, and their family members were so special. The Silent Mentor was once a stranger to us, but after a week of learning about them, we were all grieving along with the family members as we sent our beloved mentor in their journey. The family members are the ones I would like to also show my appreciation to as they embraced and fulfilled the mentors' last wishes, even though they had to suffer prolonged grief.  

I may not remember every technique or skill taught during this workshop. But I know that when the road ahead looks dark and cloudy, and when I struggle from whatever overwhelming obstacle that crumbles me, this experience with my Silent Mentor will remain as a lit candle that reminds me of their sacrifices today. It will be the light that helps rejuvenate my passion and empathy towards medicine and life.   

Dear Silent Mentor, your love is unconditional and eternal. You touched our souls today, and we shall spread that touch to many others whom we are bound to care for and heal. Thank you.

Ting Kar Mun (Monash_29202086)

We might not know each other or know these Silent Mentors before this program but this program is like a thread that bond every one of us together. I enjoyed every moment throughout the program and appreciated the efforts that all of us put in to make these happen.

I've learned a lot of new things through this program. It is a pretty eye-opening experience for me. Through the workshop, the doctors had highlighted some of the important structures or landmarks that we might miss when studying textbooks. I would always remember everything that I learnt through this program and I believed that this will made me into a better doctor in future.

Dear Silent Mentors, your story may become merely a part of our story. However, it is strong enough to inspire and encourage us to travel further in the journey of our life. To stay curious, strive hard and to be tough enough to face the challenges in the ongoing journey. You taught us that the end is just another beginning, and your generous act will never be forgotten.

R. Dinesh Kumara A/L Rajendran (UM_MEM150088)

Blood, flesh and bones-these are what human beings are made of as far as I was concerned. At least I was until I joined the Silent Mentor Program. Throughout the course of a few months in this program, I came to know four mentors, specifically Mr. Lee Gee Huat, who willingly gave their bodies for the purpose of medical education. 

How selfless can one be to knowingly allow their deceased body to undergo several invasive procedures, disfiguring and scarring them, just for a field that they had minimal affiliations to when alive? These pure souls have depicted humanitarianism at its utmost form. Hence, from this wholesome experience, I realised that what define a human being is, neither the blood that runs through the veins nor his or her flesh and bones, but rather the love, humility and sacrifice we practice even in the afterlife. Just like that, without uttering a single word, my mentors have taught me the most valuable lesson I could ever pick up in medical school. For that, I express my greatest gratitude to all my four Silent Mentors and their families, professors, doctors, and the organisers and helpers of this honourable program.

Lee Heoy Teng (UM_MEM150039)




无语良师, 感恩您 让我悟出,







Wong Jing Yuan (UM_MEM150114)



Choe Lay Mun (UM_MEM150016)





渐渐觉得  面对死亡


人啊  终究还是逃不过死亡这一步 






我们的无语良师  我们素未相谋










要多么大的勇气, 多么无私的爱与奉献精神

才能捐出自己的身体  造福后人  为社会贡献 


"我宁可你在我身上划错无数刀, 也不愿见到你在病人身上割错一刀..." 

谢谢您们 所有的无语良师




Mary Grace Fernandez (Perdana_14923320)

I am very happy that I made the decision to join the Silent Mentor Program as I had the opportunity to perform many procedures such as central venous line insertion, endotracheal intubation, chest tube insertion and suturing. I was also able to observe other procedures such as Pfannenstiel incision for C-section, Lanz incision for appendicectomy, chemoport insertion and carpal tunnel release. Besides that, we were taught about the anatomy of the femoral and inguinal canal and all about hernia repairs. 

Besides the medical aspect of this program, I also learned a lot about different cultures and religions through the various ceremonies that were carried out. This will surely help me to be a more understanding doctor in the future. 

I also had the opportunity to make many new friends from different universities. We were able to share our knowledge and experience with each other throughout the week. In a nutshell, I found this program very beneficial and will definitely encourage my other university mates to join it.

Chear Li Juin (Newcastle_160002935)

Because love was not the answer of every question. Because real love means sacrifice. Sometimes love means letting go. 

The spirit of the Silent Mentors had greatly affected my attitude towards life. I always constantly finding the meaning of life till I joined the Silent Mentor workshop. Throughout the workshop, I can deeply feel the love that the Silent Mentors had given to us. They were willing to sacrifice their bodies and made contributions to the education of fellow doctors and students despite the objection from family members. We are not SM’s family member; hence we did not feel that amount of pain that they were going through. Their dedication for a better tomorrow were much appreciated. They made me realized that the secret of living a life of excellence is merely a thought of excellence. No man is truly great who is only great in his lifetime but the history that they made. May care and love of those around them provide comfort and peace to get them through the days ahead. 

Thanks for showering us with lots of love. Thank you, Silent Mentors.

Nurul Asyiqin Binti Mohd Radzuan (Manipal_131303071)

I am so grateful for given the chance joining the 27th Silent Mentor Workshop. It is such a golden opportunity for me to learn and practice the invasive procedures on a cadaver respectfully, under careful supervision of qualified doctors. Initially, I thought this program will only provide me with various medical skills training. But after joining this program, I feel it has served me beyond it. Extremely beyond my expectations. This program has totally seed me with empathy towards medicine and life. 

Working as a doctor with hectic busy schedule is absolutely challenging. We deal with death every day until it become a norm to us. We unconsciously losing the value of empathy by only focusing on our job. We spent very less time to talk to our patient and take care of their emotions. Silent Mentor Program has taught me that every patient, has their own life story, struggle and challenges. To become a good doctor, we should not neglect it. 

I highly respect with the noble act of the Silent Mentor made for the future doctors’ success. Their beautiful soul definitely teaches the living the value of sacrifices. Now onwards, for every patient we treat, there are our Silent Mentors behind every success. Thank you our unsung heroes, may your souls rest in peace.

Lui Yao Zong (Monash_29202043)

Many of us have seen heroes in movies but not in the real world. The selfless act of surrendering your whole body into the hands of strangers is admirable and a true hero. Turning a life’s loss into a gift to the whole society is a great challenge not only for oneself but also their family members.  Joseph Campbell once said, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”  Their contributions to the medical world cannot be quantified, not to mention repaying them. 

The Silent Mentor Program has left a huge print in my life. I sincerely felt that being given the chance to sharpen our knowledge and skills are secondary. Most importantly, nothing beats the life values gained from this program. The Silent Mentors have taught us what selflessness, bravery, love and being compassionate are. 

Dear Silent Mentors, 

To ensure that your sacrifice will not be in vain, values that you have taught will be with me till my very last breath.  I would like to thank you all Silent Mentors. You have indeed taught us a very special lesson, an unspoken one but one full of meaning to life.

Chan Carmen (Dundee_170027359)

In my essay of “Why should I join Silent Mentor Program”, I stated a few learning intentions of how I felt this workshop would help me grow as a medical professional. Such as focussing on a patient centred care and caring for a patient as a whole. This workshop indeed helped me learn compassion, empathy and nurturing care by assigning us a mentor to take care of. Even though we were not personally acquainted with our mentor, but through the words of family members, close relatives and friends, we learnt a lot about our mentor and deep down formed a caring bond in our hearts. As we worked together, taking care of our mentor we slowly formed a good teamwork amongst our team. From this, we learnt that communication in a team is very important and this workshop further emphasizes on discipline and order in an organisation. 

As for the workshops, led by many doctors, professors and surgeons, I am truly grateful for their teachings and mentorship. We had the chance to practice our skills in all the stations which will be helpful in our future years as doctors. I also appreciate the further teaching of anatomy in the following session. By being able to observe the anatomy of the human body up close truly helps with reinforcing my understandings from the textbooks. 

All in all, I am truly grateful for this opportunity to partake in this 27th Silent Mentor Workshop by University Malaya. I will use all the knowledge I have absorbed from this workshop to further improve myself to be a better doctor. Thank You.

Ng Wyen Dee (UM_MEM150063)

无语良师工作坊是一个很好的学习平台,让我们这些医学生获益良多。无语老师们就像我们心中的雨点,把自己埋没,让小草生长。这种无私的奉献,我们将永远感激于心。为国育才,只有逗号,没有句号; 感恩我师,只有起点,没有终点。感恩您!

Wong Lai Theng (UM_MEM150115)

很庆幸能够在医学生涯中有机会参加无语良师计划,对我而言这是一个很有意义的工作坊。犹记得还是大一的时候,我发现很多学长学姐都参与这项计划,但那时候我对这工作坊毫无概念,决定当无语良师工作坊的自愿者以更加了解。 数次的参与后我也觉得这可能是个让我们学习医学知识与技术的好机会吧。直到不久前自己亲身加入这个活动,从无语良师往生后到工作坊结束,当中的家访、大体启动仪式、医学工作坊以及感恩仪式都让我们学习了很多。我非常钦佩无语良师无私奉献的精神。我定不会辜负无语良师对我们的期望,把所学到的医学知识造福人群。

Siti Hajar Binti Mohd Hafeez (UM_MEM150096)

Honestly, the first time I heard of this program was during my first year and I was rendered speechless, totally clueless of the real meaning behind it.  I didn’t consider participating until one of my seniors told me about her experience in joining the program and how it changed her. 

Upon arrival of my mentor in Silent Mentor Centre (SMC), I was initially still the clueless me, just following instructions from coordinators and facilitators, without actually knowing in detail who my mentor was.  However, throughout the program, from the home visit up to the workshops and sending-off ceremony, I have acquired a deep respect and admiration for my mentor.  He helped me gain not only medical knowledge, but also the meaning of humanity and unconditional love. He taught me that the meaning of love goes beyond life itself.  Good deeds can still be done even in the afterlife. His selfless contribution for us, medical students, portrayed such an extraordinary example and I am sure their legacy will live on in our hearts. 

Dear beloved mentors, thank you for the lessons. 

Ngai Chin Fei (UM_MEM150065)

Silent Mentor, my teacher of knowledge and life, makes me realize the power of love and sacrifice. They were willing to contribute their bodies to us, the medical students and doctors, in hope of us becoming the medical professionals with hearts and empathy. Their great contribution and sacrifice will always be buried in our hearts and minds. This program had opened my eyes and mind that the love to mankind is not limited to the length of life, but it extends until the end of the world. I respected and admired the courage of the Silent Mentors to make such a heavy decision, yet they had no regret until the end of their lives. All of them had the same hope and expectation that we can make full use of their bodies for the sake of medical development and contribute back to the society. I promise, I would not disappoint any of them until the end of my life, by becoming a good and merciful doctor. The knowledge and experience gained through this workshop are invaluable and thus my appreciation to their sacrifice can never be described in words, but it will always be remembered in my hearts. The love of humanity showed by the Silent Mentors has spread through the universe. At last, I strongly hope that every mankind can make some contributions back to community even after the end of life just like our Silent Mentor for the sake of human’s love.

Che Mohd Hasbi Che Mohd Zin (UM_MEM150013)

It has been a great honor for me to participate in the 27th SMP as it provides me with a rare opportunity to take a glimpse into the lives of our mentors. I am utmost grateful and moved by their generosity to help in shaping the medical students as better doctors in the future. Words are not enough to describe the importance of the knowledge, skills and experience that I have gained throughout this program. For which I’m sure it will stay with me for the rest of my life. But on top of all this, they have also taught me that being compassionate and selfless does not need to be just a materialistic act, it can be more than that. Dearest mentors, you have taught us about life and love. For that, we can never thank you enough. Lastly, as a reminder to us all, although they may not be here with us today, their legacy will continue to live on among us.

Chee Chung Ern (UNIMAS_40826)



Teh Jun Xian (UKM_A143581)

From the past 1 week program of 27th Silent Mentor Workshop, I have learnt a lot not only from Silent Mentor but also from family of Silent Mentors. 

First of all, I learn about the love of family towards Silent Mentor which is really deep in afterlife. My Silent Mentor, Mr Wai choose to donate his body after his sister introduce him about Silent Mentor. After his sign up, his father has strongly disagree with Mr Wai as this is sort of against the Chinese tradition. However, Mr Wai insist and his siblings help to convince their father on this. This is the power of love to help changing mind of their father to acceptance. His father choose to respect his choice in the end. 

Besides, I learn to respect body of Silent Mentor. Almost every morning in the program, we will be assigned to clean the body of Mr Wai. This is not an easy task as we need to take a good care of his body due to fragility of tissue structure after his pass away. We need to slowly press the tissue on the skin soaked with alcohol instead of rubbing through it. We need to slowly move his body instead of just pulling him over the trolley when we are transferring to the operation table. I learn to respect him as a whole instead of just a body. I learn how bad will his body be of we did not cut or stitch properly on Mr Wai, as if on the body of our real life patient in future.This is a valuable lesson which I can not learn from other program. 

Moreover, I have learnt about the importance of volunteering in a group of program. My team leader, Lai Theng is a responsible team leader and most of the time she takes in consideration of our opinion before making decision. But, it won’t be successful if none of us volunteer to take the job or the job being assigned then she need to make extra arrangement. Sometimes of our team are not proactive enough to do it but luckily the rest of time our team are good and willing to help each other.This is the same happening to Silent Mentor workshop which is totally free for participants. Each and everyone volunteer to take up one job to make the program a success. 

In a nutshell, I have learnt a lot through Silent Mentor Program, not only skills and knowledge but all also noble value seen on Mr Wai, his family and Silent Mentor Workshop committee as well as volunteers. These help me to become an empathy doctor in the future.

Grace Kong Yong En (Monash_29457939)

Through Silent Mentor workshops, I gained a better understanding of the human anatomy and got to try my hand at procedures such as suturing. It was an eye-opening experience for me to deal with death and grief. I was uneasy the first time I helped with the preparation of our mentor but got used to it over time. However, when I think about our mentor (Mr Wai), I still feel humbled by his courage and selflessness. Our mentor’s family was very friendly and was willing to share their stories with us. I am blessed with good group mates that made me feel welcomed. The program was also a good opportunity to befriend medical students from other universities. I am grateful to have been given the chance to participate in the Silent Mentor Program as I got to learn and experience many new things.

Renugkha Nair A/P Krishnan Nair (IMU_11027)

When I first joined the workshop, I was determined to learn as much skills as I could from the mentors. However as the week progressed, I realized that more than the skills, I learnt the value of empathy and compassion. Cleansing the mentor everyday showed how much education our Silent Mentors have imparted to the medical fraternity as with each passing day, the amount of scars they carry increased. They proved that even beyond our death, we could still contribute to society and humanity through noble acts like these. For this, I am very grateful for my mentor, Mr Wai Seng Chan. 

As part of the Silent Mentor Program, I have realized that the thing that makes the program unique, is the bond we create with the mentor’s family members in order to gain some insight into the life and death of our mentor before the workshop. Getting to know my mentor and his family personally was the indeed the most rewarding part of this program. 

This workshop gave me a different perspective on life and death. I am very thankful for this opportunity, it was an experience like no other.

Parveen Kaur A/P Jagdev Singh (UM_MEM150087)

The Silent Mentor Program has been very personal to each of the participants. This one week of workshop has taught me a lot of values and I have gained so much of knowledge and experience from it. Firstly, I would thank all the Silent Mentors for donating their bodies so we could learn from them, and their family members, that stood strong with them through their decision and joined us at the workshop. I learnt that empathy is such a paramount value to have in life, and I learnt that by spending time with the family members of our Silent Mentors. Workshop like these makes us realize that there’s so much that an individual can offer not only in their life but also in afterlife. I am thankful for the academic sessions we had, and the first-hand experience that I have gained through the workshops. I have met many participants from different walks of life, but all of us coming together in the spirit of medicine, to be better doctors in the future. Thank you to the organizers and I hope this program reaches new heights and is spread across the world.

Kee Yan Yee (UM_MEM150031)

I was so excited yet nervous when it was my turn to clean my Silent Mentor. It was a midnight when I suddenly received a text which asked us to stand by that my Silent Mentor will be reached at Silent Mentor Centre at around 12am. But unfortunately due to some unforeseen circumstance, he only able to arrive at 3am. I did not know how to describe my feeling at the moment I saw my Silent Mentor lying on the trolley bed, but I remembered I keep praying for him silently during the cleaning session and hopefully he can die peacefully. 

During the home visit to my Silent Mentor’s house, I felt so appreciated and touched that his second son and his wife are so forthcoming in sharing the deceased’s life story. I can felt their sadness when sharing the story but I can see how they are proud of their dad and husband too. 

When it came to the Silent Mentor workshop, I make sure I took good care of my Silent Mentor as a normal patient. I tried to remain calm. However, when the son came to see their father for the last time, he then walked to me and said “Thank you” to me, at the moment I can’t control my tears anymore. I felt so heartache yet touching as the sons are so greatness and willing to respect his father’s last wish in donating his body for this Silent Mentor Program. 

If you ask me whether am I willing to let my parents to sign up for this program, my answer will be probably is “No” at this moment. I really appreciate them who agree and decide to sign up as a Silent Mentor. I think this will be the most difficult yet great decision ever in life. 

Every Silent Mentor is a great and wonderful teacher for us and will be missed by everyone forever. I believed they will be very happy and have peace wherever they are now.

Nurulain Binti Zainol (UM_MEM150084)

I was given a great opportunity to participate in the 27th Silent Mentor Workshop and there are a lot that I learnt throughout this workshop. We went through several process before we start the actual workshop. We started with home visit to our Silent Mentor’s house in order to know more about our Silent Mentor. This is where I learnt that even though our Silent Mentor had passed away and willingly donated his own body for medical education, we still need to respect him and his family members. During the workshop week, I got the opportunity to see how different races and religion have their own unique ceremony after the death of their loved ones. From a perspective of a different religion, I find this experience very amusing. I got the chance to know better about different religion practices. Other than that, no words can really explain how grateful and humbling this whole workshop has taught me. Because of our Silent Mentors’ selflessness, I got to learn more and understand better about the things that I have learnt in the textbook. Nothing can replace the whole learning experience that I have got during this workshop.

Ngu Sze Ying 吴思莹 (UM_MEM150066)


Tan Huck Khee 陈则企 (UM_MEM150103)










Khaw Cheng Jing (IMU_3379)

Albert Einstein once said, “Only a life lived for others is a life worth living.” Our Silent Mentors had lived their lives to the fullest with their respective family members in the past, while here at the 27th Silent Mentor Program, they “lived” for us one last time. 

In my opinion, all medical students/graduates of today, strived to gain infinite knowledge in the fields of medicine. However they do not know that in order to become great doctors of tomorrow, we should equip ourselves with vital elements of a good doctor. This fits well into one of the important aims of the Silent Mentor Program which aimed at cultivating a sense of compassion in medical students/graduates towards their future patients. 

Back in the days when I was still a medical student, my beloved supervisors and seniors have taught me that patients will always be our mentors, no matter living or the deceased. They have imparted me with knowledge that I would carry throughout a lifetime as a healthcare professional. 

One’s passing demarcates an important life event for his or her family member.  I was able to join the family members in their last journey with these “unsung heroes” who were willing to help us become better doctors without expecting anything in return. 

Joining this Silent Mentor Program also rekindled my love and passion for caring and being compassionate towards patients and their family members. 

The emotional connection between participants and the Silent Mentors grew stronger day by day. We laughed, wept, smiled and cried. It was a whirlwind of emotions and complex feelings that no words could have described. But if I’m treating a patient tomorrow, I will remember you. I will remember you by the name, your pale face and the sacrifice that you made this day because you made me a better doctor for myself and for someone else. 

A final message to our beloved Silent Mentors: 

Every morning we cleaned your body and washed your hair. But not once you smiled back, not once we got to listen to your voice. You will not feel pain, but the sorrow drowned us. You will not feel scared, but the fear overwhelmed us. 

Your will, we respect.

Your body, we are forever grateful.

Your bravery, my inspiration.

Your generosity, we acknowledge.

Your sacrifice, we remember.

Lim Khoo Deir Dre (IMU_ME11400000003329)

I am very honored to be participated in this 27th Silent Mentor Program. This program had taught me humanity, compassionate and empathy which all doctors preached about but not truly understood by many of us. Though we do not know our mentors when they were still alive, we went through the grieving process together with the family members as though we knew them. 

We were assigned into groups and entrusted to take care of one mentor. The daily tasks of cleansing our respective mentors, patching up their wounds and finally dressing them and putting them into the coffin doesn’t seems to be a burden. It had taught us to be mindful of treating our mentors with respect as well as care for their bodies despite they are spiritually gone. Although this 1 week period did not change me much, however, it will makes me be always mindful to treat my patients with the same mindset. 

Our mentors’ altruistic act of donating their bodies to us who are strangers to them really inspires us to be a better person and to emulate their nobleness. Life is short and unpredictable, but these Silent Mentors teach us to make life meaningful while we are able to. Thank you to all Silent Mentors, words cannot describe how much grateful we are to them and their families for their selflessness. Thank you to all organizing committees, family members of the mentors, doctors and volunteers for making this program a success!

Tan Ying Li 陈颖俐 (Manipal_141303050)

I believe timing is everything. If something is meant to happen to you, at the right time and right place with the right person and right reason it will happen. And Silent Mentor Program was the golden opportunity that I have always waited and finally at the time just right after graduating, I got the chance to participate. 

All I would like to say is through this platform, what I learnt was far more precious than merely medical knowledge or skills. Apart from that, I learnt about life. I learnt about selflessness and generosity. All thanks to our dearest Silent Mentors. 

We, the medical students were the one cleaning our mentor's body every single morning and at night after workshops without failing. As day goes by, he has already becoming like my own family member. I could clearly remember each and every edges of his face and the curves of his body till now although I have never seen my mentor even once when he was alive. Even though he was my “Silent” Mentor, I felt he was dear to me.  

Goodbyes are usually the hardest to say but eventually we bid farewell to our dearest mentors. I thank you for showing us that the real love should go beyond the length of our life, the width of the spirit, and the depth of the soul. We will always remember your sacrifice to the medical education and we vow to continue your legacy in treating our patients with love and care in the future.

Tan Yik Liang (Newcastle_160008557)


感恩您无私的奉献 让医学生能从您身上学习到宝贵的知识与经验

感恩您宝贵的付出 让我得到了心智的启迪和生命的成长

感恩您用生命教会了我什么是大爱 明白了生命之长不可变 生命之宽却可增

花儿感恩于大地的滋养 才有了艳丽多姿芳香扑鼻



感恩您 我的无语良师

26th Silent Mentor Workshop 09-14/04/2019

Lim Yi Wen (UM_MEM150050)

生活一如既往 心态却早已不同

最近发生的种种 在脑海里过了一遍 感慨颇多

对我而言 越是强烈的情感 越是难以描述





第26届无语良师计划 不是结束 是一种继承 延续

您的大爱 像历史的长河 奔腾喧涌 永不停息

您的精神 您的付出 将永记于我心

感恩您 无语良师 愿您安息 


Ting Sing Qin (UM_MEM150110)

Before I participated in the Silent Mentor Program, I thought that the program would help me improve my anatomy knowledge as well as clinical or surgical skills, on top of some humanitarian values. As I never managed to get myself become a volunteer in the program although being a UM student, unlike most of my course mates, I never really knew how the program was conducted and delivered. 

After participating in the Silent Mentor Program, there are quite a several things that changed my view and impacted me a lot. 

Firstly, I understood that the program encompasses the emphasis of the value of empathy, selflessness, gratitude, etc. while allowing students to improve their bedside skills. In this program, values were more important to be taught than the skills - and this is what made it so stand up comparing to the other cadaveric learning sessions we had in our Stage 1 or 2. 

Secondly, although the schedule was really packed, when we needed to wake up early in the dawn to cleanse our mentors, we were reminded that our sacrifices were so little if compared to their contributions to the medical fraternity. Not to mention the family members who would need to suffer a prolonged grief after their family member’s passing. At times throughout the week, I just asked myself, ‘How great a human heart can be, to withstand such a grief, that goes so long and far stretched, yet be strong?’ 

The Silent Mentor Program was a very well-organised event, perhaps the previous 25 similar experiences had perfect-ised it a lot. And, most importantly, perhaps or at least to me, I learnt a lot more than what I expected, in believing love, once again.


Sabrina Teh Wei Ern (UM_MEM150089)

有句话一直铭记在心“ 你可以在我身上动无数个刀,但千万别在病人身上动错一刀”。第一次听起来如此地感动泪人,而今日,心中除了充满感动,也特振奋人心,点燃心中一直被煽动的火苗。 

每早为老师们清理身体时 都特难过,一个不会说话的躯体 身上伤痕累累的,我知道,你们辛苦了,毫无怨言地为我们牺牲。这份无私的付出 默默地在散播大爱,而我们拿什么报答您们呢? 我想,除了在心中祈祷,心中为您们祈福以外,我们能做的不多,就让我们把这份爱 ,这份奉献精神传承下去。 

死亡就在生后的那一刹那,但死亡后让人记得,却是一辈子。我会永远记得您们,虽然您我未曾交流过,但这份感谢 是永无止境的, 是无所不在的。书本上再多的知识,课堂上讲师再多的谆谆教诲,都不如您这 好比阳光给予的强大力量。 

Words cannot express my feelings, nor my thanks for all your help. Saying thank you is not sufficient to express my gratitude, but I promised, I will always remember the purpose of me standing here, to give out all my cares and love, as what you did.     


Nursyasya Izzati Bt Shamsudin (UM_MEM150079)

I have had the honor during this year to participate in the Silent Mentor Program. Through this program, we had the rare opportunity to have a glimpse of the remarkable lives of these generous people.  

But their story has not stopped. Their story endures. They tell us about their lives through the frame of our observations. With each finding, they force us to tackle our vulnerabilities and imperfections in both our knowledge of human anatomy and in our own humanity. A willing leader and a paramount model of the sacrifices we must learn if we wish to effect real differences in the lives of our future patients. They inspire us to better. Their willingness to share themselves for pedagogy is the noblest act. They share with us the beauty and the mystery of the human body. They have forever changed our lives. 


Mohamed Emir Hamzah Bin Noor Din (UM_MEM150056)

After going through this program for almost one week and after the home visit that I had, I'm very blessed to be given this opportunity not just that I learned so much, meeting new friends from other universities, and I think all of us are blessed and grateful to witness how selfless our Silent Mentors are by donating their bodies for medical research and training. 

Our Silent Mentors have given us so much and this has taught us the art of giving. Giving means helping in a way, which ultimately makes us recall the simplest meaning of humanity, “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entirely". 

I can surely say that this is one of our highlights in our medical school life. I hope we can bring all these core values not just to be a good and safe doctor but ultimately in becoming a better person in the future.

Ng Lam Kean (IMU­_ME0813033974)

Silent Mentor Program. I am very grateful that I am able to be part of this program. This program really impacted me in many ways. The selfless act of donating their bodies to total strangers for their learning experiences were very touching. They showed me the true meaning of great love which is unconditional. There was one message from this program that strikes me the most. 

"Thousands cuts, thousands stitches on my body. Don't feel sad for me. It’s okay to do mistake on me. I forgive you, but promise me that you don't do the same mistake on a live patient." 

I will not forget what I have learnt from them. The only way that I can repay them for their sacrifices is to become a compassionate and safe doctor. Learn from them the spirit of selflessness and spread the great love. Thank you Silent Mentors.


Koh Khai Ling (IMU_ME0813033451)

It was definitely an unforgettable experience with the Silent Mentor Program. Indeed, it was the volunteering part of the program that was mind-changing for me personally. I was lucky enough to first become a full time volunteer for this program before becoming a student participants. It was because of the volunteering experience, when I became one of the participants, I was conscious that while we students were busy taking care of our respective Silent Mentor, the committee and the volunteers were taking care of us. While we had to be there early in the morning, they had to be always earlier to make sure things are well-prepared; while we had to stay back late for our class, they always stayed until the latest to make sure things are well packed up. 

Undeniably, our selfless Silent mentors are the only reason this whole program are made for. However, while we are praising the greatness of our most respected Silent Mentors, I would like to express my deepest admiration to the organising committee and volunteers who made this program a success. I believe that having made this program more known to and appreciable by the public was the most successful part of this program. Therefore, the organising committees and permanent volunteers behind the scene should definitely take the credits following our Silent Mentors. 

Sacrifice, selflessness, empathy/sympathy, love and kindness are the keywords in this program. It was amazing how these words are able to bring so many people together, and yet, there are no limits to be discovered. Thank you Silent Mentors; thank you Silent Mentor Program. May love spread; may this experience plant the seed of love in us the young doctors’ heart; may kindness and carefulness flow within us when we are treating every single one of our patients.


Tan Po Hong (IMU_ME0813033934)

Since the start of the Silent Mentor Program (SMP), I have been fully committed to the program and the experience that I obtained is utmost valuable. 

Since the first day, I have been with the Silent Mentor and observing procedures done to them and it wasn’t pretty. There would be cuts on the legs, face, hand, chest and so many other places. I cannot imagine if that would have been done to my body. From this experience, I really get to appreciate the great sacrifice that the Silent Mentors have done. 

Besides that, I was really moved when the family members came to see the Silent Mentors for the last time. Even though I was not related to them in any way, my heart is moved seeing the family members showing their grief. 

I would really recommend SMP to any medical students that I know. From this program, I really learnt much more than medicine, I learnt compassion, empathy, meaning and effects of death and so much more.


Shalini Selvaratnam (PURCSI_13922719)

On the surface the first reason I thought of, for wanting to join the program was that it provided me the opportunity to improve my skills in various medical procedures. As saw this as an important reason, because as good doctors, we need to consistently be bettering our skills in order to ensure that patients receive the best care we can provide. I believe this will probably be a great way to pay it forward for the sacrifice of the Silent Mentors. 

This program has remind me of the debt I owe to everyone who places their body in my hands. The Silent Mentors made the decision to bequeath their body for medical education without knowing great detail about those of us who will be handling their bodies. There’s a weight to that decision that demands that I, as a doctor practicing in the near future, acknowledge the trust that has been placed in me by every patient. It also serves as a reminder to treat every patient with utmost compassion and dignity, no matter how overworked I may feel, as patients I constantly placing a copious amount of their trust in me. 

I’m also honoured to participate in a program that treats the Silent Mentors with such great respect and dignity. This ensures that the students will never, even for a second, treat the bodies of the Silent Mentors as just cadavers for medical education, but as human beings who lived a full life and have family members that love them and miss them greatly. By carrying out home visits, I believe was an opportunity to better understand who these Silent Mentors were and also their family members who have honoured their final wish. Perhaps it will help me better understand how someone even while dying can be so selfless. Above everything, I see the Silent Mentor Program as an act of shared humanity and viewing it as anything else would be a disservice to the Silent Mentors.


Toh Jia Yong (UM_MEM150111)

I am always wondering how generous a person has to be, in order to be able to sacrifice themselves, even during their afterlife. I have heard so much of advices, to be selfless, to give and hope not to receive, but never understand the true meaning behind these acts. I thanked Silent Mentor Program, which has given me an opportunity to understand the meaning of selflessness in deep. I believed the value of generosity and selflessness have been implanted deep in our Silent Mentor’s heart as their core value in life, which I have so much to learn from them, and apply it on my daily basis. 

During the workshop, I have improved a lot in my surgical skills and anatomy knowledge, from the body of our beloved Silent Mentors. Other than that, the thing that touches me the most was their silent selfless act. Their contributions made me understand that to give without any return does not go in vain. In fact, it has always reminded me to do my best in every single thing, to live my life to the fullest. 

Since my Silent Mentor, Mr Khoo passed on, until the end of Silent Mentor Program, I would not say how much I have changed in this short period of time. Rather I would say, how much I have learnt and improved myself throughout. Silent Mentors were the most special teachers that I ever have in my life, who taught me life lessons in the most unique way. They led us by examples, but not words. Although I have not met our Silent Mentors in person, but I felt a strong connection with them, and of course, their great love. 

I promise to practice what Silent Mentors have taught me in my journey to become a successful doctor, as well as in life. As I continue moving forward, I will carry the image of you which has embedded in my heart, and spread your love of all eternity. Last but not least, my utmost gratitude towards our beloved family members of Silent Mentors, doctors, lecturers and professors, committees and volunteers of Silent Mentor Program whom have been contributing their time and effort for making this Silent Mentor Program a success.


Shafiah Aqilah Bt Mohd Jamal (UM_MEM150091)

I have learned a lot throughout this program not just in knowledge but also in spiritual insight. Being empathy and express gratitude towards all human kind is the main thing that I've learn in this Silent Mentor Program. Knowing new friends from other universities and having team spirit is also the best part.


Ari Aran A/L Gopalan (UM_MEM150008)

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity provided to me to join this beautiful program. I learnt lots of lessons and met some great souls in this program. 

I would like to thank from bottom of my heart to the Silent Mentor Mr Khoo and his loving family. I hope to make Mr Khoo proud. He will always remain in our memories and we shall always remember him during our difficult times. Life is like a brief candle, I hope to cherish all the beautiful moments and want to end my testimony a promise to inspire other people around me like what Mr Khoo did.


Nicholas Ang Ken Jin (UM_MEM150067)

Unsung Hero. A term that has always glide through my mind, knowing the definition but never know the real meaning to it, until I join the Silent Mentor Program. We always thought that heroes are there to save the world by what special abilities they have, but real heroes are those who give all they have although they don’t have much. That’s what Silent Mentors are to me, they are our unsung heroes. Their bravery in contributing their bodies for the sake of humanity shall forever be an example to be followed. The love and kindness that they have shown to humanity have once again proved that we can do so much more for this world. 

Through the Silent Mentors, we are not only take a step forward in medicine, but we have taken a step more into being doctors who treat each patient with empathy and compassion. The ceremony was sorrowful, but I held back my tears. I felt that I must be strong, because I am going through the last few moments of my Silent Mentors final wishes, in turning his families lost into a gift. That’s how all of us doctors should be, to be the pillar that will always be there for our patients. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Silent Mentors, for the unspoken lessons, for the precious life values and for the love. Thank you!


Toh Ee Syuen (IMU_17445)

The Silent Mentor Program is different from all other workshops I have ever attended. The one thing that stands out, is the over-abundance of selflessness. Selflessness resonates everywhere I looked; in the committee members, in the volunteers, in the Silent Mentors, in the family members of the Silent Mentors, even in the participants. Everyone took time off their schedule, put in so much effort into making this workshop a successful one. Students paid no fee, and therefore there is no feeling of “worth it”, instead it is a feeling of being blessed and loved. And this is a massive turning point in shaping compassionate human beings, who then become compassionate doctors. I can say for myself and my fellow friends, that we are very grateful to have received such a gift from the organizing team. 

I would definitely recommend medical students to join this program, but it has to be on their own accord. I also wish to contribute to the program in the future should time and logistical factors permit, for this has reminded me that I can give back so much to the people, it just needs a little effort and a little love.


Chester See Jun Yong (IMU_ME0813033958)

The Silent Mentor Program became the definitive reminder and reflection of why I embarked into the journey of medicine in the first place. This was not only an interesting experience with a fresh perspective, but also a harrowing one. This was one of the few times where I step right into the family's standpoint. I walked through the pathway of loss with them, coming to terms with life and death, and how life moved on regardless. For me, this program provoked a sense of how fragile, yet infinitely precious life is, be it to that individual or the people around who loved him/her. Sometimes, doctors are the only thing standing between the patient's life and their demise. That is truly horrifying to even think about, however it is something that I have to come to terms with, sooner or later. 

Far too often, I was buried behind textbooks and logbooks when I was in medical school, taking patients as words and specimens to study. I never truly stood in their shoes, and much less that of their loved ones, but not here. This Silent Mentor Program had placed me right beside the family members as they were on a journey of recovery from a loss. This truly helped to motivate me to be the best that I could be because that was what my patients needed from me; they and their loved ones. Furthermore, this program helped me prepare to face dire situations to come and realise the very purpose of which I try every single day; to try and get the patient home and meet their loved ones again. Yet, sometimes it really would be the time for them to go and I would have to accept that, as long as I did everything I could. My reflection might seem very abstract but this was what I brought home from this program: a truly different kind of learning... the kind that no textbook could ever teach. It is the learning of appreciating life and my role as a doctor when dealing with that. 

The greatest lessons in life often come at the greatest costs. This priceless lesson, however, was taught to me for free by my selfless Silent Mentor, Mr Khoo. His altruism will not be wasted in knowing that I'll carry this lesson on closely as I stride forward to the future. That is my lesson. That is my reflection. That is my promise.


Cheah Mint Hui (Melaka Manipal MC_131303013)

Before I joined Silent Mentor Program, I wrote an application letter on “why should I join this program”. My intention of joining wasn’t merely just for learning, but also to rejuvenate my passion and empathy towards medicine and lives. I came from a university from India, where cadaveric materials for learning is so sufficient that they are not being appreciated. This program taught me respect and gratitude, whereby every act we did in the workshops, make us remember who our Silent Mentors are and the sacrifices they made in order for us to success. 

I formed not only simple connections, but a heartfelt relationship with the Silent Mentor and his family members. It’s so surreal to have completely no knowledge of someone and yet after a week of learning about them, I was grieving along with the family members as we sent our beloved mentor in their journey. I am truly amazed by the willingness of the family members to fulfil the last wishes of the Silent Mentors even knowing what will happen to them. 

After the sending off ceremony, I went home with a heavy heart, thinking what would I feel if my family members or myself were to die and to donate our body for a selfless act. I found out that my mother has already signed up for this program and it was the hardest decision to make, would I respect her choice or deny her last wish?

I believe I will need to spend a longer time to ponder about life and death, but for now, when I’m about to start my medical career, through these experiences for the past weeks, I’m reminded again how much I love this field; the love for medicine and humanity. Thank you Silent Mentor Program, thank you Mr Khoo. 


Narmatha Darshini Nanthini A/P Subramaniam (PURCSI_13922734)

As the Silent Mentor Program has come to an end, I’ve given myself some time to reflect as I spread the word about this beautiful journey I’ve traversed. 

This journey was nothing less but enthralling for me. Many times during our teaching sessions, I truly forgot that my mentor had passed on, because it felt like he really was right there, only sedated. I’m unable to find the right words to express the immense feeling of gratitude I feel right now, as I feel like I’ve learnt so much from my mentor. 

This experience couldn’t have come at a better time for me, as I’ll be starting my journey as a young doctor next week. Learning from my mentor was truly a wake up call for me, on how much more I have to study and train myself to be a better doctor like how he wished for. 

The week long journey felt very peaceful and beautiful at its own accord, that I actually found myself enjoying the experience so much.  To me, it somehow felt like I always had more time with my mentor. I didn’t truly realize our journey with our mentors was coming to an end until we did the confining ceremony. All of a sudden, I was hit with a gash of reality that my mentor had served his purpose and it’s finally time for him to rest in peace. 

It was a surreal moment; feeling of happiness that my mentor can rest for good, a bit of shock that it has ended so quickly and some amount of sadness that we now part ways. 

My heartfelt gratitude goes to Mr Khoo’s family as well. Their patience and understanding to fulfil their father’s final wishes, is beyond selfless in its own. My humble prayer to God is that Mr Khoo alongside with the other mentors rest in peace; and for their families to be blessed abundantly for giving us this priceless gift.


Lee Jiun Hang 李俊翰 (UM_MEM150040)










Nurul Fariza Asyura Bt Mazlan (UM_MEM150132)

During the home visit, Mr Nga’s daughter showed us a video of Mr Nga playing with his grandchildren and embracing them. That video keeps playing inside my head during the course of the workshop, the cleaning process, the initiation ceremony, the learning session, the coffining and the final send-off. I thought to myself, ‘wow, this man is loved by so many’ and he translated that love to us by donating his body to the Silent Mentor Program. This past week has been a life-changing experience for me. Not only I learn so many valuable surgical skills, I also learn about love, humanity, and respects. 

It was a privilege to know his story, his family and to be able to carry out his last wish. Thank you Mr Nga, for allowing us to learn and practice our surgical and humanity skills through your body.


Tan Yi Ru (UM_MEM150106)

After joining the Silent Mentor workshop, from the first day of receiving the body of our Silent Mentor to the last day of the Gratitude Ceremony, I cherished each and every moment throughout. I was very grateful to be able to experience one of the most invaluable experiences in my life. This workshop made me reflect on how selfless a person can be and how I can emulate the core values that our Silent Mentors have taught us in our everyday life. Not only that, the connection between us with our Silent Mentor’s family were so warm and close, from strangers we became like a family. There were so many values and lessons that I have learnt through our Silent Mentors’ life stories. They were resilient, yet remained humble and selfless till the end of their journey. Their love between family and friends, their courage when faced with multiple challenges and hurdles, their resilience in life and their sacrifice for a betterment in medical field were the most valuable core values that I will cherish and hold on to in the future. They taught us that being a good doctor is much more than merely good skills, but the soft skills and empathy is the goal and key. Our Silent Mentor’s advices and hope on us before they passed on will forever be etched in my mind. I hope that I can make them proud one day and can spread their love and kindness in my practice as a doctor in the future. Last but not least, through this workshop, I truly appreciate the teamwork and cooperation between all the participants, volunteers and organizers which made this workshop a memorable and successful one.


Wong Sean Yee (UM_MEM150116)




Er Jia Le 余家乐 (Newcastle_130641560)




谢谢您, 无语良师!这简单的几个字并无法表达我心中对您们的敬佩和感激。感恩方老师与家人们的大爱成就了我们这些医学生,让我们学习到医学课本以外的经验和生命价值。老师您无语的教诲深深地烙印在我心里,铭记于心,在以后的行医道路上,当我感到疲惫无力时,您将是我的动力,让我谨记着莫忘初心。 


Ooi Sze Hwei (Newcastle_130642110)








Vinayagi A/P Selvam (UKM_A140586)

Thank you for the great opportunity. This was definitely a life changing experience for me. I don’t know if this short paragraph can fully express my gratitude towards the Silent Mentors, lecturers, committee members, volunteers and friends who were along in this journey for about one week. The only question I had was ‘how can someone be so selfless, what made them to donate their body to someone they don’t know at all just to learn? 

I learnt that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving. Though, I am at the receiving end right now. Hopefully, in future I will be on the other end and contribute more to the society regardless of race, religion, likes and dislikes. As what my Silent Mentor, Mr. Nga Kok Eng wished, hope that I will save more patients in the future. Whenever, I’m tired with my journey in medical field, I will definitely remember all our Silent Mentor’s sacrifices to regain motivation to continue. I feel blessed and gifted to join this program. 

For our Silent Mentors, wishing you a beautiful afterlife according to their respective religious beliefs. Thank you, Mr. Nga Kok Eng, Mr. Lam Khuan Kit, Mr. Khoo Kung Leong, Mr. Hew Mew Lin and Mr. Soak Chin. Thank you for helping me to regain hope in humanity. Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts. Thank you.


Yip Kar Mun 叶嘉雯 (UM_MEM150118)




夫子之教,我永远铭; 君之为人,我永远是; 君之生迹,乃吾人者。 感恩您对我们医学生的教导。 



Tan Jia Jun 陈家俊 (UM_MEM150104)

从小到大 经历了许多亲友的离别



经过一个星期的解剖课程 不停地缝合 不停地解剖

最终 大体仍然腐坏 火化 离开人间 


身上的每一道伤疤 都是为医学奉献的勋章

对我而言 赤裸裸地躺在手术台上的病人

总是出于无奈 情非得已

但您是对我们有多么大的信任 才愿意让我们一遍又一遍不停地学习 

每一片切开的皮肤 每一块切开的血管神经都让我们更了解医学

每天开始前的默祷 我都告訴自己要更认真的学习,要尊重珍惜!

我相信我们每一个人都没把解剖身躯当做学习的“道具“而已,而是一個“人“, 跟你我一样, 是个有喜怒哀乐,、有故事的人。

感谢您 我们的无语良师 提醒我们勿忘初衷!


Nik Yunessa Bt Yuganu (UM_MEM150068)

I was initially get to know Silent Mentor Program way before I joined medical school and always eager to join it. The waiting was worth as it turned out to be the most highlighted event so far in medical school and reach beyond my expectations. 

We are the first hand that took care of our Silent Mentors starting from cleaning, home visit, thawing, coffining and the cremation process. We slowly built a strong connection with our mentors and deepest love for their selfless giving for medical educational purpose. 

I humbly get the golden opportunities to learn and improvise my anatomy and surgical skills. The most important thing is, Silent Mentor gave me different learning experiences from others as it teaches me as future young doctors to have great respect, gratitude and compassion towards my patient. Every time I met patient, Silent Mentors will always reminded me to treat the patient as a whole, not just the disease. No words can describe how we appreciate your beautiful deeds, and of course to value humanity. 

Thank you Silent Mentors.


Indra Gayatri Valliyappan (UM_MEM150126)

Just as how I’ve mentioned in my speech on my thoughts of this program, THE most important value I’ve learned from this program would be “selflessness”. To me, selflessness is someone who always puts others first before putting themself be it in any situation and that is the exact line that was told to us by my mentor Mr. Hew’s son as he portrayed that character at all times. He was selfless not just to his family members but also to the community as well as to us the medical professionals by pledging for this program. Selflessness isn’t something we are born with, it’s something we acquire along the way. Thus I feel, this has given us the base to stack up our sense of selflessness in the things we do. Thank you Silent Mentors, you all will play a very significant role in our path of being a medical personnel. 

In addition to this, I would love to quote our very own professor, or more like a mother to us in this program whom would be Associate Prof Si Lay Khaing who taught us on her “SLK rule“ in which S - stands for safety (where we as doctors are to trained to be safe at all time in delivering care to our patients); L - stands for love (we should love our patients, family, friends and love everything we do from our hearts and that would never stop us for having the energy we need to run every single day); Last is K - which stands for kindness. There is two parts to this, the first one is the touch of kindness and the second part is being kind in and out to our patients, people around us, as well as to our friends and family in which half of the healing process comes from just being kind to one. This one rule is my biggest take home message and I really hope it’ll be your one too from today. Thank you so much Prof for passing this to us! 

Besides the above two point I’ve mentioned in my speech, the other points I would like to reflect on this program would be sense of respect and courtesy. I’ve learn that we not only “give respect and take respect” to people who are in front of us as we are worried of being judgmental but it’s a sense of integrity where we are to respect people even if they are not watching over us or with us . In this program we’ve always respected our mentors at all times, be it having prayers / moments of silence every time before we start the session up to exposing only the area we are learning and being kind to our mentors just like our real patient. I really admire that as this program has instilled this sense into me. 

Last but not the least, I would like to emphasize the discipline and the togetherness we’ve achieved throughout this program. We, as a group from all different universities stick together at all times from the morning cleaning session which starts at 7 till the evening wrapping up session which is done at 11pm-12am . We’ve been through the whole session together and finally we felt the togetherness we had as a group and were really happy about meeting each other. This friendship we’ve gained would never been forgotten as a part of our journey as being medical professionals. 

With that, from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank every single one who has been involved in this program to instill good values as I’ve mentioned in my reflection just through this program. Thank you very much!


Amy Tang Tin Tin (UM_MEM150005)

I seldom joined activities neither organized by university, college or faculty since my first year. I am not that kind of outgoing person and prefer staying my room enjoying my time alone. At first I really can’t enjoy much of this program as I think it was really troublesome for me, as we have class from early morning 8am until 5pm and sometimes we barely have time for even lunch and have our own revision time. This program require us to wake up early and to go back late at night, and it was really exhausted for me as at the same time I need to cope with my on-call schedule. 

However, from day to day, whenever seeing our Silent Mentor every morning as we need to clean their body to prepare for following scheduled program, something in my heart started to change. I can’t describe exactly how I felt, but, I no longer felt it was a troublesome task. As I saw the suturing, scars, wounds increased from day to day, I started to feel guilty about myself and respect my Silent Mentor. 

If I had never join this program, I won’t know how it feels when I see lots of sutures, wounds on a same person. If all those suturing was on my own body, I will definitely be in extremely pain, but Silent Mentors willing to sacrifice themselves and donate their body for medical professions. I didn’t see them as dead body but as a real patient. It reminds me every day on empathy as well as to be a safe doctor in future. 

To be honest, I couldn’t remember all those medical knowledge I have learnt throughout the whole program but the one that will stay eternally in my heart is the life lesson that our Silent Mentors have taught me throughout the days.


Chee Juan Lee (IMU_ME0813033970)

Despite understood the concept of Silent Mentor Program before being a participant myself, I did not know what to expect at the beginning. I could still recall that during briefing, we had been reminded countless times to not be taken aback and treat our mentors as normal patients despite them being gone. The daily care for my Silent Mentor showed me how fragile life was. Every day, I see them being cut and being stitched. It hurts me seeing how much my mentor’s appearance changes from the thawing process until the coffining ceremony due to decaying process and procedures performed. I barely could recognised him anymore before we sent him off. 

This once in a lifetime opportunity helped me identify the reason why am I still in this line despite the future hardships coming through. Life is impermanent, and the altruistic manner portrayed by all 5 Silent Mentors taught me even in the afterlife, good deeds can still be done. That selfless sacrifice to make us a better doctor will always be a part of my memory from now onwards. The legacy of love left by them had built a greater empathy and compassion in me. 

To Silent Mentors, organizers of Silent Mentor Program, family members, teachers, volunteers and newfound friends, I am very grateful for everything you had done for us in this journey.

Mr Hew, Thank you!! 

A life’s lost, A noble sacrifice, Into a gift, For love and humanity.


Kerk Li Xin (AIMST_M15090972)

Throughout this program, I learned basic anatomy, basic surgical skills and most importantly I learned how to be a doctor with humanity, empathy and kindness. Knowledge and surgical skills are not the only thing I gained or received. At the same time, I was lucky enough to meet a lot of awesome individuals, and have them share their experiences with me and I was truly inspired by each one of them.  

One of the most important lessons I learned from our mentors is live your life to the fullest even after you leave the world. Your noble act, your selflessness and unconditional love that you shown to us are unable to be recreated but it will definitely stay with me for my entire life. 

Prof Si Lay said that "You can make wrong cuts or wrong sutures on your mentors, they will not complain, as it is painless to them. However, you should never do any mistake on a real person which may cause them to suffer in pain. Take this opportunity to learn and remember all the lessons you learn and apply it in your future." The words from Prof Si Lay is a valuable message for me and something to bear in mind always. 

Last but not least, I would like to thank the organizing committee of Silent Mentor Program Unit of University Malaya for giving me this golden opportunity to join the workshop and allowed me to learn a lot. Sincerely, thank you.


Ooi Chen Khai (UCSI_1001539575)

Mixed feelings since day one I came, most probably was because of the THANK YOU from my mouth is far not reachable to the mentor’s unselfish sacrifices. I have been asking myself if I am able to do the same as my mentor. I cannot guarantee my answer the same as the mentors did. 

Why are they so great and selfless? Other than that, it took so much courage to make this decision! I can’t imagine how big and wide their heart is. 

Throughout the workshops by the various department from cranio maxillofacial, limb deformity correction, endoscopic functional sinus and orthopedic sports. We, the students, witnessed every new wound appeared on our mentors’ body day by day, department to department. Every new wound on his body was actually to me as well, deeply made inside to the bottom of my heart, daily. Gratefully, we were given the opportunity to suture the wounds after departments have completed their workshops, I hoped my sutures closed both you and mine. 

Later on, we were taught to do the hands-on procedure on our mentors, I felt guilty and bad when I need to cut a niche from Mr. Hew (my mentor) for the sake of my knowledge. Miraculously, a thought was instilled into my mind from Mr. Hew at that moment, he wanted me to be so focused and learnt the fullest from him. Right now, I wish to tell him, ‘The procedures, cuts, stitches you taught will always be in my heart and can be performed confidently and safely to the future patients.’  

Last but not least, I wish to thanks not only the mentors and all the Silent Mentor Program personnel, but also their family members, for being courageous enough to be supportive by allowing mentors to get involved into Silent Mentor Program.


Nur Fatin Farzana Bt Azhar (CUCMS_1508-6396)

I am glad to be chosen as one of the participants in this Silent Mentor Program because it taught me the valuable knowledge that I can’t even get from my clinical posting during my undergraduate studies. This is really great opportunities for us as medical student to get exposed to this type of clinical teaching. It is not only about the procedure that have been taught during the workshop, it also taught us on how to make a great rapport towards family members as we dealing with their loved ones, so we have to be professional to tackle with the situation. As for the Silent Mentor itself, we have to really appreciate what he/she had sacrifice to donate his/her body for us to gain knowledge. It is not easy to make a decision for all these. So when we have the one who willing to, we must really appreciate and must handle the body with care as they are still alive. We have to respect them. I will remember of their kindness and whenever I go in my life, I will remember you as my teacher who genuinely help me to study some clinical procedure from you. Moreover, I really appreciate the person who are handling this Silent Mentor Program because it is really great workshop I ever join, not only because of the knowledge we get but the person who handling this are really efficient in term of time and very discipline. Thank you Silent Mentor for giving this opportunities to me.


Wong Hoi Yee (UM_MEM150113)

“Mum, mum, Hoi Yee is here”, said by the family members. I turned my head and welcome all the family members with a warm smile and subsequently have a chat with them while they are waiting to enter the hall for the initiation ceremony. 

After helping in settling down the audience in the hall, I got a seat for myself and have a sip of water. My eyes were suddenly flooded with tear when I thought of the scene just now. I couldn’t explain why but it had deeply touched my heart when the family members are able to recognize me. To be more accurate, this is only the second time they are meeting me after the home visit but they are able to call out my name as well as identify me out of so many medical students. And now, I think I know the reason why I was crying because I found it! I guess it’s called a sense of belonging and I feel belong to the family. 

This is not my first experience in joining Silent Mentor as I was the volunteer in one of the previous workshops. Nonetheless, Silent Mentor had provided me with a whole new life-changing experience which I believe I will remember it for life. I couldn’t repay you anything but I promised to practice with my heart with all the values that you have taught me for the past one week.  

Dear Mr Soak Chin @ Che Sook Chu, Mr Lam Khuan Kit, Mr Khoo Kung Leong, Mr Nga Kok Eng and Mr Hew Mew Lin, please once again accept my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for your selfless contribution. May you Rest In Peace in another part of the world. 


Lok Yunwen (UM_MEM150051)





Sarah Choo Qian Rou 曹芊柔 (UM_MEM150090)

I remember joining Silent Mentor Program during my first year as a volunteer. At that time, I was fascinated with all the procedures which the seniors did. I was very fortunate to have an opportunity to learn suturing at the time. This was just something new to a first year medical student who only got to attend lectures during the studies. When I joined the 26th Silent Mentor Workshop as a participant, I was involved in the home visit, cleaning mentor’s body and the workshop. I really got to appreciate about my mentor in terms of their family and personalities. I am really impressed by the selflessness of the Silent Mentor, willingly to donate their body for medical education. My tears dropped numerous times throughout this workshop and I think that it is the act of selflessness of the Silent Mentors that deeply touched my heart. Though this was just a one week workshop, I have learnt more than just merely surgical procedure skill, but empathy and selflessness. Thank you Silent Mentors for teaching me to be a good doctor, believing in me that I will be a good doctor. 








无语的良师 无形的信任 无限的鼓励



Syed Mohd Ikhmal B Syed Mohd Zahir (UM_MEM150099)

Starting out this program, my expectations were that to gain new knowledge and to try to help as much as I can throughout this program. Nevertheless, my expectations were met but was overwhelmed by other things that I gained throughout this hectic week. I’ve gained new friends that I could totally gel with and I’ve developed a great relationship with my mentor. Starting out, my impression of my mentor was that he was another person that I meet and need to take care of for a week. Day by bay, my feelings of caring for my mentor grew stronger. I’ve developed a strong relationship with my mentor without even talking to him. Every day I’ll make sure that he was clean. I would check his wounds and stitches if there were cleaned and sutured well. At the end, I would ensure that he was comfortable for every workshop. I would have never thought of developing a great sense of love and care for a person that I knew briefly. During the sending off ceremony, my heart strings were tugged really hard, especially during the wrap up video. The feeling’s that I’ve felt was indescribable. From that video, I knew that all my mentor’s wishes had come true and that he would move on to the afterlife happy. He was a source of inspiration for all of us. Be it his selfless nature or his sacrifice to help train medical personnel. I am truly in debt to my mentor for all the teaching he has given me, and I’ll cherish the moments I had with him for all time. Thank you, Uncle Soak Chin.


Noor Suhailah Bt Mohd Zamari (UM_MEM150069)

I was first introduced to Silent Mentor in my first year. I immediately intrigued to join this program.  However with very naive mindset, my only goal back then was to learn my basic surgical skills. I finally have the chance to join this program in my final year. Little that I know my mindset and perception towards this program changed. This program started with home visit to get to know our Silent Mentor personally. During the visit, I noticed that the family members talked about our Silent Mentor with joy and pride.  Then I realized that our mentor was someone's husband , father and grandfather.  He is not merely a body that we practice our procedures on. With this realization, I treat him with full respect throughout the program. This program really taught me to be a better, kind and empathy doctor in the future. There is no power to express my gratitude to you. Thank you Silent Mentor for your selfless sacrifice.


Sinthu Suresh Naidu (PURCSI_13922732)

The Silent Mentor Ceremony was a very fascinating and moving experience for all of us. 

Donating their bodies for our learning is a very selfless and noble thing to do. Because of the Mentor's kindness and generosity, we have been able to appreciate the Human Anatomy in greater depth. We also look at our roles as doctors with more responsibility and have developed greater respect for our patients. We would sincerely like to offer our gratitude to our Mentors from the bottom of our hearts, for providing us with this priceless experience. 

We will never forget their contribution to our growth and will keep their memory with us for the rest of our lives.


Kwok Pei En (IMU_21907)

In a hectic work oriented medical culture, the essence of care and kindness seems to be lost amidst the insurmountable load of tasks to be done. 

During our time in Silent Mentor Program, we were assigned to one mentor - one person to know; one person to care for. Beyond our workshops and medical learning, we had to care for the body of our mentor. One can argue that there seems to be no structured educational objectives in tasks such as wiping and cleaning a body. But it is through these simple acts, that we are reminded of the respect due to the people we care for, even in death. 

Learning in Silent Mentor wasn’t stemmed simply from ‘aims’ or ‘objectives’. But above all else, it was an experience grounded in respect and the values of caring for another. 

Our mentor thought of us even before he met us, showing a love and sacrifice that went beyond time to embrace us all. If a message was conveyed, it was delivered loud and clear. With heartfelt gratitude and thanks, may it resound through our lifetimes and beyond.


Brandon Heu Sing Ann (AIMST_M15091133)

This is my first exposure to Silent Mentor Program. Was it worth travelling 6 hours to get here and another 6 to get back? In anatomy classes, I have always treated specimens as their respective parts. Muscles, arteries, bones. But this program has opened my eyes, changed my perspective. That these things are not to be taken for granted. We are here today because of the noble sacrifices of our mentors. Not just arteries, muscles or bones. They are real people like you and I who selflessly gave their body for a greater purpose. A politician, a businessman, or a rubber tapper who went above and beyond to help us get deeper and further. I urge all who had received help from our Silent Mentors to not waste their good will. To do more than just taking out the appendix. More than just giving antibiotics for that infection. But to be doctors with empathy and compassion. Not only to treat but also to heal. We clean and take care of our mentor every day. And I watched as he went through the natural process after death, and it made me think about life. Death is the end of all but death doesn't define us. What we do and who we are during life defines us. Our dreams and our thoughts define us. We define ourselves. The process is more important than the destination. Live life to the fullest. Stop worrying about what could go wrong, start getting excited about what could go right. I hereby represent my team to thank all the Silent Mentors especially Mr Soak Chin for teaching us more than just medicine. And also their families who endured much grieve and pain to help us in this program. So was it worth it? I'm sure you know my answer. I hope you feel the same too. Thank you.

25th Silent Mentor Workshop 15-20/01/2019

Chong Song Ying (UM_MEM150018)

When we ask, what is love? Some say love is a deep affection towards someone.
Some would say love is a show of caring to others more than yourself.
However, there’s one eternal love which is unconditional, selfless.
The love that we call it dedication, sacrifice.

Joining this program firstly as a volunteer to now becoming a participant, my feeling of respect and gratitude has turned stronger than ever.

Dear Madam Tan, Mr. Lee Meng, Mr. James, Ms. How,

Thank you so much for showing us what is the real meaning of love, the meaning of dedication and the meaning of sacrifice. Every cut, every stitch that you allowed us to make showed nothing more but your sacred love and undying spirit.

Hope that all of you are living well at the other side of world. We will always remember you as a teacher of no speech, our beloved Silent Mentor.







Lee Chen Hoi (UM_MEM150038)

This was my first time joining Silent Mentor Program and it’s definitely a great opportunity for me to brush up my surgical skills and anatomy. Words cannot express my feelings, nor my thanks for my Silent Mentor’s (Madam Tan) sacrifice and you have no idea how much this has helped and inspired me. I will make sure that I will strive for the best throughout my medical school so that your sacrifice will not be in vain. For all you do, for who you are, I will be forever grateful and you will always be remembered. May your soul rest in peace.

Thank you, Madam Tan.

Lim Qiao Mei (UM_MEM150047)














Nur Munirah Binti Hasanuddin (UM_MEM150076)

From the moment this program started, I knew that it was not going to be a simple journey. The journey from getting to know her until the day we sent her away was an amazing and unforgettable journey. Although I never had the chance to meet her, I was very grateful for her selfless contribution. She’s not just a Silent Mentor that teaches me in term of my medical education but she also teaches me about life. One of her saying that she wrote in her diary that touch me; ‘True faith is there when finally you can accept that everything that happens is ultimately for your own evolution’. I feel glad to get the opportunity of knowing her. Thank you so much Madam Tan. Thank you also to all Silent Mentor organizer for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful journey.

Sharvinee Ragunatha Rao (UM_MEM150093)

Silent Mentor Program gave me an opportunity to see beyond the obvious. I learned humanity. I learned the meaning of detachment.

Of course I had the opportunity to cut and suture a human body, something that most of my other friends did not get the chance to do as we no longer have to dissect bodies as a part of our anatomy lessons in medical school but that's not the big thing too.

Our mentors showered their blessings on us and they were our gurus. What more blessings does a person ever need? Their sacrifice for us will never go futile.

I pray that their souls will be blessed.

Leeynesh Sooriyapiragasam 利奈斯 (UPNM_2140035)

"Matha, Pitha, Guru, Deivam" - a Tamil verse that translates as Mother first, Father next, followed by your Teacher and then your dedication to God. And after joining this eye-opening workshop, the Silent Mentors along the way has become a teacher for myself and other participants. Whatever we have learnt from them, will be implemented in our future practices and their selfless contribution will be forever treasured. We had the opportunity to perform important life-saving clinical skills along with learning some surgical-based techniques which as a medical students, we either mostly observe or rarely assist in this kind of procedures; and as we all know, hands-on approach along with some blended learning is the best way to gain knowledge and skills.

I would like to thank the Silent Mentors and the family members for their willingness to contribute to the medical fraternity and medical advancement. In fact, saying thank you is an understatement to them. Coming from a society which even organ donation is sometimes considered as a taboo, the Silent Mentors contribution are in fact indescribable and priceless. May God bless all the Silent Mentors and hopefully they will be placed among the noble ones.

Thank you to every single one behind the Silent Mentor Program, the volunteers, Tzu Chi University and Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya for this wonderful experiences.

Thank you. 感恩你们。

Ng Xuan Ye (Monash_28020065)

What is the common denominator amongst businessmen, chefs and of course, doctors? They all began as students; students who learned from their teachers. I was also taught by a teacher this past week, a one-of-a-kind teacher